
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Mara|1291135060|2782804 said:
turtle, we have the Graco battery aspirator and it's ok. it seems to depend on what type of snot it is to say how easily it comes out. but it's better than the manual free bulb from the hospital for sure. the nosefrida had great reviews but we needed something ASAP so we just went to the store and bought the graco--nosefrida was not sold at BRU or local drugstores. hope baby is better soon.

hope the other mamas are doing well. we are in the swing of crazy holiday work and planning/gift buying etc. my CC is smoking and needs a break. yikes!

Mara -- Thanks. Nosefrida has been ordered. T is still able to breathe OK, we just hear the congestion and sometimes he gets a runny nose. So I'll just continue to use the bulb until the Nosefrida arrives. When I picked him up from daycare today one girl had a huge runny nose and another little boy had a cough. ugh. winter. Oh, well ... hopefully he'll get good good immunity built up from the exposure (at least that's what I'm telling myself to make me feel better).

My CC is also wondering what the heck is going on ... I've been ordering online like crazy. I'm trying to get everything ordered and delivered so I can get things wrapped/shipped prior to my going back to work on the 16th.

Mere -- such a photogenic baby!

T rolled over about 12 times in a row today! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: He had previously only rolled over in isolated events, and it had actually been about 10 days or so since his last roll over. The kid is hefty, so I figured he was having to rebuild his upper body strength to push his weight over. Today for tummy time he kept working at it and finally rolled over. Then each time I flipped him back, he just kept rolling back over. I got two of them on video :)) He was always going the same direction (I'm pretty sure he's going to be right-handed as he tends to favor that arm/hand), so we'll have to work with going the other way.

When did your LOs roll over from back to tummy?
Congrats Turtle and thank you!

For C, it wasn't until his 5 month b-day that he went from back to tummy... which was about 2 months after he learned to go from tummy to back.
Mere - those eyes! :love: Gorgeous.

turtle - yayy for the progress with rolling over! :appl:

No advice on the highchairs on nosebulbs, sorry - we borrowed an older highchair from a friend, and I've never been able to do anything with those nose bulb syringe thingys.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I think Dalila had a quiet but good day. We sang 'Happy Bday for her this morning when she woke up. Then I took her to daycare dressed her in a special onesie and some ribbons and a "Happy Birthday' accessory in her hair. I think the children sang the birthday song for her in daycare, too. This afternoon I bought a bit of cake as a little treat for her, this afternoon, but she didn't like it. :wink2: We'll have the real celebration on Saturday afternoon, with family and godparents.
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.
sugarpie honeybun|1291209773|2783997 said:
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.

Nosefrida was delivered this AM -- how I love Amazon Prime. I'll get to test it out this afternoon after I pick up T. It is a gross concept, but I'm all for if it works.
TD, we use saline drops for stuffy nose, they help quite a bit to loosen everything u that needs sucked.

J rolled completely over right about 6 m, but only went one way for quite a while. She's a bit later than average on the a lot of gross motor skills.

Happy belated b-day to D!
Lily has still only flipped a few times. She thought it was great fun one day and hasn't attempted it since. All she wants to do now is sit up. She sits really well with minimal support, basically enough that if she flings forward or back she won't smack her head. We've started squash and she seems to get along much better with it than the cereal. And, since starting solids (just a bit at supper time) she has gotten on a pretty regular schedule! Finally!

9am wake and bottle
10:30 am nap (usually 30-45 min)

noon bottle
1pm nap (usually 2 hrs)

3pm bottle
4:30 or 5 pm nap (45 mins)

5:30-6:00pm veggie

7pm bottle
8pm bed

wake at 10 for one last bottle

She's eating 4-5 oz at her 7 pm bottle and then a 7oz at 10pm so I'm trying to move the 7pm to 8 with an 8oz bottle and be in bed for the night.

on the note of rolling over, JT didn't roll until about 7 months, crawl until 11 mo and walk until 17 mo. But, by the time he was 3 he was with the norm. At almost 5, he scales the swing set and desperately wants to go on the roof! Try not to stress over the "right" time for milestones. They'll reach the milestones in their own time.
Sha, glad to hear D had a nice first birthday. Time flies! I feel like I'm going to wake up tomorrow and N will be one.

Mara, what a great pic! J looks so snug all bundled up! MIL puts N in his fleece suit when they walk even when it's 60 degrees. I think she's just tempted by how cute he looks in it! :lol:

Turtle, I have yet to figure out how to booger snoog N. The saline drops help thank goodness! Maybe T will wean himself off the swaddle. That's what N did. He was constantly busting out so we knew he was ready.

Anchor, thanks again for the link. I've posted there and milkshare. When I googled milk share all sorts of things came up - most of which pertain to the recent press milk sharing has gotten. I was surprised by some of the negative press.

AFM, I've been really anxious lately. There's a lot to celebrate here - I'm 4 pounds from my pre-preggo weight - yay! :appl: N is super sweet. He rolls over tummy to back and giggles and talks to us. DD is a huge help and is doing awesome in school. DH is so good with N and really does his best to keep me happy. I'm just in a funk I guess. I cherish the time I have with him and am able to enjoy it despite my anxiety but, when I'm not distracted by playing with him, it's bad. I've basically been walking around with a lump in my throat and on the verge of tears for the last several days. The drive home from work is particularly tense because N wants to nurse as soon as I get home so I know he's waiting for me. ;( MIL has not been able to stick to the schedule we set and that's certainly adding to my stress because everything gets off track when she doesn't stick to the schedule during the day. I'm also noticing that I get really tense and anxious when N cries. I want so bad for him to be happy that it hurts me in the gut when he cries even though I know that it's normal. Blech, I just can't wait till this passes. It feels a little PMS-y. I hope that witch isn't back soon!
drk|1286457399|2731055 said:
Lulu - don't you love it when they clasp their little hands together? I think it's just the cutest thing. Great pics, even on a phone!

BB - I agree with everything Lindsey said. Sounds like for twins your supply is on the low side, and her suggestions for ramping it up are good. I find my output is pretty consistent through the day, basically 1oz per hour. I get a little less out when I'm stressed at work, and sometimes a little more in the evening at home. Sometimes not. It fluctuates from about 24-27oz total a day. After all the work I've done to build up a supply, I basically get out 90mL after 3 hours from starting my last pumping session.
My supplements/meds regimen is:
- fenugreek 4 capsules 3 times a day
- blessed thistle 3 capsules 3 times a day
- domperidone 40mg 4 times a day. This is a higher dose than most people usually take. I think I started off at 30mg 3 times a day, but they increased it further when I was still having supply issues. This link has some other tips on increasing milk supply, as well as info on domperidone:
I have heard that doctors in the US generally won't prescribe domperidone for increasing milk production. It's very widely used in Canada for the purpose. I'm not really sure what effect it had in increasing my supply, since I was still BF and pumping when I started using it, and I also went on the herbs at the same time. You can also get gross-tasting herbal liquids like More Milk Plus and see if taking those would help. I bought them, but haven't used them much. I think when my current bottles of fenugreek and blessed thistle run out, I might switch over to use up the liquids.

I'd better try to get a new photo of K for BPF, since I've fallen behind on posting them. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's cuties!

Hi Ladies - sorry for the drive by, but the twins are keeping me beyond busy and on top of that we are moving to a bigger apartment in the building next week. Crazy I know!

I've been so bad...I haven't had time to write or even lurk on this thread. However, I go back to work on January 10th after a nice 4 month leave so, I'm sure once I'm back in the office, I'll be pack on PS as well! :cheeky: Hope you ladies and your babes are doing well! I think of you all often!

The twinies are doing wonderful...such a joy!! They will be 11 weeks tomorrow! :o :bigsmile: Alen and Laila are cooing and "talking" to me. They are also social smiling and Alen has even rolled over TWICE! We couldn't believe our eyes...such a strong little guy he is!

I joined a mom's group for mom's living in downtown NYC and so far, I've met some great mamas! I've formed a playgroup with a bunch of the mom's I've been close with and it's been so nice getting together with them each week to get out of the apartment.

Question for DRK - I have increased the my BM volume tremendously by taking the domperidone. Do you think that I can cut out the fenugreek and blessed thistle I've been taking and just take the domperidone. Did you end up doing that as well? I'd like to simplify the amount of pills/herbs/vitamins I take per day.

Charger Girl - I am currently taking 3 doses of the domperidone (30mg), blessed thistle and fenugreek 3 times a day.
turtledazzle|1291229905|2784270 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1291209773|2783997 said:
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.

Nosefrida was delivered this AM -- how I love Amazon Prime. I'll get to test it out this afternoon after I pick up T. It is a gross concept, but I'm all for if it works.

OMG I LOVE the Nosefrida. I used saline mist and then then Nosefrida ... my gosh how much gunk came out. That combined with the humidifier I think helped him a ton last night. He STTN :appl: :appl: :appl:
turtledazzle|1291296142|2785013 said:
turtledazzle|1291229905|2784270 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1291209773|2783997 said:
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.

Nosefrida was delivered this AM -- how I love Amazon Prime. I'll get to test it out this afternoon after I pick up T. It is a gross concept, but I'm all for if it works.

OMG I LOVE the Nosefrida. I used saline mist and then then Nosefrida ... my gosh how much gunk came out. That combined with the humidifier I think helped him a ton last night. He STTN :appl: :appl: :appl:

Hmmm tempting to have this on hand for the future! How did he like the Nosefrida? Did he freak?
turtledazzle|1291296142|2785013 said:
turtledazzle|1291229905|2784270 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1291209773|2783997 said:
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.

Nosefrida was delivered this AM -- how I love Amazon Prime. I'll get to test it out this afternoon after I pick up T. It is a gross concept, but I'm all for if it works.

OMG I LOVE the Nosefrida. I used saline mist and then then Nosefrida ... my gosh how much gunk came out. That combined with the humidifier I think helped him a ton last night. He STTN :appl: :appl: :appl:

Once you Nosefrida, you never go back :D :lol:

Glad it helped and he was able to STTN.
Mara- re freaking out with the Nosefrida - when DS was younger, it was much easier to use the Nosefrida and I could use it on him myself. Now that he's older, it usually requires 2 people (one to hold him, the other to use the Nosefrida) to effectively clear his nose.
We also ordered ours on Amazon.
also a fan of the nosefrida here

ordered from and it came the next day.

it is gross, but ever so effective.

the things we do for love.

will catch up more.

Happy birthday D!

BB - I cut down my fenugreek and blessed thistle a few weeks back, then stopped entirely, and didn't really notice much difference in the volumes of BM I pump. I'd say try it and see. I am now taking some more milk plus tincture (or something like that) 3-4 times a day when I remember to, since I'd already bought it and thought I might as well use it up. I don't know how much of a help that is to my supply.

Hope to post more tomorrow when I'm at home post-call.
Mara|1291322970|2785399 said:
turtledazzle|1291296142|2785013 said:
turtledazzle|1291229905|2784270 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1291209773|2783997 said:
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.

Nosefrida was delivered this AM -- how I love Amazon Prime. I'll get to test it out this afternoon after I pick up T. It is a gross concept, but I'm all for if it works.

OMG I LOVE the Nosefrida. I used saline mist and then then Nosefrida ... my gosh how much gunk came out. That combined with the humidifier I think helped him a ton last night. He STTN :appl: :appl: :appl:

Hmmm tempting to have this on hand for the future! How did he like the Nosefrida? Did he freak?

He acted just like he did with the bulb syringe ... sometimes crying/fighting, sometimes pretty content. If I use it when he's alert and happy (like right after eating), he doesn't fuss at all ... though his eyes do bug out when I start sucking out large quantities of snot. It's like he's thinking 'what the heck is this woman doing?'. :lol:
Micah finally seems to be drying up. Poor thing, he's been super snotty and sick for almost a week now. He went down tonight without me having to spray saline up his nose and use the bulb (which is totally useless btw - how do people make that work?!)

Also, question. I have the Humphrey's pellet things. It says to dissolve them in a teaspoon of water and then "apply to gums." How the HECK do you get them to dissolve? I left them in the stupid water for like 15 minutes and they were still hard as rocks, no dissolving whatsoever. How do you do this?!
MonkeyPie|1291342981|2785758 said:
Micah finally seems to be drying up. Poor thing, he's been super snotty and sick for almost a week now. He went down tonight without me having to spray saline up his nose and use the bulb (which is totally useless btw - how do people make that work?!)

Also, question. I have the Humphrey's pellet things. It says to dissolve them in a teaspoon of water and then "apply to gums." How the HECK do you get them to dissolve? I left them in the stupid water for like 15 minutes and they were still hard as rocks, no dissolving whatsoever. How do you do this?!

MP, I haven't used the Humphrey's tablets, but we used the Hyland colic tablets and we had to crush them up before dissolving them.

So Aidy came *this close* to rolling over last night! He's getting himself almost up and over his arm, but not quiet. So it's like his hips and legs make it but not his upper body. He did it both going towards the right and the left. There's a 16 weeker at DC who is rolling over and the Staci, our DC provider has them doing a ton of tummy time with them facing each other. He woke up last night as I put him in his crib and was just hanging out on his tummy (he's a belly sleeper) doing push ups. I think he would have successfully rolled, but there wasn't enough room between him and the side of the crib to make it on his back. Also, he slept from 7:30-2:30, that's SEVEN hours!!! He did the same thing on Monday night after his day care dress rehearsal. Could this be a trend? Could daycare = sleeping through the night???? ZOMG!!!!!!!!!
Finally another BPF of K last week before her bath. I'm glad I took one then, because her skin has gotten way way worse in the last few days. I don't know if it's a reaction to the salmon or cheese or milk that I gave her, but the eczema on her bum is an angry red, and she has very very red spots all over one cheek and one hand. I'm not sure what to do, but I think if it stays this bad or gets worse, I'll be sending her to the family doctor next week with our nanny. At least she doesn't seem bothered by it, not crying more or scratching or anything. Boo. I hope I don't need to use hydrocortisone cream on her to get it to clear up.

Hi to everyone! Hope to see lots more cute photos today...

Kara naked bath small.JPG
SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! My BPF is coming tonight, it will be Aidan's 3 month picture! Time is flying way too fast.

DRK-Aidan (and I) have both recently developed eczema. I'm having a lot of luck with the California Baby products. We use the baby wash and the cream and the cream is clearing his bumps and my dry patches up really well. Before I tried the CB cream on myself I was using Palmers Cocoa Butter and that was also working well but not as well as the CB.
Hi Ladies - sorry for the drive by, but the twins are keeping me beyond busy and on top of that we are moving to a bigger apartment in the building next week. Crazy I know!

I've been so bad...I haven't had time to write or even lurk on this thread. However, I go back to work on January 10th after a nice 4 month leave so, I'm sure once I'm back in the office, I'll be pack on PS as well! :cheeky: Hope you ladies and your babes are doing well! I think of you all often!

The twinies are doing wonderful...such a joy!! They will be 11 weeks tomorrow! :o :bigsmile: Alen and Laila are cooing and "talking" to me. They are also social smiling and Alen has even rolled over TWICE! We couldn't believe our eyes...such a strong little guy he is!

I joined a mom's group for mom's living in downtown NYC and so far, I've met some great mamas! I've formed a playgroup with a bunch of the mom's I've been close with and it's been so nice getting together with them each week to get out of the apartment.

Question for DRK - I have increased the my BM volume tremendously by taking the domperidone. Do you think that I can cut out the fenugreek and blessed thistle I've been taking and just take the domperidone. Did you end up doing that as well? I'd like to simplify the amount of pills/herbs/vitamins I take per day.

Charger Girl - I am currently taking 3 doses of the domperidone (30mg), blessed thistle and fenugreek 3 times a day.[/quote]

Blushing...are you in the states? How did you get a prescription for dom? I am trying to do some research and it seems to be illegal in the states, or maybe not illegal but not prescribed? My supply has been holding steady but I return to work in a few weeks and am worried that it will go down. Right now I pump at night for the next days nighttime bottles and then during the day to get whatever he doesn't finish. At night between the hours of 10pm and 6am I pump on average 10-12oz depending on if I get in 3 sessions or 2. Last night I pumped at 8:30 (2oz), 10:30 (3oz) 1:30 (5oz) 4:30 (4oz). I actually stopped taking fenugreek it was giving Charlie some wicked gas, and making me smell like a pancake factory. At the 6 week mark my supply seemed to have a increased a bit. We are almost at 8 weeks now. He will be 12 weeks when I go back to work. I have about 60oz frozen. I plan on feeding at 6am, topping off before I go. Pumping at 9:30, 12:30 and 3:30. Hopefully this will be enough for me to get him at least 3 bottles for the next day and then pump again at night time for the 4th bottle.
Blushing_B|1291264714|2784855 said:
drk|1286457399|2731055 said:
Lulu - don't you love it when they clasp their little hands together? I think it's just the cutest thing. Great pics, even on a phone!

BB - I agree with everything Lindsey said. Sounds like for twins your supply is on the low side, and her suggestions for ramping it up are good. I find my output is pretty consistent through the day, basically 1oz per hour. I get a little less out when I'm stressed at work, and sometimes a little more in the evening at home. Sometimes not. It fluctuates from about 24-27oz total a day. After all the work I've done to build up a supply, I basically get out 90mL after 3 hours from starting my last pumping session.
My supplements/meds regimen is:
- fenugreek 4 capsules 3 times a day
- blessed thistle 3 capsules 3 times a day
- domperidone 40mg 4 times a day. This is a higher dose than most people usually take. I think I started off at 30mg 3 times a day, but they increased it further when I was still having supply issues. This link has some other tips on increasing milk supply, as well as info on domperidone:
I have heard that doctors in the US generally won't prescribe domperidone for increasing milk production. It's very widely used in Canada for the purpose. I'm not really sure what effect it had in increasing my supply, since I was still BF and pumping when I started using it, and I also went on the herbs at the same time. You can also get gross-tasting herbal liquids like More Milk Plus and see if taking those would help. I bought them, but haven't used them much. I think when my current bottles of fenugreek and blessed thistle run out, I might switch over to use up the liquids.

I'd better try to get a new photo of K for BPF, since I've fallen behind on posting them. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's cuties!

Hi Ladies - sorry for the drive by, but the twins are keeping me beyond busy and on top of that we are moving to a bigger apartment in the building next week. Crazy I know!

I've been so bad...I haven't had time to write or even lurk on this thread. However, I go back to work on January 10th after a nice 4 month leave so, I'm sure once I'm back in the office, I'll be pack on PS as well! :cheeky: Hope you ladies and your babes are doing well! I think of you all often!

The twinies are doing wonderful...such a joy!! They will be 11 weeks tomorrow! :o :bigsmile: Alen and Laila are cooing and "talking" to me. They are also social smiling and Alen has even rolled over TWICE! We couldn't believe our eyes...such a strong little guy he is!

I joined a mom's group for mom's living in downtown NYC and so far, I've met some great mamas! I've formed a playgroup with a bunch of the mom's I've been close with and it's been so nice getting together with them each week to get out of the apartment.

Question for DRK - I have increased the my BM volume tremendously by taking the domperidone. Do you think that I can cut out the fenugreek and blessed thistle I've been taking and just take the domperidone. Did you end up doing that as well? I'd like to simplify the amount of pills/herbs/vitamins I take per day.

Charger Girl - I am currently taking 3 doses of the domperidone (30mg), blessed thistle and fenugreek 3 times a day.

Blushing...are you in the states? How did you get a prescription for dom? I am trying to do some research and it seems to be illegal in the states, or maybe not illegal but not prescribed? My supply has been holding steady but I return to work in a few weeks and am worried that it will go down. Right now I pump at night for the next days nighttime bottles and then during the day to get whatever he doesn't finish. At night between the hours of 10pm and 6am I pump on average 10-12oz depending on if I get in 3 sessions or 2. Last night I pumped at 8:30 (2oz), 10:30 (3oz) 1:30 (5oz) 4:30 (4oz). I actually stopped taking fenugreek it was giving Charlie some wicked gas, and making me smell like a pancake factory. At the 6 week mark my supply seemed to have a increased a bit. We are almost at 8 weeks now. He will be 12 weeks when I go back to work. I have about 60oz frozen. I plan on feeding at 6am, topping off before I go. Pumping at 9:30, 12:30 and 3:30. Hopefully this will be enough for me to get him at least 3 bottles for the next day and then pump again at night time for the 4th bottle.
I survived last week at the IL’s and this, my first week back full-time at work is almost over!

Although it was nice for N to spend time with his grandparents, the visit was just too long and it took a couple of days for us to get him back on track with pacific time. I have to say that he was such a trooper during our travels- then again, everyone says that it’s easy while they’re this small.

The big news last week was the arrival of two teeth! We had a suspicion that perhaps he was teething as week before last he was the ultimate drool-king and would seriously munch like crazy on anything he could get in his mouth. But it was always hard to get a good look in there. But then his grammy felt the very tips and they popped out the next day. He was a bit fussy and gave us some sleepless nights, but then again who knows if it was teething or just the fact that he was in an unfamiliar place last week. Papa thought he felt a third tooth, but nothing has materialized- yet. We keep on hearing that he’s early on the teething front (5.5 months), but I believe that it falls within the “normal” range.

So yes, this was my first week back at work full-time and it was just as tough as my first week back last month. Monday was the worst- and since it gets dark early, it just felt weird picking him up at DC with no sunlight out. And that’s around 5:15p! But at least we’re on a set schedule as this is how it’s going to be from now on. Last week kinda threw us all out of whack. His naptimes at DC have gotten longer as the week has progressed. But I’m still struggling with the lack of TIME I get with him in the afternoons once we get home from work/DC. It’s just not enough…

So that’s the news from me, and here’s my pic for the week- not the best shot, but you can see two little teeth!

I’m going to post again with responses/comments to the mamas. I’ve been reading all week, but have been unable to contribute.

AllieLuv83|1291395012|2786324 said:
Blushing...are you in the states? How did you get a prescription for dom? I am trying to do some research and it seems to be illegal in the states, or maybe not illegal but not prescribed? My supply has been holding steady but I return to work in a few weeks and am worried that it will go down. Right now I pump at night for the next days nighttime bottles and then during the day to get whatever he doesn't finish. At night between the hours of 10pm and 6am I pump on average 10-12oz depending on if I get in 3 sessions or 2. Last night I pumped at 8:30 (2oz), 10:30 (3oz) 1:30 (5oz) 4:30 (4oz). I actually stopped taking fenugreek it was giving Charlie some wicked gas, and making me smell like a pancake factory. At the 6 week mark my supply seemed to have a increased a bit. We are almost at 8 weeks now. He will be 12 weeks when I go back to work. I have about 60oz frozen. I plan on feeding at 6am, topping off before I go. Pumping at 9:30, 12:30 and 3:30. Hopefully this will be enough for me to get him at least 3 bottles for the next day and then pump again at night time for the 4th bottle.

Allie- I'm also on Dom, have been since August as my supply has been super-low since day one (basically started with ZERO). It's helped somewhat, but I'm now starting to taper off it as DH (who's a medicinal chemist) prefers I not be on it long-term.

You can get Dom via a compounding pharmacy, that ships from the South Seas (Vanatu, I think!). This is the one that I purchased mine from and believe that it's also where Blushing got hers:

You may also want to read up on it on - there's lots of great info there Good luck!
turtledazzle|1291296142|2785013 said:
turtledazzle|1291229905|2784270 said:
sugarpie honeybun|1291209773|2783997 said:
Turtle - we have the Nosefrida and love, love, love it. I assure you, once you get past the initial "grossness" :tongue: of it, you will never go back to using another nasal aspirator. Ever. Again.

Nosefrida was delivered this AM -- how I love Amazon Prime. I'll get to test it out this afternoon after I pick up T. It is a gross concept, but I'm all for if it works.

OMG I LOVE the Nosefrida. I used saline mist and then then Nosefrida ... my gosh how much gunk came out. That combined with the humidifier I think helped him a ton last night. He STTN :appl: :appl: :appl:

another fan of the Nosefrida here. All new mamas should have that, saline drops and a humidifier on hand. Forget the silly (IMHO) stuff like wipe warmers!
Hudson_Hawk|1291381795|2786156 said:
Also, he slept from 7:30-2:30, that's SEVEN hours!!! He did the same thing on Monday night after his day care dress rehearsal. Could this be a trend? Could daycare = sleeping through the night???? ZOMG!!!!!!!!!

Yahoo for longer sleep during the night!

I have to tell you that as much as I dreaded going back to work/putting DH in DC, it has helped in that he's now on a pretty set schedule during the day. His napping is much more consistent than when I was at home with him. And that in turn has helped get him sleep better at night.
MonkeyPie|1291342981|2785758 said:
Micah finally seems to be drying up. Poor thing, he's been super snotty and sick for almost a week now. He went down tonight without me having to spray saline up his nose and use the bulb (which is totally useless btw - how do people make that work?!)

Also, question. I have the Humphrey's pellet things. It says to dissolve them in a teaspoon of water and then "apply to gums." How the HECK do you get them to dissolve? I left them in the stupid water for like 15 minutes and they were still hard as rocks, no dissolving whatsoever. How do you do this?!

MP- glad to hear that Micah is doing better. It sucks to hear them all stuffy and uncomfortable. Just breaks my heart!
ChargerGrrl|1291397515|2786366 said:
AllieLuv83|1291395012|2786324 said:
Blushing...are you in the states? How did you get a prescription for dom? I am trying to do some research and it seems to be illegal in the states, or maybe not illegal but not prescribed? My supply has been holding steady but I return to work in a few weeks and am worried that it will go down. Right now I pump at night for the next days nighttime bottles and then during the day to get whatever he doesn't finish. At night between the hours of 10pm and 6am I pump on average 10-12oz depending on if I get in 3 sessions or 2. Last night I pumped at 8:30 (2oz), 10:30 (3oz) 1:30 (5oz) 4:30 (4oz). I actually stopped taking fenugreek it was giving Charlie some wicked gas, and making me smell like a pancake factory. At the 6 week mark my supply seemed to have a increased a bit. We are almost at 8 weeks now. He will be 12 weeks when I go back to work. I have about 60oz frozen. I plan on feeding at 6am, topping off before I go. Pumping at 9:30, 12:30 and 3:30. Hopefully this will be enough for me to get him at least 3 bottles for the next day and then pump again at night time for the 4th bottle.

Allie- I'm also on Dom, have been since August as my supply has been super-low since day one (basically started with ZERO). It's helped somewhat, but I'm now starting to taper off it as DH (who's a medicinal chemist) prefers I not be on it long-term.

You can get Dom via a compounding pharmacy, that ships from the South Seas (Vanatu, I think!). This is the one that I purchased mine from and believe that it's also where Blushing got hers:

You may also want to read up on it on - there's lots of great info there Good luck!

Thanks Charger...that is what I read online too about women getting it from overseas but call me a chicken I would be completely a wreck taking it not having it come from a pharmacy and a prescription.

Here is a picture of my non sleeping, bright eyed little dictator. Sorry about the blurry taken with my cell.

puppmom|1291251844|2784663 said:
I'm just in a funk I guess. I cherish the time I have with him and am able to enjoy it despite my anxiety but, when I'm not distracted by playing with him, it's bad. I've basically been walking around with a lump in my throat and on the verge of tears for the last several days. The drive home from work is particularly tense because N wants to nurse as soon as I get home so I know he's waiting for me. ;( MIL has not been able to stick to the schedule we set and that's certainly adding to my stress because everything gets off track when she doesn't stick to the schedule during the day. I'm also noticing that I get really tense and anxious when N cries. I want so bad for him to be happy that it hurts me in the gut when he cries even though I know that it's normal. Blech, I just can't wait till this passes. It feels a little PMS-y. I hope that witch isn't back soon!

Pupp- so sorry to hear this. I discovered that I experienced a bit of anxiety when I first went back to work. It also kinda hit me on the drive home (to pick him up from DC). I'd get worried about how he did that day- did he nap well, did he eat OK, did he spit up? was he happy? I'm still not completely over this- I guess that it will take some time for me to chill out. What's helped is that 80% of the time all has been good- he's napped well, has been in good spirits, etc... The only challenge is still his spit-up (he has reflux). It really breaks my heart when I spot him wearing different clothes than when I dropped him off in 'cause it means that he spit up all over himself. And then I wonder if it hurt him/was he miserable? I too just want so BADLY for him to be happy! Note that I'm usually a pretty chill/laid back person, so this is Very unlike me. But then again mamahood is all new to me and has unleashed some pretty powerful feelings! I have shared my feelings/anxiety experiences with DH so that he can be on the lookout if it gets worse, or needs to step in for any reason. But, so far so good...

AllieLuv83|1291398060|2786377 said:
Thanks Charger...that is what I read online too about women getting it from overseas but call me a chicken I would be completely a wreck taking it not having it come from a pharmacy and a prescription.

Here is a picture of my non sleeping, bright eyed little dictator. Sorry about the blurry taken with my cell.

Allie- totally get what you're saying. It took me awhile to get the Dom because I wasn't 100% comfortable with how i'd have to obtain it, and neither was DH, who as I mentioned is a medicinal chemist/scientist and knows plenty on the subject of meds.

I did my research and eventually came around and then had a heck of a time convincing him to allow me to give it a shot. I haven't really seen an increase, and that may be because my dosage wasn't high enough (because DH wasn't comfortable with me taking "too much"). I probably have enough to get me through the end of the year.

But it sounds like your supply is great, so just keep doing what you're doing. I hope it all works out!

Your little man is such a cutie!