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- Feb 8, 2012
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Hi ladies, thanks so much for all the advice so far!
For those of you who expressed and gave bottled BM, or if you supplemented, did you deal with nipple confusion at all? Or is that just a great big myth? I was advised no artificial nipples, not even a soother, for the first six weeks. At the moment we are using a syringe to feed Wee Button expressed BM.
In good news, he had his 2 week check up yesterday and he has exceeded his birth weight by almost 7 oz! In not so great news, he chewed my nipples off last night. The left nipple now has a lump just dangling off the tip - feedings are starting to resemble a scene from a slasher movie.
Did anyone else find their babies fed quietly and efficiently during the day time and then at night turned into maniacal thrashing squirm monsters? At night he snarls and gnashes his gums, swings his head back and forth (with nipple attached of course), and kicks violently (usually straight in my incision wound too)... it always seems to end up with the both of us bawling crying
amc thank you for the tip re the bottle! I'm sorry to hear the 2 month shots were stressful... Hope you are both doing OK today
pancake thanks for the advice! I spoke at length with my GP about both issues and she is of the same view as you. She did say though that the studies she has read on tongue tie didn't assess impact on ability to BF, or the impact on the BF mother. I've also spoken to a Mum who let it resolve itself, and another Mum who got it treated, as I wanted to know what's involved. The first Mum found that after a trip to an osteopath the tongue tie issue was less significant, and that it eventually resolved itself. The other Mum was adamant the treatment made an enormous difference for her son. We have an appointment with a doctor today who runs a tongue tie clinic, to have him assessed, and we'll see what he says before making any further decisions. Your photos are ADORABLE, oh my gosh she is so cute she looks edible!!!
Freke you are really being put through the wringer with all these teeth at once!!! Hope you catch a break soon!
Monarch you are do sweet, thank you for the advice and for the support hon! I have a manual pump and it works well for me. I have nipple shields, and I also have breast shells I wear between feeds to collect any leaked BM and I get about an ounce out of those each time I change them, which is great. So the expressing isn't too taxing on me yet. I'd still rather not have to do it at all though!
Sounds like you have one super active little girl on your hands there! She sounds like she is just into everything 
Apologies to anyone I've missed, life is a bit stressful here and I am still getting to know who is who in this thread!
For those of you who expressed and gave bottled BM, or if you supplemented, did you deal with nipple confusion at all? Or is that just a great big myth? I was advised no artificial nipples, not even a soother, for the first six weeks. At the moment we are using a syringe to feed Wee Button expressed BM.
In good news, he had his 2 week check up yesterday and he has exceeded his birth weight by almost 7 oz! In not so great news, he chewed my nipples off last night. The left nipple now has a lump just dangling off the tip - feedings are starting to resemble a scene from a slasher movie.
Did anyone else find their babies fed quietly and efficiently during the day time and then at night turned into maniacal thrashing squirm monsters? At night he snarls and gnashes his gums, swings his head back and forth (with nipple attached of course), and kicks violently (usually straight in my incision wound too)... it always seems to end up with the both of us bawling crying
amc thank you for the tip re the bottle! I'm sorry to hear the 2 month shots were stressful... Hope you are both doing OK today
pancake thanks for the advice! I spoke at length with my GP about both issues and she is of the same view as you. She did say though that the studies she has read on tongue tie didn't assess impact on ability to BF, or the impact on the BF mother. I've also spoken to a Mum who let it resolve itself, and another Mum who got it treated, as I wanted to know what's involved. The first Mum found that after a trip to an osteopath the tongue tie issue was less significant, and that it eventually resolved itself. The other Mum was adamant the treatment made an enormous difference for her son. We have an appointment with a doctor today who runs a tongue tie clinic, to have him assessed, and we'll see what he says before making any further decisions. Your photos are ADORABLE, oh my gosh she is so cute she looks edible!!!
Freke you are really being put through the wringer with all these teeth at once!!! Hope you catch a break soon!
Monarch you are do sweet, thank you for the advice and for the support hon! I have a manual pump and it works well for me. I have nipple shields, and I also have breast shells I wear between feeds to collect any leaked BM and I get about an ounce out of those each time I change them, which is great. So the expressing isn't too taxing on me yet. I'd still rather not have to do it at all though!
Apologies to anyone I've missed, life is a bit stressful here and I am still getting to know who is who in this thread!