
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Just a fly by post as not sure when little one will wake but I thought I would post Liljana's first santa pic :) tried earlier but failed it would not upload :(

Charbie so happy that Aubrey's surgery went well she is such a cutie :)

Loving all the chrissie pics so nice seeing all the bubba's sharing their first christmas's - L didn't really get it but loved all the boxes and paper the same :)

Nothing much new hee to report except we seem to be going through a wakeful that has been going since 6mths I miss the STTN but as with everything I am sure this will pass - and someone just woke up

till later ladies

and happy new year :)

Hey ladies,

It has been pretty quiet around here, but hopefully it will pick up soon since the bustle of the holidays is over.

Deelight - Ah, Ms L is too cute, and look at that red hair :bigsmile: Sorry about the wakefullness but I can sympathize... :knockout: S sleeps well in spurts, then not so much. We look forward to hearing and seeing more from you and your DD. Take care down there!

Skippy - My Dh went a little crazy with buying Christmas stuff for next year, since he is all excited about the new house we are building. We got a bunch of stuff at Target, since they were having 70% off. We acutally ended up getting some really good stuff though. I also scored some cute stuff at the Carters Outlet too. As for the sleeping, transitioning to the crib can be tough, but just start small. I would say maybe transfer the boys to the crib as they are falling asleep for a nap, and then increase the frequency/duration in the crib as they get mroe comfortable with it. Good luck though, as I know sleeping can be tricky... :rolleyes:

IG - I can't wait to see you in here lady!

AFU - S is getting much better with tummy time and has started to roll. It is mostly when we aren't looking or during the middle of the night, but we have caught her doing it a few times. Very exciting :appl: . She is also sitting up much better, though she can't stay upright without a little support. Otherwise, she started again with her crazy sleeping antics on Monday night :evil: and was up every couple hours, but thank God, she STTN last night. Hopefully, that will continue b/c I really like sleep, lol. S has also been eating rice 1-2 times per day the past couple weeks. She seems to do pretty well with the eating thing, but is sometimes to impatient or sleepy to do it. I am going to try to add in a midday feeding though in the coming week, so that should be good. In other news, Ms S continues to grow like a weed and is quickly outgrowing her carseat, so I bought her the Britax Marathon 70 convertible seat last night. I think she will like that a lot more and fit better in it than her Chaperone she is using now.

Well, back to work now, but don't be strangers ladies :wavey:
I love hearing you ladies talk about your little ones reaching milestones (sitting up, rolling over, STTN, etc.), but it seems like such a long way off with a newborn/preemie. I'm sure it'll creep up on me much faster than I think.

I'm so jealous of all the beautiful Christmas baby photos! We completely forgot to take any, although DH did remember to take one on New Years.
PT, did they tell you milestones would be hit probably by adjusted age? aww Ava is adorable!!! :love: I love her in her diaper! hehe Our guys aren't sttn yet!!! Ava will be doing all those things before you know it!!

DEE awww I love the santa pic, soooo cute :love:

DCGATOR, oh wow 70% off is awesome!!! I did buy a wreath from Target for next year! Yay for S, rolling and sitting! Miles and Evan just sort of started sitting and it wasn't me who figured it out; it was their occupational therapist. doh, I felt like a bad mom!! oh well it was fun to see them starting to sit, they do it for a couple mins and then fall over! I bet S will be doing it soon. how old is she??

AFM, we are making out own baby food!!!! It is hilarious to see the looks on their faces when they try food. :lol: Miles is a picky eater and he hasn't figure out how to spit stuff out so he coughs, he once threw up :knockout: to get carrots out (so of course we don't feed them carrots). So far we made carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli, and butternut squash. Miles likes sweet potatoes and Evan loves all his veggies. I think we are going to try avocado next!!!

today the babies get their Synagis injection to protect them against RSV since they were born early and preemies are more at risk for rsv. Nothing else too exciting going on! Happy NEW YEAR!!!
Hi!!! I have 2 flirts on my hands! I had to laugh because the nurse came to give the babies their Synagis injections and Miles was giggling and smiling and going to town flirting (he never giggles and smiles so much, the nurse is a pretty lady by the way). Then I took Evan to his Occupational Therapy and he was smiling at all the ladies! They do giggle and smile often but it was obvious they were flirting! LOL

Oh and I found out how much they weigh! Miles is 17.7 lbs 27.5 inches and Evan is 16 lbs 28 inches.

Happy Weekend Mommas! How are all the babies???

Hello, Ladies! I don't know where to begin.

First off, I LOVE all the pictures of your little ones. They are all getting so big!! And even more adorable!

Secondly, Liam was STTN but got the stomach bug about 3 weeks ago and since then has been all messed up. AND to top it off, he's teething hardcore so I'm sure that has something to do with it. He isn't doing too horrible, as he only gets up once or twice during the night, but I've been so spoiled by him STTN for so long. Anyway, he is currently sick again with a cold. He's got a rattle like cough and an extremely runny nose. I feel so bad for him. But you wouldn't know he's sick otherwise because he is still very much a happy baby.

I've had to switch laundry detergents twice as I started to get really bad eczema on my hands. We then switched to Tide Free and Clear and I've noticed that he now has a rash on his belly and some on his back. I've noticed it on his legs too but it's not red on his legs, just bumpy. So I'm thinking I have to switch again. Or is it related to his teething? Because he's also had a rash that comes and goes on his face but I'm pretty sure that's from all the drool/slobber. lol. He has his 4month check up on Monday so I'm going to bed talking with the Ped.

Also, he seems to be having issues pooping. His stool has ALWAYS been on the looser side. He got sick with the bug and got diarrhea and then since he's been better he went from pooping once a day to every other day and when he does it is very hard. Towards the end of the poop is looser but the majority of it is hard. I've started to put more water in his bottles to help but it seems that no matter what, the first part of the poop is hard. What gives??

I also think he has hit a growth spurt as he is eating 6 - 6 1/2 ounces every 4 hours. But sometimes he won't even go 4 hours and also, sometimes he will eat 8 ounces! The kid is only 4 months. Is that normal?? Haha. His ped says he's fine but I can't help but think he's eating way too much! I recently tried giving him sweet potatoes and pears/raspberries. I don't believe he was a fan of either. I'm also not sure if he is ready for foods but his Ped said I could try when he hit 4 months since he tends to eat a lot of formula as it is. So I'm gonna wait a week or 2 and try again.

OH, and he can ALMOST sit up on his own... he's pretty steady but he leans forward too much. He's come very close to face planting a couple times. Haha.

I'm thoroughly enjoying mommy-hood. I love my son more than I could have ever imagined. Everyone always tells you that there is nothing like a parents love but you never truly understand how true that is until you become a parent yourself. I would do absolutely anything in the world for him. I just enjoy him so much. He's the best thing ever. Seriously. :love:

So anyway, I hope everyone is doing great. I can't believe how fast the time is going. All our babies are growing up so fast!

I know I haven't posted in a while so I have no idea the last time I updated you on his stats. At his 3 month check up 1 month ago he was 24 1/4 inches and 15lbs 6oz. So we'll see on Monday how much he has grown. :bigsmile:

Inhisarms, both my sons have eczema. Miles has it worse though. I used Aquaphor on their skin 2x a day and especially right after baths. You need to keep it up and that really helps. If it gets super bad then talk to your Ped about using cortisone, but I would for sure talk to him first. I just either use aquaphor, or vanicream (the cream from Walgreens). I also use Tide free and clear. I was reading on BabyCenter that babies get it in the winter and that as they get older it will slowly go away? Your son is so cute! hope he feels better soon and starts STTN; mine don't yet, I wish! I go...I am a huge PS lurker (very rare poster) and have been for close to a year (maybe longer!). I finally have decided to stop the lurking and come out! I am excited to join this thread and share with all of you. I have 1 daughter, Ellie (actually Elizabeth Claire) and she is 9 months old. I will attempt to post a picture when I can. I don't have great pictures on my work computer, which is where I am now. She is on the small side and always has been. She was 5lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches when she was born at 39 weeks. She is now 25 1/2 in and 15lbs 5 oz, so really small. She is still in 3-6 month clothes and showing no signs of moving out of them anytime soon. Between her 6 mo and 9 mo appointment she gained 1 pound and grew 1 inch. The doctor isn't concerned because she has always been small and is just on the smaller end of the growth charts. She isn't a fan of eating, but will eat and is gaining weight. She is breatfed still in the AM, once in the afternoon and at night. She gets 1 bottle of BM during the day. I am trying to give her solids 2-3x a day, but she is picky about texture, more so when I am feeding her. She is more likely to try different textures when she is able to feed herself.
She sits great by herself and gets down on to her tummy from a sitting position without assistance. She doesn't creep or crawl yet, but does get up on all fours and rocks and goes a little backwards. She is also good at laying on her stomach and moving around in a circle to get what she wants. She loves to stand and thinks she can stand on her own (she can't) and gets mad when she falls. She prefers to hold on and stand to her activity table, couch, ottoman etc.

She stays with my mom most days for daycare and my husband 1 or 2 days a week (He is a police officer andhas a strange rotating schedule and when he works he works 2nd shift). She is with my mom from 7:00 until 3:00 usually. Unless I have a meeting after work or go to work out I can usually get to my moms house by 3:00. I only work until 2:30 and have summers off. When I had her I was able tp be home with her until she was 5 months. So, knock on wood, she hasn't been sick yet! I am also 10 weeks pregnant with our second. I am very very nervous about having 2 kids 16 months apart. Yikes! I'm not even thinking about it until I am actually about to give birth!

My question for all of you....we started Ellie on solids at 6 months and have been increasing them. I feel like I am feeding her the same thing over and over again and mostly fruit. I try to make most of her food, and only go to jar food for things that are difficult or out of season (for instance green beans are such a pain to make, I'd rather buy them). I am trying to get her on more table food and self-serve food. My doctor didn't give me any restrictions other than no cows milk, so did you all just start adding in more table food, mashed up gradually? Do/Did you still only add 1 new food at a time?

Looking forward to getting to know all of you!
The picture is when she was 4 months. Once I upload new pictures from my camera I will post a newer one.

Skippy - I swear your boys get more gorgeous by the day. I can imagine that the nurses were quite smitten with them, with their obvious cuteness and the flirting on top. :naughty: And yes, Ava's pediatrician let us know to go by her adjusted age for milestones, so we just add two months to everything. I'm going to enjoy her "baby-ness" for as long as I can.

Wellinsm - Congratulations on expecting! I'd love to have two close together, if we decide to have a second. With a complicated first pregnancy, and my not being young (I'm 35), I'm still on the fence about whether I want to try again.

IHA - I'm so sorry your little one was/is sick. But it sounds like he's reaching a lot of milestones and growing fast! I know what you mean about a parent's love. I knew I'd love my daughter, but I had no idea just how much. Words don't seem adequate to describe it.

AFM - Today would have been Ava's official due date! As of last Friday, she weighed 6lbs 9.4oz, and was 18.5" long. Most nights, she wakes 2-3x to feed (she lets me know by grunting - she reserves crying for late night diaper changes, or occasional daytime hunger), and is otherwise doing beautifully.

We had a "newborn" photo shoot on Sunday (she's almost 10 weeks, but we wanted to take the pictures after she got released from the NICU, so a date close to her expected due date seemed appropriate). Here are a few teasers the photographer sent us, including one of our dog Izzy. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

parrot tulips|1325780099|3095705 said:
I love hearing you ladies talk about your little ones reaching milestones (sitting up, rolling over, STTN, etc.), but it seems like such a long way off with a newborn/preemie. I'm sure it'll creep up on me much faster than I think.

I'm so jealous of all the beautiful Christmas baby photos! We completely forgot to take any, although DH did remember to take one on New Years.

PT, I don't really post much these days, but I just had to come out of lurkdom and say that your little girl is SO cute! What a sweet little peanut! Congrats on having her home!
Well: I don't post much either but wanted to offer you best wishes on your new baby. My babies are 18 months apart and it's wonderful so far. They love eachother a lot and were just playing peek a boo with the curtains the other day making each other laugh. You'll be fine with two close together.

I also have a peanut for a baby like you (thought not quite as tiny!) her 9 month stats were 15lbs 15 oz. and 27 inches...
PT ~~~ awwww, what beautiful pictures. Ava is a doll; I just love her. I love the one of you and your hubby with her; you look amazing momma! thanks about my boys!

WELLINS ~ your daughter is beautiful! I am not sure? maybe some of the other mommas will chime in? I found this website if you click the snail to the right with the 8 month list it will tell you which foods to try. here is the 8 mo and up

TAOV ~~ I think we are the peanut group; I hear my boys are peanuts for boys. lol How is Miss Violet! your kids are so adorable!!!!

AFM ~ I think we are going to have to rearrange some furniture, the boys are rolling all over so I think they will be crawling soon?? My boys are still not STTN! boo! They do sleep a 8-9 hour stretch though. Happy Hump day mommas! :D
Where did all the mommas go?? I miss seeing all the Friday pics :((
PT - Such cute pictures!! She looks so good :love:

Skippy - I hate to tell you, but O only sleeps about a 9.5 hour stretch still! We're just used to it now since it's been his "normal" for so long!! He usually sleeps 6:30 - 4:00 and then 4:30 - 6:30. It works well during the week when we have to leave for daycare by 6:45, but it's awful early on the weekends! :eek:

LV - S is almost one!! :appl: :appl: Do you have big plans for her birthday?
Hi Ladies!

I'm ready to jump in! As many of you know, DH & I are in the process of adopting our first child, Avery. She was born on Jan. 2 and parental relinquishment was signed on Jan. 4 which was the day we brought Avery home.

We are over the moon in love with our little girl. :bigsmile: Our families are equally excited and are throwing her a Welcome Home Party/Baby Shower this Saturday.

At birth, she was 6lbs 2oz and 17 inches. At her 2 week well baby check up today, she was 7lbs 5oz and 20.5 inches. I'm so shocked that she's grown 3.5 inches in 2 weeks!

She is eating well...sometimes I wonder where she's putting all that formula! She does sleep pretty well also. We are getting about 3-4 hour stretches at night but she has had wakeful periods from 3a-6a occasionally. Those have been rough! But all in all, she's been a dream. I've attached a couple of her newborn photos. :praise:

I look forward to following all of your beautiful babies through their first year! :)) :wavey:


:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: I can't get enough of that perfect pout!!!!! So glad to see you on this thread IG :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Parrot Tulips- Ava (and you!) are gorgeous!

ImperfectGirl- Are you kidding me with that face? I would just kiss it all day long. Congrats mama!

All these gorgeous babies--I can't stand it! :bigsmile: (oh yes, need more pics.... :appl: )

canuk-gal|1326852696|3105541 said:

All these gorgeous babies--I can't stand it! :bigsmile: (oh yes, need more pics.... :appl: )

I wish I had more time to write out nice long posts to everybody! I really really appreciate the well wishes from Aubrey's surgery. She's doing great, scar is healing very very well, and I'm so proud of her. What a trooper she has been.
Skippy- I just love that the boys are getting mobile! You're about to have your hands full. Love them. I just wish we were closer and could have I just want to hug on those boys.
Wel- that is a petite little lady! I saw the pic and at first didn't see that it was when she was four she's a cutie! We haven't started solids (Aubrey is 4 months...gonna start soon) but our pedi said one food at a time for the first few months. He also said to give her anything as long as its mushed up, there's no reason to only give one food group at a time or such, and everything is fair game if its soft enough for her.
IG- oh she's too precious. I'm just so happy for you guys. That's a huge growth spurt! They haven't always measured A right...she was 20 3/4 inches at birth, and then only 19.5in at the cardiologists office a few days later...and then 20.25 at her pedis office 5 days after someone didn't measure right :) She's 25 inches now at 4 months...75%! Long and lean!
IHA- Liam is just the cutest. His smile is to.die.for.

AFU: Aubrey's growing really well and her pedi today said in his eyes, she's a normal 4 month old with some special diagnoses. He said he will help us manage things along with the specialists. The practice we go to is huge and very well connected with our children's hospital, so he is well in tune with every docs appointment she has with her specialists. He got notices all the time while she was in the hospital for surgery and followed along, even made a comment to me today about how he got a little anxious when he saw she had to be put on a pacemaker (she was only on it overnight one night and they didn't put her on it until like, 11pm) sso clearly he knew what she has gone through. He's such a great doctor, its so nice to have someone you trust. He put me at ease so much about everything going on.

Here's a pic...just for Sharon. Another fave from the 3 month shoot :)
:( it won't let me upload my picture, ill try again in the morning. Boo.

PT- loving the pics of Ava...and the pup's cute, too!
charbie|1326862293|3105662 said:
:( it won't let me upload my picture, ill try again in the morning. Boo.

PT- loving the pics of Ava...and the pup's cute, too!

boo, I hope you can soon!!! I just love Aubrey.
She just kills me with these facial expressions.

OMG, mamas! I'm just about knocked over with how cute these babies look!!!!
Hi Mamas!

Long time no post! I've been lurking just not posting. :bigsmile:

Parrot your little girl is adorable!

Charbie--I love the bear blanket! And the face...priceless!

Skippy--your boys are getting so big! They are so precious!

Imperfect--those lips! Gorgeous!

Wellism--your daughter is beautiful!

IHA--wow, the little man is getting so big

Noelwr- I love that picture of S with the square mouth, cracks me up every time I see it!

I'm sorry if I've forgotten anyone else, I'm just trying to catch up on the latest posts. Oh and sorry about all the "!" Didn't realize that I used them so much :lol:

AFM--L is almost 9 months old, she is pulling up on everything and just loves standing. We are onto the "stage 2" foods but DH doesn't want L to be a meat eater yet, so we are still stuck on the fruits and veggies. Haha, he's worried that her poops will be even worse.:lol: We still have no teeth, STTN, eating like its going out of style (L drinks about 40 oz of BM every day, plus has about 3-4 oz of rice cereal and 3-4 oz of a veggie/fruit puree, a few Baby Mum Mums, and yogurt drops) you would think she was starved. You would never know we have a champion eatter since she is still really small for her age...most people think she is 6 months old.

We have been house hunting lately, in anticipation for future baby making and put in our offer today. We hope it goes through smoothly but we won't know for awhile since it's a short sale. In the meantime we will be renting our condo out in the city, hopefully we will find some reliable renters by the time we close. DH's second lawsuit for the second car that hit him will be settled today (hopefully), we look forward to putting that all behind us. DH has been seeing a new pain specialist and she put him on new medication which seems to be working. He's been able to get around much better.

I think that's it for us, I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Here are some pictures from Christmas and recently, L is looking more like DH everyday!




charbie|1326862077|3105657 said:
canuk-gal|1326852696|3105541 said:

All these gorgeous babies--I can't stand it! :bigsmile: (oh yes, need more pics.... :appl: )

I wish I had more time to write out nice long posts to everybody! I really really appreciate the well wishes from Aubrey's surgery. She's doing great, scar is healing very very well, and I'm so proud of her. What a trooper she has been.
Skippy- I just love that the boys are getting mobile! You're about to have your hands full. Love them. I just wish we were closer and could have I just want to hug on those boys.
Wel- that is a petite little lady! I saw the pic and at first didn't see that it was when she was four she's a cutie! We haven't started solids (Aubrey is 4 months...gonna start soon) but our pedi said one food at a time for the first few months. He also said to give her anything as long as its mushed up, there's no reason to only give one food group at a time or such, and everything is fair game if its soft enough for her.
IG- oh she's too precious. I'm just so happy for you guys. That's a huge growth spurt! They haven't always measured A right...she was 20 3/4 inches at birth, and then only 19.5in at the cardiologists office a few days later...and then 20.25 at her pedis office 5 days after someone didn't measure right :) She's 25 inches now at 4 months...75%! Long and lean!
IHA- Liam is just the cutest. His smile is to.die.for.

AFU: Aubrey's growing really well and her pedi today said in his eyes, she's a normal 4 month old with some special diagnoses. He said he will help us manage things along with the specialists. The practice we go to is huge and very well connected with our children's hospital, so he is well in tune with every docs appointment she has with her specialists. He got notices all the time while she was in the hospital for surgery and followed along, even made a comment to me today about how he got a little anxious when he saw she had to be put on a pacemaker (she was only on it overnight one night and they didn't put her on it until like, 11pm) sso clearly he knew what she has gone through. He's such a great doctor, its so nice to have someone you trust. He put me at ease so much about everything going on.

Here's a pic...just for Sharon. Another fave from the 3 month shoot :)

What an angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: Feel free to indulge me anytime Charbie!!!! Thanks! :appl:
Skippy - Oh boy, on the way to crawling already! How exciting! Do the boys seem to be on the same pace? A friend of mine with twin boys had one boy nearly walking (crawling ridiculously fast, and pulling up on furniture), while the other was still in no rush to sit up on his own.

IG - What a gorgeous little girl! Those pictures of her are just darling. You must be over the moon about her.

Charbie - I'm loving the pictures of Aubrey. She really does have the best expressions. I can't believe she was so alert for her photo session! I'm so glad you have a doctor you trust and feel comfortable/are happy with. It's terrific he's following her progress, even when she's not directly in his care.

Cupcake - A is just darling. Look at that smile!

AFU - Ava is sitting contentedly in her Moby right now. Some days she's a super easy, go with the flow kind of a baby, and some days she's just miserable unless she's being held. I finally broke down and bought the wrap, and so far she seems to love it. I'm so in love with her, and am loving motherhood. Here are a few pictures from a few days ago during tummy time, working those neck muscles:
Hi Mommas!!! It is nice to see the new mommas posting and the regulars! Yay for all the adorable baby pics!!! :love:

Evan and Miles are now 9 MONTHS, :o crazy how fast it goes!!! It felt slow at first but now it is speeding along. :bigsmile: I think I might of posted but they are 16 and 17 lbs and 28 and 27.5 inches. They are rolling and Miles is crawling a bit! Evan is sitting well and reaching around for things while he sits. They are teething still and no sigh of teeth which might not be a bad thing because then I need to start brushing teeth. haha They STTN 3 night but last night not so well so hopefully we keep heading in that direction.

Hope all the Mommas are having a fabulous week!!!

KUNZITE, how are you? I love Olivers pictures in the other thread; he is adorable!!!! :love: How are you twin momma? hugs

LV, how are you? How is S? any fun party plans for her big day? :D pics please when you get a chance, I miss you!

IG, Avery is gorgeous!!!! :love: How are you doing? sounds like an awesome baby girl!

CHARBIE, aww, I would love playdates with you and Aubrey! I would be in baby girl heaven with your gorgeous Aubrey!!! :love: She looks like a champ and so beautiful!!! I love that picture!! Yay for starting solids, wow, 4 months; time flies! I am so happy to hear Aubrey has a wonderful doc, I bet he just loves her!!!

CUPCAKE, awww so good to see you and your beautiful daughter!!! :love: Wow 9 months soon, I love the pictures!! Oh so I notice she is in her Rock and Sleep, does she sleep at night in it? Have you transitioned her to her crib? We still have the boys in their Rock and Sleeps.

PT, awww AVA is so beautiful!!! She looks precious in her activity gym!!! :love: My guys roll out of their activity gym now. hehe They are kind of at the same pace. Miles is a bit more advance and Evan can sit better than Miles but Miles is crawling but Evan doesn't look too far behind. We have an OT come out and help us with Evan so he doesn't fall behind which is great. That is awesome she is such a happy go lucky baby!! Are you a SAHM? I love those pictures of her!!! she does look so happy and easy going! hehe

Here is a pic of Miles and Evan w/my teddybear that belonged to me when I was a baby! :D

this pic cracked me up :lol: looks like Miles is telling Evan a secret while Evan listens carefully! hahahaa

Skippy|1327026352|3107112 said:
this pic cracked me up :lol: looks like Miles is telling Evan a secret while Evan listens carefully! hahahaa

Everyone on PS has the cutest babies! Skippy, this pic is adorable!