
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Random question for you mamas who had vaginal deliveries (I was just in the pregnancy thread, and it got me wondering). I had a c-section, but experienced labor without medication up to 7cm dilated and 100% effaced. Honestly, it wasn't even close to as difficult or painful as I expected. Were the contractions or the actual delivery/pushing more painful for you? Or was it just the last few centimeters of contractions? If DH and I decide to have another child, I'll be eligible for a VBAC, so...
parrot tulips|1328984257|3124061 said:
Random question for you mamas who had vaginal deliveries (I was just in the pregnancy thread, and it got me wondering). I had a c-section, but experienced labor without medication up to 7cm dilated and 100% effaced. Honestly, it wasn't even close to as difficult or painful as I expected. Were the contractions or the actual delivery/pushing more painful for you? Or was it just the last few centimeters of contractions? If DH and I decide to have another child, I'll be eligible for a VBAC, so...

My contractions were painful way before 7 cm, so I can't guess about the last few cm for you ... However, delivery/pushing was a relief!! I felt so much better when I was pushing as opposed to just the contractions alone. When his head popped out was pretty painful because I tore, but that pain obviously only lasted a second and was over. So for me personally it was definitely the contractions.
re: labor. My labor was short so take what I say with a grain of salt but the pain definitely intensifies at that 7-8 cm mark until you transition to fully dilated and ready to push. The good news is that this part of labor, I think, is typically much faster than the other phases of labor. Like Kunzite said, pushing is a relief but the *ring of fire* is real! My goodness! I do think though that the urge to push just takes over all things at that point.
TAO, we need a picture of beautiful Violet!!!

DCGATOR, have fun in Vegas, by the way I love your avatar picture!!! She is so precious!!!! Happy 6 months!!

PT, I had an epidural at 8 cms because they threatened I could need one at the last min if they do a c-section. I thought it wasn't too bad 8 cms 99% effaced but even w/the epi when it was time to push the contractions were tough but they also gave pitocin to rush things along at the end.

Evan and Miles are 10 months in 6 days! I am struggling to get Miles in his crib at night; Evan loves his crib. Miles loves to be snuggled in his rock and sleep so I need to transition (since he is getting too big); there is lots of crying in his crib. Oh well I just got to keep working at it; I don't like my guys crying. Anyway they are the happiest guys EVER!!! They are loads of fun and so happy go lucky! :bigsmile: Here are my happy cheese balls :mrgreen:

Skippy, your boys are absolutely adorable!

I'll stop back after Liam has his check up on Wednesday...

Here is an updated pic... he just turned 5 months this past Thursday...

Skippy your beautiful boys look so happy!!!! Hope the crib transition for Miles goes well. Must break your heart when they're crying.... ;(
lliang_chi|1329187905|3125798 said:
Skippy your beautiful boys look so happy!!!! Hope the crib transition for Miles goes well. Must break your heart when they're crying.... ;(

LLIANG, aw thanks!!! The transition isn't going well. lol He is still in his rock and play; he is exhausted the whole day when he is in his crib because he doesn't sleep and cries instead. Evan is super easy and loves his crib. I guess it is just one of those things that is going to take time. The crying does break my heart. Thanks for thinking of us; can't wait to see you over hear soon w/your beautiful baby boy!!! You will have to share stories about being a twin; I would love to hear! :D

INHISARMS, awww your son is adorable!!! :love: :love: thanks about my guys!!!

HAPPY VALENTINE's, hugs to the beautiful babies and beautiful mommas!! :love: :love:
Skippy! Hi friend! Have you tried inclining his mattress? When we moved H from his rnp to his crib, that was the only way he would do it and be ok. I just set one end of the mattress at the lowest and the other at the medium height setting. Maybe that would help?
Skippy--your boys kill me with all their cuteness!!

Here's a picture I promised....Violet--10 months

Hello everyone! Just introducing myself here, can't quite believe that I "qualify"!!!

Our little Sylvie was born last Monday at 40 weeks exactly - 6lb 11oz of sheer perfection :) We came home yesterday and I have been battling with engorgement for the last 24 hours but the little one is a champ and put up with me feeding her 2 hourly overnight!



Miscka, we are planning to do that; we are going to try again tonight for him sleeping in his crib. Fingers crossed! How are you beautiful momma! Your son is soo adorable!

Pancake, I am so glad to see you here! She is sooo beautiful; the second picture is my absolute favorite!!! :love: :love:

TAO, your daughter is gorgeous!!! I think Miles and Evan would love Violet!

E & M are sooo much FUN and interacting with me and each other :love: :love: I LOVE IT
Pancake - I think I'm particularly taken with your little Sylvie because she reminds me a bit of my own Ava. :D The first picture you posted reminds me so much of one that was taken of her when she was 2 days old (although she was only about 2 1/2 lbs at the time).

Hello, fellow baby mamas. My name is NEL and I'm not afraid to admit that I'm addicted to the intoxicating smell of my daughter's head. Also, the shape of her ear, her hair and all of the little noises and movements she makes.

Seriously, I've only been a mom for a couple of days now and I knew that I'd fall in love with Katie the moment I met her. But then I did meet her and "fall in love" seems like such an understatement. I literally can't get enough of her. I'm still in awe that she's ours.

So far, everything is going well. Her arrival was a surprise--my due date was 2/29, but had a c-section scheduled for tomorrow (2/23). I went into labor on 2/18 and had her at 6:49am on Sunday, 2/19. She's very healthy, though, and weighed in at 7lbs., 5oz. and 20" long. So far the only issue has been my stupid breast milk. So far, it has yet to come in and I'm pumping 8 times per day. I'm really hoping it comes in tomorrow--we leave on Thursday. I did finally get some colostrum today and was so excited that I literally did a happy dance.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello to all of you--I've been lurking for a long time and am excited I'm finally able to post!

I have to say, I feel like Katie looks a little like Sylvie and Ava. Pancake--does Sylvie have grey eyes? I'm trying to figure out what color Katie's might turn.


NEL - Katie is just gorgeous. I'm so happy for you. I know what you mean about not being able to get enough of your baby. Even when Ava is extra fussy, and I'm feeling exhausted, holding her and comforting her is the best feeling. Isn't interesting how babies' eye color changes? Ava's started out as a dark blue-grey, and are now a dark hazel (I'm sure they'll wind up being brown).
PT, it's funny you should say that - I have actually thought the same thing, that little S looks a bit like Ava! The fact they are both Eurasian is probably a factor but I think it's also the round eyes and round cheeks :love: Re your question about labour and contractions - I think it depends on lots of different factors. My contractions were very painful relatively early - when I had my epidural placed I was only 3cm dilated and fully effaced, but the main issue was intense lower back pain which was because Sylvie was posterior.

NEL - congrats again on the safe arrival of Katie! Sylvie's eyes are a deep grey-brown at the moment, I think they will probably end up brown as she's half-Vietnamese and the Asian genes are so strong! Her dad has hazel-green eyes though. Don't be discouraged re the breastmilk issue. It can take around 5 days for the milk to come in and there's a bit of variation between women. It will come, and you will establishing BFing! Also it is a really good thing that you went into spontaneous labour as all the hormone signals for your milk will have kicked in. Sometimes it takes longer with a "cold" section (when the woman is not in labour).

Skippy - thank you for the welcome! I have been longing to join this thread - well, to join the "mums' club" in general! - and I look forward to sticking around for the next year! Your boys are just so gorgeous, so spirited! Hope the crib transition is progressing a bit.

Sylvie is now 9 days old - it is going so quickly, I am trying to hold onto the moments but it goes too fast! Today we had our first visit from our local maternal and child health nurse (this is a universal service provided nationwide here in Australia, administered through municipal councils) and she has gained 370 grams (13 oz) in 6 days!!! Her weight nadir was 2.7kg the day before we left hospital; on discharge she was 2.8kg (6lb 3oz) and today she was 3.1kg (6lb 13oz) - above birthweight!! At least all that engorgement was not for nothing... nobody tells you about how inglorious it is to have hot, hard, painful melons strapped to one's chest!!!

Evening ladies, introducing myself here before I got MIA again. My name's LC and I'm a 5 day old mama. I'm pumping and had some "free time" so I figure I'll post.

Ethan was born Feb 17th via c-section. We stayed 4 days in the hospital. At first it seemed like EThan was a novetly. Like, "Oh look, we have this baby to play with" But it didn't strike me that we're taking him HOME. And OMG that first moment when he's home, and you look at your DH and you're like, "Crap, now what?" So we just did one thing at a time: Focus on feeding him. I told DH to readjust all the thermostats to at least 70F. I think my therms run low so they're at 73F. Then it was just un packing and sorting out what we'll do where. The first night was actually kinda haggard. But today Ethan has been an angel!

We've been having breast feeding issues. At first he wouldn't take the breast. Finally after nearly 40 hrs he latched and was breast feeding pretty well. But then his billirubin count was a little high, so they took him to the nursery under lights over night and they gave him 2 meals of formula , and I think that's when he lost the latch. :(sad So we're working on it again. Any of you mommies have any tips on getting your LO to latch after taking a bottles? We've been using the SNS (little tube feeding) on our finger. He gets so pissed when its on the boob and I totally break down. He got a 30 sec latch at this past feeding. I'm hoping to add more to it.... Lactation consultant will be coming tomorrow. I'm REALLY hoping for some changes. All this pumping stuff is SO time consuming. It'd be so much easier when he just boobs it.

Aside from struggling with re-latch, we've been great. DH was great and too Ethan for 2 feedings and let me sleep. He said I was a wreck. Had a pedi appt, they had us go to the lab to take a billirubin test again. I"m REALLY hoping it's down and will stay down. We come back in 2 days to see how things go. ANnoying bit is the doctor's office doesn;t have a lab, so we were sent to a hospital to get his blood darn. Big time suck.By the time we were leavign the hospital it was time for his next meal so he was pretty worked up.

OK pumping time over. I'll catch you later

LC, don't lose heart - the main thing to remember is that if you really really want to breastfeed, you will be able to do it, even if it takes weeks (and for some women it does - but that doesn't mean it can't be done). Keep telling yourself that when he's struggling to latch on, anything to keep you as calm as possible as he will tap into your stress and it will make it all harder. Seeing the lactation consultant is exactly what you should be doing and I'm so glad you have it organised already! Has your milk come in yet? It sounds like your DH has been really supportive. Thinking of you preggy/newborn mama buddy!
Yes my milk has definitely come in. I was pumpng in little 35ml bottles and I'd have to stop half way to empty some. THe last post I was so "engrossed" in posting, the bottle runneth over, and I spilled some... So I know if worse comes to worse, I can pump and Ethan will get the benefit of my milk there, but it's just SO TIME CONSUMING! But at least I get some PS time :)

Pancake, sorry to hear about engorgement. I've definitely felt my breasts get harder, but never engorged. Knock on wood. How's S doing?

PT, I think you said that Ava's now on the boob. What was your plan to get her back onto the boob after being on bottles etc for a while?

I realize I haven't posted pics of Ethan yet. I'll pull some off the camera and post them. But here's one from his hospital stay:

HOlY COW does Ethan have a witching hour!!! 11PM - 4AM. OOF!!! Pumpng session now. See you guys when hopefully I get I dunno 2 hrs sleep
That is sucky, LC! I'm sure it is made much worse by how time-consuming it is to express. I only expressed for a couple of days (initially to stimulate supply, then for comfort when the bbs were like rocks!) and really found it tedious and slow - babies are much more efficient than pumps! I'm willing Ethan to get the hang of things soon. Hugs and sleep deprived solidarity!

We're doing well. Sylvie is filling out rapidly and to achieve this is cluster-feeding a little at times; touch wood, it hasn't affected the post-midnight feeds so far. I think it's pushing it to try to recognise many patterns so far, but her unsettled period each day has been around 11pm to 1am, then we're getting 3-3.5 hours between night feeds after that. DH is still at home with us and he's just fantastic with us - the true challenge will be when he goes back to work next week and I'm doing more of the night-time settling on my own.

So far she's really been a pretty chilled out but alert little thing, but I'm wary of making any pronouncements about her temperament yet as I know the typical age for onset of colic is from 2 weeks onward! Fingers and toes crossed...
aww the colic does go away so hang in there!
All the newborns are so precious!!! I am dying over how beautiful they are, congrats Pancake, LLiang, and NEL :love: :love: :love:
Hi, ladies!

Pancake and LC, how many ounces are your eating and how often? Pancake, it sounds like Sylvie is exclusively breast feeding at this point, so you probably don't know how much she's eating, but does she eat every couple of hours? Katie is a little piggy and I worry about over feeding.

I'm having a REALLY frustrating time with bfing. My milk has come in--I'm so engorged that I have a hard time sleeping (from the pain) and I'm pumping every few hours, though even that schedule has been hard to keep. But each 15 - 20 min. session only yields about 10ml of milk at most. The LC recommended using a warm compress and massage, but I don't notice it making a difference.I'm going to go back to the LC early next week. Until then, I'll keep trying!

LC, I'm jealous of your milk production! The latching is going to be an issue for us, too. I have inverted nipples and will need nipple shields once I start producing more. The LC said it helps with the transition from bottle to breast (since it's basically a synthetic nipple on top of your own nipple). Not sure if it's an option just for those trying to transition?

Yesterday was our first day home. So surreal (as LC said). But I love it! Our house is full of baby stuff now. Bottles in the kitchen. Pack and Play in the dining area. Swing in the living room. Last night was actually really good. I gave her her last bottle at 10:30pm, she slept until 2:30am, then I fed and changed her and she was back asleep before 3am and got up again a little after 6am. I got up with her then so I could pump and get some stuff done, but after being fed and changed, she slept again until 8:30am. She's sort of been varying between awake and asleep This is pretty much how it went at the hospital, too, but she was in the nursery at night.

Attaching a couple of pics because I'm a new mom and can't stop taking photos!

Car ride home.jpg

Dan in hospital.jpg
NEL, OMG total cuteness!!! I love it. I see you're taking advantage of your super nice fancy camera. Still haven't gotten one for myself yet, but Sis has a nice Sony 4/3rds camera and we have an in between fancy and regular point and shoot camera. The hospital LC gave me a nipple shield also, but the one that came in for a visit said she's perplexed why he won't take my breast since my nipples are the right shape. And don't worry about your milk supply, it'll come. My milk supply was very small in the beginning, but now I'm nearly filling the bigger 70-80ML bottles from the Medela kit.
So glad you made it home. Wow, you're way more calm than we were.

Last night was FINALLY a decent night. I took the "early graveyard" and J took the 2nd grave yard shift. But we both managed to get some sleep. Ethan was frantic with feeding and the tubing got pulled out and he was so impatient. J came in and helped me when he was going crazy. But then he finished the whole 70ML and was OK. I even managed to swaddle him and pump in peace. I fed him in hte his room with the door shut hoping J would be able to sleep, but Ethan's screaming could STILL be heard through two doors and a living room. I feel *really* bad for my neighbors....

Lliang, I know, the pumping sucks! It's hard work. Ethan will eventually figure it out. It may take him a while, but someone gave me some good advice when I was trying to get my little guy to latch after he was first born--just keep on trying every day. Every day is a new day and eventually they "get it." Even though the nursing instinct is strong, believe it or not it's a learned skill. Both mom and baby have to learn to work together and figure out what works best for both. Hang in there! It took my son a week to finally figure it out.

Congrats to all the new moms, Pancake, NEL, Lliang!
Posting quickly from my phone... Liam was 18 lbs 11 oz, 26 1/2 inches long at his 5 month check up.

I'll try to attach a pic...

NEL, I would take your expressed volumes with a grain of salt - babies are MUCH better at stripping the breast than pumps are and many women are never able to express much but are able to exclusively breatfeed! With the engorgement, I found ice packs stuffed down my front very helpful after a feed, and when it's too hard and painful pre-feed, I would jump in the shower and massage/hand express until it was bearable - the milk would just run freely! Have you been taught to hand-express? I found it much more comfortable and effective than using my pump during those engorged days. It does settle down - in my case the intense pain and heat was only for about 24 hours, then the hardness and oversupply lasted another 2-3 days or so.

Re volumes - I am indeed EBFing so I don't know how much Sylvie gets. In terms of frequency, it varies a little. At the moment she is doing a bit of cluster feeding during the afternoon and evening - so she'll feed again within 1 1/2 - 2 hours of the last feed, but often just a "top up" of one side. When she settles to sleep (which she does relatively easily once she's had enough feed) she will sleep typically 3 - 3 1/2 hours. Overnight she wakes around 3:30 or 4 am, and then the next feed is the "breakfast" feed around 7 or 7:30. Most days she is a little unsettled between 11pm and 1am, but has been pretty chill the rest of the time. So far she is really not a screamer at all, the only time she has got really worked up is when I sponge her down daily :lol: But there is plenty of time for that to change!

For what it is worth, a newborn's nutritional requirements are met by 150ml/kg/day of either standard formula or breastmilk after about day 4 of life. (Sorry about my metric units)

IHA, WOW your little man has grown! I remember when you had him, I had only just joined the preggo thread - time flies. He's gorgeous!

LC, Laila is right - you and Ethan are still figuring each other out. Actually he is still figuring EVERYTHING out - how to feed, how to get to sleep, etc etc. I'm glad that last night was better. Are you napping during the day when he does? I am not a daytime sleeper at all but am learning to be - trying to get in at least one nap of 1-2 hours in the afternoon. I am averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep at night (between maybe midnight and 9:30ish in the morning) which I think is quite decent given that she wakes twice to feed, but I feel pretty wiped out by the afternoon.
NEL, how are you feeding Katie? Are you using bottles? Is she taking to the breast? I'm trying to figure out how often I should work with Ethan on the breast feeding practice. DH is trying to keep me encouraged.

But thus far Ethan's been gaining weight, .5 oz per day, although in the past 18 hrs he's stepped up his intake to 90mls (approx 3oz) each feeding. I'm hoping he'll surpass his birthweight before the weekend. We have a weigh in on Monday. They said his billi numbers are OK, not great, but not concerning either. To just keep feeding him so he pees and poops it out.

It's so encouraging to hear other moms who've struggled and succeeded with bfing. I know that for me it keeps me motivated to continue trying!

Still not getting enough to exclusively feed breast milk, but I get closer every day! I'm no longer engorged (like you, Pancake, I found showers and massage to be helpful with the pain). Yesterday I was only getting 1 ounce per session, but so far today it's been 2 ounces per session, so I'm encouraged. She still isn't latching (I try every day), but if I can get enough milk to feed her then I can work on the latching. Like you said, Pancake, I think if I could get her to latch, it would help with my production. Stupid inverted nipples! I called the LC today to schedule an appt. to come in.

LC, I'm so glad that last night was a little better! We're all figuring it out, haha. It's great that you have such a helpful hubby. D is super engaged and wants to help. And he tries to help, but he's terrified of "hurting" her since she's so tiny, so he ends up needing help from me with changing and feeding. Anyway, it's great that you can each take shifts! Does your husband have next week off?

IHA, Liam is adorable and it sounds like the checkup went well!
Hi mamas!
I'm seldom around anymore due to work craziness, but I wanted to encourage the new pumping/BFing mamas. I have been exclusively pumping due to my daughter Lucy's posterior tongue tie. Lucy could not latch. It was so tiring BFing for 20 hours a day and by far harder than pregnancy and labor and delivery combined. She was losing weight and dehydrated and bradycardic when we finally got to the pedi. The LC got her to latch for about 30 seconds total in five visits... We opted not to do the surgery because it required general anesthesia and we could alternatively bottle feed. (My h. is a pedi anesthesiologist and he also knew too much about possible negative outcomes.) So I pump. And pump. And pump. I got almost NOTHING at the start--barely 1/2 an ounce per breast per pump, and I was pumping 10-12 times a day. It was EXHAUSTING and I vowed to stop at a month... 6 months later I am still pumping and Lucy is happy and healthy, and she takes about 1 formula bottle a day (sometimes more when I got mastitis and then food poisoning. Oy!) It will get easier, even if you have to keep pumping--every time I said I'd quit, it would get a little easier one way or another and I kept going. But no matter what, remember that it's more important for your babies to have happy mamas than breast milk--had I continued to feel so anxious about it it would have been smarter for me to stop and FF. Try to avoid websites that make you feel guilty one way or the other--I used to spend too much time in the middle of the night reading about how I would be slowly killing Lucy if I gave her formula! Hogwash. Good luck and congrats on all the teeny tinies! So sweet.

p.s. A pic of Lucy and her delish healthy rolls--first swim today!

ETA: I only pump THREE TIMES A DAY NOW and make about 20 ounces in those three pumps, so when I say it gets easier, I'm fo' real. She is at 80% b.m. nowadays and I can pump pretty much anytime anyplace with minimal discomfort.

IHM, I :love: Liam's red hair. Are his eyes still blue? They look almost steel grey in that pic.

Moxie, wow, thanks for the advice on the pumping. It's a struggle and it's tough to try to get Ethan to BF. But we keep trying. I try talking to him and ask him if he wants to practice. Of course he doesn't answer but it helps me think that's he's trying too.

NEL, BM dust to you! Once my supply started going up, it went up pretty quickly so I'm hoping the same goes for you. J goes back to work this coming Thursday. Last night was a little better too. No melt downs but Ethan would NOT sleep during my 11PM-3AM shift. In fact he wanted to eat twice! Almost like a cluster 2AM. Wrong time of day little man. Are you giving Katie bottles? I'm wondering if we're making it harder on ourselves by using the SNS and maybe we should just go with bottles. They're much faster and I still need to pump afterwards, so time's precious. Y'know?

Anyway, we're on track to feed him about 720ml (24oz) today. Hopefully that'll continue. He's gaining weight and looking less yellow around his nose and mouth. Monday appt will probably be helpful.