
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hello, sorry for being late to join but I've been busy with the newborn (Annabelle) and..even moreso with my 3yr old!
A is now 5weeks which is hard to believe - she's an angel so far, sleeps ALOT (last night slept 7hrs?) and eats all the time -- I am trying to bf this time and so far not so bad but I do wonder if she is getting enough. Hard to believe I am almost 1/2 way through my leave - so depressing!

Anyway, I love all the photos and will try to pop in more! I do have one question for you all if you don't mind...I've started taking my toddler to preschool on my own (no DH) and the two of them in the back is challenging for sure, but mostly I'm worried about A because her head falls forward and it's scary! She's in a Graco Snugride - anyone have any suggestions? I would even get a new seat if it helped. It's only a short ride, but still...
Janine- Don't have a newborn anymore, but O's head totally did that when he was a newborn in the Snugride. My doc said don't worry but I remember being stressed out about it. Have you seen those JJ Cole things that are like warm inserts? Not sure if that would help, but it's a thought. It was way too hot here when O was born for it, but my friends in cold climates swore by them. So glad to know that Annabelle is doing so well!!!
Hello ladies!

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and got to spend some quality time with family and friends!

LV - The travling went very well thanks. S is indeed her mother's daughter and is an expert traveller. I am sorry that your S was sick, but hopefully she is all better. That is to cute about her new trick. I too am amazed at just the simplest new things.

Skippy - The boys looked just precious in their christening gowns! I am so glad you were able to have family do the actual service too, how cool! TN is beautiful and we had a really nice time. I know DH loved getting to show the baby off to his family too. As for your question on pics/cards for Christmas, we usually take one in front of our Christmas tree and then print cards and send them out. Once we get our tree up we will definitely be doing that!

Noel - Eek, what a bummer about the job. It would be super cool if you could work in the states though, right? My trip to DC went fine, thanks for asking. It was wierd to be back there, kinda like old times but at the same time, everything is different now. I missed my little girl while I was gone, but it was nice to see some old friends again. Congrats on Skye getting another tooth and too funny about the time outs. I guess it does work, lol.

Kunzite - Yikes, watch out for ninja O :eek: . Sorry he is hitting and such, but hopefully its just a phase. Diddo on the midnight wake-ups too. Hopefully one or both has been sorted out by now.

Lili - Glad to hear that your LO jumped on the PT train. I bet you are relieved. They babies do grow up so quickly...

I need to run and pick up the little one from daycare now, but I will try to respond to the rest of you lovely ladies later this evening!
dcgator - I'm glad you got to see old friends. I've been to DC about 5x, but the first time I went this stupid foreigner was disappointed that The Mall had nothing to do with shopping!
it's my dream to live in the States again. it's only very limiting that DH would have difficult finding a job there. if they offer me my salary converted into dollars, we would be fine, but I have no idea if they will do that or offer me the "local rates". we shall see what happens.

janine - we've got a Maxi Cosi so Skye was pretty much almost lying down and therefore her head never fell forward.

- - -

Skye now has her 3rd tooth, and it is also a bottom one! :o what happened to her top teef? :confused:
she is scared of strangers now, especially men, and it makes me feel so wanted when she comes crying to me, all scared.
she is not eating her bread, so yesterday after her nap I made a grilled cheese sandwich which she really liked. unfortunately, I can't feed that to her every day. also, for dinner she'll let me maybe scoop about 10 spoonfuls into her mouth and then she starts crying. I have to empty the spoon onto the tray in front of her so she can grab the food with her fingers to prop in her mouth. it is really gross because the food is still all blended and mashed, but at least she eats it then. maybe I have to try just giving her proper food, but I'm afraid she's just going to pick out the stuff she likes. she can somewhat manage eating with a spoon, but she ends up playing with it more than eating.

and I think she understands taking off her shirt. once I pull the sleeves off her arms, she automatically grabs the shirt, trying to pull it over her head. 8)

next week this time, she'll already be 1!
Holy sh!t! Skye's going to be 1?????
made a post a few days ago but PS ate it :( seems like so much has been happening I have been lurking but I rarely get the time to post - Lily's naps are erratic and some days she does not nap at all - coupled with the fact she no longer STTN makes for one tired mama :(

Can't believe Skye and Jumper are going to be 1 OMG more mama's moving to the toddler thread :)

Kunznite - Congrats on preggie number 2 thats fantastic news wishing you all the best :)

I know there is heaps I mean to respond to but by the time I get around to posting it already has passed and old news but it is good reading everyones updates :)

L is now 8.5mths old - I seriously cannot believe where the time went she also finally rolled just after her 6mth checked - worked out that the smart little bugger was using her tummy time blanket to pull stuff to her so she didn't have to move, lazy girl. She is not crawling yet but she does push right up and locks her elbows and can also scoot along on her back and move in circles - frankly I am glad as we need to get our floors polished before she moves :)

Went for first santa pics today - they went so well if hubby didn't have the USB then I would post them but will get around to that later :)

hope all you ladies are doing well :)
Hello Mamas!

I started a long post yesterday, but then it went poof and then I went to sleep! Here goes!

Noel, Wow to Skye almost being one! So cute that she loved her grilled cheese. It seems that all babies do! Sometimes I make S french toast (just egg, milk, cinnamon) or pancakes with add-ins (cottage cheese for protein, but I am also going to try veggies). Both are very easy for her to pick up and eat herself. She also LOVES pasta. I made bean soup last week, and she ate that too! I hope things work out with your job and you can transfer to Houston. Even if your DH isn't able to find employment at the same time as you, I bet something will work out. It always does. He would need to find an employer to sponsor him for a work visa, right?

DCG, Glad to hear your travels went well. Are you back to your regular routine now?

Janine, S would have the same problem, occasionally, but not all the time, in the snugride. I'm surprised it doesn't come up more often in the reviews for it, but I guess I just assumed the same thing would happen in any car seat. Maybe not? Glad to hear she is sleeping so well for you!

Icekid!!! So nice to see you here! :wavey: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUMPER!! Oh, he is just sooooooooo cute, Icekid! You must be so in love! And, those little teeth. Adorable!

IHA, What a cute photo!! And, you are a lucky mama with that much sleep so young!

Skippy, Glad to hear the Baptism went well. How do the boys like their new bouncers? What's new this week?

Deelight, Just saw your post. MUST POST SANTA PHOTOS!!!!!!!!

Lanie, We miss you and A!! Come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S has been sick, but always in good spirits. She had the ear infection, and this week had her first stomach flu. :blackeye: She was finally able to get her second flu shot, so hopefully that will help her avoid the flu.

We went to our first library time this week. :bigsmile: We met another nice mama with a 4 month old and are planning a play date soon. S is very social and very sweet and gentle with the little babies. So proud of my little girl.
Hi Mommas!!! Gosh I can't believe it is December!!!! I worked all day yesterday on our Christmas card; I ordered Santa Hats and forgot to check the mail yesterday or I could of used them for the boys! ha The pictures came out super cute!!! :D :D I will post one when I get the cards; the sample was too little to do a screen shot. Hubby and I spent today cleaning! I need to get a cleaning person; hubby and I are both pooped!

Here is a pic from the baptism! I kept telling my husband to pull down Evan's gown, men!! :) I cropped hubby's head out of it because he doesn't like to be on the internet.

Oh and we started the babies on Brown rice cereal. I was surprised but they LOVED it!

phooey, I posted a bunch to everyone and lost part of it :errrr: be back soon!

LV, aww I hope S feels better soon! I am not surprised what a sweet baby she is, she takes after her beautiful momma!!! :love:

DEELIGHT, happy almost 9 mos!!! I want to see the santa pic :D

NOEL, I want to see a pic of her 3 teeth! Wow 1 already; awwww, she is adorable!

ICEKID, Happy birthday to JUMPER! He is so handsome!!!

DCGATOR, I want to see a pic of your beautiful little one!!

janinegirly, I would love to see a pic of A! Yay for sleeping 7 hrs.

inhisarms17, Liam is precious :love:

DSC_0935_01 - Copy.JPG
Sorry for the break in my post the other day. Picking up where I left off...

PT - OMG, that little Ava is a cutie and a half. I am glad to hear that she didn't have to stay on O2 very long, and that she seems to be doing well. I :love: that picture with daddy holding her and can't wait to see more pics! As for the a and b's, I hope they get less frequent and she starts to eat a little better so you can take her home for Christmas. I will be sending you all my positive vibes.

Noel - Aww, how cute is it that she is saying da an pointing to things. As for the U.S., I will cross my fingers that you will be able to come over here. Oh and I love the Christmas markets in Germany. I went to one in Cologne one year and it was so quaint. Sorry to hear that Skye is having trouble with eating, but hopefully you can work out some sort of solution. That is kinda wierd that she suddenly developed a fear of strangers, why do you think that happened? That is crazy that she will be 1, and I will definitely miss you two around here, but please do continue to post if you can!

LV - LOL about S trying to give her paci to the cat. Btw, how do you cats get on with the baby? My older cat is really caring and always checks to make sure the baby is ok when she starts to cry while the other hauls but when she opens her mouth.

Skippy -Your little hams are too much, almost a Thanksgiving meal onto themselves, lol. The boys look great in the Christening gowns, and I can't wait to see the holiday pics!

IHA - Ah, what a cutie pie. I just want to pinch those little roles! Liam has definitely become a handsome guy and it looks like he will be a lot of fun. Cheers to him for STTN too, it's a must for working mommies like us. Going back to work is definitely tough, but you'll get through it. Remind me though, is he in daycare or did you get a nanny or something?

Icekid - I can't beleive O is already 1, that is CRAZY! He is to cute, and look at all those chompers! Take care of the little guy.

Janine - Welcome back and congrats on Annabelle. We look forward to seeing you in here. As for the car seat issues, I can't help you with that specific model, but would also suggest the soft insert thingie.

Deelight - It's great to see you in here. Wow, is Lily really 8 months already, that's nuts. I would love to see her Santa pic so please do post it if you can.

AFM - Thanksgiving went really well. Sophia is a pro at travelling and didn't so much as whine while en route. She even managed to adjust her feeding times with the flights, so bravo to her. I can only attribute it to her extensive traveling experience while she was riding around in my belly, lol. While we were in TN, she got some Christmas pics done, and they turned out absolutely adorable. We didn't get the negatives, but I will try to take a pic of the shot. We also plan on getting some Santa photos done soon, and will try to get the digitals from those. Otherwise, Ms S is mainly STTN. She will usually go to sleep around 9-ish, and I will wake her up around 11-ish for a last feed and she will sleep till around 6-7. That being said, I think she had a bit of a bug b/c she was having some loose stool and such, so her nights have been so great these past few days. She was also having some REALLY bad gas pains, almost back to her colicky days, and was screaming in pain for 1-2 hours at night, so I took her to the doc. He gave me a prescription for baby Zantac and that seems to help her, so that's good. With her getting her tears in when she cries, it was really killing me to see her so upset, so I am glad that the medicine seems to help her. Now we are starting to decorate our house for Christmas and are getting ready for her first big holiday! Oh, I almost forgot to mention, we were just starting to look at homes/building a home when we saw a deal we couldn't pass up with a builder, so we put down a deposit to build a house, ahhh :shock: We are super excited and look forward to the next few months. More to come on that later. Well, I need to get back to work now, so I will talk to you ladies later. Till then, take care!
PS - Basil - Where are you at, lady? I want to chat about the home stuff and of course hear how the little man is doing :bigsmile:
Quick fly by because I'm just sitting at working waiting on other people (hurry up and wait, right?) which is so annoying because at this point it means I won't get to see O today. Frustrating. But not the point of my post! My child ate a finger food on his own! I was eating a graham cracker to calm my stomach and tried to get him to taste it. He acted offended for a few minutes and then just took it out of my hands and started eating it! Small miracle. So now we're up to exactly one finger food. HAHA! At this rate he might be eating on his own by the time he's two!!



Oh, dear dear dear! I am so far behind. I love all the pictures though!

Anyway, I am so far behind because I have been so sick! I thought last year with the immunocompromised-ness of pregnancy was bad. Daycare is worse. So far I have had 2 colds, the flu for 4 days (despite the flu shot) and most recently a really bad 48 hours stomach bug. DH has had the same. And cause we're masochists, we worked through it all (actually because we want to save our favors for times when H is sick). Luckily through all this, H has sailed through with just a stuffy nose. Go figure, and knock on wood.

Family was here for Thanksgiving. H was a charmer, as always.

DC - so funny! We are still thinking of building too. We put a refundable lot deposit and we're financing and looking at plans and specs, etc. Didn't set out to do this, but it's a neighborhood/location/school system we really really like. And most of the existing houses are above our price range. We'll see if we actually pull the trigger. Should be an adventure.

Anyway, I need to take some Christmas pics. Soon. Inlaws are coming over for early Christmas next week and house is a mess! Gah!
I hate to post and run again, but I'm freaking out a little.

Umm, there are two babies in my belly :errrr:
Kunzite - Yay for O! Yummy graham crackers!!!

DCG - Yay congrats on the new house! How EXCITING!!!! Glad to hear traveling went so smoothly. You asked about the cats. The cats have basically taken to running away whenever S is near! She hasn't learned to pet gently yet, and instead grabs fur and pulls. She is much too unpredictable for them, so they usually keep a wide berth around her. :lol: She totally squeals when she was one of them, though! It's adorable!!

Skippy - Yay, such a nice family photo! It's a good thing your DH is so tall! Easier to crop out! You are a radiant momma, and the boys are gorgeous in their gowns!! :)) Glad to hear they like their rice cereal!!!

Not much new here. DH got the stomach flu and was sick all weekend. I had it yesterday, and thankfully, it lasted less than 24 hours. Odd. Maybe I'm building my immune system?? I'm a touch achy today, but nothing really compared to how badly my husband had it over the weekend.

:appl: :appl:

Congrats times two!!!

Did you just have your first u/s today!?!?!?
Kunzite|1323193284|3075360 said:
I hate to post and run again, but I'm freaking out a little.

Umm, there are two babies in my belly :errrr:

Holy sh!t! DH must be very proud of himself. :lol:

ETA - I hope that didn't come off as insensitive. I'm thrilled for you!
Kunzite|1323193284|3075360 said:
I hate to post and run again, but I'm freaking out a little.

Umm, there are two babies in my belly :errrr:

:o :bigsmile: :eek: :D :mrgreen: :shock: :appl:

OMG! Kunzite!! How cool! That is awesome news!
Yay Kunzite!! That's awesome! I'm a twin and it's the best!!! Hooray!!!!!
Totally delurking to say a huge congrats to Kunzite!!! I remember how much my brother freaked out when he learned his wife was carrying twins. Wishing you a happy and stress free ( :mrgreen: ) pregnancy!
Kunzite|1323193284|3075360 said:
I hate to post and run again, but I'm freaking out a little.

Umm, there are two babies in my belly :errrr:

TWINS are GREAT!!!! Yay for another twin momma :D :D :appl: I love having twins! teehee eta: do you know if they are ID or Frat twins? Congrats!!! O is precious!!!

DC, thanks about my boys!!! Yay for your daughter being a pro on her travels!!!! Yay for STTN, congrats!!

LV, you are the sweetest and know how to make a fellow momma feel good, hugs!!! I am so sorry you and your lo were sick; I hope everyone stays well going forwards!!!

eta: BASIL, hope you feel better! I bet H was a charmer, he is sure an adorable lo!!!! awwww too cute!
basil, I missed your post. I usually have a post up on my screen for a while, go back, add to it, and then finally post it. So sorry to hear that you've been so sick. I can't believe you worked through all of that!!! I was at home yesterday with the a stomach bug and couldn't even handle it!! Wow, how do you do it? That is amazing that H has done so well!! Good for him, staying strong and healthy. We want holiday photos!!

Kunzite, We need more details! Was your husband there???? :appl: :appl:
Kunzite - OMG OMG!!! Congrats!
Congrats Kunzite! I think I can understand the freaking out part. You've got months to get used to the idea, though
Sigh, my little jumper is officially one! He is such a joy (when he is not whining for things he cannot have.) He is just growing and blossoming in front of us... :love: :love: He is running, rather than walking! And becoming much more able to communicate with us. Over his birthday party weekend, he started saying oooooooon (balloon!) and Da (dog) in addition to the usual mama. He is such a little talker, always pretending to be talking on the phone. He loves to feed me and his daddy, but sometimes realizes he would rather eat the food himself. He is constantly going a mile a minute- keeping up with him and keeping him out of trouble is exhausting! Does. not. stay. still! So much fun. I will try to post a photo from his birthday soon. He dove head-first into his cake. Yum. So cute!

Kunzite- OMG! I cannot imagine. Congratulations, mama! It's going to be wonderful.

noel- Jumper has quite a mouthful of teeth! He has 4 on top and bottom now. AND seems to be teething again.

Skippy- Love the christening photo. So sweet.

basil- Sigh, oh do I ever know about working sick! Somehow doctors aren't allowed to take days off... It will get better, though!

bella- Thanks :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Love all of the photos, ladies.. I lurk when possible :bigsmile:
KUNZITE!!!!!!! :eek: :appl: :love: Wow! Your DH must have some super swimmers!!! You are going to be an awesome twin mama and Ollie is going to be a great big brother!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you ladies!! I don't mean to threadjack so please go back to NB stuff, haha! I just feel silly posting in JBP since I've been a terrible poster over there. I can't even find time to update in here most of the time :wink2:

pupp - Not insensitive at all. Normally it's not like dh to get full of himself on stuff like this, but I think his exact words were, "I make all of the ladies in the area pregnant!" A la Flight of the Conchords. Funny, funny boy.

LV - Yep, dh was there. The doctor did the T/V and goes, "and there are two sacs!" He didn't really elaborate at first so I was a little in denial about what he was talking about! We couldn't see either baby at first either, just the sacs, so then it was a little alarming that there were no babies! DH said, "I went from thinking we were having one baby, to no baby, to two babies!!" But they showed themselves (this US machine was ancient looking) and both measuring close to my dates and both with heartbeats that looked strong!!

Skippy - Oh boy, I'm going to be coming to you for all sorts of stuff! Nope, we don't know if they're ID or not yet.

Okay! Sorry again for the TJ!! I'm just seriously having a freak out! We live in a two bedroom townhouse and have one car! We're just not prepared for three kids! A second was going to be a stretch financially, but three! Oh boy. Plus I was already considered high risk, so now I'm super high risk. Okay, okay, I'll calm down now!! :twirl:

Back to your NB thread! My baby has to go to the doctor tomorrow. He has terrible breakouts all over his body. His face looks like a teenager with awful acne. It looks pretty scary so I really hope we can find out what's going on. I haven't had time to find a new pedi yet either so we're going to Dr. Terrible. I hope he comes through for us. :(sad
Man, if only cuteness paid the bills! I seriously can't imagine anything much cuter than O. Multiplied by 3 - it's gonna be great! :love:
noel - That is too funny that you got S stacking cups for Christmas. We totally got O the same thing!! We also got him those stacking rings. You won't be surprised to hear this, but O loves to do that back and forth with his tongue too. When he's being really quiet in the car we'll do it loud and exaggerated and he'll do it back to us! He loves to make noise with his mouth. Happy birthday to S!!!! You'll have to post some birthday pictures!!

LV - When O had his first ear infection we were given the option of not treating it with antibiotics to see if it would resolve on it's own. Since it seemed to be bothering him we went with the antibiotics. He's still pulling on his ears but we had them checked this week and they're both clear. That was a relief! I sure didn't want another ear infection. Is everyone in your house healthy again? That reminds me, I've been really bad and haven't gotten my flu shot yet. Boo, I need to do that. I bet you get to use your clothes again! Are you thinking of a second? :naughty:

Skippy - Those little guys are hams!! So cute!! I'm happy to hear the baptism went well. I can't believe they're 16 and 17 pounds! It sounds like they're gaining weight like champs!! :appl:

PT - I was wrong about the 32 weeks. I went back and looked at O's journal and he started trying with the bottle at 33 weeks. Like I said, he didn't really take to it much. He was anemic and was pretty lethargic so he would fall asleep most times for the first few weeks. We didn't start having problems with apnea until he started bottle feeding. Then he had terrifying apnea that would require oxygen because he would choke on his milk and stop breathing. That was a big set back for us. Luckily it only lasted a few weeks and then he got much better with his ability to eat, although still lazy! I'm sorry to hear that you lost your little boy. I didn't know that. Do they know what happened? Of course I've been reading a lot about twins lately and they say that boys have more problems than girls, which I didn't know. Hugs to you!! I hope little A is improving every day.

ice - Happy birthday to Jumper!!! He is so cute. I can't tell you how jealous I am of that giant Thanksgiving feast that he's eating!

janine - Welcome to you and A! Have you checked to make sure her seat is reclined enough? I know we had a hard time getting ours to recline as much as it should.

dc - Glad to hear that your trip to TN went so well. That's great that S is such a great little traveller already! I can't wait to see these Christmas pictures you speak of! O has been such a grouchy fussy pants these last few weeks that I don't know if we'll ever get a Christmas card picture taken!

basil - Sorry to hear that you've been sick, but happy that H seems to have weathered it all!

Laila - Thank you lady! How is little L doing? Happy early birthday to him!!! You must post a birthday picture or two!

LC - That's awesome that you enjoyed being a twin. I won't lie, I've always wanted twins (just you know, the first time around not the second, ha!). Did you have any other siblings? The first thing my sister said when I told her was, "Poor Oliver, he's going to be the odd one out!" I hope that's not true. They're going to be so close in age maybe we can just consider them triplets!!

IG - Thank you for the well wishes!! I'm awful about posting these days, but I'm following your updates and can't tell you how excited I am for you and your DH. Hugs!!

Bella - Thank you!! I need to do better about getting over to the toddler thread. I want to hear more about you and little B! Your stories are so awesome!

pupp - Oh, what a great idea. Maybe cuteness can pay the bills! Maybe I need to work on becoming a stage mom or something, haha! Or maybe not. DH and I have daily scheming sessions on how this is all going to work. It's mostly Enron accounting going on at this point though!!

AFU - The pedi didn't have much to say about O's acne-like rash all over his body. He said that it was mostly eczema, diaper rash, and Impetigo. It seems like he just threw out every skin condition he could think of! He had a med student in with him and when he said Impetigo she gave him the funniest, "You're crazy!" look. So needless to say, we don't think he has Impetigo although we're treating it just in case. So we have an out of this world cream routine three times a day and it seems to be helping a ton. For a few nights O was crying out in his sleep and waking up every hour or so, but as soon as we started slathering him up that stopped and he had a good nights sleep. So it must have been bothering him more than we knew. :(sad
Kunzite, My sis and I have a brother that's 15 months older. To be honest, he did feel left out when we were growing up, and he would ask my mom for a brother. Then in grade school-middle school, we all just kind of existed (lots of brother sister fights, of course, but that's to be expected). Then high school he kind of did his own thing. After high school we've gotten quite close. He was the first person after my sister that I called about our pregnancy. Best of luck :)

That's interesting LC. I wonder how much gender played a role in that. Maybe boy/girl frat would be best? Then O would feel like he had a brother, but the twins would also feel like they have each other. Hmmm. Chances are they'll be about 18/19 months apart, since I'm sure I'll go nice and early.