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- Jan 7, 2010
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PT - those cheeks! They deserve their own zipcode!! Love that photo of little Ava, she seems like such a sweet tiny thing. What baby doesn't have fussy moments, hey! Re the jewellery question, when S was born I had a 1.12ct OEC set in a milgrain bezel pendant; I originally ordered it last year but only got around to having it made just before she arrived. When it got here, S was a few days old and my husband said, "It's delicate, round and sparkly - just like Sylvie!". So it is now my "Sylvie necklace" and I plan to give it to her later on - maybe when she graduates uni or her 21st. I don't think it will date, but as LC says you can always buy a loose stone for Ava and keep it for her so she can choose her own setting.
LC - how infuriating re the dressers! You are so much more even-tempered than me, I would have cracked it! I agree with PT, they should offer you some form of recompense for the inconvenience. I can't believe they pitched up so late! Your 1 month party sounds lovely! We were going to do one for S this weekend but long story short, my family has so much going on (not directly to do with me - each of my parents has a lot of difficult stuff going on right now) that we didn't after all. Sorry to hear about your "non-fight" with J, but glad it has blown over. Those things suck! Sleep deprivation doesn't help either...
I was reading the pumping thread, and LADY - that is some supply you have going there! That is amazing! I am a little envious of your ability to drink by pumping and dumping - I have had a couple of glasses of wine but only one at a time, and only immediately after a feed. Enjoy!
NEL, don't be discouraged - there is nothing wrong with formula supplementation, and I reckon as you keep pumping your supply will gradually increase to fit, it has to lag behind her rapid increase in demand I think. You are doing a great job! Don't beat yourself up about the bottle teat incident - I don't know that I would have been able to work it out by the time that you did. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be "perfect mothers"... have to consciously remind ourselves that there is no such thing and that mistakes are both inevitable and excusable.
Mannequin - Weston is looking adorable! Re mothers group, all first-time mums here get put in a local mothers group by their municipal council, and it's organised through the maternal and child health service (which is a universal public health service monitoring growth, development, offering support to mothers, etc etc). Other ways you might find a group would be eg. through your local breastfeeding organisation or local baby shops?
Charbie, Aubrey is going great guns, and man she is cute! Sounds like she is kicking goals developmentally and with her growth, and I am so glad to hear it. Looks like she is having fun with those solids!
AFU - we are going well. I think Sylvie had a "growth spurt"/"frequency day" on Friday - she fussed a lot all day and fed 2-3 hourly during the day (instead of 3-4 hourly) and 3 hourly all night (instead of 4 hourly). Back to normal since yesterday though. Had a little bit of tension with my mother when she came around to help out this afternoon - generally she is absolutely fantastic, but every now and then we have niggles where there are differences in our approach to doing certain things eg. settling Sylvie. Sigh. Trying not to sweat it as none of it is major enough to be worth getting my knickers in a knot about, but I did feel a little frustrated.
We are starting to get out and about much more. Going out for a walk/coffee (either just us, or with friends) most days, and today we went out for lunch and a walk with really good friends of ours who have a 15 monther. Working myself up to bringing her into my old workplace to meet the team - but probably not for a couple of weeks.
Any exclusively BFing mamas - when did you/are you going to introduce the occasional bottle? I hadn't really thought about it but in the last couple of days I have talked to a few girls who have had issues with bottle refusal when they were planning for their return to work. I figure that since my breastmilk supply is now well-established, I should start expressing a bit and offering the occasional bottle... thoughts?
Edit: Oh and I just bought an entry-level DSLR camera! I confess that I did this purely so I could take better pics of Sylvie
Was tossing up between the Canon 550D and the Nikon D5100 (I am just not ever going to need anything fancier than these and will probably never get close to using them to their capacity!) but ended up buying the Canon as I am familiar with the interface and their entry-level AF 50mm/f1.8 lens is less than half the price of the Nikon. Very excited!

LC - how infuriating re the dressers! You are so much more even-tempered than me, I would have cracked it! I agree with PT, they should offer you some form of recompense for the inconvenience. I can't believe they pitched up so late! Your 1 month party sounds lovely! We were going to do one for S this weekend but long story short, my family has so much going on (not directly to do with me - each of my parents has a lot of difficult stuff going on right now) that we didn't after all. Sorry to hear about your "non-fight" with J, but glad it has blown over. Those things suck! Sleep deprivation doesn't help either...
I was reading the pumping thread, and LADY - that is some supply you have going there! That is amazing! I am a little envious of your ability to drink by pumping and dumping - I have had a couple of glasses of wine but only one at a time, and only immediately after a feed. Enjoy!
NEL, don't be discouraged - there is nothing wrong with formula supplementation, and I reckon as you keep pumping your supply will gradually increase to fit, it has to lag behind her rapid increase in demand I think. You are doing a great job! Don't beat yourself up about the bottle teat incident - I don't know that I would have been able to work it out by the time that you did. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be "perfect mothers"... have to consciously remind ourselves that there is no such thing and that mistakes are both inevitable and excusable.
Mannequin - Weston is looking adorable! Re mothers group, all first-time mums here get put in a local mothers group by their municipal council, and it's organised through the maternal and child health service (which is a universal public health service monitoring growth, development, offering support to mothers, etc etc). Other ways you might find a group would be eg. through your local breastfeeding organisation or local baby shops?
Charbie, Aubrey is going great guns, and man she is cute! Sounds like she is kicking goals developmentally and with her growth, and I am so glad to hear it. Looks like she is having fun with those solids!
AFU - we are going well. I think Sylvie had a "growth spurt"/"frequency day" on Friday - she fussed a lot all day and fed 2-3 hourly during the day (instead of 3-4 hourly) and 3 hourly all night (instead of 4 hourly). Back to normal since yesterday though. Had a little bit of tension with my mother when she came around to help out this afternoon - generally she is absolutely fantastic, but every now and then we have niggles where there are differences in our approach to doing certain things eg. settling Sylvie. Sigh. Trying not to sweat it as none of it is major enough to be worth getting my knickers in a knot about, but I did feel a little frustrated.
We are starting to get out and about much more. Going out for a walk/coffee (either just us, or with friends) most days, and today we went out for lunch and a walk with really good friends of ours who have a 15 monther. Working myself up to bringing her into my old workplace to meet the team - but probably not for a couple of weeks.
Any exclusively BFing mamas - when did you/are you going to introduce the occasional bottle? I hadn't really thought about it but in the last couple of days I have talked to a few girls who have had issues with bottle refusal when they were planning for their return to work. I figure that since my breastmilk supply is now well-established, I should start expressing a bit and offering the occasional bottle... thoughts?
Edit: Oh and I just bought an entry-level DSLR camera! I confess that I did this purely so I could take better pics of Sylvie