
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Anchor, so sorry to hear about J! I hope he is feeling better soon.

Lindsey, I was the same when I first moved Miles to his room. And the first morning when he started talking I turned off the monitor to go get him and I could still him perfectly well without it being on at all. But, it still makes me feel better to have it, so I do, it's just turned on a bit lower. And I don't feel as nervous now that he has been in there a week.

Kim, yay for 6 months already! :appl: And I would also like to know how you changed her standing up? I'm not sure how I would do that. Luckily I have not had to change M much when we have been out, and there has always been a change table.

Ginger, awww, that would melt any momma's heart.

re naps...who knows? M does get tired about 2 hours after he wakes up, and needs to nap, but they are not consistent in any way. One morning he will nap for 1.5 hours, the next day 30 min. He does go down ok, so I sort of just let him sleep as long as he will and leave it at that. I will say though, it can make it hard to plan anything.

MP, it was cold here last night too! ;( Cute pic of Micah, love his big eyes.

Mara, about the Bumbleride...I have no idea. I think it's set up for the 5 point harness. And there are loops on the strap under the padding (like you have on a tank top to adjust the length) but I think they are already as tight as they will go??? The straps go through to the back of the stroller, and come out of a slit, but I could not see a way to adjust them back there either. I have the 2010 model if it makes any difference....not sure. I will have to take a look at it again.

Will post a pic later, have to dig one up.
Can I give my child Tylenol every night before bed??? (I kid, I kid) He slept from 8:30pm to 6:15am, and then went back down until 8:30!

Question: My husband informed me that my MIL bought a jumperoo for C to have at her house. Only problem is, we haven't bought one for our house yet. As far as him getting used to how it works, should we have the same one at each of our houses? or can I get whichever one he is drawn to at the store? (I really hate sometimes how she jumps out and does things on her own, only because she doesn't really believe in research and just buys to buy. I would also prefer to see him in the seat before buying something. Wouldn't you rather get something you know he likes, as opposed to just buying something to have it? Either way, I know that C will appreciate having one at each house.)

With that said... which one is your favorite? I'm leaning towards the laugh'n'learn by FP. It has the most color, etc. I am headed over to find the jumperoo vs "whatever" thread!

MP- I love that pic! Such a cutie!

Ohh, and here is our contribution from C's 4 month appt yesterday:

August 26 4 mnth doc appt.jpg
re : same toy in two places -- actually i would not get the same one because he might be bored of one and then can do to a different toy. i thought the same thing re: having two of same stuff but in reality the kids are so adaptable and J gets bored quickly so if we ever did 2 at one place it would be best if they were different. only time that does not ring true for us is 'sleep' if i wanted him to sleep the same at one place as the other i would try to replicate the sleep situation as closely as possible.

no advice on a jumperoo since we just got a doorway jumper (which he likes) and a walker--greg vetoed the crazy toy filled jumperoo hehe. i agree you should prob put him in a few at the store to see which he likes.

oh and i think the same thing re: tylenol before bed sometimes. :naughty:

super cute pics ladies!!!

ginger...such a cute story!!

PB...sorry i can't be more help on the bumbleride!! i was noticing the other day that the straps are getting tighter on J but we don't have them really tight. i'll have to try to remember to investigate it.

here's my BPF... greg and J about 2 weeks ago for G's bday, finally took a bunch of pics off the camera. i love this because G is nuzzling in to tickle and J is just LOVING it, as usual anything having to do with daddy means a ton of giggles and fun.

i tell G that mom is all practical--makes sure he's bathed, clothed, fed, changed... and dad is all fun. he only sees greg about an hour a day so i think that is part of it. my friday confession (even though we don't do it anymore!) is that i am really jealous sometimes..!! J is def not a mama's boy at all, i AM thankful he doesn't necessarily favor any one of my family (incl mom and my sister who see him a lot), but sometimes i wish he'd cry for mama or only i could soothe him or something. oh well!

Mere, I love his expression. "Oh mom, not another picture!" Lol what a cutie.

Mara, I love the big open-mouth laughs like that. Micah blinks his eyes rapidly and ducks his head when his daddy comes in for a neck tickle.

And I hear you on wanting the baby to NEED you for something. Micah will let my mom and grandma hold him in cradle hold, and when I do it he arches his back and gets mad. But a lot of times he will be freaking out for everybody else, and I will pick him up, and suddenly he's happy again. Little stinkers.
wow- the week just flew by! thank goodness, as it was a HOT one here in L.A :angryfire: funny, you'd think i'd hibernate and stay out of the heat, but i didn't end up spending too much time at home.

the mommy matinee went well! although the movie was meh, it was nice to set foot into a theatre. the setup was great- there was an area for strollers just outside the room, and a changing table/trashcan was setup down near the landing (before you go up the stairs/seats). my only beef was that they dimmed the lights a bit too much. I used my blackberry as a flashlight to peek in on N- he slept for the first 1/2 and then i nursed him for the other 1/2. i can see going again- maybe not next week as i'm not interested in the NANNY RETURNS movie.

we visited the lactation center on wed, and N gained something like 8oz since last week! my little peanut has now passed the 9lb mark- WOO HOO. so we continue to be on track with the amount of supplement he's getting. BFing gripe coming up- sometimes i wish N wasn't such a leisurely eater! he doesn't do it all the time, but enough to make it challenging... eat up, kid! oh yeah, i'm finally returning the hospital pump- i kept it waaaay too long and dragged my heels on getting a regular pump- the Medela PIS. So far so good.

re naps/sleeping- We bought HSHHC when i was in my 3rdTri, but never got past chapter 2-3 as we spent our time/energy digesting HBOTB. so now i'm trying to read it here and there, especially since N will shortly be done with the "4thTri" and new sleep strategies are needed!

such cute pics, Mere, Mara & MP!
Ginger- that would've melted my heart as well!
Kimberly- add me to the list of mamas to want to hear how you changed J standing up!
Hey, Mamas! Love all the pics of the cuties. Man, they are all growing so fast! E is 7 months today :o ...crazy how fast it goes by! We're still doing well, hanging out having one on one time when A's off at school. He's sitting up really well and scooting across the floor doing an army crawl. Not too much else to report, hope everyone is doing well!
Sorry, another quick one ...

All the kiddies are growing up so fast!

re: naps: we're hit and miss on naps too. A will go down for naps around the same time each day, but the length varies, anywhere from 30mins to 2 hours. Like the others said, if your kiddo seems happy, then I wouldn't worry too much about it.

KimH- Happy belated 6 months to J! And yes, do tell how you change her standing up.

Steph- Happy 7 months to E!

Anchor- More {{{HUGS}}} to you guys. Sending get well dust to little J.


MP- love those eyes. I was watching Wheel of Fortune the other day (I don't know why) and there was a contestant named Micah, and I thought of you. Hehe.

Mere- C is so adorable! Such kissable cheeks!

Mara- what a PRECIOUS picture! Love the daddy and baby picture!

AFM- A is still STTN and has moved up her bedtime herself from 9 to now 8. She's going 8-8, no wakeups. However, she is sleeping on her tummy. The first few nights we were really worried and would turn her over onto her back, but she would just roll right back onto her tummy. Should we just let her sleep on her tummy?

:wavey: to everyone else.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Here's A in her exersaucer. We just got the tea kettle switch-a-roo which plays music and lights up and she just loves it!

Diaper Change While Standing Up:

Step 1: Find mirror or other baby gazing entertainment in room.
Step 2: Hold baby against you with one arm wrapped around his/her stomach, baby facing out.
Step 3: Remove dirty diaper with free hand.
Step 4: Place new diaper around baby, then hold baby tightly against you so it does not slip off.
Step 5: Fasten diaper.
Step 6: Do a happy dance when successful.

Mara, I would have gone to the car or used the stroller in recline position but we walked to dinner and I carried her in my Ergo, so both options were out. It was the standing diaper change or nothing at all.

Naps: in the beginning I felt like all I did was try to get her to sleep, but I think it's made a big difference in her overall sleep to have invested so much time in getting her to nap and down for the night in a routine fashion. It was definitely worth the payoff. The lengths do vary, which is why a routine of up for X hours has worked much better for us then nap at 10 and 2 bed at 7 or whatever.
Sorry for the post and run but M is hungry and I wanted to put a pic up.

lily is on me right now so another one-handed post!

just knowing that she went a week of good nights lets me know that there is light at the end of the tunnel! last night i tried to get her to sleep for 4 hrs, she didn't sleep until 2am, then she slept until 6:30. i was able to get her to take her meds today with just a syringe so hopefully not having to fully wake her will help her sleeping. she's absolutely exhausted, poor little girl! we've hit the 6 week growth spurt. she has consumed approx 40 oz every 24 hrs!! i kept making her wait but she was just so insatiable! i think this is part of our current lack of sleep. that's a lot of food to process!

here's a bpf contribution!

they were both taken yesterday while both were awake and happy (seemingly a rare occurrence!!)

i'll try to get back later to catch up a bit!


Oh, I almost forgot to post this (TMI!!)

Sexy time to resume tonight! I'm a little nervous about possible pain, but it's about dang time!! Now, if only both kids will sleep for a while.... :naughty:
mp - he is SUCH a cutie!

mara - same goes for j! love that open mouthed pic!

mere - i agree with mara and suggest getting a different one. we recently bought the jumperoo precious planet kakai sands one from target. i like how the colors aren't too much. and em likes it too.

so those of you mommies that have brown eyed babies, when did their eye color change? i know it can take up to 1 year, even 2 but i was curious to hear your experiences.

on our sleep front - bad news is that she woke every 1.5 hours last night and one of those times she woke up and didn't want to go back to sleep after eating. good news is that she put herself back to sleep that time without crying.
Evan's eyes are brown and haven't changed at all....I used to say "I hope my baby doesn't have boring brown eyes like his mommy" and now I love his dark eyes and think they are the best thing about him...he gets compliments on them ALL the time (The hair is always first to be talked about though! haha).

Go in for U/S for Baby number 2 on Monday! Soooo excited to see this little one!
tao hope you get a good view of the little one! oh and girl you need to change your signature lol!!!

ss...lily is so cute!! so much hair! and OMG 40oz! J has only ever had 30oz, i couldn't even stuff him with more if i tried. one of my gf's baby girls has been a 40oz'er since i think 3-4mo. where does she put it all...6 weeks and 40oz!

it makes me curious to hear that there are babies who eat like almost double what J does and there are also those babies who even eat less than J! i wonder what dictates how hungry they are?? so interesting.

re: eyes... J's have been like a gray-blue-hazel for a few months now and sometimes i feel they are turning more brownish but other times they still look gray-blue with hazel around the iris. a lot of people have told us the eyes pretty much change by 1 if not sooner, but i don't know what the ACTUAL correct data is! i have brown eyes and greg has a hazelish blue that changes depending on what he wears. J's do the same so i wonder if he'll have eyes more like greg. go girl! that is awesome. i don't know that i would have thought of that. btw how do you like the ergo? we have not graduated to using it yet, still finishing up with the bjorn but he's almost grown out of it.

CG..yay for weight gain!! and the movie sounds fun--the idea of it anyway!

cute pics ss, pb, mere, mp, ally! i love BPF!

so i took this afternoon off to spend it with my mom and sis since today is my sis's last day before she goes off to europe for a semester for school. she's sooo worried she is going to miss a ton with J--so we'll have to skype with her to keep her in the loop. we went for a 3m walk, and then had dinner with greg and did a cake for my sis's bday (late sept so we'll miss it) and i gave her a ceramic cupcake (from J!). i am going to miss her so much but this is such a great experience for her and i hope she loves it.

OH and J is officially creeping!! he really wants to full on crawl and will even raise up on his TOES like he wants to just stand and walk but he is doing like a little worm creepy crawly thing, i enticed him with my iphone and it got him super motivated. it was almost like i could see it click in his brain that he can GET something by doing this. i can't wait to practice more with him this wkd and just marvel at his movements. i love it!
mara, the ergo is the best baby related purchase i've made. she is comfy in it and my back doesn't hurt. i use it all the time and love it. i was worried she'd hate that it doesn't forward face but it hasn't been an issue. because of her size her view can be obstructed if i don't seat her correctly, but you shouldn't have a problem with j.

ss, lily and jt are darling.
Claire and I are back from a few days at the beach with my sister, her three kids, and our mom. It was tons of fun. My sister's youngest is just one month older than Claire, and they both scoot instead of crawling (must be genetic), so it was pretty hilarious to see the Scooters on Parade. They would get on either end of a long hall, smile and coo at each other, and then charge. Sometimes they would stop to say hello in the middle before going their separate ways, and sometimes my niece would keep going right on by, much to Claire's bewilderment.

While we were gone DH did tons of projects, mainly fixing the water damage to our upstairs. I didn't realize he was planning to install the baby gates, so that was a nice surprise. We got the Kidco Safeway upstairs for the steps, and it's pretty awesome because it's slim and folds flat against the wall when not in use. DH had to jerry rig some shims, though. In the kitchen doorway we got the First Years Hands Free. It's a little more awkward and bulky and the door is kind of skinny, but DH really wanted a pressure mounted gate there so I went with what would work with the odd layout of our doorway (one side is a wall, one side is the bar, and there are cut-outs and angles.

We also got our Sunshine Kids Radian 65 in the mail, so we'll have to figure out if we want to put that in my car rear-facing with the tether or try to make it to one year with the Graco Snugride 22. Claire is going through a chubby phase, and while I think she's still under 20 now she might exceed 22 lbs. by a year.

Off to take a shower while DH naps with Claire. Good day!
phx~ The beach sounds great! And, glad you got your damage fixed!

Mara~ I've been wondering about what dictates the appetite too. Lily is back down to around 32oz a day now after 3 days of eating like it's an olympic event! But, even 32 oz is still a lot more than lots of other babies, especially her age.

kimi~ I just went perusing the ergo carriers due to your testimonial. The sling has started hurting my shoulder when I wear her for a long time, so I need something more distributed across both shoulders and back. Which one do you have? And, can a baby who still has wobbly head sit in it?
Just popping in to leave a pic or two. Love all the recent pics posted! Mara, I especially love that one of J and his Daddy.

We're bracing for the passing of Hurricane Earl in the next few hours. Dalila's first hurricane... :? hopefully there won't be too much destruction. :sick:

Dalila in a rather bedraggled looking onesie...

Hmmmm....still trying to get a hang of this picture resizing thingy on my new cam...

sha - she's a cutie! good luck with the hurricane! such scary stuff.

alley - how old is a? em sleeps on her tummy too. every single time we lay her on her back. however, about 97% of the time she will roll right onto her belly and pass out. i feel like we can't do much about it. ya know? she's capable of rolling both ways just fine during the day so i'm sure she can figure it out at night too.


as for us - she's getting better with the sleep at night thing. her first stretch has been 4 hours. then 3. then 2 until it's time for her to get up in the morning. even though she's waking up a bunch, she's very easy to put down from the first time and all through the night. so, we've got that going for us!

during the day, she's rolling so much! over and over and over and over and then i have to go place her back in her play area [a white quilt/coverlet that we put on top of the carpet]. and... she's getting places. not crawling, but she's on her way. it's not an army crawl either. it's hard to explain what's she's doing, she pushes off with her toes/legs. sometimes she goes up [butt in the air]. sometimes she goes sideways [where her butt goes to the side]. and sometimes she goes forward. she uses her elbows to brace her body and she clasps her hands.
re: not quite crawling but moving... there's creeping-- i am not sure exactly what that entails. there is the wounded soldier which J just started doing this friday--which is using his arms to kind of drag himself places, legs work sometimes but it's not a crawl. there's also a lunge which J will do too, like he gets up on his toes/feet, butt kind of up then lunges slightly but comes down on his bent forearms. he kind of does a combo of all of them now (sunday). it's fascinating to watch the progression!

re: tummy sleeping... once J started rolling to his tummy, we just made sure he was unswaddled (not safe to swaddle if they are rolling) and we'd go in and roll him back if he fussed but otherwise i figured if he got himself there he could get back. also if he was asleep and we rolled him back he'd typically wake up and freak out.

re: carrier, we haven't moved to ergo yet... but a friend was over with her baby yest and demonstrated it for us so hopefully we'll figure out the contraption soon. it's in the closet for now while we finish with the bjorn.

and i haven't updated sleep in a little while but J has been continuing to be pretty good about sleeping entirely through the night now with relatively little waking. going down at 7 or 7:30pm, waking pretty much now only at about 5 or 6am for a bink and then sleeping til 7-8am depending on the day. also the last 3 days after his eat, diaper change and put back down he sleeps til almost 11! my friend calls that the 'first nap' and if he does not have it, he gets crabby earlier in the day.

also-- today i turned away for a few min and when i turned back he had maneuvered from a tummy position to a sitting up position. not quite sure how as we could not get him to do it again but i assume from tummy to sitting vs just laying back from sitting. i am loving the milestones but WAH once it starts happening it starts a crazy domino effect from day to day. it's crazy!

i made J a lot of food this wkd...broccoli, cauliflower, peaches; and have zucchini and white nectarines to do this week. also BRU is having a sale on Plum Organics so i got 16 of them for $16 --they are great on the go and you can squeeze it directly into the kid's mouth once they figure out how to suck on the tube thing. but for now we use the Boon squeeze spoon which is the most fabulous on-the-go invention ever. now that J is eating 2x a day (and will prob move to 3 soon...i notice him wanting more solids)...we have to take food with us depending on what time of the day we go somewhere. bottle doesn't pacify him anymore if he's 'solid hungry'.

we had a BBQ yest with 3 of my friends and their babies and hubs, so fun!! the babies are all within 6 weeks of age so we love seeing each other and the babies and comparing notes. watching the boys play was hilarious. J definitely needs to have another baby around more to learn to share--he def is of the mindset of 'oh that's mine' regardless of what it is.

sha..D is so cute! and she's getting to be such a little lady.

happy sunday all!
that's sounds like what she's doing. lunge / lurch forward. so funny, she was going for sophie, passed her up and looked back and got frustrated once she realized what she did and didn't know how to go backwards. haha.

i think we're going to break down and get the breathable bumpers. a couple times recently em has gotten her arm stuck in the slats of the crib. poor baby.
Jcrow- A is 5m1w. We've just been letting her sleep on her tummy. But we still go in every so often to check on her. Miss Em is so advanced, already creeping! So funny about passing up Sophie and then not knowing what to do.

Mara- I have the Ergo and use it all the time. I love it! If J loves to bite and put things in his mouth, then I would recommend getting the teething/sucking pads to put around the straps. I know what you mean about them growing so quickly. I fear I'll have a crawler soon too!

Sha- Miss D is so adorable! Sorry about the hurricane. Hope it passes quickly without doing much damage.

SS- There's an infant insert for the Ergo. It's suppose to provide a little more cushion and keeps the newborn in a fetus position. I had trouble keeping A in there because she would always stretch out her legs and push herself up. Love the pictures of L, especially with her brother, how sweet!

PG- Yay for a fun time at the beach and for DH getting things done around the house! I love when DH gets things done without having to ask him.

PB- Love M's smile!

KimH- I will have to try your changing while standing method one of these days when there's no changing stations available. I wished I had read your instructions earlier - DH had to change A in the car on his lap and she's getting long, so there wasn't much room. Hmmm, maybe changing her standing up would've been easier. Haha, next time.

AFM- We're back home after a long weekend out of town visiting my parents. Birthday parties, dinners out, catching up with old friends, fun but so exhausting. Luckily, being out of town didn't really affect her schedule.

Where is everyone? I'm surprised, I was able to catch up.
SS, I have a regular Ergo. My understanding is the Ergo Sport is good if you husband is going to use it as the band on the regular Ergo doesn't expand much for larger people. There is an infant insert you can purchase seperately for someone Lily's age/size/bobbleheadedness. It's on the expensive side (I got mine for $105 on but it is the best purchase I've made and I think we'll use it for quite some time as it converts to back and side carry and Jane loves to be held. I walked 5 miles on Saturday carrying her and I was comfortable.
i know, i wonder why this thread seems so slow lately...

re: ergo - just a note that i'm short [5 foot] and the ergo doesn't work for me. my husband loved it, but we returned it because it was too long on me. the waist part was around my butt. definitely not meant for people with short torsos. shame, too, because if it would have fit i would have loved it over the bjorn. i've been meaning to try the becco, just haven't gotten around to it.
I check this thread all the time, but lately it doesn't seem very active and I hate to feel like I am posting like every other post!

Kim I think I forgot to say your stand up changing sounds amazing! Good job Mom.

So today the other new nanny is with J and I swear I HATE MONDAYS. It's always so hard to go from being with him all wkd to being gone all day again. Ugh. On the positive side she already sent me a cute picture of him this morning. Love.
Thanks for the info on the Ergo. They are a little pricey and I'll have to wait for it, but I think it would be worth the investment. We love to hike, go to the creek and other outdoor activities that are not stroller-friendly. And, it's good to know that it can be comfortable for a longer adventure!

We took the kids to the fair on Sat. JT is finally big enough to ride the big rides like the tilt-a-whirl (my fave!) He absolutely loved it! Other kids were coming up to DH saying how "good" we are at the ride! lol. I think Lily enjoyed the sights and sounds too. We were able to stay for about 3.5 hrs and only left because Lily wanted to eat. (Apparently 2 bottles weren't enough!)

And, I'm getting more comfortable giving Lily her meds while out and about. We seem to get a lot of questions in public, but I'm fine with that. I don't have the chained-to-the-house feeling anymore.

Mara~ Sorry this morning was rough. Glad your nanny sends you pics!

sha~ Hope your family is safe!
mara - i feel ya on that monday transition -- just another reason to hate mondays! and ditto on the domino effect!! A went from the wounded soldier (hehe :lol: ) to the crawl and sitting up and pulling up all at the same time. and just last week it was semi awkward, today he's zipping around like it's old news. i feel like it's happening so fast -- he is literally growing right before my eyes :appl: but also :blackeye: -- where did my itty bitty baby go?

ss - i love the ergo also. didn't love the infant insert so much, A kept wanting to stretch his legs out so he just looked uncomfy and awkward. but now that he'e big enough to frogleg, it's awesome. i have the organic ergo, which i think is like the regular one but obv made with organic materials. i was tempted to get the sport because it's made of thinner supposedly more breathable materials, but it didn't have the pocket, which i wanted.

AFM -- is there a 6.5 month growth spurt because i swear A grew overnight, he is getting SO BIG. literally last week we were starting to think, oh my, we have a chubbo on our hands :bigsmile: and this weeks he's suddenly streeeetched out!

he is REALLY starting to play with his toys in a purposeful manner now. we have the playskool tumble and twirl, and just this week, we noticed that he's learned how to push the lever. he opens the door and tries to get the balls out, but because they're on a turn table, they keep spinning to the back. so he gets up and kneels, pushes the lever to make the turn table spin, bends back down to reach for the balls again! rinse and repeat. soooooo friggin' CUTE!! and he's def learning cause and effect -- although sometimes his conclusions are adorably erroneous. the excersaucer has this little keyboardish type thing with a mirror on it. he was in my lap and i was showing him the buttons. he bent over to look at that handsome baby in the mirror ( :love: ) and his chin hit the button and a song went off. he pauses, the bends down to touch his chin to the button again. pauses, waits for the effects (which are variable) to finish, then does it again. and again. and again. always using his chin. seems he thought only his chin would make it work :lol: i was cracking up. the next day he crawls over to the same toy and places his chin on it again. lol. almost thought i had me a genius there with the tumble and twirl ::) , but the chin thing :cheeky:

it is just so awesome to watch them grow and discover and figure things out. just amazing.
Ginger that is so cute! Only his chin, lol.

I can no longer leave C. I have girls night every Monday where I go workout with my friends and then we cook dinner and watch trashy tv at my one of their houses. It is about 40 minutes away, but since the baby WAS really good about taking a bottle when needed, it was never a problem.
Things have changed. He cried for an hour and a half while I sped home. Poor DH was so helpless for the whole time, he tried everything, but the minute I ran in and took C from him, he stopped crying. I immediately nursed him for 15 minutes and he went right to bed.
This is not good. We had plans for MIL to watch C all day Saturday and possibly the night... and that is obviously no longer an option. I had plans to go to my friend's Bachelorette weeeknd in a few weeks, and I don't even know if that will be ok anymore.
I thought we were golden. He was great about going back and forth, we started him early. What is up with this???

I also felt horrible being so far away. Guess that won't happen again. :blackeye:

Ohh ya, the other dillema. I have to go into work next Tuesday to turn in my L.O.R. and clean out my office. MIL was going to watch him for that time as well. Probably 3/4 of a day. I don't know what to do.
I know's so crazy right? and that story about the chin, HILARIOUS. I love these kids!!! Such cheap entertainment. Well, I don't know about cheap!! re: a growth spurt, I always feel like J has random growth spurts. Suddenly he'll seem longer, or his face seems bigger or his feet longer or something.

SS...I am cracking up thinking that 2 bottles weren't enough for Lily!! That girl is a-growin'!

Mere...Maybe this is me being a hard ass Mom, but I would definitely not want that kind of dependence going on. Don't give up, I would keep trying. I wouldn't assume that your Sunday is entirely out of the question but you guys might have to do some work around trying to keep C easily adaptable. You said he was fine before this-- did anything else change? Could you try being there while DH gives him the bottle along with some soothing techniques to keep him distracted? I would try a bunch of diff things to see if anything sticks.

I think it's so funny that half the time the guys don't know what to do when the kids are freaking out. You just keep trying different things til something works, boys! One example for us is feeding time. G wants J to be all structured and open his mouth for the food and not be distracted, not be messy etc. I am all about 'feed the kid the food in the shortest time possible before he gets distracted and won't continue to eat'. As a result, we start out neat and orderly but as the minutes go by I don't care if he's looking at me or not, it's going in the mouth. If he gets distracted, I blow raspberries or if he starts to fuss I sing to him. All distraction methods that net me the same result= a slightly open mouth that will accept a spoon of food. Greg however will give up after a few min going... 'he doesn't seem to want it'. He's a baby...a shiny object on your hand distracts him. He'll be starving and inconsolable in 10 min, your window of opportunity is small. :naughty:

AFM...forgot to post we moved J to his booster seat yesterday, he's a big boy now..!! Our chairs are a little lightweight for him, so we might use another type of chair for his seat as when he gets a bit bigger and decides to go nutso in the chair, it might not hold him! Oh and he's eating puffs now. He loves them and sometimes he can even get his pincer grip going!