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Skippy - That must be tough! Are you able to spend time outdoors in your backyard? You have nice weather year round, right? Or walks with the boys. Sorry, I don't think I realized fully about Evan's neutropenia and that it meant he couldn't go out. I hope he grows out of it! Sounds like chances are very good that he will. That's so nice of your husband to encourage your walks. I'm sure it helps to re-group. I think taking them for a drive sounds like a good idea. I would totally be at the Starbucks drive-thru too, haha!
Re: taking babies out and their schedules. I take S out, usually right after a nap and right after she eats. I don't go out for too long. Usually, it's a max of two stops, so taking her in and out of the car seat twice. She hates being put in it. This is the convertible seat. She never minded the smaller car seat, I guess because it's more reclined? Anyway, I bring a bottle with me, in case she gets hungry, and I have fed her in the car before. She will also fall asleep in the car on longer drives. I also put her in the ERGO for every errand. She has never sat in front part of the cart at a store. She really likes being in the ERGO, and I LOVE carrying her that way. It's very easy because both hands are free, and I never worry about her for a second, because there she is, hanging out with momma.
I am very lucky because she never cries when I'm carrying her, plus all of her other needs are already met. I *think* (and totally appreciate that I could be wrong) that sometimes parents over-estimate how long their babies can stay out, and that's when you hear screaming babies. Here's my disclaimer - of course babies cry for other reasons too. This is just my perception about one of the reasons why they may be a little cranky when out and about.
Re: taking babies out and their schedules. I take S out, usually right after a nap and right after she eats. I don't go out for too long. Usually, it's a max of two stops, so taking her in and out of the car seat twice. She hates being put in it. This is the convertible seat. She never minded the smaller car seat, I guess because it's more reclined? Anyway, I bring a bottle with me, in case she gets hungry, and I have fed her in the car before. She will also fall asleep in the car on longer drives. I also put her in the ERGO for every errand. She has never sat in front part of the cart at a store. She really likes being in the ERGO, and I LOVE carrying her that way. It's very easy because both hands are free, and I never worry about her for a second, because there she is, hanging out with momma.