
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Um excuse me...Mrs. Hudson Hawk...but where are the BPF contributions of Aidan?
Aidan has been mr pissy pants this week. The only facial expressions we've seen have involved screaming, tears, puke, and snot. No one wants to see that... So I'm taking a rain check this week.
We should do a crying/pissy BPF next week :)
I'm game.
Allie- Charlie is a DOLL! What a sweetie pie!

Lanie- I suppose it is possible to make the weeding, but I know I would not have felt up to it. Physically, I felt great after giving birth. Had a small tear and a couple stitches, but I really felt good. My mom jokes about how I was moving the furniture in the hospital room around so that it was more "welcoming" for everyone that would be coming to visit- about an hour after giving birth. HOWEVER, I would not have felt able to leave Ellie for a 3-5 hour stretch that soon. Maybe I was weird, but I would literally go into a bit of a panic if I was even gone from her for an hour to go to the store. I also EBF'ed, and your body is trying to figure out supply/demand issues at that point and I would have been dripping everywhere, uncomfortable, and just not in the mood to be at a wedding. I hope you can make it work for you. I don't mean to be Debbie Downer, that's just my experience.

Noel- girl, been there!!! I was a bawling mess for the first couple weeks. Crazy thing is, I'd be rolling along thinking everything was okay (other than being so tired) and then just break down. Unexplainable. I definitely felt like it was out of my control. You are SO not alone. But that new pic of Skye is ADORABLE!!! I definitely think there is a reason that God (or whomever) makes them so cute- comes in very handy when mama is this exhausted and emotional and baby is crying!! You just can't NOT love them to bits!!!
Lanie - I don't see any reason you couldn't pump that early since you'd only be replacing a feeding, not pumping extra. Good luck on Monday!!

Noel - Like the other ladies said, I was there too! The first two weeks were hard and I would just start crying if DH said Oliver's name. It was not easy. I'm hoping that when he finally comes home I don't go through another two weeks of that!!

Allie - Charlie is a doll!!

AFM - Not a great week again. I have mastitis again, this time on the left side and worse than before (who knew it could be worse??). I can't seem to get lefty to empty, it's huge and swollen, and I have a giant milk blister. Giving LO breast milk is so important to DH and I, but I don't know how much more of this I can take. I told DH that I'll get through it this time, what choice do I have, but if I get mastitis for a third time I might just have a break down. The nurse last night seems to think there might be a connection in the fact that Ollie is gaining weight so fast and that I'm having trouble. She said it's possible that my milk is just extra fatty and I'm getting plugged up because of it. She suggested I look into Lecithin. Anyone try this?

Also the therapist came by yesterday to try a bottle feed with monkey and wrote in her report afterwards that he "has poor suck/swallow/breathe coordination." :cry:

Oh, and I have to go back to work on Tuesday. Oh cruel world.

On the upside I just have to see my tiny love to smile :) I call this first picture "no photos, please!"


Awwwww he's so precious! And I love the outfit. Aidan has the sock monkey shoes from ON!
Omg, he is just PRECIOUS! I love that little smirk in the second photo. What a sweetie.

As for the milk blister, my MIL told me she got one of those once and poked it with a sterilized needle, and her mastitis was gone after that. Just the thought makes me cringe, and I have no idea if this is smart to do or not, but I'd be at my wits end if I were you. I'm sorry :(sad At least your baby is stinking cute.

Lanie, I'm with natalina - Micah was over a month old when I went on a photo shoot without him, and I was ok until I had to drive past my house to drop off my models. Then I about had a breakdown and cried all the way back to the house after dropping the girls off. I was so relieved to see him. 3-5 hours may not seem long now, but it will, once baby arrives.

HH, even pictures of him squalling would be adorable. Chins! I love them so much. Post!
I have no room to talk, I haven't posted a BPF in weeks. But I have most of you on FB - do you even want me to post? Lol.

Allie, that picture is so funny - he looks totally surprised by something off to his left. He's so tiny next to that bear, omg!

Omg, Noel, wrinkly baby forehead and sweet, sweet cheeks. She is just adorable, I want to squish her. I love her sleepy eyes!

Micah had his second flu shot yesterday and he was a champ - not a single tear or cry! It was awesome. He even waved goodbye to the nurse. My sweetheart.

Also, we had snow last night. He woke up at 2am for some reason all cranked so DH took him for a walk (it was very still, almost warm, and the snow was melting) and let him see the snow piled on the fence. Micah grabbed some in both hands and shoveled it into his mouth! Crazy baby! Thank goodness it was clean snow. He's so funny.

I decided to attach his Santa picture. I was not impressed - I could have done better quality! - but it's still cute. I adore his outfit.

love the baby pics!! So cute!!!

noel that big open mouth biting is her rooting for milk! it's instinct when they are hungry or if they need soothing (Sometimes).
Can I join the pissy pants club? N was a total grump today. I had the day off and am EXHAUSTED from trying to keep him happy all day. Sometimes when he's crying, I could swear he's yelling at me!

Here's a pic from last weekend. He's lucky he's so cute! :naughty:

DSC_0052 resize.jpg
Oh my!!! The photos this week are just SUPER ADORABLE!!!! :love: :love: :love:
Better late than never...
On the plane:

Kara plane.jpg
GAH the babies are killing me!! MP that pic of Micah is hilarious. He's like 'w'sup Mom'. And DRK..Kara is such a little doll!! She looks so big.

love the trapper hat.

and the smirk on O.

here's my BPF, a lot of you guys have seen it on FB tho. he looks just like me when i was little here. and his hair is getting curly, gah... poor thing!!! i was really hoping he'd have G's straight hair but he's getting a wave.

These babies are so darn cute!!

We went Christmas shopping today and JT nearly ran from Santa. No pic again this year. And, he didn't want me taking Lily up either. He's such a good big brother.

What veggies are your babies liking? Every time I've tried cereal with Lily she gets an upset tummy. I tried squash and sweet potatoes and she was fine but now is refusing them. I don't know if she's refusing because she's just not wanting solids or she doesn't like the flavor or something. JT ate just about anything that was near him! (Lily is 5 mo old) Suggestions would be great!

Have a great weekend!

OH, I got Lily's first Christmas Ornament!!!! I collect Christopher Radko and I got her a Rocking Horse with 2010 on it. SO adorable and I have room on the bottom to put her name and birth date.
Awww love the bebeh pictures! Mara, J looks just like you!

I think A's reflux meds might be working. After putting up a SERIOUS fight last night he finally fell asleep and slept from 8-3:30 and was then back down until 5ish and then we all got up around 7. He's now snoozing in his bouncy seat but up until a few minutes ago was all smiles and chatter. **luff him**
Skye: 10 days old

DH and I are now sleeping in our own bed at night and Skye in her crib in her room (instead of one of us in her room with her), and it is going really well! am getting better sleep because I'm not right next to her to be woken up by every little sound. now just the crying for feeding or cramps wakes us up. we've also split up the "shifts" so one of us does the last night feeding and the other the first morning feeding so that we both can get a few uninterrupted hours of sleep/rest. of course I wake up every time she cries, but it makes all the difference if you aren't always the one who has to get up and you can go back to sleep. and I also love to sleep next to DH.

DH put her in the BabyBjorn (not sure if you have same brand in the States, but it's to carry your baby on your chest), and we went to the grocery store next to our home. so she was outside in the snow for 2 min. of course I thought she was just going to cry, but she slept through the whole thing. DH also wants to take her outside for a walk in the pram. he just wants to show off his daughter! right now they're napping together in his recliner.

AFM, my next operation is not going to be before Dec 29, so most likely in Jan. probably a good thing because even though my boobs don't bother me, there is a swollen bump on one side and they did leak yesterday when I was rubbing the dried up milk off the nipples. it was weird... didn't know the milk actually "runs" like a snotty nose. so at least my breasts get 2 weeks rest now and I'll be home during Christmas and not in a hospital.

Allie - just wanted to say that was exactly the headache I had... the one right behind the eyes! luckily with new sleeping arrangement it's gone away. makes a difference to sleep on my own mattress with my own pillow.

Mara - we call the open mouth biting her "piranha face".

somethingshiny - Lily is already 5 months old?!?!?! wow, how the time flies.
Noel, piranha face, awesome, its where can I suck time?

Glad you and your DH are finding a routine that works for you. Also in those early weeks Silas *loved* to be carried in the frontpack. Just make him warm (the carrier was really warm), give him a human to snuggle up to, and some bouncy bouncy (from walking say) and he was happy as a clam. He'd sleep 3 hr stretches during the day if we were walking the whole time, and only squawk when we stopped or he'd really run out of food.
Baby wearing puts A into an immediate coma!

So Mr. Pissy Pants is taking a break today so here's your late BPF contribution.


Too cute!
I LOVE ACID REFLUX MEDICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We heard Aidan laugh today :love: and now he's sleeping peacefully in his crib :snore:
Oh my gosh Aidan! What a ham you are :)
He says "thanks pretty lady!"

Oh! I meant to post this earlier. For those of you who are my friends you know where, I posted a funny video that Aidan made for my brother and SIL this morning. Check it out!
Ahh I love the idea of a happy baby, glad to hear the meds are working HH. That 2nd pic of A is so cute... I love the Gymboree alligator PJ's... I got J them in 2 sizes before he outgrew them. :naughty:
Mara|1292732169|2800737 said:
That 2nd pic of A is so cute...

totally agree
Mara|1292732169|2800737 said:
Ahh I love the idea of a happy baby, glad to hear the meds are working HH. That 2nd pic of A is so cute... I love the Gymboree alligator PJ's... I got J them in 2 sizes before he outgrew them. :naughty:

Thanks M. I bought the PJs on sale over the summer with the matching gator socks and it was actually one of his going home outfits! I totally thought I was going to have a 7-8 lb kid. He was actually in preemie clothes when we first brought him home. Who knew? He didn't fit into it until he was almost 8 weeks and now at 14 he's getting too big for it. But it's so cute. I love Gymboree, it's an illness...
Hudson_Hawk|1292779701|2800998 said:
Mara|1292732169|2800737 said:
Ahh I love the idea of a happy baby, glad to hear the meds are working HH. That 2nd pic of A is so cute... I love the Gymboree alligator PJ's... I got J them in 2 sizes before he outgrew them. :naughty:

Thanks M. I bought the PJs on sale over the summer with the matching gator socks and it was actually one of his going home outfits! I totally thought I was going to have a 7-8 lb kid. He was actually in preemie clothes when we first brought him home. Who knew? He didn't fit into it until he was almost 8 weeks and now at 14 he's getting too big for it. But it's so cute. I love Gymboree, it's an illness...

I kept J in his first pair so long they were almost like shorts...HA. ::) Then they went on clearance so I got him a size bigger than he was in for like $6.99. I love that their sales can be so amazing and the clothes last forever.
Skye: 12 days old

hi mommies.

how do we take hardened boogers out of baby's nose? or do we leave it for it to fall out on its own?

and when did your kid start sleeping through the night (ie sleeping through one feeding)? I don't see it happening for Skye any time soon. she finishes both her 1-2am and 5-6 am bottles, then drinks less for her afternoon bottles and has thrown one of them up 4 days in a row now.
Noel, if they're right at the end of the nostril I'd just try and pick it and flick it with a q-tip or my finger nail. If it's further in and really crusty, then use saline drops to soften it up and then suck it out with the aspirator.

Aidan didn't start "sleeping through the night" until he was 12 weeks. We had 2 great weeks with LONG stretches of sleep (like 7-9 hours) and then everything went to hell again last week. We still give a bottle whenever he wakes up at night and he takes it so he needs it. He drinks probably 12 oz over the course of the night.
thanks. was just googling and I must have misunderstood what I was told. seems like they don't sleep through the night so young. sleeping 4-5 hrs IS sleeping through the night now. DAMN.
Noel, my LO is not sleeping through at 3 months. My friend's 6 mo old is not sleeping through either (though they have stopped feeding him at night to remove any incentive for the night waking.) You are early for it.

Well last week Silas was his best ever on the night sleeping front, waking up only twice most nights. Of course, he still wasn't getting enough sleep as I was waking him up before he was really ready for the day to go to daycare, and he still hasn't slept an hour straight at daycare so its not like he can fully recover from the missed night sleep. For some babies this might be normal but he can certainly take a 2-3 hr nap on occasion.

This weekend he regressed as he has a cold and is kind of miserable in the middle of the night, my am I exhausted. He was nursing almost every hour last night. I have some wicked sore throat myself, so I was torn between feeling good that nursing was some comfort for him and feeling completely empty and wishing he would let me sleep. Ahh, parenting.

Hardened buggers I don't know about, unless they are near enough to the outside of the nose to be gotten with a tissue or something. The soft blubbery ones inside we were attacking with the NoseFrida (thank you I think for the mentions on this thread) as the bulb syringe is pretty useless as far as we can tell. But man what an effective way to innoculate yourself with some bug! When I first show the contraption to my husband, he says this thing clearly violates some kind of bio-school tenet against pipeting by mouth. Sure the snot itself gets stopped by the mesh filter, but virus particles are tiny! I'm sure we are sucking them straight into our throats in an effort to clear Silas's breathing pathway. I've pretty much had a cold or sore throat since he started daycare 4 weeks ago. I want to say that I will not use it in an effort to stop the infection/reinfection cycle, but it is so sad when S is having trouble breathing and doesn't know how to cough or blow his nose properly so I'm sure I'll get it out again. The things we do for our kids!