
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

KUNZITE, twins run in my family!!! (my mom was 1 of 15) anyway, 4 of the girl cousins had twins including me. Okay 2 cousins had twins had other kids and they all got along!!! I sometimes read the barely preggo thread for fun and I see you posted a pic and it looks like you have a high chance of being Frat twins (two separate sacs but you could have ID too)! I hear frat twins are close but not like ID?? who knows but anyway I bet Oliver will be an awesome brother and they are sooooo close in age and I bet they all will be close. :D :bigsmile: I am so excited for you!!! I will try to answer any questions I can but Jas in the barely preggo is a twin mom too w/ I think 3 yr old boys and is preggo too so I bet she would be a good source too, but I am happy to answer any questions. I am seriously excited for you!!! Thank about my hams!!! I was wrong about their weight, they are 14 almost 15 lbs (Evan) and Miles is 16 lbs. doh! I used the home scale but it was off. Yay for Oliver eating something! he is a doll!!!

LISA can't wait to see you in this thread soon!

ICEKID, awww your Jumper is precious and woohoo for all his new words, he is awesome!!!

AFM, Evan decided he doesn't want to eat as often so he is consuming less milk. agh!! Anyway if he keeps it up we will have to have weigh ins at the Drs. office; I am hoping this is just an off week!
Nothing too exciting going on! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
KUNZITE, twins run in my family!!! (my mom was 1 of 15) anyway, 4 of the girl cousins had twins including me. Okay 2 cousins had twins & had other kids and they all got along!!! I sometimes read the barely preggo thread for fun and I see you posted a pic and it looks like you have a high chance of being Frat twins (two separate sacs but you could have ID too)! I hear frat twins are close but not like ID?? who knows but anyway I bet Oliver will be an awesome brother and they are sooooo close in age and I bet they all will be close. :D :bigsmile: I am so excited for you!!! I will try to answer any questions I can but Jas in the barely preggo is a twin mom too w/ I think 3 yr old boys and is preggo too so I bet she would be a good source too, but I am happy to answer any questions. I am seriously excited for you!!! Thank about my hams!!! I was wrong about their weight, they are 14 almost 15 lbs (Evan) and Miles is 16 lbs. doh! I used the home scale but it was off. Yay for Oliver eating something! he is a doll!!!

LISA can't wait to see you in this thread soon!

ICEKID, awww your Jumper is precious and woohoo for all his new words, he is awesome!!!

AFM, Evan decided he doesn't want to eat as often so he is consuming less milk. agh!! Anyway if he keeps it up we will have to have weigh ins at the Drs. office; I am hoping this is just an off week!
Nothing too exciting going on! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Kunzite - Congratulations on the twins! I'll never forget how excited I was when our doctor said at our first ultrasound, "There's the first baby...and...there's the second. Mrs. R, are you okay?" I was ecstatic, but most of his patients got panicky at the thought of multiples, so he didn't realize my silence was me trying to contain my excitement (I was secretly hoping for twins). :D

We chose not to have a full blown autopsy of our boy. The cause of the demise was deemed inconclusive, but they did find the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times. Babies have survived this, so the doctors wouldn't say it was the reason, but it was the only unusual circumstance that they discovered.

AFM, Ava has been eating fairly well, and has had her feeding tube out for a few days now. She's also been free of apneas/bradys for 6 days, and just passed her car seat test. Hopefully this means good things for us in the coming days...
Skye turned 1 on Thursday! unfortunately, she was sick, still is a bit, but seemed to enjoy all the attention and new toys. yesterday we went to day care for 1 hour to celebrate it there.

here are the Miffy cupcakes. they were super cute, but very dry. they just don't know how to make moist cake here.

and here's my little girl in her birthday dress. thankfully I took this picture last weekend, before she got a snotty nose and red eyes that make her look stoned.


Awww, Happy Birthday Skye!! What a beautiful picture of Skye in her pretty dress (I LOVE that dress!!) Those cupcakes are ADORABLE!

Kunzite - How are you feeling? Your DH sounds very funny. You will figure things out! We are all healthy again, and amazingly, no daycare illnesses this week.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
Happy Birthday, Skye! What a beautiful picture and cute pink dress! Hope she feels better soon!

PT - glad Ava is doing so well. Hope you get to go home pretty soon.

Skippy - Sorry about Evan not wanting to eat! Hope he picks it up soon.

Kunzite - you must be so excited. Can't even imagine. Twins! Have you been telling people yet? Hope O's skin gets better soon.

Icekid - Happy birthday Jumper!


I'm so proud of my little boy...he had been having trouble falling asleep at his bedtime (7 o'clock) for about a week. He would fall asleep and then wake up crying in like 15 minutes and want to be rocked back to sleep. Last night I decided it was enough, so I didn't go to him. He lasted about 15 minutes then fell asleep. I couldn't believe it! Tonight he fell asleep in 5 minutes, didn't even cry enough to lose the pacifier, and hasn't been up since. Knock on wood. And the other night he slept 5.5 hours straight!

He is so much of a joy to be around these days..Smiling and laughing all the time. Four months has really been a turning point for us. He loves playing in his jumperoo. We are looking forward to Christmas. I got him a Laugh and Dance puppy (or something like that). I love looking back at his newborn pictures and thinking how far he has come.

Here he is for his 4 month and Christmas photos.


thanks ladies! Skye's dress is from H&M. they have such nice dresses there for the holidays. I highly recommend.
dcgator, Liam goes to his nana's during the day. :)

basil, your little man is adorable!

noelwr, she is adorable!! Happy Birthday, Skye!
PT, sounds like she will be home soon if she isn't home already? hugs about your son.

NOEL, happy belated birthday to your sweet girl!!!

BASIL, Oh my gosh, he is soooooooo adorable! :love: I just love his smiling eyes !!!
Basil, H is just tooooooooo CUTE! He has such cute outfits!! Oh my goodness!

Skippy, Is Evan eating better for you? I see you changed your avatar. Too cute! Is that your holiday card?


Is everyone doing holiday cards??? I'm just thinking about it now. I have to take some photos tomorrow and then look for cards. Maybe tiny prints?
Ava came home yesterday! Boy, was it a long night. She was waking every 30-40 minutes, would feed for no more than 5 minutes, then would pass out again. Feeling so lost right now because she's so fussy and the NICU nurses said she was a really mellow baby. I worry she's not eating enough (because of the short nursing periods), but there have been plenty of dirty diapers (which we change often). The only time she seemed to fall into a good deep sleep was after we caved and gave her a bottle. Any words of wisdom for a new mom? Is this common in all babies, or is it a preemie thing? She just turned 36 weeks yesterday...

PT, hooray! early Christmas present that your little girl came home!!! I have no advice for you,but just wanted to say she looks ADORABLE!

Skippy, LOVE the new av! That totally looks like a holiday card picture.

IHA, hope you and Liam are doing well.

Basil, glad H is sleeping like a champ now. Hope he keeps it up.
LV, I used cardstore and won't use them again. My boys faces looked red too, the quality was not good. It was cheap though including postage so I guess I got what I paid for. I heard people say vistaprints, tinyprints and costco are good. I have used Costco and they aren't expensive and do it in a couple of hours, not sure if there is a costco near you?? I want to see your pictures!!! we took the pics ourselves. You take awesome pictures so I can't wait to see!!!!

PT, oh my gosh, I felt like you when we brought Miles home; I think he was 37 weeks and had the worst colic. I promise it gets better but I really felt like a fish out of water. I use to call my Primaries at the NICU and ask lots of questions. My babies wouldn't latch so I don't have nursing advice. I did pump for them and would feed Miles when he was hungry. Ava is beautiful!!! :love: eta: I think each time we brought one home it was an adjustment for both of us, hang in there because it will get better soon!!! hugs

LISA, thanks!!!

Oh and Evan ate better this weekend (yay) and then today not so good so thank goodness we don't have to do the weigh ins; I guess he is just a picky eater. We are taking him to the feeding clinic tomorrow for tips. Here is the back of our holiday card, this pic is my favorite. Yes, the pic in my avie is part of the card too! heehe We even sent a pic of them in their santa hats. I had sent pics out when they were first born with them on oxygen and feeding tubes so it felt FANTASTIC to send lots of healthy looking baby photos now. I got teary eyed doing so thinking that their birth announcement was the last card I sent and I was super excited to send this one!!! :D

I'm also just chiming in to say that I'm so glad Ava is home. The waking every 30 - 40 minutes sounds like torture, but I know you can handle it! I just love seeing pics of her!
I was holding Miles while types so I meant to say yay, congrats that Ava is home PT!!!!! :appl:

LV, one more thing; a few people I know used Tiny prints and love them!!!
Oh PT, I'm so happy to hear that Ava got to come home (and so early too!! What a good girl!!)! I can't give you advice on nursing because I exclusively pumped, but we went through something so similar. Oliver was a darling in the ISCU. Always quiet and smiling. The night we roomed-in at the hospital he cried ALL.THE.TIME! We thought, what happened to our calm baby!?! The next day was the day he came home and it was so much different than the hospital. He cried when he was falling asleep, he cried when he was eating, he cried when we changed his diaper. You would have thought we were torturing the boy! I think what happens is that once they figure out eating they're more like a newborn and less like a baking baby. Newborns go through their "wake up" a little bit after they get to go home from the hospital too, so I don't think it's a coincidence that this happens with NICU babies when they're discharged. They've suddenly proved that they're really newborns at this point and they're going to act like one! We also went through the short feeding cycles. For the first few weeks he would eat every hour to every two hours, and never more than about 30-50 mL at a time. It was hard, to say the least. The reality was that he started eating bigger amounts when he was ready. It didn't take long, but on lack of sleep it felt like forever! Obviously at the time we worried about it endlessly! Is he eating enough, is he sleeping enough? But we had nearly daily weight checks with the pedi and he was gaining the entire time so we just went with it! Hang in there mama!!! Don't feel guilty for skipping a feed or two and having your dh give a bottle. There's no way one person can feed a baby every hour endlessly.
LV, we used MPIX for our holiday cards and loved how they turned out. I would definitely recommend.


Ok, back to lurking at all the PS baby cuteness!
Just popping in to say hi since I'm ready to join in on this thread now! Liam Jules was born Dec 6 at 5:12 PM. 22 1/4 inches, 8 lbs 14 oz.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about all of your LOs!
Elle, your newborn son is about the same size as my 3 mo old daughter. She really is a peanut!

Just wanted to let everyone know that Aubrey's heart surgery is scheduled for December 22nd. She's been doig well, minus the whole barely eating thing, and is just such a happy, content little lady. I love dressing her up and propping her up, sitting like a little person. She just likes to look around and smile at things.
Her surgery should last around 4-5 hours, and then we will stay in the hospital about a week. Yes, she's spending her first Christmas in the hospital, but it was time to move forward. I didn't want interventions like a feeding tube or extra supplements. She began eating less when we supplemented her bottles with formula, so I said screw it and just let her continue w/ breastmilk unsupplemented since we were so close to surgery anyways.

I'm trying to keep it together. People like to say I am so strong, when really, its Aubrey who is going through this, I'm just a passenger. They don't see me looking at her with tears rolling down my face bc I am so overwhelmed by what is about to happen and she's just clueless and happy as a clam. I mean, I know that actually a good thing. I can carry the burden and the stress of it all, since she won't know anything about this and just live on with a scar drawn down her chest. But at the same time, the little nugget is going to be so scared and have all these people doing all these things to just makes me sad. :saint:

Just keep her in your praters if you can :saint:
Charbie, hugs and prayers to you and your sweet little peanut! She's a tough little cookie, and I'll be thinking of you guys

Charbs, she will ABSOLUTELY be in my thoughts until the second I hear how great the surgery went.

I know you feel like you're falling apart over it, but you really are being so strong. I can't even imagine what it must be like to go through that. Absolutely terrifying. At least for me, its worse to watch someone you love go through something like that than to be the person experiencing it. You just feel so helpless.

I know Aubs will do great, and I'm sure EVERYONE here on the mommy boards will be thinking of you guys now and through the holidays.
Charbie, your daughter and you and your family will be in my strongest prayers. sending you much love and prayers friend! hugs to you and your beautiful baby girl.

ELLE, welcome and congrats!!!

CD, love the xmas card!
Charbie - You and Aubrey will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Charbie, I'll be keeping your beautiful little lady in my thoughts. It'll be so awesome when this is all HISTORY!
Oh CDN!!! Tell us more about baby Isla!!! That photo is sooooo adorable! How old was she then? Judging by that photo, I bet you have some really great newborn photos that you will always treasure!! Stop with the lurking and tell us MORE!!!!!!

Elle, WELCOME!! :wavey: Tell use more about Liam. How are things going?

Charbie, Keeping your beautiful baby in my thoughts! Aubrey will be fine, and her momma will be too, because you'll be with each other every step of the way, one step at a time.

Skippy, That photo you posted from the back of your card is just too too cute! Is Evan on the left? He's totally cracking up. Adorable!!

I will have to wait til the weekend for card worthy photos. My little girl was not cooperating. She is into everything or on the move, and I couldn't get her to look at the camera.

samantha holiday1.jpg
ops double post
LV, that picture is so sweet of S; she is so beautiful!!! :love: She looks so in awe and peaceful looking at the tree. I think that would be perfect and one of her looking at the camera. Thanks, yes, that is Evan cracking up. lol
Charbie, Aubrey will most definitely be in my thoughts in the coming weeks. I am eager for you to put all of this behind you--having a baby who needs surgery is incredibly difficult for any parent. I had several surgeries when I was young and now as an adult, I have a lot of appreciation for my parents' strength through all of that. All of this will be a distant memory soon!
Elle, congratulations on your newbie! Welcome Liam!

Happy birthday to Skye!! I know I haven't been around since she was born, but she is such a beauty! I hope she gets feeling better soon :)
Thanks LV! Your daughter is adorable! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Lets see... Liam is 9 days old today! He's seriously been a fantastic baby. He came home sleeping in 3-4 hour stretches, doesn't really fuss much, and typically only cries when there's a reason. He's a really happy, good-natured baby. I'm sure I've just been lucky so far, but I'll take all the "lucky" I can get. We actually get some sleep!