
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Jfo, thanks for the advice. I'm really starting to lean toward making an offer. The housing in our area is not moving all that fast. We were not hit as hard by the housing crises as a lot of areas in the country, so there is a pretty good chance we will be able to get a below-asking price on any home we buy. Like every major decision in life, it is scary to take the plunge! Oh, and I hope you weren't offended by my public/private school comment. I tried to make it clear that I understand the situation is VERY different in a lot of areas of the country, particularly larger metropolitan areas. We are just fortunate to have really quality public education in our area, so I feel like he will actually get a superior education in the public schools. But if that were not the case, or if I didn't think he'd be safe, I would send my little guy to private school in a heartbeat.

I know it's scary to think about having surgery on your baby, but it does sound like that might be in her best interest. Hopefully, you will both reach an agreement as to what is best for her. And that is awesome that L is pretty cautious. Ev is definitely proving to be all boy (although I'm sure it is a personality thing and there are some girls that are just as "reckless" and vice versa). Our little ones must be going through some sort of independent streak, and don't want their mommys cramping their style.
mp, best of luck on whatever you decide! I will say that if you think you could possibly get it below asking price and you don't have to overextend, that is pretty awesome! Ha, your DH sounds a little like mine in that even after we put the offer in on our house and had it inspected, my DH could not stop looking at houses that were newly listed and he'd have to give his opinion as to whether it was a "better" house or better value than the one we were under contract with. My personal feeling is--if you've gone that far in the process, stop looking :)

Oh, and no offense taken at all regarding public vs private schools... I went to public schools growing up and enjoyed it and had a good education. Honestly, I really would like L to go to public school if the quality of education offered was substantially better than most of the public schools can provide here, but as long as we live in this large city, it will likely not happen unless she can test into one of the good ones, which I believe is an option. But L is young yet and we have not yet made the final decision that our current location is where we ultimately want to raise our family for the long haul... it just makes sense for us to be here for the near term, which is close to my family who helps us out a ton.

Thanks for your thoughts on the ear tube surgery. I do think that getting the tubes is in L's best interest... I just need to get DH over that hump.

So... L has just recently started being really hot and cold about purees. Last night for dinner, I could not get her to eat anything other than some sliced cheese and puffs and a bottle. By bedtime, she was really hungry and gulped down her bottle in less than 5 minutes when she normally takes 10 minutes. For those of you who didn't go straight to BLW, when did/do you guys start scaling back the purees? I just feel like L needs a lot more practice before she can fill herself up/have an entire meal based on finger foods. I gave her small bits of chicken the other night and she kept putting pieces in her mouth before swallowing that she gagged and spit it all back up.
jfo|1378922998|3518759 said:
For those of you who didn't go straight to BLW, when did/do you guys start scaling back the purees? I just feel like L needs a lot more practice before she can fill herself up/have an entire meal based on finger foods. I gave her small bits of chicken the other night and she kept putting pieces in her mouth before swallowing that she gagged and spit it all back up.

B was around 10 months when we scaled back purees. He just refused to eat them. He would (and still will) eat the purees out of the squeeze pouch. No spoon, though, just straight to his mouth. It was tough for a while because he wouldn't really eat finger foods but didn't want purees. His gag reflex has finally calmed down. And just recently (like this week) he has started to chew food without holding on to it while it is in his mouth. That made for some really messy meals. Or he would chew it, take it out, look at it, and put it back in. Kids are weird. I think a lot of it has to do with his molars coming in, so now he can actually chew with something other than his gums.
Jfo, we're in the same boat on the table food thing. Ev still enjoys his purees (especially if they are fruity or flavorful meals, not such a fan of non-sweet veggies), but I keep thinking I need to get him eating less of those and more real food. I'll give him tiny little bits of what I'm eating, but even with those small bites he gums it and keeps it in his mouth forever before swallowing, and like amc's little guy, he also likes to take it out of his mouth and look at it and then put it back in. So gross! I just don't see how he could eat enough table food to make a whole meal at this point, unless it is just bread or something easy for him to eat. I also feel like I have no idea how much he should be eating. He usually has cereal in the morning, fruit and veggies at lunch and a meat puree and puffs and some of my meal at night. Hopefully that's about right. He usually has around 30 oz of formula a day still, and I'm thinking I should be lowering that maybe. He's also been on a bit of a bottle strike this past week, which might have something to do with teething, or else he would rather have food??? Maybe that's okay, and I should focus on transitioning him to sippy cups.... It was so much simpler when all he needed was formula in a bottle!
monkeyprincess|1378932312|3518887 said:
It was so much simpler when all he needed was formula in a bottle!

Oh, it's so much easier now! We leave the house with a sippy cup and a baggy of snacks. No formula, no bottles, not even bottled water. No worrying about not bringing enough formula. And, over the weekend, we discovered that B can use a straw, so now we really don't even need a sippy cup. As a test we got him a happy meal (I know, parents of the year) just to see if he'd eat it. Has anyone gotten one lately? They come with the cutest thing of fries you've ever seen. It holds maybe 10 fries (although we only let him have 2-3 and we take off all the salt). He enjoyed the chicken nuggets (well, he chucked the first one on the ground, but wised up for the second) and LOVED the apple slices (which he almost choked on, but still). And it comes with milk so we just poured that into a sippy. I love that we can travel with diapers and wipes and not need to bring the entire pantry with us.

I am constantly worried that he's not eating enough. This last teething session he wouldn't eat any solid food at all, he just wanted a bottle. Nothing like a kid not eating to totally stress a mama out. In the evenings my major goal is to get him full. So after eating real food he gets snacks (usually crackers or puffs) to top him off. He may be done with his grilled cheese but he always has room for a couple of crackers. Smart little boogers.
MP, K is not really eating table food even though the doctor told us we could start giving her some. We never seem to be eating food that she can eat. Especially now with my MIL cooking spicy Indian food. She has had a few grains of white rice, a couple tiny pieces of watermelon, and that's about it this week in addition to Cheerios and puffs. She can be a bottomless pit when it comes to Cheerios. She eats a fruit puree at 9am in the morning, a veggie or chicken puree around 3pm, and oatmeal around 630pm. She drinks about 20-24 oz of formula a day - mostly at bedtime and the middle of the night. I'm anxious because she has no teeth and concerned about her gagging. K is not super skinny though so I think she's okay. She's in the 50-60% range for weight and definitely doesn't look like she's not eating! Any updates on the house?

Jfo, how is the unpacking coming along? is L feeling any better? Thanks for commiserating on the MIL. My mother is also pretty pushy, but it's different when it's your own mom you can snap at them! I just bite my tongue with my MIL. 2 more days!

K had one good night this week where she got up at 645am and went back to sleep immediately until 730AM. Of course, that was not repeated. Last night, she was up at 1145pm, 1245am, and 145am. I gave her a small bottle at 145am and ended up bringing her to bed with me (DH is out of town). Then, she was up screaming at 5am so I gave her a 6 oz bottle. I had a terrible night of sleep with her waking up and then being in the bed I was worried about rolling over on her! Today, she woke up from her naps sitting up screaming for the first time. So, I guess we are in for that stage now that she's figured out how to sit up in the crib. The nanny has been spoiling her rocking/holding her during naps which I told her she needs to stop and now she'll only sleep for 20 minutes in her crib before waking up realizing no one is holding her. We've created a monster. Speaking of which, any ideas for Halloween costumes? I was thinking maybe Minnie Mouse. K's birthday is 2 days before Halloween and we think we're going to have her party the weekend after.
JGator|1379023160|3519694 said:
Speaking of which, any ideas for Halloween costumes?

B is going to be BamBam. I can't think of anything more fitting for the boy!
AMC! That's perfect for B!
K slept till 730am today! And, we got her Halloween costume - she's going to be a Strawberry. Found the costume at Costco last night.
JGator, that's awesome! Must be something in the air because after a few very frustrating nights with Ev, he slept from 8:45 until I had to wake him up this morning at 7:15. I bet her little strawberry costume is adorable! I initially was just going to have him wear a cute little Halloween themed outfit like last year, but I'm sure I'll end up getting a costume just for the photo op. And it sounds like you almost have the house back to yourself! Yay!

amc, love your costume idea. It does sound like the perfect costume for B. You are probably right about it being easier when you don't have to worry about lugging around as many baby supplies, but I miss the days when all I had to do was count bottles and ounces. The good thing is that Ev is usually pretty open to trying new things. I think he just feels more a part of things when he is eating what mommy and daddy eat.

AFM, we went back and looked at the house one more time yesterday, and we are going to put an offer on the house today. Wish me luck!
Oooooooh exciting!!!!! GOOD LUCK mp!!!!
Thanks Dandi, our offer was accepted, and we close in a month. I don't even want to think about how chaotic the next month will be between packing up the old house, moving into the new house, and getting the old house ready to put on the market. But I'm very excited!
Congratulations MP! I'm very happy for you! I'm sure you will love all the space in the new place.

K slept till 7am and then went back to sleep till 915am after a 1/2 bottle. She has not slept that late since she was a tiny baby! I'm sure this is a one time thing though.
mp, congratulations!! That is so exciting!!! I am thrilled for you guys and hope that you'll share your new house experiences and photos :wink2: in the house thread. Wow, closing in a month seems very soon, but it's amazing how much you can get done when you're motivated!

amc, mp and jgator, thanks for all your comments about purees and food in general. I'm glad to know that L is not unique in that she's not as interested in her purees these days. I think she just really likes to try to feed herself. My mom and the daycare seem to have an easier time of feeding her purees though. Hilarious that B and E like to look at their food while eating it. I haven't had that happen yet, but L does like to take her dirty food hands and then start wiping them in her hair while eating.

mp, I'm just like you in thinking that things were simpler (or at least took a lot less time!!) when all I had to worry about was having bottles and formula on hand. amc, hearing that it's actually easier now that you just need to bring a sippy and snacks makes me look forward to that! I realize I have time yet, but I am a bit concerned about transitioning L off the bottle still. It depends on the day and her mood in terms of wanting to attempt drink from a sippy cup (although we've had the most success with this-- but she will still only drink a tiny little bit. If I offer her water in a bottle, she'll gulp it down because she's actually really thirsty. And she really looks forward to her morning and bedtime bottles. I guess we'll see how that goes.

JGator, yes, it's true--when it's your own mom, you can tell them to stop bossing you :) Well, I hope things have settled down now after your IL's are gone. It sounds like you've had a few good nights with K lately--that's great! I hope it continues.
So... just like K and L both love lavender/purple and are born within two days or one another, L is ALSO being a strawberry for halloween!! I got her costume from Carter's about a month ago when they were having some sale. We'll have to post pictures :D

amc, I can't wait to see B as Bam Bam! How cute!

AFU, we unpacked some more over the past weekend and also have had our locks re-keyed/and a deadbolt put in our basement door. I also had a garage guy come out and fix our garage door sensors because our garage door openers weren't working to close the garage door. It turns out it was a bad wire. That was last Thursday. Unfortunately, yesterday, DH told me now the garage wall button doesn't work at all (although it did for a few days). We looked at it and couldn't figure it out, so I have to leave work early today and be there for the guy to come out AGAIN to fix that issue. Plus I've been dealing with some cable drama. I have a technician coming out for the third time this afternoon to try to get our cable/wireless internet set up at our house. Blah.

We put up a baby gate yesterday for the top of the stairs, so now I don't have to be helicoptering over L if she chooses to crawl out of her bedroom into the main hallway. I am waiting for another babygate to arrive tomorrow and then I'll have to work with our local hardware store to cut out a custom sized woodblock so that I can install a babygate at the bottom of the stairs that won't damage our wood railing. Last thursday, my mom was watching L in the afternoon while I was dealing with the garage situation and L found the stairs and promptly started climbing them. My mom let her do it while following closely behind and she climbed almost the entire staircase in the first try! So, I'm a proud, but now totally nervous mama!
Jfo, K is going to have the same costume as L - hers is from Carters also! Our neighborhood has a mom's group which hosts a huge Halloween party every year so I went to the planning meeting last night. I signed up for pinata duty. K will get to wear her costume twice as the party is a few days before Halloween. Wow! I can't believe L almost climbed the whole stairwell on her first attempt. She's super strong and brave. Good luck with all the unexpected house surprises. We are totally off track on what we planned to do to our house because of the surprise stuff. Uggh to the garage door issues!

AFU, I forgot to mention earlier, K has had some separation anxiety lately. She had a huge meltdown when my DH tried to pick her up from a wakeup at 1am the other night. She wanted me so I had to go in and take care of her. She has had a few instances where I can't hand her to him or she'll cry and grab on tight to me. He's not thrilled about this even though I told him it's normal and a phase. Poor guy. Anyone else dealing with this?
Hi ladies don't have time for a proper post but we are all doing well here. Will pop back in later with a pic.

JFO, check this out for your banisters

We have just got one for our stairs but it is still in the box but looks like a great way to secure the gate and protect your wooden banisters
YAYY!!!! Huge congrats mp!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Congrats MP!! How exciting!!! Tell us more about it!! I love looking at homes, so I hope you post pics!!:)

Be back with an update later....L is sick and is running fevers. We think its something GI related. Ugh.
Thanks for the congratulations on the house. We are really excited! I will try to take and post some pictures of the house after we close. The house is about three years old, two stories with four bedrooms and a walkout basement. The whole house is painted a nice neutral yellowish beige tone with white trim, with a lot of windows (no more walking around in my underwear!) with white plantation shutters, dark wood floors on the main level, and a very simple and tasteful kitchen, and it is move in ready. We are not going to know what to do with all the space, and our current furniture will only furnish about 1/3 of the house, so we will have some empty space for awhile. My favorite part is that it has a nice big backyard, and we are on a little side street that is separated from the main street by a berm with trees, and on the other side of the main street is the elementary school that Ev will eventually go to.

Dani, hope L feels better soon. Poor little guy. Would love to hear an update on how things are going with you! L must be getting close to a year old, right?

JGator, that's great K has had a few good nights of sleep. Ev used to be very partial to mommy, and I could tell it annoyed my husband. I think it was just a phase though because he has turned into a big daddy's boy, and they have so much fun together. I think part of the reason is that I had to be out of town a lot last month, and DH is the one who drops him off and picks him up from daycare most days, so they have bonded. I'm sure it is just a phase with K as well.

jfo, yikes, sounds like you are getthing those gates up just in time. I can't believe she got up the whole flight of stairs! We are having to watch Ev like hawks with our staircase, but we don't want to install a gate right before we move. It's hard to find the right gate, isn't it? I'm not sure what we will do in the new house either, but DH will have to be creative. Another thing we need to figure out is that the basement stairs are closed off by a door, which is awesome for the baby, but not so much for the cats. We will want their litterbox down there, so we may need to install a pet door that Ev can't fit through but our fat cats can! Hope your unpacking and settling into the house continues to go well. I'm not looking forward to that part of the move!

Hi to everyone else. It looks as though most of us more regular posters will be outgrowing this thread soon! Hopefully the newer mamas will take over!

AFU, things are going well with Ev. He doesn't seem to have a whole lot of interest in his bottles or baby food these days, and he is all about eating what mommy and daddy eat. He is pulling himself up on to anything and everything these days, but he is still so clumsy and takes a lot of falls. His surgery is scheduled for Monday to remove the cyst from his foreheard, and I'm dreading it, but am so ready to have that behind us. I get teary-eyed every time I imagine having to leave him for the procedure. I know it is relatively routine and the chance of anything going wrong is very low, but it's hard not to worry.
Ok, I'm back. Hope everyone is doing well! I know I don't post often but I try to check in regularly! Love to read all the updates!

MP, best of luck with Ev's surgery. Praying that everything turns out great. It's so tough being a Mom in so many ways....the worst part for me is just feeling so vulnerable all the time. Its like we share the same heart with our children...I'm sure you understand what I mean. The great thing is that kids are so resilient, you will stress out more about this than Ev will! Please keep us posted on everything.
And I'm so happy for you about our sounds gorgeous!! If I remember correctly, you are in the NY area? Or did I just make that up?? Hehe

AFU, we have a walker! L started walking 2 weeks ago already!! He climbs the stairs with ease too. It's crazy how fast he is growing. Literally, overnight he went from a baby to a little boy:( it's so cool to see him accomplish things though. I am STILL nursing him, and he was doing great with eating solids up until this week when he got sick. He developed a high fever out of nowhere the other night....took him to the ped the next day and doc found nothing wrong. A few hrs later he had diarrhea, and vomited once. So, we definitely think it was a GI bug for sure. He seems like he is on the mend fever for the past 24 hrs and seems more " himself." Hopefully!!!

L will be turning one on 9/27!! We are planning a small party for him...mostly family and a couple close friends. I am totally stressing about having people at my house...I am so anal that this is going to be hard for me! But I knew if I didn't have it I would regret it. We will have it catered and I ordered some cute decorations and a birthday shirt and hat from Etsy, so it should be fun.
And I really just can't believe how a year went by just. like. that. Le Sigh:(
Thanks Dani, yes, I think all the mothers on here know what you mean about sharing the same heart with your child. I know it will be fine, but it is hard for me not to get emotional when I talk or think about it. Oh, and no, we do not live in the NY area. You must have me mistaken with someone else. Without revealing too much info, we live in a large city in the midwest-ish area.

That's so exciting that L's b-day is coming up soon and that he is walking! We are also just doing a small get together at our house for Ev's birthday with only family members. I was going to try to be all creative and make it cute because I have family members traveling to be with us (which is so sweet because he is the only cousin on my side of the family that lives in a different state from the rest of my siblings' kids), but now that we will be moving to a new house the week after his birthday, I'm definitely going to scale back and keep it simple. And as DH keeps reminding me, he is turning one and won't remember a darn thing about the party!
MP, good luck with Ev's surgery next week. My thoughts will be with you and Ev. I'm glad to hear he has taken to big kid food too. Congrats again on the house! It sounds like a perfect home for you and your (hopefully) growing family.

Dani, congratulations on L turning 1 on the 27th. That's great that he's walking too. I hope the party is not too stressful for you.

AFU, K got up in the middle of the night for a bottle again last night, but went back to sleep after till 845am. She had 2 great nights in a row so I'm hopeful for a repeat performance. The nanny said she has been cranky all day today though so we'll see what is in store for tonight.
Random question. I'm hoping to put together a photo book for Ev's first year if I ever get the time to do it. I would also like to include some monthly updates as to milestones and other firsts, etc. But now I'm kind of kicking myself for not writing this stuff down and keeping track because now I'm going to have to go through pictures/emails and probably my posts on here to remember when all of his firsts happened. So I have a question, have any of you been writing all of this stuff down? Do you have a little monthly chart that you keep track of certain information or how do you do it? The last time I saw my NP, her nurse, who is a grandmother, went off about how she keeps detailed diaries for her grandchildren, and how I need to start writing stuff down or I'll forget all the cute little things my baby says and does.
MP- We created a gmail account for B before he was born. I would send him emails with ultrasound pictures. Now that he's here, I will send a quick email if something happens "you took your first steps today!" and include a picture or video. When he is older (18?) we will tell him about it.
Thanks for the ideas JGator and amc. I'm going to try to be better about it now, and then trace back as much as a I can. Hopefully my posts on here will be of use!
JGator, awesome that L and K will be twin strawberries! When I first told my DH that I wanted her to be a strawberry, he was like... why do you want our daughter to be a fruit? :confused: I don't know--it'll just be cute! But yes, L had separation anxiety/stranger anxiety start back in July when we went to Florida. It hasn't been as severe since the trip, but she is definitely fearful around strangers, especially if they try to hold her, touch her or be too up front about engaging with her without letting her try to observe and warm up to them first. She also definitely still prefers me over daddy in general, but it all just depends on her mood. If she's tired or not feeling her best, she doesn't really want anyone else besides me or my mom. It doesn't make my husband feel very good, but I remind him it's a phase.

mlk, thanks so much for the link! I'll take a look at it.

Dani, I hope that L is feeling all better now. It totally sucks when they are sick and the vomiting/diarrhea/fever combo is really miserable. Congrats on having a walker!! That's awesome and opens up a whole new phase of things I'm sure! As for L turning 1, I would love to hear all about it. I told DH this morning how there is just so much stuff to do to get our house in order... and we currently have a houseguest from out of town right now, DH's stepmom coming in a couple of weeks, and then DH's brother and his whole family coming to visit a week after that... I can't even imagine trying to plan for a party too. But like you, I'd like to keep it simple and easy hopefully!

MP, I will definitely have you and Ev in my thoughts on Monday. Surgery of any kind is so incredibly tough to think about when it's being performed on your LO, but I know he will be fine. It will be wonderful when it's all over and behind you guys. Give us an update afterwards. That's awesome that Ev is so interested in table food now. Have you started trying to give him a sippy?
Yes, it wasn't easy trying to find the right baby gates that work the way I want them to (swing open), fit the space and also blend in with the overall decor of the house, but I think it will end up working out well. That's an interested challenge you have with the basement door... hmm... I'll have to think about that one. Anyway, the new house sounds wonderful... very very excited for you guys!

AFU, not much new here. We haven't set up an appointment for L's tubes yet because she still is quite congested and has a cough that doesn't seem to want to go away. If this goes on much longer, I'll have to bring her back to the ped to see if there is something else going on. But she's still in good spirits at least!

Oh, just saw the last set of posts... I went the baby book route... and have been very very bad about keeping up with it. Probably last updated it when she was 4 months old. Ugh. amc, I really like your idea!! What a great way to do it!
mp, I keep a diary and jot down anything new that Oscar does, even little things like clapping, or if he has had a cold. It's easy to do because I keep a diary anyway, the only difference now is that it's full of Oscar stuff :bigsmile: Every new picture I take, I put into a folder on my computer in chronological order, as I'm planning to get them all printed and put them into a 'brag book' of his first year, for my parents for Christmas.
So, I'm a bit tired this morning because after all the talk of keeping track of milestones, I couldn't get it out of my head, so I went back and typed up everything I could remember and read my posts on here. I ended up staying up way too late, and then Ev was a bit restless, so I didn't get a lot of sleep. At least now I have an approximate date for all of his milestones, and I'm going to be better about keeping track of them from now on. Dandi, the one thing I couldn't remember is when he started clapping. It was a long time ago, so I will have to go back through my photos and videos to see.

Cute story - we went out to eat last night, and the sushi chef liked Ev and made him his own little baby sushi. It was SO cute. There were three teeny tiny bite sized squares of rice with egg yolk on top, with a tiny little string of seaweed wrap around them. Ev grabbed one right away and put it in his mouth, but immediately started crying because I guess the new texture overwhelmed him. Oops. He ended up eating the egg part off of all of them, but wasn't a big fan of the rice. DH was so proud because he LOVES sushi. It will be a few years before Ev will get to try the real thing though.
MP, MH and I have been keeping a running list of L's milestones....hoping to transcribe it into his baby book, which I have been meaning to work on for awhile now..I started it a few months back, but haven gotten around to getting it up to date. Sometimes I feel like such a bad Mommy....he's my first child darnit!!

So it ended up that L had Roseola this wk. We thought initially it was a GI bug, but on Wednesday his fever broke, but he developed a rash on his trunk. Called the ped, and she said that's what it probably was. Nothing to do...just have to let it run its course. Little guy is better today though, so hopefully he's on the mend. I'm thinking he got it at the playground, since he doesn't go to daycare, and MH takes him to the playground quite often.

Some particularly upsetting sister in law ( MH's brothers wife) and my nephew won't be coming to L's party. I am livid. Long story here, but this is my husbands only living brother now ( the other brother passed away this past winter unexpectedly) and he is married to the biggest b***h of all time. We never had a great relationship, basically bc she is a very cold person ( direct opposite of me). They have 2 kids. Anyways, they said my nephew ( age 6) has "prior commitments" and SIL will stay with him, and BIL will " stop by" for a few hrs with my niece ( age 3). Am I wrong to think this is so messed up? It's L's first birthday, and they are choosing to let their son attend his best friend from school's bday party over his cousins first birthday party? Personally, I'm so happy SIL is not coming bc I can't stand her, but its the point. And I feel really bad for MH. They have really made no effort to see L at all since hes been born, and they live 30 mins away. When they had their kids, we were over at least twice a month. We would also babysit overnite quite often for them. I really wish I could say something, but don't want to start a war. But I feel like this is one of MANY things she (they) have done that was just downright rude/ nasty, and I've dealt with it for so long now ( over 10 yrs) that I just can't stand it anymore, especially because it has to do with my kid.

There's always drama. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

Have a great weekend girls!!!