
Random talk thread!

Sounds like a good time! :)
I think we've settled on an apartment! We'll move mid-June. We ended up choosing a third floor unit. I know moving in will be a total PITA, but I think the overall benefits of the third floor outweighed that.

We had put our application in at the end of March to hold a certain unit. It was a 1st floor and would have had a 5/30 move-in which was a full month in overlap as our current least isn't up until 6/30. We didn't really want to pay double rents in June if we didn't have to, but at the time, it was the only unit available in our preferred building in the complex. So we applied which held it for us but didn't lock us in since we hadn't signed the lease.

And then we waited through the end of April to see what other units came up on notice since the complex requires 60 days. Well, Monday a unit was listed for a 6/16 availability in our preferred building, but 3rd floor unit. It was also going for $33/month less than the one we had on hold.

Qualities both units share:
Located in our preferred building
View is the same (if not better being higher up) as the units are the same position just 1st vs. 3rd floor
Lots of open parking near this building
East facing windows (in FL this is key for not dying of heat in the afternoon sun)

1st Floor -
$33 more/month
Earlier move-in date which costs more $ in overlapping leases
Exterior AC units are in front of the bedroom window
Security lights that light the sidewalk path around the lake (the view) are located above the first floor unit's windows
Right on the sidewalk path which gives great views, but less privacy
Easier move-in/no stairs or walkup

3rd floor -
$33 less/month
Later move-in date which will save $300+
AC units and security lights are well below the 3rd floor windows
More privacy higher up, can leave windows open for kitty
Top floor, no upstairs neighbors

Seemed like a no brainer when we really looked at the differences. So we switched our application to the 3rd floor unit and will be saving money with other benefits. And since we're just moving a small 1 bedroom apartment and we'll be saving $300+ by taking the later move-in date, we're considering hiring movers to do all the heavy lifting which negates the only real negative about 3rd floor living.
I had a whole long post written earlier and my cell phone decided to go back a page and lose it all :nono:



The 3rd floor sounds just perfect!


We had them move our bigger furniture and our boxes of books. The lighter boxes (dishes, bedding, clothes, etc -- basically everything but books) we moved ourselves.

I wish I'd thought about the minimum time before we started though. They could have done a lot more for the same price if I'd realized how quickly they can move heavy couches and stuff. They ended up having a half hour that we paid for but didn't use.

Next time (if we ever move again), I'd have them do ALL of our furniture plus the heavy boxes of books and pretty much everything else too. I'd still move expensive, super delicate, or irreplaceable stuff myself plus do all of the packing and unpacking but not having to move dozens of boxes into a car then out of a car would be SO much better! (probably would have cost us an extra $100-200 to have them just move everything for us.... but we wouldn't have spent a week going back and forth killing ourselves and using gas!)

If you label every box (or tape a note to furniture) with the room it will be going in and then tape notes to the doors of each room it cuts down the time as they don't have to ask where everything goes and you get stuff in the rooms you want it in.
Aww, I hate when things eat my long posts! Sorry about that!

I think we will be springing for the movers as long as the quotes aren't astronomical. We don't have much to move so we'll be having them move everything if we go that route. We are moving from a 1/1 to a 1/1 of similar size (just nicer) so it's not like it'll be a lot. We're also replacing our couch (not moving it, new one will be delivered to the new place). Same with dining room set and entertainment center for the tv. The only furniture we're moving is our bedroom set and a small desk. So that's a king size mattress, boxspring, frame, two dressers (one is 6 drawers, one is a small 2 drawer), two small nightstands, the small desk, and two small living room ottomans. Other than that, boxes of our things and clothes. I was thinking it could all be moved in 3 hours. One to load from the old place, and two to unload at the new place. Once we actually get everything officially signed, I'll start getting quotes. Unpacking isn't so bad, it's the act of physically moving everything that blows so if we hire someone to do that part, all the better.
audball|1399047083|3665119 said:
Aww, I hate when things eat my long posts! Sorry about that!

I think we will be springing for the movers as long as the quotes aren't astronomical. We don't have much to move so we'll be having them move everything if we go that route. We are moving from a 1/1 to a 1/1 of similar size (just nicer) so it's not like it'll be a lot. We're also replacing our couch (not moving it, new one will be delivered to the new place). Same with dining room set and entertainment center for the tv. The only furniture we're moving is our bedroom set and a small desk. So that's a king size mattress, boxspring, frame, two dressers (one is 6 drawers, one is a small 2 drawer), two small nightstands, the small desk, and two small living room ottomans. Other than that, boxes of our things and clothes. I was thinking it could all be moved in 3 hours. One to load from the old place, and two to unload at the new place. Once we actually get everything officially signed, I'll start getting quotes. Unpacking isn't so bad, it's the act of physically moving everything that blows so if we hire someone to do that part, all the better.

If you've got it all packed and ready for them to move, the loading & unloading goes shockingly fast.

Took something like 20 minutes for them to disassemble our king sized bed (including frame), load couches, tables, entertainment center, 2nd bed, dressers, and books (20+ boxes).

Unload took slightly longer but not much.

By the end of the time, they'd only taken about an hour and a half including drive time (20 minutes). Would have been less but they had a 2 hour minimum so I let them go ahead and re-assemble beds and stuff.

We had something like 2 couches, 1 king sized bed & frame, 1 double bed & frame, 1 large dresser, 2 night stands, 1 entertainment center, 1 dining table, 3 bookcases, 1 soda blaster (think really big pressure washer), assorted heavy garage stuff, a couple of large rugs, plus the 20+ boxes of books.
Yeah, we'll definitely have it all ready to go including breaking down any furniture that needs disassembling so I expect it would go pretty quickly.
I lost 7 1/2 pounds last night...

Got more weight to lose, but food poisoning is NOT the approach I had in mind. Thankfully it was just me sick. Most likely the hardboiled egg I made and put on my salad as that was the only thing DH and A didn't eat too.
Eek! I hope you feel better!
A bit behind but I finally got my pics posted to the thread from Friday!

Feeling lots better. Still not fully recovered, but better. Ended up dropping 10 pounds in under 2 days but I'm back up a pound as of this morning. Even managed a normal dinner!

How is your move going? Are you getting all packed now or waiting until closer?
Yay for catching up! It's almost time for Week 19 already, crazy right?!

Glad you're feeling better!

Move is fine -- haven't done much yet. We still have over 6 weeks until the move date. We have gotten a lot of boxes (probably enough) and have starting clearing out closets and purging stuff we don't plan to keep, but other than that, we haven't really gotten started yet.
I think we have our last name settled and may be ready to start changing!
So much paper mess with DH's health and insurance stuff, we had to wait a bit.

DH picked the name. It still sounds weird paired with my first name, but everything feels weird so I figure it is just a matter of getting adjusted. I do like it with DH's name.

I did go pick out boy and girl baby names and they sound good with the last name :bigsmile:

Last name sounds similar to sapphire. DH is Bruce. I'm Bridget.

Baby names --

Bella Rose
Batia (or Batya) Rose
Benjamin Lee
It must be so hard to choose a new last name! I know you won't share it here because that's too identifiable, but I hope you actually like it. It sounds like you're settling for it because your DH likes it and not because you both love it. I think you should try to come up with one that goes well with both of your names! I get when the husband has an awful last name and the wife takes it because she wants to share a family name, but in this case it seems you have the opportunity to choose a new name you both love together!

It's fun to talk about baby names too. DH and I don't agree on any, really. Good thing we're not talking about seriously trying anytime soon! Which of the girl names is your favorite? I've never heard Batia/Batya before..where does that originate?

Happy Friday! :))
The name sounds like sapphire. It is actually growing on me some. I've just always had this last name so it sounds strange to me in the same way as saying I live in this new town rather than where I'd always been before. We're not changing until both of us love a name since I don't want to decide I hate it later and go through changing again.

Batya is a Jewish name that means daughter of God. I've met a couple with this name but it isn't hugely common like some are.

Bella means my God is a vow.

I figured that finding baby names would be good so that we don't end up with a name that sounds wrong with anything we like.
Definitely! It just sounded like you were settling for a name you weren't sold on and I didn't want you to do that!
audball|1399662777|3669187 said:
Definitely! It just sounded like you were settling for a name you weren't sold on and I didn't want you to do that!

Thanks for watching out for me!

I have gotten tired of searching on a couple of things in past (paint colors and a piece of furniture) and really regretted it. This name finding thing has been hard as I don't want to regret. I also don't want to search forever just because something feels different. Hopefully I'll decide I like it for sure (or not and then find another) so we can be done soon. Until then, I just am glad I'm not running all over town updating names when I'm already busy :))


We bought a water heater!

Hadn't planned on it. Went to the store for a filter for our heating/cooling system and walked past a display for this hybrid water heater on big sale. Ours is 28 YEARS old and has been something we've been wanting to replace since we bought the house. $1200+ was way too much with all the other stuff we had going so just hadn't gotten around to it.
The $1300 water heater (more at other stores) was on sale for $699 PLUS an additional $500 rebate from our electric company.... so we got it for $199 :appl: :appl: :appl:

They'll deliver Thursday!
We did pay extra for delivery (it is a big 50 gallon) and got the 9 year protection plan (for $99 they will replace it if it wears out from normal use in 9 years).
Of course! :)) No regrets!!

Congrats on the new water heater, fun exciting grown-up married stuff! ;))
audball|1399855634|3670720 said:
Of course! :)) No regrets!!

Congrats on the new water heater, fun exciting grown-up married stuff! ;))

Being a grown-up sucks!

Okay.... I love our house and our neighborhood and this area. It is great!

The water heater was the last super old appliance in the house. Next oldest is the refrigerator that is about 9 years.

Planted my baby tomato plants in the big garden today!
Have more sprouts still growing bigger before planting. More seeds ready to start.

Just have to pull the weeds and get stuff in the garden. Maybe I'll get so much growing that the bunnies can't eat it all.... again.
Ooh! I hope the bunnies stay away.
Me too! I don't mind sharing some but I'd like a little left for us. Our blueberries are getting tall enough we might get some of them...

So excited! I am registered for the Relay for Life. I'll be walking Saturday/Sunday. My grandma died 10 years ago (5/26).

Have to go buy a camera so I can take pictures.

If you've never been to one of these, they are amazing. The luminaries ceremony and survivor lap are super special. Walking with the candles in memory/honor of those affected is just beyond words.
Lesson of the night -- ALWAYS turn the hand mixer OFF and UNPLUG before sticking the beaters in :nono: :nono:


Dumb mistake. Was on the phone trying to do one-handed. Couldn't end the call but had to get on with cookies. If I hadn't been so busy trying to deal with the conversation, I would have unplugged the mixer first.

Thankfully I'm okay. Just a very sore thumb.
Oh no! Ouch! I have to admit when I read it first (before I got to the end) that I thought you had licked the beaters while they were still on! At least it was just your thumb!!
audball|1400077264|3672544 said:
Oh no! Ouch! I have to admit when I read it first (before I got to the end) that I thought you had licked the beaters while they were still on! At least it was just your thumb!!


I did at least take the beaters out before licking the cookie dough off :bigsmile:
The best part of baking...licking the beaters and the bowl! Mmm!
audball|1400105005|3672938 said:
The best part of baking...licking the beaters and the bowl! Mmm!

I keep trying to explain that to DH. He doesn't get it. He just rinses it all off :nono:
He's even come in to try to help clean stuff up while I'm getting stuff in the oven and tried to rinse the beaters I had carefully set on a plate.

He says all this stuff about raw eggs and food poisoning. He apparently missed the cooking lesson where they exempt beaters & spatulas :lol:

My grandma always had to pull out extra spatulas when she made anything because all of the grandkids wanted a beater and there weren't enough for all of us :))
That's blasphemy! What a deprived human being...that's WHY you bake! ;))

I've heard all the crap about raw eggs and food poisoning, but seriously? I (as well as ZILLIONS of other human beings) have been eating raw baking doughs our whole lives with NO issues. And I will KEEP doing so! It's my right!! Lol.
I know!!

I've got him trained to LEAVE MY BEATERS ALONE now and he has even surprised me a couple of times by bringing me beaters/spatulas/bowls from cakes he is making :bigsmile:

Don't forget your week 20 photo!

I need to see if I can find our menu in the glove box of the car :rolleyes:
It was so simple (and I had nothing to do with it!) but it was pretty and yummy!

I'm not allowed outside and if DH knew I was sitting at a computer right now I'd be in trouble.
I sprained my ankle bad on Friday and am not supposed to be up right now. (In my defense, my butt was going numb and I had to e-mail my instructor!)

I'll try to get my week 20 pic posted tomorrow!
Hah, at least he's learned! I'll go check out the Week 20 now to see about posting, thanks for the reminder!
I love my knee scooter!

Can't put any weight on my foot without all sorts of pain and feeling like stuff is tearing. Crutches SUCK. I hadn't thought of asking about this because they are expensive and I only need to (hopefully) be off my foot for a couple of weeks. Girl at school mentioned you can rent them and told me where to look. About $150 for a month rental but SO worth it! Keeps my foot up a bit so swelling isn't as bad and is much more stable than crutches so I'm not constantly trying to keep from falling.

Oh.... and my arms are NOT strong enough to support the full weight of my body to use crutches. Need to work on arm strength when I am better...
Oh no! I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. I hope your foot gets better soon!
Your move is almost here!! :appl: :appl:

Hope all is going well as you get ready to move. Just a couple more weeks!