
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Mannequin|1334414330|3170876 said:
Weston went to bed at 10:30 and was up at 1:30 and 4 for feedings. We got up for the day around 6:30. Not bad, considering he was waking me up hourly just last week!
yay, I am so happy to hear that!!! :appl:
Skippy, happy birthday to your boys! It must have been so hard to have them in the hospital for so long but it looks like it was certainly worth it! :appl:
Happy Birthday to Evan and Miles!!!! Thanks for posting all of the beautiful photos of your boys, Skippy! Totally teary-eyed again over here!! It's just so amazing to see how much they've grown and changed over the past year. You're doing such a great job, mama!! :appl:
Happy birthday to your precious boys, Skippy!!! They are so adorable and have come so far. :appl:
Skippy--Happy birthday to your boys! I loved seeing all those photos together. I can't believe how much they've grown, and how quickly the year has gone by. I hope you have a wonderful time at their party! What a great reason to celebrate!
Awww, happy birthday Evan and Miles! I know all mommas have an all consuming love for their babies, but I think NICU moms have a special appreciation for milestones, and the first birthday is a pretty huge milestone! Congrats on your beautiful boys Skippy.
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to Miles and Evan! :appl: Skippy, you must be such a proud Mama!
Oh, Skippy, the boys are so darned cute. Seeing all those pics made me a little teary-eyed. I can't believe it's been a year already! I remember reading you were pregnant and thinking that you would be the best mom. And now your boys are 1!

Janine, the piano was $10K on the nose. The piano is 30 years old, so definitely not as expensive as a new or just-barely-used piano. When D heard this piano and told me he really wanted it, it was a few thousand more and I said no way. We finally agreed to a budget of $9,999 because I really did not want to pay five figures for something that I considered ridiculous. After going back and forth with the piano dealer for a month, the guy finally came down to $10K and D didn't want to push him for the extra dollar to keep it in budget.

AFU, I'm leaving in a half of an hour to pick my parent up from the airport. I'm afraid having them in town will throw Katie's schedule off, even if it's still loose at this point. Last night we had our first 7-hour stretch of sleep (9pm to 4am), so I hate to throw her way off right now.
Happy Birthday, Evan and Miles! :appl: What a fantastic year for you and your babies, Skippy. So happy that they are doing well.

NEL, I hope Katie enjoys the piano when she is older. DH and his parents can all play, so I am hoping that they teach Weston when he gets big enough to play.

Janine - good luck with the christening!

AFM - Last week's success with sleeping went all to heck with the 6 week growth spurt Weston started on Friday/Saturday. He's finally slowing down a bit with the crazy nursing, so hopefully he won't be waking up every hour or so to nurse again tonight. We've had to deal with some crying jags the last two days, which I am writing off as 6 week fussies and peak crying. He's taking a nice long nap in his swing now, but will probably wake soon since he ate about three hours ago. My 6 week appointment was on Monday - the doctor cleared me for working out and said everything is healing well. I had thought I would end up leaving with a mini pill prescription, but my insurance covered a Mirena instead. I hope that ends up being a good choice - I didn't have a lot of time to research options, but I do like that we can have it removed at any time.

Grump of the day - my car needs work done on the transmission, and I made an appointment at the dealership and tried taking it in yesterday. The tech confirmed that the trans is leaking, but had three other cars to do and had to reschedule my car for NEXT Monday. In the meantime, DH and I had to coordinate how to drop off and pick up my car with a newborn and a carseat yesterday, and we'll have to do it all AGAIN next week since I cannot use the shuttle service with the carseat. DH also still has my base in his car, so unless the extra Keyfit base I ordered arrives today, I am stuck here at the house all day again. :nono:
Skippy!! gorgeous pictures! Happy 1st year Evan & Miles! Wishing mama many more smiley happy years
Skippy: Happy birthday to Miles and Evan!! So heartwarming to see them grow through the months, from such precious little beings into the rambunctious happy little boys they are today! Thank you for sharing the pictures!

Mannequin: Ugh on car troubles, hope things get better. And I hope the sleep routine settles back down - hang in there!

NEL: Funny on the extra $1 for the piano. Well D owes you a is beautiful and now you get one splurge purchase at some point. Great that your parents are coming ..I"m sure they will go by your cues so you can keep Kate on schedule!
Awwww, Skippy, I love, love, love seeing the journey your little boys have taken :love: :love:

Just love those cute faces!! :love:
Skippy, happy, happy birthday to Miles and Evan! They're so adorable. They don't look like babies anymore. They're growing so much! :love:
May, it is worth it; the nicu is a distant memory. The boys were taken good care of by the docs and nurse. Congrats to you momma!

LV, awww thank you sweet friend!! give your beautiful girl a hug for us! I am glad to join the other thread now w/you!

Laila, thank you and hugs to you and your lo!!! we need pics!

HAVEN, thanks friend and congrats to you and your hubby!!!

PT, aw hugs lady! I think you and I had our lo's at 9.5 weeks? I think preemie mommas do have a special appreciation! You and your daughter are amazing!

PUPP, thanks friend and hugs to your sweet guy and you!

NEL, thanks! Yay for a 7 hour stretch of sleep; that is awesome! I bet you parents are loving seeing their granddaughter and you!

MQ, aww I am sorry about your car! thanks friend!

LC, thanks friend!!! hugs

Janine, thanks!!!

KUNZITE, hugs fellow twin momma! thank you! hugs to O!

Inhisarms, thanks friend!!!

ZOE, thanks friend!!!! xo

Miles and Evan will celebrate their bday Saturday but yesterday they had runny noses (I think they have a cold), I hope it goes away soon! I gave them extra hugs and kisses (on the cheek). It was sort of emotional to realize how quick the first year goes but I can't wait for grandkids too someday! lol thanks for your sweet wishes, hugs to you and your beautiful babies!!!
Weston is discovering his hands this week. We're also getting some smiles! Did the bathroom scale weigh in this morning. Seven weeks old tomorrow and he weigh 13 pounds! :eek:
Today was very telling that I have a 5 1/2 month old at home. DH had gotten me a gift certificate for a 90 minute deep tissue massage. My appointment was this morning (coincidentally, after a particularly bad night of sleep for the baby). Half way through, I woke myself up with the loudest snort! Luckily the masseuse knew I had a new-ish baby at home, so I'm sure she understood. Best part? I was too relaxed to be embarrassed. :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I lurk on this thread all the time, trying to learn what I can before my LO arrives in 10 weeks or so. Anyway, I noticed that LC and NEL haven't posted much recently and since I know they usually post often I wanted to pop in and check on them. Looking forward to Ethan and Katie updates!
Mayerling, Thanks for thinking about me! I've been kinda in a funk last week, so wasn't up to posting. Then my mom came to visit.

Re: the "funk-iness" it kinda started last weekend with DH being mad at me and throwing a temper tantrum. Giving me the silent treatment for the WHOLE. FREAKING. WEEKEND. Why? Because we were late to a party that his friends were having for April Birthday people. TBH, I'm willing to take some responsibility that we were late, but it's not all my fault even though DH totally wanted to pin it on me. And as of yet, still haven't gotten an apology for his behavior, but I'm trying not to dwell on it, because, I started to recognize I have some niggling PPD (unable to cope feelings, anxiety and unable to move past some things, like DH's bratty behavior). So the beginning part of last week I was kind of recognizing that and trying to put boundaries on that part of my brain (for lack of a better description).

Then my mom came up for a visit. It was actually not too bad. She was mostly all about Ethan, and TBH it was nice to have someone else that could carry him for a little while. I did draw stricter boundaries on what how to handle him, so that was good. She still held him pretty much all weekend. He never fell asleep in his crib/bassinet/PnP on his own. GM would hold him until he falls FAST asleep then maybe put him down. Most of the time just held him until he woke up again.

Today Ethan has his 2 month well-baby appointment and his first round of vaccines! ;( I need to pick up some Baby Tylenol on my way there or on my way back. Tomorrow is DH's birthday. We normally go out to dinner, but with Ethan, I told him I'll make dinner at home, whatever it is he wants to eat. His choice was an easy/non-fancy dinner if he could get a fancy dessert. So we're having grilled cheese and potato soup and homemade Hostess cupcakes.

PT, OMG a massage sounds DELICIOUS!!! I could SOOOO go for one. And I can totally see being too relaxed to be embarrassed. Sign of a well deserved massage!!!

MQ, Wes is a big boy!!! Ethan cracked over 13 lbs at around the same time too. How's the E.A.S.Y. schedule going? STill working out for you? Question: Does Wes get SUUUPER sleepy after nursing? How do you keep him up for the Activity part after eating?

Skippy, how was the boy's birthday party??? Pics, pics, pics, PLEEAASSEEE!!!! :)

NEL, how did the parent visit go??? I'm sure Katie was the sweetest little angel ever.


LC - your DH needs to shape up! I mean I actually think you're a trooper for going to these late night parties! I think some DH's get "bratty" because now they are no longer #1 focus of the wife and they react to it in a variety of ways. The mom always picks up more slack so sometimes we have to be the one to say this is just how it is. Maybe he needs the silent treatment for a week himself, lol. Don't worry though, these things are normal...I guess I find it easier to deal with DH tantrums when there's a baby involved, because it's very clear now what comes first in my opinion. This is all temporary though, the early days are all about priorities only and survival. Meanwhile that's cool about your mom being around and hope little Ethan handled the vaccinations ok. Love the photos...sooooooo cute!

PT Yea on the massage!! Snorts are probably not the worst things they've seen!

A's Christening went well..she was pretty good and had no idea she was the star of the day (my toddler was though and had a few crank pot moments)! A cried a few times because of all the new faces (stranger danger is in full force now) but not when the water was being poured on her head.haha, probably thought it was bath time. She looked just angelic in the photos, so pure and innocent with a white glow around her. Which was nice among all the adults and IL stuff I have going on (whole other story).I want so badly to share photos here, but just don't feel comfortable on a public forum. It's getting harder and harder to resist though. You guys should find the moms group on FB!
LC, I'm glad you came back with updates. Ethan is so cute! And I'm sorry to hear about the DH issues. I'm a bit worried about getting PPD myself. I have OCD which I think might put me in the higher risk category? How are you handling it?
Anyways, back to lurking...

Skippy--thank you for sharing those pictures--such gorgeous happy looking little (birthday) angels!

Skippy- Happy 1st Birthday to your BEAUTIFUL little boys! Those pictures are wonderful and made my day! :love:
LC, Ethan is getting so big and so very cute. I like to check this thread to follow you and NEL and some of the others' progress. Just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear you're having a bit of a rough time. I too wonder if I'll suffer from a bit of PPD based on all the anxiety I had when I first got pregnant and was worried something might happen to the baby. It's great that you're paying attention to the signs. Make sure to take good care of yourself and get help from your sister or DH or whomever when you need a break or talk to a doctor if you need to. Big hugs. Hope the vaccines go/went well. Two months already? Wow!
LC, interesting that you're feeling a tiny bit PPDish. I was expecting the first month to be an exhausting blur, then for things to get slightly better. Instead, I felt like I was on cloud 9 for the first six weeks, but then I seemed to hit a bit of a wall. I don't know if it's exhaustion catching up with me, or the fact that I feel like my maternity leave is dwindling, but I've felt more in a funk recently. Anyway, I do hope you're feeling a little better and that you and your husband worked things out. I hate it when things are tense with D these days. I just don't have the energy to devote to a disagreement.

How did the appointment go? Ours was supposed to be today, but the doctor called in sick.

Janine, I'm so glad the christening went well! Sorry to hear about all of the drama, but hopefully everybody kept it at bay for A's christening.

Mayerling, how sweet of you to check in! I love checking the preggos thread, I'm excited for all of you ladies!!

PT, a massage sounds amazing right now. And hilarious about the snort. I would probably fall asleep and snort (and drool, even) if given a massage these days.

MQ, oh my gosh, Weston is a cutie and such a big boy!

Skippy, I know you've graduated from this thread, but I can't wait to continue to hear about the boys! And see pics, of course!

Pancake, how are you doing?

AFU, my parents have been in town for the past week. I was worried about K's routine being completely out of whack while they were here, but she's done surprisingly well. She's a pretty laid-back baby. She hardly cried the first several days, but she was really fussy today, so they finally got to hear her when she's having a tough day.

We took her on a whale watch, she's been out to dinner with us several times and we've just been running around and she really seems to enjoy it. My parents leave tomorrow and I'm a little sad to see them go.

I'll try to post some pics soon, I'm just too exhuasted tonight!
NEL, glad your folks visit went well. We stuck to dinners at home but went out a few times. Lunch on Saturday for a friend's birthday and dim sum on Sunday since my mom lives in FL, land of mediocre dim sum. That that Chicago is phenomenal, but it's a heckuva lot better than FL.

Janine, glad to hear A had a great christening! I'm glad the drama was at a minimum. Did you do anything special for the christening? I kind of want Ethan to get baptized and DH said he has no opinion. So I'll call up my church and see what we need to do. Do you check in with ElleDizzy or Freke? I hope those ladies are doing OK.

Ethan's appt went well. The doctor was pretty happy with his weight etc. He's still at the 75 percentile for weight, but dropped to 86% for length. The vaccinations were OK. He cried (turned red) when he was pricked but calmed down afterwards. Then slept and slept and is still sleeping. I tried to wake him at 8PM to eat but he was PISSED. Gave him some acetaminophen and he went back to sleep. He still hasn't eaten yet.

Thanks everyone for the support. I don't want to go throwing around the term PPD lightly, but it seems to make sense to me. And I think it's manageable but it just sucks to sometimes wander off into this funk-y part of my brain.

Hi all - I am behind, yet again! I actually typed out a detailed post with replies to everyone this morning, and then it got eaten :(

NEL - it must have been lovely to have your parents there, I know you guys are close! Glad that Katie coped so well. I am SO envious of you re the piano! (I giggled quite a bit at Janine's $1 comment.) K must be due for her immunisations soon too?

LC - I hope you and J sorted things out. I can't believe your stamina, being able to stay out until 2am - I couldn't do that pre-baby, let alone now! I'm sorry to hear you've got the blues a bit. I think it's great that you are so self-aware though - I'm glad that you know to look out for yourself like that. Make sure that you do manage to find some time out, whether it's just a soak in the bath between feeds, or handing Ethan to J on a Saturday morning so you can go out for breakfast with your girlfriends. So important to keep looking out for yourself. Sylvie slept a lot after her immunisations too - hope Ethan's not too grumpy. Those latest photos of him are GORGEOUS, he is getting cuter by the day!

Janine, I laughed at your comment about A probably thinking the holy water was bathtime! Glad the christening went so well. How can we find the group on FB? I would love to join!

Mannequin, I hope your car is sorted by now. Weston is going great guns! I love how every day is different and they gain new skills so quickly.

Skippy, a belated happy birthday to the boys! I'm sorry that they got sick at such an inopportune time, but WOW - what a year! Your photo series made me feel a bit emotional - how special that they will have that to look at later on (and that you have it to look at now!). Please keep popping into this thread - you will be missed!

AFU, Sylvie is SO much fun at the moment! She is getting chatty, and she is LOUD! Her best friend is - sob, not me - a tinkling patchwork fabric ball with ribbon loops on it and a mirror on the underside, which my husband has called "Roundy". Roundy hangs over Sylvie's playmat and whenever she sees it she cracks a huge, wide, grin, starts kicking her legs, waving her arms around, and gurgling at it. She has visibly grown a heap in the last week, and along with the growth spurt and the developmental spurt she has had a couple of grumpy days in the last 10 days or so, but overall is still my easy-going, smiley, happy baby! I have taken the bassinet off the stroller and she much prefers reclining in the seat as she can see so much more.

My dad is back home with my mum now and it's a real roller coaster. He has worse days and better days... on the "worse" days his confusion is worse and he's quite withdrawn, but can also be quite sweet; on the "better" days his memory and overall cognition are much better but he has said some nasty things. Last week when I saw him in the ICU he was really cranky; his memory was back and his confusion mostly gone and he hated being in the ICU and told me that he blamed me for "putting me in this position", that the situation with my mother was "100% irreparable, zero, zip", and that under no circumstances would he come back home, that was just the way it was, and if he didn't see us then too bad (he did end up coming home though). Having spent the previous week thinking he was going to die within weeks, rushing in and out of the hospital with the baby, being on the phone with and meeting all his specialists, and generally running myself ragged (not to mention having watched my brother and mother carefully tend to his every need when he didn't know where he was, couldn't remember the last 10 years, couldn't dress himself or walk properly), I didn't take this too well, even though I knew that he was sick. I got really really upset and cried most of that day, and after that realised that I needed to take a break. I then didn't see him for 3 days and have been better at dealing with it all since. That said, it is SO up and down. It is a mixture of great sorrow and shock, anger, hope (mostly that he will re-engage with our family, so far not so much though) and worry (both about him and about the rest of my family). I feel like I'm in an emotional washing machine on a very looooooooooong cycle. But we're doing ok.

Here are some Sylvie pics. I cannot believe she is 10 weeks old already!

Chatting in the bath:

I'm a morning person!!

Dad seems to think this is the "on" button, but I'm not sure what to think of that...

My beautiful baby:


I'm a morning person!.jpg

On button.jpg

Pretty girl.jpg
LC: I didn't mean to not acknowledge your PPD concerns, I suppose I thought it was more about DH tensions which can be pretty tough to deal with when you you really need support. But if you have any PPD thoughts or questions, definitely talk to your doctor. I know they are all over it here in my state and had me fill out questionnaires, and gave me all kinds of paperwork on how to recognize the signs. Luckily I never struggled with it, but I did have tough days - I think you all are lucky to have newborns in spring when it's easier to get out and about, that can be a big help. The 2 month stage can be tough because there's less help after the initial rush and returning to work is also on the horizon. E is growing well meanwhile! I laughed when you said he turned red! A just had her 6 month appt, she's in 80% all around and screamed at the site of the nurse (like I said, stranger danger is in full force!)..didn't even wait for the needle! For the Christening, that's a good idea to reach out to your church to see how it works. Let me know how it goes or if you have general questions! For #1 we did it at 3mo's, but this time around waited until 6 mo's which I prefered, since it was easier to take our time and plan things.

Pancake: Sylvie is adorable!!!! My A is loud too - I think she just has a loud voice and I'm like Oh my goodnesss where did that come from (DH and I are quiet talkers, lol). The happy bubbly stage is the BEST isn't it. It makes everything better...after a tough day at work or commuting, I see the happy innocent face and it makes it all make sense! Hugs on your dad, hang in there.
Search Pricescope on should come up..there might be a few groups, the one I'm in is the older generation of PS'ers, lol.

NEL: Sounds ike the 'rents visit is going well...Kate sounds very social which is big plus! As for IL drama, I could write a book but it's alot of passive aggressive behavior and BIL is a bit of a brat (but in his 40's?) and got huffy and decided to not show. The rest of the family covered for him of course...whole things just is poor behavior to me. Thankfully my familiy's been great and everyone showed...even travelling long distances so it was actually a huge group and a pretty great family reunion for my side.
Hi mommas! :wavey:

I finally have some time to join this thread. Baby Alex was born on 4-14-2012 at 2:34pm, so he's 10 days old today. We had a quick newborn photo shoot this past Sunday. Here are a few of our favorite ones. We'll probably end up using these on his birth announcements.

LC, thanks for stopping by the preggo thread to invite me over here and reassure me about the breastfeeding troubles. I'm going to go back in this thread to read about what you went through and how you got through it.

The first week was quite a trial. My colostrum didn't come in until 2 days postpartum. By his 36-hour assessment, A had lost 4 ounces from his birth weight of 6 pounds and 10 ounces. His jaundice skin test at that time was something like the 95th percentile, but the blood test came back with a bilirubin level of 8.9, so they said he was okay to go home the next day. By Wednesday at his first pediatrician appointment, he had lost another 5 ounces, and his bilirubin level was 19.0! The pedi ordered phototherapy for him at home, so we had to rent a biliblanket for 3 days. We also had to start supplementing with formula so he wouldn't lose any more weight. We went back Friday, and he had gained 5 ounces back and his bilirubin level had gone down a little to 16.1, so we were allowed to stop the phototherapy. We had to keep him on the biliblanket 24/7 (except for feedings and diaper changes), so he was pretty upset about not being held much. At yesterday's appt, he had gained another 4 ounces (back to his original birth weight), and his bilirubin level was continuing to go down at 13.2, so no more bilirubin checks. Next appt is his 2-week checkup.

We also had an appt with a lactation consultant yesterday, and she determined after asking me a buttload of questions, that the problem was with my milk supply (or lack of it), and not with A's latching. I've only been able to pump about a quarter of an ounce or less, even at the max setting for an hour. Luckily, the LC said I didn't have to pump that long each time. We ended up getting the Medela Supplemental Nursing System to try out. It's a little tube that I can tape to my boobs so A can get some extra formula while sucking out whatever he can from my actual boob. This is helping to keep him latched for longer without giving me the painful blisters that I got the previous week. Poor baby must have been starving those first 4-5 days! She also suggested that I contact my OB to get a prescription for Reglan, and start an herbal cocktail that includes fenugreek, blessed thistle, and goat's rue. Apparently, my milk supply is severely deficient right now, so I'm hoping all these pills will help get my production going.

Question for you ladies: Do you think it would be too early to take A to our friend's daughter's first birthday party next month? He'll be just about 1 month old, but DH is worried about him not having any shots before then.

Sorry my post was so long! I'm looking forward to catching back up with everyone from our days in the preggo thread. Oh, and if anyone knows how I can attach pictures from an iPad, I would love to hear the secret! I just can't figure it out. It's hard for me to find time to post from an actual computer these days.



