
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Missy, it's so good to hear from you!! J is adorable and is such a big girl now!! i'm not an expert on early intervention, but it seems like nearly every state has an early-intervention-type program (like Bella said, it covers speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, etc.). You don't need a referral from your doctor and the evaluation to see if you "quality" is free and non-commital, so you can always just explore the option if you think J might need it. We used EI for K's delayed speech and it was actually fun for K. I wouldn't worry since it sounds like J is starting to walk and I think 17 months is not that late, but you can always do an evaluation if you want.

Congrats on the pregnancy, that is so exciting!!! Our girls are almost exactly 24 months apart and I think the timing is great. We'd planned to have 2 and space them 2 - 3 years apart...I wasn't expecting to get pregnant the first month we started trying for our second and was really worried that exactly 2 years apart might be a bit too close in age. As it turns out, it's worked really well for us. Our first was really excited (not old enough to be jealous) and now at 3.5 and 1.5, they play constantly. They are like two peas in a pod. Oh, and because I had 2 of the same gender, re-using clothes has come in very handy!

Because we planned for 2, I also had times when I was really sad about the "last" milestones. I cried a little on the way home from the hospital after having our second. I am a little sad every time I pack clothes that C has outgrown because I know they're being packed up for good. I genuinely don't want another, but am still sad about my baby growing up. One good thing is that it's a constant reminder to enjoy every stage. Congrats again!
Bella_mezzo|1434026481|3887784 said:
Yes, the saga of the MCAT...I despise this test with every fiber of my being. DH took it twice last year and go a low score the first time, and an even lower score the second time (he was in horrible pain with multiple herniated disks in his back and in retrospect should not have taken the test the second time). He applied to 30 schools, got interest from 4 schools, got an interview at one--his first choice school!--had a great interview but ultimately was not offered a spot. So, here we go again...I am beyond frustrated with this process, but know that this is what DH really wants. We are going through this application cycle and then will reevaluate other options if necessary. Financially and emotionally this process is really draining, and lack of sleep definitely makes it worse.

Bella, I am not around too much anymore but felt compelled to write about this.

I know medicine has been your husband's dream, but if just the MCAT is causing this much strife it is probably time to reconsider options. MCAT is just the first of many, many standardized exams. I think I had taken at least a dozen by the time I finished residency. As medicine currently stands, we are taking exams for the rest of our careers. Many physicians are currently fighting this. Moreover, to be honest, I do not recommend a career in medicine to anyone. Our healthcare system is a disaster, on so many levels. I wish your hubby the best and hope he finds a fulfilling career!

Btw, E is adorable! What a doll. I am actually pregnant with #3 myself, and so sick... and heavily regretting it. There will likely come a point when I forget how awful this pregnancy has been, but it will not be anytime soon :knockout: ;))
Wow, this thread is dead! I guess I don't really belong here anymore since B turned 3 last month. Which is just ridiculous.

Anyway, he's fully potty trained now, which is amazing. He had been pee trained for a while, and then one day decided he'd poop, as well, and he never looked back. Everyone always said he'd do it when ready, and that's what happened.

We went to Disneyland two weeks ago and he had an amazing time. He was tall enough to go on almost all the rides and loved them. He even loved Splash Mountain! I'll share a picture I like to call "right place at the right time."

Hope everyone is doing well!

Naww amc that is the cutest pic. And yay to potty training! Oscar is being a bit resistant in that department. Some days he's great, others not so much. If he's tired he refuses to wear big boy underpants and insists on a nappy or pull up. He's just started one day a week in daycare in a room of 3 year olds (he's 2 and 9 months) so hopefully that will spur him on a bit.

Here's the monkey on a recent interstate holiday we took, he's a beach bum :wink2:

AMC, B is so handsome and so dang tall! All of my kids have been 25th percentile at their tallest. Peanuts! DS2 absolutely LOVES amusement park rides too. DS1 is 5 and always cautious of them (or flat out refused) until his baby brother started riding.

Dandi, love the beach pic! We took DS2 for the first time this summer (he's 2.5) and he LOVED it. Couldn't hang as long as his big brother but really did enjoy it. He's also not even close to potty training. He'll sometimes sit (for fun and cheers) but, other than that, no interest. I'm not sweating it. Since he's our last we're pretty laid back. He's still drinks from a bottle too. :eek: If I was posting on one of those uppity mommy boards I would probably get a lashing. ;))
Love the updates--feel like I'm never here anymore!

amc, so nice about the potty training! I always thought diapers would be easier if we were at the beach or on a little hike or something, so I didn't bother with potty training until K asked to stop wearing her diaper (she was 3 and a few months). Then I discovered I had the opposite problem--I would actually have to request that she go potty or she'd just hold it all day. Now I'm eager for C to get out of diapers, but know she won't have that kind of bladder control for another year or two.

So glad you had a great time at Disneyworld! We went to our first amusement park this summer and the girls loved it. We also had the advantage of tall kids, which is nice. C was still too short for some of the 36"+ rides (she's 35" and I didn't want to risk it), so I think next summer will be more fun.

Love the beach pics--we had a blast at the beach this summer, I'm really going to miss it!

C is 19 months now and talking up a storm. K barely said a word before she was 3, so this is completely new to me. C is still completely obsessed with K and they play together constantly.

K is 3.5 and started school this fall--she loves it. She's really come out of her shell in the past 6 months or so. She's still on the shy side, but I see signs of confidence. She doesn't hesitate to play in her group piano class. And her preschool teacher says that because K is such a "rule-follower", she'll ask the other kids to pay attention to what K is doing in class, which I think makes K feel good. I honestly think that having a younger sister to "teach" has helped K. And C benefits, too, because K often tells C to "be patient" if C wants something and starts to cry. Honestly, C listens to K more than she listens to me.

Here's a pic of the girls I took this weekend when they were being cute:

Great to see the pics and updates. I'll only fit into this thread for another couple weeks as Ev is turning three (how?!) and the twins are almost three months. I have to say, I keep thinking Ev can't get any cuter, funnier or more fun, but it keeps getting better and better. I'm sure you all feel the same way. He legitimately makes me laugh these days. We share a weird sense of humor I think and crack each other up sometimes. I also love love love seeing him with his brother and sister. He calls them "my babies" and tells everybody we interact with "I have two babies. A brother and 'stister.'" I thought he grow tired of them, but he is still so attentive and fascinated by them. He worries N is "only" (lonely) at the hospital because she's currently there for a bad respiratory infection. Anyway, I'll stop gushing bie, because I know you all feel the same about your toddlers. They are the most wonderful, adorable, entertaining and frustrating little beings. I kind of wish I could keep him this age!
Great to hear from everyone and see recent pics.

AMC, B is so handsome and tall! I'm glad you all had fun at Disney.

NEL, your girls are adorable and look so much alike. That's so interesting how C and K are different. I am looking forward to experiencing that with K's little brother. I'm secretly hoping for a better eater and sleeper. A girl can dream!

MP, sorry to hear N is still in the hospital. Poor thing. I really hope she gets to a good growth and development spurt and all of this is behind you soon. I hope K is as adoring as Ev is of his siblings. That is wonderful to hear.

Dandi, Oscar is such a cutie. I wouldn't worry too much about potty training right now. I think boys typically take longer than girls. Our K is not that interested, but I can see that she is becoming more interested now that she's almost 3.

AFU, K started pre-school again last week. She is in the Young 3s class this school year - still 2 days/week in the AMs. She seems to have adapted to the new teacher and all new classmates well so far. She is still very shy and calls herself shy. She does have definite opinions though, and I don't think she will ever be a push over even though she is shy. We are going through major sleep issues - she takes forever to get to bed at night and then comes to our room at 3am every night. I am too tired to deal with it so I usually just cave and she kicks us and my DH ends up moving to the guest room in the middle of the night typically. I wonder how this will work post baby? She is becoming funnier every day. She makes up nicknames for herself including Sports and Elephant K and Giraffe K. She loves Princess Sofia and Frozen. She has been into a large Frozen floor puzzle lately. She is still a picky eater and mostly vegetarian except for McDonalds hamburgers which she doesn't get very often, hot dogs, and salami. I still don't know when her 3rd birthday party will be as we are in limbo on the new baby's birth - either in 2 weeks or 5 weeks! So, if the new baby comes early, we will likely have her birthday party around her birthday in late October, if the baby comes on time which is 3 days before her birthday, then we'll wait till mid-November for the party. The theme will be Princess Sofia - that's all I have so far on that!

JGator, I took your advice and relaxed on the toilet training front. So, naturally, O trained himself and now only wears nappies at night :cheeky:
Dandi, awesome news! K is not trained yet. She is trying during the day, but I think we need to go cold turkey with underwear.

AFU, K is technically not eligible for this thread anymore, but I wanted to update. She had her 3 year dentist appt last week, and the paci fairy came that night. We have been waiting for her to tell us she is ready for the paci fairy to come, and she finally agreed after he dentist told her she needed to give her pacis to new babies. She did really well, and I wish we would have ripped off the bandaid sooner. Seems like most things are harder on the parents than the kids! She also gave up her one bottle at night a month or so ago which she really cried about. Now, she gets no milk at all because she refuses to drink it in a sippy cup, but her pediatrician told her she had to give it up at her 3 year appt and she started crying right there at the beginning of her exam. That was the worst check up she has had with the bad news up front and she was already anxious about her flu shot.
JGator, good to hear the news about the bottle and paci. I know it's tough, but I bet she forgets about it quickly. K did really well (paci fairy also came when she was 3) and I also wished I'd done it sooner. What's interesting, though, is that soon after the paci was gone, she started biting her nails. And that is a battle I haven't won.

Is K's sleep any better? How has she adjusted to her little brother?

Does K like to use the potty? Or does she still prefer a diaper? My pediatrician always says his kids weren't potty trained until closer to 4 because he didn't want to push it.

Cora will be 2 in February and is doing really well. Talking a TON, which is so odd for me given that K didn't say a peep until she was closer to 3. The one issue we're having with C is that she has a tough time going to bed at night. She loves the whole routine of getting ready for bed. And she happily gets IN her crib. But as soon as I leave the room, she screams "MAMA!!" for a minute to two minutes before settling down. She's then fine for the rest of the night (no waking up, no crying) and is happy when I come get her in the morning. I thought maybe keeping the door open so she wouldn't feel so shut off would help. It didn't. Then I converted her crib to a toddler bed in hopes that more freedom would be better. It wasn't. She ran out of her bed like it was on fire. I had the crib rail back up within 15 minutes of attempting her first nap in the toddler bed. So the past few nights I just let her cry for that minute or two and hope it's just a phase...
NEL, funny you ask about K's sleep. It's horrible! She wakes up around 3am every night after my husband does a long sleep routine with her where he sleeps on the floor next to her toddler bed. She goes back and forth between snuggling wtih him on the floor and her bed. Then, he leaves about 40 minutes into this routine, and around 2/3am she comes to our room. Now, they both go sleep in our guest room at that point to avoid waking up N - we started this when K was sick to avoid her getting N sick a month ago. I'm glad she has transferred her sleep routine over easily to my husband, but wish we could get her to stay in her bed!!! She actually goes straight to him now when she wakes up. I will trade Cora's sleep routine any day!!!

She likes to use the potty. She is better with her nanny during the week though. Or, her nanny is better at staying on top of her to go every hour - we slack off a bit and then she refuses to go when we ask her to.

ETA - K adores N. She is very protective of him. For example, she came to his 2 month check up today and stood on a stool and oversaw the pediatrician exam. She also watched his shots up close and then got super sad and withdrawn after he cried. She will get me things for him, and shares all his toys - ie, she wants to play/keep all his toys! It's great seeing them together, and he does calm down often when she is near him if he's upset for some reason.
This thread hasn't been updated in about a year, but I just wanted to check in to see if any of my old friends ever check in anymore. It seems as though these threads are dying out.

Anyway, quick update. My oldest is 4 now and my twins are 17 months as of today. Hard to believe. E is doing great. All of a sudden he is all arms and legs and super skinny. No baby fat left. He's such an extrovert and just loves being around people, performing and making people laugh, which can be exhausting for his decidedly more introverted mama. I'm most proud of how empathetic and caring he is for such a little guy. He's really helpful with his little brother (most of the time). And he is so smart and picks things up so quickly, it's almost scary. He's a really good kid.

O is really developing his little personality. He must do everything his brother does, and he is much more physical and coordinated than his brother was at that age. He is still a big mama's boy though, and much of the time I'm either perching him on my hip or he's following me around saying, "Up, up." He loves his twin sister and hugs and pats her all the time, except when he suddenly decides to bang her on the head. He's really picking up words like crazy right now, but it's mostly lyrics from songs. And he eats and sleeps well, so I can't complain. And I have a really big soft spot for my "middle" child.

And lastly, N. She's doing so amazingly well compared to where we were a year ago. She is sitting up and crawling like a champ, and she is finally figuring out how to get herself into a standing position and can hold herself up if she has something to hold onto. She still doesn't have any words, but she sure loves to babble and hear her voice. We are still tube feeding, and it seems as though it will be awhile before we move on from that. She just recently had a respiratory illness that sent her to the hospital, and she was into everything, pulling on cords and grabbing things she shouldn't have. Much different experience than before. She is a silly little thing that loves to laugh and make others laugh with her funny bouncing and head bopping. DH and I just love her to death and are so proud of how determined and happy she is, despite everything she's been through.

Anyway, if any of you others that I always used to "talk" to are still around, I'd love to hear what you're up to. Hope everyone is well and has a wonderful holiday season. Here's a recent attempt at photo of the three of them. Ha ha. Actually a good demonstration of their personalities.

MP!!!!!! Look at your munchkins, so precious!!!! E and O are adorable and I am so glad that N has come so far. She looks like she's got quite a personality:-) I love it!

We totally don't git on this thread anymore, but here's our update.

We are doing well. E has a ridiculous temper so the terrible twos (soon to be terrible 3s!) are epic. B is also doing well. We moved this summer for my DH to start medical school (yay!) and B's new school seems to be working better with his special needs and learning challenges. We are still trying to get some answers re B's needs but he just turned 8 and is really blossoming.

I'll try to post a pic of both boys this weekend, but here is a fairly recent shot of E (please ignore the messy house). They have gotten so big.

We are TTC and really hoping for #3, but for now medical school is our third "child" and the boys are getting kittens for Christmas, I am working FT still and travel often for work, so life is definitely chaotic.

Bella, good to hear from you. Your son's shirt is appropriate - he is so handsome! I know all about strong-willed and naughty boys. Story of my life these days. I hope things slow down a bit for you and that you get your number 3 one of these days when the time is right. We'll most likely stay a family of five unless DH softens to the idea of trying out the remaining embryos. Three kids is a trip, and I'm not even sure I'd keep my sanity if we added another, but if the decision were just mine to make, I'd probably give it a try and see what happened. Anyway, best wishes to you and your family!
MP, it's so great to see pics of your three kiddos!! I had been wondering how N was doing. She looks like such a little sweetheart. She has been through a lot and she is a tough little thing! My twins are two now, and we are expecting baby number 5. It was totally unplanned and after years of infertility, we never dreamed an oops was even possible. Crazy how life works sometimes. Anyway, thanks for the update on your little ones! The threads have been so quiet around here.

Bella, your little guy is very handsome!! He looks like he's a lot of fun and maybe a bit mischievous! :)
All of the babies/KIDS are looking so beautiful and are growing so much! Benjamin will be here in another month, time is FLYING!
Oh my goodness mp, your babies are divine!!! So good to hear from you!

Bella, E is such a dude :love: Good luck on the TTC front, I hope you get your #3!

Oscar will be 4 tomorrow. Where on earth did 4 years go?? Emmerson is nearly 11 months and they adore one another.


Hi everyone!! Long time, no talk!!! I havent been here in so long! Glad to see you are all doing well!! Everyone's kiddos are so cute!!

MP, its great to see you!! Your kids are adorable!!! Im so glad you guys are well!! Hi Dandi!!! Your kids are sooo cute!!!

As for us, L is a little over 4, and N is 2!! They are just the cutest, most active little boys ever, and we adore them!! Contemplating #3, but we just arent sure yet!! Its such a big decision!! Everyone tells us 3 is the game changer (in terms of your sanity, lol)!!

Happy holidays to everyone- hopefully we can get some of the "old timers" on here and have a little reunion!!! :twirl:
I am loving all of these updates and pictures!! This has made my day!

MP, I was so happy to hear your update. I feel like you all have come so far in the last year, especially little N. But you can tell that overwhelming stress is gone for you, and I'm so glad to hear it! The pic is super cute!

Dani, glad to hear your boys are doing well! Good luck with the decision on #3! I'd convinced DH that we were perfect as a family of 4, but now all of our friends are pregnant with #3 and that has brought up a couple more discussions. We agree that if we have an oops, it would be fine, but the logistics of it would be overwhelming.

Dandi, love the pictures! O makes a cute little chef and E is such a cutie!

Asscher, so excited for you! Only 1 more month!

Bella, that pic of E is so funny--like he can't wait to get into trouble!! And so glad to hear B is doing well in his new school. How was the move? Feel settled in? Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that #3 happens soon!

AFU, everybody is doing really well! I'll try to keep it short!

K will be 5 in a few months and she's just grown so much--mentally and physically. It's fun to have a thinking, opinionated, small human to talk with, but it also comes with more articulate oppositions and a splash of attitude at times. So I feel like we have good days and bad. I think K is very naturally sweet and polite, so that is good. But she's also stubborn and Type A, which can be a challenge. For activities she loves (swimming, dance), she is focused and motivated. But when it comes to her daily piano lesson, she is only motivated to resist in an effort to engage in a power struggle. I was getting frustrated, but lately I just give her the option to do her lesson or go to bed early. She chooses to go to bed, so not sure what else to do there. That's been the only big challenge for us lately.

K goes to school 5 morning per week now and loves it. She's so excited to start kindergarten next year. When we get stuck behind the bus in the mornings, she says "Next year I'll be getting on the bus!!" and I cry a little.

C will be 3 in a few months and continues to be the funny, more laid-back younger sibling. She wants to do everything K does, but can't. She's also much more prone to get frustrated than K was at her age. She can be hot & cold without being able to articulate why she's upset, so K will try to reason with her and then they both get mad. Sometimes it's comical. C goes to "school" (more like a playgroup) one morning per week and she loves it, so we're trying to figure out how many days to send her to preschool next year. All of those applications are due in the next month, so that's been pressing.

Attaching a few pics we took this fall for the Christmas cards!



Laila, no way! Congratulations! You fertile infertile you ;) Your news make me a little broody, even though I can barely handle the three I have. Best wishes to you during your pregnancy.

Dandi, hi there! Look at your little cuties! I remember when Oscar had that blond hair that stuck straight up, and now he's a big boy.

AHL, almost a year already? It sure goes fast!

Hi Dani, good to hear from you. Having two crazy little boys is so much fun, isn't it? I went straight from 1 to 3, so I can't speak to the transition from 2 to 3, but you could totally do it! Somebody always needs something (usually 3 somebodies) and life is a bit chaotic, but I just love that they're a little gang and have so much fun together.

NEL, your girls are just lovely. They look so tall and grown up, I can't believe it. Hmm, everybody I know who was open to oops, eventually had their oops :) I know you are always so organized and on top of things, so I'm sure you'd handle it just fine. DH is camp probably not and I'm camp why not? when it comes to trying for another. I definitely don't feel the overwhelming desire to have a baby that I had the first two rounds, but I would like to give our two remaining embryos a shot and hopefully experience a newborn again. I would want to do it soon as I'm 36, but I'd also like to make sure N is past her health issues before we potentially complicate things.

Thanks for updating, ladies! I was "missing" my PS friends!
Hi, everyone! What a pleasant surprise to see all the posts from my old friends!

MP, your children are just gorgeous and you really can see their personalities in that photo. I love it. I am so happy to hear things are going so well and that life has really settled down for you. I am also thrilled to hear of N's progress physically. That's wonderful news. Are you still working part-time? How is that going?

Bella, E is so handsome! I love his spunky personality. I am so glad to hear your husband started med school. Our nanny is starting in a week in the Caribbean at St. George's. Good luck with baby #3. I am certain that it will happen for you when the time is right.

Laila, wow! Congrats on baby #5. You are a super mom!

Dandi, Oscar looks so grown up! I cannot believe it. We are in a similar stage with a 4 year old and 1 year old. Emmerson is a beauty too!

AHL, come back! Did Benjamin turn 1? Great to hear from you!

NEL, wonderful to hear from you and see the gorgeous pics of your girls. Your K and my K sound so similar in personality with the sweet and shy side and the stubborn side too. Good luck with preschool applications. I cannot believe K will start kindergarten either! Impossible!

Dani, good luck and great to hear from you. I'm glad things are going well with your boys and good luck on #3. Are you still working in a hospital?

AFU, N is 14 months and K is 4 years and 2 months now. K is in preschool 3 mornings per week and loves school. She is a real girly girl and loves dolls and wearing dresses. She has a great imagination and plays independently and acts out stories with her toys which she is doing right now. Her brother,on the other hand, is into everything. He has tried to touch my computer several times as I type this and is currently holding my cell phone and dropping it all over the house. He is constantly opening cabinets, taking trash out of the trash can, climbing steps, etc. Non-stop busy. He is very happy and smiley and seems like he is a bit more outgoing than his sister, but still shy with strangers and clingy and a momma's boy for sure. He is saying things like Hi, Bye, Appie for Apple, Uppie for Up, and Peppa Pig. Our nanny of almost 4 years is starting med school so her last day was Friday. We found a new nanny who has 2 school age kids, and so far has been amazing. My house has never been cleaner. I just can't get over how much she does and she is really engaged with the kids with playing too so it's been great. We did a video chat with the old nanny today though which may not have been a good idea as K got really sad. She loves her old nanny so much and always tells us she loves her more than us. I think things will be fine if we don't chat too often with the old nanny going forward, but we'll play it by ear. If anyone wants to be friends outside (FB), I put a posting on loupetroop a while back under other This is Jgator.


Oh JGator, your kids are just divine!! K is such a doll, and N looks like he'd give you a fair bit of curry, he's got that twinkle in his eye :love:

O starts kindergarten in a few weeks and just can't wait. We went shopping for a lunch box, drink bottle and new back pack, and he's counting down the days. It's awesome that K loves it, I hope my little guy does too. The going trend seems to be waiting for kids to turn 6 before starting school, but I'd send O now if I could :bigsmile: He will be so ready at age 5! N sounds like an absolute champ. Emm is a busy little worm too, I'm bracing myself for the day she walks.

So good to hear from you!
Hi everyone. I just logged on to this forum for the first time in 2 years as I am looking to upgrade my studs. I didn't realize so many others had dropped off. It is nice to see all the updates on here. Everyone is getting so big. MP, I you were pregnant the last time I visited this site. NIL, yours are so big now! DanDi yours are adorable, and Bella your son is handsome.

Anyways. Mine are 3 now! Hard to believe. We are thinking of trying for one more with our frozen embryos (but with a single embryo transfer). We will see how it goes. Here are a pic of my little ones, umm, never mind. I can't figure how how to

Firecracker, great to hear from you. Your children are adorable. Good luck with the SET if you choose to go ahead with it.

Dandi, you are right about N. He has a very mischievous side to him. How did Kindergarten go for O?

MP, how is your family doing?

NEL, how are the girls? Any big summer plans?

Dani, how are your munchkins? And, how is my favorite diamond band? I am going to get one just like it someday. Did you decide to try for #3?

AFU, N will be 18 months soon, and K is going to be 4 1/2. N is finally sleeping through the night since about 16 months which has been nice for me. I am still nursing him which I need to figure out a plan to phase out at some point soon, but at least not in the middle of the night anymore. N is still getting into everything. His current obsession is markers - taking caps off and drawing on things. K never did that so this is new territory - I guess he has access to things earlier than she did so he is taking full advantage of it. My in laws were here for a month in March. They are moving about 5 miles away in June. N loves the warm weather and loves going outside. He always gets his shoes and wants to go outside - he cries if he can't go. He is incredibly sweet, but he has to be watched or he gets into big messes! N loves hugging his sister and says Hug or Hugga a lot when hugging her. K is doing really well. She had about 2 months of urinary tract infections with 4 different antibiotics so I am thinking of getting her kidneys checked just in case. K loves preschool and dolls and all things girly. Here is a picture of them on Easter.

Firecracker, wow, great to see your update! What cute little redheaded twins you have! Glad to hear things are going well and that you're thinking of going for another. Three is crazy, but a lot of fun.

JGator, totally adorable Easter photo. They are as cute as ever. My twins get also get into things and trouble a lot more often than E ever did. We barely had to babyproof for him, but with the twins, it seems like I am always averting disaster. I always like hearing what you are up to because my kids are nearly the same ages.

E is doing great, other than being a bit of a troublemaker at school from time to time. We have so much fun with him, and he legitimately makes me laugh. Great sense of humor for a 4 year old. O is my challenging one. He is just very needy of my attention, and very particular, sensitive and emotional. When something is not quite right, holy tantrum meltdown. But when all is right with his world, he is the sweetest little guy and really helpful around the house. He gets a bit jealous when the other two want my attention and says "Mine" (referring to me). Definitely wasn't meant to be a twin! And last, but not least, N is my little lovable, cuddly sweetheart. She has spent a couple of weeks in the hospital this past winter, but it's been so much better this year. She is pulling up and cruising, but not quite ready to walk on her own. That doesn't stop her from getting into everything and climbing onto everything though. So, although she's still behind, I really feel like she is going to catch up soon. Here's a few Easter and and another recent pic that shows their personalities :)

Hope everyone else is well! Randomly checked in today and was happy to see a couple posts from awhile back.



Benjamin is nearly 2 and living his full toddler life. He is generally very happy and easy going but he does not like having his picture taken. I was concerned by his minimal speech for awhile but he's started picking up a few new words each week so I think he was just a later bloomer. I'm starting to want another baby which is not going to happen anytime soon but it's interesting to have the feeling. IMG_20171124_224525_198.jpg
This is a SLOW thread! Hi, all :wavey:!

MP - hi - great to see you all! They are growing up so fast? How does E like Kindergarten?

AHL, Benjamin looks like such a sweet boy. No wonder you want to have another one! Good luck!!!

My son N turned 2 in late October and my daughter K turned 5. N loves cars and trucks and wants a firetruck that says Ding Dong for Christmas. He is pretty obsessed with Santa these days and wants to see him on a Santa train again! He is speaking in very long sentences with the average is probably 5-6 words, but he can go to 8-10 if he is in the mood. I think that is possibly from having an older sister, but I am not sure as the doctor told me boys usually are slower at language and that having a big sister might mean she would talk for him and he would talk less! Who knows? He is into everything and completely different than his sister was. He loves to dump things - bags of potato chips, baskets of toys, you name it...he will dump it. He and his sister generally get along, but they do fight over toys and my DD will push him and knock him over if she gets mad at him for destroying something she created. He will start preschool next school year in Sep 2018 - we just signed him up last week! He is still nursing 2-3 times a day, and I need to figure out how to stop that as the dentist and pediatrician want me to, and I do worry about his teeth at night. He is definitely doing it for comfort and the pediatrician said he needs to learn to cope with his feelings vs. running to me if he's anxious or upset which is the case now.

My DD K is 5 so aged out of this thread, but we don't have a thread for her so since she has been talked about on here so long, I will update on her too. She is in her last year of preschool and will start Kindergarten in the Fall. She is very sweet and soft spoken at school, but has major temper tantrums and melt downs at home. Any advice on that? She has 2 boys at preschool who both say they love her and want to marry her, but she plans to marry her brother and live with us forever. She also knows she might change her mind on that. She wants to have several jobs when she grows up including animal dentist, helper doctor to her old Nanny, construction worker, and Mommy. Her old nanny just finished her first year of med school in the Caribbean and we have we are on our 3rd nanny this year. We have had so many issues, and it has been so stressful. I am thinking of stopping work in the Fall when K starts Kindergarten too so there is an end in sight for the nanny drama.

Hope all is well with all my old friends on here who were on the TTC journey for round 1 and 2 with me! Happy Holidays!
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@JGator behavior stuff is TRICKY business. I have worked as a behavior consultant and would suggest reading Janet Lansbury and RIE as very solid behavior advice. I basically follow this as a trained consultant and as a teacher (and with Benjamin of course) and I've been very successful with it.
Great idea. Congrats!