
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

OMG THAT SUIT!!!! So adorable!!!
HH. words fail me! I :love: those pics! Your photog did a beautiful job. The fact that you two are so cute helps. :bigsmile:
HH. Those pics are great! Love them!

AFM - Tyler just projectile vomited all over his highchair and the kitchen floor and has a 101.5-102 temperature. Ugh. Poor baby.
AIDEN IS SO CUTE--he looks all grown up:-)! (and you look fantastic!)
Geri, Allie, Noel, HOU- Thanks ladies. I am definitely going to miss it around here. However, it might not be all that long until I am back. I can finally see myself doing this all over again. Just took a little bit!

Best wishes for the rest of you and your little ones! Take lots of pictures!


Cute picks, HH. That bunny ears pic of TDF!
HH - awesome pics for Easter and Father's Day! I, too, adore the bunny ears one.
Mere, don't know how I missed those pics but they're great! I always look forward to seeing pics of C - he looks like the happiest kid! ...and he's so dang cute! I love his chompers. :love: Farewell...for now.
mere -- not to long before you're back? :Up_to_something: If I had a cutie like your little boy, I'd want to make another one soon too!

HH -- such cute pics! I love the one with you.

AFM -- Anderson has gone 8 hours between feedings for 3 nights now! He's turning 4 months this week and that was my goal. We have him flat on his back now (we think the reflux is better) and changed to a Nuk pacifier which stays in his mouth longer. We are scared we are creating a bad habit with plugging him a couple of times a night, but I don't care for the short term because I'm so well rested and happy!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Just wanted to report!
Thanks pupp! Re: his chompers, he is up to 8 and as of this weekend, has more coming in! Insane!

Lanie, yes, I will be back sometime... lol. Not too sure about the timing just yet. May start trying around this time next year. The thing that holds me back is worrying that I will have another baby that was just like C. Very needy, very clingy, horrible napper (not-a-napper). I worry that I will miss out on alot of the fun times with C, if I have another baby that refuses to be put down. Hard decision to make, but the jump has to be made at some point!
How are you doing?!? My parents and I took C to Gaveston for his birthday yesterday. The weather was incredible!
That is awesome to hear about A's sleeping, and YOURS!
Sick kids. Baby with diarrhea and just not happy, big kid with high fever and something nasty. Hopefully everyone will be healthy for Easter.

I can't believe how time flies and that we're already sending our class presidents off to the big kid thread!
Hi everyone! This is my first post here, I had my son Ethan via c-section on Sunday morning at 34 weeks. He is in the NICU but is doing really well! I'm off to feed him now... Glad to finally be on the new mommy thread!
Hi ladies, thanks for asking after me. I read a few times a week on the ipad when I am feeding O before bed, but my free time is so limited.

Work has been.. uh, ripping me a new one. And Jumper has had a cold for what seems to be ever, which means he is congested and not sleeping well. The details are pretty awful, but ultimately ended in hubby and me essentially letting Jumper scream for two hours straight last night (NOT on purpose!) due to absolute exhaustion. (And I normally wake at his little peeps.) We felt awful. But things are not going to change anytime soon, so we soldier on. We are contemplating a nanny yet again due to his illnesses. I know it is great for his immune system, but working 80 hour weeks and not sleeping are incompatible.

Lanie- I am still pumping! And still have the infection, but it is tolerable. 6 months is my big first goal and we are getting close. I am really proud that I have stuck it out for so long.

Jumper is 4.5 months now and an absolute joy aside from the fact that he does not nap nor sleep at night these days. He is the smiliest, happiest, talkative little snuggle. We adore him :love: :love: I'll try for a BPF photo.
Tuckins~ Congratulations!! Welcome, Ethan!! Lots of prayers for a quick NICU stay and a healthy baby boy to bring home!
somethingshiny|1303262002|2900564 said:
Tuckins~ Congratulations!! Welcome, Ethan!! Lots of prayers for a quick NICU stay and a healthy baby boy to bring home!

Thanks Shiny! He's such a sweet little punkin, it breaks my heart to have to leave him down there...

Ya know, it blows my mind that hospital staff, who know that there are rooms full of new mommies on pain meds recovering from surgery, would stand outside paients' rooms and just talk and talk and laugh... It's late and I can barely get up on my own, yet I've had to get out of bed twice to shush them, and i'm about to do it again!! :angryfire:
Tuckins: I'm with you on the loud talking---except in my case it was the housekeeping staff!! they were screaming down the hall trying to figure out who took a cart from a closet they shouldn't have taken it was ridiculous!

can anyone recommend a shampoo or oil? I'm putting an order in with a colleague going to the States.
and anything else you couldn't live without that you'd recommend?

Tuckins, :wavey: sorry the nurses are being inconsiderate. My SIL was rooming right next to the nurses station and it was so LOUD. I was fortunate enough to have a very quiet stay. I hope E is doing well and that you're taking care of yourself!

Noel, go back to page 374 of this thread and you'll see N's cradle cap - it was bad. I tried everything and ultimately what worked is a shampoo called Nizoral. My pedi's instructions were to wet N's head, apply the shampoo and lather it up. Then, use a soft bristled baby tooth brush and sort of scrub (gently) his head. Rinse the shampoo and apply moisture to the scalp once the hair is dry. We used Aquaphor - VERY little. It worked wonders in just two washes and it hasn't been back. You'll notice that the shampoo is sort of difficult to rinse out so make sure you get it all and don't get it in Skye's eyes. It'll feel kind of *slimy* when you're rinsing it. If Skye has a mild case, you may want to try more natural things first.
Noel~ Lily had cradle cap so bad! I tried the home remedies with little result. I finally got Gentle Naturals Cradle Cap Care. It is kind of an oily lotion. I rubbed it into her hair and it loosened the scales quickly. It took about 45 minutes of solid combing to get the scales out of her hair though. Since S doesn't have that much hair, I'd think it would go much quicker for her. I also stopped using Baby Shampoo and Wash. I switched to an actual shampoo (Burt's Bees) and she hasn't had any issues since. I think Lily's long hair holds in all the oils so she needs something harsher than the Baby stuff. Her hair is much shinier now too. Good luck. I know when you look at your beautiful baby girl you hate to see those yucky flakes. The only thing I couldn't live without are Teething Tablets. You probably have some of those near you though. They are hard to find here now.

Tuckins~ Sorry you're dealing with an inconsiderate staff. My area is very rural so with Lily, I was the only Mom at the hospital. I was definitely catered too. Even when the housekeeping and dietary staff found out Lily had been flown out, they didn't come to the floor unless I requested something. Are you in the same hospital as Ethan? Is it close to your home?

I hope everyone is having fun preparing for LO's first Easter! For JT's first, I just got my favs and a few baby things in a little wagon. This year, since JT will take notice, I've had to find stuff for Lily's basket. I'm filling eggs with puffs and animal crackers for her. I found some cute weeble-wobbles in a bunny package and a few other things. Hopefully it'll pass!
somethingshiny|1303309578|2900887 said:
Noel~ Lily had cradle cap so bad! I tried the home remedies with little result. I finally got Gentle Naturals Cradle Cap Care. It is kind of an oily lotion. I rubbed it into her hair and it loosened the scales quickly. It took about 45 minutes of solid combing to get the scales out of her hair though. Since S doesn't have that much hair, I'd think it would go much quicker for her. I also stopped using Baby Shampoo and Wash. I switched to an actual shampoo (Burt's Bees) and she hasn't had any issues since. I think Lily's long hair holds in all the oils so she needs something harsher than the Baby stuff. Her hair is much shinier now too. Good luck. I know when you look at your beautiful baby girl you hate to see those yucky flakes. The only thing I couldn't live without are Teething Tablets. You probably have some of those near you though. They are hard to find here now.

Tuckins~ Sorry you're dealing with an inconsiderate staff. My area is very rural so with Lily, I was the only Mom at the hospital. I was definitely catered too. Even when the housekeeping and dietary staff found out Lily had been flown out, they didn't come to the floor unless I requested something. Are you in the same hospital as Ethan? Is it close to your home?

I hope everyone is having fun preparing for LO's first Easter! For JT's first, I just got my favs and a few baby things in a little wagon. This year, since JT will take notice, I've had to find stuff for Lily's basket. I'm filling eggs with puffs and animal crackers for her. I found some cute weeble-wobbles in a bunny package and a few other things. Hopefully it'll pass!

Yes, I am in the same hospital as Ethan and it is about 4 miles from my house, so it's not too bad when I have to leave because he will be here for at least another week. He's having a little bit of trouble because he's a premie... Nothing too bad but he's jaundiced and it's making him lethargic, which is making it difficult to feed him. If he starts to loose weight he will have to have a feeding tube. :(( I really don't want it to come to that, I want him to be a miracle baby and be ready to go home soon! I can't stand the thought of leaving him here! ;(
Tuckins~ Lily was only away from me for a couple days, but when they flew her out and I was without her, it was very traumatic for me. Some of the other Mommies here had to go home without their babies too. Please feel free to post about anything you need/want to.
Tuckins - Congratulations on the arrival of Ethan! I can't imagine how tough it must be to be away from him. I hope he continues to improve rapidly so you can take him home soon.don\

Icekid - I hope this doesn't sound patronising but you should be proud of yourself - you have really toughed it out! I hope Jumper is better soon.

HH - Attention whore as much as you like - what great photos!

Lanie - Well done on the feeding. You must feel like a new woman! Hope A keeps it up and yes, worry about the paci issue another time and enjoy your sleep!
Tuckins - Welcome! It sounds like E is doing great!! I'm happy to hear you're only 4 miles away, that will be nice. Our hospital was 25 miles from our house so the drive felt like eternity!! :(sad
Does anyone have an actual timeline for number two (or three!)? I know shiny and mer have both mentioned it... I feel like I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I would be fine with just one but I know deep down DH wants two. If we did have two I would want them very close, two under two, which makes me feel a lot of pressure to figure it out soon! There's this imaginary looming deadline to decide!
noelwr|1303306313|2900848 said:

can anyone recommend a shampoo or oil? I'm putting an order in with a colleague going to the States.
and anything else you couldn't live without that you'd recommend?


I just used olive oil or baby oil. I'd put it on the affected area about 5-10 minutes before bath, and then brush the area with A's baby brush while he was in the tub. Then wash, rinse and towel dry. It took a few applications but it's gone and hasn't come back.
Kunzite... we are still so up in the air on a timeline. DH and I want 3, but I would prefer that they be at least 2 years apart, each. I had siblings that dealt with issues in high school, not being able to create their own identity, due to being so close together. That is our reasoning, well, that and the whole college tuition thing, prefer to not do more than 2 at the same time.

With that said, we started a bit earlier than originally planned, so we don't mind waiting a bit for the next 2. ::)
I'd be pregnant right now if we could afford two, but I know it will be better to wait for a couple reasons. The biggest one is that we don't want to do daycare (it's crazy expensive anyway), and since my dad watches Micah, he would have a SUPER hard time watching that busy little toddler as well as a new baby. Sadly, I think this means we will have to wait until Micah is 3-5 to try for another...I'm sort of disappointed. :(sad
re: more babies. I would love another! Unfortunately, I'm worried that we'll WANT one but won't be able to swing it. We'll see what happens. I'm 33 and was hoping to have both by 35 but that ain't happening! We have several friends with babies close in age to N and my nephew is 7 months older so at least my kiddo will have a playmate if we decide not to have another.
At this point we're one and done but I'm starting to feel the effects of baby fever who knows. If we have a second it wont be for at least another year, possibly 2.
Immediately after I had JT, we knew we wanted another. We had hoped to be preggo by JT's first birthday. Two under two was by goal. Our original "family" plan was to have 4-5 by the time I was 30. Obviously that plan is way out the window. Currently there is no real plan or goal. Just wait and see.
Noelwr! I used Weleda's Calendula oil for M's scalp. Just massaged it in and then gave her a shampoo while combing the flakes out. Every single flake came out and never came back. Considering how much I combed out (it was kind of horrifying because I didn't realize how much she had until I started combing in the bath) it's amazing that there wasn't anything left...just clean baby skin underneath that Armageddon of flakes. OMG. Good luck! I'd read that many people just use olive oil but I loved the Weleda Calendula oil because it was very soothing.

CONGRATS, Tuckins!!!!!

All these beautiful babies! I can't believe it, but we are also thinking about #2! Maybe after M is at least 6 months to a year we'll try again. We know we want two and I just want to get it all over before I become a geriatric!!! I had M at 34 and am feeling super ancient these days... :eek: I can't imagine chasing two toddlers when I'm much older than this! GAH!