
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

LC, glad last night was a success! How many hours had it been since E had his last feeding before he woke at 3AM? I do give A both boobs. He spends about 5 minutes on each side. Sometimes he goes for longer, but I'm sure he's just there for comfort because I can no longer hear him swallowing like in the beginning. He usually pops himself off too, which hurts sometimes because he just pulls his head back until my nipple comes out, ouch. If he pops off at less than 5 minutes, I can usually shove it back in and get a few more minutes. I've only ever been able to pump a max of 22ml in a 20-minute pumping session, so I'm assuming A's not getting much more than that from my boobs. It's pretty sad that I don't have enough milk, because he really has become such a good nurser, and he searches for the boobs for comfort all the time!
S&I, YES! Ethan used to pop off before unlatching too. I'd say to him, "Ouch! Those are attached to me y'know!" Have you tried hand compressions to get more milk out? YOu can squeeze your boobs while he's drinking (or when he stops drinking) to get every last bit out. I think Ethan still has a bottle preference because he'll still drink from the bottle even after he's decided he's had enough boob. When Ethan woke up @ 3AM this morning, his last feeding was 60ml (2oz) about 3 hrs before.
S&I - the 6 week growth spurt is awkward and trying for sure. I remember things getting a lot easier after that- thank goodness!

NEL - huge hugs lady on the sleep regression. I started to read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and I stopped after about 10 pages. I couldn't deal with the dude's writing style and I felt like a lot of his advice (I flipped through the book quite a bit trying to find anything I could use) was not applicable for us. I hope you guys can get something out of it though.
Tell me about parenting books making you feel inadequate. Don't get me started. I say everyone should do whatever works for them!

Janine - thank you! I'm so biased, so I don't really know if she's cute or not. Lol. A is 6.5 months and she's drinking roughly
34 ounces per day, with maybe a tablespoon and a half of solids in the evening. Favorite seems to be carrots.

LC - I think that A had nightmares/night terrors for a while. She'd wake up aboslutely ENRAGED and nothing would calm her, and she wasn't really awake - I could tell because I'd move my finger towards her eye, and she wouldn't focus or blink. It was way scary. we seem to hae her on a better sleep schedule and that has stopped, but holy cow it was scary at the time. Suddenly she'd just stop crying, eyes would close and she'd be out again. And it would take me a LONG TIME to get back to sleep.

Monkeyprincess - I'd recommend "Welcome to your child's brain" and at least one "what to expect the first year" book, whether it's actually a what to expect book or a more medical guide. You're going to want some kind of reference book around for those random questions. I also utilize or whatever it is A LOT. And google.

Pancake - what do you think of Mirena so far?

PT - sorry you're getting the sleep regression too! Sleep training sucks. Just throwing that out there. I love Ava's cheeks!

IHA - OMG! He's so big! I love the pool pic! I hope that we can have a baby pool when we get a bigger place.

Mannequin - Oh my goodness! He's getting so big!


I don't think I can CIO. Last night we did something a bit different. She only took 6 bottles yesterday so she woke up at midnight crying, and then woke up once she took to the bottle. So after that, I put her in her Rock & Play threw a quadruple punch at her:
-rocked it
-baby crack machine (waves if anyone is interested)
-shh shh shh noise
-rubbing the belly
Took her about 45 minutes, but she managed to go to sleep without the car or a bottle, which are her usual crutches. Yay!

I'm really tired.



Freke - Just a quick note to say that it's not bias, your little girl is absolutely cute! So, so cute.
Freke - no problems at all with Mirena, absolutely no perceptible difference from before! The insertion was mildly uncomfortable but that was it, and it was the speculum that was the problem (due to low oestrogen, so thinned/dry lining), not the insertion of the IUD itself. I then had bleeding like a light period for about 3 weeks, and then now nothing!

Well done on the progress with settling last night! I am not sure I can do hardcore CIO either. I think I'd have to do graduated/attended CIO or something even gentler.

LC, does that mean that Ethan is no longer having a night feed? Wow! I have no idea when S will give up hers - she still take

S&I, it is crazy how fast they grow, isn't it?? So glad your nights with Alex are improving. The next stage will be when he drops the 2nd night feed and that makes SUCH a huge difference. I am fully functional with one night feed, I don't need daytime naps or anything, but when we were doing 2, I was still really tired during the day.

PT, thank you for the compliments about S!

AFU, okay - I think we are joining the 4 month sleep regression club. S is 17 weeks on Monday and the last two nights she has woken SCREAMING - the first night it was at about 1am (so about an hour before her usual night feed), and last night at 12:30. Poor little thing also woke both nights at 5am - I was able to resettle her both times, but she then woke unhappy around 6:30 (a good half hour to an hour earlier than her customary wake time). When she screams it is horrible! She is not a crying baby by nature at all, so it is something we're not used to and both D and I found it a bit distressing. With the MOTN wake-ups I wasn't able to settle her in my arms well enough to try and put her down again so we ended up feeding, but I knew she wasn't "properly" awake and as expected her feeds were a bit crappier than usual. Last night she went to bed unhappy for the first time in a good couple of months, which I think was down to D talking to her too much and getting her back into "wake mode" before bed, rather than what I usually do, which is basically silence after the feed, then straight into a swaddle and bed. Tonight she settled calmly like normal. Fingers crossed it'll be a better night! We're at my in-laws' beach house, so a different environment too, but hopefully it won't affect her too much.

On a different note, I need advice from BTDT mamas: how did you wean the swaddle, if you used one? Currently my plan is to see what happens with S's sleep quality over the next week or two before trying to change anything, but if all goes ok with that then I would like to get her out of the swaddle as she is pretty dependent on it to get to sleep, and whilst she's not rolling yet, she will in the next few weeks I think, so from a peace of mind viewpoint I'd prefer to put her in a sleeping bag.

She does stay asleep with her arms out once she gets them out, but if she wakes with them out she can't resettle unless I tuck them back in at the moment. So what would your suggestions be? One arm out, get her used to that (could take a while!), then the other?
Quick post as I find myself having less and less time these days!

Pancake, good luck with the unswaddling. K has been unswaddled for several weeks now, but she never loved the swaddle and the transition was non-exixtent. All of the babies in my class are going through the transition and those babies who love the swaddle are having sleep regression, but why not add it to the pile of reasons for sleep regression, right? One mom is doing one arm out, since I think that's what most books say to do. One is using a magic sleep suit, which is a heavy suit that goes over arms and legs. That way the babes get used to not being tightly swaddled, but the heavy suit keeps the startle reflex from waking them up. One has started using an armless woombie. That way the arms are free, but body still feels tightly swaddled.

Freke, as always, A is so cute that I want to smooch her all over!

LC, it sounds like you have a great routine going. I think getting them settled before they really wake up and cry is key. I admit that I sometimes miss the little squelchy noises. How was E in daycare this week? Eating more?

Oh, our bedtime routine bath at 7, then a bottle, then story time and she's usually asleep by 7:45. Sometimes I think story time is a little too engaging. And sometimes I feed her before the bath depending on when she last ate.

PT, how is the sleep training going? I know you weren't planning on doing anything overly rigorous, but hoping that A is getting up less at night!

AFU, I'm not sweating the nighttime wakeups at this point. She sleeps from 7:45pm to 7:45am (when I have to wake her for daycare) with one wakeup in between. Most of the week it was 5:30am, but this morning it was 4:30am. Whatever, I can deal with one wakeup whenever she's hungry.

Nothing else really happening. I'm really loving spending time with her. She's so smiley and such a great baby. I feel like I fall in love with her more every day.

I'm not pumping anymore and just ordered 100 wondfo ovulation tests. I'm waiting to ovulate so I can start charting again while we figure out the timing for #2.
Pancake - When Ava started really fighting the swaddle, we began to leave one arm out, which she seemed quite content with. But when we went through a hot streak, it seemed too warm to swaddle her at all, so we began to use a sleep sack with both arms free. She did take longer to settle, with her arms moving about, but she eventually became accustomed to the freedom. The nice part is that it is sometimes easier for her to self soothe, since she can suck on her hands now.

NEL - She is sleeping much better now, thank goodness. I'm not sure if she experienced an extended growth spurt, or if her body/mind was working on some new developments at 4 months (adjusted), but we finally seem to be over that hump. We have been getting about two night wakings between 7:15pm-7:15am, give or take about a half hour. She also gets a 2 hour nap in the morning, and 2 naps in the afternoon, ranging from 30 minutes to an hour. I am willing to CIO to get her to sleep initially (which is sometimes, but rarely needed), but since she only wakes twice during the night, I'm okay with nursing. For now. I tried increasing the frequency of her feedings, especially in the afternoon/evening, but I still catch her stomach grumbling on occasion with those MOTN wakings, which doesn't seem fair to ignore. Luckily she falls immediately back to sleep after nursing. I may try letting her CIO for the first night waking once she is regularly eating solids, but for how, I'm not sure I feel it's necessary.

AFU - Ava has become much more pleasant again. Full of smiles and baby babble. We have tried giving her some brown rice cereal, banana, and avocado a few times, but the furrowed brow, scrunchy face, and pursed lips, are telling me she might not be quite ready for solids yet. Still, the look on her face when we do try, is absolutely priceless! Wish I had thought to try and get a picture of it...
PT, it's interesting that you mentioned the tummy grumbling, I've only notcied that when K wake up in the MOTN. And you're right, 2 wakings per night is not that bad. If she's waking up almost immediately after falling asleep and you know she's not starving, that's one thing, but if it's been several hours you can never be sure.

I meant to ask everybody: for those moms already using a convertible seat, which one do you use? And for those who don't use one yet, have you already bought one or started thinking about it? I'm getting one in the next couple of weeks and am leaning toward the Britax Boulevard, but not 100% sure. Not sure which one I'll get for our second car.
NEL, Ethan's still not eating great at day care. He gets to a decent point at the end of the week, then we start all over again on Monday. But at least he's napping pretty decent there, and the 1 hr snooze when he gets home helps him also. Whoa, TTC already? Or are you TTA? Wow, I can't even think of #2 right now. I mean, I do mention "blah, blah, for the next one," but neither DH nor I are itching to start on a #2 yet. I'm not using a convertible, but one of my neighbors suggests the Diono (used to be Sunshine Kids) Radian. It's a convertible that can also convert into a booster seat, so you can use it from baby to kid.

PT, Aw, sounds like A had a "WTH Mom" moment. Ha ha. How did you give her rice cereal? I ask because I know you EBF. Did she take up the bottle again? Aw, Ava's grumbling tummy definitely needs attention, but hopefully when she's starting solids she'll be able to sleep through longer.

Pancake, How's your vacation? The beach sounds LOVELY! Hope S is settling a little bit. Ethan is a hard core swaddler also, but we've started leaving one arm out every now and then, switching between left and right. Yes, Ethan has given up the MOTN feed, or well, sorta. He eats once before we go to bed, between 11PM & 12M. THen he wakes up between 5AM-5:45AM to eat and get ready for daycare.

Freke, Ethan had something like that this morning. He was inconsolable. Finally I had to start talking to him and patting him and walking around. I think hearing me talk to him helped him focus on something that wasn't what made him cry. Poor pumpkin! I also have Mirena, and can't say I have any complaints. I had some barest spotting for a few weeks, and that was it. How's A been doing resettling and STTN?

AFU, I guess Ethan heard me "bragging" that he's back to sleeping 6 hrs and woke up at 3AM again today. He also didn't eat much at all. I think he caught my cold because he sounds really phlegm-y. He's been sleeping a lot during the day today, but not eating much. :( I also did a quick calc with Ethan's weight and his "suggested intake" of milk. He's pretty below the suggested intake about 800ml (28oz) when suggested is 1L (32 oz).
NEL: Lol on the sleep books - I tell you you cant do a thing right if you read these books too closely. Just try to get through this stage and it'll pass. I don't think I'll ever do full on CIO...a few minutes sure, but I can't do the 15-30 minutes,etc. A has gotten much better this week ironically more on that below). How's daycare been going?

Freke: love the photos - squishy nose shot especially. A eats the same as yours with the milk, but she eats ton of solids. Like 2-3 jars plus cereal. And the poops to prove it, haha. SO i guess the lower milk intake is ok... my A is a big baby though.

LC: sorry about the sleep gods paying you back for bragging, happens to all of us!

PT: glad a happier A is back, cheek kissing is the best.

Pancake: At least you're in good company with the sleep regression club. I think as they become more aware, they decide sleep is not as fun as mommy's attention or eating. It'll get better soon.

AFU: I got lucky this past week and A has been going down quickly and sleeping all the way through! 10pm roughly to 7am. I give her a bottle and she nods off into drowsy state. Pick her up and she grumbles, lay her down - roll her on bellly, put on ocean sound machine and she's out. LOVE IT! Especially with a toddler who likes to negotiate sleep. Sleep gods might get back at me for this, but I guess I'm here to say you can get there and just do what feels right to get them to SLEEP and if you don't "train" them perfectly it's ok, they will end up in the right spot eventually assuming all else is ok. A is still an easy smiling baby(squishes her nose to smile extra big). Thank goodness b/c my 3.5 yr old is more challenging these days!!
NEL: forgot to add on carseats - I definitely need to do this, A is approaching the weight limit. I always have gotten Britaxes but need to figure out the combos since this will be a total of 6 seats! (our cars + grandma's).

Anyway, the Britax BLVD is a great seat - univesally loved from what I read. I personally found it a bit big and the head wings unweildy (block them from seeing), but I'm in the minority and it's a good safety feature. I have 2 RA55's and next one is probably going to be the Frontier (for the toddler) and either Marathon or RA55 again depending on pricing since they are very similar seats.

Oh and I sold my Snugabunny swing. Felt a bit sad but it's too big to store, no more kiddos (and these things get better over the years so no point in hanging onto it for relatives). Glad to see another baby will enjoy it :).
Janine, LOL Sleep Gods! I hope they don't get back at you. I think A's just a super awesome baby ;)) When did you start sleeping A on her tummy?

Ethan's cough was TERRIBLE. He woke himself up at 4AM today with his cough. It sounded so bad I sat him upright in his crib until he finished coughing. This woke him up enough to realize that he was either 1) hot, 2) wet, 3) hungry, 4) all of the above. He was FURIOUS! Screamng and wheezing with his cough. I changed him as quickly as I could then tried patting him, he was able to calm down a bit. Would NOT nurse at all (again maybe something to do with the phlegm-iness and laying flat). Finally caved and gave him a bottle of 50mL. He went back to sleep and for another hr. Woke him up and fed him a whole bottle 140mL for his breakfast. DH changed him and took him to day care. I just called and they said he's doing OK, eating OK and was sleeping when I called.

So Ethan doesn't have a fever of yet, but just really snotty and phlegm-y and his cough. Any ideas oh what to do to help him?

Attaching a picture since I haven't shared one in a while....

Quick post - I went back to work this morning and left Weston with my grandmother. He did not cry and neither did Mommy! :appl: He was excellent for her all day, save the fact he did not want to take a nap longer than 45-60 min. He wanted to play instead. He has slept all night for the past week or so (9 or 10 until 5! then nurse and back to sleep until 8ish), so he must feel pretty rested. I was able to pump three times at work and brought home 18 oz for little man. Only a few more days and then I can spend all summer with him. I was ready for a dose of working mom reality, since it will help me appreciate the next few months with him even more. :sun:

Love all the pics! Hey all you PS babies - let your mommas get some rest! :lol:
NEL: I missed that last line on ordering ovulation tests - are you really thinking of trying already? Wow, you're brave!

LC: such a cute photo, he looks so big now and you look great! Doggie is happy too! Is E's cough any better? I don't think there is much we can do unfortunately - no medicine (unless there's a fever). If he's congested use the nasal aspirator or a Nose Frieda. Maybe a humidifier in the room. A had a cough a month ago, it sounded ike an adult coughing. Luckily she didn't seem bothered, but whwen she can't breathe, than she is annoyed. But of course doesn't understand me torturing her with the nose frieda is meant to help!! For tummy sleeping we started about 6 months. She falls asleep instantly that way but also rolls alot so will go to back, side, belly throughhout the night.

Mannequin: great news, and you must feel such relief! And 18 oz, wow!!
Janine, thanks for the convertible seat info. Wow, 6 seats! I think we might need 3 or 4 (we have two cars + in-laws + babysitter). I'd like to just get 3. And yay for selling the snugabunny! We packed ours up a couple of weeks ago and I was happy to get rid of some of the clutter. Of course, now it's just sitting upstairs.

I'm definitely ready to have another ASAP. So is D. I haven't started ovulating again, but I think it's going to be even harder to wait when I am. We are going to try to hold off until K is close to 2. We really only have room in our house for 2. Plus we'd like to travel later and I think 2 is all we can handle, so I don't mind waiting a little bit since our next one is probably it for us. Though now we're both trying to figure out if 3 can be done. One step at a time, I guess.

I'm so glad you've appeased the sleep gods! I wish I could do the same. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it continues! And daycare is going well, our sitter is great and K sticks to the same sleep schedule regardless of whether she's here or there.

LC, I'm so sorry to hear about E's cough!! My thoughts were the same as Janine's--if he's congested, I think the nose frieda + humidifier is your best bet. My friend used shower steam for her congested newborn and kept him upright as much as possible. I'm sorry, a sick baby cannot be fun. I love your pic!!

Once I ovulate, we won't use my charting to TTC or TTA. I just want to see what my cycles do and when I'm ovulating so that when we DO pull the trigger, I'll be in the know. I think I charted for a year or so before TTC with K. Can you tell I'm an analyst? Like I said to Janine, our goal is to wait until K is closer to 2. I'm planning to switch to D's insurance next year in case I end up quitting my current job, so we've agreed that we at least need to wait until next year.

MQ, I'm so glad all is well with you going back to work. And after this week, you'll be done for the summer--that's so nice!!

AFU, still some inconsistent sleep regression. Last night K was up from 1 to 3am. Not really crying, just awake and semi-fussy.

We now have a consistent daytime nap schedule. She sleeps from 7ish to 7ish and the short morning nap is around 9:30am. Then her long afternoon nap starts at noon. She usually sleeps between 2 and 3 hours for that nap. The last nap is variable, but usually occurs around 4:30/5pm. It's nice to have a schedule so I can work around it.
Quick note:
LC, the doc recommended having A sleep on an incline to help with phlegm and drainage. Suggested car seat if we didn't have anything else. And get a Nose Frida--they hate them, but OMG so worth it!

Pic because all I do is take photos of her!

Ladies: Adorable baby pics and baby/momma pics!!! :appl:

Freke is that Padilla's Mexican Restaurant??
Skippy|1339542043|3214937 said:
Ladies: Adorable baby pics and baby/momma pics!!! :appl:

Freke is that Padilla's Mexican Restaurant??
You know it! Represent!
Hi ladies! Can we join?? :wavey:

Elliot and Miles are almost two weeks old now, 35w4d adjusted. We really don't have a lot that's newsworthy going on, the boys are just working on learning to eat still (and growing). They're being the typical wimpy white boys (yes, that's really a thing, they're born entitled), and so the learning is slow. We went through the same thing with Oliver and I think the neonates just got tired of making him eat and released him before he hit their quotas. We'll see if these two follow in their big brother's footsteps! Since they were born a little later than O (almost three weeks) I thought they'd pick it up a little faster, but the most either has taken so far is an ounce. Oh well, we're on their schedule!

Lactation gave me this doom and gloom booklet before I was released about preemies eating and it talks about how even if you get the babies to nurse once they're released they'll probably not take enough and you'll have to follow up with pumping and bottle feeding for quite a few weeks :eek: I EPed with Oliver and I was hoping to avoid that this time around. But if I'm going to have to nurse, pump, bottle feed, wouldn't it be easier and less frustrating to just stick with EPing? Any opinions? PT are you out there?? I feel like I'm conflicted because in my mind it seems like the easier option, but I'm also worried I'm just justifying that because it's what I know. We're moving in a few months so the amount of time I'd be home to nurse is really up in the air depending on how fast I find a job. So the amount of time I'd be nursing is uncertain. Hmmm.
Kunzite - Congratulations on your boys! I hope they are able to go home sooner rather than later. As for feeding with Ava, they were bottle feeding her in the NICU, although I'd "practice" breastfeeding during visits. She was released at roughly 35 weeks...maybe 36...? As soon as we brought her home, though, I breastfed for all feedings but one in the evening, when DH would give her a bottle (she choked with bottle feeds, which was scary because her lips would turn blue and her body would go completely limp, so I avoided bottles if possible). We needed nipple shields in the beginning to assist with her latch, but those are long gone, and she's a nice, chunky, exclusively breastfed baby, who has never once had a problem with getting adequate intake. She is actually in an ongoing bottle strike, but since I'm a SAHM, it's nothing but a small inconvenience. Anyhow, I'd take that booklet with a grain of salt, and try finding a lactation consultant you click with (there were some in our hospital I loved, and some that were just an awful fit with me). Hopefully the boys will catch on.
Kunzite, hooray, so happy you're posting here now. You little boys sound like they're making progress. I have no experience with neonatal stuff, but I do know all about difficulty establishing breast feeding. Ethan had issues with BFing when he was released from the hospital. I'd offer him the breast, he'd typically refuse twice then we'd feed him (using SNS on our fingers first, then after 2 wks, switched to bottles). At about 3.5-4 weeks, (using nipple shields) he'd at least take a few sucks on the breast, then get more bottles. By 5 wks he was nursing using the shields. By 6.5-7 wks he was nursing with out the shields. So it happens. He still goes on nursing strikes every now and then. He's on (another) one now, but I guess it's because he has his first cold/cough.
Hello Mommas!

Quick post, the major retailers are all starting their toy sales here soon and I want to layby Christmas presents for Charlotte. I just don't know what kind of toys she will like at that age.

So BTDT momma's, what were your baby's favourite toys from 8-12 months of age?
Bobbin - Lots of good ideas here:

For some reason, ball poppers are very popular here. S found hers entertaining, but didn't love it. An activity table is a must, I think. A walker is a good idea, as you don't know when she'll start, so if you find one on sale now, all the better. We have the Melissa and Doug Alligator walker, which I think is the custest thing ever. A shape sorter was and is a hit.
Hooray! Sis is back! She was on a work trip to China last week, so we (me & Ethan) missed her while she was gone. She flew in this morning. AND one of my good friends just so happened to have an overnight lay-over here in Chicago, so I had an impromptu dinner with my friend at a mutual friend's house. Then we did a brunch this morning so Sis can hang out with our friend too. Yay! So good day all around. Hope you ladies are doing OK too.

Ethan's cough is still around. Tomorrow we're going to take him to the doctor, only because he's been coughing for a week now. DH thinks it's OK but I just want to get it checked out just in case.

Lastly, just polling for people's opinions... DH & I will be going to a wedding at the end of June in Boston. The wedding & reception are adult only, and the couple gave me the contact info for the groom's sister's friend, who does baby-sitting and can watch Ethan.
So I called her and talked to her. Her experience is more or less with older kids (like 5-8 yrs old), she watched one 8 month old once (I believe family member or family friend). Am I just being a paranoid mom for thinking she's not experienced enough to watch Ethan? He'll be 4 months, and I dunno, I think there's a big difference between a 4 m.o. and an 8 m.o.
Then her rate is $13/hr to watch 1 kid. Am I out there with the opinion that $13/hr is overpriced to watch a baby? Is that the going rate of babysitters in Boston? Hoping NEL will chime in...
I wouldn't do it LC. Is there any way that you can take Ethan with you and have the couple make an exception? Or do you have family that could go with you or a friend that lives there? We would have had an adults only wedding and reception, but I don't count infants. Plus, parents with infants tend to not stick around that long - with or without their children.

Of course, it's different if you want to go childless for the night, but I would NOT leave him with someone who hadn't babysat babies pretty consistently. When we interviewed babysitters for A, we dismissed any that hadn't worked with young babies for extended periods of time. We ended up going with someone who is in school to be a pediatric nurse, and has a 2.5 year old girl. The second runner up had nannied for a 4 month old baby since he was 6 weeks old. Now granted, that was for a regular babysitter, but I'd be even more careful with someone who would only watch him for a night....

IMHO of course!
Freke, Thanks for the outside opinion. I wasn't sure if I was just being super paranoid (1st time mom) or what. I think I'm going to try looking for another person who's got more experience with little babies.
I'd like to be encouraging, LC, but I'd probably pass. Travelling to a wedding with a 4-month-old and then needing to find a babysitter in an unfamiliar city just so you can go to a reception? I don't know, it just seems like too much for me. I think the $13/hr. sounds reasonable. The nannies I interviewed were between $20 - $25/hour, but they had a lot of experience. Our mom group instructor's babysitter is $15/hour and she's a college student, but we live in the 'burbs. My friend who lives in Beacon Hill (in the city) uses a babysitter who charges $20/hr. She's also a college student, but she has experience with infants.

I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to watch Ethan!!! But I'm in the 'burbs, which probably isn't very convenient for you. Still, if you really want to go and can't find anybody, I am an option!

AFU, I think the nursery transition is done! She's contentedly sleeping in her nursery now. What else...physical therapy is going well. The PT thinks she can start coming once every two weeks or even once a month.

Oh, and a question for you ladies: are any of you planning to make/do make you own baby food? I think I'd like to try, but not sure which device(s) to get.

Finally, here is a pic of K and her sippy cup. She really seems to love it for some reason. She's not really successful at getting the water in her mouth, but she loves to try.

Katie Sippy.jpg
Thanks for the advice PT and LC. I think I'll just play it by ear once the boys are eating. PT, I can't believe how young A was when she was released! That's awesome! Now that the boys are eating a little more we're starting to have more events too. Last night both boys had pretty long desats/bradys. Luckily since we've been through this before it's not quite as scary. Elliot took two full feeds yesterday so I'm starting to think he's going to beat his brother home even though he's a full pound smaller!

bobbin - O's favorite toy at that age was his play table and a tunnel from Ikea (boy does the tunnel get a lot of use!).

LC - There's no way I would leave my LO in the situation you describe. I don't think you're paranoid at all.

NEL - We made all of O's food. For big batches I just used our food processor and for small batches (like one piece of fruit at a time) I would use the magic bullet. For the twins I would love to get the baby bullet because it's a really nice in-between size, but I don't want all of the junk that comes with it!

AFU - I think our freezer/fridge is dying!! I just started freezing a ton of milk and now we're scrambling to make sure none of it goes bad! What awful timing. I have close to 100 ounces sitting in the freezer not freezing. DH ran out and bought a small chest freezer last night so we're just waiting for it to cool down. We sold our house a few weeks ago and immediately our hot water heater died, and now the fridge. What timing. :twirl:
NEL, Another PS Mom also offered to watch Ethan, which is totally awesome of you guys. But I'd feel terrible asking you guys to watch the munchkin. However I'd *LOVE* to meet up with you if it's possible. We committed to going to the wedding, it's my husband's pretty good friend. I'm going to go with my gut and pass on this baby sitter but maybe look for another one that has experience. Wow, I can't believe babysitters are SO EXPENSIVE in Boston! In Chicago it's anywhere from $11/hr to $15/hr depending on the sitter (i.e. college student or a nanny like person). So wow, $13 is a lot, but OK I guess I'll swallow it. Do you think you can get some recommendations for infant experienced baby sitters for me? Either from your mom's group or your daycare? I'll check with any of the super connected PS-ers if someone has your email info, if not I'll ask the moderators to connect us.

Wow, look at Katie "using" a sippy cup! That's awesome! Ethan has taken to grabbing things and also taking things out of his mouth and putting things in it. He also sucked his thumb this weekend. SO CUTE!
I'm planning on making my own baby food. I got these things to store the food in:
I have a rice cooker and a food processor so my plan was just to use the rice cooker to steam the veggies/fruit, then puree in my food processor. However I've her good things about the Beaba BabyCook, which steams and purees in the same container. If I didn't already have my appliances I would've gotten one of those. If you already have a food processor, then you can just steam the veggies/fruit on the stove. THe nice thing about a rice cooker is you can set it and forget it and not worry about burning your house down (if you have stuff on a stove).

Kunzite, ARGH! I can't believe the timing with your milk not freezing! I hope the chest freezer works out for you. Hooray I'm glad the Elliot & Miles are eating. Go Elliot for packing in the feeds. He probably knows you're anxious to get him home so he's cooperating. :) Thanks for the reassurance that I'm not a crazy paranoid mom. I'm hoping to get the sitter situation sorted out. It'll be practice for the other wedding we have in October. The couple is also requesting an adult only wedding & reception, except this one is in Switzerland so we get to also deal with the whole language barrier thing.... Awesome.
Kunzite, Miles was smaller than Evan when he came home and come home at 37 weeks like Ava. He was such a peanut! oh no to the desats but hang in there; I think they do that because feeding is soooo much work for them (suck swallow breath). sending good thoughts they come home soon!!!!

LC, I hope you find a good sitter.