
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

TIFFANY, clingy babies are tough when they don't feel well and both need you, hugs and I hope he feels better soon. :halo: :(( Yes, please post pics!!! Your boys are so beeeeeautiful!!! It is nice to see another twin momma around here!!! Yay for teeth! little teeth are so cute!

LV, we got firefly Freddie; it came today and the babies love it. I got some other toy too and they love it, the Manhattan Toy Winkel to put in their mouths. hehe How long does the teething last? I can't wait till it is over; thanks about Sophie! I appreciate your thoughts and suggestion for teether!!! We need a pic of S please!!!

DC, I need to try on their dresses again (fingers crossed they fit), let me see if I can find the link. tada! [URL=''][/URL]
if they don't fit I will have to find a dress locally; I am sure one will fit one of them though. You did great for as long as you bf'ed! How exciting to see family in TN; I think TN is so beautiful! Your poor sweet daughter I hope she feels better, teething is no fun. Yay for Lamaze toys, they are so much fun!!!

Evan is cranky pants, poor guy; I wish they didn't have to teeth and they magically popped in. ;) It sounds like we are all in the same boat. Are you mommas going to do a cute photo card for the holidays of your little one? Hope everyone is having a great week and thanks for the teething advice!!! I gave Evan a wet wash cloth today and he liked it but was still a bit fussy.
dcgator - going back to work was weird. it felt like I'd only been away a weekend... but then I thought of all I had been through the past year and it was like I was gone forever. everyone is super nice about making sure I have no stress. only thing is that they announced they are closing our office by end next year and that some of us will be offered to move to Singapore, but not all. well, I can't really plan anything until I know if they're going to offer me a move or a package. how was your trip to DC?

LV - I just learned by googling that Miffy is a girl. I thought it was neither boy nor girl (like Elmo). anyway, Miffy is actually Dutch and here we call her "Nijntje" which is short for "konijntje" (bunny). only thing is that only Dutch people can pronounce the "ij" vowel sound so they had to change her international name.

Skippy - I think Skye's teething lasted for 5 months! I mean if you just look back at the chewing and drooling. the actual pain part when the tooth came out lasted about 3 days, I think.
dc - I wish I could tell you what causes the screaming in the middle of the night! I'm totally at a loss these days... more on that below! Good luck on your trip!

basil - How are things going at daycare now? O went through phases of not eating much as well. He'll get into a routine. One day he just decided that he would eat everything we brought in and it hasn't been a problem since.

LV - So funny about S feeding you! O won't even feed himself, lol. But he has started shoving his toys in my mouth! I guess he assumes if he wants to chew on it, I do too!

Skippy - Did you know that yesterday was National Prematurity Day? I thought of you and the boys yesterday. I hope you held them extra close! I had intended to send a card up to the hospital to thank all of the wonderful nurses in the NICU/ISCU, but never found time. I need more time! O's favorite teethers are the small wood ones from this Etsy shop:

noel - I can't believe that your first week back you find out that your office is shutting down! How terrible. Would you go to Singapore? I often think that I would love to move international but all of the places I want to go have strict immigration laws, hehe.

AFU - We cannot shake this morning wake up. HELP!! I honestly don't know what to do anymore. My baby is one, he should not still be waking up around 4 in the morning, right? We've tried an earlier bedtime, we've tried a later bedtime, we've tried patting him back to sleep, we've tried decreasing the amount we feed him slowly. Nothing seems to work. I really need this morning wake up to go away.

Our pedi gave us a referral to see a Speech Therapist since O still won't eat anything solid (other than puffs). We'll probably give it a month or two before we go but I suppose it's worth checking out to see if there's an actual problem that is keeping him from eating. My gut tells me that he's just lazy. He was slow to learn to eat in the hospital too because he knew he would get fed without any effort on his part. I think we might be going through the same thing now. I know mama will feed me from a spoon, so why pick up my food?!

Oh, and my baby is starting to be abusive! I can't pick him up without getting my eye scratched, my hair pulled, or a finger all the way up my nose! What gives, kid! :eek:

LV, these are for you! O playing with his birthday presents, his play table and bead cube!


KUNZITE, I thought of you soooo many times yesterday. I was going to pop in and say something but then I got side tracked with the boys. I posted it on my facebook wall yesterday; I told my nurses thanks you (they are FB friends and like to see the boys grow). I should send a card too, that is a great idea! Thanks for the link!!! Oliver is so beautiful; he has the most flawless baby skin! Is your skin like his? I would guess it is! I love those pics of him. :love: Oh my gosh my boys swat my face; it drives me nuts! I try to say no but I think they are just discovering what they can do so I try to hold them away from my face. haha sometimes I forget though!!! hugs to you and your beautiful Oliver for World Preemie day; we have some awesome kiddos! Oh no to O waking at 4, so sorry!

DC, my son wakes now at 9 pm and screams and then falls back asleep, not sure why? I am glad you and Kunzite said that because I thought something was going on but it sounds normal?

NOEL, oh wow, I am sorry about your company! Oh wow, 5 months! I hope the pain for him doesn't last that long. I notice my other baby is teething but no crying so hopefully it won't be painful for Miles too. How is Skye? pics? :bigsmile:
Evan and Miles are 7 months today :D
Well just to check if the boys grew out of their baptism gowns (since it happens next weekend) I put them in them in them and Miles' gown is a bit tight in it so my mom made extenders. Evan is so petite and he fits in his a little loose. Oh we had our Synagsis (antibody against RSV recommended for preemies) and the boys weight 14.4 lbs & 25.5 inches (Evan) and 15.7 lbs & 26 inches (Miles). I can't believe how big they are getting!!! I can't believe how quick time flies! It feels like yesterday many of you just had your beautiful babies :love: :love:


Skippy!!!! Wow to 7 months already!!! Miles looks so happy in that photo! Such gorgeous babies in their gowns! You must be excited for the Baptism next weekend. That's nice that it will be on Thanksgiving weekend. Did you say that you hired someone to help you during the week? I meant to ask, how is that working out? Glad to hear they like Freddie! :appl: S has a winkel too, and if I recall correctly, so does O. I learned about Winkel from Kunzite, my toy advisor! :))

Kunzite,! HOW CUTE!! Is that another sweater romper??????????????? How cute that he is sharing his toys with you! Re: food, do you mean that he won't pick up his own food, or that he won't eat solids at all? I'm confused because you said he'll eat from a spoon. Re: 4 am wake-ups, have you tried water??? That seemed to do the trick for us, for a few weeks, she wasn't waking up at all. Now, if she wakes up, usually at 4 also, we just take her into bed with us, and then she falls asleep without being fed. How did your week alone with O go? Lots of fun, I bet!

Noel, Is moving to Singapore an option for you? That would be quite a change!! I know you've mentioned that you've traveled there before for work. My company has an office in Singapore, and the people are just so friendly and kind.

S has been sick. I had to stay home on Thurs with her because DH had to go into work. I felt really badly about it because I only go in 2 days, but we really have no other option. She's had a fever and a slight cough. She's had the fever for 3 days now. I give her Advil. She's happy as can be, so at least she doesn't seem to be too affected by it.
Kunzite - I've never seen a sweater romper before. that is cute. S also loves bead cube thingies. we will get one for her birthday. when S wakes up at 4 am crying, it's because she's hungry so I just give her the oatmeal bottle early. however, this is just once in a while, when she's going through a growth spurt and lasts a couple of days. maybe O's just got it into his routine now. S also likes to poke us in the face with her index finger, preferably in our mouths and feeling our teeth.

Skippy - was the baptism this weekend?

LV - how is S doing now? hope she is better now.

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AFU, yes, we will consider moving to Singapore if it's financially sound. however, we'd actually prefer relocating to Houston, where my company also has an office. I am quite surprised because DH has not wanted to relocate but now he is open to it. Houston might mean he'd have to be a SAHD because it would be difficult to find a company to sponsor him for his own work visa (he would not be allowed to work on mine). anyway, I still have to discuss with my manager. it has to make sense financially and I am a little worried about having to organize a new health insurance and having problems finding one to cover my known cancer risk. it's also likely that there will be no opportunities for me internationally and I have to accept a severance package.

Skye got her 2nd tooth! it took me by surprise. I was bathing her and she smiled at me and I saw it. she had no teething issues with this one, at all! otherwise, she's becoming quite naughty and I had to give her a time out in the hallway which she didn't like. it probably also doesn't work on her yet, but at least it allowed me to hang up the laundry without her pulling all the clothes down. here some more of her naughtiness:

Noel, Aww, look at Skye. She's just trying to help Mommy with the dishes! :halo: Hope everything with work turns out just the way you want it. Keep us posted. Oh, is the new tooth an upper or a lower?

S is still sick. She's had a fever, albeit low, since Weds night! I actually thought it had gone away, but I guess not. She hasn't been cranky at all, but her cough has gotten worse. We have a dr's apptmt tomorrow. On Friday, they mentioned that they had seen some kids with pneumonia. I really don't think she has pneumonia!
LV, oh no to the cough poor S. I hope she feels better soon and doesn't have pneumonia. Please keep us posted and I will send healthy vibes her way.

KUNZITE, let us know how the ST goes; I know they can do all sorts of things to help the little ones. How are you feeling momma?

NOEL,I think she wants to help you too. hehe I hope that things work out the way you want with you company. This coming weekend is the baptism.

Miles has learned how to cough and roll his tongue and he likes to do both at the same time. He is too funny. I think he did have a cough but now he does it way more than he use to and laughs when he does it! hahaha Silly guy! Oh and last night for fun we gave them baby food to see what they would do. They opened their mouths which was cute but then sort of spit it out. I think we won't start giving them baby food time next month! Evan is getting new OT services with a different program; the other program wasn't helping so I felt bad switching but I had to listen to my mommy gut. I hope this program will do a better job of helping him. How is everyones little one feeling LV and KUNZITE? Happy Monday!!!
LV, I read this thread but then later forgot to respond and meant to. You are so incredibly sweet to ask about the sitter! She is coming Wed. I like her, she is good with the babies but the other twin mom who she sits for needs her more lately so we don't see her too often. I might see if another sitter is available; I got a recommendation so I will see. Sometimes I think I should do it all myself as it is easier but then other times I think it is nice to get a little break to clean or do other things that have been on hold. If I really thought about it, I should just get a cleaning person that would really help me out. I try to clean w/the babies nap, etc. thanks for asking. Did you find some fun toys to get S for Christmas? I would love to hear what she loves!!! It helps getting recommendations!
Skippy - That's good that you've had some help. I think about how hard it is here with only one. She's an easy baby, too. I would definitely need help. Maybe you can get a recommendation for a cleaning person, and then have her come once and then see who you think helps more.

I did get some toys. I've been meaning to update my toy thread. I will do that next.

Thanks for asking about S. She has an ear infection. I really didn't expect that, but I guess ear infections can develop after a cold. That's why her temp has been up. She's on amoxicillin now. Poor baby, but she doesn't seem bothered by it much.

We have a new game. She picked up a pen today and handed it to me, I handed it back, she gave it back, repeat about 20 times. Soooo cute. I realize that all babies do these things, but I am just SO amazed every time she learns something new. Babies are Amazing!
LV, good idea!!! I should do that on the cleaning person vs sitter! thanks

aww, no, it is fun seeing our babies discover new things they can do; it is like living through their eyes!!! Yay for S!!! She is such a sweet and beautiful baby! Okay looking forward to reading your list of toys! I hope she feels better soon and stays well for awhile! She sounds like a trooper!
That avatar of E had me swooning :love: :love:
He is just a handsome little guy.
J is doing great. A little Miss Personality if you will.
Already arguing and making excuses.

LOL...I can't believe you still remember about her PT fight.
Yes, fortunately she finally gave me to PT when I threatened her w/ the computer.
Told her that baby doesn't play on the computer and she's a baby if she stays in diaper.
S is a cutie. She reminds me of these dolls that I have growing up.
She is growing like a weed. Enjoy every minute of them because they grow so fast.

:wavey: :wavey: I don't follow PS as much as I used to, so I'm spotty w/ what's going on w/ everyone,
but I do pop in here every now and then to soak up some of the cuteness from you ladies ^.^
Can't believe S is almost 1. She's a pretty and delicate little thing.
LV - when Skye had her bad cough, she also had an ear infection. the doctor said she doesn't usually give something for it as it will go away on its own, but that was the time that DH was in the hospital and I was home alone, so I was allowed to give her penicillin for 3 days so that the cough would go away quicker and I could sleep at night. Skye's new tooth is the other front lower.

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Skye won't let me get near her with a toothbrush! I end up wiping her teeth with a wash cloth while she bathes... how do other mommies clean the teeth?
Hmmm...maybe it's time I join you ladies over here, rather than the Pregnant PS'er thread, since Ava will be 3 weeks old tomorrow.

I had a brief, but complicated pregnancy, which included an ever shrinking cervix. Long story short, the evening of my baby shower (a Sunday), I called the hospital and requested to be checked out by L&D for contractions that felt different than the BH ones I'd been having. They put me on a magnesium drip, in an attempt to hold off full blown labor (I was still only about 30 weeks pregnant at the time), and steroid shots to aid baby's lungs, in case she came early anyway. Early Wednesday morning, when I told the doctor my contractions were difficult to speak through, she gave me one last cervical check. No wonder I was in pain - I was 6-7cm dilated and fully effaced. Baby had been transverse/sideways the entire pregnancy (including the day before), so I was immediately rushed off to the OR for an emergency c-section (I was told if my water broke, her cord could come out first, which would mean danger for the little one). I told DH to go home the night before, thinking my situation had stabilized, and ended up calling him as I was being wheeled down the hallway. Things happened so fast, that he arrived just as the doctor's were cleaning Ava off, and in time to see me still cut open (thank goodness he isn't squeamish).

Ava was born at 30 weeks, 2 days gestation. 2lbs 11.4oz and 15 inches. She had a nasal cannula placed for about a day, but has otherwise been on room air the entire time. She spent a total of 3-4 days under a UV lamp for jaundice, but hasn't had to go back under for a while now. She suffers the occasional A's and B's, which terrify me, but the nurses assure me is nothing abnormal for a preemie. She's strictly being fed fortified breast milk through a tube, which means no more IV/PICC line. All in all, she's doing amazingly well.

PT, it is so good to see you in this thread!!! Welcome and Ava is gorgeous!!! :love: :love: Congrats!! A couple of us went into labor around the same time you did. I was 9 weeks and 4 days early. What is A's and B's? arrhythmias and bradycardia I am guessing? sorry, if it is something else. My boys had brady's. That is great you are getting breast milk to Ava! Not sure if this will make you feel better but my boys went home on oxygen (we are at a high elevation) but the specialist saw one baby after he came home and said lots of full term babies have Brady's but we wouldn't know it, just that it is normal even in full term babies. If they resolve on their own even better. Hugs momma, you are doing great and Ava looks wonderful!!! I love her little hat and beautiful pic of papa and baby! :love:

NOEL, I use the oragel finger scrubber to clean Evan and Miles gums. this is what I use
I heard from a few moms that this is a fun toothbrush (the banana)

LILI, awww, thank you so much for your sweet words on my Evan baby!!! hugs to you and J!!! She is so beautiful and has grown so much! I bet she is so much fun to be around; I love that she is little miss Personality!!! she look like she is, adorable!

LV, I am loving your toy thread; it has given me so many ideas!!!
Skippy - I can't believe your boys are 7 months already!! I love them in their little hats, that look on Miles' face is precious. We'll probably wait a month or two to see the ST just because I don't really think anything is wrong. We might try to see the PT though just to check up on his development. We really don't know if he's on track at this point or not since it's been so long since we've seen anyone. Thanks for asking about me, I'm feeling pretty awful! DH said that we're definitely having a girl because everything this time around has been magnified by 100%! I'm out of control moody, out of control tired, and crazy nauseous. Everything is in line with last time only much, much worse! I sure hope it all passes soon. With the way I'm dry heaving all of the time I'm going to end up spilling the beans before I even get into the doctor! It's pretty hard to hide stuff like that. O is feeling much better though. He turned a corner on Saturday and was his happy self finally. He had his shots on Monday so it's been up and down for the poor little guy. He was ecstatic to get to daycare this morning, I could tell he missed it. The little stinker, happy to be rid of mommy and daddy!

LV - It is another sweater romper! I know, I'm out of control! The middle button on some of his rompers is starting to snap open so I'm afraid he's starting to outgrow all of them!! The horror! I just hate buying two sets of the same season, but it looks like I might have to. I guess the solids thing was a little confusing. I mean he won't eat food that is in its natural solid state, it has to be pureed and not too thick. And he won't feed himself anything but puffs. We were at lunch with a friend this weekend and she was determined to get him to eat something and he let her put a piece of olive in his mouth. It was funny my friend looked so triumphant but after a few seconds he started with the dramatic gagging face like he was going to throw up. I was like, SEE!!! We haven't tried water yet but it might be next on the list. A few weeks ago we tried the ever decreasing bottle and it didn't go well when he got down to only an ounce or so. Sorry to hear that S is sick. O is just now getting over an ear infection too. It's pretty common when they're stuffy because it can back up into their ears. Poor babies!

noel - Yes!! O loves to poke and scratch our teeth too, it was one of the first things he started doing. We joke that he's destine to be a dental hygienist! I love that picture of her helping with the wash, so cute! We're working on our second tooth too, the other bottom one. When they were bumps they always looked like they were the same size so I assumed they would come out close together, but this second one is being stubborn!

PT - Welcome mama!!! Ava is a doll, and it sounds like she handling everything like a champ!! I remember the magnesium well, oh my goodness! On fire!! That's awesome that she's on room air and no IV. Oliver was born at 30w5d so just a little later. Bradys are so terrifying aren't they? I know they're normal and just a part of an immature body, but wow! Those red flashing lights and the alarm with the ever lowering numbers. Terrifying! Has she started trying to nipple yet? My memory is fuzzy, but I think O started trying around 32 weeks but was really slow to pick it up. He didn't go home until 39 weeks because he was a lazy eater. They say that boys are the worst (lazy boys!) but that girls pick it up much faster. I'll be hoping that Ava is a fast feeder and grower!! :appl:
A and B = apnea and bradycardia, very common in preemies

PT--if there ever was a picture that inspired a thousand words--it was the one you posted of your precious Ava (that hat! :love: ) and your husband. His hands--and her. Beautiful. Growth and health vibes across the miles.... :))

PT - welcome to you and Ava!

LV - regarding your toy thread, I wanted to say that Skye also loves bead mazes which should be no surprise since she is the male version of Oliver. we got her one for her birthday. she will also get stacking cups and the plastic puzzle toy where you push shapes through the holes. she loves her toy that's a pole and you have to put the different size & color rings on it.

Skippy - the finger scrubber looks good. I will see if they have it here (doubt it) or else I will get it in Houston.

Kunzite - oooh, I would love it if you have a little girl... but I do hope the yucky symptoms don't last too much longer. you might have already, but have you tried bread and cream cheese? other things S likes are Cheerios and small pieces of cheese. I think just keep trying and one day he'll surprise you.

- - -

Skye is now pointing and saying "Da!" as well as pressing stuff with her index finger. she graduated to the forward facing car chair. she also keeps trying to shove her pacifier in my mouth. "No thank you. Mommy doesn't want your drool in my mouth." oh, and when she gets fed up with dinner, I scoop it onto the spoon for her and then let her put it in her mouth herself, which she likes and manages to eat a few more bites. we haven't moved on to non-blended dinner food yet because I think it would be a big mess and she would just pick out the things she likes.

LEFT: she now does this thing with her tongue, sliding it back and forth over her upper lip and babbling at the same time.
RIGHT: and here you can see her two teef!

Noel - That's interesting about the ear infections. My impression is that they ALWAYS prescribe antibiotics here for ear infections. I'd be happy to hear what other PS moms have experienced in that regard. I was talking to a guy at work. His baby is 10 days older than S and had 3 back-to-back ear infections. They had to prescribe a different antibiotic for the in-between one because the first one wouldn't work, and then they were talking about putting tubes in, if he got another one. Fortunately, he hasn't had one since. I know that drs don't want to over-prescribe antibiotics, so maybe that's why they aren't routinely prescribing them for ear infections where you are. I don't know, but it is interesting to see how these things are handled differently.

S gives us her pacifier too, but she wants it right back, haha. This morning, she TRIED TO GIVE HER PACIFIER TO PACO, THE CAT!!! Hilariously ADORABLE! Paco did not accept! HAHAHAHA.

Is your trip to Houston strictly for shopping, or is it for work too? Have you been there before?

Thanks for the feedback on the bead maze. There's definitely one in her future.

Skippy - :wavey: Hope you're having a nice Thanksgiving and looking forward to the baptism. Looking forward to pics!

PT - Welcome to you and little Ava. I agree with Sharon, that pic is great!

Kunzite - Sorry to hear that O had an ear infection too. Was he prescribed antibiotics? I was thrilled that S was taking the amoxy so easily. She seemed to LIKE the taste of it. Uh, not any longer. Sigh. Sorry to hear he's outgrowing his clothes, but hey, maybe you'll get to reuse them! The thought that I may never get to use S's clothes again makes me sad. I just keep packing them away!!

LANIE!!!!!!!! - SPECIAL CALL OUT FOR YOU TODAY. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? Seriously, we'd love to hear what A is up to these days.

HAPPY THANKSGIVNG!!!! I am so Grateful for this group of Fabulous mommas and beautiful babies!!! hugs to you all!
I will come back and comment sometime this weekend but last night they woke at 11 and 3 :knockout: so I need to take a nap (not the norm). hahaha Here are my LITTLE HAMS ready for some Turkey ;) I feel blessed these little dudes are in my life and I am sure you mommas feel the same about your gorgeous LO's!11

I meant to write that Skye is the FEMALE version of Oliver, not male
Hello from Dusseldorf. We are here for the weekend for the Christmas market. Sans bebe! So I will not have to wake up at 5 am to make a bottle.

LV - foreigners in Holland joke that there's no point in going to the doctor because they tell you to take a
paracetamol and send you away. I will be in Houston for shopping. I am staying with a friend who does work in our Hoston office, but I'll leave the going to work to her.
KUNZITE, preggo symptoms are tough, I am sorry and hope you get some relief soon! The 2 that I won't forget are smells would drive me insane and I was soooo exhausted. I hope that you get some naps in and that work doesn't find out yet. When do you find out what you are having? I can't wait to hear!!! :bigsmile: I am so EXCITED for you!!! I am glad O is feeling better! I want to see more Oliver pics pretty please!!!

NOEL, those teef are so cute!!! :bigsmile:

LV, aww that is so cute S wanted to share her paci w/the kitty cat!!! hahaha She is a doll!!! Please more pics of S!!!

DC, I keep meaning to say I love your Nursery!!! How is Sophia?

BASIL, how are you and H?

LANIE, I would love to see pics of A too!

AFM, we had a fun weekend with the babies. Miles loves to play a game with me; I will meow and he likes to get loud with the baby squealing after my meow! Evan baby loves to giggle, it is so cute!!! They are my little yin yangs. Today is the baptism; I just realized this morning I don't have an outfit! I probably will dig something out of the closet. I feel like I need to pack up a ton of things before we head out the door! Hope everyone had a great THANKSGIVING, hugs to ALL! :D
Kunzite - We've tried some "exploratory" breastfeeding. Some days she'll latch on and give a good suck or two (then pass out), and some days she'll fuss until I give up and hold her upright. She's 34 weeks (gestation) today, so hopefully she'll become more interested soon. And yes, the Brady's are terrifying. She actually had a more concentrated bout of apneas a few days ago, so the nasal canula has been placed back in. On the up side, as of yesterday, she has gained just over a pound from her birth weight!

I can't imagine pregnancy symptoms, combined with work and a little one at home. In some ways, I was lucky. Even though I was pregnant with boy/girl twins (we lost our boy at 26 weeks), I only suffered the mildest of m/s during the first trimester, and had no other symptoms throughout the pregnancy. No fatigue, swelling, sensitivity to scents, etc. If the doctor hadn't caught that I had cervical issues on an ultrasound, I would have thought I was blessed with an easy pregnancy.

Skippy - Your boys are just beautiful. I love your story about Miles' little game - I can't wait until Ava is old enough to catch little glimpses of her personality like that. I hope the baptism went well.

Noel - Skye is gorgeous! I love her little teeth, and am so glad to hear the second one coming in didn't seem quite as painful.

As for us, we're hoping Ava makes some fast progress soon, so we can have her home by Christmas. The two things I'm most concerned about right now, are her learning to feed without the tube, and going without apneas/bradys. I have a feeling both will be a challenge, and may keep us in the ICN up until her due date.
PT, the NICU nurses told us early on the babies do 2 steps forward 1 step back, for some reason when things didn't go like I liked it sort of brought comfort to know the babies did that. Hugs, I understand it can be frustrating. Miles came home at 37 gest and Evan 1 mo after his due date. Miles did have set backs too, he got off his oxygen and then went back on it; he also had set backs w/feeds. It is interesting but it is like a light bulb goes off and they know how to eat out of a bottle and no longer need a feeding tube. I hear boys are lazier than girls so I hope you get to leave before Ava's due date. Do they have LC's to help if you need one? Do they let you have primaries at your hospital? Fingers crossed and prayers that Ava comes home before her dd. Yay for her gaining 1 lb over her birth weight, super exciting!!! I would love to see more pictures of Ava; she is so beautiful!!! Thank you for your sweet words on my little guys. Times flies and I bet in no time your beautiful Ava will being singing and laughing for her beautiful momma.

AFM The baptism went well but it was a bit rushed at the end so I wished we had more time for pictures. It wasn't about the pictures though. My cousin is a Deacon so he performed the baptism which made it even more special. My parents prepared the food for after the baptism (I was going to have it catered but my parents want to do it) and it turned out fantastic!!! My parents are so sweet to do that. Overall it was a beautiful day. :D

eta: oh and I think Evan and Miles are 16 and 17 lbs? I got on the scale with them because they have been feeling heavy lately! I can't believe how much they have gained. hehe Oh and I ordered new bouncers, theirs seemed to have gotten smaller. I got the new FP bouncer to Toddler seats? I like the idea that they are chairs for toddlers to sit in. I hope they like them.
PS ate my post!!!

Here's the condensed version. Liam is almost 3 months. He has started teething, reaches for things, hold his head up like a champ and started rolling from his back to his sides just last night. He sleeps 12+ hours a night with only one wake up for his bottle. I am truly lucky to have such a great baby. I love him more than anything. He is just simply amazing. His smile and laugh melt my heart. :love:

Oh and I went back to work 3 weeks ago. Don't get me started on how much I miss spending every day with my little man. ;(

Here is a pic that was taken about a week ago. Hubby and I got a brand new spiffy camera and did this photo shoot all by ourselves. :bigsmile: This will be on our Christmas card. :bigsmile:

Just a quick drive-by... life gets busier and busier. Here is my little O on his last "first" holiday- Thanksgiving! He is going to be one this week on Wednesday ;( ;( (and a couple more of the little cutie..)



Ice, he is adorable! But how is it possible that Jumper is going to be 1?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
we had a super weekend. even though we woke up at 8am out of habit, it was nice to be able to stay in bed as long as we wanted and also to go shopping all day and out to dinner without having to schedule our lives around a baby. it was a mini-vacation!

inhisarms - great card photo!

Skippy - glad to hear the baptism went well.

ice - wow, he's so grown up! how many teeth does he have already???

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as for Skye, she isn't eating so well lately. :nono: