fisherofmengirly|1289501053|2761853 said:Hey, Sha!Your baby's reach out to you in all the pics is so, so, so adorable!! What name did you choose? (Or do you not post that here? I know some don't, so if you haven't shared, just ignore this question.)
What's been your favorite part of motherhood? What's been the worst? (I always imagine having a sick baby or a baby after shots would be the worst, but my best friend, who's a brand new mom, says the worst so far has been having a tired baby who just refuses to sleep, even when it's exactly what she needs. And as I imagined, she says the best is looking at this little person and knowing you love her more than you could have dreamed.)
Our LO's name is Dalila -it means 'gentle' in Swahili.
Hmmm...worst part of motherhood? Let me think.. The sleep deprivation in the first few months was really, really hard. Dalila woke up every 2 hours from birth to 6 months, so I felt like I was walking in a haze for a lot of that time, which made it hard to enjoy the newborn days as much as I could. Having a sick baby is definitely high on the list as well! She had a high fever last week for the past 5 days and we couldn't figure out why. That's nothing compared to some of the other sicknesses babies have...but it was still an anxious time for us.
Favourite part of motherhood? Playing with her and watching her erupt in baby giggles. It's sounds simple, but I love it. I love tickling her and hearing her laugh. I also love when she snuggles her head into my chest...