
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Bobbin, I'm delurking for a moment to say that C is gorgeous and to ask which manual pump you have been using.
Bobbin, C is a beauty! Re: nipple shields. I had to use them after a bout of mastitis and I found that putting a little bit of the nipple ointment on them helped them *stick*.
Bobbin, Beautiful pictures!!! She's such a pretty girl. Re: nipple shields. I have 2, in case one fell or got pulled off (Ethan is very hands-y), I had a back up. I use the Medela ones that have a cut out for the nose. I found the best was for me was to heat up the shields in hot water. So what I'd do: Keep the shields in a little tupperware/container. When Ethan wanted to eat, I would fill the little tupperware & shields with hot water (just runnign my tap, but I have pretty hot water in my condo, central hot water). By the time I got him situated with the boppy etc, the shields would be warm and I'd pop them on. I always held Ethan cross cradle style, (could never get football or side-lying etc to work for me) so I'd have the nose cut out on the outside of my nipple. Usually only the bottom the edge would flip up, the top edge would stay down pretty much.
And for how I was able to post in the early days: Pump time = PS time. Now I can nurse and feed Ethan mostly 1 handed, so I can do stuff while he's up.
Pancake - HUGS.

S&I - Congrats on little A! Such a handsome guy.

Bobbin, welcome to mommyhood. Your little girl is so cute! I used nipple shields with my son, too. A little lanolin, or saliva in a pinch, and the edges stayed down better. Weston is now nursing without them and doing great, so don't worry about future weaning. It will happen.

Back for a much needed update later. We just had our first five hour stretch of sleep last night! :appl:
NEL: I think it's Bonds onesies (I have to look at home)but mine are cotton not terry. My friend is a transplanted American living in Australia and told me these were the best. They just seem so comfy. - never lose their stretch or get worn out. I've been pretty disappointed with the quality of onesies here in the US (Carters,etc). And that's sthe same jumperoo I'm thinking of - feel bad b/c A is 6 months and haven't gotten it yet. We have a old exersaucer that I dug out but it's still being cleaned and I actually kinda hate it (so big and plastic). I always wanted the jumperoo (A loves to jump) but the 2 giant footprints (+ Sunagabunny which isn't getting much use now) seems ike overkill. I was hoping the exersaucer was not save-able so I could ditch it,haha. Sorry about the clingy MIL - just establish bounderies as you have. Mine is pretty hands off (and I'm always the bad guy) - funny how things are..
How long will you have the PT set up for work - that's a sweet deal especially since D can stay home the other days.

S&I: that's me! Pancake, come find me!

Pancake: what a cutie-I'm sorry things are rough, please come here and vent whenever you can. It's tough to balance life and babies, I'm going through stuff too. Not like you but it's overwhelming at times.

LC: I'm on the mini - pill and I always remember to take it at the same time during the week, but then come the wekend, I forget. Not that DH and I are doing much of anything but does anyone know the rule of thumb? If you miss by a few minutes, or is it hours and should you then wait 48hrs before you're back on track? So confusing.

Bobbin: oh such a precious little thing. Hang in there, those early days are challenging- you're doing great!
Pancake, I completely agree with LC. You have sacrificed quite a bit recently to try to help your father. And that is going above and beyond based on your prior relationship. It sounds like your father has always been a pretty selfish person. And your wanting to be with your family is NOT selfish. This is your new life. Your father made his bed long ago and now it's time for you to focus on your own family. What you and your mother are doing for him is so considerate. But if you need some time for yourself, don't be afraid to take it!

Bobbin, the pics of C are adorable! I'm sorry to hear about the eye issues--one of the babies in class had pink eye last week. The good news is that it seems to clear up quickly with the ointment, so I hope that is going well.

I'm sorry to hear the breastfeeding is off to a rocky start. We've ALL been there! I also used a nipple shield for a short time (I had inverted nipples, but with all the pumping it wasn't an issue for long). Anyway, I did what MQ did and just used a little saliva. Katie would often latch, then stop latching (when no milk was coming out), which caused it to flip. Once she latched and stayed latched, it usually stayed in place. I also used the Madela shields and rotated between cross cradle and football, though cross cradle usually worked better. Good luck!

Oh, and K also did the 1/2 and 4/5am wakeups until she was a month or so. It's not that bad, right? I was afraid I'd be up every hour.

LC, so glad you figured something out with work, even if it meant going unpaid. Now that I think about it, I think you already told me this and I completely forgot. Let me know how the nursery transition goes!

Janine, ooo a cotton woundersuit sounds perfect for slightly warmer weather. I agree about the quality of onesies here. I have a bunch of the carters onesies, but don't love them.

And all of the baby "stuff" is crazy, isn't it? For fun, I was going to post before and after pictures of my house because it's been overrun by clutter. Our living room is small, so we only have the swing in there. And she uses it maybe once a week? She hates it, but I haven't taken it down because it seems like such a waste. I have the pack and play, bouncy seat and jumparoo in the kitching/dining area and then her activity mat, bebe pod and bumbo and other various toys are in the family room with the piano. I hate clutter, so it's all driving me nuts. The bottle drying station that is a permanent fixture in our kitchen also drives me batty. Anyway, sometimes I feel like our house has exploded.
Pancake, how are you doing today, friend? I hope things are getting better for you.

NEL, do post a before and after shot. My condo is tiny, so I have been very careful about not accumulating a lot of baby stuff. So I really don't have a ton. I've been reading about your work decision on your other thread. I think you've got a pretty good "ease back into it" plan. I'm jealous, honestly. :) How's D doing with caring for Katie? You said he's working on diaper changes now? THat's great that he's slowly getting more comfortable. I've been able to leave Ethan with J for 3-4 hrs, but that's tops. He's never had to go all day with him.

Janine, the mini-pill has a 1 hr grace period I think. THat's what I think I remember from what my midwife said. I don't trust myself to be that accurate with my timing, so I opted for Mirena. Not that we've been having much intimacy post baby. But I'm hoping with moving Ethan out of our bedroom AND being able to go to bed together we can change that.... Hugs, hope things are going OK with whatever stuff you're going through. Just know you have friends here that wish the best for you and your LOs.

MQ, Woo hoo 5 hrs!! What a rapid change of events from a few weeks ago! You must feel like a completely different mama!! Go Wes! Make sure you're nice to your mommy.

J's leaving for a business trip next week, 2 maybe 3 nights. We're going to sleep over at Sis's house while he's gone.

THe past few days Ethan has been on boob strike. I can only get him to nurse using the nipple shields again. So not too bad, but discouraging because I prefer him nursing with no aids. But at least he's back to his regular schedule of eating 20 mins, and sleeping 1+ hrs during the day.

Other than that, haven't had a chance to move E to his crib yet. Last night Sis crashed with us (in the nursery) since she was going to be all by herself (her BF was OOT for the night). So tonight we're going to try to move him to his room. He slept there once before in March/April when we got our furniture delivered, so I'm not too concerned he won't be able to do it. Plus he sleeps there during the day.

NEL: Checked the Aussie onesies and it does say "BONDS" on the back, so it's the same brand! Those onesies (or sleep suits?) rock, I hope they never get Americanized, lol. Agree on the plastic explosion of baby items. With DD1 it was the worst from 6mo's to 2yrs. Because after the jumperoo it's the lovely alphabet mat for crawling and then the standing table..and soon you have a full on playrooom that happens to have a TV in it! We do not have a finished basement or official playroom, so that's part of the problem. I wonder what to do with all the items after DD2 - we are done and it's more of a headache taking these things apart than it's worth so I guess the cliche garage sale is in our future. That or I'm going to dump them somewhere in the dead of the night! Meant to ask, how is the BF'ing going now?

LC: Ok, 1hr grace on mini pill is not that bad. It's definitely tough to remember though. Good luck with the move to the crib..we still have DD in our bed most nights. I think I'm having a harder time letting go than DD!
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(
Thanks everyone for the tips on nipple shields. I am still finding that sometimes they stay on and sometimes they just slide about and do their own thing!

Mayerling: I am just using a simple Avent manual pump. It has been working fine, however I didn't make an educated choice at all. It was a matter of that was the only pump that the chemist that was open at 4pm on a public holiday had!

NEL: Thanks for your compliments on C and your reassuring words about breastfeeding. Knowing that I am not alone in having difficulties with establishing breastfeeding helps alot. Same to you LC as well. PS is such a lovely supportive place!


Breastfeeding is slowly improving. C is latching on with the nipple shields 90% of the time. She just seems to snack though - she will stay on anywhere from 5-30 minutes, and will then fall asleep. She will often wake up only 20 mins or so later and want another feed. I am thinking about keeping her bottlefeed for the last feed of the night so she will sleep a bit better! We will see though - I feel a bit guilty every time I give her a bottle now though as I don't usually *need* to now.

C is a good sleeper! I don't know if this will last, but on Tuesday she slept from 11pm-4am and yesterday she slept from 10pm until 5:45am!!! :o I was a bit worried about that as I thought she needs to eat more often than that, but in the hospital I was told that as soon as she has regained her birth weight and is putting on weight, we can let her sleep and wake up on her own.

DH went back to work today and I am a bit sad about that. I have been enjoying our time as a family so so much. Spending this time together has made us feel so much closer again and it has been great parenting C as a team. I am going to miss that!

We received the preview of the professional photos yesterday and I thought I would share one of them with you before we received the rest:

Bobbin, looks like we're both up feeding our little ones at the same time. Don't feel guilty bottle feeding C. Also, maybe you can offer C a bottle after you nurse? Ethan was also really sleepy at the breast and I was never sure if he was eating enough. He would wake up pretty often to be fed again, so I started offering him a bottle after we finished nursing, and he was able to go longer between feeds. So it was that he'd snooze, or just suckle and not swallow (in other words, lollygagging on the boob).

AFU, Ethan's in his crib tonight. Wasn't an issue at all, hooray! Although he didn't have his normal long stretches. DH woke E up for a feed at 12M and he was inconsolable, so only at like 40 ml. With all the energy he used to cry he probably used up that 40 ml. I just nursed him for almos 30 mins, and gave him 75 mls, so I'm *hoping* he'll sleep till 7AM.....
Bobbin, she's so precious! Thanks for letting me know about the pump. How long does it normally take to pump manually?
NEL, we're sleeping in A's nursery, so I have no advice about how to transition K to her nursery. But I have a feeling I'll have problems transitioning myself back to our own room in the future. Thanks for reassuring me that the pumping gets better and less frequent. Oh, and Bo looks so calm around K - that's awesome! Pixie is still too hyper around A. She is quite interested in him though and always comes to sniff him when I'm holding him, or when he's doing tummy time. When he cries though, she just looks at him with her cocked-head/confused look - it's cute.

Pancake, so sorry to hear that your dad is stressing you out and taking so much of your precious time and energy! Like others have said, you deserve to put your family first. You've already given your dad an option that works with your schedule better, but he's refused. That's his own decision, and you are not obligated to continue bending towards his will after that. I'm sure it's hard for you to stand up to him and draw the line, but you really do need to do what's best for your family now. Thanks for explaining your Mirena decision. It is pretty annoying to have to remember to take the pill at the same time every day - I haven't done that since October 2010. I'll have to talk to my OB about Mirena because I seem to be prone to infections down there, so I want to make sure that won't be a problem.

LC, I remember you having to go to acupuncture to shorten your cycles, but I had no idea it was due to Seasonale - that sucks. My cycles were just so unpredictable when I was on Jolivette (it was also progestin only), so I hated being surprised by my periods. Sorry E is on boob strike again, but I'm glad he's back to his regular daytime feeding/sleeping schedule. Congrats on moving E to his nursery! That's a huge accomplishment. I haven't been using the 80ml SNS since A moved up to 3oz per feeding. Basically, I let him nurse on me until he lets go (anywhere from 10 to 30+ minutes on each side), and then I give him the bottle of formula afterwards. I'm only nursing about every other feeding during the day and none during the MOTN feedings, so I could be doing better there.

bobbin, I totally jealous of your milk supply! Is that weird to say? I'm still only getting about 10-20ml total per pumping session. I hope you can find an easy solution to your nipple shield problems. So sorry about C's eye, but hopefully the antibiotic drips work quickly. Yay for C sleeping so well too! I started worrying when A would sleep close to 4 hours between feedings a week or so ago, thinking he wasn't getting enough formula so he was getting lethargic, but his weight gain seemed to be normal, so now I just let him sleep through it. I think as long as C's weight gain is normal, you shouldn't have to worry about waking her up to feed. Cute preview pic from your pro photo session! I love C's eyes! I know how you feel about your DH going back to work. Mine goes back this coming Monday, and I'm not looking forward to it. He's been on diaper duty while I'm on feeding duty. I've only changed a total of 3 diapers wince A was born! We've been sleeping in A's nursery together too, but once DH goes back to work, he'll move to our bedroom so he isn't disturbed by the MOTN feedings/diaper changes, and I'll have to handle everything on my own.

MQ, yay for W sleeping for 5 hours! You must feel so refreshed after that.

Janine, your girls are so precious! I love how C is so hands-on with A too.

AFU, we had our 2-week checkup on Monday, and A was 7lbs+5oz - that's a gain of 7oz in only 2 days! His pedi was very happy about that, and said to just keep doing what I'm doing with his feedings. We also got our birth announcement cards delivered yesterday and I'm very happy with them. I can't wait to send them out.
CDNinNYC|1335981209|3185819 said:
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(

CDN - While this is a bit upsetting to me (since I wasn't aware of this and had one of those mats), I think it's good that you posted it. People should know what they are buying. I read that they are banned in France and Belgium??? Why there and not here? Ugggggggh! DH told me not to worry about it. Sigh. I had no idea. It's sad that we have to research each and every little thing we buy for our babies!!! :(sad

Bobbin - Also had to pop in to tell you that your baby is soooooooo cute! What a great photo. I am sure you will treasure those newborn photos always!!
Loves Vintage|1336051983|3186521 said:
CDNinNYC|1335981209|3185819 said:
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(

CDN - While this is a bit upsetting to me (since I wasn't aware of this and had one of those mats), I think it's good that you posted it. People should know what they are buying. I read that they are banned in France and Belgium??? Why there and not here? Ugggggggh! DH told me not to worry about it. Sigh. I had no idea. It's sad that we have to research each and every little thing we buy for our babies!!! :(sad

Bobbin - Also had to pop in to tell you that your baby is soooooooo cute! What a great photo. I am sure you will treasure those newborn photos always!!

RE Mats, I hadn't heard this either, but from what I'm reading it's the Formamide (which ours apparently is free of in link above)? It is annoying though, seems like there is some horrible research on every item. BPA, non BPA, tin cans, formula, bumpers, etc. I do think it's good to be aware but also to be somewhat fair minded. I also don't understand the discrepancy between Europe and the US, I find it hard to believe it's just down to them caring more. Maybe they are just much more regulatory minded before research is finalized? Or maybe the other way around here.
janinegirly|1336052668|3186528 said:
Loves Vintage|1336051983|3186521 said:
CDNinNYC|1335981209|3185819 said:
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(

CDN - While this is a bit upsetting to me (since I wasn't aware of this and had one of those mats), I think it's good that you posted it. People should know what they are buying. I read that they are banned in France and Belgium??? Why there and not here? Ugggggggh! DH told me not to worry about it. Sigh. I had no idea. It's sad that we have to research each and every little thing we buy for our babies!!! :(sad

Bobbin - Also had to pop in to tell you that your baby is soooooooo cute! What a great photo. I am sure you will treasure those newborn photos always!!

RE Mats, I hadn't heard this either, but from what I'm reading it's the Formamide (which ours apparently is free of in link above)? It is annoying though, seems like there is some horrible research on every item. BPA, non BPA, tin cans, formula, bumpers, etc. I do think it's good to be aware but also to be somewhat fair minded. I also don't understand the discrepancy between Europe and the US, I find it hard to believe it's just down to them caring more. Maybe they are just much more regulatory minded before research is finalized? Or maybe the other way around here.

Hi LV, I'm sorry the post upset you. :-(

I agree with you; it is very sad we have to look into everything. I only read the reviews to determine which one would be good to order and came across the same thing you did about the ban in France and Belgium (and extra warning label in California). I don't understand why some places are more vigilant than others about bans/warnings.

Janine, thank so much for the link you provided. I do think the mats are a great idea and didn't come across the one you have. I agree with you that it's important to balance awareness with fair-mindedness. It becomes a challenge with all the information available out there.
CDNinNYC|1336056316|3186572 said:
janinegirly|1336052668|3186528 said:
Loves Vintage|1336051983|3186521 said:
CDNinNYC|1335981209|3185819 said:
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(

CDN - While this is a bit upsetting to me (since I wasn't aware of this and had one of those mats), I think it's good that you posted it. People should know what they are buying. I read that they are banned in France and Belgium??? Why there and not here? Ugggggggh! DH told me not to worry about it. Sigh. I had no idea. It's sad that we have to research each and every little thing we buy for our babies!!! :(sad

Bobbin - Also had to pop in to tell you that your baby is soooooooo cute! What a great photo. I am sure you will treasure those newborn photos always!!

RE Mats, I hadn't heard this either, but from what I'm reading it's the Formamide (which ours apparently is free of in link above)? It is annoying though, seems like there is some horrible research on every item. BPA, non BPA, tin cans, formula, bumpers, etc. I do think it's good to be aware but also to be somewhat fair minded. I also don't understand the discrepancy between Europe and the US, I find it hard to believe it's just down to them caring more. Maybe they are just much more regulatory minded before research is finalized? Or maybe the other way around here.

Hi LV, I'm sorry the post upset you. :-(

I agree with you; it is very sad we have to look into everything. I only read the reviews to determine which one would be good to order and came across the same thing you did about the ban in France and Belgium (and extra warning label in California). I don't understand why some places are more vigilant than others about bans/warnings.

Janine, thank so much for the link you provided. I do think the mats are a great idea and didn't come across the one you have. I agree with you that it's important to balance awareness with fair-mindedness. It becomes a challenge with all the information available out there.

I also saw the same review. But again, I'm seeing a refernce to a particular chemical (which led to the ban) and there are mats out there that are free of this chemical. I guess I just am wondering if you or others would still consider it a concern, or has it turned off many moms from foam mats all together? Just curious,..these things are frustrating for sure. Maybe glass mats are soon to come! ;)
CDNinNYC|1336056316|3186572 said:
janinegirly|1336052668|3186528 said:
Loves Vintage|1336051983|3186521 said:
CDNinNYC|1335981209|3185819 said:
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(

CDN - While this is a bit upsetting to me (since I wasn't aware of this and had one of those mats), I think it's good that you posted it. People should know what they are buying. I read that they are banned in France and Belgium??? Why there and not here? Ugggggggh! DH told me not to worry about it. Sigh. I had no idea. It's sad that we have to research each and every little thing we buy for our babies!!! :(sad

Bobbin - Also had to pop in to tell you that your baby is soooooooo cute! What a great photo. I am sure you will treasure those newborn photos always!!

RE Mats, I hadn't heard this either, but from what I'm reading it's the Formamide (which ours apparently is free of in link above)? It is annoying though, seems like there is some horrible research on every item. BPA, non BPA, tin cans, formula, bumpers, etc. I do think it's good to be aware but also to be somewhat fair minded. I also don't understand the discrepancy between Europe and the US, I find it hard to believe it's just down to them caring more. Maybe they are just much more regulatory minded before research is finalized? Or maybe the other way around here.

Hi LV, I'm sorry the post upset you. :-(

I agree with you; it is very sad we have to look into everything. I only read the reviews to determine which one would be good to order and came across the same thing you did about the ban in France and Belgium (and extra warning label in California). I don't understand why some places are more vigilant than others about bans/warnings.

Janine, thank so much for the link you provided. I do think the mats are a great idea and didn't come across the one you have. I agree with you that it's important to balance awareness with fair-mindedness. It becomes a challenge with all the information available out there.

Oh, not the post, CDN, just the info! I don't know. I just feel like I try so hard to make the best choices, and then something like this slips under the radar. It's just that it wasn't something that was essential, you know, so I didn't have to buy it. Wish I was more like my DH who was like, oh, it doesn't matter, there are chemicals everywhere. Don't worry about it. Ha!

Ok, sorry for the mini-freak out ladies. Back to your regular programming!
janinegirly|1336056587|3186577 said:
CDNinNYC|1336056316|3186572 said:
janinegirly|1336052668|3186528 said:
Loves Vintage|1336051983|3186521 said:
CDNinNYC|1335981209|3185819 said:
Hey Janine! Which alphabet mat do you have? I've been looking to get one for Isla but the ones I've seen have had reviews commenting on its possible link to cancer. :-(

CDN - While this is a bit upsetting to me (since I wasn't aware of this and had one of those mats), I think it's good that you posted it. People should know what they are buying. I read that they are banned in France and Belgium??? Why there and not here? Ugggggggh! DH told me not to worry about it. Sigh. I had no idea. It's sad that we have to research each and every little thing we buy for our babies!!! :(sad

Bobbin - Also had to pop in to tell you that your baby is soooooooo cute! What a great photo. I am sure you will treasure those newborn photos always!!

RE Mats, I hadn't heard this either, but from what I'm reading it's the Formamide (which ours apparently is free of in link above)? It is annoying though, seems like there is some horrible research on every item. BPA, non BPA, tin cans, formula, bumpers, etc. I do think it's good to be aware but also to be somewhat fair minded. I also don't understand the discrepancy between Europe and the US, I find it hard to believe it's just down to them caring more. Maybe they are just much more regulatory minded before research is finalized? Or maybe the other way around here.

Hi LV, I'm sorry the post upset you. :-(

I agree with you; it is very sad we have to look into everything. I only read the reviews to determine which one would be good to order and came across the same thing you did about the ban in France and Belgium (and extra warning label in California). I don't understand why some places are more vigilant than others about bans/warnings.

Janine, thank so much for the link you provided. I do think the mats are a great idea and didn't come across the one you have. I agree with you that it's important to balance awareness with fair-mindedness. It becomes a challenge with all the information available out there.

I also saw the same review. But again, I'm seeing a refernce to a particular chemical (which led to the ban) and there are mats out there that are free of this chemical. I guess I just am wondering if you or others would still consider it a concern, or has it turned off many moms from foam mats all together? Just curious,..these things are frustrating for sure. Maybe glass mats are soon to come! ;)

Hahaha!! I've been noticing in your posts recently -- you're very funny, JG!!

I think I would have done more research if I had noticed those reviews. The mat I purchased does not say it's formaldehyde-free on amazon. If it is now, I wonder if it was when I purchased it. I think at the very least, I would have aired it out first.

We put the mat away a few months ago when we got a rug, which is probably also full of formaldehyde!!! I did insist on airing it out first.
S&I, does Pixie seem annoyed when A cries? Bo leaves the room and Byron tolerates it, but starts huffing if she doesn't stop. And it's not weird at all to be jealous of others' supply, I told LC all the time that I was jealous of hers. Or, really, anybody who produces enough to not have to supplement! Glad to hear A's 2-week appt. went well, yay for weight gain! She's just a little peanut still!

LC, glad the crib transition is going well, did he end up making it until 7am? I keep telling myself I'll move her on a weekend because I'm expecting her to be up more than usual and I'm going to want D's help.

I just went back to the preggo thread last night to read your birth story again. You wrote it the day I delivered, so I never really got a chance to read it. It was fun seeing all of the last posts before all of us delivered. I can't believe it's been over two months since then!

Bobbin, sounds like good news for you! C is latching (I think it will just continue to get easier/better) and she's a great sleeper! I'd say if she's giving you 7+ hour stretches, take them! One of the babies in my mom group did 6+ hours from the very beginning (we were all jealous). I think it's great that she's sleeping in long stretches already. And the photo is adorable!

Janine, I hope the bonds never get americanized, either. Though I'd be happy if some of the american sleepers could be australianized. When did you get your alphabet mat? I was thinking of ordering one a few weeks ago, just to put in the future playroom. But I don't know when K would actually use it. I'll have to bookmark your link. I really wish we had a basement for a kids play area--we're just sort of using the 4th bedroom, but when we have a second that will be the guest room, so I have no idea what we'll do. Plus, the bedrooms are upstairs and we need a play area down here. Anyway, I know you're right and they just need more "stuff" as they get older. Oh, and the pumping is going okay. I stopped nursing because K was just frustrated with my lack of supply and it was stressful for both of us. I'm reducing my pumping sessions in order to prep for going back to work.

1. Until today, we had a pretty good schedule of sleep, eat, play. K wasn't even fighting sleep when I put her down for a nap at the first signs of sleep. But today she's been cutting her naps short to eat, so I'm having to work around that .Last cycle I cut playtime to 30 minutes and she went right down for a nap, so that worked pretty well.

2. Also, she's eating more. When she was about a month old, she jumped from 2 to 4 ounces, she never really took 3 ounces. And now she's jumped from 4 to 6. She took 5 ounces for about 2 days, then yesterday she started taking 6.

So the combination of her eating more + cutting her naps short to eat (and she's taking a full bottle each time--I keep expecting her to snack) makes me think she's starting another growth spurt. It used to be that she'd be fussier during the beginning of a growth spurt, but she's not really fussy this time. Though maybe that's because I recognized she's not getting enough sleep due to her desire to eat, I don't know. But it's nice to have a growth spurt without the fuss. She's smiling a ton these days, I feel like I'm thisclose to getting a giggle out of her.
NEL, yay for possibly recongnizing an oncoming growth spurt and adjusting K's schedule to accommodate it. It's funny that you mention that K is probably about to start giggling soon. A has been sneaking in smiles after eating or while he's sleeping since last week. One time I was holding him after a bottle and he was smiling. I started talking to him and laughed myself at one of his silly smiles, and he let out a real chuckle himself! But that was the only time so far, and I haven't been able to get any out of him since then. It must have just been a fluke. Pixie doesn't seem to get annoyed at A's cries. I think it's more that she doesn't understand why this tiny little thing can cry so loud, so she just stares at him. I've caught her laying in front of A's room door many times, like she's guarding him when she knows that he's sleeping inside. It's cute. I'm sure she'll start getting annoyed at A's cries sooner or later though.

Question for you ladies: how often do you use your carriers if you have one?
We originally registered for an Ergo carrier, but then took it off the registry because DH thought we wouldn't be using it much. Now, it seems as if A wants to be held a lot during the day and won't nap if he realizes he's been put back in his crib. I'm wondering if it's time for us to get a carrier.
The first laugh/giggle is the best! Ava actually startled herself so much the first time she let out a real belly laugh, that she started crying. It was funny, cute, and sad at the same time. She still doesn't laugh much (mostly great big smiles and some squeals), but I did manage to get a few chuckles out of her yesterday singing the "if you're happy and you know it" song. She likes it when mom helps her participate by helping her to clap her hands, etc.
PT, I also feel like Katie is closest to giggling when I sing to her--we have a bunch of songs we sing in mom group and there is one that she really loves. So, so cute that Ava startled herself by giggling and then started to cry. I actually startled Katie yesterday and she started to cry. I think that was the first time she's been so startled that she cried.

S&I, My name is Nicole and I'm an Ergo-aholic. I don't know what I would have done without my Ergo in the first few weeks. In the beginning, I carried Katie in the Ergo for about 4 - 5 hours a day around the house. I did all of my chores with her in it. Anytime she cried, it was the ONE thing that soothed her. And when you find something that soothes a crying baby, you use it :)

These days I still use it a few hours a day. I'm using it right now, but I don't use it to soothe. I use it for convenience. I put her in it for an hour after her breakfast in the morning. We have a dance party (I turn on the stereo and dance while washing bottles, unloading the dishwasher, doing laundry, etc.). Then I put her in it again when I take Bo on the 2-mile walk. And when I go to Target or the grocery store, I still put her in it the majority of the time. I would leave her in her carseat, but she HATES her carseat, so the Ergo is a safer bet for now.

I would highly recommend getting one, but that's because Katie loves it and I use it often.
PT, so cute that Ava startled herself!

NEL, thanks for that super positive review of your Ergo carrier. I'm going to go out and get one today! I've basically just been holding A in my arms when he gets so fussy that he won't stand being in his crib, which means I get absolutely nothing done. I'm hoping he likes it as much as K does. Do you still use the infant insert thingy with K?
yep, still using the infant insert--Katie is ~12 lbs. I think LC has one, too. LC, does E still use the insert?
S&I: Thanks, DD1 really loves A now - it's adorable.

NEL: I want to buy the Ergo after reading your review! I was stuck with that annoying Bjorn and didn't want to invest in anything else, but now wish I had. I carry A alot and she's heavy! Maybe I'll still get one.

Speaking of gear, I know a few of you are thinking of the Keekaroo. Has anyone actually seen it or bought it? Is that insert necessary...I would think so.
I bought the Keekaroo, but haven't used it. I didn't buy the insert because I was sort of hoping I could put the Bebe pod thing on it, but the seat is too small. I'm interested to see how necessary the insert is.
NEL, S&I, Janine, I have the Ergo carrier too. I use it with Ethan when we're on walks. I still use the infant insert, but I feel like he's getting too big for it. But he doesn't really hold himself upright all by himself yet. I dunno when I can go without. I put his legs froggy style a la this video:

ethan just woje up so will post again later...
Will post properly later, but just quickly re the Ergo...

We borrowed a Bjorn from a friend and then I bought an Ergo about a month ago. To that stage we hadn't really needed a carrier, but with the winter weather setting in here, and with a couple of unsettled weeks for S, I am SO glad we got the Ergo! She definitely prefers it to the Bjorn and it is much more comfortable for me as well. One other thing I really like about it is the hood that you can put up over the baby's head - I thought S would hate it, but it is perfect for blocking the world out when she needs to settle and sleep! It is also great on rainy, cold days when I don't want to take the stroller out but need to get out of the house to run errands or just for a sanity break!

We have the infant insert but I don't use it all the time. She seems just as happy without it and if I'm worried about her getting too hot, I don't use it. She has her feet out rather than frog-legged. I think Mannequin has a Beco, which is very similar, and puts Weston in it without an insert too.