
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

pupp - Skye has a toy cell phone, but she still prefers mine or DH's. and when someone wants to talk to her on the real phone, we put it by her face and all she does is stick out her tongue to lick it!

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today I was in the kitchen making Skye's sandwich, and when I came back this is where she was. she got on the treadmill all by herself.

I will be back to post more later. Just wanted to post some photos of S from the wedding this weekend. She was SUCH A GOOD BABY!! Everyone LOVED her. She didn't cry once! DH and I were amazed because it was REALLY loud, and there was so much going on! She was cautious at first, but then really got into it, was kicking her legs to the music, had everyone at the table laughing all night! DH taught her to clap on Friday, so that was the big entertainment at our table. Every time someone got her to clap, smile or laugh, they were just delighted. It was much fun for this super-proud mama!! :bigsmile: :praise: :bigsmile:

pretty serious baby.jpg

happy baby-1.JPG

little lady-1.JPG
LV, S gets more beautiful by the day! That kid is gonna be a knock-out!

ETA - Noel, aren't they quick? N can be up the steps in 5 seconds flat!

Today was N's first day at day care. I cried. ;( He seemed shy at first - even cried a little. DH stayed in the room and I went off to turn in paperwork etc. N went to play with some trucks (this kid LOVES trucks). Then...Daddy sneaked out. With every daycare we met they said keep goodbyes brief but avoid sneaking out. I hollered at for real, raised my voice hollered at him. I felt so bad but all I could think about was my baby happily playing then looking up and realizing Daddy was gone. ;( Time can't go fast enough - MIL is picking him up at 10:30 and she said she'll email me once they get settled at home. I feel like such a baby! I gotta get a grip...
Puppmom - Thank you! So, N must be with your MIL now. I have a bunch of questions. Will you call the daycare to see how he did today? I call my daycare mid-day every day that S is there, and it really helps! I think you said he will only be there part-time. Will it be every day? I'm wondering because he was there for such a short time this morning (I know it seemed like an eternity to you though!!) Or, will it be a full day a few times per week. Did the daycare have any suggestions to ease the transition? I know this may be viewed as taking a few steps backward, but would they let you spend a few hours there with him, a few times, so that he can be more comfortable with the place? That assumes he even needs that! Maybe he was ok with it today, and maybe mom needs a little help! I really feel for you. I hope that he did really well there today! That would certainly ease your worries.

Tell me about the stairs. When did N start walking up the stairs????? Really dumb first time mom question, but do you still have to baby gate the stairs???
N will go to daycare M-W-F all day and be with MIL on T-Th. To transition him, we decided to drop him off for 3 hours today, 4 tomorrow, and through nap time on Thurs and Fri. Next week, he’ll start his normal schedule. We figured several days in a row but fewer hours would be a good way to get used to the place and people. We’ve already visited with him twice and both times he ditched us to play with toys. I thought staying with him for a while would only make it worse but I truthfully don’t know. I did not check on him today but only because I had a meeting for an hour and a half this morning. Thank goodness for the distraction! I do plan to check on him periodically though.

We were the ones who suggested the transition plans and daycare was on board. They said different things work for different kids. Since N was coming from home as opposed to another child care facility, they expected that he may struggle a bit at first. Not to mention the fact that he’s over 1 and the separation anxiety is starting to increase.

MIL called me about 30 minutes ago and said when she picked N up, all of the kids were playing on the playground and he was asleep on the teacher’s lap! He’s done this before when my mom has watched him – maybe it’s some sort of self defense or the stress pooped him out? Anyway, they said he sat with the other kids and happily ate breakfast and a lot of it! They said it was a pretty typical *first day* and that he would get upset at transitions like moving from breakfast to circle time and putting on his jacket to go outside. Thanks to his little catnap, MIL is in for a busy afternoon! All in all, it seems like a success – the lump in my throat is slightly less noticeable.

As for the stairs – N didn’t start with them until he was walking so pretty recently. He wasn’t a crawler but I imagine they discover the stairs pretty quickly. MIL actually taught him how to go up and down which she now regrets! I’m sure he would have figured it out anyway. He crawls up and *walks* down. He needs a hand to walk down though. We’re slacking on the baby gates and just block the bottom of the stairs with his play table. We bought a tension gate but we’re afraid it’ll put cracks in our plaster walls. He's pretty good about listening. If he approaches and I say, "No, no." he'll stop. He usually does cry though. He obeys but does NOT like to be told no. I'm just waiting until he realizes he doesn't have to listen. Then we're in trouble!

Back to work…I’m going to have to pop back in for cloth diapering/daycare pointers.
Oh, that sounds like a good transition plan! I bet he will be fine once he learns the routine. Right now, everything is so new to him. I didn't realize you had already spent some time with him there. I think that's very helpful for both baby and mom! It's great that the daycare is flexible too. They know it is hard on us. They've done this before, and I'm sure they know how to handle it all. I even ask S's teachers for advice sometimes! They have a lot more experience than me!! All in all, sounds like a good day! Does N still take 2 naps per day? Not sure when that second nap ends. Re: stairs - I had no idea that babies could figure out steps so early!! Learn something new every day with this baby stuff!
LV, she is gorgeous!!! :love:

NOEL, aww, precious!

LANIE, he is adorable, love those pics! wow, 90!

CUPCAKE, awwww, what a doll!

Okay I know I am behind, sorry. the boys are super active!!! they sleep less during the day so now I don't have as much time. Well, I could use a little dust; Evan doesn't resist with his legs when I put him on a hard surface. I am praying he is just delayed; OT will come out soon and check him out. I am staying positive. thanks about the nail clipper info! I better go, one baby is fussing!!! Have a great day mommas
Skippy - ***DUST*** for Evan! I'm sure everything will be ok. Did you discuss with your pedi? When does the OT come out?

ETA: You had asked me about the exersaucer and when S started. I think she started at around 4 months at daycare. They used to put a blanket behind her because it was a little big for her. We didn't start buying them until probably 5 or so months. She didn't start with the actual jumperoo (the one that lets the baby bounce up and down) until at least around mid-6 months. She still has a lot of interest in her original exersaucer.
Skippy, sending some dust for your little man! OT could be such a blessing. They get those kiddies moving and shaking! I wonder if he has slight hip dysplasia? They probably have checked their hips since they were early but DD had hip dysplasia and she didn't put weight on her legs for a while. She's 16 and runs track. Her specialty is hurdles. :bigsmile:

So N flipped out when DH dropped him off at daycare but I called 45 minutes later and he was playing with some trucks. When I went to pick him up, he and 3 other children were sitting around a table playing with puzzles. It was so cute! Tomorrow, we're going to try nap time there. I'm a little nervous because we still rock him. We'll see how it goes!

oh, re: exersaucer. N wasn't the sturdiest baby. He was a little slouchy and floppy-ish for longer than most. He actually did much better in the jumperoo because the backs come up higher and the seat isn't as roomy. He used that starting at about 4.5 mos. With the exersaucer, we had to stuff blankets all the way around him so he didn't flop over. He could be entertained by either for 15-20 minutes at a time which was perfect for getting a quick bite or something. We originally hoped he could play while we showered but neither would fit into our tiny bathrooms!
Catching up now! I read all the time, and react in my mind, but never get to actually posting my responses! So, I have to go back quite a few days . . . whatever works!

IHA - Liam is so little and adorable!!! Enjoy your little man! They grow so fast! Even though it seems like each day is better than the last, I do miss the days of teeny-tiny babiness. Putting away little baby clothes is so HARD!!! I have so many favorites that she will never wear again. Arrgh! Anyway, I never got back to you on the formula. The dr didn't really articulate much of a reason why she thought the change in formula would not make a difference. She just said that they all have the same basic ingredients, so she didn't think it would make a difference. Maybe it's different with the advanced formulas? I will bring it up again with our regular pedi next week.

Skippy - Hee hee! I had to laugh at your airport hug post! I've had strangers hug me, but only after long drawn-out conversations! I've never had a random hug like that. haha.

Basil - Such a nice beach photo! I love your carrier! So fun!

Lanie - I'm glad you posted some recent pics, because A is just the CUTEST! Oh, I just want to give him a hug, he's so cute! Is he a very cuddly baby? He seems like he would be! The pumpkin photo where he's standing up is the best!

Noel - Skye is really getting around, huh? It's easy to see how tall she is in the treadmill photo. She has such a pretty face, and it looks like her hair is coming in more. So, no Halloween in Holland? No costume for Skye?

Cupcake Muffin - L is soooo pretty! I'm sure she's very happy to have her mama home!!!

Kunzite - Where are you?? How's little O?

Allie - Same question! We're missing seeing cute little Charlie!

Puppmom - Sounds like N is adjusting just fine to daycare. Curious to hear how naptime went. At my daycare, they do rock S to sleep, but often, she will open her eyes as soon as they put her in her crib. Haha. She does nap ok there, overall, but not as well as at home. How is CD'ing going at the daycare? You mentioned you were going to have some questions about that.

Question: How to avoid getting water in baby's ears during a bath? We give her a bath every night. Maybe that is too often? She gets water in her ears when we rinse her hair. Any tips on how to prevent this?
LV - real quick on the bath thing. N has eczema so we only bathe every other night (unless he smells like a wet dog) AND we only wash his hair every other bath. N won't wear it but for DD I used a visor designed spefically to keep water out of her face when I bathed her. I don't remember if it kept water out of her ears. It is hard especially now that N refuses to tilt his head back.
Thanks Puppmom. I'm going to look for that type of visor you mentioned.

Another question for daycare moms -- what type of and how much food do you send in each day? I'm still not sure how much food to feed this kid. I sent in some baked sweet potato (about 4 oz) and a jar of pears (the 2nd stage size, so 4 oz). We didn't instruct to feed at two separate meals, so she ate everything in one sitting! That seems like a lot, but I guess it's not????

Anyway, I think I should send some type of snack food. They suggested cheerios cut in half. She hasn't had cheerios yet. Is cut up pieces of bread good? Or cut up cheese? I guess I'm really confused by portions. Say she eats a whole slice of cheese. Isn't that a lot considering that would be snack for a toddler? Yes, I need to find my baby food book. :confused: :read:
RE: water in the ears when washing hair. Boy do we have experience with this! lol. Because Lily's hair is soo long, I started working with her when she was tiny. I held her body under my arm and her head over the tub or sink and washed that way. As she got older, I would hold her face under her chin and force her head back so I could rinse her hair (which we have to do twice since we also condition) She screamed through the forced-head-tilt for the first couple weeks but now she has no problem with us washing her hair. I put my hand behind her back and she tilts her head back when she sees the cup coming. It was a hassle and I felt bad making her scream those couple weeks, but it was worth it. I used to cater to JT's preference to not get water in his face and to this day the kid panics in the shower because his face gets wet.
somethingshiny|1318533236|3039535 said:
RE: water in the ears when washing hair. Boy do we have experience with this! lol. Because Lily's hair is soo long, I started working with her when she was tiny. I held her body under my arm and her head over the tub or sink and washed that way. As she got older, I would hold her face under her chin and force her head back so I could rinse her hair (which we have to do twice since we also condition) She screamed through the forced-head-tilt for the first couple weeks but now she has no problem with us washing her hair. I put my hand behind her back and she tilts her head back when she sees the cup coming. It was a hassle and I felt bad making her scream those couple weeks, but it was worth it. I used to cater to JT's preference to not get water in his face and to this day the kid panics in the shower because his face gets wet.

Yes - this is N's problem with a lot of things. We catered to his preferences because it doesn't seem like too much trouble and then you end up with a kid who isn't flexible. We are definitely learning this the hard way!
pupp~ exactly! It doesn't seem like that big of a deal to just do it the way the baby prefers. THEN real life sets in and you see that you've created a monster! lol. We did it with peeling apples too. JT JUST started eating apples with their peels within the last few months. Before now, he'd flat out refuse. The other day, JT was munching an apple and Lily took it from him and bit right in. She had no problem with the skin at all. So, I've already quit peeling hers. Of course I make sure I'm right there in case she does choke on the peel but so far so good. Another thing was the silverware. I was so nervous to give JT real silverware and kept him with the baby forks for too long. Since he didn't have much experience with full-sized utensils, he had a hard time eating at other people's homes or restaurants. Lily has been getting a real fork for the past week or so. She can still have her little for too, but I want her to get used to the big one.
pupp - have you got a photo of N "talking on the phone"? I'd love to see it. by the way, I try to say bye to Skye at daycare but she's always distracted by something much cooler. she doesn't seem to mind at all that one second Mom is there and the next she is gone.

LV - S is so pretty! can she drink out of a cup already? I never even thought about the water going into Skye's ears. regarding food, the day care here provides it, but this is what they eat: 9:30 fruit pureed, 11:30 slice of bread with cream cheese (Skye can eat up to 2 slices) followed by bottle, 14:30 baby cookie and juice, and then anywhere between 15:00 - 17:00 there are snacks of rice crackers or bread stick with juice. I don't think one slice of cheese is much of a snack, considering some babies can eat up to 4 slices of bread a day (each with a slice of cheese on them... which I don't give because I'm worried about the salt in them). yes, cut up pieces of bread is good (not white bread, though). try the Cheerios at home first. I think it's easier to pick up a whole Cheerio than one that is cut in half. anyway, just want to let you know that after they turn 1 they start eating considerably less (because they grow less), so you cannot compare a baby's food intake to that of a toddler. (ETA - the cheese and bread here is probably different that that in the U.S., so you might just want to check up on their nutritional value before you follow my advice)

Skippy - how's it going with Evan's legs on hard surfaces?

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I got a tunnel at IKEA

doesn't mind sleeping in strange positions

my fave pic from this week



Noel, I try to get a phone talking pic! S is so cute. My fav is the pic of her in the crib. We just recently bought some toys at IKEA. They're inexpensive and N loves them.

LV, naptime went well. N slept on the cot from 12:30 -3! His notes from yesterday said that he turned a corner and had started playing with the other kids and had fun in circle time. Bad news - he's sick ALREADY! He's home with Grandma today. He barely slept last night and woke up with a temp of 101.4 and boogies (they are clear though). He's in good spirits and was SO happy to see his Grandma. We are so lucky to have her. If not for her, we would have to call out of work.
Noel - Great photos of Skye this week! Haha, does she like the tunnel? Good thing you have an oval shaped crib, otherwise, that maneuver would look even more uncomfortable. I see why the last photo is your favorite. Pretty little lady! Thank you for telling me about what Skye eats at daycare. This is going to sound like a dumb question, but that's never stopped me from asking before, right? - When you give her bread, do you cut it into little pieces? Doesn't that get messy with the cream cheese? Or, do you make a little sandwich first, and then cut up? Bread here is mostly dreadful. I'd say 98% of the bread in the grocery store is not ideal (SORRY if I am offending anyone, I don't mean to, I admit I am weird about food, most people just ignore me!), and I have checked all of the labels. This is why my husband can't go shopping with me!! I take a long time! Anyway, I think I can manage to find suitable wheat bread today, and I like the cream cheese idea, so I will check that too. I was thinking of little cubes of cheese, and will check salt content. Probably wouldn't have occurred to me if you hadn't mentioned it. A lady at daycare (another mom) was telling me that she feeds her baby (7 mos.) cheese puffs. Like cheetos, only puffier. Gerber actually sells some sort of cheese puff for kids to snack on, so she got the regular adult kind because it's cheaper. I like your advice much, much better! Oh, and about water in ears, you must be doing ok with Skye in that regard. S will actually tap at her ears after her bath!! We'll need to work on that! I probably won't use the visor because it seems like it would be hard to rinse all of the soap. We'll just have to try harder. We still give her a bath in our kitchen sink! We tried the blow-up duck in our bathtub, and she didn't like it at all! Plus, I think she's kind of too big for it. ETA: She doesn't drink from a cup yet! She was just playing. Hee-hee. She will take gulps from a plastic cup if we hold it for her, but half of it winds up down the front of her shirt. Thank goodness for bibs!

Puppmom - Yay for a turning point! So cute! He's got little friends to play with at daycare! Sorry to hear about the cold. I wish there was a way to avoid it! Our daycare sent out an e-mail saying one of the kids has pneumonia. :(sad For the past few weeks, S has had a cold on and off. She has one right now, but is in fine spirits and fortunately no temp, though she has had a temp here and there over these past few weeks. Oh, and that was a mighty long nap! Does he usually nap that long? Does he have just one nap a day? I'm impressed. S napped for a solid 15 minutes this morning! Haha. She'll usually nap for about an hour though.
LV, yuck to giving that kid cheese puffs. Not that the kiddie cheese puffs are super nutritious but they have virtually no fat and calories. Those *adult* ones are SO bad for you. It's weird, I don't have very high nutrition standards for myself but I don't like N to have junk.

Have you tried grilled cheese for S? She might be too little but N likes toast and I like the grilled cheese because he gets some cheese and it's not messy. Once it's cooled, I cut it up into pieces and the pieces stick together since the cheese is no longer runny. N has this lovely new habit of shoving a million pieces in his mouth, chewing it all up, then pulling it out!

Oh, re:naps. Up until recently, N would take a 1-2 hour nap in the late am and then another around 4pm. A few weeks ago, those started to merge into one 2-3 hour nap midday. It's great because we can watch our 1pm football game on Sunday without having to chase him around.
Hi all!

Pupp - Oh, that's my worst fear about H getting sick from daycare! I'm glad he is adjusting so well though. And lucky you to have grandma available. I still don't know exactly what we're going to do when this inevitably happens to us. Sorry about your DH being insensitive. I think it comes over all men from time to time. The other night DH revealed he doesn't really think BFing is "work" because lots of people do it. I told him lots of people wake up early to go to their jobs every morning too, doesn't mean it's not work and not hard.

Noel - love that tunnel! Skye is such a beautiful girl!

SS - funny about the apples. It's so helpful to know what people did differently the second time!

LV - no help on your question about solids, lol :cheeky: But I'm looking forward to the responses so I can refer back later! S is gorgeous! She will be a heartbreaker one day, for sure.

Skippy - how are things going with Evan's legs?

cupcake - hope everything is going well with the lawsuiut - it sounds like that will be a huge weight off your back! L is so adorable. I bet she wasn't really mad at you for leaving.

Lanie - adorable pumpkin patch shots! A's haircut gives him such a classic, distinguished look. You inspired me to search out a pumpkin patch around here, but DH was not so enthusiastic since H is too young to get it. I guess he has a point but the pics would be cute!

Anyway, we are back from our trip and getting ready to go back to work a week from Monday. I have mixed feelings about it. I will miss H incredibly of course but I'll be happy to see my friends again and get back into it. H had his 2 month check up and is 12 lbs, 1 oz and 24.5 inches! Tall skinny boy, no wonder his pants keep falling off. The shots were no big deal, he cried for like 2 minutes then I put him in his sling and he fell right asleep.

We also met with Hayden's daycare teacher and she is so sweet...she and the assistant teachers have all been there 10+ years which is reassuring.

Anyway, here are a few shots of H on my parents' boat. I :love: :love: :love: his little life jacket.


Hi friends, sorry I haven't had a chance to pop in. I promise to catch up at some point soon. The OT came out and they say he is delayed that they (a few of the Early Intervention team) he will be able to do what he needs to in time. I will write more but I had a nutty day so that is my quick update.

I love all the baby pictures!!! Noel and Basil, your little ones are so beautiful.

PUPP, thanks for sharing and I am glad your daughter is better and you figured out it was her hip and that she is great!
Skippy - great news that the OTs think Evan will catch up!

Where are all the other newborn mommas??

Pic of the day. He has my green eyes!! :love: :love: :love:
Hello Ladies!!!

My little man turned 1 on the 12th so I will be moving over to the other thread, hopefully it will be as lively as this one.

I really think back and can't believe the transformation that occurs in just a mere 12 months. Charlie is such a good little boy, he is walking, waving, dancing, he says mama, dada, baba (for his russian grandmother), more, done, bubbles, ball, balloon, pop, cat, hot, milk. He also signs for more, done, milk and please. He is very attached to me especially today when he had his party and he saw me holding other little babies. I don't know if it was just all too overwhelming for him (we had 9 children there ranging in ages from 2 months to 3 years), or if he is just jealous of other babies. He literally melted down when he saw me holding any of the tiny little ones, not so much ones his own age.

Over all the party was a HUGE success. We feel so loved and cared for and Charlie is a very loved little boy, he got a ton of toys, books and clothes. My mother flew in from Miami, and my in-laws came from Massachusetts. I will leave you with just a few shots of the birthday boy.



Allie - congrats on Charlie's 1st! I think you are blessed with such a wonderful little boy and family who love him very much. what kind of cupcake is that? I don't know what to give S on her birthday. we don't want her to have any sugar as she is super hyper already without it. she loves breadsticks... can I make a cake out of that? :tongue:

basil - beautiful eyes! how was your first day back at work? how did H like being out on the water?

Skippy - that's good news!

pupp - S eats her bread the same way. props as many as possible in her mouth, then starts pulling one out, sucking on it, putting it back in, pulling the next one out... :rolleyes: so we try just to give her a couple at a time. I also like S's 2 hour midday nap. it allows me to rest as well. we also bought her a rocking moose (horse) from IKEA which we plan to give her on her birthday... after Daddy assembles it. not sure if she'll be old enough to ride it, though.

LV - regarding the bread, I first put margarine on it, then cut it into little pieces, and then put cream cheese on the pieces and put them on her tray one by one as she eats them. sometimes she doesn't eat all her bread, so then I don't waste cream cheese, either. yes, it IS messy. she has to wear a smock when she eats with her hands. then after she is on the potty so it's an ideal time to wipe her mouth and hands with a wet wash cloth. she hates having her mouth and hands wiped. and we have the same problem with drinking from a cup that half of it ends up down the bib and shirt. we are still letting her drink juice/water from the bottle or else she won't get enough fluids.
The cupcake was chocolate at the bottom and funfetti on the top. He got 3-4 good bites in and then he was done with it.
ALLIE, happy 1st bday!!! He is adorable!!! I love the picture where his little hand is in the air! hehe

NOEL, she is adorable! Sweet smile! How are you doing?

BASIL, such pretty eyes!!! How is your 1st few days back at work; thinking of you! How is he liking daycare?

LV, thanks about the jumper; I will have to try it since they are bigger now.

KUNZITE how is O? thinking of you momma!

AFM, the boys are 6 MONTHS today!!! they are crazy active! Right now Evan doesn't like to take naps without his paci but he can't keep it in. My sister thinks that I should let him cry till he sleeps to learn to self soothe? I am not sure what to do? It is hard to take care of two and one spitting out his paci and running to put it in. any advice is appreciate it. :halo: ps thanks for the dust too for E!!!
Skippy, Yay for 6 months!! How fun!! Will it be a while still before they start solids? Re: your question, will Evan not fall asleep without the pacifier? Or, does he fall asleep, then pacifier falls out, then he wakes up because of it? S needs her pacifier to fall asleep, but she also needs to be cuddled (for the most part still) before she will fall asleep. If she falls asleep and then it falls out, she is good. It happens all the time, and it's adorable! So, I guess my point is, maybe he needs to be rocked to sleep? I know that doesn't really help you because I don't know how you manage that when you have two!! Does your family member (was it your niece?) still come to help you?

Noel, Thanks for explaining the bread! She does like grilled cheese and cheerios (not halved is ok), as I've discovered in the past week. Oh, cream cheese here must be different than yours because ours does have salt in it. Oh, she likes little cubed cheese as well and that's easy for her to eat.

Allie, So cute! I love that first photo too!!

Basil, My favorite photo is the first one that you posted in the life jacket. He looks so snug and cozy!

Puppmom, Thanks for grilled cheese advice. She likes it! I do have to limit how many pieces I put down for her.
ops sorry. I should of said. He wakes when the paci falls out. One momma suggested this
My fingers are crossed it works. I would rock him but I have Miles too and sometimes I am in the middle of a feed so I hope the wubbanub does the trick. thanks for your thoughts!!! hugs to beautiful S! eta: it was my cousin, she got so busy with college this semester so she can't help. I never hired someone else. I use to pay her but school totally comes first so I am happy for her doing that! Maybe later I will try to find someone else. My sis said she could take Miles every once in awhile so I might take her up on that.

etaa: the nurse told us not to start solids till they can sit up? The Ped said to try it at 7 months. Right now they are 4 mo adjusted even though they are 6 mo. How old was S when she could sit on her own?
Ohhhh the WubbaNub is too cute! I hope it works too! Sounds like rocking wouldn't help anyway, since pacifier would fall out, and then he'd wake up. Gosh, it must be hard with two and no help! Are you able to go out and run errands at all? On the days that I am home with S, I do find it is tough to be home all day. I like taking her on little errands, but not too many, because of the car seat issue. Car seats must be super-hard with two!!
Loves Vintage|1318970309|3042922 said:
Ohhhh the WubbaNub is too cute! I hope it works too! Sounds like rocking wouldn't help anyway, since pacifier would fall out, and then he'd wake up. Gosh, it must be hard with two and no help! Are you able to go out and run errands at all? On the days that I am home with S, I do find it is tough to be home all day. I like taking her on little errands, but not too many, because of the car seat issue. Car seats must be super-hard with two!!

Oh we never leave the house. I won't lie, it is tough. I only leave when hubby is home to watch them. Evan is Neutropenic so we don't want to test the waters since this is the 1st year. sorry for the long explanation but we don't want to end up in the PEDs if for some reason he can't fight a virus, or at least that is what the Hematologist suggests so we follow his suggestion. We are hopefully he will grow out of this (the Hematologist has seen this in preemies before) and most of them grow out of it. If he doesn't then we will test his bone marrow to find out what type of Neutropenia he has. Right now we have a nurse check his numbers monthly, so it is nice that our nurse checks on the boys. I could just put them int he minivan and drive around; maybe someday I will do that when I am going a little nutso being in the house so long! Thank goodness for the weekends and when hubby comes home from work he has me go for a walk. :bigsmile: eta: plus it is nice to have the mommy's here to talk to during the day!!! :D I feel lucky for that!

I don't blame you taking her on little errands. I always wonder how parents do it w/lots of shopping, etc. Like doesn't it mess up naps, feeds, etc if there is too much running around??