Pandora-Thanks for sharing your experience. I''m hoping this is all because of the growth spurt. She has been sleeping since 6 this morning only waking to nurse. She woke up around 1pm and stood awake for an hour and is now sleeping in her swing. She seems to sleep better when she''s in her swing which I hate because I don''t want her to get in that habit. It seems like she won''t sleep in her bassinet at all now. Mr. Fiery moved into the living room this morning at 5 and I put her in bed with me. She slept well and only woke to nurse.
China-I ditto choosing the 18th as your induction date. Also, I wanted to throw this out there and the other moms can chime in if they don''t agree. **If** you know that you want the epidural (You don''t have to say whether you do or don''t on here because I know its a personal decision), I would request that they administer before the pitocin. Again, if you know you''ll want the epidural there really is no point in going through the hell that is pitocin. I think some hospitals won''t but most will give you the epi before the pitocin. When I finally decided to get the epidural, I had dealt with the pitocin contractions for several hours and I was exhausted. Then I had to wait for 2 bags of IV which would have taken a really long time except that my nurse was literally squeezing it all into me so that I can get the epi. Once they did administer, it was really difficult since the contractions were coming strongly every 45 seconds to a minute and I had to sit really still. My nurse had to hold down my entire body (Mr. Fiery wasn''t allowed in the room while they administered the epi). You can certainly use your techniques to get through the contractions so I''m not suggesting that you can''t but just throwing it out there in case you want the epidural.
China-I ditto choosing the 18th as your induction date. Also, I wanted to throw this out there and the other moms can chime in if they don''t agree. **If** you know that you want the epidural (You don''t have to say whether you do or don''t on here because I know its a personal decision), I would request that they administer before the pitocin. Again, if you know you''ll want the epidural there really is no point in going through the hell that is pitocin. I think some hospitals won''t but most will give you the epi before the pitocin. When I finally decided to get the epidural, I had dealt with the pitocin contractions for several hours and I was exhausted. Then I had to wait for 2 bags of IV which would have taken a really long time except that my nurse was literally squeezing it all into me so that I can get the epi. Once they did administer, it was really difficult since the contractions were coming strongly every 45 seconds to a minute and I had to sit really still. My nurse had to hold down my entire body (Mr. Fiery wasn''t allowed in the room while they administered the epi). You can certainly use your techniques to get through the contractions so I''m not suggesting that you can''t but just throwing it out there in case you want the epidural.