
Random talk thread!

audball|1403544919|3699292 said:
Soooo tired! Moving is over! Phew!

We have everything moved over, assembled, and unpacked. The old place has been thoroughly cleaned out and is ready to turn back over to our landlord on Sunday. Can't wait for it to be out of our hands altogether.

Now the fun stuff! Getting our WEDDING PICTURES hung for the first time and decorating/nesting in our first (nice) home together post-wedding! :))


Glad it is over and you can start to settle in. Wedding picture hanging!!! :appl:

Off to bed.... I've got to drop DH off at work in the morning and then figure out how to get the water out of the hole so I can shut the supply off and finish digging out the pipes. The neighbor is going to have his plumbing guy (neighbor owns construction company) come over tomorrow and fix the leak.... assuming I can get the pipes dug out & water out enough he can get to it!
Houses.... :nono:
TooPatient|1403591099|3699840 said:
Off to bed.... I've got to drop DH off at work in the morning and then figure out how to get the water out of the hole so I can shut the supply off and finish digging out the pipes. The neighbor is going to have his plumbing guy (neighbor owns construction company) come over tomorrow and fix the leak.... assuming I can get the pipes dug out & water out enough he can get to it!
Houses.... :nono:
Is this part of your planned reno? Or something broke?
audball|1403614821|3699958 said:
TooPatient|1403591099|3699840 said:
Off to bed.... I've got to drop DH off at work in the morning and then figure out how to get the water out of the hole so I can shut the supply off and finish digging out the pipes. The neighbor is going to have his plumbing guy (neighbor owns construction company) come over tomorrow and fix the leak.... assuming I can get the pipes dug out & water out enough he can get to it!
Houses.... :nono:
Is this part of your planned reno? Or something broke?

Another something broke. We're going to hold off on the major renovations for a couple of years so that we have the financial ability to handle other MUST have stuff with a kid. The first few months in our room and then the crib can go in the office with plenty of room. Pushing off major house work a couple of years would still have a baby at a year +/- so it isn't like an active toddler running around computers. We'll also be in a position to potentially pay in cash for the work :))

I'd complained a year or more ago to the water company that I thought there was a leak (our bill jumped from $50 to $70 to $100) and they claimed someone came out and checked and I was just wrong. It kept climbing and our usage kept going up (to like three times as much being used and $170+ on the latest bill :eek: ). I called again last week and insisted there WAS an issue as not only had our bill gone WAY up (and we had NOT watered our yard!) but the meter box was flooded and water was visibly trickling out....
Yep. Guy showed up and confirmed a leak.

So now I have to go dig the "right" hole after starting all wrong. Need to start away from the box and dig towards it AFTER turning the water off. (who would have known!?!?) Of course the box is flooded and the shut off knob is buried in mud so I have to get the water out, dig through the mud (while water is running back into the hole...), turn the water off, and then dig out the pipes.

No clue how long water will be off. If it is too long, I guess we can turn it back on and I can just bail the water out when the plumber shows up?

We also still have to have the roofing/chimney guy out to take down and re-build the top part of our chimney and repair the flashing so we can tear the sheetrock out in the living room and see what kind of water damage has to be repaired. (unless he can look while the chimney is down so we can just touch up paint inside and not have to tear the walls open?)

Water heater is still waiting to install. Have to have an electrician run the special electric circuit and higher voltage wiring. (at least we have the new water heater! The old one is nearly 30 years old :eek: )

Houses :nono:

That said...

My tomato plants are growing!
More oregano & sage & mint than we know what to do with.
Blueberries are getting ripe.
Blackberries are showing up.
Bell peppers ready to plant (good 6 inches tall!)
Corn ready to go in.
I've got white, light purple, and dark purple lilacs. (just want to add a couple of pink!)
The dogs LOVE playing in the big back yard.
We can listen to movies and music as loud as we want (downstairs is set up so no one can hear it outside the house).
I can roast coffee beans.
When appliances die, I get to find the one I like to replace it!
Oh the joys of home ownership. We're definitely not ready for that! Yay for the fun parts in the garden/yard/decorating though!
audball|1403638535|3700211 said:
Oh the joys of home ownership. We're definitely not ready for that! Yay for the fun parts in the garden/yard/decorating though!

Quite a joy.

I got the water out and shut the supply off (stopped it at the road at the meter) around 11am yesterday. Dug in the mud/dirt to get a hole that is as deep as my hip and about 4ft by 2 ft. Took until almost 3pm. Didn't take so much as a bathroom break (given there was no water to flush...) until it was dug. Picked up DH from work after leaving my muddy clothes on the floor and using baby wipes to get the worst off of me.

Best part?

The guy who owned the house before us had a leak and instead of repairing it correctly (he was a plumber!), he used plain PVC pipe! That stuff is NOT supposed to be used under ground. So that is why the leak.

And to make life even better....
The plumber couldn't make it yesterday. Water has been shut off since yesterday morning. We have bottled water to drink. No way to wash the mud off of me.
And no toilets.
Plumber should be here today some time. No idea when.
That's no fun. :((

Plumber made us the first stop of his day. Took him under 20 minutes to get it all sorted out. Replaced the pipe that shouldn't have been there with the right sort of pipe and turned the water back on.

Now I have to let the water company know and argue our bills with them. If they had actually checked the meter when I called about a leak over a year ago, we would have had it repaired then and not been pouring water into the ground! Our bill went from $50 every two months to $170 every two months :eek:
Oh no! I hope the company make adjustments for you guys!
I'm BACK!!!!

I had the great idea of setting up a RAID on my computer so that we don't lose all of our photos & documents & everything if a disk died. I figured it would be easy...
Just buy a few disks, plug them in, and set it up.


DH is software guy. His current position is in a team that does storage stuff. So my "easy" RAID turned into a massive undertaking that had my computer down for over a week.

Don't get me wrong, it is great! Fast and everything is protected from disk failures. I'm also getting to use all sorts of new software.

But... Yikes!

I now have an 8TB RAID (2TB x 4) with another 1TB in SSD for logging. Running on a 4-core CPU with something like 16GB memory. I've also got the latest in Server software, Office, database stuff, programming stuff, etc, etc, etc.

ETA: OOps... 10 TB RAID -- 8TB storage space + 2TB redundancy
audball|1403717262|3700915 said:
Oh no! I hope the company make adjustments for you guys!

After something like $600-1200 in over-payments due to their error, they agreed to give us a $38 adjustment. I said that was absolutely outrageous and explained (again) and escalated to the head of the department. After much arguing, they agreed to adjust a 2nd month so we ended up with a $76 credit :nono:

Oh well.

Next time (hoping there isn't a next time!) I won't listen to them if they say we don't have a leak!
How do you like your new apartment?
TooPatient|1404752921|3708219 said:
I'm BACK!!!!

I had the great idea of setting up a RAID on my computer so that we don't lose all of our photos & documents & everything if a disk died. I figured it would be easy...
Just buy a few disks, plug them in, and set it up.


DH is software guy. His current position is in a team that does storage stuff. So my "easy" RAID turned into a massive undertaking that had my computer down for over a week.

Don't get me wrong, it is great! Fast and everything is protected from disk failures. I'm also getting to use all sorts of new software.

But... Yikes!

I now have an 8TB RAID (2TB x 4) with another 1TB in SSD for logging. Running on a 4-core CPU with something like 16GB memory. I've also got the latest in Server software, Office, database stuff, programming stuff, etc, etc, etc.

ETA: OOps... 10 TB RAID -- 8TB storage space + 2TB redundancy
I don't think I followed much of that, but it sounds like an upgrade! ;))
TooPatient|1404753090|3708221 said:
audball|1403717262|3700915 said:
Oh no! I hope the company make adjustments for you guys!

After something like $600-1200 in over-payments due to their error, they agreed to give us a $38 adjustment. I said that was absolutely outrageous and explained (again) and escalated to the head of the department. After much arguing, they agreed to adjust a 2nd month so we ended up with a $76 credit :nono:

Oh well.

Next time (hoping there isn't a next time!) I won't listen to them if they say we don't have a leak!
That's terrible. I'd be so pissed. That is just not an acceptable resolution. I'm sorry you had to deal with all that. At least you can put it behind you and *hopefully* your future water bills will be more under control!
TooPatient|1404753209|3708222 said:
How do you like your new apartment?
It's SO GOOD. We're really happy with is. All of our stuff is unpacked. We're still working to "settle in" and get used to where everything is now. Our existing bedroom furniture fit in the room beautifully and even though the room is 2' x 3' smaller than the one we moved from, the layout makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE that our furniture actually fits BETTER. We have a larger bathroom and can actually stand at the vanity at the same time to get ready without bumping into each other. Taller ceilings for my 6'3" husband make him feel like the place is bigger. The shower is taller and has a higher shower head which has been great for him too. It's got a huge garden/soaker tub which has been great for me! The kitchen is completely open to the great room area and being able to watch tv, talk, etc while in the kitchen has been awesome.

Furniture progress is coming along, but still not finished. We have our new couch which is comfortable and fits well in the space. Still "breaking it in". The cushions still feel SO SO SO full and fluffed which I know will settle down a bit after it's used a bit more. We found some charming end tables at HomeGoods we really like that have a rustic look/feel. They also have a flap in the back that when opened exposes outlets and USB ports which is really cool. All we still need is a dining room table + 4 chairs. We found a table at Pier1 we really like that's the right size, style, and on budget -- but it's on backorder for 6-8 weeks. So we're looking elsewhere while we wait that out. We may find something else in the meantime, but if not, we'll order that when it's back in stock. We found some chairs at HomeGoods we really like too, but I'm not sure if we're going to wait to get them until we order a table so we can be sure they go together.

And then all we have left is some decor! We need to get our wedding photos in their frames and on the walls! Soooo looking forward to that. We have them printed and ready to go! I just don't want to put holes in the wall to get them hung until we have the furniture finalized because some of them are collages we want centered and I don't want to have to re-hang anything. Besides wedding photos, we have DH's diploma which we'll hang over the built-in desk/shelf area where his textbooks are. We also have a 3' x 4' white framed mirror. Trying to decide where to put that. We'll have some gaps to fill in after those are on the wall, but I'm not in a hurry to buy a bunch of stuff. We'll buy things that we like as we find them.

Other than that, been SOOO busy lately. I'm in the last two weeks of my summer semester. It's my first semester of my Masters degree and I have a huge paper to write and five "reaction questions" to respond to. Altogether it'll be ~30 pages of writing to get done in the next two weeks. And the day after my class is over (a week from Friday), I leave for my office's annual conference in Portland (we went last year and it was SO fun).
Glad you are loving your new home!

Unless you find a great deal on chairs, I'd wait for the table. You never know when a table you love will be in the next store!

Summer quarter Master's program?!!? Yikes! I hope your classes go well. Summer quarter can be a great way to finish early but the homework load is massive!

Portland! Fun!

Is your DH coming too? Are you able to spend some extra days to just enjoy while you're in the area?
The weather has been gorgeous (except that I burn super easy and melt if it goes above 80) and there is so much going on in the PNW at this time of year!
Yeah, we're planning to wait on chairs until the table is decided on so that we can ensure they all go together!

We run on semesters here so it's not been too bad. The long summer semester (which is what I'm taking) is 10 weeks. Our Spring/Fall semester are 16 weeks so it's obviously much shorter than regular terms, but definitely manageable. My course is online too and only has two on campus meetings (one the first week, one this week which is the week before the last week). I only have two assignments left, but they are both heavy on the writing so I've been trying to stay focused!

No, DH can't come on the trip. He has very limited leave time for vacations and we didn't want to waste any of it when I'll be tied up in conferences during the day. I'll be going for the conference arriving a day and a half early and leaving the day after it ends. We'll definitely have some downtime to explore and have fun. My colleagues and I are looking forward to it!
Weather should be nice! It has been WAY too hot but is supposed to be cooling down to 70s or so.

I don't think DH has heard yet, but the news just released an article about how the company DH works for may be cutting as many as 12,000 jobs with notices going out next week. It isn't supposed to be public yet but the news was called by a couple of people in the company. Looks like a lot of the cuts may be in the area he works in...

Holding my breath and hoping for the best!

I keep trying to remember that we'll be okay if it happens. We'd be good for probably a year if we needed to without him working (longer if I started working again).
And he's out.

Just shy of 10 years and he's part of the layoff.
OH TP! I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you guys are doing alright.
Stressed but okay. He'll get a couple of regular paychecks and then a severance package. Not sure exactly what, but it looks like it will range from small (compared to industry norms) to pathetic.

Trying to get some software stuff done and selling ASAP while talking to recruiters. Ideally, he'd do software projects and we'd sell them to companies and do some app stuff too. He's got some great ideas he's been wanting to do. But (as we like to be realistic) he's also talking to the usual recruiters.

Oh.... So many people have worked for this company that there is an alumni organization! Which is about to gain 18,000 members in the next year...
How was Oregon?
(or is that still coming up?)

Hope you are done with your semester and able to enjoy some summer now!
Thanks TP! Sorry to hear things are rough -- I hope they look up soon!

I got back from Portland on Thursday night. Long week, but good! Had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Work is insane so far this morning, though, with all of my office being out for a week.

My class is over but I don't have final grades yet! I'm still waiting on three assignments to get graded and they're all the biggest point values so I'm still on edge waiting! Gah!
I just posted my Week 29 photo...that's the last one! That went so fast!
Hey, TP! :)) How are things going?

We had a long but productive weekend. We got curtains hung in the living room, the large mirror mounted on the wall, and both of our wedding photo galleries hung. We ended up with a slightly different pattern than we'd planned for our old apartment when we bought the prints, so we re-ordered a few different shots to make them "go" better together last night.

And I got one of my last assignments graded and got a 100 on it! That was my final paper and the one outstanding thing I was most nervous about so I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll get an A in the course. Waiting (im)patiently for the three assignment grades to post so I can know for sure! I think final grades aren't due from the instructors until as late as 8/12 so even though our semester ended on 7/18, I could still have over a week left before knowing my final grade in the course. Nerves!

Hope you're having a good start to this week!
Hi TP! :)) You've been quiet. Everything okay?
audball|1407850572|3730819 said:
Hi TP! :)) You've been quiet. Everything okay?


I just saw your last post. It wasn't here a couple of days ago but the date posted says it should have been...

On cell phone right now. Back later tonight for proper reply.
audball|1407162705|3725794 said:
Hey, TP! :)) How are things going?

We had a long but productive weekend. We got curtains hung in the living room, the large mirror mounted on the wall, and both of our wedding photo galleries hung. We ended up with a slightly different pattern than we'd planned for our old apartment when we bought the prints, so we re-ordered a few different shots to make them "go" better together last night.

And I got one of my last assignments graded and got a 100 on it! That was my final paper and the one outstanding thing I was most nervous about so I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll get an A in the course. Waiting (im)patiently for the three assignment grades to post so I can know for sure! I think final grades aren't due from the instructors until as late as 8/12 so even though our semester ended on 7/18, I could still have over a week left before knowing my final grade in the course. Nerves!

Hope you're having a good start to this week!

Hope you've got your grades back and did awesome! Sounds like you've got nothing to worry about :))

Busy weekend! Exciting that you've got the pictures up!
Things are crazy here. Not really bad. Just busy.

DH is home all day. He's in our office for 9-13+ hours each day working on getting some projects done. We may try to sell them somewhere of may just stick them on his resume when he starts looking for work.

"A" is home all day. She's on summer break for another three weeks.

I am home all day. Still on summer break.

So.... all three of us in the house together ALL DAY :errrr:
It ranges from boring to "OMG I CAN'T TAKE THIS"..... and then I go to the grocery store just to get out for a bit.

It will be better once "A" gets back to school on 9/2. She follows me around when she is bored...

Back to our exercise group. I'm up to 220 :nono: but I can move (mostly) again. Pain in my ankle so I have to ice for an hour or two after each exercise session, but then I have an excuse to lay with the cats and read :bigsmile:

Have to go.
Needed in the living room.
Back soon!
Got my books for fall quarter. Registered in a couple already. Wait list for another -- #2 so likely to get in :appl:

I'm watching zucchini grow and hoping the rabbits will leave me at least a few. They've been munching them as they start to form...
They also ate the blueberries down low.... and the deer took care of the rest --- I got ONE blueberry ;(

The tomatoes (2 so far) were delicious and more on the way. The cucumber was super yummy too.
Need to get the blackberries picked still.
TooPatient|1407979840|3731930 said:
audball|1407850572|3730819 said:
Hi TP! :)) You've been quiet. Everything okay?


I just saw your last post. It wasn't here a couple of days ago but the date posted says it should have been...

On cell phone right now. Back later tonight for proper reply.
There's something weird going on with the subscriptions to threads. I haven't been getting any notices when posts are made so unless I come on to specifically check (which isn't often...), I don't even see things sometimes!