Hi ladies, so S went for his 2 month well-check and got several shots, then spiked a fever and began crying inconsolably for a few hours. (The ped. did warn me that 30% of babies get "fussy" after the shots. I am all for vaccinations, but this is a tad bit more of a reaction than "fussy"!) I gave S tylenol and now he's sleeping thankfully, but just wondered if anyone else had some advice/recommendations? I have checked with the nurse at the ped's office on the fever and all so I think he'll survive but wow, he was really unhappy there for awhile.
Inconveniently, I have an interview tomorrow I should be preparing for... Instead I'm sad for my sick baby!
Inconveniently, I have an interview tomorrow I should be preparing for... Instead I'm sad for my sick baby!