
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Here's Aidan's BPS contribution...This was sent to me by our babysitter. My little man is such a chunk-a-monk! It's hard to believe he was a 5 lb peanut at birth....

I'm sure you have seen this one in FB but here is my contribution. Smiley boy with double chins :)

AWWWWWWWWWW I have such a baby crush on C!
Allie, he is supercute! LOL about the double chins. C looks positively svelte by my scale, my hubs keeps asking when S will get a neck.
Oh all the cheekies!!

Noel~ Welcome to the Mommy thread!! :wavey: Skye is beautiful!!

We're doing really well. Lily's meds were dropped to 3x a day a few weeks ago and her heartrate hasn't gone above 160! Looks like she'll definitely be starting off her meds in a couple months! Assuming it goes smoothly, she should be off by 10-12 months!!! We are so very blessed. ::)
noel - Skye is so cute! I'm glad that you're getting so much help after the birth. Take it easy mama!!

shiny - I'm so happy to hear that Lily's meds were dropped and that her heart rate is staying stable. That must be such a relief for you!!

Here's my latest from chunky monkey. We keep telling him that he's gaining all of his new weight in his cheeks :)

Kunzite - he's adorable! What's his adjusted age now?
mere-THANK YOU so much for the pics! I love it! We are awaiting the chair, seat & tray! :wavey: :appl: I showed my DH and he loved it too. Thanks, now I have a better idea of the chair!

MP-I used the coupon that mere mentioned and it came out to $133 something. The shipping is $15.75. You could only use 1 promo code. The $133 is what we paid total.
Kunzite~ I can't believe how much he's grown!! So happy for you!
drk - Thanks! He'll be 36 weeks tomorrow. He's getting so big it's easy to forget he's still so "young."

shiny - Me either! He was 7 pounds 6 ounces at weigh in last night. :eek: He's like a real baby now :)
Glad the pics helped Mt! I have been using it for every meal, and I swear I love it more and more each time.

Only thing I have realized... is that once we have to start removing that tray in order to get C in and out, we might have an issue. The tray is not easily reomved and put back on. We have a while till that day comes though!
The sleep situation is not getting ANY better at MIL house. No need to get into details but I am at my wits end!
Kunzite - Ollie definitely looking like a good healthy baby now. :bigsmile:

somethingshiny - glad to hear Lily is doing so well.

we are waiting for my mom to show up so that she can bathe Skye today. my mom has been absolutely great. I thought she would be bossy with some antiquated ideas, but she has just hung in the background listening to what our helper-lady has had to say and hasn't tried to hog her granddaughter at all. so that's why I think she should bathe and feed Skye today, as I am sure she is dying to. she also bought her more clothes. :twirl: this kid isn't going to be able to wear all of them.

going through the sore breasts yesterday and today. I am not breastfeeding. so far it's been manageable. sometimes they get really hard and sore for 1 min, but that happens only once every 2 hours. the helper-lady says it's actually "good" I'm not bfing because little Skye has too short of a tongue (it doesn't come out when she bottle-feeds) and my nipples would be all cracked by now. but she said we might have to get the little fleshy bit underneath cut eventually as it might cause a speech-defect.
Noel - K had her tongue-tie clipped twice early on. No problems - I just fed her right after they did it each time, and she stopped crying almost immediately. If you wait past a year, I think the tissue is more vascular and thicker, and they need general anesthesia to have it fixed. If it's tight enough, I think it can afftect jaw and dental development as well as speech.
Noel, we also had Silas's tongue tie clipped twice in the first week. It was really minor as far as procedures go, he seemed mostly bothered by the person sticking their huge fingers in his mouth to hold/inspect his tongue. Cried at first but nursed right after both times and was fine, with no lingering aftereffects.

It was pretty funny when we were considering the second procedure, the pediatrician said that kids with tongue tie might have trouble saying their s's and l's and my husband is like, well, we named him Silas so we'd better have the procedure done!

Sounds like you and Skye are doing well. The every couple of hours hard tingly feeling sounds like milk coming down.
Hey mamas...I need your experienced advice.

Over the weekend Aidan wasn't himself. On saturday he took a long nap during the day and then that night he slept really crappily, waking up every 30 minutes or so crying (like he did after his shots). This continued into sunday when we finally broke down and gave him tylenol thinking he was having growing pains. That did the trick and he was able to sleep. He ate/slept per usual last night.

Today at DC the babysitter said he was fussy and slept a lot and it seemed like he was gassy (I told her about our suspicion of growing pains and OK'd tylenol as needed). She didn't give the tylenol and chose to give mylicon instead for the gas. He wasn't gassy when we picked him up. He only ate 9 oz for the day according to her record sheet. It was in small increments too, like 1.5 oz at a time.

I noticed he felt warm when he came home and before his bath I took his temp in his armpit. It was 99.4. Is that considered a fever? He was cranky and sounded a teeny bit hoarse, but I couldn't tell if that was because he was tired or if he was truly hoarse. He's not coughing and he's not snotty or stuffy sounding. He fell asleep really quickly.

What are your thoughts? Growth spurt or sick (or both)? I'm coming down with a cold, I have a headache, scratchy throat and I'm getting stuffy. I called the doc and am waiting for a call back now.
HH~ A is getting to that wakeful and restless age now. He's learning and discovering so much, his little body is overloaded. Some kids do get a bit sick when they're overwhelmed (JT still does) and that could be it. But, eating sporadically like that indicates to me that he is a bit under the weather. Eating is a normal way for a baby to feel comforted. If he is running a fever, his frequent fluid intake is actually a really good thing so he doesn't get dehydrated. My advice is to do what you think is right. Moms have an innate ability to know what's good for their children.
HH fwiw that sounds a touch sick to me. Maybe take a rectal temp as that could be higher than the armpit and I think 100.4 is when our docs get concerned. Hope Aidan is back to himself soon!
I called the doc last night and she said to watch him and take his temp rectally if he woke and was warm again. She said to call immediately if it was 102 or higher and to call for an appt if he still had a fever of any sort in the morning. This morning he was cool as a cucumber. Unfortunately we had a very rough night. He passed out cold at 7:00 and slept until 10:30 when he woke up, ate a little and went back to sleep. Then he was up again at 11:30, 1:30 and 3:00. He refused to go back to sleep after his 3am wake up so DH got up with him. He ate about 10 oz during the night, which is pretty standard for him. The babysitter thought his light eating yesterday might have been because he was so sleepy, apparently he slept a lot yesterday. So he was still fussy this morning and I wouldn't be surprised if he's coming down with something because I definitely have a cold and I think DH is getting sick as well. *sigh*
HH - (((hugs))) hope Aidan gets back to his old self soon.
Just wanted to pop in and say HI MOMMIES! And introduce my little man-- he is two weeks today! Between staring at my precious baby and feeding him, there isn't much time to post yet but I promise to be more involved soon.

Meet baby Jumper... :love: :love: :love:

HH I am sorry little A is not feeling well. Poor little guy. Hopefully this is just a growth spurt and he really isn't coming down with anything.

Charlie got his 2 month shots today, all 5 of them. He is currently 12lb 12oz and 24 inches long. The doctor said he is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. He got his shots and was very smiley later on at night when he came home...weird boy! He ate his bottle and passed right out. I wonder how he will do tonight. Last night was his first night in his crib. I definitely did not sleep any better, every peep on the monitor made me jump. I hope this gets better.
Hi mamas!

Love all the recent pics posted! :love:

Just dropping by to leave a pic of Dalila at her first birthday get-together last Saturday. It was a good time - not too much fuss, just like we wanted. D gets overwhelmed easily when they're too many people around, so the number of guests (about 7) was perfectly manageable both for us, and for her. The menu was a fruit salad of grapes and melon, chicken wings, bruschetta, and fried plantains, along with cake and icecream for dessert. (GrandMommy made her birthday cake). We did iced tea, orange juice, and fizzy cider for drinks, and DH also bought some beer for the guys. It all worked out well.

Hi, all! I’ve been reading posts but have been too busy to write a proper one myself. I feel like we pretty much have a routine down now but, unfortunately, there’s no built in free time! So, I find myself posting only at work when I should be…well, working!

Sha, that picture says so much! First, D is gorgeous. Second, you can tell she’s got sass by the fact that you’ve got to hold her hand back or she’s going to grab that flame!

HH, I hope A is back to himself soon. It’s the worst when the whole family gets sick. Are you back at work yet?

Noel, Skye is an absolute doll! I’m glad you have help around.

Kunzite, O is so cute and I can’t believe how big he is getting! I’m sorry if I missed this is one of your posts but he’s still in the hospital, right? If he is, any ETA when you’ll get to bring that monkey home? And Congrats on the weight loss! I’ve got two more pounds and they’re hanging on for dear life!

Allie, Charlie is just too cute for words. I love me a chubby baby! His stats are almost identical to N’s at two months. N was 12lbs 14oz at 2 months and 16lbs3oz at 4 months.

SS, I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I hope the New Year brings lots more happiness!

MP, thanks for that sling link. We got ours and have been practicing with it.

AFM, here’s my life recently…
-Nolan is awesome. He’s talking up a storm, rolling over when he feels like it, LOVES when his daddy plays him the guitar and is more engaging every day.
- Things are good with MIL watching him. He still doesn’t get enough tummy time and she SWEARS he’s still hungry after 7 ounces but he’s clearly very happy with her and lights up every morning when she gets to our house. Oh, and she cleans and buys us stuff she thinks we need!
- I’m still pumping and able to give N BF only and for that I am truly grateful. I never thought I would make it this far. His 4 month growth spurt was a challenge because my body can’t adapt to his increased needs to he gets the bottle so much. Thank goodness for the stash!
- We’re probably going to start solids in the next few weeks. DH has off from the 20th until the 3rd so the timing is good in that sense. I’m just having a hard time telling if N is ready. I guess we’ll find out!
- Oh, and I’m two pounds from my pre-preggo weight! Woot! Woot! My belly’s still pretty *flimsy* though so I guess some sit-ups are in order!
Pupp -- I'm right there with you on the "reading but too busy to post" status.
Today is the last day of my leave ;( . I've been super busy trying to get stuff done before I go back to work, and then we all got a nasty stomach bug. We originally thought that T had a reaction to his vaccinations when he vomited on Saturday night. He acted completely normally afterwards and had no fever, so we thought he just got sick likely from the rotavirus vaccine. Then on Sunday night, DH and I both woke up at the same time and were both really sick for the next 12+ hours ... then felt OK except for the hangover-like feelings of being up so long sick. We thought that maybe we had eaten something bad at one of the holiday parties we had attended. So we stayed home on Monday. On Tuesday I took T to daycare and mentioned to his teacher why he was out on Monday. She told us this stomach virus was going around the daycare and that she had it on Friday night. The kids, apparently, would only get sick once but the poor adults would get sick every 2 hours or so for about 12 hours. Our friends with older kids welcomed us to what they call "the circle" -- the circle of child-borne illnesses :twisted:

As I mentioned, T had his 4-month vaccinations on Friday (at which time he was actually one week shy of 4 months ... we had to go a little early due to scheduling). He took the shots like a champ again, only crying for less than a minute and then sleeping more than normal afterwards. He was 16 lbs 14 oz (88th percentile) and 26.75 inches long (97th percentile) -- so he certainly is in the ranks with the other huge PS babies.

Here is the pic that we used for our Christmas card this year. Our chubby santa!

Dang, I should have proofread my post. I meant give N BM only not BF!

Turtle, that is a great picture! Stinks that your leave is ending but hopefully, you'll have a few paid holidays between now and the end of the year to help ease you into things.

Icekid, I can't believe I missed that pic. Jumper is adorable!
puppmom|1292443832|2797784 said:
Turtle, that is a great picture! Stinks that your leave is ending but hopefully, you'll have a few paid holidays between now and the end of the year to help ease you into things.

Thanks! I did end up getting a bit lucky because of how the holidays fall this year ... so my first 3 weeks back at work aren't full weeks, which is nice. This is also a really slow time at my work because so many people are out of town ... so the number of meetings I normally have won't really pick up again until after the New Year. That makes me feel a bit better, as I am quite worried about getting pumping sessions scheduled in. My supply seems to be taking a temporary hit right now (I think because of the sickness from a couple of days ago - dehydration), but I have a crazy freezer stash if needed (seriously, we haven't added it all up but I am guessing that I might have a two-month supply right now. Our chest freezer is full of BM). I'm going to give it a few weeks back at work to see how my pumping goes, and then I am probably going to look for someone who wants donated milk.

Love all of the baby pics! PS babies are the cutest in my not-so-humble opinion!
So after another day of aidan not eating well and napping intermittently for short periods then waking up screaming, I brought him in to the pediatrician (our NEW one, not our old incompetent one...more on that later). Luckily, Aidy doesn't have an ear infection, the doc thinks he's having a major reflux attack. She was not happy to hear he was on rice cereal and so she wants him off that. She put him on zantac and mylanta to start and he has to go have an ultrasound tomorrow to make sure nothing anatomical is causing the problem (such as pyloric stenosis). We also have a referral to the GI clinic at Hasbro Children's Hospital to have them check him out, but that appointment wont happen until next year.

We also found out that our old pediatrician didn't give him two of the shots he was supposed to get at his 8 week visit...I don't know how someone like her keeps her medical license, really I don't....
HH, sounds like your new pedi is a mover and shaker! I can't believe the issue with the shots! Is it possible the old pedi just didn't document it properly?
HH, sorry A has the reflux. but good that he's on meds - i hope it helps! and glad that you have a ped. that you like now. Random Q, why did she want A off the rice cereal? just too young or some other reason?

Turtle, your chubby Santa is adorable. Yeah, I too have been enjoying a child-borne illness for the past few weeks! Ahh, daycare. I though the kiddos were supposed to get sick while us adults were supposed to have this stuff beat! Not that I'm complaining too much, I'd much rather be a bit sick myself than have S sick and have to take off work and such.

Meanwhile I'm back at my old job for the last two weeks, trying to finish stuff up! Its good to be using my brain again and I am going to miss this place. The guys I work with are really nice and its a fun project. But I keep having to remind myself that this job would have ended anyway in a few months, and since I don't like some aspects of academics my move to industry is for the best!

However I am really not good at leaving on time to get to daycare in the evening or get to work on time in the morning, and I have to get better at it. Yesterday I left work a bit late AND it was raining so I would have been late to daycare. Instead I had my DH pick up Silas and then he was late to an evening meeting.

Also it is really sad to see so little of Mr. Silas during his waking hours. Especially those morning hours when he's in a great smiley mood. We haven't got his schedule adjusted yet and he's still sleeping in the morning until I wake him up just in time to take him to daycare. Tough stuff!