
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

IHA, awww so sweet and I love the family pic!

Janine, please post pics; I want to see her 2 front teeth!!! I meant to ask in my early post!

NEL, yay for good chunks of sleep!!! dust for a repeat!!!
NEL, HOoray for K sleeping half the night!!! AWESOME! E did that once, and we're still trying for a repeat. But I can't say I'm complaining about his sleeping too much (yet). We didn't do any Easter Bunny pictures. Honestly, it's probably because neither of us thought of it, but we're both kind of on the same page with E not having any vaccinations etc. I've been meaning to ask, will you post a picture with the boys and Katie? They're such sweeties, I'm sure they've been great with her. I totally should have set boundaries with Ethan-time more on that later.

IHA, CUTENESS!! Love the EAster pic! He totally resembles you in the upper face/eye area. But his eyes are much bluer it seems.

Janine, we got soft plastic hair brushes from the hospital but no combs. I used that scrubbed his head before the shampoo, then used the brush and scrubbed in the shampoo again. It helped a bit but he still has some more scales. I'll try washing his hair again and see if it helps.

Skippy, mmm, I'm starting to crave carrot cake now I'm going to have to make one, or a small one now! Aw, your Easter dinner sounds fantastic, and I'm so glad you had a little egg hunt for your nephews. I can't believe they're getting so big now. And I can TOTALLY see Miles & Evan being super close too, just from seeing them in the pictures.

Freke, HUGS! I'm sorry your work situation sucks. I've been in your same shoes 3 times actually. Advice to get through the week? Focus on the good parts of your life and what makes you happy. It's tough when work is a suck, but when I was in your situation, I did the barest of the minimum, and did what I needed to do to stay sane (hung out with work friends, searched from jobs (yes on company time, I felt zero guilt about it), took long lunches, emailed my sister like mad). I'm sending you job dust for you and your DH.

AFU: Today has been pretty tough. Ethan's totally out of sorts with being dragged out to lunch, and FIL's visit etc. FIL loves holding Ethan, but doesn't really give him quiet relaxing time. He's always bouncing him and talking to him etc. So Ethan's all out of sorts: to tired to eat, to hungry to sleep and just cranky overall. Poor guy! We're trying to right him the rest of evening. I think I'll give specific rules the next time with the ILs, telling them they can't talk to him in the night feeds, and protecting his unwinding time a little more, or at least not making him come out so much.


NEL: great on sleeping through the night! My A slept through the night from the beginning (11-6am) but now is waking up 1x per night so it's payback time. No idea why the regression (hunger?) but now I'm jealous of all of you who have it in the traditional order!

LC: I'd buy a comb..can be an adult one, so long as fine toothed. The brush won't do need the comb to brush up the flakes. Read about your supply on the other thread and donating..that's awesome, so envious! Oh and babies LOVE routine, and crave it. So poor E with being out of sorts! We rarely took DD out those early months, fear of germs and not wanting to disrupt her routine. Plus, winter weather = laziness.
Sigh! Got Ethan back to normal again. He's taking his regular 1-1.5 hr naps and nursing/taking the bottle with very little fuss. I haven't been able to do a really long nursing session with him, but he's significantly better than yesterday.
LC, he is so adorable!!!! :love: I only had one slice of the cake; it is sitting in the fridge; I am surprised I have taken bites of it here and there! It did turn out super moist and yummy!! thanks for the recipe!
Well Katie isn't really STTN yet, but only getting up 1x per night (around 3am) is great! She had another 5+ hour stretch last night, so I'm hoping the 1x feeding per night will start to become more regular! Katie is the ONLY baby in class who was getting up 2x per night--the rest are already down to 1x per night. And I thought 2x per night was good, haha.

LC, so glad to hear Ethan is back to his normal self. Are you the type who likes a loose schedule? We don't have an exact schedule, but during the week I try to take her out around the same time each day, I know she takes her longer nap in the afternoons, I give her a bath the same time at night (the night routine is more regular). Anyway, I find that even weekends can throw her off a little and I like getting back to my regular weekday schedule.

Hope everybody is well. I'm attaching a pic of Katie with Bo that I took this morning. Bo is looking a little sheepish because I wouldn't let him lick Katie. I'll have to get a pic of her with Byron. Oh, and I got the bebe pod instead of the bumbo, I didn't realize the bumbo was recalled. I still don't really use the bebe pod because her torso is too weak (hence the leaning).

katie bobo.jpg
NEL, so jealous K's doing 5+ hr stretches! Ethan's still doing 4+ hasn't broke the 5 hr except for 1 time. But he gets up at 3AM or so, then again at 6AM, which is about when we'd have to get up to start the day anyway, so I suppose one can say he's just getting up once at night. Aw, Bo's so sweet. So funny you wouldn't let him lick Katie. DH lets Quizas lick Ethan all the time. I keep saying he doesn't like it, but J thinks otherwise. We don't keep a strict schedule, it's a pretty loose one. Just feeding roughly every 2 hrs if we're nursing or 3 hrs if we're bottling. He usually goes ever 2 hrs during the day with 1+ hr naps between feeds. In the evenings he does 2+ hr naps between feeds. We don't consistently do bath time every day with Ethan, although I guess I should. He's got a lot of hair and needs washing, plus he can get kind of stinky with spilled milk.

Skippy, wow, only one slice of cake? That's impressive! I haven't made the carrot cake yet because I'm out of flour. But I'm hitting the grocery store today. I'm going to make half a recipe and just a small cake in hopes of being able to limit my lack of self control. LOL!

Hi all,

LC - I think daily baths for babies aren't really necessary. Some people like to do it, especially if there's a blow out or what not, but otherwise waiting a few days is fine too. I don't do the bath every day either.

NEL: the Bumbo was recalled? I just bought it a few weeks ago. I think it's going back though since A prefers the couch and her legs are too fat, but I've been lazy about dragging it back. Why I thought it was a good idea to buy it around work is beyond me since just means commuting with a bumbo in order to return it.

When did you all put your babies in exersaucers/jumperoos? A seems ready for it so need to get DH to dig the exersaucer out from the attic. I have to admit that's one of my least favorite big and bulky!
LC, we only get one 5 hour stretch as well. So Katie might sleep from 10pm - 3am or so, but then she's usually up again around 6:30 or 7. D is getting up then, anyway, so I just get up, too. If she sleeps from 9pm - 1 or 2 am, then she's usually up again at 5 and then I do go back to bed.

We only do the bath every night because it helps with the bedtime routine and she really seems to love the warm water.

Janine, I'm jealous that you can return your bumbo. I got mine from Amazon and already threw out all the shipping stuff. The bebe seat is more expensive, so I'm annoyed I've spent so much on booster seats at this point. I guess I'll just have to throw the bumbo out...seems so wasteful since I've only used it twice. For all of 30 seconds. Do you take the train into work? Or do you drive? I hate taking bulky items on the commuter rail. I feel like the person who checks the tickets gives me dirty looks for taking up extra space.
from what I understand the Bumbo is still okay to use so long as you are WITH your child and in arms's a baby sitter, not a babysitter. I don't think any seat of this nature is meant to leave the child in unattended any way. I bought my niece one just after Target pulled them off the shelves from the recall, Toys R Us still had them in stock and they said they were still safe to use under close supervision. I thought that was common sense but perhaps not. As long as you're super careful and attentive while using it no need to toss it out!
NEL - I don't think you need to throw the Bumbo out. As MissJae said, it's not like you ever leave Katie in it unattended, and she's never in it for long so I don't think you need to worry.

She is looking so cute! I am really loving this age, sounds like you are too :) Fantastic that K is sleeping a 5 hour stretch for you. Can you believe that we are all almost at the 2 month mark? Wow!

LC, you definitely don't need to bathe E every day. A bath every few days with a "top and tail" (washing face and bum) every day is perfectly fine. You may want to wash his hair more often though as it will help with the cradle cap. We bathe S almost every day but that is just because she loves it and we love watching her!

I hear you on the frustration of big days with E's sleep being interrupted. Lately we have had a lot of "big" days, especially with my dad being so unwell and in hospital. I think you just have to try and protect his little routine as much as you can and make sure he doesn't miss more than one complete nap.

I LOVE that photo of him reclining on Quizas with one sock on! He's like, " life is pretty chill!" :lol:

IHA, those Easter pics of Liam are gorgeous!! What a little spunk!

Skippy, thanks so much for your thoughts. All these little words of support from afar really do help - they help with a feeling of solidarity, like we're not alone as we go through this.

Freke - we did ok with the immunisations! More below.

OK, now for my now-customary essay...

My dad has now been in hospital for a week, apart from the long weekend when he had weekend leave to come home. Despite our hopes, he has not improved with the steroids and in fact his confusion and memory have deteriorated further - not a good sign. Since he has been an inpatient in hospital since diagnosis, we have not yet sat down with his oncologist to have the diagnosis/plan talk, and that is going to happen tonight. I am dreading it - I know it is going to be bad, and I have known that for a while, but somehow having it all given to us by the specialist is going to sort of put it beyond doubt, "flesh it out", if you know what I mean? So I am just trying to keep myself occupied today, and support my mum and siblings. I'll head into the hospital early in the evening. These next days are going to be really tough on all of us. He does start radiotherapy for the brain mets this afternoon, and he will have 5 treatments over the next week, so that is a good thing - I'm glad that we are getting on with that. Aside from the emotional issues and having to watch Dad get so sick (and deal with the knowledge of what is to come), there are so many practical issues... He did not appoint medical or enduring powers of attorney before he got sick (although he did tell me he wanted me to be his medical POA), and he is going to need an administrator for his finances and affairs as well, which is the really complicated part because of my parents' separation, their still-shared assets, plus we are pretty sure that he had been hiding assets over the last few years to prevent them from being part of any divorce settlement. Obviously we are putting all the (very considerable) difficulties and trials of our relationship with him behind us to focus on making his life as good as possible now, but the fact is that it was an extremely acrimonious situation and it leaves us with a lot of complications in dealing with his affairs.

Meanwhile, Sylvie is going really well! I took her in yesterday to visit my dad, and she charmed everyone at the hospital by gurgling and smiling and being generally gorgeous. My dad LOVES her and brightens up every time she is around. We then had a well baby visit yesterday afternoon - she's now 11lb 6oz and going great guns! It was pretty funny though, when we got there she had missed an entire nap (she would normally sleep 1.5 - 2 hours between feeds) and was due for a feed... she was perfectly cheerful and smiley but REALLY tired so when the nurse was trying to get her to do things she just smiled dozily and didn't comply :lol: When she tried to get S to follow an object with her eyes, S just looked up and smiled and gurgled at her instead... when she put S on her tummy to look at her neck strength, S just lay down with her cheek on the table and had a lovely little rest :lol:

We had 2 month immunisations on Tuesday (here that is Hep B/HiB/pertussis/diphtheria/tetanus/polio/pneumococcal/rotavirus - so two needles and an oral vaccine) and she was a star. She cried for about 10 seconds, and then fell asleep during the 15 minute observation period afterwards. Other than that, she's been her normal self I think.

Sleeping and settling are going well at the moment. S still wakes up after 1 sleep cycle during her daytime naps, but usually puts herself back to sleep again so is sleeping about 2 hours per nap. Just before I heard her making noises halfway through a nap so I went in to take a peek - she was lying awake, talking and smiling to herself! I left her there and now she is asleep again. :appl: She has done 2 x 5 hour stretches overnight for the last 2 nights. Fingers crossed it continues!
Oops forgot to add photos!

Mummy and baby (please excuse my pyjamas!)

Happy on Dad's shoulder:

Um, Mum - none of the other babies have to wear their mothers' 32 year old sets! I look like I'm wearing a doily on my head!





LC - Such cuteness! Love the picture with the pup!

NEL - So exciting about Katie's awesome nights sleep. On a good night, Ava will wake twice between 8pm-7:30am, although 3x seems more typical. I'm looking forward to her being able to go longer stretches, but I know it could definitely be worse. Love the Easter picture, though I understand your hesitation with the (lack of) vaccinations. Ava has had some of hers, and crowds of kids still make me a little uneasy. We tried going to Pottery Barn Kids recently, and there were a couple of coughing, sneezing kids with runny noses trying to sneak peeks at Ava saying, "look at the baby!"

IHA - Awww...Liam seems like such a sweetie.

Skippy - I hope you peek your head inside this thread once and a while when your boys graduate to the toddler thread. I always love hearing your advice. Your Easter sounds like it was lovely. And your husband baked the cake!?! I'm impressed! I think the only thing my husband would venture to bake would be something out of a box.

Freke - I'm so sorry about your job situation. I was miserable in my last job. When I was told my position was being terminated to make room for a person with a more extensive accounting background (I did data entry in the accounting department), I was actually giddy with excitement. I was the only person who worked for my manager that didn't quit (I was too chicken to), including the person I trained as my replacement. I wish I had some advice to make you feel a little less miserable while waiting to see how things pan out. On the up side, you have one gorgeous little girl!

Pancake - I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Your mother sounds like an amazing woman, and those whose lives she touches are very fortunate. Sylvie sounds like a dream. And she's such a cutie! Love the photos. You must fall in love with her all over again every time you see her.

MQ - I hope you're managing to get a little more sleep.

AFU - Ava's a decent sleeper, but not as great as you ladies! On a good night, she'll wake twice (between 7:30pm-7:30am), and on an average night about 3x. No cute bunny ear pictures from Easter, but DH did insist on Ava wearing a hat for some photos. Luckily I happened to have a little white sun hat that did the trick.

NEL: I'm on the train for my commute. And if I'm lucky I get a middle they will love me with my pump bag and bumbo!! Well anything is better than commuting pregnant, lol. I agree that the bumbo is probably fine if that was the only reason for the recall - I think that' been a concern from the beginning and if you are supervising, would be fine. I'm returning it more for lack of usage!

Pancake: cute photos!! I hope it's going ok with all you have going on. Oh and my A has the same polka dot outfit as Sylvie in the photos! I love the white beanie too.

PT: The cheeks..I can't take it!! A has huge ones too but your A's take the cake!

Realizing how lucky I am with A's sleep schedule...she slept 10-6am last night (and I wake her at 6 to eat before I leave). But we are still co-sleeping, so I think that is a big part of it. Tried the crib a few times and she wakes up 1-2 times, but I'm sure this set up will back fire on me in the end!

In other news we have A's Christening in a week so I'm trying to pull it all together. I also splurged and bought way too many clothes from Ralph Lauren for DD's. Couldn't stop myself. I have noticed the usual Carter onesies (terry cloth ones,etc) seem to have really gone down in quality since even a few years ago. And where are the side snap undershirts for bigger babies....never see them so A has to squeeze into small ones..
Pancake and Janine--Katie has the polka dot "I love Daddy" terry footed pjs, too. She just wore them yesterday.

Janine, I agree that anything is better than commuting pregnant. When I was full-term I kept having this fear of my water breaking on the train. And squeezing into the seats was getting more challenging. Now I miss it a little because it was my break during the day to read. If co-sleeping keeps her STTN, I'd stick with it, too. K has HATED her crib for the past two days...and that's just for a nap!

Good luck with the christening--and I feel you on buying too many clothes. I've been on a romper kick preparing for summer. I got a lot of clothes as gifts, but a lot of them were clothes I don't really use (like pants).

PT, oh my gosh, the cheeks just keep getting bigger! I can't take the cuteness! And so funny about the hat. I got K into her easter dress and D said "where's her bonnet?".

Pancake, those pics are so cute!! Sylvie is such a happy, smiley baby! And she sounds like she did so well at her appointment--that's fantastic!

Continuing to think about you and your family--you must be so exhausted now. You've probably had the conversation with the oncologist by now, I'm sure that was very draining. With his radiation treatment, is he not allowed visitors for several days afterward? My mother's radiation treatment (for thyroid cancer) is very hard on her emotionally because she feels so isolated.

Speaking of, I found out yesterday that she has some small spots in her neck (discovered via ultrasound), so it seems that her cancer is returning. I'm struggling with it emotionally. We have a close relationship--not strained at all--and I'm feeling a lot of guilt about being away from her. My parents are coming here next week, so I'll see her soon.

AFU, really struggling with daytime naps the past two days. K just FIGHTS sleep during the day so much. She's fussed through her afternoon nap. She screamed for an hour today before I finally turned on the vacuum and she slept long enough for me to pump, but she just started crying again 30 seconds ago, so I'd better go.

Oh, but the past two nights she's slept from 9:30 - 3:30, then 4 - 7:30. So we're getting a 6 hour stretch and then a 3.5 hour stretch before she's "up".
NEL, awww K is so precious! what a doll! I will keep your mom in my prayers. huge hugs and prayers outgoing. I am glad your lo is sleeping more at night!

JANINE, post pics of her in her Christening dress please! I am glad she is sleeping more!

PT, awwww Ava is precious!!!! I love her cheeks; I would totally be smooching them if I lived near you! hehe I love those little shoes too! Yes, my hubby taught me to cook a lot more than before we got married; his mom was a wonderful cook. hehe

LC, did you make the cake! I am sure my hubby will be making more test cakes! That cake actually tastes better a day later! Hubby is going to put pineapple in it! I will keep you posted on how that makes it taste; it is so moist already but maybe it will be even more yummy than it already is. lol I am laughing that the parents are getting more excited for the cake than the babies. haha Did E sleep longer? I hope so! hugs sweet friend!

PanCAKE, You and your daughter are so beautiful! She is a doll baby and I love her in that white outfit! I love all the pictures! Oh gosh, I will keep your dad in my strongest prayers; my heart goes out to you. fingers crossed her she is sleeping great!

Nothing too exciting here! Miles has 3 teeth now and Evan still has 2. They both were fussy today so I called my hubby for some ideas. He told me to pull out the cheerios so they have something to nom on. OMG it worked, they are happy little guys play with and eating Cheerios! lol Have a great weekend Mommas! :wavey:
NEL, I am so sorry to hear of your mom's recurrence. Is she having more radioactive iodine or surgery? I'm thinking of you. My father is having gamma-irradiation therapy rather than a radioactive infusion, so there are no restrictions on visitors, luckily. In my work from time to time I have patients with thyroid cancer and I know how hard it can be with the isolation, especially at such a tough time.

Sorry to hear that K has been fussing so much during the day. We had a lot of issues with this too, a couple of weeks back. I think it is just that 6-8 week "hump" in baby behaviour and I think that if you just push through it, she'll figure it out herself. You are really sensible, I think, so just do what you think is necessary for the time being and I suspect it'll improve. S is not totally consistent with her day sleeps; she was fantastic over the long weekend but I think the problem is that this week her days have been so interrupted by outings - to mothers group, immunisations, the hospital - that she hasn't been able to settle at times.

The Carters suit is so cute! We don't really have Carters over here, it was a gift from my brother-in-law's partner after she came back from a trip to the States. You, Janine and I should totally photoshop together a pic of our three babies in their identical suits :lol:

Janine, that beanie/crocheted bonnet thing was made for me by a friend of my parents back when I was a little bubby! Mum kept a lot of the more special things from when we were all babies and they are all now being pulled out for Sylvie. It's kind of amazing that she's managed to keep them in such good condition for so long!

Skippy - I love that your husband can bake! I don't know if mine can, and neither does he, because he has never ever tried!!! Carrot cake is one of my favourites, especially with cream cheese frosting...yummmmm. I hope you took photos of the boys with the Cheerios. And that those photos will shortly be posted here, hint hint!

PT, that photo is hilarious - I love babies in hats, there is something so ridiculous about it, and so endearing! I was just thinking, Ava is looking much less "Asian" now than when she was born. I wonder if Sylvie's face will change similarly too... she has most of my facial features though. At birth it was hard to tell that she was half-half.

AFM, thank you so much again for all the support! The discussion with the oncologist was yesterday. It was brief, and it was frank - and I appreciated the straightforward approach. He didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know. Dad's lack of response to steroids is worrying; we need to see how he responds to radiotherapy before a decision is made about whether to proceed with life-prolonging chemotherapy. With chemo, the prognosis is - at best - a year; without, it would be weeks to months. Quality of life is really paramount to all of us in making decisions for Dad, so we will really have to think very hard as a family unit about what to do if he doesn't respond well to radiotherapy.

I know I must sound cold and composed when I talk about it here, but in reality we are all doing it very tough. I seem to do ok if I have one big cry each day. I have a lot of support from my uncles and aunts (albeit from the States), my husband, my in-laws and of course my family. I don't know how I'd manage otherwise.

On a slightly more encouraging note, Dad had a repeat brain CT yesterday which shows that he has quite significant hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation in the chambers of the brain) from tumour compression, and whilst that in itself is bad, there is a strong possibility that that is the reason why he has deteriorated so quickly over the last week... and so a palliative shunt procedure to drain the fluid may actually give some improvement. He is seeing a neurosurgeon today. I am feeling cautiously optimistic that this might indeed be something that will improve his ability to function.

I have been feeling quite guilty that Sylvie has been dragged out of the house and out of her routine so much this week. Her days have really disrupted so I am trying to keep her at home all weekend, and have my mother watch her here if we need to go out. Also think she may be having a little growth spurt at the moment - she fed 2 hourly yesterday morning (VERY unusual for her - she is usually a 3-3.5 hourly girl during the day) and has gone back to taking both breasts instead of just one, each feed. I also have mega-mummy-guilt because she had some dry patches of skin, so yesterday I put some Dermaveen cream (it's a colloidal oatmeal lotion) all over her body... and she has come out in a red rash! So much for it being low-allergenic :(sad She is totally unbothered by it but I feel so bad!
Pancake - I've been sending you and your family lots of prayers and well-wishes. You're in my thoughts.

Quick me-post. Weston has been on a Baby Whisperer E.A.S.Y. routine for most of this week and it is WORKING. He (and I) are so much more rested and settled. He's napping well and only getting me up once or twice at night instead of every 30 minutes. Dreamfeed FAIL this evening because he did not go to sleep after his 2nd cluster feed at 8:30, lol. He did pass out while chugging his 3 oz at 10, though. :lol: We'll see how this gets us through the evening. I'll be back to regular posting soon if I can get this routine going well with him. 8)

I posted a message on FB to a few PS mommies, but you aren't all on my buddy list. Try to sign up your LOs for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library at She founded this program in 1996 and it provides one free age appropriate book to your child every month from birth to age five. It's available in parts of the US, Canada, and the UK. Weston is registered and should be starting to build his library soon! :bigsmile: I hope some of you can take advantage of this, too!

We have a belated Easter party and a movie date scheduled for this weekend! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Weston went to bed at 10:30 and was up at 1:30 and 4 for feedings. We got up for the day around 6:30. Not bad, considering he was waking me up hourly just last week!
MQ, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Wes will remain on this good track! I try to do a loose E.A.S.Y. routine as well. It works out for Ethan.

Pancake, S is such a smiley baby! THinking about you and your family. I hope your dad's treatment is effective. I hope the shunt will help your dad. Aw, hope S's rash clears up quickly. Don't fall for the mommy-guilt. THere's no way you would've know about it being sensitive to her skin.

Skippy, I haven't made the cake yet. I made chocolate + caramel toffee cupcakes for DH's co-birthday party (that was last night). And today Sis has a BBQ I'm going to make a no-bake PB cup + chocolate pudding dessert. I agree with Pancake, more pictures of the boys please!!!! Ethan's doing 5-hrs from 7pm-12M. Then 4 hrs 12M-4am. Then up at 6am and every 2 hrs after that. I'm trying to figure out how to shift Ethan's nite-night time from 7pm to 9pm. That way DH can get some time with him.

NEL, Sorry K's having a tough time with the daytime naps. But wow oh wow, you've got a champion night time sleeper there! 6 hrs! JEALOUS! I'm so to hear about your mom, you guys are in my thoughts. I hope they enjoy their visit.

Janine, Aw!!! Can't wait to see pics of A's christening. I haven't seen any of the kimono style shirts, now that I think of it....

PT, Love Ava's Easter photo! The hat is super cute. I love seeing all these PS beauties dolled up in these photos. Really makes me want a little girl (although not for a while). I love Ava's cubby cheeks!!!

AFU, Ethan's 8 wks! wow! I can't believe he's getting so big. I did the weigh myself, then weigh myself holding him... he's 13lb, 9oz! I knew he was getting heavy but WOW!

Last night Ethan had a tough night, went to DH's co-birthday party. We were out until past 2AM. But fortunately, Ethan doesn't seem too out of sorts today. I really hope Ethan has my temperament rather than DH's. DH will be 35 this month and still throws tantrums (albeit not kiddo tantrums, but he'll seethe and "pout" over small things). That's another story from last night...
MQ! Woohoo for Weston's new schedule! K used to do 1am and 4am feedings (and also got up around 6:30) and I felt sane with that schedule. I'm really hoping that his new schedule gives you some time to catch up on sleep and feel human again :)

And thanks for the imagination library links. The program sounds very useful. There is no advocate in my area, but I do need to start building up a library for Katie instead of just reading her my US Weekly.

Pancake, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the radiation treatment goes well and you don't have to continue thinking about chemo. And I'm also hoping that relieving the fluid in his brain via a shunt helps him. Are there side effects of the shunt? I have a shunt in my spinal column (to relieve fluid in my spinal cord) and it caused terrible headaches for several weeks. Still, it's much better than the alternative. I'm thinking of you!

Oh, and my mother can't have any more radiation, so when her tumors return it requires surgery. Ugh, blah.

I'm with LC, you can't beat yourself up about the skin issue. There was no way for you to know!

LC, Uh oh, sounds like you husband might be in the dog house this morning :) I can't believe how big Ethan is!! What size diapers is he wearing? I still have a bunch of size 1 diapers, so I'm hoping K fits in them for a few more weeks! And look at you making stuff left and right!!


1. Daytime sleeping is better now...I guess it just varies day by day. Yesterday and (so far) today she's napped easily. And the 6 hour night stretches are continuing, so for now I'm happy with her sleeping!

2. As you all know, D has wanted to buy Katie a piano since she was born. We have discussed it endlessly and I gave in out of sheer exhaustion. Plus I know that D is doing it because he loves Katie like crazy and wants to give her things he never had as a kid. Anyway, D and a piano dealer worked out a price this morning after a month of back and forth. We're off to hand over the check this afternoon. I'll post a pic when it's delivered...and I find space for a grand piano somewhere in our house.
LC: Ethan is big...although so is my A, but I can't remember what she was at 8wks. I don't think it was 13lbs your BM is doing some magic. Which is good because otherwise how could he tackle the 2am parties..hehe. I don't kow how you do it, I find it hard to do anything social...I'm too tired!

NEL: wow a grand piano! I heard that they go out of tune if not used regularly (which is why I'm delaying until DD's are able to take lessons,etc.), so I'm assuming D will be playing it in the meantime ;). Show pics once it's a furniture piece alone it will be gorgeous.

Pancake: How are you? I missed your earlier comment on us putting our LO's in the polka dot outfit and photoshopping...good idea!!
In case I don't have time to pop in tomorrow....

Happy Birthday to Evan and Miles!!! You've come a long way little guys, I can't believe you're one!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Big hugs to you Skippy!!
Oh my gosh!! Happy birthday to Evan and Mles (tomorrow)!

Janine, D will definitely be the one playing it regularly. I have no ability whatsoever. I think he's planning on resuming lessons for himself.

Just snapped a quick pic today once it was delivered. Now I need to start decorating this room. Hopefully Katie will enjoy it...someday.

Katie Piano.jpg
NEL: Gorgeous!!! I hope Kate enjoys it someday too (and what a beautiful gift for her from D). And may she be more successful than the rest of us failed pianists. Can I ask how much that piano goes worries if you don't want to share. I think it's beautiful and lucky you have room for it!!

AFU, Christening this weekend - nervous since I have a lot to pull together and my free time = after 11pm only. At this point I'm also multitasking during sleep hours! I won't bore anyone with details, but I've dealt with IL issues on and off, so hoping for no drama. DH's side will be in low attendance as usual (which speaks volumes) but my side will make up for it! And there are 10 baptisms that day..isn't that an awful lot? Wow, going to be a noisy church!
PANCAKE, hugs to you and S!!

NEL, beautiful piano! I bet you will love listening to your lo play it when she is older! I am glad daytime sleep is better, yay!

JANINE, can't wait to see pics of the Christening!

LC, aww I am glad E was okay the next day after the bday party!

Thank you KUNZITE and NEL for the birthday wishes!!! I can't believe my sweet wonderful loving boys are One today!!!! I forgot how hard the NICU (they were born 9.5 weeks Premature). Now we have some wonderful memories with the boys and lots of new memories to come of all their 1st's!!! I adore my babies; they are the best little guys! :love: This weekend is their party and my FIL is flying in so it will be fun to have a bbq at the house with close friends and family!!! Here are some pics from the past year sorry if I got overboard. I feel blessed to be their momma! HUGS BEAUTIFUL Mommas and babies; they year Really does FLY!!!!












sorry for so many pics; I wish I knew how to do a collage :halo: the bear is shrinking! I feel bless to be Evan and Miles's momma! :love:


