
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi ladies, thanks so much for all the advice so far!

For those of you who expressed and gave bottled BM, or if you supplemented, did you deal with nipple confusion at all? Or is that just a great big myth? I was advised no artificial nipples, not even a soother, for the first six weeks. At the moment we are using a syringe to feed Wee Button expressed BM.

In good news, he had his 2 week check up yesterday and he has exceeded his birth weight by almost 7 oz! In not so great news, he chewed my nipples off last night. The left nipple now has a lump just dangling off the tip - feedings are starting to resemble a scene from a slasher movie.

Did anyone else find their babies fed quietly and efficiently during the day time and then at night turned into maniacal thrashing squirm monsters? At night he snarls and gnashes his gums, swings his head back and forth (with nipple attached of course), and kicks violently (usually straight in my incision wound too)... it always seems to end up with the both of us bawling crying :(

amc thank you for the tip re the bottle! I'm sorry to hear the 2 month shots were stressful... Hope you are both doing OK today :)

pancake thanks for the advice! I spoke at length with my GP about both issues and she is of the same view as you. She did say though that the studies she has read on tongue tie didn't assess impact on ability to BF, or the impact on the BF mother. I've also spoken to a Mum who let it resolve itself, and another Mum who got it treated, as I wanted to know what's involved. The first Mum found that after a trip to an osteopath the tongue tie issue was less significant, and that it eventually resolved itself. The other Mum was adamant the treatment made an enormous difference for her son. We have an appointment with a doctor today who runs a tongue tie clinic, to have him assessed, and we'll see what he says before making any further decisions. Your photos are ADORABLE, oh my gosh she is so cute she looks edible!!! :)

Freke you are really being put through the wringer with all these teeth at once!!! Hope you catch a break soon!

Monarch you are do sweet, thank you for the advice and for the support hon! I have a manual pump and it works well for me. I have nipple shields, and I also have breast shells I wear between feeds to collect any leaked BM and I get about an ounce out of those each time I change them, which is great. So the expressing isn't too taxing on me yet. I'd still rather not have to do it at all though! :) Sounds like you have one super active little girl on your hands there! She sounds like she is just into everything :)

Apologies to anyone I've missed, life is a bit stressful here and I am still getting to know who is who in this thread!
Buttons, Oh my goodness girl, I just wanted to give you some solidarity. Definitely give your nipples a chance to heal by giving Wee Button a bottle. We did bottle feeding with Ethan @ 2 wks old (did SNS before that) and he had no nipple confusion. He did (and still does) prefer bottles at times. Also get yourself some nipple shields. I used them with Ethan 100% until he was about 5 wks, then he started being able to nurse au-natural at about 6 wks. TBH, I don't put stock into nipple confusion. 1) if you're being chewed up every night nursing, the reality is you're likely going to give up nursing sooner rather than later. If giving Wee Button a bottle for a week straight means you'll be more inclined to nurse longer (if that's what you want to do) then the ends justify the means in my head. 2) Ethan has gone back and forth between bottles, nipple shields and bare breast is is totally 100% fine with all of it. In fact when he's frantically hungry, I'll start him with a bottle then pop my boob in when he comes up for air. He's happy either way. Some LC's can get super crazy about no bottles, but TBH it's what works for you. If BFing is important to you, then give yourself a week or so to heal for a week. Or just give Wee Button bottles at night and nurse during the day.
Buttons said:
For those of you who expressed and gave bottled BM, or if you supplemented, did you deal with nipple confusion at all?

Nope. Night two in the hospital was really rough, and when the pediatrician came by the next morning he suggested a pacifier. The LC came by a bit later and agreed it was okay. She said she didn't buy into nipple confusion. B has had pacifiers, bottles, and boobs every day and hasn't been confused at all. I think he likes the bottle because he gets the goods faster.

monarch64 said:
AMC80, glad the 2 month stuff went ok

Thanks. We have to go back tomorrow and get one more shot since they were out of it yesterday. Boo.

pancake said:
amc - well done on getting through that first lot of immunisations! It's kinda heartbreaking, isn't it? Always helps to see how fast they bounce back though. How is sleep going?

Ummm, slightly better. We are pretty much down to two wakings during the night...except last night when he ate 3 or 4 times. But I blame that on his shots. Last night I was falling asleep on the couch by 9. DH asked me why I was so tired, since I had told him that B had done well the previous night. Um, "doing well" still means I got up twice to feed him and pumped one of those times. I wanted to punch him. Meanwhile, he'll help out with one feeding a night every now and then and it basically wrecks him for the entire next day. Are all guys such wimps?
Buttons - Ditto LC on giving your poor nipples a break and a chance to heal with a bottle. My daughter was a preemie, and since her neonatologists didn't seem concerned with nipple confusion, I decided I wouldn't let myself worry about it either. A was born at 30 weeks, and was using a pacifier since Day 1. Once she was able to feed orally, the majority of her feeds (per my request) were by bottle, since I was only available for 2 nursing sessions during my visits. Once I brought her home, I used nipple shields for quite a while. And now she is EB. In fact, she refused the bottle so adamantly for so long (screaming until she choked, arching her back, etc.), we gave up on using the bottle at all months ago (I'm a SAHM, so it works for us).

I admire your dedication and determination to do what you feel is best for Baby Button. I hope you, along with your medical professionals, are able to find a solution that works. But for the time being, a happy and healthy mom is much more important than nursing for every single feed.
PT, I'm going to echo Pancake here and say you need to post pics of Ava. (And I'm fully aware that I haven't posted anything from our vacation yet, but I'll do it soon, I promise!)

SugarPie, I love the pics of Miss L. Look at her eyes! It looks like she's taking in the whole world! I'm glad you're enjoying your maternity leave more this time around. And lemme just say how i"m totally jealous of your champ sleeper.

Dani, I love the picture of little Lucas. He looks like such a prince :) Hope things are going OK with you two.

Missy, aw, I love B's look with his cute little tongue poking out :) Totally hear ya on the 4 month wakeful. That's when we started goign to pot with the night time sleeps with Ethan. Combo of starting day care, de-swaddling, getting sick, and going out of town for a wedding. There are some other mamas, who say their LOs just didn't nap much but slept through the night well. I'm hoping Blake will be one of those (outside of the teething/wakeful/wonderweek stuff though). I hope the flat head is minor and can be corrected with tummy time etc. I think there were a few babies that had helmets etc and everything turned out fine. So in the end, don't sweat too much. My heart breaks every time we have to do shots too, but they seem totally fine with it in a few short mins.

PP, hope L's sleeping is slowly getting better. I totally know what you're talking about. Ethan still hasn't been STTN yet. I'm waiting until he gets readjusted back on schedule then will try some controlled sleep training/crying.

NEL, OMG I can't believe Katie's crawling! Ethan has ZERO interest in crawling anywhere, he gets around by flopping/wiggling and rolling. I must admit I'm not really itching for him to get mobile because we really haven't done much at all in terms of baby-proofing. So glad her night sleeps are going better. I know you mentioned you guys did some sleep training with Katie, what did you guys do? I think I'm about ready to get Ethan to consistently sleep at least 8 hrs.

AMC, OMG husbands can be SUCH BABIES! James very rarely takes any overnight wakings with Ethan. And when he does he turns the baby monitor off. Yesterday I decided to just leave the monitor off since I can hear him crying anyway, and wake James up in "OMG the baby's crying, why isn't the monitor working?" I'm definitely not as sleep sensitive as James is, so whenever he's up with Ethan he's like, "I need a nap etc". I'm like really, 'cause I"m up with him every day and I never get to take a nap...

Pancake, I'm so glad S made the room transition so well. I'm sure it' was tougher for you than her. Has S decided to drop to 1 nap yet? So cute that she's rolling over. Ethan rolls back and forth in his crib all the time now. I find he sleeps best on his tummy so most MOTN wakings I just put him back on his tummy to sleep. I can't believe how much she eats! I tried table food with Ethan, but J freaked out when Ethan had a minor choking episode because he didn't chew everything up. I'm goign to wait for his 9M appt and get a doctor's note that we need to start table food. I weighed Ethan on vacation and he was 10kg (that's about 22 lbs). Ethan doesn't do much milk during the day anymore. He refuses most of his bottles @ day care, and drinks about 150-180 ml (5-6oz) between 7PM and 10PM.

Freke, is A better? I hope the cold was just a pass through. :( I can't believe she's getting her teeth so fast and furious. :)

S&I, Hooray for A starting solids. So cute he loves avocado so much. Hee hee. J loves it when Ethan says "Dah! Dah!" also. I keep trying to get him to say "Ma" no dice. So now I'm settling with him signing Mama.

Monnie, LOL about being a neurotic mama, I feel like that too. Ethan puts all sorts of things in his mouth now I just try to make sure there's no hair on it, and it's not poisoinous. Fortunately for me he's not quite mobile yet, but dude, I can only imagine how much more headache it will be for me.

AFU, I think Ethan's just about back to his regular schedule. He was a stinker and wanted company last night, everytime I put him back in his crib he'd fuss then end up crying. I was tempted to just let him CIO, but I think it'd be a little tough with him just coming back from Europe and with the time adjustment. I'm goign to start some moderate CIO this weekend. Need to steel James against it too.

ANd I know you guys have asked for Apline Ethan pics and I pulled them off the camera this morning. So I'll find a few to upload this evening when I get home. I promise!
lliang_chi said:
AMC, OMG husbands can be SUCH BABIES! James very rarely takes any overnight wakings with Ethan. And when he does he turns the baby monitor off. Yesterday I decided to just leave the monitor off since I can hear him crying anyway, and wake James up in "OMG the baby's crying, why isn't the monitor working?" I'm definitely not as sleep sensitive as James is, so whenever he's up with Ethan he's like, "I need a nap etc". I'm like really, 'cause I"m up with him every day and I never get to take a nap...

Exactly! And I failed to mention that DH is STILL on paternity leave through the end of the month. So I get up for night feeds and have to go to work all day. In all fairness, I'm a ridiculously light sleeper, and he's the even if he was the one getting up I'd be up too. But still...
AMC I'm totally not a light sleeper, but I can wake up when Ethan's crying. He has to be crying, not just fussing. Anyway, James says he can never hear Ethan crying when he's sleeping but he has rabbit ears that he hear E *starting* to fuss when the TV's one, washing machine going and surfing the internet. :rolleyes:
Ooooooh amc80, I would be very cross if my hubby were still on pat leave and complaining about overnight feeds! It is really hard with a newborn, but maybe the two of you need to try and a) find some time - even 30 minutes - just for yourselves, and b) try and find another 15 minutes here and there to talk about how you're travelling as new parents and as partners? I remember that navigating that early stage (first few months maybe) as a couple was quite challenging, and I remember posting about it here. Janine (hello J, we miss you here!) told me that it was just part and parcel and that we had to do what we could for ourselves, but meanwhile to just ride it out and it would improve - and she was right.

Meanwhile, maybe you could gently suggest to hubby that he keeps his remarks about your tiredness to himself? D has worked out by now that when eg. call him at work about some issue S is having, I'm not actually calling for advice, I'm calling to vent, and that advice will actually irritate me! (this happened yesterday, more below)

LC - I will refrain from starting a slow hand-clap for those Alpine Ethan photos. But DYING to see them. What is the time diff between Switzerland and home? I agree, it's a little tough using CIO when his body clock is so confused.

S hasn't "officially" dropped to one nap, although that's what happened yesterday (and it wasn't much of a nap either) - see the bottom of my post. But I don't think that babies drop the 2nd nap until after 12 months, usually.

Buttons - I am so glad your GP is so supportive and sensible! I think your plan of action sounds very good. Re nipple confusion - FWIW, the literature doesn't really bear it out. But anecdotally, some women swear their babies had issues. For us, it wasn't a problem, but we only used bottles for 24 hours around day 4, when my milk still hadn't come in and S was getting dry and had lost a lot of weight. My personal thoughts on your situation are a) your nipples need to heal, b) feed Wee Buttons however necessary to keep him happy and you sane, and c) don't be drawn into any guilt-tripping or doctrine that states that You Will Ruin [insert aspect of baby's life] By Doing [x, y or z]. Ain't gonna happen! So make sure that you look after yourself as a priority, so that you have the emotional and physical energy to adapt to new motherhood and hopefully have a teeny bit left in the tank to enjoy it. Hugs to you!!!

(Oh and I don't believe in syringe/cup feeding either... which is obv because I don't believe in nipple confusion. I think babies are designed to suck, therefore let them suck! Developmentally they have difficulty handling fluids at the front of their mouths, so I don't like substitute feeding methods that require them to. But again, what I'm saying is just different from what others are saying, and you just have to work out what's right for you. Mixed messages are one of the hardest parts of this whole thing)!

Monnie, I don't think you have to justify how you're "momming" or any of your perceived inconsistencies - you're the boss, haha! Sounds like A is doing really well and that she's a happy little thing, so regardless of what you're cautious about or not, it's definitely working! I think LC also has an enthusiastic dog (LC was it Quizas who liked to lick the baby?) and Ethan is none the worse for it. S absolutely LUNGES at my in-laws' dogs.

AFU - well, I don't know what the little early morning wake-ups were a few weeks ago, but I think we have now actually hit WW37, or the 8 month sleep regression, or whatever you want to call it. Yesterday was literally our worst day since Dot was a tiny baby! I think I mentioned in my last post that a few days ago, S had a lot of trouble getting down for her morning nap - screaming, flipping over, etc. Well, yesterday she did that for The. Entire. Day. I put her down at 10:30 (usual sleepy cues, usual nap time following usual wake time) and then the whole thing was a massive fail until...well, bedtime yesterday evening, really). I'd put her in bed and she would absolutely SCREAM (long-timers here will know that S is definitely NOT a screamer), and then whilst screaming would flip onto her tummy, then end up with her head stuck against the cot and her legs between the bars (despite sleeping bag), then SCREAM LOUDER, then I'd flip her over, and she'd scream....rinse and repeat ad infinitum. She finally went down at 2:30...for 45 minutes. Then woke screaming. Then would not go back down (by this stage we'd already gone out to the shops so I could buy a mesh bumper for the cot, so that was on already). I put her in the Ergo and decided to walk to the supermarket to get a couple of things and hoped she'd sleep...nope.

Funnily enough she got a second (or third or fourth) wind around dinner time and then was perfectly happy through the bath-feed-bed routine.

Where has my happy, sleeping, self-soothing, routine-driven baby gone???

Now am completely freaked out that this is going to happen every day for the next little while. Cross your fingers for me, girls!

In other news, we also had a health nurse visit amongst all of the hysteria yesterday. Almost 29 inches (Google just converted it for me!), 17lb14oz (ditto). She's a giant - length now well above the 90th centile. She sure doesn't get that from me - yet another thing to add to the bank of Things In Which Dot Takes After Dad :lol: I swear, the only things she got from me are her Asianness and her nose! The rest is ALL D!
Monnie/Pancake, yes Quizas loves licking Ethan, especially after he eats his solids. And J thinks it's funny so he lets her get a couple of licks in before he tells her to stop.

Pancake, Switzerland was 7 hrs ahead of us. I think Ehtan's just about adjusted. TBH the adjustment coming home was no where near as bad as his adjustment going to Europe. And I'm really sorry to hear about the super tough time S gave you. We have the mesh bumpers on Ethan's crib and love it. The cribs in the hotels in Switzerland didn't have it, and the slats were much wider apart, so E got his arms/legs stuck against them all the time.
OK, as promised some Alpine Ethan pictures. I haven't gone through all yet, I need to offload some files to make space, but these are what loaded up.



Hey mamas, what are you kiddos dressing up as for Halloween? Are you dressing them up? I proposed a "costume parade" for all the babies, that is everyone post pics of their babies in costume. I'm planning on working on Ethan's costume this weekend. :)
ALPINE ETHAN!11111 :love: :love: :love:

That is all.

Oh - except - we don't really do Halloween much over here so I hadn't thought about dress-ups...
Aw, Pancake, S is so expressive it'd be so fun to have her in a Halloween costume!
Today, B figured out that he can 1) hold on to things, and 2) put those things in his mouth. Very interesting to watch seeing how yesterday he couldn't do either!

B will be a giraffe for Halloween. We figured, given his stature, that it was an appropriate costume :)

LC - Love your costume parade idea! Ava is going to be Snow White (store bought, since I lack crafting/sewing talent). The mamas in my Play Group decided to do a Halloween party for one of our play dates, so of course I have to dress Ava up!
AMC, look at that cutie little outfit! I think Bobbin's C has a pink giraffe outfit that looks similar.

PT, please, I have minor sewing and crafting skills. Basically enough to make simple costumes, or stuff that don't need to hold up for very long. I'm making Ethan a pumpkin costume. We'll see how it goes, LOL.
Ethan as a pumpkin!!!!

I feel so, so, so behind! It's impossible to keep up right now, but I do read every few days and think of you ladies often.

The babies are too stinking cute. Gosh! It's been said over and over, and I must agree: PSers make the cutest babies!

Buttons: We've used pacifiers since Elie's first week of life, and bottles since her second... and no nipple confusion to speak of. There are times when she seems to prefer the bottle, other times, the breast. And I have low supply, so I was worried that she'd start to reject the boob. Hasn't happened yet. So I say, give Wee Button a bottle and give your boobs a break! You need to heal, mama.

I love the idea of a costume parade. Eloise is going to be a cat. I'm making her costume this weekend.

Eloise will be 11 weeks old on Sunday. She's 11.5 pounds and growing each day. Being back at work is getting easier, though I've had some difficulties with her care prover (but I can be overbearing and neurotic when it comes to E). Basically, I think she over-feeds Eloise and she keeps putting diaper cream on her, which is ruining our cloth dipes ;( Eloise is a happy, chatty girl... Gosh do I love her! I never expected to be so, so, so in love with this little person, and it's wonderful!

I still nurse when I can and pump while at work. Nursing is getting better! I'm finally taking domperidone, and while it hasn't caused a dramatic supply shift, I think it helps some. I know it's controversial, but I started seeking milk donors through Eats on Feets and Human Milk for Human Babies. For us, it's a great option. I linked up with another mama who has a crazy oversupply, and she gave us about 700 ounces of frozen milk, all pumped when her daughter was the age of Eloise. Because of this generosity, we've been formula free for a while and will be able to remain so until Eloise is six months (assuming my supply stays around the low to mid 20 ounces each day).

PPD is definitely in check. I am not weepy or angry or generally crazy 8) Not sure if it's Zoloft, an improved BFing relationship, extra support from DH, regulating hormones, or a combo of all of the above.

I hope to properly respond to everyone in the days that come. Life is finally settling down, or I'm getting used to the rapid pace... or something.

One more photo... Eloise enjoying some microbrews!

Speaking of Halloween and pumpkins...
Hi ladies :wavey:

I am so so far behind - I haven't posted in aaages so I am not going to even attempt to catch up!

Re nipple confusion Buttons, I was so so scared of this, I remember being in tears feeding C with a syringe the day we brought her home from hospital - she wouldn't latch and it would take over an hour to feed her. We went to a clinic the next day and they told me to use a bottle. They said that no-one can ever predict whether nipple confusion will or won't occur and I couldn't sustain taking an hour to feed her every few hours in the middle of the night for my own emotional wellbeing. So C used a bottle for every single feed from 4 days old to 4 weeks old. She feeds like a champ now. I did use a peristaltic nipple, which is much slower than other nipples and the milk only comes out if the baby is sucking the way they do at the breast (supposedly). Hugs, I know how frustrating and emotional it can be to have difficulty with bf'ing.

AFU: We are back from our 3 week trip to our home town, and then a family holiday doing the Great Ocean Road to Melbourne and then flying home. It was a lot of fun and C adapted really well to being in a new place almost every night and doing a lot of driving.

C is still developing very quickly. She is now very mobile as she can roll both directions easily, sit unassisted and get up onto her hands and knees by herself from lying on her tummy. She isn't crawling yet, but by combining rolling and swivelling, she can easily move a few metres by herself quickly. She cut her first tooth two days ago (with no fuss - phew).

She will be 6 months old on Monday! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown.

We have well and truly started solids, doing baby led weaning. It is fun, and C is surprisingly good at getting the food down. She loves bread and meat the most, but we do try and limit the amount of bread we give her. Today I tried her with some frozen mango in a mesh feeder and she devoured it!

I am returning to work in 2 months time, and I really need to organise childcare NOW! I am wanting to get her into family daycare (one carer caring for a group of children in their own home) but they told me that they wouldn't know whether they had a spot for her, and hence I couldn't meet with the FDC mum's, until mid November, and I want her to start orientation in December! It is frustrating. I am going to go and enrol her in the local centre I like the most next week, and then hope I can get her into FDC in the meantime. I am starting to feel really sad about it again!

And some pics:

Eating mango:

Wearing Nana's baby dress at exactly 5 months old:

In the manduca asleep:

About to be eaten by a velociraptor:
And yes, she does have a pink giraffe outfit similar to B's :)

Here I am casually sharing a milkshake with my little giraffe ;)

Hey all!!! :wavey:

Just checking all of these pics of the gorgeous babes!!!! We are doing pretty well over here! Baby Lucas is such a sweetheart....he is great 90% of the time, just a little fussy in the evenings, when my poor hubby gets home, but from everything I've read, that is pretty normal. He is also extra hungry at that time. The bf is going well, thank goodness...but it took me a good 2 weeks to feel more comfortable and not question literally everything that I was doing. My Mom and my hubs have been so supportive, which has helped immensely. I truly think that great support is the key to successful bf!!!!

And here is a pic of my angel baby that I took this am after his bath....I'm so in love with this little boy!!!! :)) Happy Friday everyone!!!!

CUTENESS overload!!! these babies are GORGEOUS and mamas!!!! :love: :love:
Request for PS dust...

Were seeing IBCLC #5 today- a woman who specializes in identifying tongue ties. I'm a member of a low supply support group on FB, and after describing DD's issues, one of the moms said, "Sounds like a posterior tongue tie and lip tie." She sent me a list of symptoms for mom and baby, and we have almost all of them :( Ellie can stick her tongue OUT, so most everyone we've worked with says, "No tongue tie!" but she seems to have a hard time lifting it up toward the roof of her mouth... Classic sign of a PTT.

If she does have one, it can be clipped; and with a little therapy, she may learn to nurse effectively. So I guess I'm hoping for a positive diagnosis and a solution,once and for all.
Life is still too crazy around here for me to post regularly but I thought I'd jump in here with a question. Did any of you deal with a baby who had his nights and days reversed? Did baby gradually adjust or did you do something to try to shift it? Thanks for any advice.
Ugh. Sleep issues. Graduated her to her crib, so that's way exciting. But it comes with it's own set of problems....because now all she wants to do is play in her crib. Stand up on the sides, try to pull things out of the clothes hamper, etc.

So last night: 13 hours, woke up 11:30pm went back to sleep with the bottle, slept from at 8:30 until 9:30
Thursday night: 11 hours
Wednesday night: 8.5 hours, neighbor's guest blasted they bass music at 10:30 which woke her up, she couldn't go back to sleep until 2am, woke up at
Tuesday night: 12 hours, straight
Monday night: 11 hours, 1 wake up

Nap times have become a mess. I don't want to think about it anymore.

Here is a picture of our bumblebee. Halloween party tonight. I'm not dressing up

monkeyprincess|1350761906|3289203 said:
Life is still too crazy around here for me to post regularly but I thought I'd jump in here with a question. Did any of you deal with a baby who had his nights and days reversed? Did baby gradually adjust or did you do something to try to shift it? Thanks for any advice.
MP, you have a wee little one right? At first they are used to sleeping during the day - walking moms are great for soothing and rocking a baby to sleep. We just did all we could to expose her to daylight to jumpstart her Circadian rhythm. They say (who they is, I don't know) that you should give them lots of exposure to afternoon sunlight. So we went for lots of afternoon walks.
PilsnPinkysMom|1350747176|3289117 said:
Request for PS dust...

Were seeing IBCLC #5 today- a woman who specializes in identifying tongue ties. I'm a member of a low supply support group on FB, and after describing DD's issues, one of the moms said, "Sounds like a posterior tongue tie and lip tie." She sent me a list of symptoms for mom and baby, and we have almost all of them :( Ellie can stick her tongue OUT, so most everyone we've worked with says, "No tongue tie!" but she seems to have a hard time lifting it up toward the roof of her mouth... Classic sign of a PTT.

If she does have one, it can be clipped; and with a little therapy, she may learn to nurse effectively. So I guess I'm hoping for a positive diagnosis and a solution,once and for all.

Dust, PPM! I went through a pretty similar experience, and I remember how infuriating and frustrating it can be! My almost 15-month old daughter has a posterior tongue tie and when she was a newborn everyone said they "couldn't see it" through regular exam. Two ENTs said they could clip her if they put her under general and really went after it, and while I decided to pump exclusively instead since she was so tiny and my anesthesiologist husband was opposed, I can now confidently say that you can actually see it now that she's older--her tongue is heart-shaped and she still has trouble lifting it. We are doing exercises to strengthen her tongue and improve elevation, but I still wonder if clipping it would have worked and allowed me to breastfeed and saved my boobs! Not to mention a piece of my sanity by saving so much time with pumping/feeding. Good luck to you--I hope you guys find a solution that works for you!
Just stopping by for all the adorable pictures!!

No time for individual replies, but LC, the Alpine pics are amazing--it looks like a wonderful vacation!! And I bow down to you for making E's costume! Pancake, it sounds like things are going well. New milestones are the worst for sleep, aren't they? Every time K learns a new skill she wants to practice in her crib. PnPsMom, it sounds like you've likely found the source of the problem, which is more than half the battle in my opinion. I really hope you can turn a bfing corner. MP, it's so great seeing you here!! No advice from me, but I do hope the nights/days get sorted out for you. It all happens in the blink of an eye, it seems.

Great seeing all the new moms and I just love the pics!

AFU. I'm working an insane number of hours. Like Freke's A, K is up sporadically at night trying to pull herself up in the crib. It's like she's sleep climbing. I think everyone is exhausted.

I'll try to catch up more later...