
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi ladies! Longtime no see! I'm hardly ever on my computer anymore nowadays so that's why I've been MIA! Just wanted to pop in quick to update about Cayden :) He's eating solids and drinking out of his sippy cup. He's also begun to do a bit of a crawling army crawl type thing across the floor lol. We've got the rolling down which is great but I'm not looking forward to him being so mobile all of a sudden! He's under the 5th % in weight still so he's just a little guy who looooves to eat :) Here's a few pictures from the last month or so :)

I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice halloween!
Hi everyone, mainly posting to post this PSA: Summary: some J&J baby products and one Aveeno product (the one we use!) contain toxic carcinogens. Yuck.

Kunzite, so cute that O chases the cats; C does the same thing. He just wants to grab and pull their fur; they know better than to get too close. I’m sure O will walk in no time; for now you still have your little baby! C is not interested in crawling at all and I’m not in a hurry for him to walk, but he has other ideas. We got him a little truck at costco that he can ride or push, and he’s kind of small for it, but still loves to push so we have to bend over and support him so he doesn’t conk his head on the wood floor.

Dc, sorry to hear about little S’s cold and yours too. Hope you feel better soon. Hard to believe S is 3 months already too! C was a cow for Halloween but we didn’t go trick-or-treating since he takes his bath around 6 and bed at 7. Can’t wait to see S’s pics.

Basil, H and Penny are too cute! That is a great pic of them both looking at the camera. Does H like the paci to satisfy his need for sucking?

Skippy, the boys are adorable. They really look alike in that picture.

LV, S looks like such a sweetheart. Makes me want a girl even more so I can put a tutu on her!
Quick fly by to post a few Halloween pictures.

I wish you ladies could hear the audio in the kitty picture. He is screeching at the poor cat! This kid is so loud when he's happy!!

And apparently he does not love nature! He got so sad when I set him in the leaves.....



cutest SUPERMAN!!!!!!! :love: Kunzite!

CATLUVER, I saw that, that is awful :knockout:
Hello, ladies!
I've been such a terrible poster since Aubrey arrived, I apologize. But I've loved keeping up with the little ones even if I haven't been posting. I know I won't be able to catch up with everyone, but I can't help but comment on these cuties:
Kunzite- O as Superman is perfect. He looks precious!
LV: S in her tutot- love it. Where is that tutu from? Those are picture you'll cherish forever.
Skippy: love those boys. How did the wubbanubb end up working? A likes to hug hers now...its cute,
Basil: H makes such a great Darth! Haha, too sweet with him and the pup!

Ms. Aubrey is 7 weeks old, and the most precious girl. She is still EBF, gave me fits when trying to learn to use a bottle of saved milk, but getting used to it. She won't take a full feed out of a bottle at once, takes a little while for her to take the bottle, but at least I'm no longer worried she's going to starve. I'm heading back to work next week so I can have FMLA left when she has her heart surgery. We have been following up with a cardiologist, who thinks she is progressing exactly as she should be given her heart defect. She is now on medication to help keep fluid off of her lungs, and they think she will be a great candidate for surgery around 6 mos old. She's a great baby- sleeping around 5 hrs the first stretch of the night, wants just a little snack in the middle of the night, and then sleeps 2-3 more hours.
Here are some pictures, and I am honestly going to make an effort to keep up more!



Charbie, little Aubrey looks adorable!! I'm so glad the doctors are happy with how she's progressing. I'm hoping everything stays on track.

Kuntzie, SUPERMAN!! Love it!!! O looks like he's having a BALL with the kitty. Poor Kitty.

Skippy, OMG those trekkie costumes are AWESOME! I love it!

LV, S is getting so BIG!!! Love the pictures of her tutu!

Moxie, wow freak October storms suck! I'm sorry you lost some frozen milk.

Basil, Love the yoda & darth vader costumes! THey're awesome!
thanks for sharing all those great Halloween costume pics! super cute babies.

I can't believe Skye turns 11 months next week. she goes for shots on Monday. :( I also go back to work on Monday for two half-days a week. anyway, back to Skye. I am no longer woken up by her in the middle of the night. whoo hoo! she is still pulling herself to stand up all the time but sometimes gets stuck as she doesn't dare sit back down again, unless it's on her crib mattress. otherwise, she is a very smart baby. at least I think she is. I can give her a box or a bottle that has a picture of a baby on it and when I ask "Where's the baby?" she points at the picture of the baby!

here she is being not-so-smart. she likes to hang and chew on the clothes rack, but then ends up sliding down and gets stuck until Mommy comes to save her (who has to take a picture first). I think it's hilarious that she keeps trying to chew on it even though she's upset.

but here she's a smart baby again. other than the first red block that was already on there, she put the rest of the blocks on all by herself within a couple of minutes.

Kunzite - S also shrieks when she sees animals - be they real, stuffed or a statue!


Charbie, what a doll you have on your hands! I had a friend who split up her FMLA like you are because her daughter needed surgery. She was really happy she did it.

Noel, I hereby declare Skye a genius. We have that toy and N, who is 15 months, mostly chews on it or bangs the rings on it. :lol:

I :love: all of the Halloween pics. You guys are so creative. N was a cow but we didn't really get any good pictures.
I'm back, finally. It's been a busy week. Good news -- we have power! So we are back to our regular routine. Thanks for all of the sweet comments on my little girl's pictures. I loved that outfit!! Yay for tutus!!

Noel, She is so smart! Cute outfit too! Are those baby legs??

Charbie, Awww, look at your little darling! I love her bow, and that's the cutest little moose! :bigsmile: Glad to hear that everything is going so well! Sorry to hear that you're going back to work so soon. That stinks, but you have to do what you have to do. oh, the tutu is from here: I prefer the "fairy cut" tutus from her shop, like the one I linked, because they are wispier at the end, and therefore, cuter! Lots of sellers have the straight-edged.

Kunzite, YAY! Cutest superman! He looks like such a joy! He's even adorable when he's crying! Haha. You asked about army crawling. S does use her arms. Mostly, she leads with her left arm, kind of like in a plank position, and then she kicks off with her right knee. Right arm and left leg are not too involved at this point, haha. That's funny that someone told you O isn't army crawling. I don't think the technique needs to be to military specifications to qualify! Haha!

Catluver, Thanks for the PSA! :wavey:

RT, C is such a cutie! He looks like such a happy baby! And such beautiful eyes! :love:

Skippy, Awww, your boys are getting more handsome by the day! How cute are they? Did you put binkies on their badges! That is too cute! hee-hee

Moxie, So sorry to hear that you lost some milk. I would have cried too! What state are you in? Do you have power back?

DC, Hope you're both feeling better! I've been sick too, for like the past 6 months. ha. Maybe I should start taking vitamin C? Would love to see some pics!
Loves Vintage|1320416185|3053816 said:
Skippy, Awww, your boys are getting more handsome by the day! How cute are they? Did you put binkies on their badges! That is too cute! hee-hee

thanks!! My hubby did :lol:

be back to type more soon moms!
CHARBIE, Aubrey is so beautiful but you already know I love your little one!!! Such a doll baby! :love: I am glad she is doing well; I have her in my prayers for her surgery when it happens. Oh Evan likes the paci but he can't keep that one in. lol His paci is more contured so if I could just switch paci's w/the animal it would work. too bad they don't put velcro on the end to make it easy to throw in the dishwasher and switch out paci's. "We" should invent that!! hehe That is so cute A, cuddles hers. awwww :love:

LV, yaaaaaaay for power; you poor sweetheart dealing with that! How is S feeling? I hope her cold is gone!! thanks about the badges. hehe

NOEL, that is too funny! My boys love this ball that has holes and they chew it but get frustrated with it all at the same time! babies are too funny! Wow, she will be 1 in no time!!!

AFM, we took Miles to the PED, he has reflux (milk came out of his nose, :knockout: poor guy) so we are upping his zantac; I hope it helps. If not then previcid. His eczema is horrible; my hubby thought it was milk crusted on his face. The doctor thinks it might be an allergy? I took him for blood work (I am allergic to certain foods), so he wants to rule that out. I also am going back to another laundry detergent. I am crossing my fingers it is just the detergent. Gosh, I never realized us mommas would worry about detergents, lotions, allergies etc. Evan has slight eczema, but not like Miles thank goodness. Oh and Wed we get someone to help us part time. That will be nice since I am dealing with the ins company. Having the boys in the NICU and sorting through medical billing feels like a full time job (the ins stuff FT) and lots of times when I am on the phone I feel guilty if the babies fuss so this will be helpful. I am grateful we have insurance but you would not believe all the billing snafus that I caught, thank goodness! sorry about the ins vent. hahaha

Overall we are doing well. The boys love the BOB; if they get fussy, I strap them in and we Walk :mrgreen: They smile and look around at the blue skies and enjoy the leaves falling! They r pretty Happy & good babies :love:
dc - Pictures of little S, please!! Sorry to hear that she was sick and that you're sick too. I was always excited when O would pass me his germs because then I knew my body was making antibodies to help him fight it off. So the suffering is all worth it! I hope you enjoyed your busy weekend.

Skippy - AWWW, the boys are precious in their outfits. I love that Evan is throwing peace signs! Sorry to hear that Miles' reflux is still a problem. Poor little guy. We use Rockin' Green on all of O's laundry because it doesn't contain a whole host of awful things. I can't believe you're still dealing with insurance stuff! We were sooooooo lucky with Ollie's medical bills. In our state if a baby is in the NICU for more than 30 days then Medicaid covers all of your insurance copays as secondary insurance for an entire year. We're so fortunate.

basil - Please don't worry about being "annoying" parents. I used to think that too because we would spend so much time talking to O's teacher when we dropped him off just to make sure we were always on the same page about everything. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and he got a new teacher in the afternoon, she thought we were upset about something so she asked his morning teacher about it and the morning teacher called us, and I quote, the most laid back parents ever!!! I nearly fainted. Was she really talking about us? The parents that talk over everything he's going to eat for the day, how he's been sleeping, what snaps to use on his diapers, etc, etc!! So what I'm trying to say is that they expect parents to be involved in what happens to their babies. It's just natural... Love the costumes!

moxie - Sorry to hear about the milk lost. I was always so paranoid about the power going out! I was similar in that I produced more (or the same) when I pumped less. I found that I produced the most on 4 pumps a day, or every 6 hours.

LV - Cute S!! I love it. It sounds like S is about the same size as O. I did an unofficial weigh-in at home a few days ago and he's right under 20 pounds too. Glad to hear that your power is back!

Cat - Have you tried Burt's Bees? We use BB Baby Bee and I love it. It smells so good, and I don't feel too guilty when O decides to lick the bubbles!! O has one of those ride/push toys and he loves it, but not for riding!! He loves to play with it like it's just a big toy car he can scoot around. It has a little fake "trunk" space and we'll open it and put one of his toys in there and he'll get mad at us and promptly take it out! So freaking cute. He has these cars that stack and he gets mad at us when we stack those too, like how dare you do that to my toys!!

charbie - So happy to see you stop in! I'm so excited to hear that everything is going well with A. She is such a cutie!! I love that giant bow.

LC - Thanks mama! How exciting that this time next year your LO will be celebrating his first Halloween!

noel - S does sound like a very smart baby! Half the time O doesn't even acknowledge us when we talk to him, good thing we've had his hearing checked or I might be worried! He's going to be a stubborn one! I love that picture of her hanging! So cute. If my baby did that he'd just let go and hit his head on the floor!! I hope the transition back to work part time is easy.

AFU - So far teething has been going well. He's cried out randomly a few times at night but he stays asleep and it only lasts a few seconds. It's so piercing that it immediately wakes DH and I up in a panic! Poor little guy. I want to rush in and give him a hug when it happens!!






I'm knocked up :eek:
:appl: :bigsmile: :appl: :bigsmile: :appl: :bigsmile: :appl:

Yay!! O's gonna big a brother!!! How excited are you!?!?!? I've got a huge smile! I'm so happy for you Kunzite and family!! :appl:
KUNZITE!!! aww, I am laughing because I am so HAPPY HAPPY for you and the way you told us was SUPER CUTE!!!! Yay, your precious Oliver will be great big brother!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: wooohoooo Congrats friend!!!
Holy sh!t! Apparently, all you need to do is THINK about TTC and you get KTFU. :lol: Congratulations!!!!
:eek: :appl: :eek: :appl: :eek: :appl: :eek: :appl: I think that you win the fertile myrtle award!!! :bigsmile: Congrats!
Awww, thank you ladies!! I am shocked!! I'm equal parts thrilled and in disbelief! We had a very narrow window this month with traveling and my work schedule, but the dates lines up perfectly. Based on how dark my test was I think I'm about 12dpo which would mean I O'd cd16 and dh and I only had time for each other on cd14 & cd15. Funny how that works out!

It was a roller coaster of a day though. About an hour after I shared the news with my husband he got a phone call that his dad died this morning. :(sad
Kuntzie!!! Holy cow!!! Congratulations!!!! :appl: :appl:
Kunzite - congratulations and condolences. I only know too well how extremely frustrating it is to supposed to be happy and sad at the same time. regarding O's teething, IF the crying doesn't stop, then we find a baby pain killer suppository does wonders.

pupp - the tent is so cute. doesn't IKEA have cool, affordable stuff?m I bet N was such a cute cow.

LV - Skye doesn't have baby legs. those are leggings.
Kunzite--I'm a total lurker on this thread, but had to pop in after reading your recent posts:

Congratulations! I was so excited to read that you are preggo, because you make beautiful babies! Every time I see pictures of O I think "I really hope she's going to make some more, because this baby is ridiculously adorable!"

And I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
Kuntzie, I'm sorry to hear about your FIL. I'll be thinking about you and your family. What a rollercoaster.

Kunzite, I am so sorry about your FIL; my heart goes out to you and your family during this time. huge hugs
Thank you again ladies, you're all so sweet. DH is flying out tomorrow and won't be back until Friday, so I'll be a single mom this week. I won't lie, I'm a little scared!! I think I jinxed myself by saying that teething was going well. Oliver has had a rough weekend and has literally cried/screamed most of the last two days. I don't think the time change has helped either :(sad

noel - We've been giving him tylenol when it seems like they're bothering him and when he goes to bed. Luckily he's still sleeping okay. Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking about you, friend.

Haven - No pressure, right? :cheeky: Little bean has a lot to live up to! Dh and I still don't understand how we made such a cutie.

Cutest babies ever!!!!!!!

Kunzite, I'm very sorry to hear about your FIL. You'll be fine on your own this week! Worry not! Oh, and I didn't want those O bath photos to go without notice! When I first saw them, I thought "aww, the many looks of O!" He is just pure cuteness in that first photo!

So nice to see some lurkers (our friends from other parts of PS!) posting here recently! I always wonder who else is checking this thread! Would love to hear from more of you! :wavey:


AFU: This kid is moving! Still no official crawling, but the army crawl has picked up speed! Yikes. She also turns in a circle when she's sitting up on the floor. It is quite adorable!
LV - O just started the sitting and turning circles. We've taken to calling it the Sit 'n' Spin! I bet S is on her knees and pulling up all over the place before you know it!! It happens so fast! O just started doing this thing where he'll either push up from sitting, or if he's already standing he'll let go of what he's holding, throw his arms in the air (like a touchdown) and stand by himself for about 5 seconds. And he looks SO pleased with himself when he does it!! Seriously, the cutest thing ever. And now he's learned that it makes us so happy when he does it, that he'll just randomly throw his arms in the air while he's sitting down, hoping for the same reaction!! :love: :love:

Skippy - Adore the new avatar!! :love:
Kunzite|1320635904|3055797 said:
Thank you again ladies, you're all so sweet. DH is flying out tomorrow and won't be back until Friday, so I'll be a single mom this week. I won't lie, I'm a little scared!! I think I jinxed myself by saying that teething was going well. Oliver has had a rough weekend and has literally cried/screamed most of the last two days. I don't think the time change has helped either :(sad

noel - We've been giving him tylenol when it seems like they're bothering him and when he goes to bed. Luckily he's still sleeping okay. Good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking about you, friend.

Haven - No pressure, right? :cheeky: Little bean has a lot to live up to! Dh and I still don't understand how we made such a cutie.
Haha, no pressure! I bet your next one is going to be just as adorable. (Two beautiful babies! Oh, I can't wait for the pictures.)
I hope you're doing okay without your DH this week. Big hugs to you and your family.
Kunzite|1320693535|3056219 said:
LV -

Skippy - Adore the new avatar!! :love:

thanks Friend! ::) :halo:

I wish we could add video because I have the funniest video of Evan laughing. phooey! oh well. :halo:

KUNZITE, aww, that is so cute about Oliver!! darn, I wish we could watch video on here! I would LOVE to see that!!! Babies are so much fun!!! :love: :love: I am over the moon happy for you and your hubby that O will have a brother!!! I hope O's teething isn't hurting so much. hugs about your FIL. I love the pics of O above, he is precious!!!

LV, I wish we could see a video of S doing that!!! Awwww, she is so precious!!! :love: I love her eyes, they have so much happiness in them and are so beautiful!

Hiya Sharon and other friends! :bigsmile:

Any recommendations on bibs for babies that drool a lot?? We have some but I keep changing bibs on the babies often because they drool so much. :o