
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Hi MP - So happy to see you check in. Poor baby girl. It must be so tough on you, but as always, you have such a good attitude. Wishing her a fast recovery. Sounds like baby boy is ready to move!! Like my daughter, my son is taking his time. He is 10 months today! And, he has just started scooting. Crawling will come soon, or perhaps he will skip it entirely. He's a happy little guy. His favorite thing to do at the moment is EAT. He plows through food - oranges, fists full of broccoli, cheese, tomatoes, all fruit, veggies, bread. He is so cute to watch!! He too loves music and will dance around, well, in a seated position, haha! Big sister LOVES him, which is a joy to see every day.

Hope to see some other mamas check in soon!
MP, great to hear about your little ones! Sorry baby girl has spent the year in the hospital. You are such a strong Momma. I don't know how you do it. K loves her baby brother, and he adores her too. He always looks for her and smiles at her in any room. She says he is her best friend.

LV, did you do baby led weaning? I am contemplating this for N. K is a horrible eater so I'm up for trying something different with N.

AHL, your son is so adorable. How is BFing going for you?

April, glad to hear sleep improved for you with Eliza.

AFU, I miss sleep! N is 4.5 months. He is a good baby most of the time, but still hates his car seat and cries like a maniac when we take him anywhere in the car. BFing is going really well surprisingly. I still worry about my supply as I had issues with K, but I have not had to give him formula since the first couple weeks, and he's up 1o 16 lbs now. LV, I am taking Moringa and Fenugreek this time around. I extended my maternity leave until the end of March so it's easier now to feed him since I am not working yet. We still have our nanny who watches K and takes her to/from preschool, but I am 100% in charge of N until I go back to work. I almost don't want to hand him over to her. It's sad. N slept on me/my brest friend all the time for the first 3.5 months. I now have him napping in the pack n play, but I nurse him to sleep for naps and for night time sleep and then transfer him to the pack n play in a swaddle. I am gearing up to break this habit, by switching around the order of things at night so that he eats first and gets the bath after to wake him up, but I am SCARED of how it will go. I hate to mess with a good thing, but I know if I don't he will never learn to fall asleep on his own, and my sleep will be horrible too. N now wakes up at night after 2-4 hours and then every 1-2 hours after that to eat. Sunday was horrible as he had a cold, and was up a lot! I was a walking zombie on Monday, but today his naps were better so I'm optimistic that he'll sleep okay today. He has an upper respiratory infection. This is his 3rd cold/cough since he was born. K wasn't sick until she was 13 months old so this is new to me, too! N is also on Zantac like K was as he was doing some major spitting up and still does spit up quite a bit. Oh, and K still comes to our room at 3am every night so we have a full on family bed with me nursing N and her joining us. This was never our intention, but it's how we roll now. My in laws were just in town for about a month, and they are moving here later this year. I feel like I haven't posted in forever. Sorry this is so me-centric. Hope everyone is doing well! :wavey:


Hi JG - Cute pictures! Your daughter is gorgeous, as always, and you son is just as cute as can be. My daughter and son are the same - she adores him and his face lights up when she walks in the room. There is no doubt that she is his favorite person! We did not do BLW. I've actually never read too much about it, but I guess I understand what it is. Anyway, his pedi suggested starting rice cereal at his 4 month apptmt, if I remember correctly. We waited a little while longer. And, we found something other than rice - I think it was oat - I'd need to check. He was happy to take it, but very small amounts, of course. Then we started purees, mostly fruit, mostly homemade, and then some jars too! It's all a blur, really, but he did start earlier than I would have expected. I'm posting a photo for you. I haven't posted a photo of him here yet. This is one of my favorites. He had his hair cut the next day. He is 10 months now and looks like a toddler. Heeeeeeeeeee!

Oh my goodness, LV and JGator, you have some handsome baby boys! So cute!

LV, I was wondering if you did baby led weaning as well. We kind of did BLW with Ev (a modified version), but I just haven't had time to do anything more than store-bought purees so far with O (N hasn't tried any solids yet and is exclusively g-tube fed). I tried giving O mashed potatoes the other night, and he looked like I tried to poison him, so I think I need to try introducing a few more textures to him. B sounds like such a sweetheart, and such a good little eater. Oh, and E didn't start crawling until 10 months either, and was much more focused on learning to communicate and talk. I much prefer that route. O is all over the place, and he gets so mad if I try to contain him in a pack n play. And it's like he has radar for anything he's not supposed to touch - cords, outlets, big brother toys, remotes, phones. I wish I could slow him down a bit.

JGator, ugh, we're going through/went through a lot of the same things. Acid reflux, spitting up, cold after cold (and ear infections for O), and also E doesn't sleep through the night in his bed anymore. I never thought I'd be one of those people who lets their kid sleep in their bed, but at this point, we're just trying to survive. I think once N is able to stay healthy and be home consistently, we'll work on that again. We moved O in to E's room and call it the "boys' room," and that helped a bit in the beginning, but E is back to coming into our bed at night. It won't last forever!

All of N's recent pictures are in the hospital, so I won't post those, but here's a couple of the boys.


All of the babies are so gorgeous/handsome! I hope they all continue to grow and make progress. I'm so far behind all of you that it's hard to comment since I'm not there yet.

Benjamin just turned two months yesterday. He is 11 lbs 6 oz and 22.5 inches. His hematoma is starting to be absorbed, mostly because his skull is growing so it's just starting to look smaller, no specialist for now. Getting his tie fixed did not work out. I went through such a mess with my insurance to get to an oral surgeon only for him to tell me that it wasn't worth fixing as he was bottle feeding fine. He said it would require general anesthesia and a lot of blood loss. I know this is BS since many do it with a laser which causes minimal to no bleeding and they are completely awake. I just have to save up my money and pay to have it done out of pocket by a preferred provider for tongue tie and lip tie revision. Even though it'll be too late for breastfeeding he will benefit for eating solids and speech. I'm planning on having it done after summer school (when I have money) and time off for him to heal. For feeding I am exclusively pumping. I had issues with making enough milk but since I got my hands on domperidone it's no longer an issue and he is getting only breast milk.

I've been back at work for three weeks already and it's been fine. Benjamin is proving to be an easy baby and it made the transition pretty simple. He goes to my Mom during the day so it took away most of my anxiety and pumping at work has been easily accommodated so all is well. Benjamin mostly only wakes 1 time at night to eat and goes right back to sleep so DH does that while I pump. He goes to bed right after his bath & night time bottle with no fighting, he's been in his crib in his own room since 2 weeks. He's such a pleasant guy that sometimes I wonder if something's wrong! I fear payback that baby #2 will be a handful so I got my nexplanon back in. Plan is to keep that until it expires.

Here's a pic of months 1 & 2, they grow so stinking fast!

Gah! I cannot even handle all the cute boys!

JGator- N is so handsome. He's getting big so quickly. I hope your sleep transfer goes well. It's not easy! The sleep is so much better once they can self soothe a little and go to sleep on their own.

LV- I love your boys hair! Eliza is jealous. Seriously jealous. He looks so cute with his broccoli. E loves broccoli too and it's such an easy one for them to grab and eat.

MP: I'm sorry to hear N has had such a rough time this year. I know it's stressful. I hope it gets better soon. Your boys are so adorable. I was with my nephew a couple weekends ago. He's a couple weeks older than your twins. He's into everything as well. Everything. He's super mobile (crawling and pulling up/using whatever he's grabbed to walk around things). He loves everything he shouldn't. He's such a different creature from E right now. He's just so BOY already. I love it! I am so curious what your house will be like a year from now with two little boys and a little girl!

AHL- he is so darn cute! I'm glad your pumping is going so well but what a load of crap you're dealing with the get the tongue tie fixed! I am so so annoyed for you.

AFU: Eliza is almost 8 months. I'd guess she's maybe in the 16lbs range. She was 15.1 at her 6 month check. She loves being outside. We went to the park for the first time a few days ago and she loves the swings. And the slide. Crazy kid.

We do a modified BLW- basically I give her small bites of real foods. She kills it. She's had everything- meats, veg, rice, you name it. The only thing she hasn't loved is banana. Go figure. Give the kid pot roast and carrots. Happy as a clam. It's hilarious to watch her eat.

She's not crawling yet but we've been encouraging her to. Though I dread her being mobile.

Oh! And I realized this morning she can curl her tongue!

I'm going to attempt to attach a pic. Left: MAD I wouldn't let her play with my iPad while I was using it. Right: 3 mins later. It really shows her personality.

Yes! Success. I downloaded tapatalk finally and my pics don't go sideways now!
April, love her bald head. My kids hair all come out with a ton of hair, only to lose practically all of it, and then have it come back with a vengeance. My little girl does seem to be more chill than her brothers, but I don't know if it a girl thing or personality thing. But you're right, life with two little boys is going to be entertaining.

For example, this morning, Ev and O were playing in my bedroom while I got ready in the bathroom. O started crying hysterically. Ev asked, Why do you think he's crying, mommy? I said, I think he's just tired or hungry. Ev said, Or maybe it's because I bumped him in the forehead with my chin. :-)
AL, sorry, I meant to respond to you too. Your little guy is a little cutie and looks so happy. Before you know it, he'll be doing all the things our older babies are doing.

As for his tongue issue and hematoma, just remember that you're his advocate, and you don't have to take the first no as an answer. I've learned with my daughter and to a lesser extent my sons, that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I would definitely get second opinions. Hopefully, his head will be okay, but I would think the earlier you get him seen by a specialist, the better, in case, it doesn't resolve on its own. Although I hope it will! Also, I'm probably being super annoying, so ignore me, if I am, but would that be considered a birth injury? Have you asked anyone about liability? We just got through dealing with an iv infiltrate that damaged my daughter's arm, and it took some pushiness on our part to get them to accept responsibility and get a plastic surgeon involved to minimize scarring. Feel free to ignore me, I am just sensitive to doctors not taking things as seriously as I think they should sometimes! Parents know best, and we're usually proven right!
Thank you ladies! I love the updated pics of Eliza, Benjamin is a fuzzy headed baby as well and people are always asking me when his hair will come in. How they don't realize I have no idea is beyond me but whatever.

I am the one pushing off the specialist for the hematoma, they often do resolve on their own over time and I don't want him to have cranial surgery for something cosmetic, that to me is terrifying. It is a birth injury but there was no vacuum use or forceps, it was a naturally occurring one since he was stuck and I pushed do hard to get him out. That was all me causing that lump on his head. It really doesn't bother him at all and I'm going to give it to 6 months to see if he really does need any help. I still wouldn't want the surgery but I might allow a helmet, even that I don't want but if it's needed it's needed.

As for the tongue tie I'm taking him to a world leading specialist who strictly does laser revision in upstate NY. We'll be going as soon as summer school is over for me since the post surgery recovery requires quite a lot or oral exercises and stretching and I would prefer to be the one to do it. It's all relatively low lever stuff, just things to work on.

Questions for you experienced Mommies, how do you feel about "training cups"? These things didn't exist really when I was helping to raise my brothers who are now 12 so I just don't know. We use the avent natural bottles successfully so I was thinking about their natural trainer cup since BRU is doing the BOGO sale for feeding. He's nearly 10 weeks so that time will be here before I know it.
AL, I didn't mean to imply you weren't being proactive. I just meant in the medical world, the first answer is often no. Or to downplay things.Like I said, DH and I have had to do a lot of negotiating and advocating to make sure our daughter is able to get the best care and live the most normal life and have the most normal appearance and healing for her many scars, so I'm hyper sensitive to that, and it sounded before like you were frustrated. My mistake! If you and your little man are comfortable and you are okay with how things are being handled, then that is what matters!
Oh, and by training cups, do you mean the ones that let them practice drinking out of a cup? With my older son, we went from bottles, to soft nipple sippy cups, to straw cups, to practice cups. I'm sure others do it differently.

Here's what our 3 year old uses:

8 month old uses these for practice with water, but mostly still uses bottles.
Laila, just updating from the TTC 6 Month thread. Anyway, that's so funny about your twins' very different pesonalities. Little boys -- you just have to love them, but they are complicated little creatures. At least in my case, they can be so amazingling sweet and unbelievably charming, at the same time, they require so much energy. In my case, my two boys were definitely "high needs" babies. They both mellowed significantly after about 4-6 months. You always hear girls make up for it in their teenage years, so who knows? I'm sure your house is full of activity at all times with 4 close in age. But I'm glad your older two are at least helpful!

To answer your question about my daughter, the poor little thing seriously cannnot catch a break. It sometimes feels like if something can go wrong for her healthwise, it will. She certainly didn't hit the genetic lottery, and I wish I could take it all away from her, but I just have a feeling she's going to come out of this just fine. She just has such a strong spirit, and her eyes seem to be so expressive and full of understanding. Other than a short 4 days at home, she has been in the hospital since the first week in January. But she has really come around in the past few days and her sweet personality is shining through and she's more interactive. She may be able to come home this weekend finally if everything goes well this week. She has to have a minor surgery on Thursday to remove some hardware from a prior surgery, but that shouldn't involve more than a night stay, knock on wood. We just have to make sure she's able to take enough volume of formula through her g-tube to get enough calories because she's been vomiting a lot. It's hard having her there because it definitely affects her ability to develop and our ability to bond normally and it prevents us from having much of any family time. Honestly, it's hard not to get frustrated sometimes and wonder "why us?" after we struggled so much to get these babies. But then I remember that it could be much worse and everyone has their own things they are dealing with, and we are so fortunate in so many other ways. I just hope that at some point, our life becomes more ordinary and less complicated. I used to sometimes get bored of just being at home on weekends and not getting out and doing anything, but now, that's all I want. Just a few weekends when we can all be at home and have nowhere to go.

Sorry, didn't mean to write a novel!
LV, wow Benjamin is 10 months already! I remember when you were in the IVF process with him! Crazy, how time files. He is adorable - love the broccoli photo! The pediatrician told us to hold off on anything other than breast milk or formula till 6 months so we're doing that. With K, she started rice cereal at 4 months so I'm fine with waiting. I really want to mix it up this time and get a better eater out of the deal!

MP, your boys are so handsome and they look a like. I love O's blue eyes! I can't believe you are a family bed family too! Well, I think N is out of our bed, but K's firmly there every night. She likes to snuggle up to DH these days which is funny because she used to be a momma's girl and that has totally changed since N arrived (which is good!). Good luck with N. I hope with the warmer weather, she ends up staying healthy and being home with you so can just have some regular quality family time. I am in awe of you! And, you are working too! Great job.

AHL, Benjamin looks great. Sorry you are dealing with tongue tie and hematoma, but glad you have a plan in place. K lately has been using the take n toss sippy cups from Target - cheap and work well. I hate all the little parts that are in most sippy cups - they get all moldy too.

April, Eliza is looking lovely! I'm glad she is such a good eater for you.

AFU, N turns 5 months old this weekend. I found a FB Group called Precious Little Sleep which has been a lifesaver for me. There is also an associated website with tons of good content So, we are on night 2 of cry it out with Neel, and he's sleeping in his crib at night now. He cried for 25 mins night 1 and 45 mins last night. I'm just trying to get him to learn to fall asleep on his own. If he wakes after midnight, I go in and feed him. So far, he has just cried at initial put down and then not again till after midnight so I haven't had to refuse him food yet before midnight. I also moved nursing at night to the first part of the routine vs. last - so, it's before his bath. The first night, he rolled over for the first time during the 25 mins of crying so we went in and changed him to a sleep sack. I just bought a zipadeezip today and will try that instead of the sleep sack to have him a bit more confined as he rolls over in the sleep sack and gets stuck on his stomach. So, the plan is train him to fall asleep, then tackle naps, then tackle some of the night feedings. He woke up 3 times around 1, 3, and 5am to eat the last 2 nights. I am also using the swing a lot - mainly for naps. I'm feeling pressured to tackle this now as I start work again on MONDAY. I can't believe it and I really don't want to go back, but I need to at least give it a go and see how it is working. I am fortunate that I work from home. Posting pics from St. Patty's - I had to bribe K with ice cream to let me take her picture and she still refused to hold N so I have 2 separate pics of them.


Guys, my chest freezer got unplugged. A week ago. I discovered it yesterday. I am so sad. DH had hired some guys to do some basic yard work and sweep out our basement. He also had them help him put our chest freezer on some concrete pavers we have since our basement (glorified crawl space) takes on water when it rains and the 2 X 4s it was on needed replacing. Apparently they unplugged it to move it, didn't plug it back in and DH didn't notice. We lost of ton of meat but who cares about that. I lost about 60 oz of breast milk!!!!!!! Sad. I am sad.
April, I would be so sad/mad about 60 oz of liquid gold being wasted! How horrible!!! Hugs to you.
Oh April, you poor thing!! I'm so sorry that happened, I'd be gutted too. Big hugs xx
Sorry, April, how frustrating and disappointing :(

JGator, I wouldn't exactly call our sleeping arrangements a family bed. It's worse. I usually end up sleeping in the guest room with O's monitor (or on N's floor when she's home). O sleeps in the boys' room, and Ev sleeps with DH in our bedroom. DH and I have both had such broken sleep (I get home late and he gets up early) that we keep each other awake. I keep telling myself that this too shall pass.

Happy Holy Week and Easter to those who celebrate it.
Just popping in because I love all the pics--JGator, N and K are so cute. K is such a little girl now. Good luck on Monday, returning to work is always tough.

MP, the boys are adorable! I just have to tell you what a great attitude you've had through all of this. I know there must be times you're beyond sad and frustrated about everything that has come your way (and N's way, obviously), but you really are handling it all so well. You're absolutely right that all of this will pass and it's nice that you can see that while you're in the middle of dealing with everything. Love all the updates and am keeping my fingers crossed that N will be able to stay home soon!
MP, my DH goes to the guest room with K half the time. He couldn't do that while his parents were here for a month, but that's what they were doing for a while before that. Now, N is in the crib so maybe they will stay in our room, and I'll be the one who gets up with N and has to listen to them arguing with each other about K kicking DH in the face, etc!

NEL, thanks for the well wishes on work. Hope all is well with you and your gorgeous girls!
Hi mamas, just thought I'd drop in before Emmerson wakes up to post a recent pic of her, she's 10 weeks and her personality is really starting to shine through. She was sleeping in my bed up until a few weeks ago, it was the only place she'd sleep! Now she's in her cot and seems to be ending up a pretty mellow baby, and a total cuddlebug. I have to watch Oscar like a hawk, he can be so rough with her! His behaviour has gotten a lot better thankfully, he seemed to struggle to adjust for the first couple of months, but things have improved a lot.

Much love to everyone!

Dandi, wow she's gorgeous! Looks like Oscar, too! Good luck keeping him contained around her. We are going through some jealousy right now so it could pop back up. Might be because our nanny is now watching both of them starting today. When do you go back to work? I know you are in Australia. Great job getting her into the cot. It can be so easy to have them in bed as far as the mom being tired at night and ease of feeding, etc!
Darling little one, Dandi! Ev has always been really sweet to the babies other than being a little (sometimes a lot) too demonstrative with his love once in awhile. But now that little brother O is full on crawling and nearly walking (Lord, help me, that child is a wild man), Ev is getting more aggressive than I like. He tries to hold him back and pull him by his legs. It's like all of a sudden, he is competition for toys, and Ev is not thrilled with baby brother's growing independence. Glad you stopped in!

JGator, hope work is going okay for you!

NEL, thanks for stopping in. You're so sweet. Appreciate your support, and I hope your little ladies are doing well!
Thank you JGator and mp, it's so good to hear from you both!

JGator she does look alot like Oscar, just on a smaller scale. Thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye on him in case the jealousy flares up again. He completely regressed with toilet training a few weeks back, but that has settled down thankfully. It must have been harder on him than he let on, poor tiger.

mp, oh so much for me to look forward to :wacko: Love the updates about your gorgeous brood!
MP, first day at work was not fun yesterday. N wouldn't nap for the nanny or drink pumped milk in the bottle so I had to try to feed him and get him sleepy and then try to transfer to crib or swing a few times between conference calls. I actually had to leave my boss hanging once! He always woke right up when I tried to transfer him. So, he had very little sleep during the day and was exhausted. Then, at night, he woke up a ton so I am EXHAUSTED today for day 2 of work. We might have to do CIO for naps because I gave the nanny a list of things, and I won't let her rock him, pacifier, bouncy seat, etc to sleep so she is out of tools since she can't BF him!

Dandi, K is good most of the time, but she has her moments when she wants me and does not want N on my lap too. She isn't potty trained fully yet at 3 years, 5 months. She does well for the nanny, but ends up in pullups with us on nights/weekends as she has accidents. I think she wants to please the nanny, but could care less if we are pleased with her potty training skills.
Dandi- Emmerson is beautiful!

JGator- I had the same nap problem with Eliza. She wouldn't transfer at all and wouldn't sleep more than 30 minutes unless I laid down with her. I did a modified CIO for naps (bedtime too) and it seriously took one time. She cried for 45 mins (i went in every 4 or 5 mins to comfort but not pick up), slept for 30, woke and cried for another 45 (same comfort routine) and then she slept for 1.5 hrs. Ever since then I can lay her down 99% of the time and she will fall asleep on her own for naps. I would definitely have your nanny try this. Maybe it's a YMMV type of thing, but it can't hurt I don't think.

AFM: My doc thinks I have diverticulitis. I've been having low grade back pain for a week or so. Then about three days ago I had what felt like trapped gas in my lower left quadrant. It really ramped up yesterday so I went to the doc. They ruled out a kidney infection and think it might be diverticulitis. My back pain was very reminiscent of early labor. I asked what to take for pain and she said Advil! I told her I'd need something stronger. I got a script for tramadol. It honestly didn't work that well and I might have popped my last percoset from when I left the hospital.... That worked. The kicker is the only antibiotic to treat this that is BF safe gives me crazy hives. They said they could just treat the pain for now and schedule me out for an u/s to confirm diagnosis. I told them I would take the hives. So I'm expecting to be a hivey hot mess around Saturday. Such is life.
I said yesterday that O's toilet issues are today the little bugger pooed on the carpet. I made him stay in his dirty underpants for a few minutes, hoping that he'd realise how uncomfortable it is and that it would discourage him from doing it again. He couldn't have cared less, and told me he just couldn't be bothered walking to the toilet. Le sigh.

Thanks April! So is your princess, divine! :love:
Ahh, the joys of potty training. I hope your little ones are fully trained soon, JGator and Dandi! Our little man was so frustrating. He knew exactly what he was doing and just refused to use the toilet and then would tell us immediately after he went in his diaper. We were so frustrated. And then one day right around his third birthday, he just decided it was time, and I think he only had a couple accidents after that (unless you're counting the "I forgot to point my wee-wee down" accidents -- we still :wall: have those on at least a weekly basis). Men/Boys

JGator, I hope things are going better for you with balancing work and baby. I remember your struggles with K and sleeping and eating, but at least this time around, you know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I find I am far more rational and less neurotic this time around when the babies are going through a frustrating phase. I still get frustrated, but I am rational enough to know that it will not be like this forever. Hang in there!

April, sorry, you're having health issues. I'm not familiar with what that is, but it sounds painful. Hope you are feeling better now.

AFU, I'm happy to say N has been home for a week, and it is such a relief having all of us under one roof. Everyone minus N has had a nasty cold (with symptoms that mimic influenza) for the past month, and we can't seem to shake it, so DH and I are wearing masks and using hand sanitizer every time we touch N. We are also keeping her separated from the boys. We try to keep her near the family so she starts to feel a part of things, but we also know that if we want her to stay home, she needs to stay healthy, so it is just the way it has to be for awhile. She thrives at home and is really connecting with DH and me again and smiles every time she sees us put on hand sanitizer because she knows that means we are coming to her. We are working her overtime with tummy time and sitting up, but we have to be careful not to overdo it because it takes a lot of energy for her to do seemingly simple things and she struggles to put weight on. We did go on our very first whole family walk yesterday, and it felt so good.

In other news, the twins turned 9 nine months this weekend, and O decided to take his first steps. He is such a wild man and needs to be moving constantly, but at the same time, he has turned into the biggest mama's boy, and he must be within two feet of me at all times, or he screams. Literally screams at me. Oh, that boy. He is just a bundle of contradictions. He is fearless and way too confident in his abilities, but he cries at the slightest fall or bump or if Ev is bugging him too much.

Hope everyone is doing well! How is it April already?
A couple pictures of baby girl at home (she is camera shy and her smile disappears when I take my phone out, but I almost caught a couple smiles) and baby boy being his busybody self....




I'm so glad you're all together MP! I hope you have many many family walks heading your way :appl: