
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

MP, I ditto everything Pancake said about the city mini. It's a great all-purpose stroller for sidewalks and stores. It's really easy to maneuver and still has all the great features of the other Baby Jogger strollers. It also fits well in tight spaces like crowded malls or small stores, unlike the city elite. You should get it, especially if you found a good deal on one!
MP, I also have the City Mini (the GT). I havent used it yet, using my Snap n Go for now, but I did EXTENSIVE research on strollers, and the City Mini got the most consistent and best reviews across the board. I say, get it!!! :))
Thanks ladies, I went ahead and ordered the stroller because I do think it will suit our purposes. We live in a suburban area with well-paved walking trails. Of course, we are in the middle of a blizzard today, so it will be awhile before we start using it! We have the Chicco Caddy but have yet to open the box. We may just end up selling that one and getting the carseat adapter for the city mini if we need it.

E had his 2 month appointment yesterday. The shots about killed me, but he was okay after a couple minutes. The doctor was not at all concerned with the slight assymetry I notice on his head. He said it would take a lot more for him to recommend PT. He said just focus on tummy time and encouraging different positions. He also told us to start E on Nutramigen. Anyone have experience with that formula? He thinks he may have a cow's milk allergy or intolerance, due to the fussiness, diaper inconsistency and slowish weight gain. E is not quite 11 pounds and 24 inches long. E took the new formula easily, but he seemed uncomfortable last night. I'm sure he is just adjusting to a new formula, but I really hope it wasn't a mistake to switch!
MP, glad everything went well and the doc doesn't seem concerned. Those are always nice words.

Car seat question- We are going to be buying a convertible soon, since B's seat only goes to 28.5". I figure we've got about a month before he hits that. The problem, though, is he obviously can't sit on his own yet. So what do we do with him in stores? I think he's too young/weak to sit in the shopping cart. We have one of those shopping cart pad things, which might help, but I'm still not sure. What did any of you mommas do if you switched to a convertible at an early age?
amc80|1356037367|3336742 said:
MP, glad everything went well and the doc doesn't seem concerned. Those are always nice words.

Car seat question- We are going to be buying a convertible soon, since B's seat only goes to 28.5". I figure we've got about a month before he hits that. The problem, though, is he obviously can't sit on his own yet. So what do we do with him in stores? I think he's too young/weak to sit in the shopping cart. We have one of those shopping cart pad things, which might help, but I'm still not sure. What did any of you mommas do if you switched to a convertible at an early age?

I'd either wear him if you need a cart in the store, or use the stroller if you don't. I wear Nora half the time anyway because it's so much easier and gives me the cart room for actual stuff.
MP, late to the party but the City Mini will totally be a use all around stroller. We took ours (bought used on CL) to Switzerland with us, and it was great, even on cobblestone. And Ethan kinda liked the rumbles and bumps. I'm glad your pedi said that Ev's head looks "unconcerning". That's always a good thing. I think right around 2-3 months is when us as Moms starting to see flattening because they still can roll over yet, but docs know when there's one that's BAD and one that'll right itself on its own. That being said, do trust your Mommy Instincts when you get them. You know your baby best. (more to this below) I'm really hoping the new formula will help Ev be a little more comfortable.
And TBH, Ethan is lacking in the self soothing abilities too. Every baby is different so I wouldn't sweat it too much. Just figure out if what's happening is working for you. It does for me, I'm still functional the next day, so I'm not hard pressed to make any changes.

AMC, we got Dionos for our convertible. Ethan was old enough to sit on his own, though. I agree with steph, either use the stroller as your cart, or wear him. The biggest adjustment was getting used to having to sort him out when you walk in from the car. In the infant seats, you can just leave them still strapped in (especially if he's sleeping). Now, I have to juggle all the bags from daycare and work, plus the dog, plus Ethan. Walk in the door and put him on the floor with toys to entertain himself. THEN i can take my coat off, put away the day care diapers, bottles etc. Did B have his ultrasound yet? What would the treatment be for hydrocele? Also don't be scared to try fruit and veggie purees either. I found rice cereal got Ethan really constipated. Also, Ethan always watches football with Daddy.

Rachel, how are things going with you? Were you finally able to kick the thrush?

Pancake, wow, I can't believe we're already at 10 months!!! I feel like our babies were just born. Wow! One of my coworkers heard the saying, "The days are long, but the years are short" That's so true. So great that S is starting to get on the move. I rather enjoyed the non-mobile stage.

Monnie, what a sweet picture of you and Miss A! Hope you had a great holiday party. I love her little dress!

Mayer, so sweet of you to say you'll miss us when we graduate. I think PS in general is such a great community, it makes this whole first time mama thing a little easier coming here and swapping stories, advice, tricks, etc. Ethan was getting up for the day at 6:15AM, but that was because J would take him to day care. Now he's getting up 6:30 or 7AM.

JGator, I hope your ILs visit is going smoothly. It really bugs me when people decide they have the best advice/way to do something. I have no qualms telling them, "This is not your baby." Sounds like K is doing great! Hoping the BFing continues well for you. Did you find a nanny you like?

Dani, Ethan was an every 2 hr during the day, and 4 hr at night BF baby. Does L take a suckie? Ethan would take that at his midnight wake up and that was the first time he went 6 hrs. Hoping the bottle feeding is going better this week. Sounds like L is definitely an opinionated baby :)

NEL, how is sweet Katie? Standing for longer now? Did D take her to see Santa?

Buttons, glad you're back! Looks like T's doing great and I'm so glad the TT'd ended up helping so much. You really deserve a nursing present for everything you went through. Sounds like you still have a great supply too :) So cute that T likes your singing so much. I sing to Ethan when he's fussy in the car seat. It helps. I keep hinting that James try it too but he refusing to sing out loud. LOL. Aside from the baby monitor you can maybe get an Angel Monitor? It's a board that goes under the baby (between the mattress and the baby) that senses the pressure from the baby's breathing. When it stops for X time then it beeps. Not sure if they have that in Oz but it's worth checking it out.

AFU, Ethan's FINALLY crawling! Monday he'd only crawl on carpet, but now he crawls every so often on the floor too. He finally got there. :) In other news he also came down with an ear infection. On Sunday he had a bit of a fever, on Monday I stayed home with him. Tuesday when I went to feed him his breakfast bottle I noticed he was burning up! J and I took him to the doctor (I totally had to push for an appt too, annoying!) and it turns out he has an ear infection. So we're treating with amoxacillan. Hoping it'll clear up before we fly down to Florida on Sunday for the holidays.

Happy holidays to everyone!



LC, love the pics! So sweet. Yes, I am going to trust my gut and monitor Ev's head. He goes in again in two weeks for a weight check, so we will be able to ask more questions. E seems a bit unsettled with the new formula but I assume that is because he needs to get used to it for a few days. We shall see. Hope your little guy feels better soon! Poor little thing.

Buttons, I second the angel care and video monitor. That is what we use and it gives us so much peace of mind. I never mentioned this before because I didn't want to scare anyone in the pregnancy thread, but my husband's sister's first baby died during childbirth. It was a horrible tragedy that could have been prevented with proper fetal monitoring. Anyway, as a result my DH was really nervous during the labor and delivery of our son and watched the baby's heart rate like a hawk. He is still very worried about things like SIDS or choking, etc. The angel care monitor allows us both to be less hypervigilant. We have not had any false alarms since the first week when we were just figuring out how to set it up. I hope you are able to find something that puts your husband more at ease. It is so hard being a parent and having to learn to trust and have faith that your baby is in God's hands.
Hi ladies.

A is too old to be in here, but you guys are my homies!

She walks. Not long (7 steps is the current record) but walking none-the-less.

She also has a really nasty cold and a double ear infection. She and her dad have been suffering through it for the past week, and I think she's finally starting to get better...and the doc tells us she has an ear infection. Poor thing. Eh well, I'm hoping she will feel better before Sunday when we will be leaving on a jet plane...New Mexico bound. I'm also hoping I don't come down with whatever they have going on, because if I come down with it, we're having a California Christmas.

We got her an assortment of toys and books for Christmas, nothing huge because she's still so little and doesn't "get it" yet, but we ended up getting her something bigger we thought she'd like, and I wasn't going to wait around until Christmas to see if she liked it. So far, home run on the Christmas present thing.

Hugs to everyone! And keep those pictures coming!



LC- what a cutie Ethan is!!! I hope he feels better soon, poor little man!!!

Yep, he will take a pacifier, but he can't keep it in his mouth!!! Just pushes it out with his tongue! Is that normal?

Ladies, are there days when babies just aren't interested in eating like they normally do? L has been strange lately with his feedings. A few weeks ago he really started nursing a lot quicker than he had been ( like spending half the time that he was) Now, the past few days, theres been a lot of fussing at the breast, pushing away, flailing. It's frustrating! it's making me concerned hes not getting enough. He is having plenty of wet and poopy diapers but still!!! And he is acting normally too otherwise.
Love the pics of E and A!

LC and Freke, you both have sick babies and are travelling on Sunday? At least you found out now and can treat the ear infections before getting on the plane. Once K is on antibiotics for her ear infections, she's usually better within a couple of days even though the dose lasts 10 days.

We're also flying on Sunday. And K has had a low-grade fever for the past 2 days. I'm in lotus position (nod to LC on that one) hoping that she does not come down with a cold. For K, a cold pretty much guarantees an ear infection.

Oh, and Freke, I love that chair! I may steal that idea for K's bday!

LC, K isn't really standing on her own more, but she walks along EVERYTHING. Walls, tables, furniture. Since I've been typing this she's walked around the kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and our office. She's headed towards the living room now.

Dani, it sounds like L is doing just fine. The appetite fluctuation is completely normal, though I STILL get concerned when K's appetite wanes. But the wet/poopy diapers are evidence that nothing is wrong.

MP, great that your ped isn't concerned about E's head! Just keep an eye on it and don't be afraid to push your ped if you get concerned. it sounds like E's ears are fine--K also has one ear that is slightly closer to her head. The only actual concern is if one is lower than the other due to the plagiocephaly. Sounds like E is going to be just fine and it really does get easier once they are more active.

amc, B is a big boy!! I looooove big baby boys!

Buttons, I definitely recommend a video monitor for peace of mind.

Pancake, I can't believe we're celebrating our babies' 10-month bdays!! How is the crawling going??

1. All I want for Christmas is a baby that doesn't cry for entire flight on Sunday.
2. We've having home renovations done, so our house is covered in a film of sawdust. Having an active crawling/toddling baby in a work zone is no fun, but they should be done by mid-January.
3. K turned 10 months this week and I'm really loving this phase. Everything is interesting to her and the cute way she "talks" to everything she's exploring cracks me up. I want to know what her little brain is thinking.

Also, on a not-so-great note, I feel like D and I are in a funk. I won't get into all the details, but ultimately he's tired of my constant stress and I'm frustrated with how much is on my plate. He's working insane hours and hates it, but I'm busy with work, too, and have more on my plate at home.

We'd been talking about trying for #2 starting in January, but I'm afraid having an infant + toddler will really hurt our relationship given the recent strain with just having 1. My boss offered to let me go back to 3 days/week now that we are finalzing next year's scope. On one hand, that would be ideal for me in terms of work/life balance, but I told him I needed to think about it. I hate to even say this out loud, but I'm just being honest: one of my thoughts was "what if D and I end up getting divorced? I need to be making more of my own money". How awful is that? I really don't think we're anywhere close to being THAT strained, but it was concerning to me that it creeped into my thoughts.

Anyway, sorry for my slightly "down" post, but this is a thread where I can be transparent. I'm really hoping the Christmas break gives us both some time to relax, it is much needed!

ETA: K's 10 month pic!

Just a quick post to say that, NEL, I'm sorry to hear about the strain in your relationship with DH. It's difficult, isn't it? We stress and they think our stress is unnecessary. DH is a bit like that too. I hope you manage to clear the air soon.
NEL, K is looking adorable as always. She is such a "classic" looking baby with her big blue eyes and dark hair. Reminds me of pictures I've seen of babies from the 1950s. Is that weird? Sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch. I can only imagine things get more stressful when both parents are back at work. I'm really scared to start in two weeks. Having a baby really does change the marriage dynamic. I feel much more like business partners or something than romantic partners right now, which is hard. Hoping we are able to establish some intimacy again soon because I can see that it will put a strain on things if we don't. But little E is the master of the house right now.... You're lucky you have an option to work part time. That just hasn't worked well for ladies who have tried that at my firm. The partners still expect them to be on call all the time. I would love to work part time if it were feasible, but we rely on my job for our medical insurance because DH works for himself. Hope K feels better before your flight!

Wow Dani, I cannot believe how big your little guy is getting. E is such a little runt. He was not quite 11 pounds when they weigh him the other day, although he is really tall. I am going to put away some of his 0-3 sleepers because they are just not long enough anymore and pull at his shoulders when he stretches out his legs. We are working on tanking him up more to put on some weight. It's hard though because in the past he has spit up a lot if we feed him more than 3 oz at a time. For the past two days, I've been giving him 4 oz every 3 hours, and he seems to be handling it well. I think the Nutramigen is a lot thinner though because he gulps it down really fast. Hopefully, we weren't starving the little guy before!

Freak, A looks darling in her little chair! Hope she feels better soon and you don't get sick!

ETA: Oops! My phone auto corrected and called you "Freak" instead of "Freke"! Sorry about that!
lliang_chi|1356063648|3336994 said:
AMC, we got Dionos for our convertible. Ethan was old enough to sit on his own, though. I agree with steph, either use the stroller as your cart, or wear him. The biggest adjustment was getting used to having to sort him out when you walk in from the car. In the infant seats, you can just leave them still strapped in (especially if he's sleeping). Now, I have to juggle all the bags from daycare and work, plus the dog, plus Ethan. Walk in the door and put him on the floor with toys to entertain himself. THEN i can take my coat off, put away the day care diapers, bottles etc. Did B have his ultrasound yet? What would the treatment be for hydrocele? Also don't be scared to try fruit and veggie purees either. I found rice cereal got Ethan really constipated. Also, Ethan always watches football with Daddy.

Super, that sounds like tons of fun :roll: His u/s is on Sunday. (Googling treatment.) Ummm looks like surgery. Fabulous. Or repeated aspiration. Poor little dude.

NewEnglandLady said:
amc, B is a big boy!! I looooove big baby boys!
I'm sure he'll outgrow me by the time he's 10. I'll be the short one in the family (you know, being 5'7" and all).

stephb0lt said:
I'd either wear him if you need a cart in the store, or use the stroller if you don't. I wear Nora half the time anyway because it's so much easier and gives me the cart room for actual stuff.

I think this is what I'll do. Not happy for my back, this kid is heavy! I guess in another month or so he should be able to sit in the cart, especially with one of the cart seat cover things.
NEL, Cute chubby Katie!!! I want to snuggle her she looks so ADORABLE! I'm hoping K stays cold-free also. Are you guys headed to the KS for the holidays? Ethan's cruising too. He likes to walk around the ottoman, he also crawls under the dining table and uses the chairs to walk around. He pulls up on the walls and cabinets too. I try to keep him out of the kitchen since I'm always cooking by myself and can't cook and watch him at the same time.
I'm sorry to hear about the stress both you and your DH are experiencing. I hope this trip will be what you guys need to hit the reset button. I feel that sometimes everyday life works its way into everything, you really need to shake things up to reset. I remember even our trip to Switzerland J and I were literally fighting the first 4 days. It was HORRIBLE. Then Ethan's schedule adjusted and we were fine after that. Anyway, what I'm saying is, this trip can be good. You're both away from work so you can turn that off, and you've got family around you so they can help with the Katie chores, so you have less of that on your plate and more time to just enjoy each other and enjoy your daughter.

Dani, aw so cute he pushes the paci out. Does he do that immediately or does it fall out after snoozing? If he immediately spits it out then maybe he doens't like it? But baby's preferences change (by the minute it seems), so keep trying if you're willing to go with the pacifiers. Ethan weaned himself off the paci, but it's never the end of the world (today, according to the Mayans) to get him off it when he gets older. And yes, the appetite fluctuations are totally normal. As long as he's peeing and pooping enough, it's OK.

Freke, A looks so comfy in her new chair! I love it! Glad she's enjoying it too. Hooray for walking! Sorry she's under the weather but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll be in A-game shape for the flight on Sunday. I'm hoping you don't catch anything either. Stock up on VitaC and OJ!

MP, How sad to hear about your SIL's first baby. I can see why your DH is so hypervigilant with Ev. It does sound like Ev will take a few days to get used to the new formula. Keep us posted. He's such a handsome little man, I just love hearing about your stories of him smiling and cooing. :love:

AMC, aw, I hope things are OK with B. I'll be thinking of you guys this weekend for the U/S.

Awwww, LC, NEL, Freke, cuuuuuute pictures!

:::panic::: Elliot is basically crawling! What an overachiever! It's not a real crawl or even an army crawl, but he'll grab the rug and pull himself forward. Miles gets around somehow too but only when I'm not watching. I'll put him on his mat, go make a bottle, and when I come back he'll be half way across the room. I think I need to set up a video camera or something! Miles is also getting two teeth. This is so new to me because Oliver got his first tooth after he was one! It's funny because you sort of expect things to go the same way when you have your second, but everything is different. I knew logically they wouldn't be little O clones, or even clones of each other, but somehow I'm always surprised when things take a different course. :loopy:
Kunzite, Ethan was getting around by belly surfing for a good 6 wks before he started crawling for real. Watch out, they become pretty adept at belly scoots. :) How is Miles doing with the teething?
lliang_chi|1356120953|3337562 said:
Kunzite, Ethan was getting around by belly surfing for a good 6 wks before he started crawling for real. Watch out, they become pretty adept at belly scoots. :) How is Miles doing with the teething?

He's been a real champ so far! His sleep was messed up for a few nights but he seems to be back on track. He started taking short naps again but I'm not convinced it's related since he went back to normal at night (mind you neither of them sleep well at night, but those few days he was up every few hours!). Other than that he just drools like crazy :eek:
Kunzite, oh don't worry I know all about sleeping "well" not meaning the same as STTN. Hope things stay on the up and up for M's teething. :)
Fly-by... that's all I ever manage to do, anymore!

Your babies are all so adorable- LC, NEL and Freke, I can't believe how BIG your kiddos are! Gosh- they're growing up so fast. Freke, feel free to hang out on this thread. I love the updates about A, even if she has passed the 12-month marker :)

Welcome to the new mamas! Hope the early days are going well.

NEL: Extra hugs and thoughts your way. Hope the trip is just what your marriage needs. I think it's good that you're being realistic. Even if divorce is a fleeting thought, I know that you and your DH will take steps to repair your marriage before you take such a major step. It's doesn't benefit us to be impractical and refuse to acknowledge the possibility of separations, but that does not mean in ANY way that we want them to occur or seriously think that they will.

Things are well here. Miss E is almost on the move. She's sort of army-crawling, more like inefficiently scooting... but the girl doesn't stay in one spot for too long. ;( At her 4 month well-baby she was 25% weight, 30% height, 50% head. She's a happy girl, sleep is getting better. Still on exclusively breast milk (thanks, donor mamas!), and my supply is doing well- hovering around 20 oz a day, sometimes more or sometimes less.

We're traveling over the holidays. I flew with E when she was eight weeks old. I'm nervous because she's older, louder, and more wiggly this time around. But DH will be there to help, thank goodness.

Speaking of DHs... (and this is a personal question, so don't feel you have to answer)... how many of you ladies are having sex regularly? My drive dipped a few years ago, ramped up a bit during TTC and the pregnancy, and since Eloise's birth we've done it 1.5 times. The .5 was two days ago, when DH stopped in the middle and said he couldn't continue because I seemed THAT disinterested :sick: And the reality is, I am. Sex is SO FAR off my radar... like, not even a fleeting thought. I don't feel any sexual urges at all. Never crosses my mind. No desire. Zip. And I think DH has been super understanding, but it's starting to get difficult for him. I feel terrible, but I cannot get in the mood, even with all the wooing in the world. To be honest, the idea of it turns me off... :(sad I love DH and am attracted to him, but I just feel like mommy 90% of the time, teacher 10% of the time, and sex-goddess NEVER. And really, I don't mind it. I'm not missing it. Oh gosh. I worry this is never going to change and my marriage is really going to suffer as a result.
A few recent Eloise photos to share :


That smile is adorable!!!
PilsnPinkysMom|1356199647|3338090 said:
Speaking of DHs... (and this is a personal question, so don't feel you have to answer)... how many of you ladies are having sex regularly? My drive dipped a few years ago, ramped up a bit during TTC and the pregnancy, and since Eloise's birth we've done it 1.5 times. The .5 was two days ago, when DH stopped in the middle and said he couldn't continue because I seemed THAT disinterested :sick: And the reality is, I am. Sex is SO FAR off my radar... like, not even a fleeting thought. I don't feel any sexual urges at all. Never crosses my mind. No desire. Zip. And I think DH has been super understanding, but it's starting to get difficult for him. I feel terrible, but I cannot get in the mood, even with all the wooing in the world. To be honest, the idea of it turns me off... :(sad I love DH and am attracted to him, but I just feel like mommy 90% of the time, teacher 10% of the time, and sex-goddess NEVER. And really, I don't mind it. I'm not missing it. Oh gosh. I worry this is never going to change and my marriage is really going to suffer as a result.

I'm anxious to hear the answers on this too, because I'm right there with you PPM. My sex drive is zilch. I try and muster up the energy a few times a month but I am so tired and I just have no interest.

Eloise is so gorgeous!
It's normal, ladies. Since the babies were conceived (um, not born!) we're up to exactly zero times DTD! DH and I are obviously an extreme example since we abstained while pregnant out of paranoia since O was so early and after the babies were born out of... well, paranoia! No more babies in this belly! Luckily my DH is on the exact same page with me so no problems there. Since we're both up with the babies all night it's easy for both of us to choose sleep over DTD. Exhaustion does that to a person. We had a lull after O was born too but as soon as he was sleeping well things went back to normal, so we both realize this is a temporary problem that will work itself out (I hope!!) in a few months.

ETA - what I was trying to say, but not well, is that it's only a problem if you or your DH feel like it's a problem.
PPM, E is so sweet! I have also been wondering about DTD. Like Kunzite, we pretty much abstained during the pregnancy mainly because DH was terrified he would hurt the baby, and it took us awhile to get pregnant. It feels like it has been a long time since we just did it just for fun..... We are still abstaining now largely because we sleep in shifts these days. Honestly I'm not overly interested in it these days, but I feel like we should at least try to get back in the saddle and resume that part of our relationship. I'm more frustrated that DH doesn't seem that frustrated that it isn't happening.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and safe travels!
Not traveling after all. I cannot do it when all three of us are sick. They are getting over it and I'm going into it.

We didn't do anything while I was pregnant - speculum hurt, everything HURT, so it was not even an option in my book. Afterwards? I don't know. Much more infrequent than it was before. I'm tired, he's tired, both of us don't want to wake the baby (she's a very light sleeper and our house isn't that big), and since getting Mirena, I have kind of random periods. I'm not particularly interested even now, but I was WAY WAY WORSE when I was working. Sex was not on the table and I couldn't imagine it being on the table in the foreseeable future. Now it's different, but again, less frequent. My job is Mommy. Not sex goddess.

ETA: I should add that his interest has waned a bit too. Sleep is more important most of the time now.
Oh ALL OF these babies are the CUTEST!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

LC, I love the pic of you and Ethan, such a precious shot! :love:
Just popping by to say all the babies are ADORABLE, and to address some of the relationship-specific stuff...

NEL, I'm really sorry that you guys are doing it tough at the moment. What I have found over these last 10 months is that it's all a bit of swings and roundabouts - bad things happen, difficult times happen, but provided that you are able to keep talking about it, you will be able to work out a way to keep going. When D and I married the vows we wrote were about choosing to be together every day, and never has that been tested more than this year. Combined with my father's illness and passing, and D's own health issues, it has been a massive year, a true roller coaster.

Are you and DH still able to talk about this freely? I really hope so. I also hope that this holiday break will give you a bit of time to wind down, relax, and then enjoy each other's company again. There have definitely been times this year when I have not enjoyed D's company, a multiple of factors contributed to that, but when we have had time to take a breather and be "ourselves" unfettered by the issues of daily life (or as much as possible, anyway), we have been able to regroup and reset.

PPM, re sex after baby - I think it's very variable! And all normal too! We took 6 months; I didn't want to take that long but with BFing suppressing oestrogen I was so worried about it being painful/unpleasant, and my drive was non-existent, let alone low!
B's ultrasound went well. They were running late (shocking) and he was getting super cranky. I got him to fall asleep about 2 minutes before they called him. He then slept through the entire thing. The tech told us it was definitely fluid. Hopefully we hear from the pediatrician soon.

As for the post-baby nookie- ha! We've done it twice since B was born. At first it was just a healing issue. Now that things are better down there, it's a sickness issue. One of us has been sick (if not both) since B started day care. Plus DH is on graveyard which means we are on opposite schedules. I definitely have the drive, but life just gets in the way. It's something we need to work on.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas!
One of these days I'll manage to get back to do a proper reply, but in the meantime:

Merry Christmas all!
