
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Kunzite - O is such a cutie!

Allie - Those Easter pics are just the sweetest!

Noel - Skye really is beautiful. Enjoy the nice weather - we are going into winter and I'm not looking forward to it. Hope you feel better soon.

SS - They look so sweet sitting their together. Makes me think how sweet it would be for Claudia to have a sibling!

Icekid -How are you ever going to be able to say no to Jumper with those eyes!

Lucy - Wow, she is adorable!! Good luck with no 2.

Lanie - He is such a cutie! Nudie pics of the little ones are always so precious.

As for us, Claudia is 3 months today! She is still sleeping well at night (sometimes for 11 hours!?) but can't get her out of 40 minute day-time naps. She coos and babbles all the time and loves looking at herself in the mirror on her activity mat, although I'm not sure she has worked out it is her yet. Anyway, here are a couple of pics - she hates tummy time on the floor but loves it on daddy's chest and daddy has taught her to hold the bottle for herself (for the record, this pic was just for fun).

Feeding 22-4.jpg

Tummy time - 26 -4.jpg
we've got some super babies on here! holding a bottle at 3 months and sitting up at 4!

geri - S also loves tummy time on Daddy's chest and sleeps there before her last bottle.

Lanie - love your little popeye! how did you get A to learn to sit? I think it's going to be a while for us, yet, as S is still too lazy to keep her head up, even though she has no probs doing it while on her tummy.

lucy - your little girl looks like a little doll, such finely carved facial features! is she by any chance part Eastern European?

- - -

I'm feeling better, but those were a rough 3 days! really not looking forward to the next one in 3 weeks, and then I've got 12 weeks of weekly treatments which I'm hoping have less side effects.

I'm also not crunchy, but thought it wouldn't hurt to try out HH's recommendation with the amber beads for teething so found someone here who sells them, though they seem to be more common in other parts of Europe. Skye just wore them for the pics. she's not teething yet.

by the way, if you want to get a good laugh out of your baby, try softly bumping their head against a helium balloon. Skye goes crazy with laughter and squeals.
So....who here has flown with their LO? What was your experience like? I'm going to San Francisco next month for memorial day weekend and I'm debating whether to take A with me or not. I have a 7:55 pm flight out there and I'm taking the red eye back (so I leave around 11:30 pm)....thoughts?
HH, are you generally laid back about A and his schedule and rolling with the punches? If your answer is no, then I say no way! If you're not stressed when things go awry then yes. I personally am WAY too uptight for that! :lol: Is DH going?
I'm quiet laid back. My concerns are 1. getting frazzled trying to get through security and 2. Aidan screaming the whole way on the plane. And it's just me going. But if A stays home then he'll be staying with DH which means his schedule will be out of whack by the end of the weekend anyway...
Hhmmm, if I were more laid back about things, I would probably take N with me on a trip if the opportunity arose. I would have the same concerns as you but would stress about them to the point of anxiety. And, I would want to strangle every person who dared to make a peep whilst my baby was trying to sleep! Ok, so I'm no help at all here!
Hello, all. Gorgeous gorgeous baby photos (as per usual!).

re: laid back. If I were any more laid back, I'd need to be stuffed. lol I'm very blessed to be a person without a worry gene.

Lily has spoken!!!

Yesterday my MIL, Lily, and I were playing on the floor. There was a noise on the front porch and Lily turned and said, "Dada?" Unfortunately it was just the mailman.

Today, while watching the Royal Wedding (the repeat, we weren't up early enough for the live coverager), Princess Kate was waving to the crowds. Lily started waving and said, "bye-bye." It was so sweet. Her first Bye bye was to the princess. lol I think we're in for a drama-laiden existence with this girl.

That's all for now. My house looks like it's been hit by a natural disaster. A week of being sick, a month of clean-up. How is that even possible??
SS, yay for talking! I swear N said "Uh-oh" the other day. We'll see if we can get a repeat. He has this habit of mastering something, doing it for a few days then won't do it for a while - very strange.

N also got a chomper - finally! I thought this kid wasn't gonna get a tooth until kindergarten! He is seriously the cutest, most fun baby. I can't wait to get home to hang out with him everyday.
shiny - wow! talking so early. that's very young, isn't it?

puppmom - hopefully I'm not asking the wrong thing, but I asked a while back why you're teaching N sign language? I find it very interesting and am wondering if it's something I should look into.
Noel~ I think the "milestone" is right around a year old. JT and Lily both spoke their first words around nine months. But both of them were/are behind on gross motor skills. I guess not moving much makes them think more. lol

Lily has been "dada"ing and "bye-bye" ing all day yesterday and today. Anytime she sees DH she says "dada" and anytime someone leaves the room she bids them farewell. It's so sweet.

Took JT to the park yesterday where we flew kites and will go back today with Lily too. There was a guy there yesterday who brought 2 humongous kites. They were each as wide as I am tall and over 50 ft long including the tail. Just amazing.

I've been completely off Zoloft for just over two weeks. It's been a bit rough but I did find a "natural" stress relief spray. It seems to take the edge off the rough moments. I'm hoping that within the next couple weeks I can be off of that too. I'm much better than I was a few months ago but I want to be back to normal, ya know? Also found out that I should NEVER take bc pills because I have migraines with aura. I've had migraines with aura since I was 10 so I don't know why I was ever put on bc pills. Anyway, if I can't manage to stay off of Zoloft, we're gonna have to figure out some bc method that I can use.

Sorry for the rambling. Hope you're all having a great weekend!
Hi mamas! I don't have time for a long post because today is spring cleaning in the Kunzite house!! MIL is coming to stay with us for a month (!!!) starting tomorrow, so we need to get this house presentable. DH goes back to work on Tuesday and MIL is taking over. Poor DH is so sad, he's really going to miss his days as a SAHM (yes, I consider him a mommy, hehe).

For anyone without a jumperoo let me say that it's one of the best things we've gotten for O. He LOVES it. He's not one to want to be held, he's a little too independant for that, so it's perfect for him to be able to stand and play without our help. LOVES it!! :appl:

SS, maybe you're right about the not moving and the talking. N's not crawling or pulling up yet but is talking up a storm! New sounds everyday - he discovered "mama" and "dada" this weekend. Good luck over the next few weeks as your body adjusts to "normal". Hopefully the nice weather helps your mood too. I definitely find the sunshine to be a mood booster for me.

Noel, we do teach N sign language - so far the only thing we're certain he knows is "more" but we're working on "all done" and "milk". I definitely find the signing lessens the frustration at meal time. You should try it - it's always so rewarding when you teach your baby something and they finally do it back. It's fun!

Kunzite, yes to the jumperoo! ...and what a great pic!
Well ladies, it's a good day. In addition to the news, the sun is shining, my child found his voice over the weekend and is babbling consonants left and right, he's army crawling, and he STTN last night.

ETA: We took A to the aquarium for the first time over the weekend and had a fantastic time. Then we went to lunch at a noodle chain called Wagamama where Aidan devoured soba noodles in a curry sauce.
HH, I'm sharing your post with DH. I want to take N to the aquarium and DH swears he's too young and wouldn't enjoy it. We're so going now! ...ah, doesn't it feel like yesterday that we had crabby babies? Remember the days when your kid would cry on and off from late afternoon until bedtime? This is so much better! It's our reward for putting up with all that crap. :bigsmile:
TJ and I were watching The US of Tara last night and one of the characters has a new baby who was colicky. As we watched it I said to him, "remember when Aidan used to scream like that for hours every night?"

Yea, that would be one of the reasons why we're one and done!
Yay for baby babbles!!

Lily is discovering more and more with her voice. It's so funny. Yesterday she looked at her cup and said "baba." It was only once and I'm not entirely sure she was trying to say bottle, but looks like more words are coming quickly. I swear she has a sense of humor too. I've been trying to get her to say "mama" and this is how it goes.

Me: Say MA MA
Lily: (purses lips)
Lily: (grins)
Me: Ma Ma. Ma Ma
Lily: Dada (grins)
Me: Ma MA
Lily: (in a raspy weird voice) Dada Dada Dada. (grins)

Mama is gonna be her last word just because she thinks it's funny.

So, who else has gone to the park lately and ran into a lady with a child the same age who is doing EVERYTHING?!
There was a lady with a 10 month old who has 6 teeth and is walking. She acted like Lily was a leper. :angryfire: :nono: :rolleyes: And, to top it off, this lady's older child is the one who smacked me in the stomach with a bat while I was preggo. He was still being a hellion.
SS, sorry about your crappy playground experience. N goes to a playgroup weekly and MIL is constantly feeling sort of beneath the other women because their kids are far more mobile than N. I think it makes her worry that she's doing something wrong. :(sad I'm in no rush for N to *move*. I can tell by my interaction with him that he is NOT behind and that's he's smart as a whip. He's extremely engaged and knows what's going on always. So what that he doesn't crawl! I do find that some people go further than just bragging about their kids' abilities - they're sometimes plain full of it! There was a gal on BBC who insisted her 8 month could walk, read and feed herself. Really? Ok. It's totally okay to be proud of your kids and get excited when they do new things. I love to share milestones - but some people just seem to be over the top.
somethingshiny|1304356290|2910113 said:
Yay for baby babbles!!

Lily is discovering more and more with her voice. It's so funny. Yesterday she looked at her cup and said "baba." It was only once and I'm not entirely sure she was trying to say bottle, but looks like more words are coming quickly. I swear she has a sense of humor too. I've been trying to get her to say "mama" and this is how it goes.

Me: Say MA MA
Lily: (purses lips)
Lily: (grins)
Me: Ma Ma. Ma Ma
Lily: Dada (grins)
Me: Ma MA
Lily: (in a raspy weird voice) Dada Dada Dada. (grins)

Mama is gonna be her last word just because she thinks it's funny.

So, who else has gone to the park lately and ran into a lady with a child the same age who is doing EVERYTHING?!
There was a lady with a 10 month old who has 6 teeth and is walking. She acted like Lily was a leper. :angryfire: :nono: :rolleyes: And, to top it off, this lady's older child is the one who smacked me in the stomach with a bat while I was preggo. He was still being a hellion.

I don't want Aidan to walk. I think he's too short and it's going to look like a baby walking, like the dancing baby on Ally McBeal. DH and I watched Austin Powers over the weekend and we both commented on how mini me reminded us of Aidan in some ways...
I do have a friend whose 9 month old daughter walked and it was kind of creepy - especially since she was about 16lbs and 29inches. She said it was hell chasing around that mini-human all the time!
A friend of ours has an 18 mo old who weights 17 lbs and simply teeny tiny. Her 4 mo old brother is 13.5 lbs. She has hit her milestones, was actually walking early, doctors say she is fine...just little. But it is quite hilarious to watch this tiny little girl toddle around.
I have a nephew who walked at nine months but he was bigger. The little 10 mo old that I saw was just weird and kinda creepy. She was teeny all over and had all these teeth and just wandering around. It was weird.
At our school we have a 5 year old student that is 34 inches tall. We also have a 5 year old that is like 4 feet tall.
You guys have me thinking - size does influence what people think of your kid. I think people often think N is older and therefore expect more of him. But he's just a baby - even if he is 25lbs! Conversely, DD was 18 lbs at 1 year old and people were quite impressed by her probably because they thought she was much younger.
I swear I have the worst luck posting here - everytime I try either Liljana wakes up or I lose my post or I get interupted it has only taken me 7wks and 2 days but OMG I finally posted again :D

I can't believe it has been 7wks already :o I am tired slightly frazzled but content - the smiles she gives me make it all worthwhile :)

We had the 6wk pedi check - found out she is perfectly healthy which is awesome :) and my LO weights 5.59kg's and is 58cm long in 6wks she grew 6cm WTH :o she is in the top percentile for weight and the second top percentile for height - we don't have to see him again until she is 6mths :)

Does anyone have any napping tips - my used to love to sleep bubby has gone from sleeping during the day to catching a couple of cat naps on mummies chest - she does sleep decent chunks through the night but I can tel she is tired yet she wants to be awake - she is not the biggest fan of being swaddled and won't take a pacifier she just wants to keep in the action LOL.

Bliss For trying a bottle L wouldn't take one either intially I tried the Medela Calma that is meant to mimic breasfeeding (IMHO big waste of money) and failed the nipple was to hard and long and the flow slower then at the boobie - I tried feeding her and that was a beyond epic fail. I did however find the MAM silk teat to work - we have used the 0month + the nipple is soft and feels as close as plasticy stuff can feel to a nipple and the flow matches mostly what she gets when she is at the real thing (mind you I have a forceful letdown). What we found to work was if Daddy feeds her and I am not in the room also if she is hungry but not starving either - worth a shot possibly :).

Shiny Lily sounds hilarious congrats on the words :)

Pup LOL I am sure when N starts walking your MIL will miss the days when he wasn't and was easier to look after :)

Pupp your right about size of the baby influencing opinions it happened to me as a child as I was tall for my age and people just expected I was older - I worry that my LO will have the same issue as she is fairly tall as well

I know it is not friday but since I have not added a photo I will in my next post this one was taken 3 wks ago - she is now bigger LOL

PS loving all the cute baby pics :D

ETA some reason PS will not allow me to add pics :(
I remember on America's Funniest Home Videos or something like that there was a 1-year-old who could see all the presidents' faces in a book and name them. I don't think it's reading, it's more very good memory and talking skills.

Deelight - wow you're LO is growing fast! Skye is 21 weeks old tomorrow and is probably around 6.3kgs and maybe a little bit over 62cm. hope to see your pics soon. it could be that the ones you are trying to upload are too large in size?

puppmom & shiny - I was going to ask if you find that kids do fall into one of two camps. some focus more on talking while others more on getting mobile. I wonder which S will be. she looks determined to crawl...

shiny - I am sure your persistence will pay off and that when Lily says "Mama" she'll forget all about "Dada".

HH - Aidan is way much cuter than Mini Me!

Kunzite - they don't sell jumperoos here, but I'm contemplating on whether to get the one that hangs from the door.
I was just looking at baby chairs available, and I ran into this cool-looking one: Bloom Fresco Loft. can even go up to counter top or breakfast bar height. can also tilt chair back so it becomes more like a cradle for babies under 6 months. apparently can be used for kids up to 80 lbs, though I'm sure they probably want to be sitting in a normal grown up chair by then.

anyone did any reviews on this one or know someone who has it? it's pricey, so just want to make sure it's worth the money and will last for a few years.

Noel, I believe TGal has that chair and loves it to pieces. You might want to ping her.
I really would like to post replies to all, but can't at the moment. I will catch up in a bit.

Noel - Super COOL looking chair. Have you checked Amazon's reviews:

Have you seen the Boon Flair? Also very nice design, though not as many features as the Bloom Fresco; however, quite a bit less expensive.
Lily is now identifying red, blue and yellow!

It's the little things that make you feel like maybe you're not damaging your kid for life.

And, in other news, I will start babysitting my friends bebe. I'll start with him the first week of June and he'll be almost 3 months. Probably 3 days a week. I'm scared/excited.