
Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Adde

Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Please SUE HIM :angryfire:

He obviously doesn't intend to give you back your hard earned money...don't make it easier for him to fly away with it.

Also, I really hope I'm proved wrong and it ends well for you without going to court...fingers crossed :))


PS: thank you for taking the time to share your story with us as I can imagine how hard it must be to go through all this...
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

If you call him through Skype another area code will show up! Try doing that!

I'm so sorry about everything but I do think you will get your money back!! Stay positive :)
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Got email back from Yosef within 24 hours asking for more information regarding my diamond query. However, he did note he is out of office until 29 June.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

RayEarth|1308908738|2953859 said:
Got email back from Yosef within 24 hours asking for more information regarding my diamond query. However, he did note he is out of office until 29 June.

Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Christina...|1308923118|2953930 said:
RayEarth|1308908738|2953859 said:
Got email back from Yosef within 24 hours asking for more information regarding my diamond query. However, he did note he is out of office until 29 June.


Indeed. He is clearly making a conscious decision not to communicate with me. Thanks for your efforts, although at this point I think it is best that no one else reach out to him on my behalf as I'm not sure that it will get me anywhere. Nor do I think talking with him myself is likely to yield any satisfaction given this choice on his part.

I still haven't received any word from Yosef, but I can hope that what he told another PS'er was true and that he does intend to refund my money sometime between July 16 and August 16 (I wonder if he's making interest on that money?). If so, I'll be curious to see what this "restocking fee" is. If it is the 20% number that I found on his website, that would be over $4,000!!! On a diamond that I never received and for which I cancelled the transaction the same day! Without having received any communications from Yosef myself, however, I'm continuing to pursue other routes of recovering my money.

Based on Laila619's post, Yosef is aware of this thread on Pricescope. Wonder if he is reading all these posts? How can you possibly be in business online and not worry about the effect of this type of publicity? Yosef, if you're reading, please chime in and let us all (especially me) know what's going on!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Start calling TV studios in the LA area.

See if they will help you do a Chris Hansen style confrontation.

Any TV station worth its salt should be drooling over this opportunity.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

druidtime|1308938152|2954141 said:
Start calling TV studios in the LA area.

See if they will help you do a Chris Hansen style confrontation.

Any TV station worth its salt should be drooling over this opportunity.

That's a great idea.
A reality TV producer may even give you $20K for the rights.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

dmd4ever|1308937436|2954136 said:
Christina...|1308923118|2953930 said:
RayEarth|1308908738|2953859 said:
Got email back from Yosef within 24 hours asking for more information regarding my diamond query. However, he did note he is out of office until 29 June.


Indeed. He is clearly making a conscious decision not to communicate with me. Thanks for your efforts, although at this point I think it is best that no one else reach out to him on my behalf as I'm not sure that it will get me anywhere. Nor do I think talking with him myself is likely to yield any satisfaction given this choice on his part.

I still haven't received any word from Yosef, but I can hope that what he told another PS'er was true and that he does intend to refund my money sometime between July 16 and August 16 (I wonder if he's making interest on that money?). If so, I'll be curious to see what this "restocking fee" is. If it is the 20% number that I found on his website, that would be over $4,000!!! On a diamond that I never received and for which I cancelled the transaction the same day! Without having received any communications from Yosef myself, however, I'm continuing to pursue other routes of recovering my money.

Based on Laila619's post, Yosef is aware of this thread on Pricescope. Wonder if he is reading all these posts? How can you possibly be in business online and not worry about the effect of this type of publicity? Yosef, if you're reading, please chime in and let us all (especially me) know what's going on!

I agree that having anyone reach out to him at this point would not benefit your situation. He's aware of the thread and the negative publicity and the potential harm to his business, now you can only hope that he chooses to respond to the situation in an honest and timely manner. A restocking fee indeed! :roll: I also agree with Yssie that it really isn't in his best interest to ruin his reputation over 20k and that 20k isnt the incredible sum to a busines that it would be for an individual. So you do have that on your side. I wonder though if he knew he was dealing with an attorney when he decided to hold your money for 3 months with no credible reason. You've certainly done your homework and seem to have all your bases covered. Lets see what happens when he returns from his vacation, if you don't see the funds and if it looks likely that you won't, try the reality producer bit, it may not get you your money back but at least you'll have the satisfaction that he won't be taking anyone elses either. Thats a Dateline special report I'd like to see! :lol:

I know I said this earlier in the thread but I feel really bad for your fiance too, this beautiful event has turned into a horror show, I truly hope that this experience can be put behind you and that in 50 years she will still look down at her wedding rings and adore them! If all things happen for a reason you deserve this and much more! :)
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

at this point, i doubt he really cares about his reputation... it's clear that he's a crook!

i'd also try calling TV news station around LA area... there was one station where the guys investigates for the consumers...
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

I agree that it might be a good idea for people to stop calling him because he could sue you for harassment and ask for and probably receive a no contact order. The BBB is useless. I know because I have used them. I saw his BBB rating online and it is hard to believe that it is a spotless A+ rating.

At this point a strongly-worded letter from a top notch lawyer in this field followed up by a lawsuit seems to be your only option. If he is in chapter 11, then you can be listed as one of his creditors and hopefully get some of your money back.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Another lawyer here - I say it's time for an Order to Show Cause with a TRO restraining him from spending the money. Sounds like you know his bank - once you have the TRO, you can serve it on the bank and they will freeze the receiving account. At least, that's what us lawyers here in NY might do!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

ruby59|1308945690|2954244 said:
At this point a strongly-worded letter from a top notch lawyer in this field followed up by a lawsuit seems to be your only option. If he is in chapter 11, then you can be listed as one of his creditors and hopefully get some of your money back.

300GCP said:
Another lawyer here - I say it's time for an Order to Show Cause with a TRO restraining him from spending the money. Sounds like you know his bank - once you have the TRO, you can serve it on the bank and they will freeze the receiving account. At least, that's what us lawyers here in NY might do!

I used to be one of you "lawyers here in NY" myself (now in Oregon), but I work with very different types of litigation on a much larger scale than my current dispute. And given the wisdom of the old saying that "an attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client," I'm sorting out next steps with my attorney in LA.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

I wanted to follow up to see if DMB4Ever got any resolution or any additional info. I'm thinking about suing Yosef again. In 2008 I bought a ring from him for about 23k, and after the engagement broke up in early 2009, he offered to sell it on consignment for me. A year later, thinking it still wasn't sold, I checked in with him and asked for the ring back. Long story short, he closed his store in Burbank and stopped replying to anything. I filed a lawsuit but even a pro couldn't serve him, as he wasn't around. I got the suit dismissed without prejudice, so that I can sue him again, and now that he has a new business I'm thinking about going after him again. Any new info on the guy? I'm worried that his 2010 bankruptcy filing will bar me, but I'm going to poke around first. Thanks!

Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

raftandi|1321679346|3064991 said:
I wanted to follow up to see if DMB4Ever got any resolution or any additional info. I'm thinking about suing Yosef again. In 2008 I bought a ring from him for about 23k, and after the engagement broke up in early 2009, he offered to sell it on consignment for me. A year later, thinking it still wasn't sold, I checked in with him and asked for the ring back. Long story short, he closed his store in Burbank and stopped replying to anything. I filed a lawsuit but even a pro couldn't serve him, as he wasn't around. I got the suit dismissed without prejudice, so that I can sue him again, and now that he has a new business I'm thinking about going after him again. Any new info on the guy? I'm worried that his 2010 bankruptcy filing will bar me, but I'm going to poke around first. Thanks!


Oh, that's horrible Ray! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Laila619|1321682280|3065010 said:
raftandi|1321679346|3064991 said:
I wanted to follow up to see if DMB4Ever got any resolution or any additional info. I'm thinking about suing Yosef again. In 2008 I bought a ring from him for about 23k, and after the engagement broke up in early 2009, he offered to sell it on consignment for me. A year later, thinking it still wasn't sold, I checked in with him and asked for the ring back. Long story short, he closed his store in Burbank and stopped replying to anything. I filed a lawsuit but even a pro couldn't serve him, as he wasn't around. I got the suit dismissed without prejudice, so that I can sue him again, and now that he has a new business I'm thinking about going after him again. Any new info on the guy? I'm worried that his 2010 bankruptcy filing will bar me, but I'm going to poke around first. Thanks!


Oh, that's horrible Ray! I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.

Oh that is horrible!! I hope they can catch this crook!!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

This is horrible! How many people have been scammed out of thousands of dollars???!!!

Please name his current business so people doing a search here will find out the company is not reputable!

I also wonder what happened with the original poster to this thread.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

His new business is D3luxe ( and his name is Yosef Adde. HIs previous business was Adylon Diamonds. I have a lawyer friend helping out and it seems like this guy never correctly registers his companies (the last one had a P.O. Box as it's official address with the secretary of state, which isn't allowed. The legal answer is to ask a court for permission to serve the secretary of state, but paying a lawyer to do that is expensive and the payoff is very uncertain. Very frustrating, but perhaps more frustrating that Yosef continues to do business. My guess on the previous poster was that he was paid in August, per a response from Yosef on the BBB website. He responded to the OP's complaint there, which is a good sign that he now cares about his reputation. I'm not trying to do anything but get my money back and get out the facts of what happened. There is no need for exaggeration, as I think the facts speak strongly enough for themselves. Thank you for the responses!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

raftandi|1321754068|3065413 said:
His new business is D3luxe ( and his name is Yosef Adde. HIs previous business was Adylon Diamonds. I have a lawyer friend helping out and it seems like this guy never correctly registers his companies (the last one had a P.O. Box as it's official address with the secretary of state, which isn't allowed. The legal answer is to ask a court for permission to serve the secretary of state, but paying a lawyer to do that is expensive and the payoff is very uncertain. Very frustrating, but perhaps more frustrating that Yosef continues to do business. My guess on the previous poster was that he was paid in August, per a response from Yosef on the BBB website. He responded to the OP's complaint there, which is a good sign that he now cares about his reputation. I'm not trying to do anything but get my money back and get out the facts of what happened. There is no need for exaggeration, as I think the facts speak strongly enough for themselves. Thank you for the responses!

Good luck!!! I hope the other guy did get his money back and I hope you do, too! Otherwise, I'd call that stealing. :nono:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Original poster back again. I haven't been posting because I had been trying to work this out with Yosef amicably. After further delays for the alleged bank wire hold period (I still don't buy it) and three-way discussions with my attorney, he assured me that I would get the money back, but only 80% of it. When the time came, I didn't have a check but eventually got an email requesting that I sign and notarize a statement that he acted in good faith, that I had been told about the 20% fee, etc. I refused, but tried to sort our some middle ground without going to the courts. Recently, he again stopped returning my phone calls and emails until I finally caught him on the phone today and he stated that (pursuant to the "new" terms of service that magically appeared on the website) all returns are subject to a liability release being signed and returned within six months of the original purchase, and thus--voila--he is not prepared to refund ANY of my money. Just to recap, I called and put the transaction on hold THE VERY SAME DAY I WIRED THE FUNDS, back in May!!! I never received the diamond or any of my money and he now takes the position that he does not need to refund a penny of my $20,500. This is so ridiculous...
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

That makes me SICK! I have honestly wondered what had ever happened! He has stolen your money. Is that not illegal????

Were you able to get engaged???
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Goodness, this has gone from bad to worse. I really hope there is something you can do!!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

diamondseeker2006|1323981302|3082375 said:
That makes me SICK! I have honestly wondered what had ever happened! He has stolen your money. Is that not illegal????

Were you able to get engaged???

Ditto. This guy is scum. How can he do this?!?! Are you taking him to court?
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Thanks :) I am not engaged (yet), but did get another diamond several months back and have been talking with Leon about the setting. Everyone here was really helpful as I looked at other stones, and I really second-guessed myself a lot after this experience with Yosef, but I finally settled on a diamond that I did not post here, but that I absolutely love and got a great deal on from Jonathan at GOG: It is truly amazing in person :) I'm trying to treat this other incident as something completely unrelated to the proposal as I don't want to resent the overall experience, but I am mad as hell and hope to find some way to sort it out. I'm just thankful that I had the resources to secure another rock, as this could have been even worse :( Also, good luck to Ray as he seems to have been similarly scammed out of a large chunck of money by this *******.

EDIT: Probably best that I don't post specifics about my pursuit of the money at this point, but I'll let you know if I'm successful. That said, I'm open to any and all suggestions!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

HOW has this guy not been brought up on wire fraud charges?
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

dmd4ever|1323983437|3082401 said:
Thanks :) I am not engaged (yet), but did get another diamond several months back and have been talking with Leon about the setting. Everyone here was really helpful as I looked at other stones, and I really second-guessed myself a lot after this experience with Yosef, but I finally settled on a diamond that I did not post here, but that I absolutely love and got a great deal on from Jonathan at GOG: It is truly amazing in person :) I'm trying to treat this other incident as something completely unrelated to the proposal as I don't want to resent the overall experience, but I am mad as hell and hope to find some way to sort it out. I'm just thankful that I had the resources to secure another rock, as this could have been even worse :( Also, good luck to Ray as he seems to have been similarly scammed out of a large chunck of money by this *******.

EDIT: Probably best that I don't post specifics about my pursuit of the money at this point, but I'll let you know if I'm successful. That said, I'm open to any and all suggestions!

Oh, you chose a GREAT diamond!!! :love: :appl: Yes, the engagement ring and proposal definitely can be detached from the terrible experience with the first stone. And you definitely are fortunate it did not keep you from getting another stone.

I almost would recommend that you start a new thread since this one is old, and put a summary of what happened in the first post and just link this old thread. New people will be more likely to read a new thread, and more importantly, you can put the man's name and his current business name in the title so it will come up on a search. I really hate to see one more person be the victim of this man! :angryfire:
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Oh nooooo! ;( I always wondered what happened with your refund...I'm so sorry you are still out the money. What a crook this guy Yosef is!

By the way, I had the 1.8 RB diamond you purchased from GOG for a brief time in my possession right before you purchased it, and almost kept it, but ultimately decided to go with an AVC. I have to tell you, your diamond is spectacular!!! I have often thought about it - loved the combination of G color and "eye clean" SI1...such a good value, and a great size. I will look forward to seeing your finished ring.

And I sure hope you get your money back from Yosef...and soon.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Wow. Unreal. I hope you'll be able to get your money back, OP.

I agree with DiamondSeeker and Ame. How come this man isn't up on wire fraud charges?

Also, HYPOTHETICALLY, if a vendor told me 1. a diamond was in Europe and 2. he'd be using the money I sent him to buy it,

would this be something that should raise red flags? I know often times vendors don't have a diamond in stock, but don't they call it in? Is it ever as far away as Europe? Do they ever say they're going to be using my money?
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

I agree with starting a new thread with a brief summery of this one and the link and the update. Hopefully you'll get more views and some more advice.
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Oh my... I have just read thru this whole thread and can't believe it!!! Dmd4evr - you are a very patient man! You put Job to shame! (as in "the patience of...") I am amazed at the boldness of this business owner. Scum. The thread jumped from June to November and I was shocked that it hadn't been resolved or your money refunded in that time frame. Please hang in there and pursue this dude to the best of your abilities - he needs to be shut down (I had other thoughts in my head, but typed that... such restraint!)

I hope this ends well for you - with OUT a restocking fee. Idiot - who thinks they can get away with restocking something that never moved?? :angryfire:

Anyhow - hang in there - you have the world of PS behind you and what an amazing group of supportive people they are! Excited to learn of the new ring plans...and hope that's a whole lot more positive than this phase of the engagement!
Re: Refund Problems with D3luxe/Luxe and the owner Yosef Add

Thanks for letting us know about the latest developments, I'm so sorry to hear that you were not refunded anything. I hope you will get your money back at some point, this whole story is just's not possible that he can get away with this.

Still, I'm happy that you could find a great diamond with GOG. Congrats :appl: