
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

OH NEL, I am sorry. huge hugs and healing thoughts. take it easy new mommas.
Hi Mommies!

Apologies for being MIA...lots of (not good) stuff going on in our adoption world (posted in the adoption thread) but I promise to be better! All of the LOs here are so stinking cute!! I see there are some new LOs! I don't think I'll be able to catch up so I'm starting from now...

Avery is 9 weeks now. At her well baby appt yesterday, she weighed 11 lbs 5 oz (75%), was 23 inches long (75%), and took her immunizations like a champ. She cried for about 10 seconds and that was it. No fever, no fussiness, no side effects that we've noticed thus far. She's still her usual happy self! Her pedi says that she is very alert and observant for her age and estimates that she will roll over in the next few weeks. She still loves to be swaddled at night and loves to eat. She smiles all the time and people (who don't really know us or our story) always say that she looks just like DH, lol. She is just amazing and I love her so much!

I will upload pics when I get home tonight (yes, I'm back to work ;( )
IG, I'm so excited that you're posting here! :) Anyway, fantastic that your A is doing so well!!! Do post pictures :)

Ethan's doing so much better today. yesterday he went on boob strike. Today's he's actually latching. I think he nurses correctly on the left boob but just sucks on the right one. I can't tell. He actually latched on the left without the nipple shield. I think my right boob is a little "off" since I'm right handed?

On kind of bad news, I found out that my STD insurance company is only granting me 8 wks of STD. Boo! I'm going to see if my doc can persuade them to give me an extra week or so but I won't hold my breath. Alternatively, I can do some contract work to help supplement my income a little while I'm home. We'll see. :(

Ethan's belly button is all healed so he had his first submerged bath today. Didn't take any pictures since I was by myself but I have one after I took him out. I had a bath thermometer to 93F, and filled up my bathroom sink.


NEL, I'm so glad you are OK! How scary! :(( Rest up and let us know when you're home!
IG, so glad to hear that Avery is doing well! She sounds like such a happy baby, I'm still so happy and excited for you. I can't wait to see some more pics! When did you go back to work?

LC, Love that pic of Ethan. And how did the first submerged bath go? Did you just put him in the sink? Katie's belly button stub thingie just fell off yesterday, so I was going to give her a submerged bath today, but not sure if I should just put her in the sink or use the tub. I think she'll like a submerged bath more than the sponge baths she's been getting.

Sorry to hear your STD is only covered for 8 weeks. Mine is the same (for a c-section), but I'm taking 2 weeks of paid maternity leave that our company gives us and then a month of paid vacation. Do you have extra vacation time you can use in addition to the STD time? I know you can do contract work if you need to (which is great), but I also know you were counting on having 14 weeks off and it stinks to have to revise your plan now.

AFM, I'm home from the hospital and am a happy lady!

Funny story--before I passed out, I cleaned up any blood that was on the floor and wrapped myself in about a dozen towels so I wouldn't get blood on my sheets. When the EMTs came up to the bedroom, they unwrapped me from the towels and then...gasp...put the bloody towels right on top of my bed! The EMT guys were super nice, so I'm not complaining, but they are obviously not married, haha.

Katie is spending more time awake during the day now. I spend a good chunk of the day entertaining her--I sort of rotate between carrying her around in the Ergo, holding her, putting her in the bouncy seat, putting her in the swing, bouncing on the yoga ball and then feeding her and sometimes myself in between. She used to hate her bouncy seat and swing, but in the past few days she's started to enjoy them, which is really helpful for me since I need her out of my arms to pump.

I saw the LC while I was in the hospital and she said that it might be best for me to just exlusively pump if I don't mind. I think it's probably the best idea since I'm going to be going back to work, anyway. My supply has stayed up enough to feed her breast milk exclusively, so I'm happy.
NEL, Unfortunately I have no other vacation time except for a few hours. :( So supplementing my off time with contract work might be the best way to get as much time as I'm hoping for. J and I haven't spoken about it but I guess we'll do that this weekend.

I just washed Ethan in my bathroom sink, but he's kind big for it, so maybe I'll see if one of my friends has a tub I can use. Otherwise I'll just get one. They're pretty inexpensive right? Ethan definitely liked his submerged bath more than the sponge ones he's been getting.
LC: what a cutie...I just love newborn photos. Love his hair too. Oh and definitely pick up a tub...

NEL: haha on the EMT guys. And sounds like you're doing great with on 2-3 oz and then 12 that one time! Pumping takes committment, especially once back at work, but worth it I"m sure. Sometimes it drives me crazy b/c it eats into what little free time I have, and a pain to drag the pump everywhere...but then bf'ing the old fashioned way (when I was doing it - still do it during night) was time consuming too b/c A would just suck away forever (or maybe I just was producing to little!).

PT: your A is about the same age as mine then (unadjusted for you), so I must not have been following when she was born. How's the bumbo going? Tried putting my A in one and so far she's not really taking to it (keeps leaning back).

IG: Happy to see you here! :wavey: Avery sounds like she's doing great and a nice healthy size! Alot of "A" names around here ;).

Anyway, looking for feedback on carriers now that you ladies have babies. The Bjorn was a fail for me both times and now don't want to keep buying carriers that don't work so looking for your thoughts. I have it down to Ergo vs/ Beco right now. I'm carrier challenged so can't deal with ties and too many buckles. A is a big one so thinking Ergo might be ideal.
Also taking suggestions on doubles for those who have one. Ease of use is key and also lightweight..thinking BJCMD right now (Baby Jogger City Double) but when I see it it just seems sooo wide (and it's one of the narrowest).
Janine, I only have the Ergo, but tried my friend's Bjorn once. I admittedly don't love the Ergo for newborns because the infant insert is a little cumbersome, but I do like that it allows Katie to look around. The Bjorn kept her too close to my chest. If I had it all to do over again, I think I'd still get the Ergo. But I've never tried the Beco.

Also, I don't have any experience with a double stroller, but I've heard nothing but good things about the BJCMD. A good friend of mine had narrowed it down to the Bob Duallie, the Bumbleride double and the BJCMD. She found out that the 2012 models of the BJCMD fix a lot of the issues that she was concerned about--mainly access to the basket is much better now. She got it and loves it. Down the road if/when we need a double, we'll probably go with the BJCMD as well.

LC, sorry to hear about the lack of vacation time, but I know you'll be fine. By week 8 you might welcome a little distraction :) And yeah ,the tubs are super cheap. I think I'd registered for a Puj, but after reading reviews on Amazon, I went with a more traditional tub and it was less than $20. Plus you probably still get the mom perks, so you can get a tub on your doorstep in a couple of days with free shipping :)
NEL: Thanks...what exactly do you not like about the Ergo? Thanks for the feedback on BJCMD (I always have to concentrate when typing that out!).

ETA: just saw you wrote that you don't like the infant insert..sorry! I think I did hear ERGO is better for bigger/older babies (vs. Bjorn for newborns). There are way too many carriers out there!
Janine I have the BOB duallie and love it but haven't tried taking it around town. I have heard a lot of people liked the BJCMD and watched a good review on Baby Gizmo. Janine, I heard the Mountain Buggy Duet Double Buggy Stroller is narrow and same with the Bumble Indie Twin. Have you seen the website Baby Gizmo? they have some extensive video reviews w/the stroller features, etc; it really helped me when trying to decide between the Indie or the BOB. I would give you the link but my browser isn't working right now.

NEL, I am glad you are home!

LC, I sometimes wash the boys in the kitchen sink but I we got this bathtub awww E is so precious! :love:

Imperfect, yay, can't wait to see pics!
Janine - It's hit or miss whether Ava will mind being put in the Bumbo or not. Some days she enjoys being able to look around freely, and others you'd think we were trying to torture her. We got the tray that goes with it, so I'm hoping when she's ready to start trying solids, it might work as a temporary high chair.

As for carriers, we have a Moby wrap and an Ergo. Like NEL said, the infant insert is a little cumbersome, but since Ava's head control is decent, I just use the little cushion for her bottom (since she's still petite), and it works nicely. She likes the Moby (and so do I), but I usually use carriers when she's cranky, and it takes so, so long to put on, that she's crying hysterically by the time I'm ready for her.

I wish I could tell you something about double strollers, but we sold our Bumbleride Indie Twin before we even took it out of the box (we no longer had use for it, but the return period was already over). A friend of mine did say she liked her Maclaren Twin Techno for errands, and her Bob Duallie for walks.

LC - Ethan is such a cutie! How is he liking the submerged baths? Ava hates baths, whether submerged, or sponge bath style. In fact, yesterday was the first time she just fussed, instead of crying hysterically. As for tubs, we like the Puj Tub for the bathroom sink, and also have the same tub as Skippy (I like the size of the whale tub, plus the little wedge that keeps infants from slipping down, and the foam back for the infant side). We got the Primo Euro Bath based on reviews, but it's so big, it takes up almost the entire bath tub.

NEL - I'm so glad you're feeling better and are at home. Hooray for good supply and a good meeting with your lactation consultant! Ava is finally having more alert/awake time too. Her favorite thing, outside of being carried around by mom or dad, is being laid down in her activity gym. Even though it's not the prettiest one out there, she loves the Lamaze Space Symphony Motion Gym because the bars actually sway from side to side. The music is a little creepy, but since her eyes have become a little stronger, she seems to be really captivated by the movement and bright colors.
Janine - I have the ergo, and LOVE IT!!! I think there are lots of ergo fans here. It is super-easy to use. First, snap on the waist part, put one shoulder on, insert kid, put other shoulder on and snap in back. I used a moby when she was little little, and liked that too, but to go shopping, oh, the ergo is so easy!!! She's happy as a clam in there!
OMG NEL - I am so relieved that you are all right! I know I'm late with this, but how scary and how unwell you must have been! So glad that you are now home again, topped up with blood, and back with your little girl. Re the exclusive pumping - when are you going back to work? Glad you are feeling comfortable with the EP option.

LC - baby baths are really cheap! Just get a basic one with a plug hole. Sylvie LOVES baths - but we only do deep immersion baths, she was not a fan of the shallow bath we had in hospital! She does, however, variably hate the bit where she has to be taken OUT of the bath - so much for the "relaxation" aspect!!!

IG - so lovely to see you here! I read your update on the adoption thread, I'm sorry that it has all been a bit emotionally fraught and that there are ongoing issues but I suppose this is reasonably common in these situations. So glad that the adoption has been finalised and that you are loving parenthood (as we all knew you would)!

Janine - I am no help with the carrier question, I only have a Bjorn! We only tried it out for the first time last night when Sylvie was unsettled and she was not a huge fan but I think it's because she was already really grumpy by the time we got it out. Re doubles - I have heard good things about the BJCM; I think the only solution for the width issue would be an in-line, but then you have issues with the length. I have a BJCS and we bought it partly because of its capacity to be used as an in-line double, but it would be pretty heavy.

AFU - Sylvie is spending a lot more time awake these days as well. We have just started getting social smiles in the last couple of days and she loves looking at colourful toys, hands and faces. She's less settled than she was but still really good overnight so far, and she hasn't had any bouts of inconsolable unsettledness or crying yet. Currently she's sitting in front of me in her bounce chair staring at me type :lol:
Liam is 6 months today!!

LIAM 6months.jpg
inhisarms17|1331331508|3145247 said:
Liam is 6 months today!!

awwwwwwwwwww so adorable, happy 1/2 birthday! :appl: I love the baby mohawk and those gorgeous baby blues :love:
NEL, glad you're home and doing OK. Ethan's been in the Ergo too. How do you situate Katie in it? Do you have both her legs in one direction or do you froggy style her legs into the carrier? I did both and it seems like he looks more comfy with the froggy legs but I'm unsure. So have you decided to go the EP route? I'm almost there. Mostly because I don't think Ethan will latch without the aid of the shield and with the shield it feels like a really shallow latch, like he's only got the nipple. I think he's expecting a much deeper and firmer nipple than my actual breast.

PT, I'd love to hear how you transitioned Ava from using the nipple shield to going without. Ethan FREAKS out when I put him to breast sans shield. He nursed for like 2 secs without the nipple shield once. It's like he's saying, "WTF is this soft fleshy thing? Dude, where's my milk!" Does Ava do tummy time on that activity mat too? I got one from a friend that doesn't have anything overhead, I'm wondering if I need any overhead interest. Aw, so sorry Ava is a fussy-face in the bath. But she seems like such a dream in all your pictuers I can't imagine it. Of course, easy for me to say.

Skippy thanks for the suggestion on the whale tub. I like it! I think I'll order that. Sis put DH on her Amazon Prime account so I can get it with expedited shipping (woo hoo).

Pancake, Yes Ethan loves submerged baths too. He's happy as a clam in there. He doesn't even fuss when we wipe his face which he usually HATES!

OMG Ethan was a MR. CRANKY-PANTS yesterday. And a litle bit today too!!! Sigh! I was really at a loss yesterday. I'm hoping today will be better. It seems like he's decided to go on boob strike today, hasn't nursed at all or if he did it was a fuss filled nurse.
Popping my head in very quickly to ask a question about pumping: Does anybody use a manual pump? If so, which one would you suggest is the best?

Thanks! :wavey:
Mayerling, no experience with a manual pump from me. Sorry! I just looked in my Baby Bargains book and it seems the Medela Harmony has the highest recommendation.

LC, I have the same frustrations with the nipple shield. Plus mine falls off every time she pulls away. So then I have to go wash it while she cries. Even if I get her to latch without it, she doesn't stay latched long enough to nurse her from start to finish, so I have to pump anyway.

So funny how they hate sponge baths and love the submerged bath. Last night Katie was really fussy, so I gave her a bath and she quieted down immediately. Our tummy time mat has things hanging down, but she seems to hate being on her back on that mat, so she never looks at them. At this point, I think a plain mat is fine.

IHA, Liam is adorable in the tub! I love his expression! And we have the same blow-up ducky :)

Pancake, I don't go back to work until May 30th, so I don't really NEED to pump anytime soon, but I'm so used to it at this point that I'm not motivated to keep working on her latch.

Katie hates a shallow bath, too, so we just do the deeper submersion baths. Oh, and I'm so jealous of the lack of unsettled crying! Hopefully that continues. And so cute to be seeing the social smiles, that must be fun! I still can't tell if Katie's smiles are real or gas.

AFU, a couple of random things:

1. Katie has been spitting up more the past two days. I'm still only giving her 2 oz. at a time (because of the spitting up), so I don't think I'm over-feeding her. I think I might call the pediatrician tomorrow just to get her opinion.

2. Newborn photo shoot was yesterday. She was a little fussy, but not too bad. I'm hoping we got a couple of good tutu shots.

3. I think I'm already making some mom mistakes. I've been reading that I should already have her nap in her crib to make sure she's used to it (I haven't), that I shouldn't let her fall asleep in my arms (I do), that she shouldn't fall asleep with the paci in her mouth (she has a handful of times) and that demand feeding will just lead to her waking up every 2 hours. I've been trying to keep a loose feeding schedule, but now I'm having the spitup issue. I realize that everything you read has to be taken with a grain of salt, but the mom guilt weighs heavily!
NEL, my son Miles use to spit up a lot. It turns out he had reflux. The tips the other mommas gave me were to keep him upright and really try to get a burp out of him. We fed the babies and pat pat pat pat till we got a burp. Sometimes putting them over your shoulder and patting works best? Also if the spit ups are more than 2 tsps full then it might be reflux. Babies do normally spit up about 2 tsps full and totally normal. If she does has reflux the Rock and Sleep did wonders for Miles which helped keep him upright. hugs and hope the spit ups go away.

LC, is he fussy a lot? I am sorry. The 5 'S helped us with crying (from the Happiest Baby on the Block). I learned that the first few months they do cry; I talked to lots of doctors in the NICU and I guess the babies bellies are developing so lots of of discomfort goes on? It makes sense to me because at 10-12 weeks mine seemed much more peaceful. I hope it was just a bad few days and things get better, hugs.

MAY, I never used a manual pump. If you plan to pump at work or more than a couple times a day you may want a electronic pump. I always hear good things about Medela pumps. Maybe the other mothers will chime in. I think I saw something once about manual vs electric pump. Here some lady talks about the pros and cons for the manual vs electric.

Pancake, yay for lots of smiles!!!

In a few days my boys will be 11 months; it is crazy how fast it flies! I use to hear moms say that but now I think it is true. Here is Miles playing in the laundry basket. I threw a hat on him. Here is another pic of them together! Babies love laundry, baskets and boxes! Oh and paper! :mrgreen:


Skippy, thanks for the reflux advice. D and I have started burping her until we get a burp and that does seem to help. She hasn't spit up so far today. We're also making her take lots of breaks, which she hates. And we feed her in more of a sitting position. I'm hoping the spit-ups stop. The good news is that she's a "happy" spitter, so she doesn't seem to be in any discomfort at all.

Quick question for you: when Miles would spit up, would you stop feeding him? My inclination is to stop, but then Katie acts like she's STARVING and I don't know what to do.

Adorable photos, by the way. I already feel like the time is flying by! Or maybe it's just a big blur! :)

LC, I forgot to answer your ergo questions--we're also doing the froggy leg position since Katie seems to like it. But I feel like she's going to be too big for it soon. When I take her out of the Ergo she has little creases on her feet from where my clothes were pressed against her.

I'm hoping Ethan is just going through a little growth spurt and that's the reason for the fussiness. I've read that the fussiness peaks at 6 weeks. Oy. The hardest part for me isn't even the crying, it's trying a million things to try to make her happy. Lately I've had some success with the swing, though even that can be hit or miss.

Hope everybody is having a great weekend! We just got back from our first trip to the beach. Katie slept :)

Sigh! Ethan's finally over his fussiness hump! J was aghast how cranky he was at 1AM last night. He ended up doing GIANT arm swings with him to calm him down. We don't have any baby swings for Ethan, so we just rock hold him and sway/swing/bounce. We have a vibrating chair, and that's about it. I think I might break down and get a glider since Ethan likes constant motion when he's cranky and I don't want to pace the house when all I want to do is sit down.

NEL, OK I think Ethan looked more comfy in the froggy leg position too, so I might do that. He doesn't stay in the Ergo for long, just a walk with the dog or so I can do something around the apt and use my hands (e.g. wash dishes etc). I had similar issues with the nipple shield except it's totally due to Ethan grabbing it off my boob. So I bought multiple nipple shields. I'm kind of inclined to just say F it, and go with EPing too, but it's easier to just have him nurse and not need to pump.
Sorry to hear about Katie spitting up. Does she gobble the milk down? I notice that Ethan gets a lot of "tummy grimace faces" when he gobbles down his bottle. So I try to get him before he gets too hungry so he will drink slower. So that means he doesn't quite make it to 3 hrs, he goes 2:30-2:45 or so between feedings. I'm hoping he'll start sleeping longer. I feed him about 3.5oz at a time. It sounds like I'm totally overfeeding him compared to your Katie. Can't wait to see the newborn pictures. I picked up my CD yesterday but it was a blank CD, boo!
Don't sweat the "Mom Mistakes." 1) Each book will tell you something different and 2) I think it's all about surviving right now. LOL. So if Katie will only sleep in the swing, the let her sleep in the swing.

Skippy. OMG those are ADORABLE pictures of them in the laundry basket. Do they crawl in there themselves or do you put them in there? My sis was asking if I do laundry every day now. Yup, every single day. Between cloth diapers, my laundry, sheets/towels, colors, whites and Ethan's clothes, the washer & dryer is running every day, mostly multiple times a day.... Yes DH read Happiest Baby, so we do the 5 S's. Good thing Ethan loves being swaddled.

I agree with NEL that the hardest part is figuring out how to make him happy. The Baby Whisperer says don't automatically stick a boob/bottle in his mouth and evalutate if he needs changing/burping etc first. It's tough. And when he's pissed he HATES diaper changes etc.

Question for you moms: Ethan had a diaper rash, the redness when away but he still has some broken skin from the rash that hasn't healed up yet. Any suggestions? It's not blisters it's just tiny red open skin. We still BalmX on him and been using cloth diapers exclusively. Just today I started soaking his bum instead of wiping with wipes in hopes of minimizing chafing/rubbing. Any other thoughts? I also do a few mins of air time, but he's still on his back. He hates doign tummy time on the changing table.

Oh and Ethan started outgrowing some outfits already.. ;( He's already growing up... But I'm looking forward to when he can actually talk to me...
NEL, well, Miles did spit up in the NICU so if he acted hungry we would still feed him but we would burp in between and at the end. If there were lots of spit ups the nurse suggested for every ounce a burp in between. I am glad she is such a happy baby but I understand feeling bad as a momma that you don't want them uncomfortable.

LC, we bought swing because it was soothing to Miles and it helped. Evan liked it too. We actually found it on so look there and sometimes they have those things for like half price. With diaper rash if it is raw you want to let it air dry or dap with a paper towel and maybe put some vaseline? We had something similar with Evan and I would wipe, then either air dry or dap w/a dry paper towel and then put A&D ointment which is vaseline and other stuff. I hope it heals soon! I put the babies in the basket, they crawl but they don't know how to get into a basket yet. Yes, I do laundry daily! I still do or every other day. I am glad E loves to be swaddled. eta: aww so he is growing out of his newborn clothes? they grow so Fast! etaa: tummy time! put a mirror under his face, babies love to look at themselves, they sell safe ones that don't brake. Maybe worth a try? We would just do a few mins a day until they cried and then tried in the afternoon.

Pics please!!! I would love to see how much all the babies have grown, thanks for the sweet words on my boys NEL and LC!
I got an emailed pic from the photographer since I'm still waiting for the CD. Attaching it here.

Ethan's fussy-face weekend is officially over! WHEW! He was a handful this weekend! But much better today. His diaper rash/broken skin is much better. Instead of wiping his bum with wipes, I fill up the sink and dunk him and give him soak/clean. Let him hang out on a prefold and wrapped in a towel for a few mins. His red spots are all but gone, he's just got one left. I 'm hoping it goes away by tomorrow. :)
Adding pics.


ducky bath towel.jpg
LC, that pro pic you just posted is my FAVOURITE of Ethan so far - it is so lovely, and not too posed... just glorious in his delicious babyness! Re the rash, it sounds like you have it under control - you are doing everything right! For future reference, if he gets a really excoriated, red and angry broken skin rash, I get my patients to use Orabase (it's the base used for topical medications to be applied inside the mouth) - it is the most indestructible barrier paste around! Glad Ethan is a bit more settled today. Things are so changeable at this age - the first 12 weeks or so, typically. Even though S is an easygoing bub, I'm almost too scared to ever say it in case I "jinx myself" (ridiculous, I know) - but by that I just mean that I keep wondering if she'll become a screaming banshee in the next few weeks! Sylvie is now moving into the next size of clothing too ;(

NEL, don't sweat the spit-ups. All babies reflux to some degree as the sphincter between the oesophagus and stomach is immature and doesn't hold things down very well. If she's not distressed and she's growing well, you have nothing to worry about at all. Getting a burp up may help decrease the amount though - I guess just mechanically, it decreases the volume in the stomach so there's less to come up! I would feed her as much as she wants/needs. As a rule of thumb, babies in the first month need about 150ml/kg/day (sorry about my metric units) to meet their nutritional requirements; some obviously take more than that (case in point: Sylvie, but more on that shortly!) but that is the loose requirement as such. Re your other worries about parenting - you are doing fine!!! There is no true "right" or "wrong" way to do things. The general feeling in the paediatric community now is that putting newborns on a strict schedule is not of benefit (and usually doesn't work). Demand feeding won't "teach" Katie to wake more frequently - she's too little to understand cause and effect (that doesn't come into things until 6 months plus). In terms of how you get her to sleep, the recommendation to let babies fall asleep in their cribs is just so that they learn to do it on their own, but there is no harm in doing it as you are doing it - but over time if you do it consistently then she will develop a sleep association and it can be tricky to break those (although it can be done!).

Skippy, I always love your photos! What kind of camera do you have? I am in the market for an entry-level DSLR at the moment and am not sure what to get... thinking maybe a Canon. Of course, this is entirely motivated by my desire to take better photos of Sylvie!!

Mayerling, I'm sorry but I don't know anything about manual pumps! I have a Medela Swing, but I don't really use it at this stage... at the moment I only express a bit for comfort if Sylvie has a long break between feeds and the girls are getting a bit distended, and in that case I just hand express, which works well for me.

AFU, we are going well! Had a bit of a yucky weekend as I had a bad cold and Sylvie was a bit out of sorts too yesterday, but - touch wood! - we both seem pretty much back to normal now. Today we had another maternal and child health nurse visit and Sylvie has gained 812 grams (1lb 12oz!!!) in 2 WEEKS! Hungry little hippo... she's now 75th centile for length and head circumference, and her weight is catching up on the 50th. We start mothers' group tomorrow - municipal councils organise groups for all new parents. I'm looking forward to it - lots of my friends have remained friends with mums in their groups for years!

Will upload some photos later tonight - haven't transferred any to my laptop for a few days.
Still haven't uploaded from camera but here are some dodgy phone pics...




LC, yay for the rash going away! Oh I love those pictures especially the pro shot so ADORABLE!!!! :love: :love: :love:

PANCAKE, awww S is so beautiful and such a doll!! :love: :love: :love: I am sorry you are sick, hope you feel 100% better soon. I have the Nikon d90 but I have heard good things about the Canon being super user friendly and that they take awesome pics. I know people with Nikon or Canon and they have been very happy so I don't think you can lose either way! baby feet are the sweetest, love her little feet! :bigsmile:
Skippy, if Katie still acted hungry after a spit up, I'd give her a little more as well. She never spit up twice. And glad to hear you had good luck with the rock and sleep. We use the rock and sleep at night and Katie seems to really like it. We have the snuggabunny rock and sleep and she sleps better in it than her snuggabunny bouncy seat or swing. She also sleeps better in it than the bassinet in her pack and play or her car seat (the car seat is too restrictive for her). We'll see how the eventual transition to the crib goes...

Pancake, so much for the encouraging words, that was very helpful to read. The spit-up issue is much better, so that is good. Miss Sylvie is a hungry little piggy (so is K)--it's great to hear she's healthy and growing! I love the pics (of course), she is a cutie!

LC, the pics of Ethan are adorable!!! Your professional photos--at least the two I've seen--seem to have come out really well!! I love the sleepy baby pics! And I'm also glad to hear Ethan's fussy face is gone. Some days will bring any sane woman to tears. But then when they fall asleep and you see their adorable sleepy's enough to make you want to smooch them 24 hours a day. Oh, and Skippy's mirror idea is a good one--K loves her mirror. I'll attach a pic.

AFU, here is my bulleted list of updates"
- The spit-ups are MUCH better. No spit-ups in 24 hours! I feel like she's a bit more comfortable and I'm happy I don't have to change her every time I feed her because she hates being changed :)

- K only slept for a couple of hours all day yesterday. She's a super alert baby and loves being walked around so she can look at things. I wore her for a good chunk of the day yesterday and we explored the yard. We also went to Target, which she seemed to enjoy. The constant entertaining is rough when she's up ALL day. But she slept really well!

- K nursed for about an hour today (I guess nursing is one way to entertain her). When she drinks from a bottle, she tends to drink pretty quickly, but on the boob she takes her precious time.

I send D pics every day while he's at work, here are pics from the past few days. I still need to take today's.


Katie Carrier.jpg

One arm cropped.jpg
yay, that the mirror has her doing tummy time! Oh my gosh, I love that picture, she looks like, who is that pretty baby in the mirror? :love: :love: What a doll baby!!! :love: Yay for nursing! aww she is precious!
Mannequin checking in here finally! :bigsmile: Today was my EDD with Weston - I can't believe he is already almost two weeks old. I love love love this kid and I love being a mommy.

NEL - Scary situation you got yourself into, so glad you are home and doing better. Sounds like you and Katie are adjusting well. Yay for less spitting up today! I have a swing but haven't gotten it out to try it yet. I am glad Katie enjoys hers and i hope it is an easy transition to crib later. Weston likes napping in his pack n play bassinet downstairs, and today I am trying to get him to nap in his crib. He has not been sleeping well at night - more on that later. Love the pictures of your girl - she is precious!

LC - Ethan is such a handsome boy! I love histhick head of hair. :)) Glad his rash is clearing up, poor boy. I am still working on figuring out what Weston needs when he cries, too. It's tough, especially in the middle of the night with a sleepy mommy and a cranky boy to decipher. I agree with you on the mom mistakes - I am sure I am making plenty! - and how survival is key right now. Things will get easier in a few weeks.

pancake - Sylvie is getting so big! What a lovely little girl. You have tons of great information to offer everyone here, I appreciate reading your posts. :bigsmile: Glad to hear you are feeling better!

:wavey: Hi, PT! Hope all is well with you and miss Ava!

:wavey: Skippy! Your boys are too cute! I love seeing their little smiles, what a pair they make.

AFM: The wee man is sleeping, so I have time for a quick post. Weston goes to his two week checkup on Friday morning, and I am excited to see how much he has grown. Some of the newborn outfits I have for him are already getting too small. ::) He is so cute and cuddly, and really is easy to take care of (knock on wood) - I told my husband that we are in big trouble. If all of our kids end up like this one, there will be demand for many more from our moms and families! I am trying to find someone to do newborn pics right now. I did not book anything in advance, and many local photographers now are unavailable. :( Hoping I can find someone soon before he grows too much!

I am nursing Weston with nip shields and also pumping a bit to make the girls feel better and give Daddy some bottles to help with feeding. He's been giving the baby one feeding in the evening for some bonding time. I was leaking colostrum for months before Weston arrived, and have had enough milk to feed triplets, it seems. I am glad that I am able to feed him, but he is definitely depending on the shields to make the nursing happen. I was told by the LC that some babies can take up to a month to learn proper latching, and in the meantime the shields help them feed and grow. I don't feel like he is always attempting to latch very deeply with the shields, but he is eating and that is what matters right now. I have noticed a bit of spitting up in the last few days now that I have real milk - not sure if it is a bit rich for Weston or if it was something I ate!

Biggest problem we are having is sleeping at night. Around 12:30-ish to 7 AM is rough for the little guy. The last three nights, the only way we could both sleep was to have him sleep on my chest while I lay on the couch in our living room. Not a comfortable long term solution. He just wants the skin to skin cuddle time and snuggling, poor buddy. I make sure he has eaten and been changed before trying to put him down. I have tried pacifiers, swaddling (he HATES it and kicks violently to get out!), and rocking, and sure enough, he is squealing again in five minutes after laying him down. I have a musical toy that I tried in the crib today during naptime and that seemed like it might help. Will try that tonight and see how it goes - if needed, I can go get a sound machine or one of those heartbeat critters for him to sleep with in the crib. I miss my bed!

Lastly, I am shocked and amazed at how fast my body is shedding the baby weight. I gained a little more than 30 lbs during the pregnancy, and I bet my regular jeans may fit again by this weekend even though I am redistributed a bit. I thought it was going to take MUCH longer to start seeing my shape return. Pleasantly surprised. 8)