Mara said:your last line mere-- i think that babies do increase their intake, but it's hard to know what they are doing when they are EBF, because with bottle feeding you SEE the oz but with boob you don't--you just have to trust they are getting enough and if they are screaming 10 min later then they probably are not getting enough.
i know that a lot of people say/think if you have a formula fed baby they eat more than boob, but i actually think that can be the case with bottle fed babies period...not formula vs boob but rather bottle vs boob. BUT i also think that it depends on the kid and their general eating habits.
help, older baby moms... did any of your LO's 'vomit'... actual vomit when they were teething? J has always been a little spitty but the last 3-4 days he's actually started vomiting--the difference to me is that the vomit smells like actual vomit (and makes me feel sick!) rather than his general spitup. the only difference i can think of is that he's also been super drooly and fussy and we think he's been crazy teething. i know that their stomachs can be upset when teething as well, but should i worry? other than the super drooly and extreme bouts of fussiness and 'moaning' (in between giggles and smiles and he's still super active and eating normally)...this is the only new/odd thing. any advice appreciated. he has been doing it maybe 2-3x a day and it's not a ton but it's def vomit.
Re: the vomit - Poor J. D never did that while teething, but then, she didn't have many teething symptoms, either. There were a couple times when she threw up her milk, but it was usually because DH was playing with after eating or something like that. 3-4 times a day sounds a bit much.. Could it be a new food upsetting him? I might call my pedi just to check on it. I don't remember if it's a teething symptom or not.