
Psychotic mother and a questions about satin

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Jan 8, 2007
I''ll ask the questions first, so you can skip past the drama if you''d like-- Is satin a "cheap" fabric that shouldn''t be warn in the summer? Is satin the same as taffeta?

And if you care about drama, here it is-
Everytime I talk to my mother I thank heaven up above that I am getting married in Virginia where FI''s family is, instead of in Maine where she is. As some of you know, I have been agonizing over wedding colors for a while, but I finally picked the BM''s dress color (champagne) and designer (Bill Levkoff) and found a bunch of dresses that they can choose from in that color. They are all satin tea-length dresses. For some reason, and I have NO CLUE why I keep doing this to myself, I sent my mom an email with all the dresses on it. Then I emailed her to let her know that I had just sent her the email, and I described them to her on the phone. (She hadn''t looked at them yet.) Then she starts to get into her rant about how satin isn''t a good summer material, and when the girls sweat the dresses are going to appear wet. (Our wedding is outside, but there''s a thing called deoderant.) I asked her where she got the idea that it was going to be so hot outside....and told her that it wasn''t that hot when I was there last month. Then she got an attitude and said, "Remember, I''ve been there before. I know it''s hot." and I replied, "I know you''ve been there before. I''m telling you that I was there last month, at the location, and it wasn''t that hot." and then she told me she wanted to get off the phone. No biggie. I admit that I did get a little bit of an attitude with her, but its because she has been driving me CRAZZZZZYZYYY. Seriously, I can''t even tell you. Actually I will, after this story.
So I''m kind of impressed that she wanted to get off the phone with me instead of getting into a heated argument. I could tell that it was heading that way, so I''m glad that she took the step to stop it before it ignited. She obviously checked her email and saw the dresses, and then responded to that email with this lovely gem:

"I think the dresses are beautiful but will stand by my word when I say you DO NOT wear satin in the summer! It is tacky and cheap looking and satin taffeta''s are very very heavy fabric! I am pissed right now because you think you know everything and aren''t willing to even consider you might be wrong! Get a f*cken clue amanda! I don''t give a sh*t if you managed one warm week in virginia . It will be hot and YOU will be looking stupid wasting your money on dresses and photos! good luck with that!"

She''s a classy lady for sure.
Can''t wait for FI''s family to meet her!!!!!

I want the girls to be comfortable, but at the same time I get the feeling that girls have worn satin dresses to weddings in the summer in the past and have been just fine. Am I wrong? Aren''t most bridesmaid dresses made of "cheap" satin?

At this point I just want to give up on her. I get so embaressed just *thinking* of FI''s family meeting her. She is just a disturbed individual who needs serious psychiatric help. If I want to get along with her now, and this is typical, I''m going to have to call her up and talk to her like she''s a five year old and tell her how sorry I am. I just can''t take it anymore! And if she''s right, I can''t handle the thought of trying to pick new bridesmaid dresses again.

She has hated EVERY single idea I''ve had about my wedding. Hated the lantern favor idea. Hated the seperate BM dresses idea. Hated the sprinklers instead of rice idea. You know, when I told her about the lanterns, she actually sent me an emails saying, "I don''t understand why you want lanterns when just the other day I sent you the link to some votives with your name and wedding date on it." Like she is expecting me to like and buy everything that she pics out. It''s like she''s pretty much saying, "I sent you a link to the votives that you are going to buy for your wedding because I like them." That''s how it comes off to me in emails and just talking to her in person. And I have thrown away every single wedding favor i''ve gotten that has had someone''s name and wedding date on it, which is why I''m not doing that.

Then there was the wedding cake idea. She called me and told me that instead of having a wedding cake, I should make sure every table has their own individual cake, and so should FI and I. I told her that I really wanted a "real" wedding cake, and she went off on a tangent saying that it was going to melt. I told her we''ll bring it outside at the last minute...or we''ll get some portable A/C''s if it''s *really* that bad. (Which it WON''T be.) She said, "I hope your cake melts." and hung up. She''s like a little kid. Worst of all, she is pretending that its her wedding. She''s calling up vendors and talking to them on the phone without consulting me first. FI''s parents are handling the catering. She keeps asking me about it....wondering how FI''s family is going to "handle" it. She asks me about food that I want served and then says, "no one eats that". She is just on my last fricking nerve and I am going to EXPLODE.

And she''s manipulating stories to get me to agree with her. For instance, she''s told me that every vendor in VA that she''s talked to has asked her why we are getting married there, since it is "so hot" in the summer. Vendors. That want her money. Are trying to convince her that it''s a bad idea to get married in VA in the summer. Okay!
Must be some secret VA rule that I don''t know weddings from May-September...and absolutely NO SATIN DRESSES!!
I''m guessing that she is probably secretly wishing that I was having it in Maine so she could have full control and not have to worry about FI''s family and the (gasp!
) catering! But like I said, I thank my lucky stars every DAY that I''m not having it there. I know for a fact that if I was I wouldn''t have the wedding I want, and she''d probably treaten me with cancelling it everytime I disagreed with her.

I mean, I just don''t even know what to do anymore. She is mortifying me. She is hateful, spiteful, stressful, and childish. I just don''t think I can handle it anymore. She is going to embaress the hell out of me, I know it. She is the type of person who will burst into tears and cause a huge scene if you look at her the wrong way. She will make me look stupid, she''ll probably make me cry...I mean, I could just go on and on. I could give you a million examples of what a mentally disturbed person she is, unrelated to the wedding--but I''ll spare you. She just, isn''t right. Nuts.

I don''t need her money for the wedding, but she''s been insisting on contributing since I''m her only child. (This is on her good days.) I would love to tell her to keep her money, stay out of my wedding planning, and just show up on the day of, but how do I do that nicely? I''m really desperate here. She is manipulative, vindictive, and just plain spiteful, yet she is generous, loving and helpful on good days. But I just don''t want her help unless I ask for it. I don''t want her opinion unless I ask for it. I want the wedding to be mine. Is there a way I can tell her to keep her money and leave me alone nicely?

"Mom, I love you and it makes me sad that every time we discuss the wedding an argument ensues. To ensure that this is a wonderful time for all of us and that I get the wedding I want without feeling like I''m upsetting you, which is the last think I want to do, I think it''s best if you don''t contribute and just show up and enjoy the day."
I would be very candid with her and tell her......

"Mom, if I'm old enough to get married, I'm old enough to make decisions on what I want. I know that you may not agree with some of them, and that's ok, but since it is my wedding, *I* have the deciding vote. I'm willing to listen to your input, but if I decide that I don't share your concerns, then I don't. If I don't agree with you (i.e. the cake melting vs. traditional cake), it doesn't mean I think you're wrong and I'm right. It means that my choice is important enough to me that I'm willing to live with the results if doesn't work out as well as I hoped.

I've given this a lot of thought, and since my choices are so important to me, I'd feel better covering the expenses for them myself. Then, if something falls short of my expectations, I won't have to feel terribly about the money spent.

If you don't agree with my choices, I'd prefer that you keep those thoughts privately. If that's not possible, I'd be more comfortable not discussing the wedding plans at all."
I wore a satin dress this summer to a wedding, and small damp spots on the dress were very visible (mostly just where I accidentally touched my dress with slightly buttery fingers....oops!). I didn''t sweat at all, though, since it was mid-70s and nobody looked at me like I was super tacky for wearing satin in the summer.

Basically, I''d ask your FILs if it tends to get really hot (but, thinking about it I''d probably just ask your FI) and relax. Your bridesmaids are going to look stunning. YOU are going to look stunning. Your wedding is going to be stunning.

Breathe in...breathe go hit a pillow until you start to laugh. It helps a LOT.
Exhibit #90234892230948203948203948203985238509238590238592380984203985230952039523985203985023985029835208 on why elopement is so very wonderful!

But if you cannot elope, then I think the above ladies have given you some very good advice. My additional advice would be to CEASE AND DESIST with asking her anything else about your wedding. Just let her show up and hope to god she''s not wearing satin or taffeta.

Now, on to your BM dresses...On one hand, satin and taffeta are indeed what I''d consider "hot" fabrics to wear in the summer. On the other hand, most BM/bridal gowns are made of those and other heavier fabrics because they tend to look elegant and formal, so it''s a crap shoot as to whether or not they''ll look sweaty in the summer. One thing about satin though, it does show wrinkles very easily so you might want to consider that. But ultimately, I''m sure you''ve picked great dresses. My wedding dress was a Bill Levkoff BM dress I gussied up and I loved it. Was it hot when I was trying it on in a store? Hell yeah. But the day we got married it was rather cool and overcast and I was totally fine. No sweat. Good luck. And for the love of god, stop asking for trouble!
Hello Luckystar,

I do not have any advice as far as your BM dresses go. I do however think that the advice of "CEASE AND DESIST" That surfgirl gave you is the best advice you can get.

There really is no way for you to say keep your money and leave me alone nicely. In my opinion the less you say the better. For it seems no matter what you say, you are on the losing end of the conversation.

If I were you i would not respond to her email. Don''t call, don''t mention the money if she calls. Do not share but minimal details and only if asked. Don''t elaborate on anything with her. Maybe just nicely answer. I am not sure yet. Or we haven''t decided.

Send her an invite and by all means have two MOH''s on your wedding day. One to help you and one to keep your mother occupied at least through the ceremony.

I am so sorry you are having this trouble. Keep your chin up and remember. This is your wedding. You can do whatever you want to.
I agree with KimberlyH...with one tiny detour... I would say to her that your wish for her, is for HER to spend HER money on HERSELF. I would say you have been more than generous and I feel that you deserve to treat yourself to something you have been wanting for a long time. Mom, it is time you do something just for you! My wedding is all about me...and I want for once in your life to have something ALL about you!! (I would butter this situation with a heavy hand. That is if you are serious about not accepting her contribution.) I realize this is not true...I mean about her generosity. It sounds as if she has always steered the ship her way. But I would still work this situation to my advantage and would be very careful not to offend her. The end result would be the same...not accepting her why not try this extra lathery way and butter her...
On a second and I have similar volatile relations with our mothers. My isn''t a control nut...but she is correcting everything...even if she has it backwards or mis-quotes or half truths...and it sets me off like a firecracker. I really feel for you. Especially that you are dealing with this on the planning and execution of the wedding details. It is stressful enough.

In your situation, I feel your mother is at a loss because she is not needed. Her opinions are are right she sounds childlike. I think you are getting that response out of a deep anger, jealous spot, or maybe an abandonment feeling she has. It is obviously you are an independent individual, with your own thoughts and opinions. I think she is challenged by that. The only way she knows to react is in a vindictive insulting manner.

There is scripture that reminds us there is no reasoning with a fool. It means a foolish person is never open to other views. Only theirs have merit. You will not win this one. Your only options are to take it, or separate yourself. I think the idea of not accepting her support is a great way to head in the right direction. You are dealing with a loaded cannon...turn it to your advantage...suggest that new cruise...or class...or cooktop...or sauna...eye lift...chin reduction...whatever it is she has been wanting...remind her this is her time to get it...with the money she was going to be so generous to GIFT to you.

On the satin taffeta issue...I have no idea. But can''t imagine it to be a major faux pas as she claims. There are fashion rules...such as white and sandals...etc. I don''t know a taffeta rule. Can you post some images for us? And as for cake melting if it was going would in a mini size or medium size, so individual cakes aren''t going to stop it...if anything it would be harder to manage numerous ones.

I love your lanterns. You can really carry that theme with other poignant areas. I look forward to more conversations on your decor ideas as I have some to add.

Your wedding need not be page style number 30 in a book of 300. Your vision and your ideas are just what they are. Be confident in your unique ideas. Walk them through the decision process, and if you deem them not practical, then change them or alter them your way. Opinions are just that. Just as this thread offers you multiple ways of dealing with weigh which one is more appropriate...or you decide on your own. None of us will go ballistic on you...well, I reserve that right!!

Technically satin refers to a type of weave rather than a specific fabric, but these days it generally means a polyester fabric woven to look like silk charmeuse. Polyester or other man-made satins will have higher luster than silk, because the yarn doesn''t have the subte variations that a natural yarn would have. Satin can be high quality or cheap looking... it depends on the materials used and how it''s woven and dyed. Satin is a different weave and fabric than taffeta. Many tafettas are made with acetate, which gets a bad rep because it isn''t vary durable, among other things. Polyester satins are likely to be a bit warmer than silk or cotton because they don''t absorb moisture (read: sweat) as well as silk. Some satiny fabrics use rayon, which is more absorbent. However, there are many weights of satin, silk, etc,... and the cut of the dress you choose will also influence how much heat it retains.

If there''s a good fabric store near where you live you might go in and compare the options without the distractions of dress style. Or you could ask to compare fabrics, and ask lots of questions, at the bridal shop.

Needless to say what your mother is doing has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with control. Still, if you have a chance to compare fabrics and ask questions for yourself, you might have more confidence in your choice when your mother chimes in with yet another objection.

Good luck.
Date: 9/2/2007 1:30:02 AM
Author: MINIMS
Technically satin refers to a type of weave rather than a specific fabric, but these days it generally means a polyester fabric woven to look like silk charmeuse. Polyester or other man-made satins will have higher luster than silk, because the yarn doesn''t have the subte variations that a natural yarn would have. Satin can be high quality or cheap looking... it depends on the materials used and how it''s woven and dyed. Satin is a different weave and fabric than taffeta. Many tafettas are made with acetate, which gets a bad rep because it isn''t vary durable, among other things. Polyester satins are likely to be a bit warmer than silk or cotton because they don''t absorb moisture (read: sweat) as well as silk. Some satiny fabrics use rayon, which is more absorbent. However, there are many weights of satin, silk, etc,... and the cut of the dress you choose will also influence how much heat it retains.

If there''s a good fabric store near where you live you might go in and compare the options without the distractions of dress style. Or you could ask to compare fabrics, and ask lots of questions, at the bridal shop.

Needless to say what your mother is doing has nothing to do with facts and everything to do with control. Still, if you have a chance to compare fabrics and ask questions for yourself, you might have more confidence in your choice when your mother chimes in with yet another objection.

Good luck.
Good form, Minims! Just what I wanted to say, and you said it so succinctly!
I love Kimberly's note. But I think, and FORGIVE ME, that your mom just isn't really the type to handle the note well either. So I'm in the CEASE AND DESIST camp WITH NO NOTICE.

I would consider a nice georgette or chiffon fabric though if your going with champagne. Its more forgiving of water, sweat, spilled champagne... whatever. Satin is lovely though, and if you love it, go for it.

Um. Just thought I'd share something personal that might help. Part of the reason I sayed on the east coast for so long, instead of returning to CA is the my mother was unstable too. Now my mother is a 'hostess' and very into 'appearances' so she does not make 'scenes' but she would just do and say these horrible things. Remind me sometime to share my 'wonderful mother daughter bridal gown shopping at Kleinfelds' experience with you. *Shudders*. SO I really do understand what you are going through, to an extent. My mother is now on some medications that have stopped that stuff from happening and I thank god for it. But... here's the advice.

You REALLY REALLY REALLY also need to understand that: she wants a reaction, she WANTS to make a scene and for you to make this all about her. And you know what? IT IS ALL ABOUT HER TO HER. But don't make it about you too. Dont' let her drag you into all the (forgive me again) crazy cr*p she's doing! It's ALL HER. And if she does it at the wedding, SHE looks the A**hole not you. Yes, she is your mother, but lots of folks have crazy relatives, and they will be looking at you in sympathy and in admiration that you've turned out so well DESPITE the crazy lady. SO don't let her succeed and take her misdeeds as reflections on you. Don't let her do that to you. It's her problem if she wants to make a scene. I WOULD have your FI tell his mother that your mother and you have a 'difficult' relationship at times, and that you are afraid that some of that might spill over to the wedding. Nothing more, just a LITTLE warning. So they know, YOU know she's nuts. I did that before my mother met John's family, and boy am I happy I did. She didn't create a scene, but she was a cold, superior, haughty b*tch who made backhanded comments and generally made herself look like a jerk because she doesn't feel that John's family are of 'our class.' Whatever.
John's family still loves me to pieces, and just accept the fact that my mother is 'difficult.' And John knows that she's bat sh*t crazy, and well, he deals with it. Fortunately as the meds have helped, there is A TON less to deal with.

((HUGS)) honey.
I''m also in the Cease and desist map!
Trust me, there is nothing you can say to her to get her to back off that won''t rapidly devolve into you apologizing and begging her not to cry.

Good luck!
i am not the type of person to tell anyone what to do when it comes to their mothers, i dont think a more complicated relationship in the world exists. but what i can say, from having a "difficult" mother myself, is that she may just be trying to help and she thinks that keeping you from making what in HER eyes is a "mistake" is actually helping you. any farther than that, i dare not venture. i am having my wedding ceremony outdoors in june in NY. it could be 95 or 70, you never know here. one thing i can tell you though, the first weddinyg dress i tired on was taffeta and it was hot as hell, i chose a light weight satin with a lace overlay instead. as for my BM''s, we picked a flowing chiffon tea length gown as opposed to satin. if you want satin, go for it, the only thing you would need in case of post nuptial sweat stains is a blow dryer with a "cool" button,it''ll do the job. that, and special anti-antiperspirants like "certain dri" work frickin miracles!!! be careful when you use it though, it can cause irritation and you need to start using it about a week before for it to fully kick in. no matter what you choose, it is YOUR wedding, and you deserve to be happy. good luck!
hmmm. So I guess if I should go for another fabric that I should just go ahead and make the girls all wear the same dress? Errr. I dunno. I just don''t think it would be that big of a deal. The wedding is at night, on a lake, and if for some reason it''s 100 degrees outside (heh) we could always get portable air conditioners.
You''d think I was having them wear a down comforter.

Anyway, I wish I could say that I took all of your advice, which was really good advice, but I let her get the best of me.

Good news is, she won''t have anything to do with the wedding anymore. Bad news is, we''re on pretty bad terms now. But honestly, I wish you could see the way she talks to me. She is just so condescending and emotionally abusive. I meant well....but it escalated. Here are some snippets.

My response to her rude email:
It''s not a bad thing if someone doesn''t agree with you. Women have been wearing satin dresses in the summer since the beginning of time and they have managed. I think you''re the one who needs a clue.

I know...the last line was pretty unecessary...but I was so livid!
Here was her response:

think for one minute. the dress you picked out for me is floor length. does it even occur to you that you are having an "outside wedding"? and that maybe it would look stupid in that setting? lets put it this way I am at the point where I want to tell you to just tell me where it is and when to show up because I think all your ideas are so messed up! you cant seem to fit into that skull of yours that if you have an outdoor wedding you need to adjust certain parts of it! you just want to do it your way and to hell with adjusting! you have certain sacrifices you need to make such as you wouldn''t stand out in the rain and throw paper confetti would you ? of course not! it would stick to your skin! but probably not you right, cause you would demand that it not rain cause its your wedding! you should just not share anything with me! You should research your ocd and spend less time on dresses and cakes! seems that you want everything and aren''t giving any consideration to other factors! I was married in the carribean in low humidity weather at about 75-85 degrees and I would never have put my wedding cake in the open restaurant location! I was smart enough to use the air conditioned restaurant so that the icing wouldn''t melt! I would have thought that you would have been smart enough to see that people pass out in satin! that it isn''t fabric that breaths! I would have thought that you would have been smart enough to choose something light like chiffon ( with all this research and all) But no! still the selfish little girl that knows everything ! like I said good luck with that one!

She''s kind of dense. The lake comes with a lake HOUSE where the cake can be kept before serving. I''ve told her this a million times, but she''s still convinced it''s going to melt.
But you can see from that email that she hates my ideas, she is basically telling me that all my ideas are stupid, and I am selfish for not agreeing that my ideas are stupid.

My response (I know I know I know...I was so riled up. I am just feeding the monster!!! Why oh why!!):

I have no problem with you just showing up.
I won''t be talking to you about the wedding anymore. You talk to me like I''m an idiot, you''re insulting, and I can''t take it anymore. I''m not going to put up with it. I''ll get my OCD checked out if you get your bipolar manic depressive disorder checked out.
*okay, that wasn''t very nice.*
So come to my wedding, criticize it behind my back, do whatever you''d like. I don''t care. My wedding will be MY ideas, MY tastes, and if you wanted your dream wedding then you shouldn''t have gotten married on an island. There is a thin line between being helpful and being a condescending person, and you''ve crossed it.
I have OCD, I''m selfish, I have messed up ideas, I am obsessive? Go ahead and keep your money. I''ll try to remember to send you an invitation.
*eh, probably could have left that out too.*

Her response:

Why would you tell me that *FI''s* parents are loaded and would pay for everything? Are you trying to make me feel like less of a person? trying to make me feel bad? seems exactly what I dealt with when you were a kid! when have you paid for any of your trips here or anywhere else? miss "Adult"! seems that you can expect everyone to pay your way and I have yet to see you do anything to help yourself. Before you accuse me of "taking away from you" by means of your wedding or trips or what ever else why don''t you show me what you have put forward? You should feel guilty about your condecending attitude! How you try to make me feel! hey last time I checked I was not the one who moved away, I was not the one who wanted you to pay my way anywhere and I was not the one asking you for anything! you use your love as a weapon to get what you want! hold it back if you dont. nothing new to me I am used to it, just wondering how long it will be before you try that game with *FI*! I don''t feel guilty about anything! like YOU said...You are an ADULT ! You are responsible for YOU! not me! I love you but will not play your emotional games any longer.

That was just rambling, and I really didn''t understand any of it. She''s referencing another email I sent her when we were trying to figure out a wedding budget and I told her that FI''s parents will probably handle the big stuff. She''s bringing up old stuff. Here''s the story behind the trips--since I moved to TX seven years ago, she has paid for my ticket home to Maine every xmas. Last year, she told me at the last minute that she wasn''t doing it, but told me in a very rude way that caught me completely off guard. It''s not that I couldn''t AFFORD my own ticket, it''s that I thought that she *wanted* to do it, so I always just let her. FI''s parents pay for him to fly to VA every year for xmas as well, so I figured it was just a "parent" thing. Instead of telling me that she didn''t have the extra cash, she told me that I was immature and selfish and that it was time I "grew up.". So needless to say, FI and I went to VA instead. I got a nice long voicemail with my mom bawling her eyes out about how much she missed me on xmas day though! When my mom found out that FI''s parents paid, she told me that next year (this year) she was going to pay for FI and I both to go to Maine. Now, with being engaged and having the wedding in VA, I told her that I''m either going to go to VA only or try to do both, but only if she is still willing to help out. She FLIPPED out, just like last year, saying she didn''t have any money and she said I was "selfish". The only reason I asked is because she offered a few months earlier! She doens''t owe me a ticket anywhere, but I just wish she could respond like an adult instead of being RUDE to me and accusing me of trying to make her feel bad!

Here is my last email to her...I was so mad at this point, I really shouldn''t have written it. I should have taken a step back, breathed, and ignored it or at least got my thoughts in order. But she has talked down to me for so long that I have been holding all of this in forever and I felt like I really needed to get it out.

No wonder you had a heart attack at 36. You need to see a doctor. I say this not to insult you, but to help you....I really think you have severe emotional issues that you need checked out. It''s not normal. It''s like I want to insult you and attack you for what an ugly person you can be, but instead I feel bad for you. I thank my lucky stars every day that I decided on Virginia instead of Maine. You would make my life a living HELL and I know that. I wanted you to be a part of this wedding, and thought it would be better if you had some distance. Obviously it''s not working out. You can''t even handle that without letting the ugly side come out of you. You know...I don''t need anything from you. I don''t WANT anything from you. Forgive me for assuming you are going to pay for my ticket when you have done it every year and never notified me otherwise. Forgive me for asking you if you were still going to pay for us to come to Maine this year because you told me you WERE six months earlier. And that''s where I''ll leave that, because you love to bring up old issues and use it as ammo when you''re pissed. Stop trying to pull me into your mind game. I''m not a kid anymore and I''m not going to talk about issues from years ago. I never said that *FI''s* parents are "loaded" and will take care of everything. You''re obviously feeling bad that you can''t and you seem to like to make me think that I "made" you feel that way. Give me a break. See a counselor for goodness sake. I''m dead serious. You hang on to way too much stuff.

You want me to tell you that you''re an embaressment because YOU think you are.

Don''t email me back. You exhaust me. I can''t keep up with your hot/cold attitude. You are nice and generous one minute, and then you take a complete 180 and berate me and talk down to me...insulting me and making me feel like a piece of crap. In the last couple of weeks I''ve been called a b*tch, a bridezilla (forgive me for having my own opinion) a selfish person with OCD, a user, what else?
Those are the words of a loving mother right there. You can be an ugly ugly person and you''re only hurting yourself, because I told myself a long time ago that I''m going to let the way you treat me roll off of my back so that I don''t end up like YOU.

Then she wrote back and said "you''ve got your wish"

So as you can see she is extremely clever. She got me to lose my cool, and now she can forever say that I told her not to be a part of my wedding.

I warned FI''s family about her when we were in VA. I told them that she is very hot/cold, very sensitive, and always the victim. I also told them that I couldn''t say for sure what she would put toward the wedding because it depends on her mood and whether she is "broke" or "loaded" that day. If I was getting married in Maine right now, what she would do is abandon the whole project and tell me to figure it out on my own...from TX. Thank goodness for FI''s family. Our families are completely different. FI''s family are all college educated adults who enjoy eachother''s family is the complete opposite.

My mother was a high school dropout who had me when she was 19. She did her best to support me, but there were times we were on government assistance. Somtimes she would have a couple of jobs and I would never see her. I think she feels bad about that. We fought CONSTANTLY when I was a teenager, and sad to say, but she IS the reason I moved to TX seven years ago. She knows she drove me here, and I can tell it eats at her. But instead of dealing with HER, she deflects the blame to ME. That''s why every argument always reflects on the past, and how she did EVERYTHING for me, and I just "hated" her. Which isn''t true, but in her head it IS true. She convinces herself of a lot of things to make herself feel better. She''s convinced that she begged me to go to summer camp and I was a little brat who said NO. That never happened. Truth is, we could have never afforded summer camp. She holds a lot of guilt, and it makes her feel better to blame it on me. I didn''t go to her wedding a few years ago. She told me that she invited me to go but I told her I''d rather go visit FI''s family. She never invited me. She told me it was just going to be her and her husband in Cancun. So, I made plans to go visit FI''s family with him....and now she tells me that I "chose" them over her. I wanted to go...she said it was just going to be her and her husband!!! She''s crazy. heh.

Here are examples of some of the dresses that my BM''s would choose from in satin:

BTW, according to, Richmond, VA''s average tempurature was 76 degrees in August. When we were there it was probably in the mid-80''s everyday, but it cooled down at night.




I agree with the ladies that have already posted. Gypsy''s portrayal of her mom reminds me a lot of my FI''s mom. We''ve just chosen not to deal with her on most things. It would be harder if she were my mom because a bride expects her mom to be loving and supportive about her wedding. I''m so sorry this is not the case.

It really sounds like your mom is jealous of you. She''s jealous that you''re getting the attention, that you get to make the decisions, that you are having a wedding that will be exactly what you want. She is putting you down because she is insecure with herself. It is not your fault. Granted, I do think it''s time to just step back and halt the emails, but realize that her initial reaction to you is based on fear and insecurity, and possibly a little mental imbalance, but I can''t really speak to that. She''s toxic. Step back to preserve yourself.

And can I add that I''m having an outdoor wedding in Texas! It''s in October, but temps are expected to be about 75 degrees and my girls are wearing satin. And my mom is wearing a floor length dress. And they all picked it out themselves. Our cake will be indoors, but even it it wasn''t, it wouldn''t melt in those temps. I''ve seen wedding cakes melt before, but at 95 degrees, not 75. Hope that helps you validate your decisions. Hang in there Luckystar. Nobody deserves to be spoken to that way. You and your FI are starting a new family and it looks like it''s just in time.
I just read your post and your mom is alot like my mom. We have already diagnosed her as bi-polar. Up one minute, down the next. All my life I have been a nervous wreck around her not knowing when she is going to flip. Now that I live way up North, I don''t have to deal with her. Only on holidays but I have learned to ignore her and move on. Life is too short-your mom is in her own world and perhaps she can''t control what she says or feels. It could be chemical and in that case, if she doesn''t get help (which I know my mom will NEVER get help), everyone suffers. Push on lady-you are doing fine.

Now about the dress-I have four bridesmaids in different dresses from David''s Bridal and they were wearing satin. We got married in SAVANNAH, GEORGIA!!! HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!Oh yeah and outside too. They were just fine. Maybe the beads of sweat on their foreheads wasn''t great but their dresses were fine. Pefect. And they wore deodorant and the dresses were long. Sheesh-they did not suffer.

Oh and I live here in Virginia. Lived here for three years. Yeah it got hot in Virginia but it was a freak heat wave. Montana and South Dakota did too in the 100''s-whatcha gonna do???? Nothing is guaranteed but it''s great your are getting married here. It''s beautiful in the summer time and no you do not need an ac for your cake. Bring the cake out when it''s time to cut and take pictures. After you cut the cake, they need to bring it back in to cut it or they are just going to cut it immediately. No worries. It is going to be beautiful, the way you want it and dammit if anyone says anything different.You are doing great so far. Oh and by the way, I love love love your little laterns on the tables. Sooooo cute-nice ambience for outside in the evening-good idea.
I''m from Richmond and it definitely seems a lot hotter than 76 degrees in August. On that same note, girls DO wear satin dresses during the summer for wedding and it works out just fine. Your mom raised a good point to consider, but she went about it the wrong way, and I can''t say that your responses were much better. Hopefully you two can breeze by this.
I''m so sorry that you have to deal with a difficult (to say the least) mother on top of all the wedding stress. Although I''m lucky enough to have a mostly supportive relationship with my mom now, we used to have a relationship very similar to yours with your mom when I was growing up. I think our moms may be dealing with some of the same issues, like the guilt for not having the money to provide you with everything you want and deserve, but I definitely agree that your mom is not handling herself well at all, and could probably use help on dealing wiht her issues. The best advice I can give you is to continue to realize that these are HER issues, and to distance yourself from all the pain she is causing you in whatever ways you need to. It''s unfortunate that she baited you into blowing up at her, but hopefully the results will be for the best. Please don''t let her make you doubt yourself, your abilities to make decisions, and your right to make them for yourself! You obviously can''t control her, so you have to try your hardest to control yourself and your emotions so that she does not succeed in ruining or tainting all the wonderful plans you are making!
Date: 9/1/2007 9:02:58 PM

She obviously checked her email and saw the dresses, and then responded to that email with this lovely gem:

''I think the dresses are beautiful but will stand by my word when I say you DO NOT wear satin in the summer! It is tacky and cheap looking and satin taffeta''s are very very heavy fabric! I am pissed right now because you think you know everything and aren''t willing to even consider you might be wrong! Get a f*cken clue amanda! I don''t give a sh*t if you managed one warm week in virginia . It will be hot and YOU will be looking stupid wasting your money on dresses and photos! good luck with that!''

I can honestly say I''m shocked by her reaction. It sounds like classic mother-meddling to me. I''ve found that ignoring her emails is the best thing (and this is in many situations, not only wedding planning). IF she''s nasty over the phone just say yes mother and get on with your own things. If she wants to be nasty,let her, but you obviously do not need that sort of hassle since organising a wedding is hard enough work as it is without extra annoyances. You might find (as I did) that ignoring her does the trick because at the moment you are reacting to her horrific behaviour which is just what she wants. In my experience when you ignore them it can actually stop an argument and then I just don''t think about it again.
Sometimes no reaction is the best reaction....
Quietly keep arranging YOUR wedding without her input. Ignore nasty emails and do what you want. It''s YOUR day after all (she already had hers) and in the end you have to be happy with it. There is just no point having a day that pleases someone else but is not your dream.
I still can''t understand how parents can be so childish. Sometimes I''m so frustrated with my mum and then I just put it out of my mind and it''s surprising how my spirits lift if I don''t think about it. Your life is your life and sooner or later I suppose they will just have to face it!
I think part of the problem is that TX and Maine are practically polar opposites when it comes to climate, and Virginia is right smack in the middle. So to me, Virginia has a perfect climate. To my mother, VA is extremely hot.

About a week ago I gave my mom FMIL's email address so they could be in contact with eachother regarding the wedding. I got another email from my mom this morning, basically telling me that she can't wait to enlighten FI's mom to the situation.

She won't do it though. She has too much to lose. She would pretty much be guaranteeing that she wouldn't be invited to the wedding. And if she can't go to the wedding, how on earth will she be able to pick it apart?! But at least FI's parents have been warned about her, so in case she has had an extra side of psycho with her coffee this morning, they will see that I wasn't exaggerating!

She's trying to get me to feed the monster by threatening me like that. I need to learn to approach her as a woman with a disorder.

As for the satin dresses, I guess I'm going to get the BM's opinion on it and then do whatever they ask.

I'm so glad I'm not alone in the weird mother department! I'm going to take all of your advice and cease and desist!!! I'll let you know how it goes!!!
Hm, it sounds like your mother is definitely holding onto a lot of resentment from the past. She does come across as very childish and hostile. I know that you were angry and wanted to get your ''piece'' out, but I think that responding to her in the same insulting and bitter tone she uses in her emails to you, probably didn''t do much to help an already tense situation. Somebody has to be the bigger person here, and if it''s not going to be her (which it should be, really), it may have to be you. I liked Kimberly''s suggestion, or even a variation of it - and I think it would have really helped to say what you needed to say without causing the situation to escalate, which it has now, unfortunately.

Regarding the satin - I had the same questions you did, about the heat and sweating and so on. I''m also planning to have an outside wedding (morning), and the dress I fell in love with is satin. I ordered it already - not sure how it will hold up but I''m hoping it will be fine. Did you say your wedding is going to be the night? If that''s the case, I''m pretty sure everybody will be fine!
Oh honey...what a mess.

Look, it would be great if we had a leave it beaver mom...or a 7th Heaven mom...but many of us didn''t get the perfect Rockwell serving in the mother department. Please take solace in that you are not the only one living in nuttsville.

Your emails to her weren''t over the line...just attempted to cover what she had already stepped in.

If there is any more advice coming from my keyboard, it would be to just step away from the fire. Don''t even discuss it with the Inlaws. You won''t have to. Just keep a calm demeanor, rise above it. And allow her to stay in the muck of the mess she has made.

If she does the tattling thing she threatened to...she is going to look very very small and disturbed. You aren''t going to get anywhere in reasoning...remember the scripture in reasoning with a fool. IT CAN''T BE DONE. Walk away and head the other direction. Even it if means adding an extra 10 miles to your journey. Your character will be all that remains steady.

You have already laid the ground work and given a heads up warning about her. Just let her make it come to fruition.

I am soo sorry. I wish I could come in and make it all better.


When she lashes out at your personally, she is inept in ability to communicate any other way. Just allow that knowledge to permeate your emotions and know that she is just throwing a big VERBAL rock at you as she hasn''t the vocabulary to use that is rational.
I forgot that I wanted to reply to some of you guys individually:

Surfgirl-- I''m glad that satin looks elegant and formal as opposed to cheap and tacky!!

DKA-- It is so refreshing to hear a 3rd party say that they like the decisions I''ve made! Can I tell my mom to use the money to get herself checked out?

Minims- Thanks! I have no idea what type of satin Bill Levkoff uses. It says "euro satin" whatever that means. tell about your shopping experience! My mother is the reason I moved to TX, and she''s also the reason FI doesn''t want to move to Maine in the future! The sad part is, he has only met her ONCE (in four years) for two days and he had come to his own conclusion that she''s crazy. Plus he knows all of the out-of-this-world stories I''ve told him about my childhood.

Sumbride and dcsvnnhpeach-- thank you for confirming that girls wear satin in the summer! Even in the deep south!! It is harder for me to deal with it since she''s the "mother of the bride". Part of me wants to deal with her issues and and keep her involved because it''s an important time in my life. The other part of me wants her to stay as far away from my wedding as physically possible, and break off all contact until I know she''s seen a counselor. I know my mother will never get help. She doesn''t think there is anything wrong with her. I have no idea how my step-father handles her. She is literally the wicked step-mother to his children. His poor daughter has replaced me, and my mom attacks her constantly. It''s not just a mother-daugter thing though, everyone walks in tiptoes around her! When I was little I used to witness her get in heated arguments with my extended family during xmas. She would be bawling her eyes out, and they would all jut be looking at her like she was nuts.

Lindsey--I know, I was bad.
I couldn''t contain it. I must get that from her. I''m seriously so afraid I''m going to turn into her and I''ll have a heart attack at 36 as well. My wedding will be on Lake Anna, and I am very excited. I''m glad you chimed in to say satin dresses are okay!

Sabine: Your right. Luckily I take everything she says with a grain of salt and I realize that her attacking me is easier than her attacking herself.

ice_princess--lol, your reaction to what my mom wrote is the same reaction my best friend had. Seriously....she talks to me like that everytime I disagree with her. Curse words flying--telling me I''m a selfish, stupid just gets so exhausting.
After I got that first email, I read it to FI and I had to ask him if I was insane. Like seriously, is it me that''s insane?! I was dead serious. I just can''t comprehend how someone could react like that.

As I was typing this, she called my cell phone and left a message--bawling her eyes out--saying that she never wants to talk to me again. So I guess that''s what happens when I ignore one of her online messages! So she has succeeded in making me look like the bad person. I doubt that''s the last I hear from her though. I mean, it''s pretty screwed up when my mother''s tears don''t even affect me anymore, right? That can''t be normal can it?
Satin isn't cheap if it's woven from silk (silk satin is a beautiful and very luxurious fabric) .... but synthetic satin in warm weather could be quite gnarly. Similarly, silk taffeta is more comfortable than synthetic taffeta. I'd avoid the synthetics.

Satin, being glossy, shows every wrinkle. It's gleam may be very obvious in photos, too.
Date: 9/2/2007 12:39:19 PM
Author: luckystar112 tell about your shopping experience! My mother is the reason I moved to TX, and she''s also the reason FI doesn''t want to move to Maine in the future! The sad part is, he has only met her ONCE (in four years) for two days and he had come to his own conclusion that she''s crazy. Plus he knows all of the out-of-this-world stories I''ve told him about my childhood.

My mother was very good when I was growing up, she sheltered me from her rages and her mood swings as much as she could. It was when I hit my twenties that all heck broke loose. She was a single mom, and frankly not suited to it. And she''s never understood the difference between being strong and being hard. Strong bends, hard breaks. And my mother breaks, then rebuild harder than before, so when things break again, it''s even worse. I love my mother, and we now have a much better relationship. I''ve learned to put up boundaries and she has made great strides in respecting them.

BUT all this is after Kleinfelds. I had been dress shopping to get an idea of what looked good on me and FMIL had come along a few times and got all teary eyed and was generally so wonderful (though the woman can drive me crazy, she really loves me and is a good mom-- to me too) that when my mother planned a trip to come out and visit I decided that it was time for Kleinfelds. WELL, we made the appointment, and she approved once we got there (although its in brooklyn so she was skeptical) of the place and the service. And we started with the help of the sales lady to identify designers and styles and she was hanging back not at all involved or picking out dresses, just giving a few comments on those that she thought were pretty and those that she didn''t. Which is strange cause normally when we shop together is one of the best times we have in terms of bonding.

So we get into the fitting room and the sales woman is helping me in and out of dresses, and ther first couple were nos and then we hit some maybes. Then there was this Christos gown that I really loved. And my mother who had not been really ''there'' which was hurtful, suddenly perks up and says, "You know, when I first thought about Layla in a big white dress I just thought it was not going to work with all the weight she''s gained but I know she was excited about coming her with me so I didn''t say anything, but some of these dresses actually look nice on her, even with the weight. I''m very surprised. I guess they are designing for all figures now."

Hello, can you say, where is the nearest whole so I can dive into it. Like I mentioned my mom is very into appearances and my size 14 body, when I had been nothing larger than a 6 until I hit 26 really bugged the heck out of her and I''d get weekly phone calls and tips on dieting, and hints about joining overeaters annoymous.

The salesgirl was HORRIFIED. I cannot tell you how much she treated me like a princess after that, but it was really horrible because I knew it was out of pity. My mother got into the act and started picking our dresses and things, but for me the day was just completely ruined. And I know the salesgirl could tell. I ended up going back wtih John to Kleinfleds and putting a deposit down on that Christos.

But my mother made the rest of the planning so ... difficult we cancelled that wedding, and the dress (lost my deposit)... and I was actually happy, because I was afraid that everytime I looked at it I''d remember her comment.

Never went wedding dress shopping with her again. It was either JOhn''s neices, his mother, him or my friends. Which made me very sad because I wanted that same magic I had with FMIL with my own mom, but it just wasn''t going to happen.
Satin being the type of weave as someone wlse mentioned comes as many different types - silk, cotton, polyester etc etc

Silk fabrics also differ in quality, but they all are easier to wear and photograph better than synthetics.

In hot weather the only synthetic fabric I would choose would be rayon which is more like a natural fibre.

I must admit that whenever I make clothes I always put silk linings in rather than polyester - they are cooler to wear, let you breathe and don''t stick to you.

Taffeta is another type of fabric altogether - it tends to be much stiffer and heavier weight and I wouldn''t advise it. Silk georgette or a nice crepe-de-chine will give a beautiful flowy look and photograph beautifully.

I will admit to being a natural fibre obsessive though. It does tend to be more expensive though. Could you have a dressmaker copy the dresses in a different fabric?

Very sorry about your mother situation. I ran away from home for 2 years at 18 in order to correct my parents inability to understand that I wasn''t 6 anymore. It worked pretty well. You need to be tough with her and become very thick skinned. Above all don''t feel guilty if you have to say a few choice words!

Hi LuckyStar, I think you have a lot of issues to iron out with your mother. From what I have read, you have very strong opinions about her and it seems that she feels the same about you too. No offence, but I am actually surprised by your choice of words to describe her when she is your mom afterall - I hope you are writing these words because you are angry, not because you mean it. Perhaps there is some truth in what she have mentioned about the satin because there are others in the forum who are suggesting different fabrics. I wish your relationship with your mom will improve. Life is short, there may come a time where you wish you could take back the words you have said but couldn''t. Good luck in the wedding planning..

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