
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

MQ, you sound exhausted, hon! First: HUGS!!! What is your feeding schedule with Wes/what time does he nurse? Are you pumping? If your DH can do one feed at night, like around 10 or 11PM, you can get some decent sleep and won't feel so exhausted when you get up in the middle of the night with Wes.

I found the Baby Whisperer pat/shush method pretty good to get Ethan quieted down to sleep in his crib/basinet. Basically hold Wes vertical in your arms, with his face tucked into your neck crook or your armpit crook to block as much light as possible. Shush near his ear (not in his ear, but past it) and pat his back at a regular interval. He'll probably fuss, then sit still, then he might start burrowing or squirming some more. That's normal, let him do that and keep shushing and patting. Eventually he'll stop burrowing and settle again. Listen to his breathing, and when it slows down, keep shushing and patting for a few mins, but at a much slower interval. Then slowly lower him down to swaddle (if you swaddle, I think you do at night). I usually swaddle on my bed, so I have to pick E up again to put him away, so I shush/pat a little more until I get to his crib or basinet. Then I put him in there, roll him to his side a bit and shush/pat (leaning over him). Shush & pat for a min or so, you want to keep hearing slow breathing. Then I slowly roll him on his back and go.

AFM: Just so MQ doesn't feel like she's the only one fighting a battle, last night DH slept from 11:15 straight until 6AM. Gee must be nice. He does this (seems to me) passive aggressive thing, where he asks me, "Should I take the next feeding or will you?" So not thinking I said I will. Well, I was thinking a bit because I wanted to dream feed Ethan so he'll sleep until 3AM. DH never wakes Ethan up for feeding, he waits until he wakes up on his own. I come out of the shower and DH's in bed with the lights off. So I dream feed Ethan (tried nursing, but didn't work so had to use the bottle). Then guess what? I have to pump. Yay, lucky me!!! So it's not quite time to pump, my timer will wake me up 1 hr before Ethan should wake up from his dream feed. Sure enough 2:30, I get up to pump, 3:30 Ethan wakes for feeding. By the time I'm done feeding him and doing dishes, it's 4:30. Yay! Lucky me. DH's alarm goes off at 5:30 and he f'ing SNOOZES it! GRRR!

Oh and last night Ethan slept in his own room. Reason being we FINALLY received our dressers and they kind of had an smell, maybe from the finish or whatever. Regardless I figure Ethan doesn't need to inhale that so I told DH he should sleep in his crib in his room. So first night with E in his own room. It was a little weird.
lliang_chi|1333641611|3164133 said:
Quick question mamas,
Anyone have any suggestions for cradle cap? I think Ethan has a mild case and I want to get rid of it before it gets worse. It looks like dandruff and the skin near his hairline is kind of "scaly" for lack of better word. I saw it on his eyebrows and rubbed it off. It sort of came back a few days ago but rubbed it off again.


LC, There is some discussion of cradle cap beginning here, midway down: and following pages.

I remembered that SomethingShiny posted about it. I miss her. She had always had good advice! I miss her Lily too!
MQ - I am so sorry. I wish I had some advice, but we're kind of winging it with Ava on the sleeping front. I started reading two different books, and the advice was so conflicting, the only thing I took away from either was that routine is key, and do what you can not to let baby get over-tired (like any of us allows that happen on purpose). I have my own routine that usually works for A, but DH finds it more time consuming than he'd like (I read a story or two after putting A in her sleep sack and turning on the sound machine...add a bath and feed to that in the evening), so while he helps, I'm usually the one who puts her down. In a pinch, if we're desperate, the swing usually works to get Ava to sleep. I don't think you're supposed to use CIO, if that's your inclination in the future, until the baby is closer to 6 months, but don't quote me on that.

LC - I think Ava had cradle cap a while back. We were using Johnson's Baby Wash, and tried the Mustela shampoo formulated for cradle cap (both gifts), but it persisted. I remembered Pandora saying Burts Bees Baby Wash (just the regular stuff, nothing made specifically for any particular purpose) helped with her daughter's cradle cap, so I tried brushing out as many flakes as I could, then shampooed with it. After 2 days, it was gone and hasn't returned. Plus it smells quite nice.

Silly me. I was feeling bloated and grumpy the other day, and I snapped at my poor mother who came over to help out with the baby simply because she asked me to repeat myself. Once. It never occurred to me that there was a reason for it. Aunt Flo made her glorious return for the first time since I became pregnant. Ava was born November 2nd, so it shouldn't have caught me so off guard, but it did. I was secretly hoping she'd never come back. I'm leaning towards being a one and done couple, so it wouldn't have mattered much either way.
First of all, I just have to comment on all of the adorable pics! Pics are my favorite and PS kids are SO CUTE!

MQ, I feel so badly for you. The lack of sleep reeeeally wears on you. And quickly. I really think the difference between feeling sane with a newborn and feeling completely overwhelmed is sleep! One of the girls in my mom group said that she didn't even feel like she bonded with her baby until she started getting somewhat regular sleep (around the 6 week mark). I remember right after my hemorrhage I felt exhausted and even though K has always been a good sleeper, there were a couple of nights where I went to bed at 8:30 or 9 and set the alarm for 11 for the dream feed before facing the rest of the night. The extra couple of hours really helped me. I just can't imagine being up all night like that. Sometimes after her 1-2am feeding, K will take about a half of an hour to settle back down and even that feels like an eternity. It's dark, the world is quiet, my husband is snoring and it just feels very lonely. I think doing that for hours would be hell.

During the day, K fights sleep (she's fighting it now) and I'm having the same issues as you. Sometimes I can get her to sleep by wearing her or running the vacuum, but the moment I try to put her down or shut off the noise, she's up. Does W sleep well on flat surfaces? I've noticed Katie does much better with inclined surfaces (like propped in the boppy) and that helps a bit.

And I can relate to the husband frustration (see below)

LC, it sounds like you had a pretty rough night, too! But it was E's first night in his own room (yay!), so really it seemed to go pretty well! I rarely ask for help with nighttime feeds, but neither my husband nor I need much sleep. So I'll wake up at 4:30 or 5am for the second feed and D is up for the day. But he'll head downstairs to analyze the markets before they open. So I'm still stuck feeding on my own. He'd help if I asked, but I like to keep upstairs quiet so Katie knows that it's still sleepy time. Anyway, I'm blabbing, just saying that your frustration is heard!

I kept hearing olive oil for cradle cap, but I read the posts from the page LV posted and it sounds like PSers had better luck with other solutions.

PT, Ugh, the long-forgotten, always-annoying aunt flo. At least you have a valid reason for snapping at your mom :)


1. Since we're sharing husband stories from last night, D drove me nuts. K rarely cries at night and when she does, D usually sleepily jumps up and offers to help, which is nice. Last night she got poop all over herself and started crying because she was hungry and I was trying to clean her up. So instead of offering to help, D started making noises like he was frustrated and then half-consiously asked me "Do you know why she's crying?". I was so annoyed. I ignored him, got her bottle and she stopped crying..and he started snoring within about 6 seconds. Granted, his comment may have been harmless and he was genuinely concerned. But when it's 2am and you're cleaning poop from various surfaces while trying to get a bottle ready, even harmless comments are annoying.

2. My 6-week appointment was today...though after last night, I don't know how excited D should be. We also decided to forego birth control because we think we'll want to try for #2 within 2 years.
LV - The pnp is in our living room, and I use it during the day for naps. W does not nap consistently - a half hour here, an hour there, etc. - and since my last post, I got maybe an hour of sleep because he was napping on my chest on the couch. We have a swing (FP zoo one) in a box in the garage, and have a bouncy seat that sometimes he will nap in. I just put him in there so I could use the bathroom and he screamed himself all sweaty in the minute I was gone. W has two fleece Halo sacks that I can't use because he gets too hot. If I use a regular rec blanket, he kicks until he breaks loose. I don't think my husband has the day off tomorrow. :((

LC - I am feeding on demand with W and some days he nurses constantly. He seems like a snack-rest-snack kid, and if I try feeding both sides it can take up to an hour. I was only pumping once a day for a bottle in the fridge or a bag for the freezer. I have not been able to pump today. I have tried some of the Happiest Baby S's but not shush/pat. Sorry that your DH is being a little difficult too.

PT - DH has some experience with older kids and thinks CIO is okay for later. I am still undecided, but definitely not going to use that technique now with a 5 week old. Sorry about AF!

NEL - I am dealing with hours on end of not sleeping - he'll doze off if I nurse, but then he will not settle after I try to put him down. He's crying, fussing, and being way too alert. DH was taking a nighttime feed, but I think he's keeping the baby up too late. He wants to do his own thing after work and then take a 9 or 10 pm feed, but then the kid doesn't make it to his crib until close to midnight. I feel like that is too late and could start a poor sleep pattern.

So I nursed while typing this in the last 30 min. W ate for 10-15 minutes, then spit up like CRAZY all over my lap and shirt. :sick: Now he is half asleep in my lap. He seems off today - lazy nursing, overheating quickly, crying sounds much weaker than usual. Poor kid.
MQ - Oh I feel for you hon. I bet both of you are overtired at this point, and poor W is probably fighting it like the dickens because he just doesn't know how to fall asleep yet. Hugs. Have you tried a swing? A got one from her grandparents for Christmas that that thing is AMAZING. She's in it right now.

I don't remember why, but I remember wanting to ask if you had used simethicone drops? Is Weston gassy or does he cry for seemingly no reason sometimes? I think something you said a while back made me think of it.

One thing that has really helped settle A for night time/sleep time is noise. She has two things associated with sleep - the sound of "waves crashing" (whether on a baby crack machine or on her swing) and the stuffed turtle nightlight thing that makes stars.

NEL - we started using the Bumbo at 2.5 months, but A had been holding her own head up since she was very young (she was so stubborn about that!). Our reasons were more along the lines of "any chair where she doesn't have her head up against it is good" since she's got plagiocephaly. I say no harm in trying it again!

Oh yeah, and A has that same pink cupcake outfit, but I think hers is 6 month size! It's so cute!

LC- Ethan is just adorable! What does he think of his puppy friend? A loves to laugh at our dogs. They seem to think she's wonderful too, except when she cries, then they run away!

Pancake - hugs!

AFU - A is just a social butterfly! She likes people way more than I or her daddy do!

I think my favorite thing is when she wakes up happy and starts babbling to herself in bed. There is something wonderful about waking up to hear someone who is so happy to greet the day. Especially since I'm never happy to wake up!

I think our issue is getting her to sleep. Bottles work almost every time, but I don't think she should be depending on that to go to sleep. Typically we can get her to take a nap in her swing, but I don't like being dependant on that either. I've only managed a couple of times when she's woken up in the middle of the night (rare now) to get her to go back to sleep on her own. Sometimes it happens, but it's very rare. I talked to my ped about it and she said that some crying is ok, but that more than 20 minutes is not ok.

There is also the problem that we had no idea what we were doing when we brought her home, so she pretty much started off sleeping in the "newborn napper" on top of pnp right away. Well, now she won't sleep anywhere else, except our arms, on a fluffy blanket of my husband's, the swing or the damn newborn napper. Which she's getting too big for. I'm thinking about trying out the Rock N Play, but so many reviews on amazon have talked about kids developing plagiocephaly with it, and she really doesn't need anything exacerbating that issue. So I don't really know what to do, except that I know she won't sleep on a flat surface (oh how we have tried!) because she can't get comfortable. Suggestions?

She really is in a rhythym though, wakes up around 8, eats, hangs out for a bit, takes another bottle around 9:45, naps for an hour, hangs out for another hour, eats, hangs out for a couple of hours, eats, passes out for another hour, hangs out for an hour, eats & hangs out for a couple of hours, then it's usually getting to be bedtime, so she has her last bottle and is out until it all starts over again.

we've been dealing with the plagiocephaly and torticollis, physical therapy for the past 2 months, had to get a helmet evaulation, they said it was just cosmetic, but sent us to the pediatric neurosurgeon anyway, and now he wants to see us again in about 2 months, while continuing physical therapy. I think that her head has gotten much better even since her ped first noticed it at 2 months, just with the physical therapy and all of our efforts.

A has cradle cap too, but we haven't really done anything about it because she doesn't seem bothered by it. I might try out the Burt's Bees stuff ped suggested head and shoulders twice a week, but we haven't given that a whirl yet. For some reason that shampoo just creeps me out....

Apparently I have a lot I needed to get out. This is what happens when I post once every 2 months!


Freke- I am not using any drops for W. He does get gassy but not all the time. Today, he has not pooped but has been passing gas. He must have cleaned himself out yesterday with the amount of diapers I had to change! :knockout:
Mannequin - I really hope you are able to give the swing a try (but that means your DH is going to have to put it together!! :angryfire: ) Sorry, I couldn't resist the :angryfire: !! Anyway, my S used to sleep in the swing for naps, and I remember posting on here how I was worried that she would always need the swing, but she doesn't (which is not to say she doesn't have other sleep issues), but I loved that swing because I knew she was safe and sleeping and she really did love it. I hope you find that it works for you too and that you are able to buy yourself some rest.

Oh, I asked about the PnP because I wondered whether something like a co-sleeper attached to the bed would work for you guys because then W is nearby, but not exactly co-sleeping.

Good luck!!
Freke, I think the new snuggabunny rock and play is supposed to help with the head flattening issue. I read the same reviews for the regular rock and play, so I didn't order it, but when I saw the snuggabunny I figured I'd give it a shot since the area around the head is so much softer. So far the reviews are all positive and I have had nothing but success with the snuggabunny rock and play.

I sometimes feel that the rock and play is the primary reason she's such a good nightime sleeper. I've thought about having her nap in it during the day since she's fussier during the day, but I don't want to rock the boat. I also sometimes worry that the rock and play is the reason she likes to sleep elevated. She also hates flat surfaces--so during the day she'll nap on her boppy--either next to me on the sofa while I pump or in her pnp.

I'm worried about the transition to the crib since it's a flat surface, so I've bought a wedge so that she'll be a bit elevated in the crib. Eventually I will remove it. Do you have a wedge for the crib already?

I would definitely suggest the snuggabunny rock and sleep over the regular one--the reviews are better and it seems to elminate the head issue. I have no experience with the crib wedge yet, but am hoping it will make the transition to the flat crib easier. At least A likes the newborn napper--K stopped liking hers (I think it was too flat).

A is such a cutie and how great is it that she's so happy in the morning?? Happy morning babies make it so much easier to get out of bed :) And I love the cupcake footed pjs. K also has a purple butterfly one, but she's pooped on it both times I've tried putting her in it, so I think she prefers the cupcake.

MQ, both of you sound exhausted. A half hour nap every hour to hour and a half would be fine if he were sleeping at night, but with no sleep at night and broken sleep during the day, he must be sooo overtired. I'd definitely give the swing a shot, especially since it's in your garage. He may not like it, but it's still worth trying. An evening routine would be ideal, just to get the ball rolling, but I don't know how well that would work. K's routine is to get a bath at 8 (used to be 7, but 8 works better for us now), then I read to her or do tummy time on my lap, then offer her a bottle and she usually drifts off to her nighttime sleep at 9:30. I'll wake her to bathe her if necessary, but I hate to suggest that you wake W for an evening routine if he's getting so little sleep as it is.

I'm thinking about you and am keeping my fingers crossed that tonight goes better for you!
We didn't have cradle cap but the nurses in the NICU said to get a little scrubby brush and use that. I knew a baby with it and I got olive oil and a brush to remove it but they make shampoos like Mustela to help remove it.

NEL, I didn't know they made a snuggabunny rock and sleep? I have the rock and sleep and snuggabunny swing! Wow, how things change in just a few months!!! awwww she is gorgeous!

LC, so adorable!!!

FC, awww, so cute!

PT, awww, I love her cheeks, so adorable!!!

TAO, happy birthday to beautiful Violet!!!

MQ, awww so adorable!!!

Cute baby pics!!! :love:

AFM, Miles is ready to walk, he is totally cruising everywhere!!! :cheeky: Evan is crawling everywhere!!! :cheeky: I still need to figure out their birthday cake! We are doing a bbq w/some friends and family. Oh and they are starting to eat table food; tonight I gave them some beans out of my soup and they like the bbq pork from a Vietnamese Restaurant we like! :bigsmile: Happy Easter to those who celebrate and happy weekend to everyone!

Skippy, Aww, go, Miles, go!! Yay for almost walking! Love that pic. They must be so happy hanging out together every day! Look at Evan's hair! Gorgeous!

Mannequin, How are things going?
Quick update- Hubby took the baby for a few hours last night so that I could rest (I had about 5 or 6 oz of milk pumped). Then we were up about every two hours to eat over night. Weston just seems to be a hungry fella who doesn't need or want to sleep very long. Poor me! He's napped very little today again. I am thinking about having his daddy give him a little formula for that last before bed feeding. I know it will digest slower in his stomach and may help the baby sleep a little longer, but I also don't want to affect my supply negatively.
Hi everyone! I want to be updating and keeping up with you guys more often but it's harder with two. :(

NEL, I'm so glad to hear you're hitting your stride at 6 weeks. I hope to be there soon! I don't think you will jinx anything but getting your groove on, but also don't despair if you have temporary set-backs here and there. That's just how it seems to go.

Pancake, I'm so very sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis. You sound like you have a keen understanding of the ways that it will affect both him and you. I'm glad things are going well with Sylvie and that you have met some other great moms.

LC, hope you have fun this weekend with your girlfriend! Re cradle cap - we used baby oil and a comb in the bath when Claire had it. Oh, and definitely tell DH that he can get the next feeding. ;)

Freke, good job Aralia! IIRC Claire was still under 12 pounds at 4 months, and she eventually became a chunky toddler who now wears clothes bigger than her age (for the longest time she was true to size or smaller).

PT, the mom's group sounds like fun! I can be shy too, but the socialization is as important for you as for the LOs. I'm sure you'll make a few closer contacts soon. Maybe suggest a one on one with one of the moms to break the ice.

MQ, boo, sorry about the icky sleep situation. Hope you and DH can work out a good schedule for everyone.

AFU, Alice is 5 weeks tomorrow. She lost 13% of her birthweight so we had to go in to the pedi a few extra times for weight checks, but she was gaining like a champ so I was never really worried. She regained it some time in week 3 and I think it much bigger than that even now.

Day time isn't ideal because she doesn't like to be put down in a swing or seat, which makes it hard to take care of my toddler. I do wear her in the Moby Wrap some, and she sleeps a lot that way, but I can't do that all the time obviously. Of all things she likes the changing table so [whispers] sometimes I leave her up there for a while after a change. But when we're out and about she'll sleep in the carseat or stroller (mostly), so that's a blessing. We go out in the double stroller with the baby cocoon a few times a week. I do think I need to start trying to get her to nap in her crib or cosleeper, though (up until now I've just been in "newborns will sleep whenever/wherever" mode). She does fine when she's swaddled, but we've only tried that at night. I haven't wanted to overuse it because heaven forbid I screw up the good thing we've got going on at night . . .

Until she regained her birthweight I fed her every 2-3 hours at night, but once I knew she was there I started trying to stretch her - being more proactive about feeding more often during the day, and giving her the pacifier and swinging her a little at night (manually, because our swing doesn't seem to work - it was my sister's). She's sleeping in a FP cradle swing because she spits up a lot - I want to try her back in the cosleeper, though, so she doesn't have to be on an incline. Anyway, so then she started doing every four hours at night, and the last two nights she has gone 5+ hours between feeds after the dream feed. Hallelujah!

I got sick from the POTS last week and wound up in the ER. It wasn't as bad as some episodes but I was really worried about getting hydrated again quickly for nursing. We stupidly didn't have any bottles washed or any pumped BM or formula, and the thought that I was her only source of sustenance when I was sick was freaking me out. So I'm trying to build up a stash (only have one bottle so far, but it's a start). I hope that once I get the green light to start exercising again, I'll get in better cardiovascular shape and hopefully have fewer episodes. I'm also being careful to stay hydrated.

Here's a pic of my sweetie when she was 10 days old. I'm in the process of ordering birth announcements. :)

puppmom|1333760147|3165427 said:

Sooooo not related to CC, but this made me go back and read my posts from the first 6 weeks O was home ;( OMG I forgot how colicky (sp?) he was and how miserable it made me!! I was already in denial that these babies in my belly would have to come out soon, but to think that they might take after their big brother :eek: I am not ready to go through that again. It's funny in hindsight because I can still see that colicky baby in O sometimes. It must just be part of his personality!!
LC: you've got tons of great advice and I didn't read the link but both of mine had a touch of CC. We did baby oil and then comb after baths. My mom was all over it (I was more squeamish) and went to town and combed off all the flakes and in a few weeks it was much better.

Freke: A is so cute....I don't see the flat head at all, is it in the back (vs side)? DD1 had it a bit and we reversed it with aggressive repositioning (ie tummy time all the time).How old is A? I think the helmet is worth it if it's noticeable, I dont see it as a cosmetic thing only. Anyway, she's a cutie for sure and my only suggestion is maybe sleeping on her tummy but you'd of course have to supervise and depends how comfortable you are with it. My A does not like it but we do it for naps. #1 loved it and I think it's what got her head round again. Just my unprofessional experience though. I know they say it rounds out on it's own, but I think after 6 months it's less of a drastic change, even with less time on the back. I think alot of pedis are lax about it so good to hear yours caught it early,etc.

Nothing new with me, A's got 2 teeth popping through, so cute.
Thanks everyone for the advice on the CC. I remember Shiny's Lily had it so I was trying to sift through this EPIC thread to look for what she did. Funny enough, I *am* using Burt's Bee's Baby Shampoo for Ethan's baths and shampoo. I'm using the milky looking one though, not the clear one. Wonder if that makes a difference. The only thing I haven't been combing/brushing the scales, so I'll try that. I did an "aggressive" brush Friday AM when Ethan was in a milk coma. I'll do another one today (Saturday AM) when he's in another milk coma. Then try Burt's Bees again. If it doesn't work, I think DH has some Head & Shoulders.

Pupp, thanks for the linky to your N's CC Before and after. I'll check out Nizoral. Is that something that;s over the counter?

Kunzite, OMG, I was totally reading the other posts too of your older babies when they were all squishy and new. I can't believe O is going to be a BIG BROTHER. And maybe your twins will be angels. That's my hope for you. My sis and I were angelic kiddos and teenagers, but we were pretty mischievous babies. But I think our mischievous-ness was when we got older, like 6-8 months through toddlerhood. Hope that makes you rest easy?? Probably not, right

Janine, for combing do you just use a regular adult fine tooth comb? I have those fishtail combs, that stylists use for hair cuts, That's the finest comb I have. Will that work?

PhG, :love: That picture of Alice!!! I can imagine it's tough running after a toddler with a new baby. How's Claire adjusting? So glad Alice is eating like a champ! If she loves being swaddled I'm sure she'll love it for naps too. I swaddle Ethan for both naps and nighttime. The only time he's not swaddled is if I plop him in hte PnP or crib etc when I'm doing something in that requires my hands for al ittle while, e.g. pumping or fixing lunch. OMG *jealous* Alice is doing 5 hr stretches. I'm getting Ethan to do 4 consistently now. Haven't broken to 5 yet. Hope your POTS is on the way out. Sorry you're still dealing with it.

Skippy, Aw!! Yay for Miles cruising. I'm sure his brother will be joining him soon. I started walking/crusing before my sis, but mostly because I broke my arm and couldn't crawl anymore. I fell off the bed when I was a baby and had a hairline fracture. Gotta love the lax-ness of parenting back in the day, right? But not all my parent's fault, see my note to Kunzite about us being naughty babies. Woo hoo on the table food. Just last week/two weeks ago, you said they were starting and look at your boys now! What champs!

NEL, How's the wedge goign with K's crib? I'm so glad we have this thread to share husband stories. Otherwise I'd probably have snapped at J looooong ago. E will probably still sleep in our room until he can go 6 hrs. It was a PITA to walk over to his room to stick a binky in his mouth and walk back. Do you hold Katie vertical after your feeds for a little while? If she likes inclined surfaces she might just have a little bit of reflux that keeping her up for 15-30 mins after feeds might make her more comfy to sleep flat afterwards. Granted that means you're stuck holding her/carrying her or something, but it might make sleeping on a flat surface easier.

MQ, how's everything going today? I'm glad your DH took a feeding. How'd the formula go? Did your DH assemble the swing? Since you've been BFing for a while, and Wes is roughly the same age as Ethan, do you mind me asking how long he goes on the boob? I dunno if I"m feeding Ethan long enough because his booby time intervals are pretty short.

Freke, Ethan doesn't really have an opinion on Quizas. It was only until two days ago he started staring at her, but i could've just been him staring out into space that she just so happened to be in. DH lets Quizas give him kisses, I try to get her to stop because i haven't brushed her teeth in like FOREVER. But Quizas also wakes him up/startles him when she barks out the window or when someone's at the door, so he starts crying. I think A looks adorable and I can't see the flattening too much from the pictures. But if your pedi caught it then that's great. NEL had some great suggests about getting wedges. Otherwise, can you elevate the legs of the crib on one side? Or just the mattress?

PT, Boo Aunt Flo, but at least you have a reason why you were feeling so off. How long was it before your first PP period? You're still BFing right?

Tao, wow, I can't get enough of your gorgeous little girl. How is it that she's 1 yr old already!

Panckae, I haven't called back about getting the Mirena. I will probably do that this week, and set an appt for later this month. Thinking about you. Your mom sounds like a pretty giving and wonderful person. Sorry to hear the whole relationship between them is still so bitter in some respects though. Must make it tough. But it still doesn't make it your problem. I agree with your mom, keep your dad out of your house. You've got plenty to worry about with S. Strategies on baby settling, I'm also doing the Baby Whisperer technique. I typically go from a routine to recognize when he's tired, not really picking up cues too much. Also if I can ask how long is S nursing on the boob?

AFU, today I feel bad, sis and I really pushed Ethan a little past tired today. We had a big afternoon. Lunch out, then I had an eye appt and helped sis pick out glasses. Altogether we were out of the house for 6 hrs. That was probably a bit much of E and i htink he was overtired. But starting to put together the textiles for Ethan's room. With Sis's help (she had Good Friday off) we were able to bang out curtains. I'll do the futon cover next week sometime. I need to get a giant zipper for that so I can procrastinate on it for a while.

FIL will be coming up on Sunday! First grandparent visit. We're doign EAster dinner at our house, going to make a beef wellington. Which reminds me I need to buy the tenderloin....

And for the reason why I'm up at 340am, no reason I guess. After feeding and pumping I just wasn't sleepy so I figure I'll check in with my friends. :)

OK goign to try going back to sleep. :)
Kunzite, I saw SO many baby pics when I was looking for my cradle cap pics. It had me reminiscing too. That is also right when N stopped STTN after doing so from about 11 weeks old. Well, he's 20 months, and just started STTN again about 6 weeks ago! Let's just hope it stays that way.

LC, Nizoral is OTC but, as you can see, N's cradle cap was pretty terrible so I would keep that in your back pocket if things get bad. You should probably ask you doc too because it's prescription strength shampoo.
LC, How did Ethan sleep last night after his overtired day? We had a rough day yesterday (K was also awake for 5+ hours) and she was so tired in the evening that our regular routine was kind of a wash. She slept through her bath, was too tired to eat, then was up at midnight for her first feeding. Anyway, just curious if the overtired day affected E's night.

Oh, and K is in her crib as I type this. More below.

Janine, how has A been with teething so far?

PhG, so great to see you!! First of all, Alice is beeeeautiful!! Second, I'm so sorry you ended up in the ER! That sounds so scary--do you think the POTS will improve once you can get back to your regular exercise routine? It sounds like you have a bit of a routine down now, which is great. Those first few weeks when she was eating all the time sound a little rough. How are you finding life with two?

And you were right about the setbacks, this week has been tougher than expected.

MQ, glad to hear your hubby took over for a bit--how did the formula feeding go?

Skippy, I think the snugabunny rock and play came out while I was pregnant. I checked Amazon often to monitor the price of the regular version (didn't know about camelcamelcamel), then one day the snugabunny version popped up and I ordered it a couple weeks later.

Love the pic of the boys! They are so cute! And the b-day party will be great!


1. This week has been a little rough for me. I hit a bit of a wall this morning as K was crying. Long story short, D took her out for about an hour and I took a nice, long shower. K hasn't fussed since getting home, so apparently she liked it, too.

2. We went to the pediatrician yesterday (one of the reasons she was overtired yesterday) and her alleged baby acne is actually baby acne AND eczema. We're just using aquaphor and it's already much better. Her face was sooo dry!

3. K is taking her first nap in her crib as I type this. I wish I'd tried this earlier. The room is dark, she has her noise machine and she fell asleep within 5 minutes of me swaddling her. Not only does she seem happy, but it gives me more freedom in the rest of the house without worrying about making too much noise or the TV overstimulating her, etc.

I'm with LC in that I probably won't have her sleep in the nursery at night until she's sleeping longer stretches (and I only need to get up once per night), but it's great for afternoon naps.
I wish I could post more with all you mommies, but obviously sleep is at a high priority around here. We did not get to try the formula last night because baby and I crashed on the couch for a long nap together from about 8 to 11 pm. I had my hubby take a feeding around 6 am after the kid had been up fussing or hungry every hour or two. I feel like I am taking one step forward, two steps back - a three hour nap sounds great, but then I am up and down all night!

DH assembled the swing last night and we tried it today with Weston. He seems to like the rocking but did not stay in there long. He was very good today at our first of four Easter gatherings over the next two weekends. Met my husband's grandparents and cousins for the first time. A young cousin played with him and wore him out - he was sleeping a TON this afternoon - and now he's wide awake and a bit fussy.Trying paci since he just ate an hour ago.

LC - W is eating about 10-20 minutes first boob, then maybe 5-10 on the other side if he stays awake.

Pic from today:
Mannequin, I'm glad that your hubby is stepping up a bit more. Baby steps... I hope he will up the amount of help he gives as he sees how much it helps you and how lovely it is to spend time with Wes on his own. Remember hat you are in the thick of the unsettled stage now - Wes will work it out over the next couple of months! You are doing an amazing job. I agree with NEL that the difference between feeling on top of things and feeling like you're drowning is sleep. Is there anyone who could come and relieve you for a couple of hours for a nap during the day? I generally find I don't need a nap any more as I get more sleep at night now but in the early weeks my mother was a lifesaver as she would come over in the afternoon and hang out with the baby between feeds so I could sleep for an hour and a half or so. It wasn't that she would necessarily wake in that time, but it meant that if she did, there was someone else who could settle her for me so that I could rest. For me it was definitely the difference between feeling I was coping well and being a crying mess, it's a fine line...a fine line consisting of about an hour of extra sleep!

The recommendation is not to use controlled crying/CIO until at least 5 or so months as developmentally, young babies cry to express their needs, so that if you allow them to CIO too early it theoretically teaches them that if they cry out for help, nobody will come to their aid :(sad Comfort settling is something worth trying though - we shush and pat - as they can tell you are there with them, so even if they're fussing it is ok. That said, I think Wes is probably just at a very unsettled stage of his development, so whatever you can do to get through this bit with your sanity intact is fine!

The photo made me giggle - awesome timing!

NEL, well done on the crib transition, that is fantastic!! We have slept S in her bassinet since bringing her home, I have used the Bjorn once and the sling once but other than that she didn't really have any options as we don't have a PnP or anything like that. So glad it is working for you! Thank you for your thoughts. I really do feel supported here, even though it's "just" an Internet forum!

LC, re cradle cap - S gets some mild dry scalp and flakiness, and I find that shampooing frequently and brushing with her soft hairbrush works pretty well. We use a colloidal oatmeal oil in the bath and that can also be used as a lotion on th scalp to help loosen scale and flakes, although we haven't had to can also use baby oil or olive oil.

Re nursing time - S originally nursed for 20 minutes on the first boob, then 15 or so on the second. Over time we are now down to one side per feed, and it takes 12 or 15 min in total, occasionally longer if she has been overtired and wants to comfort suck.

Thanks for the words of support re the situation with my dad. You are right - my mother is an incredible person, I aspire to being as good as she is. More on the situation below.

Freke - thank you, I really appreciate it.

PG, thanks. I am trying to think things through as best I can and be as supportive of Dad as I can whilst not compromising my little family. I am sorry that you had another POTS episode and hope that things are on the up since then! Alice is gorgeous. You seem so cruisy and relaxed, I am sure she benefits from that!

Skippy - wow! Your boys are sure on the move! Exciting times...

AFM, the situation with my dad has taken some interesting turns, but essentially what happened is that he was discharged from hospital on Friday on weekend leave for the long weekend, and in the end he has ended up at my Mum's house where she has been doing the most amazing job looking after him. It must have taken a lot of swallowed pride for him to go there and part of me feels sad for him that his friend network (including his partner, which is something I won't get into) hasn't stepped up, but to be honest, my mother, siblings and I all feel much more comfortable with him being looked after by Mum. He is being readmitted tomorrow evening and will begin radiotherapy for the brain metastases on Tuesday. I really hope it helps with his confusion as that is by far the most troubling symptom and he is stressed (understandably) about not being "in control of his faculties", as he puts it. Also, he has not got his affairs in order and is worried about that too, and at the moment he isn't sound of mind enough to sign power of attorney documents and the like. It has been very confronting for us to see how rapidly he has gone from being fit and well, to being as he is now, and we all just want him to be as positive and feel as secure as he can, and to know we all care about him and are with him, regardless of what has gone before.

And as for our little Sylvie - things are going well, I feel very lucky. She's dropped one feed per 24 hours so now has 6 feeds, distributed 3.5-4 hourly during the day, and 4-5 hourly at night. We have been away at the beach house with my husband, Sylvie and friends this long weekend. I had intended not to go because I wanted to be around for Dad, but my mum insisted and once it was clear that Dad would be at the family home, I felt much more comfortable being away (and as Mum pointed out, we are 1.5 hours away, not on the other side of the world)... I worried that the change in environment might unsettle her but in fact her day sleeping has improved hugely and she's been napping solidly for 2-3 hours at a time, which she was definitely having difficulty with up to last week.

We are still using shush/pat when we need to but in the last 3 days have not used it much as S seems to largely have herself sorted, unless she is overtired. Fingers crossed that this will continue!!! I think it's probably a combination of S just being more settled with the passing weeks, and us becoming much more vigilant about early tired signs. I was not going to try the rollover/dream feed strategy until 3 months, but currently she sleeps a 5 hour stretch in the evening (until somewhere between 1 and 3am, depending on what time she starts), so I am curious to know if she might go almost through the night if I add a dream feed around 11? Will wait until we settle back in at home and then maybe they it later this week. I don't think it would be difficult to add it in, S will take the boob if it is anywhere near striking distance, wakefulness not required!!

She is chatting and gurgling a lot now. Favorite time for socializing seems to be the evenings. Now when she wakes up, she is often calm and when I go to pick her up she will crack a big smile, which makes me feel so special! Last 2 nights she has also been smiley and chatty at the overnight nappy change, but we are trying to resist the temptation to play with her and just put her back to bed!

We have our 2 month immunizations on Tuesday! Poor little munchkin. Then we have our 8 week maternal and child health nurse visit on Wednesday before mothers group. I can't believe she is almost 8 weeks already! Argh!! I want time to slow down!
NEL, Ethan slept alright on his overtired day. His evening feeds were kind of messed up since he's both tired AND hungry. But he did a nearly 4 hr stretch from 10PM-ish to 2AM-ish. Hooray for getting K in her crib! Hooray I'm glad D was able to give you a break and you could decompress for a while. Sounds like he's slowly gaining confidence in taking care of her. WHo knows, maybe soon you'll be able to leave her with him all day. How great would that be! Poor Katie with the eczema! I think Ethan's "eczema" is actually cradle cap.

MQ, Sounds like you're sorta making progress. I'm glad you have one more tool in your arsenal with the swing. I have a hand me down swing that has lights and music. Ethan doesn't like the lights and music, but he does like the swinging motion. Get as much sleep as you can, don't feel bad about not coming here to check in with us. We just want you to know we're thikning about you.

Pancake, Glad you were able ot enjoy your weekend away. Your mom sounds like she's awesome and is totally correct about you prioritzing your family. I cannot get Ethan to dream feed on the boob, so I always bottle feed that one. Just today he nursed for an overnight feed, so I think it's both that he's getting better at nursing and I'm gaining confidence also. Sounds like S is doing swimmingly, I'm glad to hear!

AFU: FIL flew in today and has been holding Ethan every since he got here. Unless E needs changing, or feeding or nursing. Otherwise he's been with him. It's touching how much FIL loves just holding him. I'm sure Ethan's being SPOILED ROTTEN by all the attention and cuddles until tomorrow evening. But it's great having time to do other things that's not holding Ethan :)

Happy Easter mamas!

MQ - I promise, it does get easier. AND more fun. I'm glad you gave the swing a try! A is passed out in hers right now. Fell asleep amidst lots of protest even!

I love W's outfit!

NEL - I think we're going to wait and talk to the physical therapist about it and go from there. A has gotten so big that the napper is now stretched out and her head is elevated. I might have to try a wedge, but I think she likes to feel enclosed AND have the incline. Oh boy. Fun times.

I wonder if K and A have the same purple butterfly pjs? Carters, light purple with blue and green butterfly over the tummy? Zipper down the middle?

Janine - It's on the back, right side. We do as much tummy time as she lets us (meaning until she starts throwing a fit). She's 4.5 months at this point, and her ped started to notice at 2 months, so there has certainly been a change from then. The difference when she was 3 months (a little after starting physical therapy) was measured at 6mm. In our evaluation with the prosthetics people, they wouldn't even fit her for a helmet unless she was older and more pronounced. So unless we want to spring for a $4k helmet out of pocket that wouldn't make much of a difference, it's not going to happen. Plus, I really think it has gotten better, and now that she is starting to sit up better, and soon with crawling, I think there will hardly be any visual difference in a few months. Thank goodness!

LC - once Ethan really SEES Quizas, you're in for a treat. Now that A giggles, she laughs at the dogs ALL. OF. THE. TIME. Nothing can make her laugh as hard as they do.

How did the beef wellington turn out?

And that's wonderful about your FIL! My dad is terrified of A, especially once she starts crying. She hasn't even met her other grandpa, and I tend to think she's better off for it.

NEL - Aquaphor is amazing, isn't it? I really wish A would sleep in her crib at all, but she just hates those flat surfaces.

Pancake - I'm glad it sounds like your mum and dad have kind of gotten that figured out.

I HATE IMMUNIZATIONS! It hurts her, it makes ME cry, and then I'm a paranoid mess for 2 weeks afterwards!

A's sleep schedule has been off all weekend. This sucks.

And now she's awake. Good thing she's cute. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!

ETA: Daddy got A. Woot!

So I'm struggling big time. I am so tired of my work, it's ridiculous. My boss asked me to come back so soon after A was born, and I'm such a pushover that I went. I don't know that I will ever regret anything more than that. And I'm totally holding a grudge about it. Every day I dread going to work. I've been there for two years, and that makes me nearly dead as far as the length of employee stays go. The only person who has been there longer is her DIL, who has been there 18 years. What is wrong with this picture? I've done almost everything there, I'm the most senior and I'm burned out. I think I feel taken advantage of, but that probably has a lot to do with my pushover-ness. We don't have any real benefit package, so I've taken off about 3 weeks TOTAL (including after A's birth!) the entire time I've been there. I've never called in sick, and I've left early twice because I was sick. We don't get sick time, vacation time...nothing. So now, looking at that and thinking about it, it's no wonder I'm burnt out and feel this way.

Meanwhile D is up for a job in Cali, and I'm halfway hoping that he gets it, and halfway not. It's not his ideal job, but it's not far from being it, and I think that we could potentially be happy in Cali. He'll find out next week.

I also have a possible job opportunity in Cali as well, but not in the same city.

But part of me desperately wants him to get it, so I have a reason to leave my job. I swear that any time I'm not busy thinking about A, I'm daydreaming about walking into my boss' office and handing her my notice.

Anyone have any helpful hints for me to get through the next week? We should find out by the end of the week if he's going to get an offer, and I'm kind of having to wait and see what happens with his job before I go pursuing my own....

FC, yay for bunny ears! Miles only let us keep his on for a short time. Evan wouldn't wear his at all :wink2:

NEL, I am glad your hubs took your daughter; I am sorry, I hope you get more rest!


Happy EASTER Mommas!!! Evan would not wear his bunny ears and we had to bride Miles! haha

ops, I will catch up, a baby is crying!!!

NEL, I am sorry about the middle of the night poop and hubby going back to sleep. Being sleep deprived is tough; I am glad you hubby took your daughter out so you could get a shower! I still need my showers in the morning and before my hubby leaves work he will watch the boys. hugs momma! eta: oh and a little cortisone helps when eczema flares. We try not to use it too often but we do use it if they get a super itchy patch. Miles has it pretty bad behind his knees and on his face so we use aveeno eczema and cortisone and vandicream

PHX, awww such a sweet picture!!!

PANCAKE, I am so sorry about your dad; I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers and that he can get his affairs in order too, hugs. awww your daughter sounds so sweet; I am glad you got to cut out a feed!!! How old is she now? She is precious!!!

LC, awww that is so sweet FIL in so in love; your baby is precious so I can see why he would be in love! Yay for shopping with your sister; I love how close you two are! Yum your Easter meal sounds delicious!!!!

FC, sending dust for the best outcome for jobs for you and D!

MQ, I did something similar to Baby Wise. I didn't CIO but I did a schedule where they would eat every 3 hours. They Sleep, Eat, Play and then repeat. Mine slow slept longer stretches but having a routine helped. We still have a routine and plan things according to their routine. Mine started sleeping 6 hours at 5 months (but they were preemies so that is like 3 mo's adjusted) and then STTN at 9 months (7 Mo adj). Our swing saved us soooo many times when they didn't want to sleep and gripe water helps for colic! hugs awww, he is so cute!!!

LovesVIngtage, awww thanks, we need pics of S; I keep looking in the 12-36 mo thread for pics!!! hugs to you both; I miss you!

My hubby made the best carrot cake; it was a test carrot cake for the babies bday party and everyone loved it!!! I can post the recipe if anyone is interested! We had dinner at our house for the family! I bought a TJ's ham with no nitrates and then used the left overs to make soup; we used the green beans from our meal which turned out great for the soup! I hid some Easter Eggs for my nephews who are 2 and 6 so that was fun for them. Of course Evan and Miles can't hunt for eggs so we blew soap bubbles for them instead. It was a really fun day!!!! Happy EASTER! oh and thanks for your sweet words on Evan and Miles!!!
Happy Easter, all! I'm loving all of the Easter photos! So cute!

Freke, I'm so sorry about the work situation. I know you haven't been happy at your job for awhile and the fact that your boss wanted you to come back so quickly is really frustrating. I guess technically your boss never wanted you to leave at all, but you've been a superwoman with working just a few weeks after delivering. Heck, my maternity leave is only half way over and I'm freaking out. And I like my job! I wish I had some good advice to make it better--the only thing I can say is that you will know about your husband's job within a week. And you've made it this far, I know you can do one more week. It sounds like a move to Cali could be good for both of you.

LC, so cute that your FIL is head over heels for Ethan. But of course he is!! My FIL is the same way and it's cute.

Pancake, I continue to think that your mom is amazing for being so supportive of your father right now. I'm glad you guys are there for him right now, I know it must be emotionally hard for everybody.

Wow, down to 6 feeds? That's great, we're still at 8-9 feeds per day. We're on a sleep, eat, play schedule during the day and a sleep ,eat schedule at night, so I feel like she expects to eat even after a short nap. I offer a paci, but she's not happy. So she'll only have 2 oz. and it throws her feeding schedule off. I need to figure it out. She's also only going 4 hours at night and I really want to stretch it to 5 or 6 hours, but she stopped taking hr 11pm dream feed. Now she usually eats at 9:30 and sleeps from 10 - 2.

MQ, LC is right--sleep is priority #1 for you, don't worry about us. I'm glad that W did so well at the first Easter get-together!

Skippy, thanks for the cortisone suggestion. Our ped suggested Cortaid if the aquaphor didn't do the trick, but so far I think we're okay without it. We should probably still pick some up just in case.

How fitting that your husband made carrot cake! I love it!


D and I had an argument about K seeing the Easter bunny. I lost the argument (I didn't want her to go--she's not vaccinated yet and I didn't want her around crowds or kids). So I'm not in the photo.

We had a good easter. Spent it with the in-laws and I was able to get K in her own room so she could nap away from all the noise. I was afraid they'd be sad about not being able to hold her the whole time, but they seemed to understand. So instead they went into her room often and stared at her while she slept.

Oh, and my FIL dropped left an easter basket on the porch at 5am. I was in the middle of pumping and D was holding K. The dogs started barking, so I ran down (with my pump) to tell them to be quiet. K woke up in the commotion, of course.

Easter Bunny.jpg
awww what a great picture!!! she is precious!!! :love: :appl:
LC - did you get a comb from the hospital? We got one which is very thin and does the trick. The baby ones you buy in store are never as good, but I'm sure you can find the thin ones anywhere. You could probably use an adult one if you find one that is similarly spaced,etc.

Cute photos everyone!
Just posting a couple quick photos as I don't have time at the moment to catch up...

Hope everyone is doing well. All your babies are GORGEOUS!

ETA***Liam is 7 months today! Where has the time gone?!


Quick post: K only woke once last night! Woohoo! We've been on the verge for at least a week. She slept from 10pm - 3:30am, sleepily ate (only 3 oz.), then slept again from 4am - 7:30am. Hoping for a repeat performance tonight.

ETA: IHA, super cute pics of Liam!