
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Some more baby love...

Up Close w MM.JPG

Chilling by the pool.JPG
dcgator, it's so great to hear from you. So glad S is doing so well. She is one adorable little girl. I'd love to see more pics!!

AFU: Liam is teething hardcore and I feel so bad for him! I can't wait til his chompers come in and stop tormenting my little man. We're home today together as my mom has been sick and we're supposed to get a storm here in NY today. So it's quality mommy & baby time. Love it! :love:

Anyone else have an issue with tummy time? My child HATES it. I'm so worried he is never gonna crawl. I know. Quite the exaggeration. haha. But I can never get him to be on his tummy for more than 5 (sometimes 10) minutes at a time. He gets so aggravated and eventually will break out into full tantrum mode. He's got no issues with hold himself up or anything like that. I think he just gets frustrated and lacks the patience. Anyway. He sits up like a champ and LOVES playing in his around we go and jumperoo. I truly feel I will have one of those kids who skips crawling and goes right to walking. We shall see...

Not much else to report. I'll be around today, so let's get posting some pics of our little babes!

Here's another of Liam.. in the 2nd hat I made him. It's bigger and thicker. He doesn't look too happy but it was also 7am and he was tired. Haha.

Thanks to all of you for the breastfeeding advice and motivating stories. I was frustrated after yesterday's appointment, but after a couple of hours I realized that I was being a drama queen about it. There are moms out there facing very serious situations and in comparison, this is nothing. Seriously, the worst case scenario is that I'd have to FF and really? If that's as "bad" as it gets, then I'm a lucky mama.

Pancake, I don't think your advice comes across as inappropriate at all. Just because you are able to EBF doesn't mean you can't help out the rest of us!!

And I'm interested in hearing the BTDT mamas chime in about the relationship issue. D is still at home, but I definitely see this as being an issue for us as well. So far we haven't hit any snags and I think Katie makes us see each other in a new light. But when he goes back to work, I do think I'll feel isolated. I already do a little, and that's just when he's just running to the grocery store or something. Like your husband, mine usually leaves before 7 and doesn't get home until 6:30 or 7:30 at night, which will leave very little "family" time. I'm hoping to get out and do something each day. The ped said to just avoid places with a crowd, so I'm hoping the weather will warm up and I can just get in walks at the park. I also just joined a new mom group today and we meet once a week starting in mid March.

dc, congrats on the half marathon!! That's fantastic! And so great to hear that S did so well on the trip!! Adorable pics, btw!

Skippy, so far I have squeezed in 5 hours per night (though last night I just barely did). I think the key for me is just realizing that I need to work around K's schedule. On nights when she goes to sleep somewhat early, I go to bed early myself because I know she's going to be up more.

Phgirl, glad to hear that your supply eventually went up as well!! D did help me with feeding her last night while I pumped. The problem is the frustrating multi-step process--trying to get Katie to latch, then getting her to feed as much from the breast as I can ,THEN pumping one boob at a time, THEN supplementing with formula. It's okay at times during the day (when my pumping schedule overlaps with when she's hungry), but at night I think it might be too much. Last night I tried it once, but she was too tired. So I just give her formula mixed with pumped bm and then pump. As long as I'm pumping, I feel okay.

AFU, I squeezed in pumping sessions at 1 and 5 last night. And I'm drinking like crazy. So far today my supply has been pretty good! So I'm going to keep pushing.

I find that when Katie has activities during the day (ped appt., lactation appt,, etc.) then she sleeps the evening away and is up often at night. Last night she was up every couple of hours. I realize newborns don't have a schedule, but activities in the middle of the day = no sleep for mama at night (since she sleeps heavily in the evenings after being up during the day). Oh well, I've never been one to need much sleep and now it's coming in handy!

Going to get my stitches out today!

oh, and does anybody else miss being pregnant sometimes? I never really thought I'd miss it, but I'm looking down at my belly right now (while I pump) and I miss seeing my bump. And feeling the movements.
Hi all,

DC Gator: what a cutie and she is doing awesome! 6 months is such a fun age and impressed with the Disney visit. Thanks for food tips..I just never know when between the 4-6 month stretch is best since some recommend waiting. I think I will start introducing at 5 months but at least start stocking up on rice cereal..that's the best to start with if I remember correctly (you can tell I'm a 2nd time mom since I don't even crack open a baby book). And no fun with the teething, I am NOT looking forward to that. A is aready putting everything in her mouth and gnawing, so it's n t far away. Congrats on the marathon!

Pancake: I bet alot came up when you googled "relationship stress and newborns"! It is practially synonymous and in my opinion part of the ebbs and flow of a long term relationship and things evolve after a baby. DH sleeps in the spare room all the time. Sometimes I tihnk..uh this can't be good, but practically speaking yes it is....if he was in our bed he'd be unable to sleep, and I'd feel guilty about the baby why not use our spare room and everyone is happy! We also co-sleep so that is part of it, but with a King we'd still be able to do it (with precautions of course) but it's just easier on work nights to make sleep the priority. These are early days and you are still in survival mode so a small price to pay. If you have energy and the motivation you can always come up with a routine to incorporate couple time..maybe afer the baby sleeps to catch up, cuddle, watch TV, talk...other ways to connect a bit. We're a bit bad about that I have to admit, it's hard and there is no time! But it's a cliche for a's just so common so don't worry!

NEL: I think you need to do what's best for you and what you feel is right. I know LC"s say to pump to maintain supply and they are right on paper in that that is the best way to attack the supply issue - but you also need sleep and not pumping at night does not mean your supply will disappear. I am more of a lax mom so did what I believed I could but did not go crazy. In my case, my LO slept through the night from the beginning, and she was a good latcher - so if she had woken up I would have fed her, but the fact is she didn't and technically I should have woken up to pump...but to me, I was just following nature's cues and she wasn't hungry and I was tired!! I did start doing a pump session 12am but then that's it until 6am. I still produced maybe I would have produced more than the 2-4 oz I do now, but like I said you do what works best for you and your family taking into consideration all factors (sleep, well being, how opposed you are to formula for supplementation). For me I'm ok with formula to supplement, it gives me a break, and frankly my LO seems to prefer it sometimes! Still I give her what I can for BM and she still gets majority BM, so it works for me. Hang in there..I think it's still early and your milk will stabilize and start coming in a lot more.

IHA: Wow, nice are talented! And what a he really only 5 months..he looks so much older! I think alot of babies do not like tummy time...that's why it's more of a chore. We don't do it as much as we should either but we do let A sleep on her stomach monitored during the day. If he has head control, you probably don't have to worry about it as much at this point...soon he'll be crawling (or walking as you said)!
NEL: I had a hideous time establishing breast-feeding.

I had a very traumatic forceps delivery and massive haemorrhage after a 54hr labour and spent a couple of days in ICU, had 5 blood transfusions over that time, was severely anaemic and was on a lot of morphine - all things that can seriously reduce your supply.

UK hospitals don't have nurseries so even in ICU, D was with me the whole time.

Unfortunately it took over 2 weeks for my milk to come in - I vividly remember at the 7 day mark spending an hour hand expressing a whole 15ml which I then managed to knock over... I was hysterical over it.

The week I was in hospital I kept trying to feed Daisy - my nipples turned black and it was incredibly painful... she had a great latch but I had no milk at all. She ended up losing 20% of her bodyweight at which point the hospital put her onto formula.

Once I got home I did mixed feeding - I had a hand pump and I would pump one day and breast-feed the next to give my nipples time to heal. After around 4 weeks I moved to EBF. THIRTY-THREE months on, I'm still breastfeeding.

I would have worried about supply as I never got engorged, I have never needed breastpads and I never felt like I had a lot of milk, but my parents were really helpful as were the midwives (they come to see you everyday for the first 10 days at home in the UK - in my case they came for nearly a month). They all said that as long as she looked as if she was thriving that was the main thing, to check that the fontanelle wasn't sunken in, that she had wet nappies and that it was important that she put on rather than lost weight even if it was only an ounce or so.

The midwives all said that they couldn't believe I had gone on to EBF from such a crappy start, so if I could do it then most people can!

Just keep calm and remember that formula isn't poison, they won't necessarily get nipple confusion (I used Tommee Tippee 'Closer to Nature' bottles that are boob shaped just in case) and it doesn't mean you won't be able to EBF. Also, step away from analysing the ounces in! (It took D nearly 8 weeks to regain her birth weight of 8lbs 3oz and no-one was at all worried!)
LC, yay for latching! Little by little, piece by piece! Small victories are victories so don't stress the shield right now!

NEL, do what you can but don't kill yourself over it. I would sleep through my pump alarm in between feedings and wake up soaked some nights and panic that I had ruined my supply and wouldn't have enough to feed her.... Occasionally you just need some sleep and that will help supply more than a pumping session (at least it was true for me...) I pumped overnight for about ten weeks and then once Lucy slept through I decided it was high time I did too. Do what's best for you AND baby, which might not be what the AAP or certain websites suggest (side eye to a few of those websites in particular--as if we don't pressure and guilt-trip ourselves enough already!) And like others have wisely mentioned (and my pedi did too when I broke down for the third or fourth time in the office), it's formula, not battery acid; whatever makes you both healthy and happy! You're doing an awesome job!

DCG-- Hi! Can't believe you ran a 1/2 marathon already... rockstar! I still haven't gotten back to actually working out. I walk all. the. time. (dog and baby both love it) but my fitness levels are total crap... Good on you!!
Pandora, How often did you offer D the boob? I read that somewhere around 4-8 wks something just clicks and they "get it" and start to latch. I hope i can make it that long with Ethan.

DCG, Hooray for the 1/2M! The Disney marathon sounds like a ton of fun! Glad you were able to do it. And so nice that S really enjoyed WDW! I'm sure she'll love it even more as she gets older.

NEL, hugs my friend. YOu have a great attitude and yes, you're doing everythign you can. I need to take my own advice too, but go easy on yourself and enjoy Katie. I admit I was in tears yesterday because E wouldn't latch at all. This morning he gave me two sucks on each breast. It'll be like that for the two of us I think. How has upping the water intake been?

Ethan is slowly starting to wake for feedings. I think we just need to feed him a little more. Today's the first day I'm flying solo. DH went back to work today.

OK going to wake up the little man for a changing/feeding, then trying to get some lunch and a snooze for me. Adding a pic from his bath. Oh and he got his Newborn pictures taken yesterday! The photographer is done wiht them I just need to pick up the images.

LC, how was your first day flying solo? How is the latching going? Where's the bath pic??? :)

Moxie, thanks for the encouragement. So far I haven't felt too sleep deprived, so I'm doing my middle-of-the-night pumping. Once she starts sleeping longer stretches, then I will, too :)

Pandora, I probably would have lost my mind if I spilled 15ml after all you'd gone through, too. I'm so glad you were able to bf after putting in so much hard work. Again, it's always encouraging to hear that where there's a will, there's a way.

AFU, still pumping, but making progress! I'm now able to feed her breast milk (via bottl) the majority of the time, which is great! Still steadily working on increasing my supply (started taking Fenugreek yesterday), but so far, so good. I even got her to latch (using shield) for about 10 minutes yesterday and maybe 5 minutes this morning.

We're also falling into a tiny bit of a routine, which is nice. Granted, she's a newborn so not a very regimented routine, but now I sort of know when she's up and when she sleeps so that I can plan my day around it.
NEL, :appl: :appl: Yay for latching! I feel like we're going through this together! I'm glad Katie is doing so well. Hooray! I'm glad your supply is building. Being able to feed her from your milk is awesome! Do you feel the fenugreek is helping? Is it just a supplement (pill), or do you make a tea or something from the seed. Also the leaves are called Methi if you have a South Asian grocery around you. Maybe you can find some way to make a tea or something.

Flying solo has been OK. J is getting enough sleep since I take Ethan to the "nursery" for the night. We hang out, I pump and we snooze. J comes in and checks on us before leaving for work. Thus far we've been OK. I haven't napped yet today,I really should. It'll probably get REALLY difficult when I get the dog back, then I'll have to take her for walks too. Sis has been keeping Quizas until we get accustomed to life with Ethan.

Here's the bath picture. And I grabbed a screen shot of one of the newborn pics. I need to pick up the non-watermarked version from the photographer, but I love them. THere's only one that I really don't like, she did something weird in Photoshop. But other than that, I really like how htey turned out. :)


I had to pop in real quick and say:

INHISARMS, awww, he is sooooo precious :love: ; love the hat.

NEL, yay for latching!

DC, woohoo for the 1/2 marathon.

LC, awwwww so precious :love:
LC, adorable pics! How was Ethan during the session? Katie's photo shoot is next weekend and I'm worried she's going to cry the whole time.

I'm just doing the fenugreek capsules for now. I haven't noticed an increase in supply yet, but was also not as good about drinking a ton of water yesterday.

No latching since yesterday morning, but I have an appt. with the LC next week and am hoping to work on my technique. I think I'm just too tense.

Hope all of the newborn mamas are doing well!
NEL, Ethan goes through days that he won't latch but the next day he might again. Every day is a new day. I know it sounds trite but it really helps me to remember that when Ethan goes through his boob strike days. Hopefully we'll find our babies adding more boob on days than boob strike days. Ethan's been pretty good with latching the past two days, still with the shield. How's the pumping gong?

AFU, we switched to bottles yesterday. It's a lot easier to move Ethan from bottle to boob than SNS to boob, so we've been doing more practice sessions. I'm just waiting until he gets to the point that he just "gets" it. They said between 4 wks and 8 wks, sometimes babies just "get it" and start latching. Other than that, the pedi said that Ethan's gaining weight, actually said he doesn't have to gain weight that quickly, so suggested we stopped waking to feed him. The whole jaundice thing was what made us keep pumping him up with milk. But now we can go easy a little. He's also started to wake up for feeding time too.

Since letting him wake up for feeding is still new to me, what do you mama's do? Do you let the baby wake up crying? Or do you get them when they start grunting/squelching? We let him sleep through the morning today, and he was grunting and squelching about an hr after his last feeding (J fed him). So I didn't pick him up for feeding right then. But he kept squelching. I finally got him around 2.5 hrs after his last feeding. He wasn't quite crying yet. I read that crying for hunger is actually too late to pick them up. So what's the best way?

LC - those photos are gorgeous :love: :love: I think you have a really good attitude about establishing BFing and I hope you have more positive moments than negative!

Re demand feeding - I let Sylvie squidge around for quite a while before picking her up, although never until she starts crying. We have found that when she first starts squidging (my husband coined this term early on and it's just stuck) she will settle herself again, sometimes for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. So we wait until the squidgy episodes get closer together and more persistent, then we pick her up and off we go.

NEL, it's great that you have an LC appointment next week - maybe with that coming up, it might help you relax a bit in the interim, knowing that you have that to fall back on?

AFU - Sylvie will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, I cannot believe it is passing this quickly! The week was really pretty tough with D going back to work and in the middle of the week I was at the point of hormonal/emotional/tired that I could not have even a short conversation with anyone without bursting into tears! Thankfully my mother came to my rescue and on Thurs/Fri she came over around 10am and would stay until the afternoon so that I could sleep - and she's a great font of advice and support, so I am very lucky.

The weekend has been a blessed relief and D and I have loved spending all of it with little S, the three of us together. S almost seems to have some idea that the weekend has been important - on Friday night she went 4 hours between feeds with no unsettled periods at all, and then last night she was unsettled until midnight but after that feed she slept until 6am! Obviously too early to hope for this to be any kind of pattern, but we are thankful for it :) We have spent some time talking about the adjustment to D's return to work, sleeping, etc etc, and I feel much better about everything now. For the time being we are not taking on any weekend commitments if we can help it so that it is "protected family time".

She is a gorgeous, alert and expressive little thing! There are lots of things about new parenthood that are challenging and bits that are really difficult, but actually looking after Sylvie is a joy :) She is filling out really rapidly, I was looking at some of the photos from her first week this morning and she looks SO different! Sleep is going well - she is becoming good at self-settling, although will generally have 1 or 2 unsettled periods in 24 hours.

A few photos:

First tummy time, about a week ago:

I have owls on my nappy!

Waiting for a burp:

Chats with Dad:

First tummy time.jpg

Hooty Booty.jpg


Feeling chatty.jpg
LC, Katie is also fickle about latching. She's a lazy eater--often at night it will take her 20 - 25 minutes to finish 2.5 oz. in the bottle because she pauses and sleepily sucks. Trying to get her to latch then is nearly impossible. In the middle of the day when she has a bit more energy I have more success. Yesterday I had another 10 minute latching session! How is it going for you?

In terms of when to feed at night, my experience is the same as Pancake's. Katie will start squirming and then fall back asleep and the time between squirms gets shorter and shorter. The first few nights she was home, each little squirm kept me up and I'd stare at her, but now I can go back to sleep after the first couple of squirms. Still, I'm changing K's diaper before feeding her and that always gets her crying.

BTW, how is your carpal tunnel doing?

Pancake, the pics are so cute. So funny how baby expressions are similar--the puckered-lip burping pic is a look I'm very familiar with, haha.

Happy 3-week birthday to Sylvie!! Katie is two weeks today and I already feel like time is flying by. I'm nervous about D going back to work this week. He's been really helpful and I just think it's going to be 100x harder without him. I'm glad Sylvie was able to give you a little rest this weekend!! It sounds like you're doing a fabulous job of navigating through all of this--I know we're all still trying to figure it out.

AFU, I still feel chained to the pump, but at least I'm used to the schedule! I no longer need to supplement with formula (yay!). She's still not latching consistently, but even if I had to exclusively pump, I think I could. I'm lucky in that I've never needed much sleep, so I feel pretty much "myself" only getting 5 or so hours a night. I haven't needed a nap up to this point, but with D going back to work this week, I'm afraid I might hit a wall.

A couple of random things:
1. K hates to be swaddled. We don't even try anymore--I have a couple of halo sleep sacks and she contentedly sleeps in those. All of her swaddles have been retired into burp cloths.

2.K LOVES to pee when her diaper is off. She peed on me three times yesterday! Luckily I have cloth diapers (they were my burp cloths before the swaddles took that position), so now I have to put a cloth diaper under her when I take off her disposable diaper.

3. Is there anything cuter than seeing your husband dote on your baby? No. Seeing D go gaga over his daughter is so dang cute.

I need to download some recent pics, but in the meantime here are a couple of shots from the hospital that I never posted--she's 3 days old here. The shot where her hands are next to her face cracks me up--she looks like a little actress.


NEL, Hooray! I'm glad you don't have to supplement with formula anymore! It's a good feeling isn't it? I"m with you, if I have to EP I'll be OK with it. E started pretty good with latching today, but melted down this past feeding. Woke up crying hungry. Oops. Still trying to get a hang of the on-demand feeding when to pick him up part. I'm with you, not getting a super amount of sleep isn't too bad for me. J gets TOTALLY CRANKY and miserable when he's short on sleep, so I've been getting up and letting him sleep in a little more. It's WAY easier on everyone when he's well rested. Otherwise all 3 of us are miserable. The carpral tunnel is OK. I'm taking pain meds (ibuprofren) so the painful CT is gone. But the numb CT is still there. But not as bad as when I was preggo.

Friday I picked up J from the train station. The weather was crappy. But instead of wheeling E in his snap & go from the apt to the garage, I carried him in his carrier. It wasn't so bad, but I definitely think I overdid it. I've been kinda achy in my incision area the past few days so I"m trying to take it easy.

Sis has been hanging out wtih us this weekend. She's been so helpful. I need to put up some non-sheer curtains in my living room so I'm not flashing the whole neighborhood during my pumping/nursing practice sessions with E. I taped up a flat sheet but DH hates it and always takes it down. I guess he's more comfortable with me flashing the neighborhood than having a bed sheet taped to our sliding glass door. TOtally ghetto I know, but whatever I'm trying to make whatever we have work.

Tha'ts pretty funny that K hates being swaddled. E loves it. We've been doing to cloth diapers on E and DH actually is a fan. E likes peeing with no diaper on also, so Sis got me pee pee tee pees. Basically little cones I can put on his penis that will soak up any fountain-works he tries. It's worked out maybe 50% of the time. He's really squirmy, so he often knocks it off.
Pancake, awww she is gorgeous, look at that sweet face! What a doll!! :love:

NEL, she is so beautiful!!! Look at the beautiful hair; what a doll baby!!! :love:

aw, hugs to all the mommas! I think the first month is the hardest and then it all starts to get easier; you ladies are doing a fantastic job!!! Sometimes it is hard to know when to go to them; Miles was such a noisey baby and Evan wasn't so I would go in when they were on the verge of crying. You will get the hang of it; it is funny but the newborn stage now feels like a distant memory but yet it wasn't too long ago.
Skippy is exactly right. Ava is now about 8 weeks adjusted, and things got easier for us just over the weekend. We decided to start putting her down for naps in her crib (instead of her bassinet or Rock n Play), and lo and behold, she sleeps better there! We swaddle, give her a pacifier, read a story or two, and she passes out (although it's a very light sleep during the day). In the evenings we'll give her a bath, then a bottle, and she falls asleep on her own. For the past 3 nights, we've gotten two 5 hour stretches, and one 6 hour stretch. Luckily it's almost always easy to put her down after her middle of the night feeds. The best thing, though, is that Ava has been smiling more, which I'm so, so excited about. She seems to like Izzy, because she smiles the most when the dog comes by to say hello.

Because I can't resist, here are a few pics (the berry hat was made by a friend's aunt whom I only met twice - people's kindness amazes me):
PT, yay for the smiles; awwww she is such a doll! I love how chubby she is getting :love: So precious!!! Yay for sleeping in her crib swaddled! Babies love being swaddled. aww please post tons of pics! We all love babies!! Yours is so beautiful! yay for things getting easier!

Oh and if anyone is having problems w/colic at some point? baby wearing and gripe water helps. Also go to youtube and watch the 5 (Happiest baby on the Block) S's swaddling, shhhhhing, sideline, sucking, and swaying (they work or at least for my boys). Oh and sound machines are awesome too! I tried everything!!! hugs mommas
Love the pictures!!

PT how old is Ava now - so cute! Reminds me of my LO since we also have that swing and mine has big cheeks too! :love:
Janine - Ava is almost 8 weeks adjusted, or just over 4 months actual. She made an early arrival, 10 weeks befor her due date.
PT, OMG, Ava looks so adorable with those chubby cheeks!

Pretty good day with Ethan today. THe whole letting him get up to feed is going OK. Ethan ate a TON yesterday, I think he might be going through a growth spurt soon.
LC, I am glad things went well today!
So I'm posting from the hospital. It's actually night #2 in the hospital.

As many of you know, we have a partially paralyzed newfie (Byron, my first baby) and last night I decided to try to take him out to potty on my own since I've been feeling so good and D was in another state at a concert with his parents for the evening. I didn't really feel that I'd strained myself, but about an hour later I started bleeding pretty heavily.

As the night went on, the bleeding got heavier. I soaked through a few pads, then started soaking through towels. I called the OB who was on call and he said to just get off my feet and hopefully it would subside. I started getting nauseous and dizzy and at that point D was still over an hour away, so ultimately I decided to call 9-1-1.

By the time the EMTs got to me, I had fainted and they couldn't get a blood pressure reading on me. I'd lost 2 liters of blood, so a blood transfusion was required. Last night is a bit of a blur, but today I'm feeling so much better!

Hopefully I get to go home tomorrow. They'd been monitoring me pretty closely since I lost so much blood. They were debating doing a D&C on me today, but ultimately the OB decided against it and I'm glad.

Katie is back with me tonight--she's resting next to me now. We all had a really long night and we're exhausted, but I'm hoping life will get back to normal soon. And in the meantime, I will NOT be taking Byron out to potty again :)
NewEnglandLady said:
So I'm posting from the hospital. It's actually night #2 in the hospital.

As many of you know, we have a partially paralyzed newfie (Byron, my first baby) and last night I decided to try to take him out to potty on my own since I've been feeling so good and D was in another state at a concert with his parents for the evening. I didn't really feel that I'd strained myself, but about an hour later I started bleeding pretty heavily.

As the night went on, the bleeding got heavier. I soaked through a few pads, then started soaking through towels. I called the OB who was on call and he said to just get off my feet and hopefully it would subside. I started getting nauseous and dizzy and at that point D was still over an hour away, so ultimately I decided to call 9-1-1.

By the time the EMTs got to me, I had fainted and they couldn't get a blood pressure reading on me. I'd lost 2 liters of blood, so a blood transfusion was required. Last night is a bit of a blur, but today I'm feeling so much better!

Hopefully I get to go home tomorrow. They'd been monitoring me pretty closely since I lost so much blood. They were debating doing a D&C on me today, but ultimately the OB decided against it and I'm glad.

Katie is back with me tonight--she's resting next to me now. We all had a really long night and we're exhausted, but I'm hoping life will get back to normal soon. And in the meantime, I will NOT be taking Byron out to potty again :)
glad you are doing ok.
Oh NEL, how scary! So glad you are feeling a little better today. Make sure you take good care of yourself!
NEL - How scary, especially when you're caring for a newborn! I'm so glad you called 9-1-1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hopefully you'll be at home resting & recuperating with your beautiful baby girl by the time you read this post.
Oh my goodness NEL, that is crazy!! Byron is huge, you have to take it easy! I"m so glad you're ok and resting now. And thank goodness you knew to call 911...what was the OB thinking. Hugs and keep us posted. And no more superwoman moves ;).
How scary, NEL! I'm glad to hear you're doing much better now. Thinking of you!
Thanks, all! I'm looking forward to going home today!

Janine, the OB started off thinking it was not a big deal and I probably just broke a clot loose but when I called back telling him I was nauseous, dizzy and had soaked through several towels, he became more concerned. He called me back a couple of times and finally urged me to call 9-1-1. They must get a lot of "false" alarms because they didn't really urge me to come in when I was in active labor, nor when I was hemorrhaging.

BTW, during all of this I didn't get a chance to pump, so I went about 16 hours without pumping. Holy cow, my boobs were huge and like bricks. By the time I was settled on the maternity floor and could pump, I produced 12 oz. in one sitting! It was amazing since up to this point 2 - 3 oz. per pump session has been the norm.
NEL, oh my goodness! I'm sorry to hear that you had such an eventful few days! Please take it easy and let yourself recover with your beautiful little girl. D must've been a) very worried and b) very upset. I'm glad you were able to get help and you're recovering. I agree no more superwoman moves. I'm glad you were able to pump after getting settled. Make sure you take some iron supplements. I hemorrhaged during my c-section. was told to take iron supplements also