cara|1289777685|2765971 said:Its not friday, but here is a somewhat recent picture...
Hudson_Hawk|1290001241|2769797 said:Hey ladies, yea Aidan belongs to the west side gang...Thanks for the compliments
Aidan is constipated. Like full on rabbit pellets of play dough. I'm guessing it's from the rice cereal we put in his bottle for his reflux. I changed from Gerber to Beechnut the other day. What can I give him to soften things up? I'd really rather not have to put anything in his butt at this point.
Hudson_Hawk|1290027973|2770327 said:I never used the Medela bags, just the Laninsoh. I sealed them standing up-so I could squeeze out all the air and then I laid them flat for freezing. Speaking of, I've got SO MUCH frozen BM that I can't use...what should I do with it, thoughts?
So Aidan had another suspiciously firm poop, larger and the consistency of playdough again. So I picked up some apple juice. I had no idea there was an apple juice specific for babies though. I got the Organic Apple and Eve, will that be OK?
Kunzite|1290026757|2770300 said:Hi ladies! For those that don't read the preggo thread, my little Oliver was born a week and a half ago at 31 weeks. He's still in the ISCU (moved from the NICU on Monday... yahoo!) and doing really well.
Obviously at that age I can't BF so I've been pumping. My question is about freezing BM. I have the Medela freezer bags and they seem to get milk under the seal when I lay them flat to freeze (they don't actually leak it just sits under the seal). Is this a normal thing with freezer bags? I've started freezing them upright to get rid of this problem, but obviously the bags take up a ton more space in the freezer when they're not frozen flat. Am I just being paranoid or do these bags just suck?
Hudson_Hawk|1290085681|2771159 said:well we didn't have any luck with the apple juice. He's still pooping play dough. So we've graduated to prune juice....
Hudson_Hawk|1290091645|2771232 said:Poor baby is squirming and crying out in his sleepI guess the prune juice must be working. I did 1 oz in 2 ozs of formula and an extra oz of water for 4 oz total. It's gross stuff, I didn't think he'd take it if there wasn't formula mixed in.