
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

MP, I missed your post! Ev is adorable - love his cheeks too! So cute. I am so happy to hear things are getting better.
Flying post as we are travelling all day today (I will post tomorrow and catch up with everyone!) but I wanted to say a huge congratulations and welcome to Haven, and to wish all the PS Mammies a very Happy New Year!
hi all! quick question re: baby swings. we received the fisher price snugabunny swing as a gift. while I appreciate the gesture & have been told babies *love* swings, I'm afraid it's just a little large for our living space. has anyone used this swing? does it fold small enough & easy enough to put away between uses? I'm considering returning/exchanging it, possibly for a more portable style swing. what swing do you have? would you recommend it? <--- this is the style I'm leaning toward right now.

thanks! be back to catch up later!!
lulu66 said:
hi all! quick question re: baby swings. we received the fisher price snugabunny swing as a gift. while I appreciate the gesture & have been told babies *love* swings, I'm afraid it's just a little large for our living space. has anyone used this swing? does it fold small enough & easy enough to put away between uses? I'm considering returning/exchanging it, possibly for a more portable style swing. what swing do you have? would you recommend it?

We've got the Snugabunny and wouldn't trade it for anything. It folds up to a manageable size. We have only folded it up once- we use it every day.
We had the snuggabunny too! It actually came in handy, one baby had a bad reflux and the other baby just liked it. It put both babies to sleep (which in the early days you are desperate to try anything). It does take up some space but you will use it approx 7 months so then you can sell it or fold it and put it away.
Happy New Year, mamas!

Haven, congrats! B is very handsome. I agree about Lansinoh or similar stuff for your nipples, it's great and really helps speed healing BUT it definitely stains clothes. I ruined all my cute tank tops this summer when I was bf'ing. One of the best things you can do is close your drapes and go topless for a day or two, all the air really helps.

Lulu, I would MAKE space for a swing, they are such lifesavers. I hope you find one that compacts easily...I forget what brand ours is, my brother and SIL got it for us. I don't think it folds up very compactly. Another option maybe instead of a swing is wearing the baby a lot...I mean, you have to put them down sometimes but if you are really lacking space for a swing just wearing the baby will also induce sleep and you don't sacrifice floor space.

Alexandra turned 7 months old the day after Christmas. About a week-10 days before Christmas she started crawling. She's finally eating solids happily, although no teeth yet and really no signs of teething at this point. I guess she'll be a late bloomer in that department. Here she is in her tutu and silly flower, I called this photo "New Year's Eve Clown." ;))

Question: can we talk about baby jewelry? I think my mom has my baby ring and bangle bracelet but I would like to give A something new for her 1st birthday. Do you ladies know of any great vendors for children's jewelry or has anyone had any custom work done?


ok, you ladies are encouraging me to just keep the snugabunny swing that was gifted to me :) it will fit in our house; but it will just look like we live in a baby store :tongue: what room did you set yours up in?

monarch crawling!? so cute! love the photos--such a girlie girl. sorry, I have no idea about baby jewelry...I'm curious though.

jgator how have you & your dh been dealing w/the guests? I am so thankful because we don't have a great support system where we currently live but, I must admit, it's tough having house guests for that long. my dad & sisters are arriving next week and when they arrive, mom will go stay at the hotel w/them. I think we're all looking forward to that! of course, I'll miss her terribly when she leaves in 2 weeks :cheeky: good luck w/the nanny search!

mp oh I just love that little hat too! good luck adjusting to work life. i know you'll do great! just have a good cry when needed!

stephbolt thanks for the welcome!
lulu66|1357135978|3345388 said:
ok, you ladies are encouraging me to just keep the snugabunny swing that was gifted to me :) it will fit in our house; but it will just look like we live in a baby store :tongue: what room did you set yours up in?

Ours is in the living room. We also look like we live in a baby store...but I figured I'd rather have too much stuff than not have something that will make my life easier.

New Year's Eve, B was up (and hungry) at 12:30, 2:30, 5, 7:30, etc., repeating every two hours ALL DAY. The kid ate around 50oz yesterday. 50! I don't know if it's a growth spurt or what, but holy cow. Last night he refused to go to sleep even though he was tired. He waiting until I was in the shower to start screaming, so that was nice. The good news is once he fell asleep he slept all night! Woo hoo!!!
Haven: Congrats and welcome. Brienz is gorgeous.

MP: So sorry about how you're feeling about returning to work. I am going back to work on Tuesday too and it is hard enough for me at 8 months. I don't know how I would have coped at 2 months! Are you going back full time or part time? C wore sleepers at home everyday over winter. When I went out I dressed her up in all the cute outfits we had though. Now she just wears nappies at home as it is so hot at the moment. When I go out I just grab the first outfit I find!

LC: Yay for Ethan crawling! It's so exciting when they start to crawl isn't it? Much harder work keeping them out of trouble though.

That chair is gorgeous. I want to get C one now! And woohoo for walking.

Dani: C never took a pacifier as she did the same thing - she couldn't seem to figure out what it was for so she kept pushing it out of her mouth. Anything that wasn't a pacifier though, she knew those things were for sucking!

NEL: Sorry to hear about your issues with your DH, but I am glad it is getting a bit better. I can totally relate. Ugh to flying whilst sick with a baby in tow.That sounds horrific!

PPM: I can count on one hand the amount of times DH and I have DTD since, well to be honest, I fell pregnant. I am like you - I fell like Mom to much and that doesn't lend itself well to sexy times! Since C was 6 months and her sleep went to poo, I haven't had the energy and just feel like I have to protect the little sleep I am able to get.

BB: I remember how gorgeous you are from when we were in BWW together but OMG you are stunning for 6 weeks PP. Actually scrap that, you are just stunning full stop!

Skippy: Thanks!

AMC: Sorry about AF. Is PT helping so far with your pelvic floor? I know how frustrating it can be. I hope B's surgical appt goes well.

Lulu: Glad you had your mom helping out. I was the same - I don't think I cooked a meal until C was at least 2 months old! When my parents came up my dad made a big batch of meals and froze them so we had meals even after they left.

Steph: We do BLW too. It has been great for us. I talked to my childcare and just said that she mainly eats finger foods. I read somewhere that a good way to explain it to the centre is just to say that you would like your baby to eat what the young toddlers eat and that she can feed herself. It makes it easier for the carers as it is one less baby to spoonfeed :) I tried to eat with C for a while, but in the end I found it too hard. Now I just try to make sure at least one of us is sitting with her and talking to her during her mealtimes, but we do eat together if it is possible. I had the same issue with dinner - I find she needs to eat her dinner around 5:30pm or she is too tired, and that is way too early for us to eat.

Monarch: Lucky you to have a late bloomer in terms of teeth! I wish C didn't get teeth so early (5.5 months, so not really 'early').


C is 8.5 months and is an absolute delight to be around at the moment. She is interacting with us so much more than she used to. She has started playing games. Tonight we were playing crawling chasey with each other. It was adorable. Then I was holding her up on her change table and singing to her and we had a little dance along. In the last few days she has started to give a toy to us and then take it back again too.

Her standing is just getting better and better. I can now put her down on the floor standing and she will stay upright for between 10 seconds to over a minute.

Her sleeping is improving as well, thank goodness. It is very erratic at the moment, but over the last week or so we have had several 3-5 hour stretches, which is a massive improvement to the waking every 2 hours on the dot that has been happening since she was 6 months.


Last week (excuse the cleavage):
Lulu, L loves his Snugabunny. LOVES. He will only nap there. Its set up in our formal dining room technically, but we have an open concept between the living and dining room, so whatev. I say definitely keep it...Your house is never going to look the same anyway for a LONG time. My house looks like Babies R Us threw up in it, and it took me awhile to get used to it, since Im a neat freak and very anal about keeping my house clean and perfect :)) But its all different now, and Ive embraced the change! Its L's world now!!! lol
Monnie, she is a doll!

Bobbin, what a darling!!!
Lulu we got the loan of a swing from my cousin and it looks very much like that one. It is HUGE! It won't fit in our living room too well so Santa brought T a small vibrating chair (that will do him when he's a toddler too) and the swing is gone up to our bedroom. We would have been LOST without the swing in the early weeks. We used it every day. Now it's more like every third or fourth day but I still consider it essential kit! I used it today in fact. T was grumpy and wouldn't settle for his nap so I popped him in the swing and he went straight to sleep. I gave him ten minutes and then transferred him to his crib but kept the swing's white noise on. He slept for a full 2hrs then, and he really needed it as he refused to nap at all this morning. Love that swing :)

Amc, hope it's just a growth spurt! That sounds exhausting!

Bobbin you are both looking gorgeous in those photos!

Hope everyone had a good Christmas and wishing you all a very happy new year!
Hi mamas :wavey:

The babies are 7 months now :eek: I know most people don't want to wish away the early days, but I'm very open about the fact that I want theses babies closer to 1 like yesterday... So we're getting there! :lol: We're starting solids this weekend and I'm very excited! It's going to be fun to get them eating but I already feel like my day is outrageously hectic so I'm a little worried about finding the time. I guess we'll figure it out! We're also working on deswaddling. It hasn't gone well so far, but IIRC it took O close to a month to transition so I'm keeping the faith for now.

I really just wanted to pop in and share my love of the Hylands teething tablets. Like I've mentioned before, O wasn't bothered by teething but M has been. We tried these over the weekend and he was instantly better. I had my doubts, but they've been amazing!

...and M's new teeth and hide-and-seek with E! I left the room to get a bottle and couldn't find him when I came back!!


Kunzite, does Miles have blue eyes? aww they are so cute! oh and no one understands how tough twins can be; I can empathize, you should post more pics. I love seeing your boys! :love:
Skippy|1357247644|3346626 said:
Kunzite, does Miles have blue eyes? aww they are so cute! oh and no one understands how tough twins can be; I can empathize, you should post more pics. I love seeing your boys! :love:

Awwww thank you, friend! Yes, both of the boys still have blue eyes. I'm hoping that E gets to keep his (they really suit him) and that if M's change that he gets my green eyes. O has DH's brown eyes so I think it'd be cool to have one of each :love:
I swear I felt a tooth coming in last night. I could feel a sharp pokey thing. Gone this morning, though. B has been a bit crankier than usual, so maybe I'll try the teething tablets.

bobbin said:
AMC: Sorry about AF. Is PT helping so far with your pelvic floor? I know how frustrating it can be. I hope B's surgical appt goes well.

I had my last appointment today. The therapist was happy enough with my progress. In equally good news, I only have one spot on my abs that are still separated. Can't wait to have my body back!

To add to the eye color discussion, for those with older babies/kids, when did their eye color settle? B's haven't changed much. They are still slate blue, perhaps lightening up a bit.

Not sure if I mentioned on here that we tried to give B some rice cereal. Attempt #1, a few weeks ago, was a failure. He made massive gagging motions when the spoon touched his mouth. I tried again two days ago and it was much better. He didn't gag at all, but also didn't swallow much...everything just sort of drooled out of his mouth. I bought some baby oatmeal cereal in hope that the taste is a little better.

Let's talk formula. What kinds are you all using? We've tried a few different brands and have been happy with the gas & fussiness versions of Enfamil and Similac. We tried the Target brand of Enfamil and B was definitely more gassy. For those of you with picky babies, did you ever find generics that worked as well as the real stuff?
AMC, when starting on cereals, they're going to dribble and drool out most of it. It takes a few days/weeks to get used to the swallowing. Sometimes they push the cereal out with their tongue. Eventually you'll be like, "WOW! you're so much LESS MESSY eating now!" So don't worry about it. Try the oatmeal still though. Sometimes babies have a preference. Formula: we use Gerber Good Start. We get a deal from a friend, so we're just sticking to it.

Kunzite, will check out the teething tablets. Ethan's been super fussy at night and I think that's why. Plus WAY snotty and a low level fever. Totally sounds teething related. I love the boys' blue eyes, but I agree it'd be rather neat to have one in each color. And I can't get over how much M looks like O!

Buttons, Sounds like T's getting better with naps etc. Hoping things stay that way.

Dani, your house will be your castle again. Just enjoy L now and be Zen about the mess. He'll only be a squishy newborn once. Oh and you gotta post more pictures too ;)

Bobbin, Look at C at the beach! She's such a happy looking baby! Awesome about her standing! I sometimes get jealous of you mamas with early milestone babies, but then I think they're that much closer to walking and have a mini freak out ;)) I also agree that it's really hard to eat the same time as Ethan, but we do try to keep him company. I must admit that sometimes I go off and do other stuff since I know he's safely strapped into his chair, but I also feel guilty because I know he's not happy eating by himself. When we were with family over Christmas it was nice that one of the grandparents would keep him company and I could still do stuff.
Has anyone's son had an inguinal hernia? We thought it was just a hydrocele but went to ER today and they confirmed it was a hernia with some hydrocele as well... We were waiting to see a pediatric urologist but they couldn't find him and of course he called right after they discharged us and is going to squeeze us in tomorrow but everything I read says you have to do minor surgery to fix it and I'm freaking out :-( chase doesn't seem to be in any pain from it but I still feel so bad for him and am in tears thinking about him having to need surgery :-(
blondebunny said:
Has anyone's son had an inguinal hernia? We thought it was just a hydrocele but went to ER today and they confirmed it was a hernia with some hydrocele as well... We were waiting to see a pediatric urologist but they couldn't find him and of course he called right after they discharged us and is going to squeeze us in tomorrow but everything I read says you have to do minor surgery to fix it and I'm freaking out :-( chase doesn't seem to be in any pain from it but I still feel so bad for him and am in tears thinking about him having to need surgery :-(

We might! Have a consult with the surgeon next week.
AMC, holy cow, 50 oz is some SERIOUS BUSINESS! Can you imagine if you were still BFing? I'd be like :eek: ;( :sick: Congrats on the great sleeps though. Ethan regressed after getting sick and now I think he's teething like some SERIOUS BUSINESS because he keeps waking every 30 mins or so.

Lulu, we had a hand-me-down swing that was a fold up. It was small, stayed low to the ground. TBH, we didn't really use it a ton for Ethan, he was just neutral re: swings.

AFU: as I told AMC, I think Ethan's teething like seriously! My suspicion is that his top 4 teeth will come in all at once. He's been a PAIN re: the sleepign, he's been up every 30 mins since 9PM. I gave him some acetaminophen at 9:30 so hoping that'll help him. This waking fussing thing is getting old.

Here's a New year's pic from Ethan. He loves his nakey baby time, so I took advantage of it for a photo op.

LC - Awww, look at Ethan! What a cutie. Just wanted to post that you're not alone in having an particularly wakeful baby. The past two nights have been awfully tiresome, with A waking every 1-2 hours. I don't think she has any new teeth coming in, and she doesn't seem ill, so maybe she's going to hit a new milestone soon...? Crossing my fingers that Ethan (and you) will have more restful nights very soon.
lliang_chi|1357265624|3346870 said:
AMC, holy cow, 50 oz is some SERIOUS BUSINESS! Can you imagine if you were still BFing? I'd be like :eek: ;( :sick: Congrats on the great sleeps though. Ethan regressed after getting sick and now I think he's teething like some SERIOUS BUSINESS because he keeps waking every 30 mins or so.

Eh, last night he was up at 1am and 4am. Yawn.

I know, 50oz is ridiculous, right? My bank account and I can't wait until he can eat solids. We tried baby oatmeal last night and it seemed to work better than the rice cereal. Not a lot of swallowing, but he would keep it in his mouth for a few seconds before drooling it out. So that's progress.
Just barging in to say the babies are SOOOOOOOO darn cute here, seriously.

Kunzite I appreciate your honesty. The babies look great! Keep up the good work. Met a mom with 7 year old twin girls, she gave me some good tips. Her kids are reverse though- twins first then singleton.
amc80|1357249160|3346643 said:
To add to the eye color discussion, for those with older babies/kids, when did their eye color settle? B's haven't changed much. They are still slate blue, perhaps lightening up a bit.

O's started changing quite early. They were a really dark blue/gray to begin with so I was sure from the beginning they would change. My eyes didn't change until I was 4. Nobody believes me but I have the pictures to prove it! My BFF's DS had the same thing happen, he had the most beautiful light blue eyes until they suddenly changed at 3! So even though I'm hopeful one of the twins will stay blue, I'm not going to feel sure of it until they go to kindergarten :cheeky:

pavelover|1357317285|3347209 said:
Just barging in to say the babies are SOOOOOOOO darn cute here, seriously.

Kunzite I appreciate your honesty. The babies look great! Keep up the good work. Met a mom with 7 year old twin girls, she gave me some good tips. Her kids are reverse though- twins first then singleton.

I'd love to hear them! I think I could use some tips. I'm drowning most days!
LC, that's the cutest picture! My husband is so funny about taking pictures of Ev when he is less than fully clothed. I was taking a video of DH giving him a bath the other day, and DH freaked out even though I was nowhere near Ev's nether regions and he had a washcloth completely covering that part of his body :) Hope the teething and sleeping issues improve soon for you. It sounds like I better not expect any sleeping miracles anytime soon, considering all of you with older babies are still having issues. Oh well, we're getting used to our new normal, slightly sleep-deprived state.

amc, 50 ounces?! Is that normal? Ev is just working his way up to about 28 ounces a day, but then again he is younger and not quite the bruiser that your little B is. As for formula, I hear you! We had major latching issues (my kid basically refused to latch like ever and would get so frustrated and head butt me and scream until falling asleep, despite the fact he has no anatomical issues that would affect latching - stubborn little buggerO and food intolerance issues, so I have always had to supplement heavily or pump. He was supplemented with Gentlease for the first 8 weeks of his life. We discovered he likely has a dairy and soy intolerance or allergy, so he is now exclusively formula fed, and we are giving him Nutramigen. We prefer to use the ready to use stuff, so it is freaking expensive. About $10 a day to feed him. We're hoping we can switch him back to something else again in a few months to test whether he really has allergies (or outgrows them).

BB, no personal experience with that issue, but you have my sympathy. Ev has a dermoid cyst on his temple, and he will have to be put under and have it removed sometime within the next 6 months. I don't even want to think about it. Hoping you get some answers and your little guy is okay.

Kunzite, what little cuties you have there. I love that they all have different eye colors so far. DH and I both have hazel/brown eyes, and E willl almost certainly have dark hazel eyes. Right now, they are literally navy blue, and it is so weird. It looks like he has colored contact lenses or something.

Buttons, hope all is going well!

Bobbin, good luck with the work transition. Unfortunately, I have to go back full time. I have cried more times than I can count this week. I'm going to miss being my baby's sole caretaker and knowing everything about him and his days. But I know that we will get through it. If not, DH and I will need to make some adjustments. Really hoping I can find a less time-consuming and stressful position. Big law was not designed for mothers of young children! You're an attorney too, right? Hope your situation is a little more family friendly than mine. Love that your little one is standing already! She looks so tiny to be doing that!

Lulu, yup, I live in a baby store now too! I resisted it at first, but now I've just resigned myself to this phase of life. Now that Ev is a little more interested in objects, etc., I'm very thankful for the half dozen obnoxiously colored objects we have in our living room and dining room. We are seriously considering moving in the next few months because our house feels so crowded now! Hope all is going well for you and your little girl! That's great you've had so much help. But it will also be nice to have a little alone time for your little family!

Monarch, what a little cutie. I've always kind of been more of a boy-type mommy, but your pictures always make me ache for a little girl :)

JGator, good luck finding a nanny you like! That is nice you will at least be able to be home and hopefully sneak in a few visits throughout the day! Hope all is going well with you! Can you believe we are really mommies now after all our time in the TTC thread? So amazing.

AFU, E had his surgery consultation today. We were told the procedure is routine and will take 10 minutes BUT he has to be put under. Ugh. We were advised to have the cyst removed in the next 6 months to minimize scarring and avoid a permanent visible dent in his skull. It was my last day at home with him so we visited the daycare and met his primary teacher. I shed a few tears. I never realized how hard it would be when this day came. Wish me luck. Next week will be a tough one.
Kunzite said:
O's started changing quite early. They were a really dark blue/gray to begin with so I was sure from the beginning they would change. My eyes didn't change until I was 4. Nobody believes me but I have the pictures to prove it! My BFF's DS had the same thing happen, he had the most beautiful light blue eyes until they suddenly changed at 3! So even though I'm hopeful one of the twins will stay blue, I'm not going to feel sure of it until they go to kindergarten :cheeky:

I'd love to hear them! I think I could use some tips. I'm drowning most days!

I believe you. I had blue eyes until I was 8.
So we had our appt with the pediatric urologist surgeon... Chase has to have surgery... insert biggest sad face ever! The dr said it has to be done between 3-6 months (Chase is currently 2 months 1 week). I go to Florida for 3 weeks next week... So we are going to try to do the first week of March so he will be about 4 months- 4 1/2 months... We dont want to wait too long because he already is such a mover and stuff we dont want him to have to try to be still or anything for too long and I think I would be way to paranoid to wait 3 months to get it fixed because Id be worried everyday and constantly checking him and Id cry if we waited too long and it got incarcerated and he was in pain and it had to be done emergent...Im seriously so sad. I feel so bad for him. I mean he's not in pain and its not bothering him, but just knowing he is going to have to go under, makes me so sad :-(

Amc-Hopefully your little one doesnt need surgery but it seems that its really the only fix :-( How old is your little one? If he needs surgery they might do it sooner since I know your little one is atleast 3 months right??

MP- OMG I am sorry E has to have surgery too!!! Atleast it seems like a quick surgery! They didnt really tell us how long Chase's surgery would be. We are waiting for them to call us with dates to schedule it.. so hopefully we will get some info then!

Hope everyone else is doing good and has had a great holiday season!

Does anyone have any tips about flying with a 2 month old?? I will be flying by myself and its about a 3 hr flight next Thursday.. Im kind of freaking out.. especially since I exclusively pump.. I feel so overwhelmed haha
monkeyprincess said:
amc, 50 ounces?! Is that normal? [ /QUOTE]

No, thank goodness. Normal for him is 38 or so.
Hugs BB. As for tips - bring lots of toys, and several bottles, so he has something to suck on for his ears.

Is it one long flight or any layovers? There are good and bad things about both - one long flight and it's over - you get there faster. With layovers, you get a break from being confined, and babies like to have a change of scenery. Don't get me started on diaper changes...

Is Chase going to be a lap baby or will he have his own seat?

I have to tell you, it's much easier to do it now than it will be in a few short months when all he wants to do is crawl all over and gets ANGRY when he can't.

As for eye color - A's started out dark gray. They are now a funky gray-hazel, and look different depending on the light/other variables - sometimes gray, sometimes green, sometimes brown. They never switch to one color completely though. She's 13 months, 2ish weeks.
So excited! We have our first steps! I go back to work tomorrow and was a little sad that I might miss them, but C made sure she snuck them in just in time!

She did two in a row today and is really trying to practice, but it is still very early days so she is wobbly and slow. But so adorable!