
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

MonkeyPie|1290100034|2771401 said:
Hudson_Hawk|1290091645|2771232 said:
Poor baby is squirming and crying out in his sleep :( I guess the prune juice must be working. I did 1 oz in 2 ozs of formula and an extra oz of water for 4 oz total. It's gross stuff, I didn't think he'd take it if there wasn't formula mixed in.

Poor baby. I bet it is working, and that's why he's so uncomfortable. But it was probably a good idea to use so much to get him going. I second SS in the bicycling of his legs. Also bend them at the knee and curl them toward his belly for a second or two, release, and do it again. You may not have to do it for very long! :tongue:

Also rub the right side of his stomach in a circular motion with your thumb.
HH- I'm sorry to hear about the constipation. Hopefully you and your LO will find relief soon!

Re: Freezer bags
I used the Lanisoh. Pushed the air out upright, laid them flat to freeze, then stored them flat stacked on top of eachother. I also had some get into the seal area, but it wasn't much so I didn't worry about it.

Happy Friday everyone!! C turned 7 months yesterday!!
(please disregard the Halloween jammies... they are the only 9mo size ones we have. lol. Before you call CPS, I did buy more yesterday, just couldn't locate them after the bath. :bigsmile: )

shopping cart covers are on sale for $3 at
$3? i'm not seeing them :{
Also... the 2pk Gerber Tubs (of food) are 10 for $10 at BRU! Only Today and Tomorrow!

I just loaded up. The 2nd foods are usually $1.78/pk so they are marked down almost half off!

With that said. Gerber doesn't have alot of options for 3rd foods. What do you all use?
happy friday!

HH - hope aidan's got things moving again. poor little guy. and i completely giggled when shiny noted how he's looking like he's say 'sup" hilarious

shiny - your little girl wants to hold hands. love her. and toss me into the pile that says not to worry too much about baby chub. love the chub.

mara - j is a handsome little devil. i love seeing the pictures of what he's doing these days as a fun little sneak peak for N's future.

pupp - laughs are THE BEST. man, the silly things I'll do to get a giggle. those pictures are gorgeous.

kunzite - welcome!!! It sounds like it was a whirlwind entry into this world for your babe. i'm so glad to hear that he's doing well. keep us updated and hope that he can come home so very soon!

charger - i have to thank you so much for giving me the idea to pump one b**b in the morning. thank you. thank you. thank you. i've been experiencing some issues pumping enough during the day for N. She's got quite an appetite on her. so i've been using up my frozen supply at an alarming pace. however, i realized that i can get enough for a bottle in the morning from one side, so she doesn't need to be nursing from both. (used to nurse from one side and then at around 4 months or so switched to nurse from both sides at one feeding). anyway. long way of saying you are a smart cookie!


I will not bore you for the third week in a row with my newly-back-to-the-work-force-gripes. Just will say that I still have no balance. at all. But, I do have Saturday (not Sunday, because of the aforementioned lack of balance, but I will not gripe :cheeky: ). And I am going to take so much advantage of it. My husband's been out of town on a business trip so we're going to get in some quality family time and then hit up what will surely be a happening play date of chubby babies and then some more family quality time.

And I have a ladies night tonight. watch out DC!

and for your viewing pleasure here's N doing what she loves most standing. loves it. and one more showing some fun with food, because I am that mom that cannot post just one.


OH.MY.LORD! Those eyes!!!!!!!! Gorgeous Lulu, just gorgeous. And was that a Deuce sighting???? Mere, he's so big!

So Aidan's doing a little better today. The prune juice got things moving enough for a few good movements earlier today. And they were pretty average vs blow outs, so I was very thankful for that!

A and I managed to go out alone together in the car for the first time since he was 2 or 3 weeks old. That's when he started screaming bloody murder in the car and traumatized me. Lately he's been doing really well in the car. We put his Bundleme lite in his car seat and it's like we have a new kid. He will happily ride alone in the back seat. I think he was too hot before and so now that he can be out in lighter clothes and the bundle me he's much more comfortable. So we went to Walmart to return some diapers and wandered around in the moby. Love that thing!
Hudson_Hawk|1290203088|2773390 said:
OH.MY.LORD! Those eyes!!!!!!!! Gorgeous Lulu, just gorgeous. And was that a Deuce sighting???? Mere, he's so big!quote]

Ha. We have been out of town for the last few Friday's, I didn't realize how many weeks I had actually missed!

Congrats on A being a better back-seat-rider. We didn't see any improvement until C was a little over 5 months old!

Lulu- Those eyes are are just gorgeous! Beautiful girl!

Speaking of eyes... I am pretty sure that C's are going to end up Brown. They were so blue just a few months ago, and at a play date today I realized how much C's have changed in comparrison to the little boy we meet with. His haven't changed at all! C's seem to be going between dark blue, grey, and dark hazel. It isn't looking too promising.
mere -

color, shmulor - it's those lashes :love: :love: C's got pretty amazing peepers.
HH, glad things got moving! Poor guy probably felt SO much better. That may have been partly why he did so much better in the car today - he was stoked to feel better! I'd continue with the prune juice for a few days, just lowering the amount you're giving, so you don't have to start all over again.

Mere, holy cow he's HUGE! When did he get so big? And he has such gorgeous eyes - even if they will eventually be brown, they will still be lovely.

lulu, that Nora is just too sweet. She's like a little porcelain doll. I love the expression on the face in the standing one - she looks totally amazed to be standing, hah.

So Micah learned to clap today! We always clap his hands for him when we play patty cake, and today he suddenly did it himself. He got this really startled look on his face, and then we couldn't get him to STOP doing it. If we so much as say, "Patty cake?" he starts clapping. It's hilarious and adorable.

I also got one of those mirrors for the back seat so I can see him when he's back there. It was dark when I left tonight and he stayed with grandma so I couldn't see how it worked, but when I installed it and checked from the front, I can see his entire seat. I can hardly wait to try it with him in the seat!
Lulu- Thank you ::) . I still take it as a compliment when people ask if he is a boy or a girl. Ha.
MP- I love our mirror and so does C. I actually love to watch him when he is asleep. I don't get to watch him sleeping in his crib, so I try to get my peeps in when we are on the road.

You guys are cracking me up. I guess I didn't notice how much my little man has sprouted up!
We had lunch with one of his little buddies that is 10 days older, and used to be like double his size, and Deuce has almost cought up to him! It was crazy to see!
meresal - He is just adorable! LOL re: Halloween PJs. I would completely keep using them since they fit ... but this is coming from the person who keeps using the same two pairs as he seems to like them and sleep well in them (I figure I do laundry often any way :)) ).

pupp -- That thumb sucking picture is great ... he looks so peaceful! I've been taking T to daycare a few hours on some days to slowly transition. I've found that no matter when they last fed him, as soon as we get home he starts rooting and wants to breastfeed -- so I think that's pretty common. And, yes, I think it is sorta sweet, too, that he wants his mama :)

lulu -- Sorry for the continued work stress, but I hope you have a fabulous Saturday with your beautiful family. Those eyes :love:

HH -- Congrats on the car ride and the decreased constipation. That's great.

MP -- Hooray for clapping! I'm so looking forward to all of these milestones!

Mara -- Love that tongue!

Charger -- I hope you have a great Thanksgiving trip and hope the travel goes as smoothly as possible!

Pumping moms -- how much BM do your babies eat and how often at day care/home while away from you? T eats about every 3 hours, but since he sleeps a good chunk at night he only has 5-6 feedings per day. I've been sending him to day care with 5 oz bottles which he sometimes finishes, sometimes will eat only 4 oz. I just want to make sure he is getting enough. I know the average is 25 oz per day.

Otherwise he is doing well, we still have problems with the 30-45 minute naps. He just doesn't like to sleep longer than that. His teachers at day care tell me he'll get there, but it is frustrating. His nighttime sleep is good, though.
Lulu/Charger -- How have your LOs been doing with their day care naps?
looks like that BRU *deal* on the shopping cart cover was just an accident. I found it because my friend who is due in April asked me to forward her links to a couple of things we bought for N and there it was - $3! I ordered one for her and a few hours later the price was back to normal.

Turtle, N usually only eats twice with MIL but every now and then he'll eat 3 times (he's with her from 8am-5:15pm). We too started out at 5 ounce bottles and he would sometimes only take 3 or 4 ounces especially in the morning. Now, he almost always takes 6oz, sometimes 7oz. So, N's eating schedule is something like this:

6:30 am - nurse
10:00-10:30am - 6oz
2:00-3:00pm - 7oz
5:30pm - nurse
10:00pm - nurse - we wake him for this one. Actually he doesn't *wake* he just eats. :bigsmile: I'm not sure whether he needs this feeding or not. Sometimes he doesn't take much, other times he nurses a normal length of time and others he just purses his lips and takes nothing.

Is supplying daycare with a jug of milk and empty bottles an option? This has helped MIL with just taking N's signals and giving more if he wants. Waste doesn't sound like a problem for you though if I remember right you're supply's like mine. I'm still pumping about 8-10oz excess per day.

...hungry baby. Gotta run!
puppmom|1290267011|2773959 said:
Turtle, N usually only eats twice with MIL but every now and then he'll eat 3 times (he's with her from 8am-5:15pm). We too started out at 5 ounce bottles and he would sometimes only take 3 or 4 ounces especially in the morning. Now, he almost always takes 6oz, sometimes 7oz. So, N's eating schedule is something like this:

6:30 am - nurse
10:00-10:30am - 6oz
2:00-3:00pm - 7oz
5:30pm - nurse
10:00pm - nurse - we wake him for this one. Actually he doesn't *wake* he just eats. :bigsmile: I'm not sure whether he needs this feeding or not. Sometimes he doesn't take much, other times he nurses a normal length of time and others he just purses his lips and takes nothing.

Is supplying daycare with a jug of milk and empty bottles an option? This has helped MIL with just taking N's signals and giving more if he wants. Waste doesn't sound like a problem for you though if I remember right you're supply's like mine. I'm still pumping about 8-10oz excess per day.

...hungry baby. Gotta run!

Pupp -- thanks. Bottles have to be pre-prepared, so I have to guess how much he needs. I also need to go buy more bottles. We've been using Avent which only come in 4 and 9oz sizes. I've been using the 4oz ... just putting 5oz in there, but if he needs more than that we'd need bigger bottles. Bottles are expensive!

ETA: Yes, right now I have a good supply, but I do worry that could change once I go back to work. I do have a huge freezer stash at this point, though.
Sorry for all the questions today, but ...

EBF moms -- what do your babies' poops look like? (Gotta love talking 'bout poop ;) ).

I've read that lots of different colors and consistencies are 'normal', but I have never really consistently been around EBF diapers to really know what to look for. In the first few weeks we had those seedy yellow poops that I always heard about. However, since then most of his poops are more orange -- kind of a yellow-brownish orange --and they're pretty liquid. He usually has just one large BM per day (almost always during a feeding), and it ALWAYS goes up his back and gets on his clothes. I have tried different diapers and different sizes, but they haven't helped. He is 3 months old. Does this sound in the range of normal?
I just wanted to post to say although I've been fairly absent in this thread, I'm still reading along. I'm feeling really frazzled and overwhelmed these days. I expected the PPD to start backing off a bit, but I think it may be getting worse. I was supposed to see the new Harry Potter movie last night but ended up not even going. I really hate feeling like this. Right now Lily is sitting on my lap and yelling at my soda can. I love her so much and feel like I'm letting her down by feeling this way.
SS, I'm so sorry PPD is still kicking your butt. We all know how stressful life with kids can be so to add PPD to that must be really tough. Please don't feel guilty. No one doubts how much you love your children. Look at the sacrifices you have made to be home with them! Have you considered requesting a change to your meds? I hope you find some moments of light soon. Sending you lots of hugs...

Turtle, N still poops a lot and at least once a day it goes up his back. Sometimes the diaper is practically empty and all of the poop is in his PJs! His poops are usually still running and seedy but, every now and then, they're kind of stringy.

ETA - bottles ARE expensive! The Born Free come in 5 and 9 oz. We were putting 6 oz in the 5oz bottle for a while. I just broke down and bought two more 9oz bottles and they cost $10 each!
turtle - yep, the poop sounds normal. we had back blowout problems too until we switched from pampers [without back elastic] to the target up and up [with elastic on the back]. love those diapers!
Meresal-OMG he is such a handsome boy! Guess what Jacqueline has the same jammies! hehe! She outgrew them. They were on sale last year at burlington coat factory for like 1.99 couldn't pass it up! :appl:

LL-I love love love your bebe! She is soooo beautiful! :wavey:
HH/puppmom/Mara- I just checked out the pics! SOOOO FREAKEN CUTE! :wavey:
Hi Ladies-

Just wanted to say that I'm reading along even if I don't manage to post often or reply to everyone, and the thread is a great resource. I feel like it gives me a heads up on certain issues and a window into the future.

Anyway, things are going well here though I definitely feel the clock ticking back to my official return date. We start paying for daycare on Monday also, and I had our daycare orientation meeting on Friday, and I'm feeling better about the whole daycare decision. Silas will be getting good care there, and I'm currently interviewing for a new job and we'll need the longer hours and the flexibility this daycare center provides. If we'd gone with the daycare with shorter hours it would be a pretty significant issue in the job hunt. As it is, I'm already kind of concerned about how it will work to *have* to leave for the daycare pickup at specified times and not be available to work late whenever needed. I know people do this all the time (have jobs they have to leave at specific times for family obligations!), but I haven't done it and I'm not sure where/when to bring it up in the interviewing process. Plus my husband is a doctor still in training and has long hours and little flexibility in his job, and historically I've kind of filled in the gaps domestically when needed. However, I'm not sure that will continue to be a viable solution now that we have a kid with more needs and I'm looking for jobs that pay much better but come with more expectations. And how to fit in enough sleep with going back to work and everything is simply not clear at all!

Oh dear SS I'm hoping the fog lifts soon. And *hopefully* your pedi can also shed some light on what approach is the right one regarding Lily's weight as she grows. How old is she again? Silas is also a hefty one (!) and eats frequently, though I'm not sure how much he is eating due to the lack of ounce markers on my boobs. DH asked the other day if I think Silas just eats for comfort/boredom/upset reasons sometimes and not hunger - and I have no idea, and also no idea if that's a problem at this age or he should still be fed on demand. I guess he's only 2 mo, which is still on the super-steep part of the growth curve post-birth. And thus far the doc has said he's perfect so I'm going with it. But I'd try hard to trust your doctor's advice and the fact that as Lily grows up you'll have other tools at your disposal - healthy foods and such rather than just diluting formula - and try to forget about the 100 lbs 5 yro. You are aware of the issue, but no good can come of focusing on such a negative example!

Turtle, sounds normal. Silas is only 2 mo, but he has had yellowish seedy, greenish, and the orangey poops on various occasions. He poops less than when he was brand new, but still several times a day, and yes often when he feeds. Once a day is normal for bf babies, heck my friends' baby was a once a week pooper at 3 mo! ('He poops on Wednesdays!') We asked our ped when that transition happens, and he said while once a week is normal at that age once the digestive system starts working more efficiently, not to count on it happening as some babies still poop several times a day. And runny poop is common. Silas blows out occasionally but not every time, you might try experimenting with the diapers as puppmom suggested.

Kunzite, I've been using the simplesse bags, they are sturdier than the Lanoish bags. Lay them flat to freeze then stack them up. I've been meaning to get that ice cube thingy from Target that Lindsay recommended.
Well, after the horrible time we had the last two nights trying to get C to sleep... (dropping his third nap of the day has really put a kink in his sleep patterns.)

CIO night one was a breeze! We put him down asleep after his bottle, he woke up in his crib about 10 minutes later. Cried for 10 minutes, Screamed for about 15 minutes, and then went back to crying/wimpering for the last 10. Now, we haven't heard a sound in 10 minutes.
After a horrible hoirrible night of him screaming in mine and my DH's ears, listening to him CIO isn't so hard... Thank the lord, my child is figuring out how to self sooth. (And yes, I completely take the blame for it taking this long :bigsmile: )

Mtjoya- Thanks girl!
Cara- I hope your transition back to work goes well!
Jcrow- Thanks for posting about your diapers. I have been trying to figure out which diapers to go to when we reach sixe 3. I may try those Target ones!
SS- So sorry to hear that the PPd is still hanging around. Hopefully you will kick it soon!

I got a question regarding safety gates....I was checking out a round play pen type thingy for J.

This one looks pretty kewl and the price is not super bad. This other one was $80!!!! What do you ladies think? Do any of you own such thingy? Thanks! :wavey:
SS hope that your PPD takes a hike soon...and at the very least you start to feel better. Hang in there and please don't feel like you are failing anyone by feeling the way you do. Your kids know that you love them and that's what matters. Our brains like to play nasty tricks on us sometimes, don't fall for it. Hugs.

MTJ we considered a superyard for J but in the end we just got a playpen for $35 at Target. The reason was I needed somewhere to put him sometimes that felt totally safe (other than crib) and he wasn't going to be happy being penned up regardless of where it was. He prefer to be FREE crawling around and getting into things. He lasts about 10-20 min in the playpen if I need him to, but I figure his threshold would still be similar in the superyard--maybe another 10min max. And our house is not that big so a space for the superyard was iffy anyway for it to 'always' live there.

That said I know a lot of Moms have gotten that superyard and loved it! I think TG also mentioned sometimes you can find them on CriagsList for like 1/2 retail.

Cara hope that the return to work is less painful than anticipated. It can take a few weeks to get into a routine but it'll happen.

I've been reading and skimming but not really posting...not too much to report here other than J learned how to drink out of a straw this wkd which was probably more fun for me than him HAHA. But he seemed surprised and delighted as well.

And I posted this on my status tonite but I am also noticing that on the wkds I feel like he is 'learning' more by being with us than he seems to be during the week when he is with other caregivers. Example is learning to clap/pattycake last week and the straw this wkd. I think he gets great loving care during the week with caregivers but I feel like we tend to teach him more things. I guess that is normal because as the Mom I have goals mentally for him (drink from straw, eat more proteins, whatever) that I really only have time to focus on during the wkds. When I mention it to G he says he doesn't need to be learning things all the time, which is totally right too. Hopefully I'm not turning into one of those Moms who wants the kid to be a crazy overachiever!
Oh gosh, I just looked back at my post and see how whiny I sound. SORRY! And, thanks for the hugs and support.

Lily had a great appt today! Meds are cut down to 3x a day. She'll have the same amount in a 24 hr period because the individual doses are increasing, but YAY for not having to wake her up at 2 am! The doc fully expects to be able to start weaning the meds at 7 mo as long as she doesn't have any more episodes and hopes she'll be off at around a year! He doesn't think the meds have anything to do with weight gain. He said they can cause glucose to drop which signals to eat, but she should have passed that side effect a long time ago. We won't know until she's weaned from it though.

Hi to all of you! Lots of dust for happy sleeping babies!
A little to late but here is a pic of J on her crib!

Sorry, thought I would post this funny one of her rockin' the Bieber hairstyle!

OMGosh! Adorbs Mtjoya!

As for us, again, C woke up about 10 minutes after we put him down last night, so we continued the CIO... last night it only lasted 15 minutes!! Woohoo!!

I also forgot to post, but as of last week we have a crawler. He isn't so interested in it, but he did do it!

Also, I finally ordered a high chair! I actually decided to go with one out of the One Step Ahead catalog! I can't wait to get it, and it is dark wood so I'm glad it can sit in the corner of the room and not be too noticable. It looks similar the Stokke, but only a third the price!