
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months

Update -I had my first business trip this week since N was born. So, I decided to stop nursing and use the trip to help with that. I was gone 2 nights, and he did okay - took longer to get to sleep with my husband. I came back and he immediately asked for Mommy milk. I told him I don't have any more that it is gone because he is 2 now and that it stopped coming out because he doesn't need it anymore. He has taken a long time to get to sleep every night, but so far so good. He keeps saying he wants it, but seems to accept my answer that it is not there anymore. It has been 4 days. I am feeling fine too - I was worried I would have pain or some issues related to stopping cold turkey. He does also have an ear infection again - the 2nd one in 3 weeks so I'm hopeful he does not need tubes at some point.

:wavey: to all my old friends!
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Is anyone still here??? I haven't posted since 2015. How in the world did that happen? Jenna is 4.5 and started preschool this week. My little guy Brady is 2.5 and is such a sweet boy, I can't get enough of him!
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Missy, your children are beautiful. Thanks for checking back in.

My son started preschool this year. He will be 3 at the end of the month. My daughter started Kindergarten and she will be 6 at the end of October. So far, they are both enjoying school. My DD has been having temper tantrums more often at home though.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in late May. It has spread to my liver, brain, and bones. I am taking a daily targeted treatment pill, but there is no cure. I am hopeful that I have a lot of time left, but I just don't know. I stopped working and am tired and have a cough as my main symptoms. The kids do not know. I cry just about every day when I think about leaving them as children. It is a tough diagnosis. My husband has picked up a lot of what I used to do with them, but he is getting stressed and snaps at them easily. I worry about how things will evolve when I am not here to be the buffer between them. Sorry for bringing everyone down, but I wanted to share what is going on with me.

Missy, your children are beautiful. Thanks for checking back in.

My son started preschool this year. He will be 3 at the end of the month. My daughter started Kindergarten and she will be 6 at the end of October. So far, they are both enjoying school. My DD has been having temper tantrums more often at home though.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in late May. It has spread to my liver, brain, and bones. I am taking a daily targeted treatment pill, but there is no cure. I am hopeful that I have a lot of time left, but I just don't know. I stopped working and am tired and have a cough as my main symptoms. The kids do not know. I cry just about every day when I think about leaving them as children. It is a tough diagnosis. My husband has picked up a lot of what I used to do with them, but he is getting stressed and snaps at them easily. I worry about how things will evolve when I am not here to be the buffer between them. Sorry for bringing everyone down, but I wanted to share what is going on with me.


OH my goodness, JGator, your post broke my heart. Your family is lovely and I believe in good medicine and miracles happen everyday. Healing vibes your way. If there IS anything I can do for you...…

kind regards--Sharon
Missy, your children are beautiful. Thanks for checking back in.

My son started preschool this year. He will be 3 at the end of the month. My daughter started Kindergarten and she will be 6 at the end of October. So far, they are both enjoying school. My DD has been having temper tantrums more often at home though.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in late May. It has spread to my liver, brain, and bones. I am taking a daily targeted treatment pill, but there is no cure. I am hopeful that I have a lot of time left, but I just don't know. I stopped working and am tired and have a cough as my main symptoms. The kids do not know. I cry just about every day when I think about leaving them as children. It is a tough diagnosis. My husband has picked up a lot of what I used to do with them, but he is getting stressed and snaps at them easily. I worry about how things will evolve when I am not here to be the buffer between them. Sorry for bringing everyone down, but I wanted to share what is going on with me.


@JGator, my heart aches for you and I am so very sorry you are going through this. My words are hopelessly inadequate. Your family is beautiful. I wish I could help you in some way. If you can think of anything I can do, please let me know. I will pray for you every day. I am sending you lots of love, support, and positive thoughts. (((HUGS)))
Thank you canuk-gal and junebug17. The PS community is great!
JGator, I don't know if you remember me--my daughter was born around the same time as yours (late October 2012) and I used to post in this thread years ago, but haven't been around for a long, long time. I always enjoyed reading your and Monkeyprincess's posts in particular because of the parallels you had going on in your lives that so closely mirrored mine with kids around the same age and also struggling to have a second child, etc. I'm not sure what compelled me to take a look at this thread today, but I just saw your post and I'm just in shock at your diagnosis and had to post and let you know that I am thinking about you and your family and sending you healing vibes. You have such a beautiful family and you're such a wonderful mom. Big, big, big hugs.
JGator, like jfo, something compelled me to log in today. I literally have not logged in in months and months (over a year for sure), and "pricescope" just popped in my head just now. Feels like it was meant to be. It's been so long since we've"talked," and words escape me. I'm so heartbroken for you and your beautiful family. As cliche as it is, cancer just plain SUCKS. I will keep you in my prayers that you stay as healthy as possible and have good quality of life as long as possible and are able to make many, many more memories with your sweet babies. I'm guessing your husband's "snaps" are a result of all the stress in your lives and the fear of what is come, but I'm sorry you carry that extra burden of worrying about their relationship. Gosh, I'm just so sorry you are going through this and cannot even imagine how hard it must, but thank you for sharing this with us. If you feel like venting or sharing more, I'd love to catch up. And if not, know you can count on my thoughts and prayers. Also, it is so nice to see a photo of your beautiful family and have a face to put to your name.

Missy, fun to see your little ones. So glad your family is doing well!

Just a quick update on my family since I'm here. Things are going well. My oldest son will be six this week, and he is thriving in kindergarten. The twins are 3 and in preschool/daycare. My daughter, who was born with heart and other health issues, is doing quite well. Other than some pretty significant speech delays that we are working on, she is pretty much doing everything her twin brother is doing physically and continues to have a very strong will. She's a tiny peanut, but she is eating everything by mouth now, and we recently removed her gtube. 20181008_164126.jpg
Oh JGator, my heart absolutely aches for you and your beautiful family. Words seem so insufficient at such a terrible time, but I really really hope that you are able to fight this monster for a long time yet, and have mucch, MUCH more time with your gorgeous babies. I'm truly so very sorry and sad for you all. Hugest hugs from across the globe.
And I'll post a quick update too...O is nearly 6 and will start school next year, he's still a big boy and super funny. E is 2.5 and she is a crazy, tiny little firecracker.
JGator, so sorry to hear about your lung cancer diagnosis. I hope you get many years with your little ones and your husband. My daughter is in between your two in age (turned 4 in June), and I think I remember you posting encouraging things in the pregnancy thread when I was pregnant.
Please don’t worry about your husband being short with the kids; your diagnosis is very rough on him too. My husband was diagnosed with brain cancer a year ago, and I’m ashamed to admit I’m short with him sometimes as well as with my daughter.
Here’s a pic of me with my sassy little one.

Oh JGator, I haven't been on pricescope in months (years?) but for some reason logged in tonight. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis! Cancer sucks beyond belief. I hope that you have many years to enjoy with your children and husband and that treatment keeps getting more and more effective throughout that time. I can't imagine how hard this is and the huge emotions you are facing. I am thinking of you and praying for you and sending you every good wish for healing, peace, love, and strength.

B and E are getting big. B is in 4th grade and about to turn 10 (how did that happen!??!?!). We are going through evaluations for a probably diagnosis of autism which is a new layer of complexity. He is smart, and funny, loves travel/adventures, and is obsessed with snakes and Harry Potter. E has the biggest personality of any child I have ever met. He is super verbal, athletic, has boundless energy, and finds it hard to control his really big emotions. He is 4 and in preK. My DH is in medical
school so things are crazy for us right now.
@JGator I am so sorry to hear that. Cancer deserves all the swear words.
JGator-- Like a few of the familiar names that posted before me, Pricescope ran across my mind tonight. It's also been years, but I remember you from these boards when I used to frequent them. I am thinking of you and your family, and hoping for many long, long, quality years of time together, for all of you. Your family is so beautiful!

It's wonderful to see everyone's kids, so grown up, happy, and healthy. My Eloise just turned 6 and is in 1st grade, Emmett's 4th birthday was today, and we welcomed Linus on March 14th, 2018. He's in his 7th month and is a joyful little baby. My other two are wonderful and challenging and all are my reason for getting up each day.
I am stunned...

Having survived a number of parents, I can only say that it can work. There are so many ways to live & I only know mine. All is well.
Missy, your children are beautiful. Thanks for checking back in.

My son started preschool this year. He will be 3 at the end of the month. My daughter started Kindergarten and she will be 6 at the end of October. So far, they are both enjoying school. My DD has been having temper tantrums more often at home though.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in late May. It has spread to my liver, brain, and bones. I am taking a daily targeted treatment pill, but there is no cure. I am hopeful that I have a lot of time left, but I just don't know. I stopped working and am tired and have a cough as my main symptoms. The kids do not know. I cry just about every day when I think about leaving them as children. It is a tough diagnosis. My husband has picked up a lot of what I used to do with them, but he is getting stressed and snaps at them easily. I worry about how things will evolve when I am not here to be the buffer between them. Sorry for bringing everyone down, but I wanted to share what is going on with me.


I'm so, so sorry to read this. I haven't been on PS in more than a year. I hate hearing what you're facing.
I haven't logged in or posted for so long. Life just gets crazy.

My daughter is turning 4 the end of July and will start pre-k. I could not be more excited. I was able to get her into a state funded program, so there's no cost and it's all day! She currently goes to pre-school two, half days a week and thrives, so I feel like she'll do well in an all day program. She's pretty dramatic and all things 3 most days.

My son will be 2 in June. He's a maniac. I always joke that if we end up in the ER with DD, it will truly be an accident. She's klutzy, she trips on air. If we end up in the ER with DS, it's because he jumped off the roof. He's full of personality and is the cutest thing though, so we put up with his insanity.

Hope everyone is doing well!
My little stinker! She is turning 18 months on the 14th and I can’t believe how much time has gone by already m! Her baby sister will be here by the 20th and then the real fun begins. 2020 is going to be a big year

My little stinker! She is turning 18 months on the 14th and I can’t believe how much time has gone by already m! Her baby sister will be here by the 20th and then the real fun begins. 2020 is going to be a big year


Awe she's so cute! You always have such lovely pictures taken of her! Wishing you luck with your delivery!
Awe she's so cute! You always have such lovely pictures taken of her! Wishing you luck with your delivery!

That's because I am a sucker for mini photo shoots! Right now the 2 photographers I use are both doing V-Days photos and its right around my delivery so I have to pass them up :(
Haha well they turned out wonderfully! I only have the 1 year ones I did myself. Might do her 2 year ones myself too unless my dad decides to hire someone when he visits.