
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

aww MP hang in there. He'll get better soon. When J had his last cold I swear it felt like we were sucking snot out of him for weeks!!

So for the first time in a while J was more restless last nite. He was up at 3am and then at 6am. At 3am I gave him some Tylenol, I think he's got a 2nd tooth about to bust out and then he slept again til 6 and I let him fuss a little and he slept til 7:30. Then he didn't want to drink his bottle unless I held it. Not bad...but I really wish those stupid teething tablets were not recalled!

Is anyone using Orajel? From what I have heard/read it's not really as recommended as it used to be when I was little but my Mom loves it. I have put it on J's front gum area a few times since the tablets were recalled.
I go back to work in a month :errrr: ;( :(sad :eek: :knockout:
OK, so I just realized that the "fall back" time change happens this weekend. We're on a really good nighttime sleep schedule now, and I hope this doesn't put a big snag in that. What have you all done for previous time changes? I wonder if a gradual approach is better ... :confused:
turtledazzle said:
OK, so I just realized that the "fall back" time change happens this weekend. We're on a really good nighttime sleep schedule now, and I hope this doesn't put a big snag in that. What have you all done for previous time changes? I wonder if a gradual approach is better ... :confused:

Last time it happened we just moved his bedtime cold turkey to work with the new schedule. So he basically just started going to bed an hour later. It took him a few days to really catch on but he had it within a week.

This time I planned to do the same...the funny thing is he has started to want to go to bed a little earlier anyway so it might coincide well. We'll see.
Mara said:
aww MP hang in there. He'll get better soon. When J had his last cold I swear it felt like we were sucking snot out of him for weeks!!

Is anyone using Orajel? From what I have heard/read it's not really as recommended as it used to be when I was little but my Mom loves it. I have put it on J's front gum area a few times since the tablets were recalled.

Snot-sucking for weeks does NOT sound fun! Lol.

We use Orajel right now because the tablets were recalled. We've used it a bit in conjunction with the tablets, too, and that works really well. It's an instant relief until the tablets kicked in. Sometimes Micah would not be totally clear on what he was fussy about, I would dab some Orajel on (he gets absolutely IRATE when I do, he hates it), and within a minute he would be his happy self again. I love it.

HH, I thought you had longer?! It seems like it went by too fast - are you going back earlier than you intended? I'm sorry! :(sad

turtle, I completely forget about the time change. I have no intentions of changing anything because Micah sleeps when he sleeps, no matter the time or daylight, but I would start working on it gradually if you want to move with the time change. Maybe 15 minutes every few days?
Re: the snot-snucking (eeeww!!!)- Yeah, my mother was telling me that was the quick 'remedy' for congestion back in her parents' day. She was telling me I should've done that if D wasn't over her cold by the time she was started her new daycare (last week). thanks!! :errrr:

Chargerrl - I'm sorry to hear about your dad. :(( I hope he recovers soon.
charger~ lots of dust for your dad and your whole family!

Re: snot sucking. you think that's gross?! Wait til you have a 2 yr old who won't let you help him blow or suck his nose and you just grab a handful of snot anytime he walks by!

Re: time change. I've always gone gradually with JT for a week or so before the change. With Lily, it doesn't really matter yet. We're not in a steady routine anyway.

Any advice??? Lily is doing this crazy cluster feeding! Most of you know that she eats a ton, but as she's spacing out her daytime feedings and dropping night feedings, her late afternoon and evenings are packing in the bottles. For example: It's 4pm. She went to bed at 10 last night, ate at 8am (I know!! yaya!), and at noon and just finished a bottle. So she's *only* had 24 oz. She'll pack in 2 more 8 oz bottles by 10pm. Sometimes she'll only eat 4-5 oz and then another 3-4 45 mins later. Yesterday she didn't have her second bottle until 2 pm and then she pretty much ate every 2 hrs for the rest of the day. I've tried spacing out those feedings that are really close together, but then we're up until 2 am because she just won't sleep until she's had her 40.

I can't imagine having to go back to work with a little one. Lots of dust and prayers of comfort for all the tough ladies that do.

Here is a Halloween pic of Lily. And, another one of her loving the carseat cover that was just given to us. (btw-I hate this stupid cover! I'm going back to my blanket method.)


many THANKS for the kind words, mamas. we're taking things one day at a time. his condition remains the same, but he's getting excellent care in the ICU.

had a convo with my boss today and we came up with a plan. will be doing the phase back for the next 4 weeks. working until 1p this week (although so far it's been more like 1:30), then to 2p for the next 2 weeks. I'll be going back to FT week after Thanksgiving (taking that week off). so, yeah, not exactly PT, but whatever. at least it's something. i'll know she'll stay out of my hair once i've ramped up- will just be a bit painful until then!

re: teething remedies. I recall hearing about something called Camilia drops- they're homeopathic and can be purchased at Whole Foods. That's all i know- but thought i'd pass it along.

oh yeah- snot sucking- the NOSE FRIDA is great!! much better than the bulb thing.
Sha said:
Re: the snot-snucking (eeeww!!!)- Yeah, my mother was telling me that was the quick 'remedy' for congestion back in her parents' day. She was telling me I should've done that if D wasn't over her cold by the time she was started her new daycare (last week). thanks!! :errrr:

It sounds horrible, but it really does help. I wish I could stomach doing it to myself when I feel horrible but it just seems yucky lol. I don't mind snot. Actually, I don't mind any body fluids so far, though I am dreading when he gets old enough for REAL vomit. The smell, yuck. :knockout:

SS, that cover is hilarious, haha! I like it! Is it lined or anything to keep her warm? If Micah wouldn't attack it I would totally get him one. Keeping a blanket on is hard! And oh my gosh, look at all of Lily's HAIR! She has so much! So cute!

Charger, I looked up the Nose Frida. Omg hahaha! It seems so gross but it's hilarious! The expression on the baby's face in the video made me snort soda up my nose.
mpie - have you tried the battery operated nose sucker? that thing rocks. em had yuck nose for a few days a while back and we got gobs of snot out with it.
MP~ The cover is kind of a thick quilt type thing. I only use it if it's really windy because it's a pain in the butt. It fits really snugly and you have to take it off to get baby in and out. I also pull it half way off in the car so she doesn't get overheated. Personally, i think they're only good for really windy or super cold days (I still have to use a blanket under it) to block her face. Maybe I'm just lazy...but I couldn't stand to wrestle that thing on a daily basis!

Not sure how you're nose sucking, but I've always found that tipping the end in towards the septum seems to get more out at one time. Also, if you use the saline spray (little noses) first, the snot is a bit thinner and easier to extract. I also take the kid in a hot bathroom with steam to loosen the really nasty stuff and then use the aspirator.
Turtle, thank you so much for the BF info! I’m going to take your advice and continue what I’m doing until my supply *settles in*. Then, if my excess is still significant, scale back until I find what’s right. I’m up to well over 100 ounces in a freezer stash so I may consider donating it. It seems pretty easy. Oh, and wow about the rolling over! N seems so close but nothing yet.

Charger, what a crappy few days! I hope things get better with your dad. Sending lots of healing vibes your way. I am glad to hear that your boss has been flexible though – even if you had to back her into a corner.

Mara, J is such a big boy with the finger pointing! It must be so cute with the chubby little baby hands! I can’t wait until N can communicate with us about what he wants.

Mtjoya, look at that little lady bug…what a cutie!

SS, oh that giggling must melt your heart! N will give us just one squeal – we’re waiting anxiously for that to turn into a laugh! We’ve had some recent tummy time success too. Our *trick* is holding his glow worm about a foot in front of him and slowly raising it. He loves that dang thing! Now, if only MIL would DO tummy time, we would be good. I cut her some slack because there was no such thing as tummy time when she had kids. No advice RE: cluster feeding. It kind of sounds like reverse cycling but that doesn’t make any sense since you’re there all of the time. It’s scary to mess with the feeding schedule if they’re STTN – you certainly don’t want to ruin that!

MP, sorry about the boogs. No wonder M can’t sleep. I’ve been sick recently but it seems like the rest of the house escaped it…so far. I really suck at the booger snooger. I’ve tried a couple different types with little success. I use the nose drops then every thing kind of runs out.

HH, does time fly? It really hit me when I had about a month left. It stinks! What’s your childcare plan?

AFM, I was SO sad last night (to the point of tears) because I got NO time with N. I came home and MIL was holding him off for about 15 minutes because he was hungry (oh, how I appreciate that she gets how important it is that I nurse whenever possible). I fed him, changed him and he feel asleep. I was SO hoping it was just a nap but he slept until I woke him at 6:30 this morning! I HATE how little time I get with him. I’m going to sneak out a little early today to get some extra mommy time with him. I just hope this doesn’t become a pattern. We’ve managed to get him on a feeding schedule but his bed time is all over the place.
Pupp -- You're very welcome. The LC told me that the banks around here won't accept donations until you have 200 oz; not sure if that applies in your area or not. Just FYI.

HH -- Sorry your return date is looming soon. I have to go back in December, and, while in many ways I am looking forward to going back to work, I am sad because I feel like I am just now really enjoying my leave and being home with T. He's just become such a happier and more interactive little boy over the past week. The first 10 weeks or so were rough for me emotionally, but it has gotten a lot better very recently.

Charger -- So sorry for all the crappy things going on right now. I know how hard it can be to have an ill elderly parent. My mom broke her hip a couple of years ago. Thankfully she was able to return to independent living, but we have to do all of her grocery shopping, purchase and manage medications, transport to doctor appointments, etc. All of that was hard to do before baby ... now it is really hard, but we're managing.

AFM, T slept all the way through last night for the first time :appl: . 7:30p-7:15a :appl: :appl: :appl: Hopefully we can make this a regular event!

For those with set bedtimes and bedtime routines, do your LO's sometimes cry when they know night-night is looming? Our routine is bath, and then to the nursery for PJs, swaddle, bottle (daddy does bedtime bottle), book, lullaby and sleep. Sometimes the moment he is on the changing table he starts crying, when a couple of minutes before in the bath he was a happy camper. He doesn't do it every night -- maybe 2, sometimes 3 nights per week. I wonder if on those days he just isn't as tired (or maybe overtired). It doesn't seem to affect how well he sleeps. In fact, last night he completely melting down at bedtime and he STTN.
MP-can you believe it? A will be 8 weeks on Thursday! I go back to work on December 3rd. Since DH is out of work right now the plan is to put A in a home DC part time until DH gets a new gig so A has an easy transition and DH gets a break. Then he'll go full time. We had a place lined up next door to DH's office, but now that he's not there it's 10 miles out of our way. So we found a new place in our town. I think (or hope) it will work out. I'm so paranoid about it though. Not that the provider isn't competent, but that A isn't where he should be to go to DC. He has no schedule, we just do the eat, activity, sleep routine all day long. Sometimes he eats 3 oz sometimes he eats 1.5 oz, sometimes he likes the swing to fall asleep, other times he has to be bounced in the bouncer. It's all just SO up in the air. I feel bad subjecting the woman to it, especially when she has other kids. The good thing is her place is small and she usually only has 3 kids on a given day-most are part time, A will be one of only two full time kids. And she does have a helper she calls in when she needs it.
Hudson_Hawk said:
MP-can you believe it? A will be 8 weeks on Thursday! I go back to work on December 3rd. Since DH is out of work right now the plan is to put A in a home DC part time until DH gets a new gig so A has an easy transition and DH gets a break. Then he'll go full time. We had a place lined up next door to DH's office, but now that he's not there it's 10 miles out of our way. So we found a new place in our town. I think (or hope) it will work out. I'm so paranoid about it though. Not that the provider isn't competent, but that A isn't where he should be to go to DC. He has no schedule, we just do the eat, activity, sleep routine all day long. Sometimes he eats 3 oz sometimes he eats 1.5 oz, sometimes he likes the swing to fall asleep, other times he has to be bounced in the bouncer. It's all just SO up in the air. I feel bad subjecting the woman to it, especially when she has other kids. The good thing is her place is small and she usually only has 3 kids on a given day-most are part time, A will be one of only two full time kids. And she does have a helper she calls in when she needs it.

HH -- I wouldn't worry about him not being on a schedule. We're sending T to the daycare at our workplace. I met with his teacher yesterday, and she says she doesn't expect them to be on a schedule at this age (T is eleven weeks now) ... and even if we thought he was on a schedule, he'll change it on us soon enough :tongue: . She's been doing this for nine years, so she has lots of experience with the little ones. She also said that once he starts there full-time, they usually sort of adjust to the scheduling that all of the other kids have fallen into. Not sure if that will happen in an in-home care place as well, but at this young age they adjust and transition well.
Since we're already paying for our spot, we're starting T in there for 2-3 hours for two days next week to see how he does. He'll be the youngest in his room. Yesterday it was so cute; they had all of the LO's (I think there were seven there yesterday) down for naps all at the same time. She said it doesn't always happen that way, but the teachers sure like it when the stars align :bigsmile:

Also, A will probably change a lot between now and Dec. 3rd. T has really learned a lot and gotten a lot happier between the 8-10 week stage. We're also able to put him down for naps now w/o a lot of fuss. Paci and mobile put him to sleep on his own, which is a heck of a lot better than the rocking and praying method that I was previously using :rolleyes:
turtle, yep J used to start crying the minute we started walking him towards his bedroom for sleeptime when he was about 6 weeks. we had to start rocking/swaying him in the hallway for a while to throw him off because the minute we stepped foot in his room he'd start twisting and screaming. thankfully it was not a long while before he got over it.

HH, sorry the leave seems so short. i was really into a schedule with J and worked hard on it, but by the time i went back it was only loosely in place. sometimes it's just hard to get one going. but eventually it clicks into place. i think actually going back to work kind of helped solidify it more because the caregiver ends up creating their own schedule really anyway. and his naps were always a little inconsistent re: time but over time they have gotten a bit more clockwork though he still only takes one. so going back to work may make his schedule more consistent with someone else--aka it's not like he can just latch onto the boob every 10 min if he wants to if you are gone.

pupp, awww re: no time with the baby!!! hang in there it will hopefully get easier.

CG, yay for a more flex schedule but yeah that is not PT. at least you have really another month of more mental down time than being totally in work-mode. though that might even be more stressful since your boss will be all up in your biz for the rest of Nov. hope it settles down soon.

re: battery aspirator, we have the Graco and it seems like sometimes we can get stuff out and other times we can' it's too far back stuck in his head. poor kid. and he cries when we do it at night, he hates it. but during the day he tolerates it. i guess when you are in sleep mode the last thing you want it some thing buzzing in your nostril.

so J had his 9mo appt yesterday. he's 19lbs 8oz and 28.5 inches. head is 18" so about 65%. the irony is that as i was wheeling him in, the nurse was like oh how old is he, i said 9mo and she goes wow what a big boy he is. and then he turns out to be 33% weight and 65% length. so in reality he's not GIANT or anything. but people always tell us how big he is, even the nurses! it is kind of weird by the stats because he's not, but i do think he's a big kid.

also he's doing this new tongue thing where he tips it out the front and then curls it over his lip and into the corner of his mouth like he's licking something off and he just leaves it there and plays with it. it's HILARIOUS!!! it's just the tip of his tongue. and the Dr was AMAZED--she said that requires really great tongue control and she was shocked he could do it at 9mo. honestly i never would have thought it was anything special but she was really distracted by it. anyhoo-funny story. who knew tongue control was so impressive.

and we both got our flu shots yesterday. of course today i can feel my body fighting it off and J was runny/snotty this morning too. hopefully we both are back to normal in a day or so. OH and tooth #2 is busting through as i speak--she Dr said she could see the tip out already but i couldn't really see it that well. last nite he woke up at 9pm crying and then at 2am crying. i am so bitter about the stupid teething tablet recall--feel like Tylenol just doesn't cut it. poor kid!!! but hopefully he'll be ok in a few days. 20/20 hindsight flu shot and teething at the same time, not the smartest maybe.
ss-omg she is sooooooo lovely! Gosh I love that lil face! She reminds me of a cute lil doll! So beautiful! I love the cover! hehe!

mara-J is a very big boy! He is soo cute! J has her appt coming up soon. His bday is on the 1st and Jacky's is on the 5th. For some reason, I feel like he is so much older than J. They are just 4 days apart, lol!

hh-sorry on the going back to work situation. Just think positive and think that at the end of the day your treat after a long day will be seeing your lil one! That's what helped me out!

sorry if I missed anyone I usually skim real quick thru the posts! Love ya guys!
Mara, my 10 month old nephew is 25 lbs! :o Now, THAT's a big boy! J looks average size to me...especially for a boy. Oh, and considering N is easily 15 pounds. :lol:

Turtle, there's one bank that'll take 100 ounces but even that's a lot (and it's not local so I would have to ship it). I think I would probably only be able to donate a handful of times at best so hopefully it's not a hassle. I just hate to see it go to waste but I never want to give N frozen milk if I have fresh BM available.

...MIL is so good to me. She's trying to put N down for a nap now so he'll be ready to play with me when I get home. I hope it works!
daycare and scheduling: According to my neighbor/friend who runs a daycare, they don't expect schedules until the baby is 4-6 mo old. Otherwise, they just play it by ear like sometimes we have to at home. The first thing she works on getting scheduled is naptime and then meals. She also makes sure they only have 1-2 little babies at a time. The next youngest are 2 yr olds. That makes sense to me since babies need so much loving and holding and they need to create a bond with the daycare provider as well as mom and dad.

I want to encourage anyone who is able to donate breast milk. If breastfeeding had worked for us, I can't imagine I'd have been able to produce 40 oz/day. So, besides being great for preemies, I think it's great for big eaters too.

Lily's appt with Ped is in 2 weeks and then card the following. She's doing really well sleeping through the night so I don't know if we're going to start to introduce solids. I'm thinking as long as her nights are good, formula is all she really needs. But, then again, maybe if she had real food she wouldn't eat so much. She's right at 18 lbs so I'm wanting to see the trend in height and weight and see if there's anything to be concerned about. From what I've read, as long as height and weight stay on the same trend, baby is good. Lots of questions for the drs I guess.

pupp~ Sorry you're not getting enough time with N. I hope you're able to work out a good schedule to get some baby time!

Mara~ The tongue thing is so cute! Lily will reach up with her tongue and suck on her lip for a while, then it gets away from her and she has to "find" it again. It's so cute when they play with their mouths!

That's all for now. I've got a ham in the oven and in-laws are coming for dinner.
HH, Micah is still not like clockwork, because stuff happens - he has a night where he's sick so wakes up a lot, his naps get interrupted, whatever. I don't get how any baby can be on a super rigid schedule but I know quite a few can. I would just let the provider know the issues you have had with sleeping and eating so they are aware, but you ARE paying them, so they should work with you.

LOL Mara, omg, Micah is only a pound less and an inch less than J! Holy cow I have a giant baby. I don't know where he gets it. The tongue thing is so cute!

Micah has started head shaking, like he's saying no, but I think he just does it because it's a new trick for him. The other day he was on the couch and he squealed like he was going to cry, and I asked, "Are you going to be a booger?" And he shook his head no. So DH asked, "Are you going to be a good boy?" And he shook his head no again. It was hilarious!

I also got video of Micah spraying the shower head into DH's face during bath time! It was sooooo funny, but I don't want to put it online anywhere since it shows his junk lol. But it was super cute.
My little man was up until 8:30 last night! :appl: We had such fun just laying on the floor and playing. He is SO close to rolling over. He swings his legs over and then stops when he gets to his side. I busted out the video camera just in case but no dice. What are the odds of capturing a first on video? Slim to none probably...

re: schedule - N has a feeding schedule but not a sleeping schedule. Maybe I'm doing it backwards! He does consistently STTN though.

Question - When N started STTN consistently, he dropped his 5th feeding. Now, he eats at 6:30 am (nurses), 10:30am (6oz bottle), 2:30pm (6oz bottle) and about 6:00pm (nurses). I've been dreamfeeding him (if he's not still awake) at around 8:30 or 9pm. I feel like he needs that 5th feeding but he probably doesn't because he'll still STTN without it. IF he's still awake, I'll nurse him at bedtime. So...should I stop? Am I coaxing him into that 5th feeding? Is it a bad idea to have nursing as part of a bedtime routine?
moms - can I please have a huge virtual hug!!!!

this transition back to work is interesting.

Our office handy person walked in on me during my very first time pumping in our (apparently, not very secure -he used a KEY, what?!?) office pump room. Super. Besides the pumping incident, it was fun to be back, catch up with people, shamelessly show off photos of nora :bigsmile: But then a partner that I haven't worked for called me in to work on a project at 3:45 pm. After he finished explaining what was required, I asked "so when do you need an answer". "Tomorrow morning."


Pre-baby, this would have just been slightly annoying. Post-baby (on my first day back, totally overwhelmed by the logistics of day care drop offs and pick ups, not to mention emotionally all over the place) it seemed like too much. I worked on it for as long as I could, then zoomed up to get nora, tried to lavish her with all sorts of love and attention in the oh roughly 30 minutes that I got to cuddle her before it was bedtime and then hopped back on to the computer to figure this question out.

I told my DH that something's got to give and it's likely going to be food ;) (how do people find time to cook dinner or even time to eat it) basically, the sky was falling.

and I got my period.

and a paper cut.

but, tuesday was a new day and it went more smoothly.

wednesday a little less so because my husband wasn't around in the morning to help get the three of us out of the house.

Then I forgot to bring home some of my pump parts last night. Gah! (ordered extras this morning).

at least N seems to be adjusting just fine. She's continued to sleep through the night and seems happy when I pick her up. phew!

We're managing, but I hope that somewhere along the way (and I'm willing to give it time) it doesn't feel like we're managing. life's too short to just feel like you are managing to get through it.

tutle - n is happy as a clam in the bath and then I get her on the changing table and she sometimes has a bit of a fuss. fuss. fuss. which is then totally over when I nurse her. and I LOVE that you are sharing your info from your BF class. I'm pretty sure that pumping at work is not going to be sufficient to meet n's needs and that we'll have to start supplementing, but I'm doing what I can to put that off for a while. so thanks!

pupp - hurray for almost rolling!! and I know what you mean about not getting enough time (tear).

charger - many, many hugs. hope that your papa is doing better!! nico is delicious!!

shiny - that picture of lily just makes my day (and yesterdays) everytime i see it. such a great, great smile!!

HH - hope that the transition back to work goes smoothly. it's been fine for my daughter. much rougher on her mama!

mtjoya - love that pumpkin pic and hope that your own rough times are smooth soon!

mara - J sounds like he's doing great!! hope that the nasty side effects from your shots are short lived. Did you ever say what the negatives about orajel are?

hi monkey!!

also to make this the LONGEST post ever here's a picture of n in her halloween costume. i could eat her. this kid kills me.

I need some suggestions from dreamfeeding mama's.

Charlie gets a bath, a boob and then bed by 8:30 every night. He is up at 12:00-12:30 for a bottle of bm, then again around 3:00-3:30, and once more at 6-7am and then we are up for the day. Last night I tried to dreamfeed him at 10:30, thinking it would make him sleep until 2-2:30 before his initial wake up but instead it threw him off completely, he was up at 12, and then at 3 and would not go back down to save my life. Has anyone dreamfed successfully?
lulu - wow, what a week back, huh? :) Being walked in on by the handyman must've been priceless... :errrr: Did you have time to cover up? :)

It's great that N is adjusting well at daycare, though - at least you don't have that to worry about - among with the anxiety of being back at work.

I feel the strain of working motherhood a lot these days mysefl, esp. now that D has started her new daycare. I feel sometimes like I have too many pots in the fire. Last night I was trying to decide whether to use the one hour I had of 'down time' to puree baby food, relax with the DH, or finish off some notes for work. In the end I decided to do the notes but ended up falling asleep on the couch. :blackeye: gah! It's really hard juggling everything sometimes. Right now D is sick with fever and is home with DH. And I have to be at work.... :blackeye:


N is absolutely adorable in her mermaid outfit! :love:
Oh my gosh! Nora is the cutest Halloween kiddo I have ever seen! Oh, that costume...

re: eating...seriously! I don't have time to make a decent meal. Even if I did, I would rather spend that time with N. This weekend we bought a freezer and I plan to make ahead and freeze so we can have something *good* at least a few times a week.

re: dreamfeeding...I think it just takes time. N started going from 7pm-2am pretty consistently so DH and I did the same as you. If we dreamfeed at 10, he'll sleep till 5, right? Wrong! We waited a week and tried again with more success but it did take a while to get it right and now N STTN so on Fri and Sat night, I'll dreamfeed him later than usual and it does translate to waking up later in the am. :appl:
Oh, and lovelylulu, :o about the awkward pumping interruption! I've already been to Target twice to buy new shields because I forgot them and it's only been 10 days!
LULU-OMG!!!!!! That beautiful mermaid! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! so cute! :love: :cheeky: :kiss: :halo:
Lulu -- Sorry about all of the incidents in your first week back. I literally lie awake at night planning the logistics of life once I return to work. That Halloween outfit is so stinkin' cute ... OMG, I'm glad I didn't have a girl b/c even I (the anti-shopper) would go crazy over all the adorable cute girl things. I'm glad that N is doing well at day care, though -- that's one big thing you don't have to worry about.

Sorry I don't have any advice about dream feeds. I never tried them b/c (a) T wakes easily if he's moved (b) if he needed to burp it always wakes him somewhat, no matter how gently I try and (c) he has reflux so he is really supposed to be kept upright 20-30 minutes after eating. So I nurse him around 6:15p then he goes for a bath at 7p, DH gives him a "topping off" bottle of a 2-3 oz around 7:20p ... he's asleep shortly thereafter. The last week he hasn't awakened before 5a ... I wonder if a dreamfeed would allow him to stretch it to 7a?

How do you all do the dream feeds? Maybe one day I'll bravely try it.


Here are some other things I learned at my pumping class for breastfeeding mothers returning to work. She said these things are in the ideal world, knowing that not all of them are at all possible for many to actually do.

- Always pump after nursing in the AM. Most women get the most milk at this time of day. (I haven't practiced this yet, but I am thinking that I can pump in my bathroom while putting on makeup and doing my hair.)
- Always try to pump at the very end of your day at work. (If you get in this session, the AM session and during lunch then you've got three good pumping sessions done.)
- Nurse as soon as you get home. If your drive home from daycare is more than 15-30 minutes, nurse before leaving daycare (in the car if needed). This allows your baby to get a nursing session in as soon as possible ... even if he is not really hungry it is good to do this.
- Have at least two sets of pumping parts. Consider leaving one set at work at all times.
- After you have been back at work for a little while, think about if you are really using your pump at home. If not, just leave it at work.
- A hand pump is a good thing to keep in the car ... just in case (this also comes in handy if you do chose to leave your electric pump at work).
- Always have a lot of storage containers in your pumping bag (hard containers like bottles are best b/c bags are more fragile ... but do keep some storage bags as well for back-ups).
- Get the pump wipes and sterilizing bags for ease, especially if you don't have quick access to a sink for washing.
- In a pinch for time, you can throw all of your pump parts in a Ziploc bag and put in the refrigerator and then use them again at the next pumping session without washing them. The thing to watch is that sometimes milk fat will solidify behind the membrane -- so if you don't get good suction, look there. However, do try to wash with warm, soapy water.
- Keep a small bottle of dish detergent in your pumping bag.
- Keep a washcloth or a cloth diaper in your bag. This is to catch any drops when you remove the flanges from falling on your clothes (I always end up with milk on my lap!)
- Keep breast pads in your bag. Even if you're not a leaker now, you may become one once back at work (I didn't know this ... am still hoping I don't start leaking!)
- Remember to drink enough water! Keep a bottle of water in your bag. Also keep a snack in your bag (protein bar, granola bar, etc.)
- Carry extra membranes in your bag -- those little suckers are easy to lose or tear.
- Most women will need to pump every 2-3 hours when away from their LO in order to pump enough milk.
- She gave us a little mesh lingerie bag to throw our parts in that lets them air dry between sessions.
- Massage while expressing.
- Try to pump long enough to drain your breasts during the session.
- Use a hands-free bra.
- Always express on the highest comfortable setting.
- If pumping is painful, that is NOT normal. Possible causes are an inferior pump, wrong size flanges, pumping on too high suction setting, or dry skin (for dry skin she recommends moisturizing with olive oil before pumping).
- If your LO has an early bedtime and is consistently sleeping solid chunk of time, pump before going to bed. I do this. My LO goes to bed before 8p each night ... so I pump between 9:30p-10p. I do this in bed while relaxing with a book. This is my "bonus milk" and has helped me build a pretty sizable freezer stash.
- To build a freezer stash, she said to express 1-2 times per day after a feeding (after the first AM feeding is usually when you'll get the most). She recommends you start doing this at least 2 weeks prior to returning to work.
- Do a practice run the week before you go back to work. Do it at proper time so that you'll see what traffic is like. If possible, also drop off the little one at the daycare for a while as well -- see how long the drop off takes at the correct time in the morning. Use this free time to do something for yourself that you hopefully enjoy -- get a hair cut for going back to work, a pedicure, shopping for return-to-work clothes, etc.
- Prepare EVERYTHING the night before -- bottles, diaper bag & baby clothes, YOUR clothes (choose outfit and iron), your lunch, etc.
Lulu, you continue to impress with the awesome photo skills. Your subject's abject cuteness doesn't hurt though...

Yes I fail to see how I will get all the necessary pump stuff in the bag and remember the bag EVERY DAY without fail. I see myself running off to buy a hand pump in desperation. I already forgot the pump itself on one of two days I was away from S in October. Luckily DH was watching him and I was nearby and he could run the stuff over. But during a more regular day, yikes!

HH, wow I feel the same way about leave, it is just flying by. Plus I have some work stuff to get done in the next few weeks and I am stressing over where the time is going to come from for that and it makes my leave feel less like baby-focused time and more like juggling. (I'm an academic currently so I can't really pass these tasks off on someone else.) And I just got an interview, which is great but I need to prepare for it/make a talk so I'm mentally trying to stress less and be more efficient, but its hard! Silas is sleeping on me as we speak, and here I am typing one handed on ps rather than working... He is darn cute though and I went to mommy and me exercise class this am and it feels great to be doing some directed exercise.

Well I put on my big girl pants and put down the deposit for the larger daycare place today... though reading through their policies again did annoy me: "we prefer no glass bottles" - i understand *why* in principle, but in practice I have all these Born Free glass bottles and the things are robust. I'm pretty sure when dropped from a moderate height onto normal kitchen-type flooring they don't break, and its just annoying that I have to go out and by disposable diapers and plastic bottles, but then part of me is annoyed at myself for getting annoyed at all these picayune things and not focusing on the bigger picture. I did like the caregivers I met and having more flexible hours and better location will allow Silas's parents to be less stressed out and more relaxed. And get their day jobs done, which is important for him also.

Anywho, going to try to put the boy down on a non-human sleeping appliance. Wish me luck!
aww lulu... your first day/week sounds similar (except for mr handyman walking in on you--at least here in our mother's room they knock first!!).

it's so funny..and i know we talk about this a lot in general but i swear every mom i talk to says the SAME THING about working and having a family/child. 'get ready to feel like you are half ass at everything' (some say it nicer but the jist is the same).

and WOW that is a depressing thought! as someone who prides myself on perfection or as close as i can get depending on what it is... the thought of feeling like i am half-assing everything for the rest of my life is friggin SAD.

on the flip side, more seasoned mothers say YES you will feel that way but over time you will realize that giving 10000% is not as important in all aspects. and perfectionism is a FLAW. hahaa. that you'll realize that managing or getting by is really ok.

my first day was hard. my first week was hard. i wanted to alternatively quit and go part time pretty much every other day. but now i've been back for...5 months? and i am in a groove. yes when things change like i have an early morning meeting i totally freak out and typically forget something at home like my WALLET or my cell phone or something...but 90% of the time i have it together. and yes some days i do want to quit. or go part time. it's not perfect.

this is also why i wanted an in-home nanny for most of the days. seriously i am not so with it that i would be happy taking J to a daycare and picking him up 5x a week--it's an extra level of stress for me. and i found in-home care that was the same cost as daycare thankfully. because that extra 10 min in the morning or afternoon somehow makes a diff for me.

anyhow--hang in there. it is hard. actually pumping at work on top of it all was the hardest thing. i was happy to 'wean' at 6mo and only do it for 1.5mo while at work. and J did great with the new schedule. he seems easy going and like he's thriving regardless. and i totally log on and work for another 1-2 hours every right because i typically leave work at like 4pm or do work from home a bit... so i always work at night. but it's ok...i used to do it before the baby anyway and it doesn't impact my time with him. and G works from home in the evenings too a few nights. good luck lady!!!

oh one other thing. you may need to start feeling a bit more comfortable setting boundaries with work too. i definitely have had to do that. whereas before i could be like 'ok sure this is last minute but i can do it'...i can't ALWAYS do that anymore. when i can i do but when i can't, i don't feel bad about being up front and saying when it's not feasible.