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@swingtime Thank you for the swingleft link.
I’m finding it very hard to believe the the state of Mississippi has programs in place to pay for raising a child from birth to 18. Mississippi has the highest infant mortality rate in the country, that alone shows how much they care about infants. I find it far easier to believe Mississippi has nothing in place to help these women and children. It’s interesting, I’ve yet to hear any of the states that rushed to get trigger laws in place regarding abortion, touting the plans they have in place to help these women they are forcing to give birth.
That’s my point. Personal anecdotes don’t get us far. We need to define abortion. What is it? Did we end a life or a non-life? If so, do we tell all women who have miscarriages to get over it?
I know @nala is no longer in this conversation, and I guess this post is going to be heavy on the personal anecdote, but I wanted to address this because I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life (I've had a really good life) and the grief was overwhelming. I have moved on, but in some ways I'll never be over it.
I also know several women, including my own mother, who have had children die after they were born, ranging from newly born babies to children to grownup children. There is NO comparison. I can't even think about comparing the two. I can't even think about the pain involved. My mom actually both had a newborn baby die and had a second-term abortion later on when she found via prenatal testing that unborn child had the same heart defect her newborn had died of (and would therefore also almost certainly not survive), and while they were both extremely painful I'll give you one guess as to which one was way, WAY more devastating.
So... yes, for me there is a visceral and distinct difference between unborn children and children who have been viably born, speaking as one who has been there and who has someone close to me who has been there even more.
I will honestly say that I don't think it's right to refer to unborn children as a "fetus" (unless one is a scientist or doctor, in which case go for it). I actually did that for my first child because I didn't think it was consistent to be pro-choice and think of the fetus as a baby, and I regret that now because I think it messed with my ability to bond with her when she was born. But I do think that it's possible to think of the fetus as an unborn child, and love that unborn child, and still think that there is a difference between that and a child that has been born.
(One of the things that made me pro-choice -- speaking of trying to talk about things logically rather than through anecdote -- was actually miscarriage! I learned that 10 to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage. If you really believe that an unborn child is equivalent to a child that has been born, this should HORRIFY you. If there were something that killed one in every ten newborn babies or children, no one would rest until we had figured out how to stop it! And yet.)
No, I haven't read the entire 213 page opinion. But I did read some of it. And searched it. I do notice that the word "fertilized" or "frozen" doesn't seem to appear in it. The word "conception" appears 7 times, mostly in the dissent. Can you point me to where the opinion says "Life is now considered starting at conception BECAUSE a fertilized egg can now be kept frozen and viable for a very long time" Because folks are definitely worried about the future of IVF but no one seems to think the Court spoke to it.
And I find this statement of yours interesting:
Mississippi wanted to ban late term abortions but allow up to 15 weeks. They have procedure in place to pay for everything after birth if a woman was later than 15 weeks. The state would take all responsibilities till age 18 for the child.
I thought Mississippi has one one the highest poverty rates in the U.S. So just what does "pay for everything" actually mean?
Georgia residents can now claim embryos as dependents on state taxes
Taxpayers who have "an unborn child (or children) with a detectable human heartbeat" as of July 20 can get $3,000 for each unborn child.www.nbcnews.com
I wonder if pregnant women can now drive in the carpool lane with on other "born" person in the car?
It keeps getting more and more ridiculous.
I meant to say with NO other "born" person.![]()
Georgia residents can now claim embryos as dependents on state taxes
Taxpayers who have "an unborn child (or children) with a detectable human heartbeat" as of July 20 can get $3,000 for each unborn child.www.nbcnews.com
I wonder if pregnant women can now drive in the carpool lane with on other "born" person in the car?
RANT Warning
I’m so angry I could spit nails. Kansas voted today on reproductive rights. Texts were sent out yesterday giving false information to confuse voters. The text message stated the following:
Women in KS are losing their reproductive rights. Voting YES on the Amendment will give women a choice. Vote YES to protect women’s health.
A YES votes strips away women’s reproductive rights. The texts have been linked to a ”R“ aligned firm. How is sending thesefalse test messages even legal? WTH
I’m so damn tired of this flipping war on women.
Hospitals are going to be so afraid of being sued that women will not get the care that they need. It’s becoming a giant clusterf*ck.