
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Bliss! Hello!! So glad you checked in! I've been thinking about you lately, wondering if you're on fb.... :twirl:

Your precious baby girl is gorgeous gorgeous! I love reading your writings on being a mom. I love the metaphors you use and how the warmth and love just pore from your very being. I love "liquid sunshine." It just makes me smile. You are such a wonderful mama!! Good luck trying for #2!! AFA feeding and the mess, I used to put a shower curtain under JT's high chair so I could just fold it up and shake it outside. He was the world's messiest eater! With Lily, I just keep her chair on the wood floor and sweep after every meal. If I'm wearing something I really care about, I put on an apron while she's eating. lol And yes, baby butts are entirely too cute. I love to pinch Lily's little butt. She squeals and crawls away just to stop in a few feet and shake her booty to taunt me. It's hilarious.

So, you know, if you're on the other place where folks meet and talk, and if you're friends with any other PSers, you could look me up cause I'd love to hear from you!!

Oh, and Lily is a monster. An absolutely adorable and exquisite monster, but definitely a monster. Her hair, when wet and straight, is down to the middle of her back and when it's curly it's below her shoulders. She's a tangly headed crazy girl and a bucket of laughs. She decided she didn't want to sleep tonight so I let her get back up and hang out with DH and I in the living room. She loves exploring at night when we have the lights off. She tries to hide everywhere but she laughs so you hear her the whole time. JT was about 2 when we started playing flashlight hide and seek. I think Lily will love that game too.

Tonight when Lily was in the bath, the cat came up to the side of the tub and jumped up. Lily clapped and yelled , "Hi, cat!" I couldn't stop giggling. Like she totally expected her cat to join her in the tub.

Hope you're all having a great weekend!!
Bliss - What a completely lovely post! It is so nice to read your descriptions of your daughter. I love your mochi-ness description, haha! She is just beautiful!!! Oh, and, if you aren't a writer, Bliss, then you should be!

We had a bit of a rough teething night here. Anyone know why is seems teething is only terrible at night? Yet everything is ok during the day? Any night-time teething tips out there? Does anyone use the teething drops? My dr laughed and said they were ok to use because they're really just water. :sick: So, I haven't tried them.

And, speaking of teething, I meant to post this photo yesterday but never got back to the computer.

BABY TEETH!! (They are CUTE ::) , just wish they didn't hurt my little baby so much. :(sad )

baby teeth 2.jpg
Kunzite!!!! Thank you! That is a huuuuuge compliment because Ollie is sooooo gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that such a sweet thing to say? Wow. You have a true angel baby perfect with those big beautiful eyes and beaming face!

Somethingshiny!!!! Thank you for the tips!!!!!! I, too, LOVE YOUR BABY STORIES!!!! The one about Lily wagging her butt and taunting her mama is THE BEST EVER! I would fall over and die from cute overload! Sometimes something M does is so cute I squeal so high it probably breaks windows somewhere. I should join the other side - but am still so shy with my identity! I am really tempted now that you mention it. How fun would that be to chat and hang out online with the other mamas?????

Lily seems like such a precious doll. Her hair, her amaaaazing blue eyes...that smile! She just embodies loveliness. She is going to be a tremendous beauty like her mama. She's already got us smitten. I love your stories about the flashlight game. How do you play that? I would love to play that with M. You are such an incredible mother. Your sense of fun and warmth just shines through your words. Those two are lucky to have you. I can't wait until M starts talking more so I can have funny "Hi Cat!" stories, too! Right now all she can say is MAMA and DADA!

LOVES VINTAGE!!!!! ARGH!!! That photo is TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your little sprite is so mesmerizing! She has a beauty that I have not seen often in babies. She has meaning in her eyes and a sparkle of mischief sometimes, no? And intelligence! She is beautiful! As for Camilia, my friend SWEARS by it. I am on the verge of ordering it, myself.

Here's one more pic! Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby???? :love: Sleep more, baby! Sleep more!!!

ETA: Ooof, the sleeping one of M in the carrier needs an explanation. Clearly, M is dreaming of milk, because Mommy didn't crop out enough of her bbs! Sorry for the crazy cleavage, folks! You can't see it head on but taking a photo straight down, it's like, "HEELLLOOO!"

Bliss~ Thank you for the wonderful compliments! LOVE the pic of M sleeping. Her eyelashes are crazy long! And her hair looks so silky!! Totally understand the fb thing. No pressure.

RE: flashlight hide and seek. DH used to work 2nd shift so it was JT and me for hours on end. Because it gets dark so early in the fall and winter, I tried coming up with games that would be fun and different. JT had a cow flashlight that mooed and another one that would make fire engine sounds. We'd shut off all the lights and explore together with our lights. Then we'd take turns hiding. We could only use our lights to find each other. He always hid in the same two spots. Behind a particular chair, and behind the bathroom door. But, I'd wander throughout the house calling, "where arrreee you??" He'd giggle and I'd keep hearing his mooing flashlight. When he'd search for me, I'd keep my light on. As he got older, he realized to turn off his light and I started turning mine off. Now our games are basically in the complete dark until one of us sneaks up on the other and flashes them. Once you're flashed, you're caught! We got Lily a pony flashlight that neighs and she's already enthralled with it, so I think flashlight fun is in our future! Oh, the bonus on the flashlight games; JT has never been afraid of the dark.

LV~ Ouch to the teething. My kids both teethed hard, especially at night. Have you tried the Hyland's Teething Tablets? They work wonders and I swear by them!! My cousin, who is preggo with #7, gave me a big container of them and Mylicon when I was preggo with JT. She told me to never run out of either. lol Lily loves her frozen washcloths but has never really like a teether. JT wanted to teeth on wooden objects. I gave him cheap wooden spoons to gnaw on. Also, lift the head of the crib. When you lie flat, the throbbing intensifies, but just a little angle keeps the blood from rushing to the head. Hope you find something that works soon!!
Somethingshiny, WHAT AN AWESOME FUN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kids are having such an amazing childhood. Can you imagine how magical and fun it must be for them to play this game with their mom? Nothing could be better! Are you a SAHM? So blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Their imaginations must be incredible with all the fun things you do with them and all the creative games you play together! Adopt me! I want a cow flashlight!!!! :appl: Wow, how fun and exciting! I will try the teething tablets, thank you!!!!

Here's a sub par blurry cellphone camera :knockout: photo collage of the baby bling! So sorry, I have no life anymore to take good pics! The eternity was my baby bling and the inside out hoop earrings were made to match - both from ID Jewelry! The second gift was a surprise gift to celebrate EBF past 6 months and new mamahood. :love: We are thrilled we were able to EBF for so long because it was HARD! You can see tiny H&A in each 16 point stone - I think the earrings are a little over 5 carats? Just some eyecandy for us tired mamas!!!!! They sure do look awesome with food encrusted clothing! Bring it on, yams!!!

Bliss - it's so good to read your posts again! M is so adorable. I thought in the sleeping pic that her head was resting on her fists... until I read otherwise. a lot of what you say about M is recognizable from Skye. active and grabbing everything. food ending up everywhere. if you love the sneezes full of food, you are my hero. I remember when S wasn't eating so well and would just cry and cry and then I'd finally get a spoonful into her mouth and then she would sneeze it all over me, and then I would cry and cry from frustration. luckily she's a much better eater now and is happy to feed herself when possible. S also poos 3-4 times a day. the potty has been an absolutely blessing in this regard. no more waiting for the stench and no more getting it on your fingers. wow, super blingy bling!

LV - teething is worse at night because there isn't something else to distract them. it's the same as being itchy or having sun burn... it's all worse at night. Sam's lil teeth are so teeny tiny. how is the brushing going? SIL suggested giving S a toothbrush to play with so that when she does get a tooth, at least she won't be scared of the brush.

shiny - I'm so jealous of all the things Lily says. can't wait til my lil S starts talking.
Bliss~ I am a SAHM. Super tight budget but worth it entirely! Flashlights are cheap, lol. Thank you again for the lovely words! LOVE your bling! An EBF gift is awesome! That is truly something to celebrate as an accomplishment.

Noel~ I used the little finger brush things with both kids. I think they were Orajel brand and came with a tiny tube of flouride free toothpaste. I used the finger thing and a washcloth every day since birth. Then I gave them a brush to play with when they could be trusted with it. Then I started brushing with a brush. Neither of them have ever had an issue with me brushing their teeth as long as the toothpaste flavor is good. I started flossing JT as soon as his teeth started touching and within the last few months he's started using a rinse. I'm a bit obsessed with their teeth because both of my parents have full dentures, my brother has a partial, and both of my sisters have had to have teeth pulled. It wasn't due to improper care, but due to thin enamel. Hopefully my kids will not inherit that. Skye will start talking any time now. At first you won't be sure if she means what she says, but when you look into her eyes and see that glimmer of understanding that she's naming something, well, it's just one of the coolest things to witness. It's amazing to see your perfect little baby "get it."
BLISS, yayyyyy!!!! I will post a little later; the twins need feeding but M is GORGEOUS!!! look at those lashes!!! :love: :love:
I love your bling!!!!! STUNNING STUNNING pieces!!! :appl: :appl: You are such a sweetheart and your beauty inside and out shines through like a ray of sunshine!!!!

LV, awwww she is Beeeeeautiful!!! I love her smile :love: :love:

back to post later, hungry babies here!
BLISS, lol about food stuck to clothes; I feel that way all the time! hehe I am thinking of getting a cleaning person; I feel like I am doing bottles all the time. aww, that is sooo sweet of your hubby; you two sound so wonderful together!! I love little M's blue bows (like Tiffany's). hehe Wow, I can't believe she is 8 months!!!! thanks about my boys!!!

DCGATOR, how are you momma? how is your little doll baby? great job for all that pumping!! thanks about my boys!

NOEL, aww, super cute earrings; she is so pretty!! :love:

LV, aww, poor little one teething!!! little toofers are precious :love:

BASIL, H is soooo precious!!! :love: thanks about my boys!!!

My boys are keeping me extra busy!!! They are soooooo ACTIVE, I have less and less time to chill!!! If they crawl soon I am in trouble! lol They are lots of fun but also it is hard giving them both attention; I try and juggle with that. Overall they are such sweet babies and I adore them and all the new things they are doing. They were sleeping 5 hour stretches but now they stopped. ;( I hope they do it again soon. Okay one is crying; I better go!!! HAPPY new week mommas!!!

eta: mommas any tips on babies not scratching themselves? ;( my boys nails grow so fast; I am clipping and filling often. any clippers you love??? :saint:
Just a quick drive by....

Liam will be 1 month old this Friday and I can hardly believe it. It's crazy how fast the time is going. I love mommyhood.. it's truly so rewarding and although it wasn't too long ago, I can't remember what life was like before him.

I am having a hard time getting him on a schedule as he loves to sleep away the days and then be up during the night. Over the last week we have finally gotten him to do one stretch of 3 hours at a clip during the night... (usually from 9:30pm to 12:30)... but that's the best he will do. The rest of the night is only about 2 hours at a time. I'm also finding that this child is going to eat us out of house and home. I stopped pumping as I wasn't producing enough breast milk and so the little man is on formula. I try to make him wait at least 3 hours in between feedings but am finding that most of the time, he wants to eat every 2. AND he's eating like 4oz at a time! He's a big boy already. Went to the Dr's this past Friday and he was 10lbs 12 oz at 3 weeks old. Dr says he's doing just fine and I expressed that I felt he was eating too much but he assured me that I am doing an excellent job and advised me that I should feed on demand anyway, so if he's hungry, feed him. I'm still worried though that he is eating too much.

As for the formula... I've had to change it 3 times already. The last time, I felt absolutely horrible as the little man would scream and cry every time he had a bowel movement and it would take him ALL DAY to do it. I would cry along with him because I had no idea how to help him. It's a horrible feeling, to feel as though I cannot help ease his pain. So anyway, I talked with his Dr and apparently it's a common thing with the formula he was on and so we changed it yet again. I think we've got it this time... he seems to be a completely different baby now and he can actually go to the bathroom so much easier.

That's pretty much it... I wanted to update so you ladies didn't think I fell off the face of the earth. Little man keeps me pretty busy, especially since his dad went back to work last week.

So does anyone have any advice on getting him to sleep better at night? Maybe at longer clips? I'm really at a loss...

I haven't had time to catch up yet but I love all the pictures of your little ones. Us PS'ers have some amazingly beautiful and handsome little ones!!

oh and Charbie, Aubrey is adorable and I am sure all will be okay with her heart condition. Sounds like you have a good Dr who will hopefully help put your and your DH's mind at ease.

Here are some pics of my baby boy...

ETA: Sorry, no pics as it's not working for me... will try to post later.
LV: the cardiology appt went well last week, thanks! Her cardiologist is the director of the student fellowship program...I mean, if he's able to train all of the students in cardiology at a top ranked childrens hospital...gotta know what he's talking about! And he was very nice, funny, and I felt at ease. He said for right now A will call the shots. If she's growing and breathing ok, he said we will keep waiting on her surgery. But at some point either her growing will slow, lungs will be affected, or something will come into play and they will step in and decide when surgery is going to happen. But for now...she's eating, pooping, and peeing like a champ!
And I totally would be the same way with crazy cell phone lady...I mean, you can't confront her in front of her kids ;) no advice on the teething...but what about the necklaces I've heard of on here...noel might be able to chime in, I think skye has one.

Bliss- thanks, lady. M is just too cute....that hair is just to.die.for. has she had to have it cut?! Too sweet. And that bling...damn lady! You are a lucky lady! Gorgeous, I love your pieces.

IHA: I hear ya on the tough work with a newborn. Im so paranoid my milk supply is going to go down...terrified! Its a lot of work to keep these kiddos fed! Thanks for the kind words re: A's heart. Im finally able to talk to people about it and not cry. Im sure closer to surgery will be be a different story, but we are hanging in there.
Skippy~ Lily's nails seem to grow like crazy too. I clip them every 2-3 days. I've never figured a way to keep her from scratching, but as she's gotten older, she's realized that SHE'S doing it and has stopped. At her worst, she would claw right between her eyes at night. Poor baby always had little marks there. I just use the Safety 1st Baby clippers. I do clip the corners too. There is more of a chance of an ingrown nail if you take off the corners, but I figure I'm clipping them every other day so I'd see it if it started.

Charbie~ I don't remember if I told you that there is a great support forum for heart babies at Full of resources and parents who really understand. I'm so thankful that Lily hasn't had to have surgery yet. We hope that she won't have to have surgery at all, of course. She goes to the card next month. I know the fear and paranoia about your baby's heart. Just know that it does get easier. It just becomes your new normal, ya know? I remember initially I couldn't look at Lily and not see her heart problems. But, now, I look at Lily and don't even think of her heart issues. I think of the issues while I'm checking her, or getting her appts and stuff. But, it's just for that few minutes and then it's out of my mind again. At first I felt guilty when it would leave my mind but then I looked at it as a great blessing. I know that I'm calmer and happier and Lily is calmer and happier when I'm not on the verge of a panic attack. If you ever need to talk, you know how to find me. ;)) You're doing a great job with and for A.
Bliss - Thank you for your kind words about my baby girl. She has my eyes. :)) My husband always tells me that I have kind eyes, and that's why complete strangers come up to me and tell me their life stories all the time!! So, yes, I think she has kind eyes too! And, no, no mischief to speak of! Not yet anyway, but I do see how her photos might come across that way. Haha! She is all sweetness right now! Sweetness and laughter and smiles!

M is a little doll! I love the new photos you posted of her. She looks so content and happy and just, well, ADORABLE! I love her little bows. After I saw the first photo you posted, I decided to look for some flower headbands for little S on etsy and ordered one yesterday. As always, I am unreasonably excited about it! Hee-hee-heeeeee!

Bling! Bling! Bling! Your diamonds are amazing! You are a lucky girl! I REALLY like your earrings. Does M try to pull them???

Oh, and I tried the Camilia drops and nada! She seemed to like the taste, however. :sick:

SS - Thank you for the teething tips! Did you ever do ibuprofen or tylenol? That's what my dr recommended if it gets "really bad." Well, it has a few times already! I plan to discuss with him at our 9 month appointment. She does like to use many different types of teethers. I am going to try the frozen washcloth!! I will look into the Hyland's too. I imagine this is going to get worse when bigger teeth start coming in. Thanks for explaining about it being worse at night because of lying flat. That and the lack of distractions that Noel mentioned makes so much sense! Oh, oh, one more question -- you mentioned a fluoride free toothpaste? Why is that? So they won't swallow the fluoride? My dr prescribed fluoride drops for S because we don't have fluoride in our water, so was curious about that. It must be a much lower dose of fluoride in the drops, I assume.

Noel - Totally makes sense about the lack of distractions. Re: the toothbrush -- oops, I'll have to get one soon! Her teeth are teeny tiny, but you can totally see them in the regular sized picture. When the photo is resized for posting here, you really can't see them very well at all!! They are just starting to come through, though.

Skippy - Aww, thank you! I don't know how you do it with twins! I am exhausted with just one! Are you a SAHM now? I use the orange Safety First clippers. I find it much, much easier to trim them while she is in her high chair. Maybe it will get easier for you too once they are able to be in highchairs? I hope so.

IHA - I wish I had some advice for you on the sleep. I agree with your dr about the feedings. I don't think overfeeding is a concern since babies really only eat when they are hungry. Are you concerned about too much weight gain? Or something else? What brand of formula were you feeding that the dr said might be causing the constipation? And, what are you using now? We recently changed formula, and now have some constipation issues too. We alse have a bunch of other changes going on too, like lots of new solid foods, teething, etc., so it's hard to isolate the cause, though the nurse practioner didn't think it could be the formula! So that's why I'm curious. Oh, and pics please, when you have time, of course!

Charbie - :wavey: Glad to hear you have so much confidence in A's doctors! I would feel the same way! Glad to hear that everything sounds manageable.
LV - We were using Similac Advance and the pediatrician said it's known for being hard to digest and cause constipation. We switched to Enfamil Gentlease and he is doing so much better. When I mentioned he was having issues with bowel movements, the formula was the first thing they thought of.... Wonder why your dr doesn't think it could be the formula? But I so agree that you have a lot more factors going on than I do so it's much harder to pinpoint the issue.

Here is a pic from my phone for now...

LV~ Yes, the flouride free is so they don't overdose on flouride, which is supposedly easy if you use flouridated toothpaste. We had to use bottled nursery water for both of our kids because of our tap water content. The nursery water had a very small amount of flouride added. I'm assuming your doc would use a similar dosage. You're not supposed to use a flouridated toothpaste until they can spit properly. JT just started using regular toothpaste about a year ago. I did use Tylenol and ibuprofen but I didn't find that it eased the discomfort near as much as the teething tablets. If the gums looked really swollen, I'd give ibuprofen to reduce inflammation, and if they were running a temp I'd give Tylenol alternating with ibuprofen. My kids always cut 4 teeth at a time so we've been through the horrible nights. Really the best thing is to teeth on something to get the teeth to pop through. Sometimes they'll start to show and then disappear again. Those are the really bad nights. Luckily, teething doesn't last forever! The biting begins!
Loves Vintage|1317761963|3033223 said:
Bliss - Thank you for your kind words about my baby girl. She has my eyes. :)) My husband always tells me that I have kind eyes, and that's why complete strangers come up to me and tell me their life stories all the time!!

Oh my gosh this happens to me too! In fact this lady came and hugged me at the airport once; I was in shock! She said I looked kind and she just needed a hug!!! Normally I would have thought it was super weird but she seemed nice enough :halo: You are super sweet LV and your daughter does have beautiful sweet eyes!!! :love:
CHARBIE, I have your precious beautiful girl in my prayers! You are a great momma, huge hugs!!! I am no longer pumping for the babies; I did it for 80 days but what did help a little w/the milk supply was the mothers milk tea, just an fyi.

SS, thanks!!! I have the safety first ones but not the orange ones and both the ones I bought are dull so maybe the orange ones are more sharp? I feel like I am cutting and filing nails daily! lol how are you momma? your Lily is precious!!

INHISARMS, awww, he is precious; he makes me want to pick him up and cuddle him!!!! Oh my boys can't do similac; it makes them super clogged up so we use Enfamil for preemies which I am guessing is a tiny bit less expensive than the one you are using. Our monthly bill for it was $450, ouch! I wish the special formulas were less expensive! Also, if he is eating too much he will have a bunch of spit ups so don't worry. Yay for 1 month; they grow so fast. I have the same issues with sleeping. I read in baby center by about 4 months they start sleeping 6 hour stretches!!! hang in there; it should go fast or that is what I keep saying re: the sleeping. hehe Oh at 8 weeks they did start sleeping 4 to 5 hour stretches so it does get a bit better but little by little.

LV, I am pooped but hearing them laugh etc is sooooo worth it!!! I cannot Wait till they sleep through the night; I won't lie but I keep saying that so I bet a bunch of PS'ers are thinking, geez already we get that you want them to sttn. lol ;) How old was your lo when you started putting her in the bouncer?? thanks for your sweet words and the tip on the nail cutter; I will look for that one! Yes, I am a SAHM which I am grateful for since Evan is neutropenic. I love it but I think in a few years I want to go back to work!

NOEL, love the earrings, super cute pics!!!

BASIL, he is beautiful!!! yay for finding someone to watch your cutie pie

KUNZITE, how are you? any pics of adorable O?

sorry I am behind. the boys are great!!! they are babbling and I LOVE IT!!! hahaa :love: :love:
Hi all! I'm going to catch up quickly - visiting family and H is napping on DH's chest :)

Skippy - glad to hear your boys are doing well. Aren't baby noises the cutest?? I clip H's nails with fingernail scissors. I don't know if you're supposed to do that instead of clippers. I am used to delicate cutting though.

IHA - Oh, how cute he is! What color are his eyes? I don't have any advice on the sleep thing. H sometimes sleeps 4-5 hours, but sometimes 3 and sometimes 2. I can't predict it!

LV - I forgot you were in CT! I grew up in MA, and DH and I both went to school in RI. I would love to move back but DH's field is oversaturated there at this point, so we are staying put for the next few years at least. My ex-boss/mentor just moved to CT (Fairfield) and keeps telling me how great it is so I am jealous. Sorry that S stopping STTN! I keep telling myself that one day I will be trying to wake him up and long for these days!

Charbie - glad the appointment with the cardiologist was so positive! It must be nice to wait until she is a little bit bigger/stronger to have to do the surgery.

Bliss - what a nice post, beautiful daughter and gorgeous jewelry!

DC - When are you going back to work? Do you have a daycare picked out? I'm glad everything is going well in FL. I think you're right that daycare will be good in the longterm, but it's hard for me to look that far ahead!

Anyway, I'm really enjoying time here with my family. So much fun for H to meet his great-grandmother and aunts and uncles! And it's so relaxing when there are so many people around to hold and change him, and it's not me every second that has to jump when he starts fussing.

Unfortunately, the nanny that we wanted has kind of fallen through...she does not want to leave the family she is working for until they leave town which is not til the end of December. We have another candidate but I don't love her resume. So it is looking like we may at least start with daycare and then keep looking for the perfect person, or maybe stick with daycare if we like it, or do daycare for 2 months then hire the nanny we liked.. All up in the air at this point!

Here is me, H, and my dog on my favorite beach!
Really fast post, but wanted to say hello! I'm on Fall Break so 3 days off is a much needed break for me!

IHA -- there are several threads on sleeping on here. I would look those up, one most recently I posted on a couple of months ago. The main thing I learned throughout all of this was that a) no plan is perfect for YOUR might have to mix and match certain things and b) how you deal with it is largely a personal choice. Some people will say that XYZ worked for them, but when you try it, it's a disaster. Do what is best for you and your family. I followed Baby 411's tips and my little guy is the best sleeper in the world, but I also think I'm very lucky.

Basil -- your beach pic makes me jealous! I would love weather that I can wear a jacket in, and a pretty beach close to my house!

Bliss -- good to see you! I love your bling! And little M is such a pretty girl!

Skippy -- your airport post made me laugh! I would have been a little freaked out, but it would have made my day! What are you dressing up your boys for Halloween?

And I haven't posted a pic of A in awhile, so here he is with his gf Delilah. They hang out all the time and are in the same room at daycare. He's 9 months and I'm almost graduating to the other thread!!!! I can't believe it. I look at him or hold him and he's not a little baby anymore. Makes me sad, but gets me excited for what the next stage is. Right now he's really into pointing, waving, and clapping! Like all the time! This is such a fun age!!!


Lanie~ 9 months is about the beginning of the crazy fun stage. It'll be crazy fun until the terrible twos. I love his chubby cheeks and how intently he looks at things. And, I gotta say, I love that you comb his hair into a real boy style. Soo cute!
Sorry to keep butting in in this thread since my little guy is 14 months ( :eek: ) but no one ever posts in the toddler thread.


Bliss, M is an absolute doll! I love your post. I think we all feel a lot of the same things - you just articulate it so well. Oh, and that bling...HELLO! I would love to get my hands on some of that. :love: Hmmm, I think I'm going to have tell hubby that, in addition to a push present, us gals who EBF deserve something a little extra. It's hard!

Lanie, A is so cute! I love combing N's hair to the side too! I hate how baby boy hair grows forward and they look like they have straggly least that's how N's looks.

Basil, it sounds like daycare is the right setup for you guys for now. That picture looks like pure happiness!

IHA, what a handsome guy! RE: schedule. We didn't really see a schedule emerge until about 4 months. To be perfectly honest, I hated how trying to get N on a schedule early made me feel tied to the house.

LV, the toofers! So cute! S just has the sweetest face. I think it's her big dark eyes. Oh, and N starts daycare next week. ;(

Charbie, I'm glad you had a good cardio appt. I think letting A tell you when it's time to take some action is a good approach.

SS, I love that N has a sense of humor now too. He cracks himself up when he's being devious! His big thing now is the stairs. Up and down, up and down....

AFU, N starts daycare next week. I won't say too much b/c I get all teary-eyed but I do know there are benefits so I'm just trying to roll with it. On another note, N is SO cute. I seriously look at him several times a day and just gush over how cute he is. He has always loved to *dance* but his new thing is spinning in circles while he dances and, if he wants you to join him, he reaches out for your hand. It is so adorable. And he has finally mastered the sippy cup. MIL fessed up to giving him the sippy cup like it was a bottle - like laying him on her lap and holding it for him. :rolleyes: That might explain why it took him so long to get it. Now, he loves his cup and carries it around the house. The dog follows him around to lick up all of the drips. :lol: He's still nursing but only once or twice per day.
pupp~ I've noticed the same thing about the toddler thread. Maybe now that are group of toddlers are getting there, we can get some more activity.

Are any of the one year olds still on the bottle at all? Lily just won't give up her bedtime bottle. I'm not forcing it. After all, women nurse the babies past a year so I don't think it's a huge deal to let her have it, but with all her teeth, I'm afraid she's gonna start biting bits off or something. She takes her sippy cup fine all day long but just won't settle without the bedtime bottle.

Gotta go. Craziness abounds today.
Skye is 10 months old today... and still has ZERO teeth. everyone is telling me the later the teeth come in the better. she gained a little weight the past couple of weeks because of the extra bottle at night, but the growth spurt is over and we now don't give her a bottle when she goes to sleep and instead wake her up at 10:30pm for a "dream feed". she is then sleeping til 6am again. phew. falling asleep is going well. put her in bed, close the curtains, turn off the light, close the door... 5 minutes she's asleep. the other day she was sick in the morning and vomited all over me, and when I got her cleaned up and put her back in bed, she cried when I just sat there looking at her. I had to leave the room for her to be able to fall asleep. pseudo potty-training still going really well. she is crawling all over the place. we will definitely move over to the other thread in 2 months. hope others follow.

Noel, DD didn't get her first tooth until close to her first birthday. Our dentist said the same thing - the later they come in the better. Recently, she complained that her back teeth were hurting so I took her to the dentist. He came out to the waiting room and said she was having pain because she was *teething*. Her 12 year molars were coming in - she's 16!

DH said something really dumb today. We were trying to figure out our schedule next week since it's N's first week at daycare. He says, "Oh, can you imagine how hard this would be if we had TWO little ones?!" His tone = thank goodness we don't have another (at least in my interpretation) It made me cry. ;( He apologized saying he didn't realize the m/c was still a *sensitive* subject for me since I seemed to be in better spirits lately. Uh, dude - it was a month ago. Could I have a little time to get over this??? Men!
puppmom - men are just not going to get it. just pretend he means twins or something.

- - -

does anyone watch UP ALL NIGHT? it's with Christina Applegate and about a couple with a new baby. pretty funny and very familiar.
pupp -- ditto what Noel said. I'm glad he apologized. Hopefully he'll see that you are still hurting and will be more sensitive to that.

noel -- I love her gummy smile! My mom told me that A isn't as cute now that he has teeth! :angryfire:

Re Up all Night -- I saw the pilot episode. It was pretty funny, but I haven't seen since then. I think it really hits home to new mothers and pregnant people. I can't imagine liking it if my kids were grown up or if I was single and having kids wasn't on my radar. On a similar note, have any of you read Tiny Fey's Bossypants? It's really good, and the parts where she talks about being a new mother are fantastic!

I have to include a couple of pics from our pumpkin patch visit. We had so much fun with him! Don't be fooled by the long sleeves and the appearance of fall weather. It's still in the low 90's here. :Up_to_something:

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what cute pics of Anderson! I love pumpkins. too bad they're not really a thing here. neither is Halloween.
Hi Mamas! This is going to be runby posting, anyone I forgot, I'm so sorry!

Sorry we went MIA for awhile, life has been crazy. We are about to settle the first lawsuit with the kid that hit DH back in May 2010 and the second lawsuit is going into depo today. Hopefully in the next 60 days this chapter of our lives will close and we can move forward. I also went out of the country for 11 days in September so that was mostly my September. Lorelei didn't care that I left but when I got back she refused to let me hold/touch, feed, look at, or have her see me, or hear me for the first 12 hours I was home. For a baby that rarely cries she screamed her head off anytime she heard or saw me. I'm guessing she was really mad with her Mama for leaving her. Luckily for me that came and went and we are back to loving on each other. For a few hours there I felt like a complete and total failure though. In other news, L is 5.5 months old already and attempting to craw. She gets up on her knees pretty good then falls right back down. We have ventured into Sweet Potato land, so far, the verdict is out, even though she is interested in eating or at least watching us eat...haha. I'm including a pic of her from yesterday--Chicago's been awfully warm so we were dining el fresco and I was graced with a big smile!

Lanie, Kunzite, InhisArms, LV, Shiny, Noelwr, Basil, Bliss, Skippy--your babies are freaking adorable!

BLISS---also wanted to tell you that 1) I am so jealous of the bling and 2) your little mochi girl is sooo cute, I just want to squish her cheeks.

Skippy---the boys are so big! Where has the time gone?

Noelwr--S is so cute.

Seeing S playing in the washer made me think of my friend's daughters who got "washed" by her other daughter and they spent a night at the ER last week. They have a front loading washer and she had just step into the shower when she came back out she heard a noise and saw one daughter standing by the washer. She opened the washer to find her other daughter in there on the rinse cycle. She had been in there 10 minute and was covered in bruises. The poor little girl was pretty banged up but ok overall. Another one of my friends didn't realize her daughter was hiding in the washer and threw clothes in there to wash, but luckily she hadn't started it when she realized her daughter wasn't in the play room. Just wanted to put out this cautionary tale to all Mamas, it's made me think twice to always check the washer/drier before start up.

I'll have to come back and catch up. Happy Monday ladies!

wow, I can't believe the kid on spin cycle story! must have been absolutely frightening for the parents.

cupcake - I don't think Lorelei was mad at you. babies have no sense of time. maybe she just missed you and seeing you made her cry in relief that her mama was back. it's the same at day care... sometimes you pick up your kid and they see you and start crying, not because they're mad that you left them there, but just that they feel safe with you and need to let out all the stress of the day. I still have the same when I have a stressful, emotional period: every time I see my mom I cry! luckily those have gotten less now that my treatments are less intense.
Noel and Lanie, thanks for the perspective. Sometimes I don't think I cut DH enough slack. I can be a tough cookie (aka pain in the arse!). He's not a mind reader. His apology was sincere and meant a lot. That made me cry too!

Lanie, we passed up on the pumpkin patch this weekend because it was 80 here yesterday and I want N to wear his cute flannel and puffy vest! :lol: A is a doll. Those pics are great.

Cupcake, that kid is too cute! I can't believe she's trying to crawl already!, why are ALL babies obsessed with their parents' cell phones. N loves mine and is totally going to break it. I just can't resist his cuteness. He walks around with it pushing all of the buttons. When I say, "Say hello!", he tries to put the phone up to his ear but he bends his arm so far back that his elbow is at his ear and the phone is at his shoulder! It's so dang adorable.