
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Sha|1291169431|2783646 said:
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I think Dalila had a quiet but good day. We sang 'Happy Bday for her this morning when she woke up. Then I took her to daycare dressed her in a special onesie and some ribbons and a "Happy Birthday' accessory in her hair. I think the children sang the birthday song for her in daycare, too. This afternoon I bought a bit of cake as a little treat for her, this afternoon, but she didn't like it. :wink2: We'll have the real celebration on Saturday afternoon, with family and godparents.

Happy Belated Birthday to Miss Dalila! We're going to miss you around here, Sha.
ChargerGrrl|1291399207|2786401 said:
AllieLuv83|1291398060|2786377 said:
Thanks Charger...that is what I read online too about women getting it from overseas but call me a chicken I would be completely a wreck taking it not having it come from a pharmacy and a prescription.

Here is a picture of my non sleeping, bright eyed little dictator. Sorry about the blurry taken with my cell.

Allie- totally get what you're saying. It took me awhile to get the Dom because I wasn't 100% comfortable with how i'd have to obtain it, and neither was DH, who as I mentioned is a medicinal chemist/scientist and knows plenty on the subject of meds.

I did my research and eventually came around and then had a heck of a time convincing him to allow me to give it a shot. I haven't really seen an increase, and that may be because my dosage wasn't high enough (because DH wasn't comfortable with me taking "too much"). I probably have enough to get me through the end of the year.

But it sounds like your supply is great, so just keep doing what you're doing. I hope it all works out!

Your little man is such a cutie!

Thanks Charger :) I am not sure what helped but I started eating steelcut oatmeal. I know it hasn't been proven to increase supply but it seems to have worked a little magic for me. I buy it in these frozen little bowls from the supermarket and eat them in the morning. I will certainly report back once work starts up again but in the mean time I am just having him on the boob as much as I can and pumping as much as I can. I feel like I am constantly either attached to the baby or the pump but I know it is for the best. The middle of the night pumpings are brutal but we finally have the feeding/changing/pumping down to a science, it usually takes me less than 45 minutes from start to finish.
drk|1291393134|2786283 said:
Finally another BPF of K last week before her bath. I'm glad I took one then, because her skin has gotten way way worse in the last few days. I don't know if it's a reaction to the salmon or cheese or milk that I gave her, but the eczema on her bum is an angry red, and she has very very red spots all over one cheek and one hand. I'm not sure what to do, but I think if it stays this bad or gets worse, I'll be sending her to the family doctor next week with our nanny. At least she doesn't seem bothered by it, not crying more or scratching or anything. Boo. I hope I don't need to use hydrocortisone cream on her to get it to clear up.

Hi to everyone! Hope to see lots more cute photos today...

DRK look at those cheeks, she is a stunner :)
I am cross posting this from another thread in order to get some advice.

We picked a daycare because we were told by the director that during the summers (I am a teacher) I can take Charlie out and give them a weeks deposit in order to hold our spot for when he comes back in August. I called them yesterday just to make sure because of a thread on here...well this is what happened:

Well I just called my daycare JUST TO MAKE SURE and the new interim director informed me of their new policy. We will have to withdraw Charlie and re-enroll him with hopes of there being a spot. We had no problems finding a spot this time around, and there are other centers available but I am just peeved that when we first took a tour I specifically asked this question because it is a deciding factor for me and was told that it would not be a problem.

When I toured 8-10 daycare centers I asked each and every one of them about their policies on summertime. All except for one assured me that they have many teachers in their center that take summers off and that it will not be a problem. When I took the tour at this center it was with the director of the center that is currently on maternity leave but will be back and he son will be in the same classroom as Charlie, she also assured me that it will not be a problem. I just feel like I was mislead. Basically we would have chosen a different center if we were told this from the beginning. We have a number of quality centers as well as home day cares around here, I have a feeling that come March/April I will need to approach them and ask if I need to get my name on a list at another center because we certainly did not plan on paying during the summer. I also called their second locations and they told me the same thing but kind of alluded to the fact that they also have many teachers take the summer off and in years past it was not a problem to get their spot back.

I am hoping that it will work out for us to get our spot back. I had my checks only spread out over 10 months because we didn't plan on paying over the summer. I guess I am not sure how to approach it and when to approach it with the current center. It will be a major PITA to start to call places again and what is interesting is that we signed up Charlie in October with a start date of January and the only thing we needed to do to hold a spot is give them a weeks deposit. I am guessing winter is a slower time. I wonder if I start calling around to other centers and put a deposit down at one, that way we would only lose out on a weeks worth of cost rather than a whole summers worth of money and hope to get our spot back, if not then go to the other center.

SORRY THIS IS SO LONG but I am really looking for some advice from you wise ladies.
kara - you are just the cutest, cutest, cutest.

I'm on a conference call going on hour five.

save me with more pictures.


I can't contribute a proper post. but, I'll add a photo ;)


apparently, they are amazing.

I happen to disagree, but that's just me.

call going on hour six. SIX.

give me some pictures people.

Nora just gets cuter and cuter.

bleh on the peas- I'm also not a fan. DH jokes that N will be just like his papa and love them!

Here's another pic, just for you Lulu. I'm limited by what's stored in my phone, but this is a cute one from last week- N playing with his latest toy, a crinkly lion

So many cute babies in here!!

Thanks for all of the replies about freezer bags (forever ago!!). Can I just say that pumping has turned out to be much more of a challenge than I thought. It can just be so stressful. My boobs seem to be sore constantly and Monday I came down with angry red boob and a fever, which of course means mastitis. I started antibiotics and the fever and aches went away but the angry red boob is still here in addition to a dwindling milk supply. I normally get between 60 - 90ml out of my right boob when I pump and it's down to 10-20ml since the mastitis kicked in. Lefty can't keep up at this rate!! :(

LO has also not been taking his nipple feeds very well. He was approved by the doctors to try twice a day but he still forgets to breath when he's eating sometimes so his oxygen levels kept dropping, once to the point where they had to give him oxygen during a feed. So they took him down to only trying the bottle once a day. I know he'll get there eventually but it's just so scary when it happens. It's also one of those things that we know he can't come home until he figures it out so it's hard because it means it will be that much longer that he's in the hospital. Sigh.

On a positive note, can I say what a blessing the March of Dimes is. Truly. They have a pro photog coming in on Monday to take pictures and I'm really excited. She spends about a half hour with the LO and then will edit all of the photos and send us the disk with all images in color and black and white for free. It warms my heart to think about. We already had our newborn session booked which obviously won't be the same now that he won't be a "real" newborn when he's finally able to take them, so this just makes my day!

All of the recent pictures of O are still on the camera so this is an older one while he was still under the bili lights. I just adore his little sunglasses.

Oh dear kunzite, strength to you. One of my acquaintances had twins at 26 weeks, one passed away quickly but the other pulled through and is a happy and thriving toddler, but it was a long road in the NICU. Lots of one step forward, one step back and two steps sideways. I can't imagine but just have strength! And remember to enjoy your LO when you can and try not to focus on the medical stuff too much. That's what you have docs for, you are his mom! And OMG O is so cute with his little sunglasses and giant paci! (relative to his size)
Much love and hugs to you and your LO, Kunzite.
Lulu - great shots as always!

Charger - love the smile!

Kunzite - cute photo. Hope he catchs on to the eating soon for you. Sorry about the mastitis. I've still got sore nipples from pumping at 8.5 months. I think they're going to be like that till well after I quit.
Kunzite, what a doll! I had mastitis and it temporarily affected the output from that boob (and the latch...ouch!) but things were back to normal within two weeks. Man, I remember that fever...the worst I've felt in a LONG time.

...just checking in to say that we had our 4 month appt today. stats are:

16lbs3oz (WAY less than we thought - this kid is HEAVY!)
25.75 inches long
17 inch head circumference
So I have a few minutes and would love to catch up!

Sha - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL. We are going to so miss dalila's sweet, sweet face around these parts and your posts Please come back and share any insights on balance, motherhood, life. Please!!

Charger - thank you for that ADORABLE picture of NICO. It made my call *almost* tolerable. ha! he is just such a sweetpea. we've got some good ones! And I feel for you on the FT work. bah! It is tough. And it's NOT enough time. But, I've been finding ways to squeeze in some extra minutes (yes, minutes matter to me) and hoping that we get to a good place.

Kunzite - those *sunglass* are beyond the greatest little shades I've ever seen and your LO is beyond beyond. I am so very sorry that this time is so difficult. I just can't imagine how hard it must be, but I will be hoping for you and O every single day that things get better and he gets stronger and soon all will be right with the world. It's a lot and you can only go day by day, but gosh he is precious. and I'm so glad you got your photos. you will treasure those for a lifetime.

Allie - okay, I have to admit that I had a little trouble following your daycare situation, but here's what I'm taking away - It's EXCELLENT that you have a lot of great centers in your area. Choice is amazing and you will find something that works. If it were me, I would try to find another option you love (if possible) where you were assured that you could hold C's spot without having to pay for the summer. Again, sorry if I am not correctly following the situation. and your little dictator is a peach!

Turtle - hurray for rolling!!! Hope that DC is going well.

Cara - hope that your whole family is doing better

DRK - Hope that K's skin is a whole lot less itchy. poor babe. but she is BEAUTIFUL.

Hudson - 3 months. how is that possible?!? post that picture woman.

pupp - hus to you. and nolan.

AFM - So can I really blame my baby for being unable to remember ANYTHING anymore. It doesn't really feel fair, but . . .

1) Driving into work with her carseat, knowing that my husband needed it to take her to a DRs appointment. GAH! Thank goodness we have a convertible seat that he was able to install.
2) Without fail, EVERYDAY, forgetting some piece of my pump. Be it a storage cap, a flange, the power cord. GAH!!!!
3) Being on a conference call (yup that one that I complained about before) and making it through seven hours and two pumping sessions just fine and then minutes before the call wraps up pump for the third time only to hear "someone might want to MUTE their phone as there are STRANGE NOISES" GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did a little Christmas Card shot this afternoon and managed to capture this which is pretty amazing seeing she can sit unsupported for about three seconds before toppling over . . .after many tries here is Nora's First Christmas

But, nora is really cute, so I suppose losing my mind is nearly acceptable.

I stumble in here every so often and I just had to say ADORABLE pics!! OMG, these babies are just so darn cute! Lovely... your Christmas cards are going to make everyone melt!
Lulu...she is too cute for words. I need to take a holiday picture tomorrow for our card. I hope Mr. Man cooperates :)

DH wanted to have some fun tonight with the camera! Charlie is such a ham sometimes.


Oh my goodness ALL these babies are sooooo ADORABLE!!! :love: :love: :appl:
Ugh, I STILL haven't taken A's 3 mo picture. Must do it asap. He's in the middle of a big spurt so all he's doing is sleeping and eating, eating and sleeping. Here's our late BPF-our holiday card.

holiday card.jpg
I love the holiday card, HH!
Are night time diapers sold in size 2? We've now tried Pampers, Huggies and Luvs and Aidan pees out of ALL of them at night. Pampers also make his arse erupt in oozing sores. Poor little guy woke up this morning cold and soaked from waist to neck. I know we could change him in the middle of the night, but diaper changes are really stimulating for him and we're working really hard to get him to sleep at night.
HH, are you feeding him at night? My amateur idea is that so long as we are adding extra fluid in during the night, it might be too much to ask of a diaper to take. Silas still wakes up a lot to eat, so I've stopped changing him every time during the night (also stimulating for him, whereas he can go right back to sleep after eating) but still he needs at least one change in the middle of the night to make it. I'm using cloth w/ a wool cover at night, so no help on disposable brands.
Cara-yes we do feed at night, and he's eating more at night these days as well. He takes about 4 oz before bed at 6:30-7 and then eats again around 11:30-12, again at 3ish and then we're up between 5:30 and 6. DH does the early morning feed, so maybe I'll start asking him to change him. That way HE'LL have to stay up with an awake baby! :Up_to_something: :twisted:
HH - I agree with Cara. When Nora was sleeping through the night (come back sleep, come back) she would be dry the next morning if we used a pampers baby dry (not the dry max). But now due to her perpetual daycare colds and the like, she's been consistenly getting up around 3am to feed (sometimes at midnight and 3) and we've found that we have to change her if I nurse her at night...

love the card!!
HH~ Both of my kids have been heavy night wetters. I use a larger size at night for the extra absorbency. They go up REALLY high and are fastened about as far as they can go, but they do absorb more and tend to keep the skin drier. Although, for the past 3 nights, we've had sheet changes in the early morning hours. (I love my multiple sheets and pads!) I can't remember now, but I seem to recall one of the brands had absorbency for boys--I think it was the old Pampers though so that's no use to you.

Lovely baby pics from everyone!!

Big news in my family--My sis is preggo! Hopefully this time she'll avoid the bed rest and preeclampsia! I *think* it's a girl! Watch, I'll be wrong!! lol

Hope you're all having fun getting ready for the Holidays!! We sure are!
That's a lovely card, HH!!! That pic of Aidan looking over your shoulder is especially cute!

Love all the other baby pics!! :love:

thanks for the birthday wishes for D. I do still plan to stick around here! But will be sticking my toes in the other forum too. :))
Congrats SS!

OMG I LOVE DAYCARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aidan eats and sleeps so well on nights after daycare. He went down last night at 7:30 after eating a full 4 oz and slept until 2:30, when he woke up and ate 2 oz. We didn't hear another peep from him after that. I physically had to wake him up at 6:00 to get ready for day care/work.

I finally got around to taking his 3 month pictures. Here ya go!

ETA: pictures uploaded sideways, let's try this again...


Aww, A is so cute in those pics and the holiday card!

That's awesome that you like daycare HH. I am liking our daycare too, though S doesn't sleep very well there and so he is definitely more tired and fussy in the evenings. However, we haven't got him on an early bedtime yet. He comes home and usually takes a catnap but still goes down for the night around 9-10pm. Oh, and he always comes home smelling like perfume. :rolleyes: what can you do? He likes the ladies there and it seems like he's getting good care so I can't complain.
I am so wishing I got the stickers for pics!! :nono:
cara|1291746144|2790003 said:
Oh, and he always comes home smelling like perfume. :rolleyes:

Eww...what if the kids were allergic to perfume that excessive? Seems like a bad idea to me. I do always tease my best friend that every time she holds Micah, even for a minute, he comes back to me smelling like a flower.

HH, he just gets cuter every month. That chin, I wanna eat it! I wish I had gotten the stickers now, too. Nuts.
love love the pics..!! babies are so flippin' cute.

re: nighttime diapers in size 2. we needed them too and no companies really made them (well they didn't call them overnights). we ended up getting pampers baby dry which goes 12+ hours, and DOES NOT have dry max in them. J has been in them until size 4, they are fabulous. we just recently switched to huggies overnights and they are working ok but not as good as baby dry. i am not sure what i want to buy--but since i'm kind of PO'd at pampers for the dry max thing i'd like to NOT support them anymore, but baby dry is so great... i dunno. if you get the diapers on amazon with the 20% coupons from parents/parenting, it's a GREAT deal btw.

kunzite.. i just wanted to say that O is adorable and i hope that he can come home with you guys very soon. J also had to go in the bili suntan booth and he had the cutest little shades like O...but without eyelashes. i told Greg he looked like an aviator. we saved them and put them in his memory box.

not much else to report here other than J can firmly clap his hands now, and he said 'cheese' last nite. well not really, but he loves cheese so i was giving him pieces and saying it over and over and he said 'cheesth' really quickly. i was floored! i am sure he doesn't really know it's cheese yet... and it was prob just an imitation of what i was saying but it really sounded like cheese. of course he wouldn't do it again hehe. but greg heard it too. so fun. ::)

oh and he prefers to crawl now instead of walk. he used to love to walk around holding our fingers but now will buckle his legs to crawl. i am assuming it's a stage but of course my mom wants him to walk (not me!) so she is all disappointed and says we have to practice more. HA!
cara - Thank you for the strength!! Some days I really need it. I cannot believe that S comes home smelling like perfume. Oliver's night nurse was the same for the last three nights and she flat out stinks. It's like she's trying to cover some bad smell (smoke maybe?) with cheap perfume. I can smell her coming three rooms aways. If the social worker is in today when dh visits over lunch I might have him see what we can do to request not to have her. (It's not just the smell with this lady, btw, before people think I'm crazy!!)

drk - I'm not happy to hear that you've had sore nipples this whole time, but I am happy to know it!! Anytime I've talked to the lactation consultants about any soreness, redness, etc they look at me like my boob is about to fall off. Seriously, I was starting to wonder.

pup - Thanks for sharing your experience. It makes me feel a lot better. Like I said about the LC above, they were treating me like I was about to kill over right there in front of them. So it's good to know yours took about two weeks to totally clear up. I think I'm well on the way. My supply has gone back up quite a bit and the angry red has turned into blushing pink. :)

charger, lulu, mara - Thanks for the kind words!!

shiny - Congrats to your sister!!

AFM - My chunky monkey is gaining weight like crazy. He was up to 7 pounds last night. The nurses like to tell me that he would have been 10 pounds if he'd gone to term. Yikes!!