
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

PPM, OMG, do you feel that way? I'm only a part time prof and I'm drowning! I'll never figure out how full time teachers do it. I can barely find time to grade, and forget about planning for classes. I gave my students wrong chapter homework and just realized how much my midterm needs editing, which is next week. I vent to my friends that an office job must be so much better so that I can come home and forget about everything. I want to look for another job but I can't find time to sit down to edit my resume. And I thought teaching was such a good idea so that my holidays line up with my kids'.
Sorry I'm no help. I couldn't help posting seeing a fellow teacher suffer...
Way too tired to do a full post (my love to all of you though!) but OMG the teeth won't stop coming! Someone (pancake?) said that they just keep coming one right after another, and that is exactly it. She started with the two on the bottom, then popped out her top right front, then the second right front, and finally the top left front just got here. I felt her gums a little bit (SHE BITES!!!!!! HARD!!!!) and top left will be next - and not in too long either. And the rest of her gums? Folks, I hope this shiz is over as fast as it's started, because those gums are not smooth anymore.

Must get sleep.

Mayerling - you must get one somehow. What country do you live in?
NEL, the MOTN wakings are as you describe - not fully awake. Even when she's got her eyes open I sometimes think she's not fully with it. It sounds like the scenario is very similar to what Katie does; I suppose there's no reason to think that this is a permanent fixture in our lives, but gee I'd like to make it easier for her!

Re milk feeds: I have no idea how much S takes, but I have a good suspicion that it is either about the same as it was a couple of months ago (ie not increased), or that it's a little less. I don't sweat it - partly because I'm BFing but also because I figure her body knows what it needs, and if she's hungry then she will eat and drink more. Provided that Katie is growing normally I wouldn't get too stressed about whether she's receiving adequate nutrition.

Also, I forgot to reply to your question re poop-truncated naps! I have to say, I don't really do anything. If she wakes up, she wakes up - I actually haven't even tried to put her back down again but I suspect it would fail. Dot's naps are shorter than Katie's though - usually 1 - 1.5 hours rather than 2.

PPM - oh lovely, I'm so sorry it is so hard for you! I can't say anything about work-life balance, except to say that I see in my friends (online and irl) that it is HARD! Also, that it definitely gets easier. Partly due to your own adjustment, but also to E getting older, sleeping better, fussing less, etc. Am thinking of you, lots of hugs!

PT - hello!!! Great to see you in here! WHERE ARE THE PHOTOS OF AVA THAT YOU ARE MEANT TO POST EVERY TIME YOU ARE HERE??? I need me a fix of those cheeks! Sounds like she's well over the solids hump and off and away! I was sad to read of your FIL's attitude... I can't understand how someone comes to those decisions (or lack thereof, whatever - with the result being that he hasn't met Ava) but I have learnt many lessons this year in the "you can't change people" department. My dad, for example - he would happily go MONTHS without seeing my brother and, I can understand why he wouldn't contact me, as we had a terrible relationship before he got sick. But my brother and sister were still in their teens when he left (my brother was 16) and they had had no particular intensely personal issues. I know now though, that it's not something I'd ever be able to understand or change, was what it was. But no less sad for it.

Freke, are you and A sleeping a bit better at the moment? Hope so!!

Mayer - I forgot to say before, we started Sylvie on solids at 4 months.
Just sitting on the couch watching Sylvie try and drink from an empty plastic cup. She is OBSESSED with drinking from cups and "grown-up" bottles at the moment. Going to cafes (which we do a lot) is getting a bit hazardous!
Freke, I'm in the UK. Thankfully the saline drops seem to have worked.

Pancake, thanks for the advice on fevers and on starting solids.

PPM, hugs. I'm off until Jan (and even then I'm thinking of doing the SAHM thing until N is old enough for preschool) and I still can't seem to find time to tie my own shoes much less go back to work.

PT, it's so encouraging to hear about babies' sleep improving without active effort.

NEL, I love the pic of K on her piano.

LC, hugs about DH's sister. I know how it feels to have family show absolutely no interest.

AFU, N is fine after his shots. He's generally a smiley baby. He's also relatively good with night sleep. Naps are still exceptionally bad. Yesterday he napped 3 times for 20 mins at a time. I've decided to stop worrying...
Mayerling, glad N wasn't affected by his shots!

pancake, too cute about S playing with the cup. She sounds like such a fun little character the way you describe her!

Freke, yikes on all the teeth. Hope they are through quickly!

choro and PPM, hugs mamas. Finding balance is HARD especially with a tiny baby. I know if I need to do work at night there's no way I could right now because she's just not that into playing independently, and she's kind of fussy in the evening as well, so if she's awake either DH or I need to be engaging with her. I'm falling behind at work but I'm just doing my best for now and telling myself this is a phase.

PT, I'm so sorry your FIL is such a jerk. Please do come back with pics of Ava!

NEL, that piano pic is so cute. DH wants a baby grand for Nora so badly, but he said he guesses it can wait until she's three or four.

LC, glad you had a fun weekend! Can't wait to see the pic of E's tooth!

S&I, yay for A and his rolling!

meg, glad Cal is giving you a nice stretch of sleep - that really does make such a difference in feeling human!

AMC, glad your DH realized how hard you work to BF B! I say do whatever makes your life easiest. Hope the sleep improves soon.

China, I'm terrified of de-swaddling too. Nora sleeps like a dream right now, I don't want to do anything to mess with that! Yay for Missy Ivy and her rolling, even if it is keeping you on high alert.

AFU, doing well, all over our colds and just still settling in to the routine. She spent all weekend "aaaaaaaaaaaah"ing at everything, including everyone at the grocery store. Running a little behind so off to work now! Hope all the other mamas are well!
Quick pic post before I leave for work. Here's some latest few pics of Ethan including a tooth pic.



Sleeping at night is still going perfectly. We had him in the swing last week as he had a little cold and was coughing/slightly congested so I wanted to make sure he was breathing ok. Back in the crib starting last night. He slept 8:30 til 5, then 5:30 til 6:30 and off to the sitters. While in the crib he's usually up once per night which isn't too bad. As for the naps, we still struggle sometimes. DH had him all weekend, I went away, and he said he was able to get him to nap. The night I left he ate and fell asleep at 7pm, up at 5am to eat and back to sleep til 7:30am. He fell asleep early the next 2 nights so I'm thinking an early bedtime just might have to start happening if he isn't going to take a nap sometime between 3pm and 7pm. I really believe his problem is waking up from his nap around 2:30pm at the sitters, eating, and then most of the other older kids are getting out of school. I'm sure it's loud and probably a little overwhelming for him, so he just doesn't nap again and becomes overtired/overstimulated.

We're still trying to tackle tummy time as well. He lasts about 2 - 3 mins no matter what we do (toys, mirror, laying on the floor with him, talking to him etc.). I figured with his heavy head he'd be able to start going to the side and just keep going with the weight of his head :lol: but that doesn't happy. He has great head control until he gets mad and then he face plants. I am so worried that his head is flat. I've read reviews of the rock n play sleeper that the sitter uses and while babies sleep great in it usually, it's been known to cause flat spots. I guess I'll find out next Wednesday, he has his 4 month appt.

Sorry I can't keep up with everyone. I read along while I'm at work, but I lose track of what's going on with everyone before I get a chance to reply.
Hi Meg and everyone else- Just popping in to answer your question as I had one idea. What a dream baby you have! That's so awesome, enjoy it!
I did not have that baby and didn't often think of "fun" things to do with my guy when he was small. When other people would come over and sing nursery rhymes and do all these cute little songs (which I already knew just forgot) it reminded how important interaction can be. Of course I'm sure you interact with your baby wonderfully but I know it's awesome for languag development for them to hear your voice a lot and stimulating. Being that things seem pretty calm I thought I would offer that as one option for an extra "activity". To this day I feel bad when someone sings a little song and I think, gosh, why didn't I ever do that, lol. Oh well :) Enjoy your little babe!

p.s. Does anyone know where Skippy hangs out these days? I'd like to page her for a question about twins. Thanks in advance.
pancake|1349159650|3277895 said:
Just sitting on the couch watching Sylvie try and drink from an empty plastic cup. She is OBSESSED with drinking from cups and "grown-up" bottles at the moment. Going to cafes (which we do a lot) is getting a bit hazardous!

Pancake - Too funny. Ava likes pretending to drink from grown up cups/water bottles, which means she sticks her tongue in them, but if any water gets in her mouth, she'll let it dribble right down her chin.

Mayerling - Once I stopped worrying so much about Ava's sleeping habits, I became a much happier, more relaxed mom. I do my best to be consistent and stick to a routine (and now that she's a little older, a schedule), but she is just one of those babies that does things in her own time. I know it's easier said than done, but I enjoy the wonderful parts of her, and remind myself that the challenging parts will be over before I know it.

LC - Awww...look at Ethan. Pancake was right - he really is such a pretty baby. :)

Steph - Glad to hear everyone's feeling better!

AFU - FIL is actually a very nice guy, and usually quite thoughtful. Which is why his lack of interest in flying out to visit Ava seems odd. But it is what it is, and he'll get to meet her this Christmas when we fly out for the holidays, which I know he's looking forward to.

As promised, a few pics (the first two are being used on her birthday invitations):

Pave, Skippy usually swings by the family threads pretty often.You can try paging her.
I let her know on FB, pave.
Thanks Freke and LLiang!
Pavelover, hi, a sweet PS'er told me you had a question, sorry, I don't read this thread but I do look at pics when I get a chance. :bigsmile: You can ask me here or let me know where the question is. Congratulations on being preggo with twins!!!! twins are so much fun!!! I am very happy for you!

eta: awwwww, I just saw the babies on this page!!!! sooooo cute PT :love: :love: and LC :love: :love:
Hi skippy I posted a thread it's just a few threads down from this one- no more than 6 I think? I typed a bunch of questions there when you have time and I know there are a lot of ? So just answer whatever you have time for. Thanks in advance!! And thanks for the congrats!
PT, Yay!! Ava pics!!! She's sooooooooooo cute!! I love her little dimples! Her hair is almost getting long enough to put in one of those cute ponytails girls wear on top of their heads!

Missy, it sounds like the sleep situation is going well! The gap between the last nap and bedtime is always a tough one (we still struggle sometimes). We have a set bedtime, but we're still a little flexible depending on when she had her last nap. I do think it gets easier. And I'm hoping there are no issues with the flat head. Our PT had us immediately get rid of the rock and play and the swing. She was actually more concerned about the swing because the force of the swing puts more pressure on the back of the head. K hated the swing, but for babes who really like the swing it stinks! It's really hard to take one of the most useful tools out of rotation--hopefully it won't be an issue for you!

LC, such cute pictures!! And look at that tooth!!! I still haven't posted a pic of K's teeth and I meant to! I am still amazed at how FAST E's hair grows!

Steph, I think waiting for N to reach 3 or 4 is a great idea--I pushed pretty hard for D to wait to buy ours. She can't even take lessons until she's 3, so I didn't see the point of having it. It just so happens that my husband playing is really soothing and intriguing to her, but I'm still convinved K will be drawing in the piano before playing it. Glad your family is feeling better!

Mayerling, I'm so sorry about the bad naps. I'm really hoping it's just a phase for you. I know how stressful it is when your kid won't nap--not only for the obvious reason (babies need sleep), but also because I get a ton of work done while K naps, so when she's doesn't, I fall behind. Not worrying sounds good, hopefully you can stick with it!

Pancake, how are the MOTN wakings going? We are still doin the 1 MOTN crying fit (she's soothed back to sleep), then the 5am feeding. Luckily, she's going down with minimal gibberish after the 5am feeding. But it's still totally hit or miss.

Another question for everybody: When do you start wearing real shoes? I've only put K in socks up to this point. But the weather is getting a little chillier and I don't know if it's time to maybe put her in some shoes? So far she's only army crawling. So no real crawling and no pulling herself up on things/standing. Not sure if I should wait until she's closer to walking to put shoes on her? Or not put her in shoes at all? Sorry for all of my questions lately.

Here are a few pics from a photo shoot we did in September. Her facial expressions seriously crack me up. Is it possible for a baby to be funny? I feel like she has a sense of humor.



NewEnglandLady said:
Another question for everybody: When do you start wearing real shoes?

I've always heard that you should wait on hard-soled shoes until they are walking. But soft soled shoes seem like they would work for you!

Hi everyone! :wavey:

Sounds like we are all (mostly) pretty tired around here. Last night was a good night. We put B down at 9 and he didn't wake up until 1:30. That's 4.5 hours which is fabulous.Well, he didn't fall asleep right away, but close enough. It's amazing, you can set a clock by when B is replaced with Mr. Crankypants. 8:30-9 hits and he is super fussy. It seems like we have to wait until he hits that point, though, because if we try to put him down before the cranky stage he wants no part of it. Fine, kid, whatever. Anyway, he was up at 1:30 for a reasonable amount of time and I was shutting my eyes at 2. This was huge because I'm usually up for at least 45 minutes. He woke up again at 5. From that point on he didn't really get back to sleep. He likes to lay there and kick and flail...well, try to flail while in his miracle blanket. Anyway, getting 4 hours of sleep followed by almost 3 hours was pretty awesome. He's 8 weeks today so I'm really hoping thing will start to chill out a bit. Because the night before last? He woke up around 2 and was fussy until about 6...aka 30 minutes before my alarm.

Breastfeeding...ugh. Still a battle. Well, a mental battle. I feel bad because I almost start to resent the kid every time I whip out my boob...which is often. Pumping is going well though. I'm consistently getting at least 3 oz, if not 4. My supply is slowly but surely increasing. Speaking of, I forgot to pump this morning (10am) and my boobs might explode, so I guess I should go take care of that.

Hope you are all doing well.
LC - PRETTY. PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY. He is so beautiful! Have you guys left to go to Switzerland yet? Still cannot get over my envy. We are thinking of going to Northern Italy in September next year but that is a loooooong way off! (plus we would be flying with a toddler by then) Hope the packing was not too stressful and that you all travel safely. Post pics!!!

Steph - that stage when they first find their voice and start cooing at everything is ADORABLE! Love it!

Missy, so pleased that things are going well for you guys! Don't worry too much about Blake hating tummy time. S is now nearly 8 months old, still doesn't roll, and still is none too pleased with tummy time, but her head is perfectly round, haha.

PT, that second pic of Ava in her costume CRACKS. ME. UP. Hilarious! Also love the pic of her at the petting zoo (is that where you were?). I haven't taken Dot to the children's farm here yet but your pic reminds me that we should as she LOVES my in-laws' dogs and lunges towards them any time they're within range.

NEL, gee Katie really turned it on for the shoot, didn't she?? Love those first two shots, they're so "Oh my!" (and I still giggle at how dainty she is at lifting her skirt). You are so good with getting her photos done. I have only just booked our first shoot and Dot will be nearly 9 months old by the time it happens!

Our sleep issues sound identical to yours now...see below...

amc80 - solidarity! Yes, I am pretty tired. Not nearly as tired as you, but it WILL improve. Just repeat like a mantra. Things fairly predictably calm down as you approach the 12 week (or so) mark, so I am confident that things will be easier for you in a few weeks' time. Hang in there!


1. Sleep regression continues. It's not as bad as it was last week - S got through to 5:20 yesterday and 5:00 this morning - but it's still not back to normal, and it's upsetting our daily routine a bit as neither of us seems to know what to do with the rest of the morning! Previously, Dot would wake at 6:30, have a feed and a short play, and then "finish off" her night's sleep, getting up around 8. These last two mornings, I've put her back in bed after the early wake-up, but then she's woken at 6:30 (presumably this is her body clock's "normal" wake-up time), and then we've had trouble getting her back down again. Then I have tried to get her down early for her morning nap, but it's like her body clock is too rigid and even though she's tired, she can't do it! So I've had a cranky tired baby in the morning a couple of days ago, and then yesterday she wasn't cranky in the morning but by the evening she was OVER IT. Today she's grizzled quite a bit but she's gone back to sleep (it's currently 8:20am) so I figure I'll let her sleep a little longer, and then get her up for breakfast.

It's also all compounded by the days here getting longer and the sun rising earlier. She is fascinated by the sound of the birds tweeting and I think that's contributing to her not getting back to sleep. Daylight savings starts soon - bring it on! But on a broader level, I'm seriously considering moving her into her own room. It's darker, and she won't be disturbed by us. However, I am VERY disturbed by the idea of moving her out - I don't wannaaaaaaa!

2. Not so much talking this week, but shrieking. Less nice, cute, "da da da" and more like a shrill, top-of-her-lungs, "DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH!!!!!!!". Funny, but very loud. And not so pleasant on the ears. Just testing things out, I guess!

3. Obsession with cups, bottles and doorknobs remains. I wonder if her first word will be "door" or something similarly unromantic?

4. Still no rolling. But getting frustrated on her tummy because she goes backwards.
Meh... I think we are in Wonder Week land again (definitely not "Wonderland"!).

S has been grumpy since yesterday evening. Then grumpy and clingy this morning. Has been really labile, crying whenever I walk away from her (usually she's perfectly happy to play on the floor), not as smiley. I put her down for a nap nearly an hour ago. Have had to go in 3 times already to right her because she has been rotating again and despite her sleeping bag, is getting her legs stuck between the bars of the cot and her head is getting wedged up against the other side. Sigh.

FC, I had a dream about Alex having two bottom teeth last night, I blame YOU! :) I keep feeling around inside A's mouth to see if anything's happening yet, but no. Sorry your girl's teefers are coming in so fast and furious. At least she's getting them out of the way at once instead of dragging out the teething for months and months? I think? Idk. A is just such a beautiful baby...every time you post pics I see so much of you and your hubs in her but she has definitely developed her own personality and she's gorgeous!

A is 4 months, 6 days...I have no idea how and what to start her on, solid food-wise. I don't even know where to find rice cereal in the grocery store. I looked in the organic food section last night but was in such a hurry that by the time I thought of the baby section I was already in the checkout line. I keep meaning to research but have honestly been too busy to sit down and do it. Help!

NEL, I grew up playing piano, my mom played, and my maternal grandmother was a concert pianist and violinist. I MELT over babies at pianos! We currently don't have one, but I am working on getting an upright into our home. Husband and I are both musical and want A to have exposure whether she becomes interested or not. Your gal is so adorable, those eyes!!! Those pics of her "flirting" with the camera are just too much...she is unbelievably beautiful.

Stephbolt: Nora is such a cutie!!! I hear you on falling behind at work: I have taken to waiting until midnight when A finally goes down (after a 8-11 nap) to go over work emails and respond and then prepare myself for the next workday. It's hard. And I'm always behind, but I have just resigned myself to the fact that work will always be there but my little baby is growing and it's more important to me to be present for her, and work will have to come third after marriage and child at this point. I work weird hours due to being in retail, so even when I get home from work many days she is already asleep, but I get extra time with her in the mornings. Either way, I feel like I'm missing out. It's been a tough adjustment and not getting any easier, sad to say. Again, your little lady is just gorgeous.

LC! Your babe is so handsome already! Love love love the pic of him in the laundry basket amidst cloth diapers! My mom used to keep me in a laundry basket at that age, those things are like playpens! I almost can't wait until A is sitting up so I can stick her in one while I'm sorting! Anyway, he is just such a cutie and you take such great pics. All that hair! And his expressions! What a love.

Missy: you are doing great! I don't think tummy time has any set length, 2-3 minutes sounds perfect! Hope things are going better for you guys during the weekend days when you have him all to yourselves.

PT: Ava is GORGEOUS. What a long way she's come, I have followed your story but haven't had time to comment much. Love these latest pics, she is a beauty and what an infectious smile she has! I can almost hear her giggling! Thanks for taking the time to pop in and post some pics!!

AFU: Miss Alex had her 4 month checkup and vax last week. It wasn't a terrible day, but 48 hours later she let us know that she wasn't happy by not sleeping at all and being a fussbudget for about 8 hours. We got through it with some tylenol and extra cuddles... for the most part she is an excellent little human being and doesn't give us much trouble at all, but when she's unhappy MAN DO YOU HEAR ABOUT IT. Very vocal little girl! She weighs 16 lbs already and is almost 27 inches, I think she's going to be a big girl like me (I'm 5'10" and not small-boned!) Her clothes fit size-wise, but her legs are already so long that she looks like she's wearing capris. Thinking of starting her on solids soon, I mentioned this above but have no idea where to start. And, we started cloth diapers last week, that is going well so far but they are SO BULKY! (edited for spelling and punctuation--probably didn't get all of the needed fixes!)


NEL, I just had to pop in to say I love those pics! The Beety Boop look on K's face is priceless!
I'm sure posting this will jinx it...and I know two nights doesn't really qualify as a routine...but I *think* B is starting to get into an actual night time sleep pattern. Say it with me..."THANK GOD."

He fell asleep in his swing around 8. I woke up up at about 10 to eat...and then he slept until 1. Woke up, ate, and then slept until 5. Then, for the first time in I don't know how long, I was actually sleeping when my alarm went off at 6:30. I'm hoping I can eventually stretch this so he gets up around 2 and then not again until 6:30...but hey, anything is better than him waking at 12, 3, 4, and 5, as it has been.

Maybe he realized that at 8 weeks he's supposed to chill out a bit. Wishful thinking :)

Oh, last night I boxed up his newborn and 0-3m clothes. :(

I haven't posted pics in a while, so here you go!


I know I'm missing people. Hugs to everyone!!!!

Pancake - sleeping better? Eh. She's currently asleep (2nd nap today) because she woke up at 5:30, so today is going to be a 3 nap kinda day. How on earth can I get A interested in cups? Sippy cups? Eating more solid food? I'm at a loss and A makes it really hard sometimes. I feel like she's supposed to be eating more and more solid food, but she's just not that interested. And if she doesn't like something, it's avoid-city or puke it up.

Lol at the shrieking! All too familiar with that nowadays!

Stephb - I hope things get better with you and work. I know I certainly had those days, especially early on, where suddenly I'd just be staring off into space...

LC - Ethan is just freaking adorable! I love that face!

Missy - A has been sleeping in a rock n play since she was about 5 months old. She had plagiocephaly going into it, but it's not necessarily the sleeper that causes it, but it can exacerbate it.

PT - Ava is just so gorgeous!!!! I love her outfits!

NEL - good question on the shoes, I have no idea. I put a pair of shoes on A yesterday as an experiment to see how well she tolerated them. Seemed to do pretty well, was crawling around like a crazy person, as normal. I love the expressions on K's face! They are priceless! And I love her dress and curls!

AMC - jealous of your milk production! Glad that sleep seems to be going better.

Monarch - I hope that this teething crap is over soon. Really, I do. Thanks for the compliments! I still can't see me in her...I guess she is just that perfect blend of both of us that neither one of us can pick out features that say "MOMMY" or "DADDY".


I got some pictures of the teeth, but unfortunately I had to get them while she was eating graham crackers. Sorry for the crumbs! I got a couple of her upper teeth too, but they were pretty blurry.

I've taken to taking a picture of her every time she's gone down for a nap because she's just so at peace when shes asleep and its the only time where I can take several pictures of her and the pictures aren't all blurry!!!!! I'm a super stalker mom.

I started putting together a photobook of some of our favorite pictures of her using Shutterfly, and I'm pretty pumped about that. Problem is that there are going to be about 500 pages because I love her pictures so much and she has such great expressions...

Not much going on here. Just feeding stuff and trying to get her used to foods that aren't pureed. Ribs - likes the flavor not so much the texture (chopped super fine), butter crackers - likes to feed those to the dogs, graham crackers - the dogs love these, banana - loves the flavor, again that texture! So it's a lot of trial and error.

Uh oh, she's waking up....




NEL, Monnie, Freke, PT, LC, and AMC, adorable pics of your bubs!

Amc and Missy yay for better sleep!

Steph, hope those colds are gone.

AFU, nothing much to report. Sleep regression continues but I think N finally has some kind of a routine. During the day he feeds around 9, 12, 3, 5:30, and 7:30 (feeds are the only ones that conform to a routine given how the kid never naps). Night feeds depend on when he wakes up. We've been trying to have him in bed by 8:30 and when he wakes up in the morning we try to put him back until about 9 and he's quite good at complying.
LC, E is so cute! And look at that tiny little tooth poking out! Thanks for the advice about the constipation. I read on wholesomebabyfood that it's okay to skip rice cereal and start with avocados instead. I'm thinking I might do that since there was that big deal about finding arsenic in rice lately. Your Swiss vacation is going to be awesome! One of DH's uncles lives over there and invited us to visit, but we never got the chance before A came along. Maybe one day. Oh, and A screeches a lot now too.

NEL, glad K is feeling better. I love those pro pics, and her expressions are priceless! She's got such pretty eyes, gah - so adorable! That's good to know about the prune juice. A isn't quite 6 months yet, but he seems to have started eating less too. He usually only takes 4 6oz bottles per day, and will sometimes take an extra bottle depending on what time he ends up going to bed. His weight seems to have leveled off a bit too, so I'm interested to see his measurements at his 6-month checkup. I've also heard that you shouldn't put them in shoes until they start walking.

Pancake, sounds like S is going through her toughest sleep regression so far. I always wonder about nightmares when A randomly starts crying or smiling/laughing in his sleep. Hope S goes back to her happy self soon so you can get some sleep! Did you get the results back from the poop sample? A has been rotating in his crib the last few nights too. I'm so afraid that he'll launch his head into the hard wood frame one day. I'm so tempted to put up the thicker crib bumpers, but his pedi doesn't approve.

PPM, so sorry to hear that you're having a rough time going back to work, but it should get better as time passes. I can't imagine having to take my work home though, so I feel for you.

PT, sounds like A is doing well all around! Love her dress pics - so cute! And those cheeks are just so pinch-able!

Freke, poor thing! I hope all of A's teeth pop out so you can get it all over with soon. She looks so peaceful sleeping in the RnP.

Mayerling, I think you'll be much more relaxed now that you've stopped worrying about N's naps. I did the same thing, and he's now pretty consistently going down for naps about 1.5 hours after his bottle. Staying asleep is another thing entirely though. Glad N did well with his shots.

Steph, glad everyone has gotten over their colds now! So cute about N "aaaahh"ing at everything and everyone. It's so cute when they find their voices.

Missy, yay for B sleeping well at night. 2-3 minutes of tummy time at a time is a good start. A's pedi suggested doing a total of 30 minutes per day, but I'm sure we never got that much. I've also heard that the RnP can cause head problems, but I think it's only if the babies sleep in it all the time, not just for naps.

AMC, glad B's sleep is getting a little better at night. Just remember that it'll keep getting better as he gets older. You've got a fabulous milk supply so keep the nursing and pumping going for as long as you feel is right for you!

Monnie, you should be able to find a box of rice cereal in the baby aisle where they have the purees and stuff. I bought a box of organic rice cereal the other week, but I just returned it and am going to start A on avocados instead. Sorry A had a tough time with her 4-month shots.
Just posting to say I did a bunch of research on rice cereal and have opted NOT to give it to A. S&I, thanks for the direction but I'm with you on the avocado, and I think we will just continue with formula for the next few weeks and then once she is 5 months we'll introduce mashed or pureed avocado and whatever else is in line with solids for 5-6 month olds. Thank goodness for Google. I think my SIL started my niece on rice cereal at 4-5 months and that kid's weight BLEW UP suddenly! She breastfed and pumped until weaning at 8 months but added rice cereal early on and I remember thinking dang, that little girl turned into a little Michelin Man overnight! Had no idea why at the time but looking back now I get it.

My LO certainly does not have an issue with gaining weight at this point (16 pounds at 4 months, oh my!) We are giving her 5-6 oz of formula now every few hours and she isn't spitting up what I would consider a lot, so I think we're doing ok with feeding. I so wish I could've continued with breastfeeding but it just wasn't in the cards for us. I am hopeful that introducing solids soon will not be TOO much of an adventure...

Love this thread. So much helpful info here, wish I could get into it more often. Seeing all these beautiful babies makes me want another! If only we had the time and money for about 3 more... :bigsmile:

ETA: AMC80! Your little boy is adorable, so glad he had some good sleeps recently. You sound so frustrated and I totally get it. The first few weeks/months of this motherhood thing and feedings/sleep/nonsleep is SO TOUGH. Hang in there, lady, you can do this! You have done a great job so far and it is so apparent how much you love your little guy and I commend you for keeping at the breastfeeding. I, too, am jealous of your awesome supply! I know it's hard to have a LO on you what seems like all. the. time but it will get better, promise. Hugs!
Monnie - re rice cereal: we didn't really give it to S either, although that was not so much a choice based on health concerns associated with it (I didn't really have an issue with it) but more that I thought it was kinda gross, and I figured that I probably didn't need to give it to S if there were other options available (which there were). I think she had it about three times? And then I mixed it with fruit for about a week, then gave up on that too. In the early days (the puree days) she ate a lot of pears, rhubarb, prunes, and an assortment of vegetables which I introduced quite quickly. I started introducing finger foods just before 6 months and since then she has just been gradually eating more and more finger food and less and less "spoon food" (and what there is, is not really mashed - it's sort of just coarsely broken down). She's now nearly 8 months and feeds herself about 80-90% of her intake, save for a bit of eg. yoghurt here and there. Avocado is a great (and easy!) first food, except that S didn't like it until, oh, about 2 weeks ago :lol:

amc80 - hooray for a better night, and better nights ahead! Don't be disheartened if it's still a bit "fits and starts". Things will definitely improve! B looks like such a big boy!

S&I - don't worry, babies' heads are tough! S regularly gets her head wedged up against the bars of her cot (particularly as it is a compact cot, so not very wide) and whilst she is perturbed by it enough to find it hard to sleep, it doesn't cause her any pain. Yes, this is the first sleep regression that has affected her night-time sleep. I have read on forums etc that some babies wake HOURLY at this age, so I think we are doing ok! Results from poop sample should be back but I forgot to call the doctor so I'll call tomorrow. I assume that if there were anything significant he would have been notified, and would have called us by now, but will check!

Mayerling - isn't it nice to have some predictability - ANY predictability! I agree with S&I, I think things will be easier once you let go a little - gives you more of a chance to just enjoy N, too. You guys will figure out daytime sleep eventually.

Freke - I have a few friends who have the same issues with food that you describe in A. They found that offering different types of finger foods worked a bit better - nice, soft things that are easy to hold, and not too wet/slimy. How about thick toast, or pieces of roasted pumpkin, maybe steamed broccoli? Re cups etc, I don't know the answer to that. S has loved her sippy cup from the second she met it - initially would suck but couldn't swallow, but now drinks avidly. She really likes drinking from a "grown-up" cup and I see her trying to do it with empty plastic cups a lot. A friend of mine has a baby who won't drink from the sippy cup - just chews on it - but will drink from a regular cup if it's held up to her mouth and tilted. Maybe try that?


1. I know this sounds pathetic, but please give me a bit of cyber-support - we're moving Dot into her own room over this weekend ;( ;( ;( It is definitely for the best - we disturb her sleep a lot now, and she disturbs ours, as well as eg. we feel bad getting up and going to the bathroom early in the morning if she's sleeping because she rouses so easily now - but I just feel HORRIBLE about it. I know she'll be fine after a couple of days - it's me that's the problem. I just feel like this symbolises something, I don't know...cutting the cord? I dunno. But I'm hating it, and feeling so so upset that this is her last night with us. I put her down tonight and she was just so happy and excited to be in bed...this morning she woke happy and excited (first time in a week!) and I just feel like I will be missing out by not being there to see her smiling face first thing in the morning.

2. Better day of sleep today, and a better night last night. She woke at 5:15 with a poop in her nappy but she was happy and chatty rather than screaming half-awake, so that was a definite improvement compared to the last week or so! She was generally happier during the day too. Fingers crossed it continues...

3. We had a hot day yesterday, so I got out one of the summer rompers that I bought her for our trip to Bali (the one that we returned from about 2 weeks ago) - and it is TOO SHORT ALREADY. How is that possible??? I have been thinking she looks thinner for the last week or two but assumed that was because her poops were funny... maybe it's just that she's had a growth spurt in a lengthwise direction!

4. Finally booked a shoot for Dot (and all of us together too). It's in the second week of November - looking forward to it! (although I will feel like an idiot whilst having the photos taken - always do)

Just spent 40 minutes getting her room ready for tomorrow. We're moving her with her morning nap. Wish us luck! (Wish ME luck!!)
I'm running around like crazy today and don't have time for individual replies, but just wanted to give you some hugs, Pancake, in preparation for Sylvie's move. I totally understand the analogy about cutting the cord because it does feel that way. We moved K months ago, and it was sad for me (even moreso for my husband), but I just wanted to chime in on all the positive things about getting your bedroom back.

1. The obvious--you wake each other up less. Better sleep for you, better sleep for Sylvie.
2. You get your sex life back. For me, this was a big deal. I'd had bad sex for too long and we're both finally feeling like our old selves.
3. You can read before bed! This is a luxury for me and something I'd missed from my pre-baby days. Now I read in bed again every night.
4. You can move about your bedroom freely without worrying about waking the baby up. Need to figure out what to wear tomorrow? Turn on that closet light! Want to take a bubble bath and listen to music before settling into bed? Go right ahead! (Our master bath is attached to our bedroom, so I didn't want to be too noisy when getting ready for bed)

It will probably be easier for your husband to get ready for work in the mornings, too. I try to keep K asleep for as long as I can in the mornings (as you know, a failing effort) and it's nice to be able to shower, get ready, turn on the morning news, etc. in the bedroom without worrying about disturbing her.

Good luck! I have a feeling once everybody is settled in the new routine, you'll be glad to have your bedroom back!
monarch64|1349410651|3279735 said:
ETA: AMC80! Your little boy is adorable, so glad he had some good sleeps recently. You sound so frustrated and I totally get it. The first few weeks/months of this motherhood thing and feedings/sleep/nonsleep is SO TOUGH. Hang in there, lady, you can do this! You have done a great job so far and it is so apparent how much you love your little guy and I commend you for keeping at the breastfeeding. I, too, am jealous of your awesome supply! I know it's hard to have a LO on you what seems like all. the. time but it will get better, promise. Hugs!

Thank you! It's funny, I'm pretty okay most of the's just the night time where he's wanting to eat for the 4th time where I really break down. But I try to keep telling myself that it's only temporary.

About my supply- it's funny because I've been concerned that it's low. A friend of mine can pump 6-8oz at a time, so that was always my comparison. I know, not realistic. Although I did set my personal record and pump 5oz this morning!

pancake said:
amc80 - hooray for a better night, and better nights ahead! Don't be disheartened if it's still a bit "fits and starts". Things will definitely improve! B looks like such a big boy!

Thanks! He is a big boy. I just had to box up all of his newborn and 0-3m stuff. He's now solidly in 3-6m clothes. Yesterday I put something on him that was 6m and it fit. Crazy, considering he's not even two months yet! It's all super baggy, but he needs the length. He is starting to get some baby fat, he actually has little thighs now.

Hi to everyone else! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Just a quick note...

It's done. Anti-climactic so far - put her down for her morning nap 10 minutes ago. She went straight to sleep. :oops: