
Roe v. Wade.

I’m hoping that the Kansas election results on abortion reflect that people have come to the realization that regardless of your personal views on abortion, this is a decision that should be made by a woman and her doctor. Government should have no place in this decision and what is right for one woman may not be the right decision for another woman.

It will be interesting to see what happens in other states going forward.
A well-known brand for pregnancy tests has been advertising and app you can use to scan the test for a 'quicker, more accurate' reading.

It just dawned on me that this is dangerous for women given the turn of events in this country. Much like the period tracking apps....

One more thing to be wary of. Here's hoping the majority of women recognize the danger of putting this app to use and opt to patiently wait a few more minutes for results and to trust their eyes.

This app, and the ones that track your period. I'd delete any such ad.
Thank you posting the article @Mreader. Could this be considered election tampering? How can it be legal to deliberately lie like this?

The whole thing is sickening. Doctors and hospital are going to be afraid to treat women for fear of losing their license or being sued. Women are going to die.

There have been robo calls sent out in the past telling voters not to forget to vote, but the day they gave was the wrong day. I think it all should be illegal.
what can possibly be next?
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One of the reasons for the anti abortion/contraception movement is the fear the christian right has of becoming a minority. It seems counterintuitive to prevent women from getting comprehensive reproductive healthcare which puts women at risk of serious complications and death. Seems to me this is a big disincentive for women to risk having children rather than encourage them.
One of the reasons for the anti abortion/contraception movement is the fear the christian right has of becoming a minority.

Isn't it already a minority? so are they hoping to become the majority?
Sad news for the anti-choice side in CO.....they were gathering signatures to put an abortion ban on the ballot in Nov., but couldn't get enough. It wouldn't have passed anyway.
Now there is a parentless 16 year old who the courts have denied an abortion in Florida. I believe this went thru the courts because she is parentless. The reason being sited by the judge is she isn‘t mature enough to make this decision. Can someone please explain to me how a parentless 16 year isnt mature enough to make this decision but is mature enough to go thru a pregnancy and childbirth, raise a child with no education and no job? She is 10 weeks pregnant.

The forced births are beginning.
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Can someone please explain to me how a parentless 16 year isnt mature enough to make this decision but is mature enough to go thru a pregnancy and childbirth, raise a child with no education and no job? She is 10 weeks pregnant.

Right-on, sister.

This is so terrible. She is a CHILD. How can they force children to go through this? I've never seen anything that reeks so powerfully of punishment and misogyny. (As in, these people probably want to punish her for having s*x - they probably think this serves her right.)

I get that some of the forced birthers think they're just protecting unborn future people, but at the expense of someone who is already living, breathing, walking around? NO NO NO! It is the HEIGHT of cruelty to force anyone to go through nine months of pregnancy and give birth, let alone a child! I really do not know how they can be SO hot on the rights of one and have zero care for the rights of the other. Why does only one matter?

I suppose they would say that the pregnant person has already been born and that this embryo should get the same chance, but they conveniently forget how terrible it is to go through nine months of an undesired pregnancy and birth, and they totally ignore the truly horrendous impact on the person's mental health....the depression and trauma that can result, the life ruined, the health risks, the sheer TERROR and unimaginable stress of being forced to endure an unwanted pregnancy and birth. They would probably argue that "Oh, the mother can just hand it over for adoption, the pregnancy and birth will be over, life goes on for both and the embryo got its chance! La la la! " But it's just not as simple as that! I am sure that for many, giving up a child would haunt them forever, even if they don't want to be a mother.

The effects of pregnancy and birth are absolutely life-changing, even if you give the baby up, and it's a road to terrible mental-health issues for women and children who are forced to do it.

These anti-choicers are extremists. The ideas of fervent lobbyists seem to get hold of them and take over their brains, driving out all rational thoughts, like we see in Islamic extremists.

The people who want to force women and children to give birth are no less than terrorists.

ETA: I have never been so thankful in my life to be through my child-bearing years. I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if I was a young single woman in one of these states. (I only say single because in the event of trouble, you're less likely to be able to afford going to another state for an abortion.)

That poor child in Florida. I cannot even imagine what she must be going through.
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Good doctors are going to begin leaving these states that impose abortion bans. What good doctor is going to want to risk a lawsuit or even losing their license? There will be a trickle down effect. Good doctors will leave, companies will leave, college admissions will decline In these states.

Eli Lilly has already announced they will be moving jobs out of Indiana stating that they fear they will lose the ability to attract diverse scientific engineering and business talent.
ETA: I have never been so thankful in my life to be through my child-bearing years. I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if I was a young single woman in one of these states. (I only say single because in the event of trouble, you're less likely to be able to afford going to another state for an abortion.)

So agree. I'm old enough to have been able to bear a child pre-Roe and post Roe. But not now. Thankfully. And it still goes back to those with funds can find a way to terminate, be it leaving their state, or otherwise. And those who say she can have the baby and someone will be so happy to adopt it, just look at the number of children in foster care. Where are the adopters for them?
They are frantic that whites are becoming a minority.

Yup. exactly what is happening.

The movement to end legal abortion has a long, racist history and is based in a fear that white people are going to be outnumbered by people believed to hold a lower standing in society.

It is likely that anti abortionists won’t stop at overturning Roe V Wade. They also want to limit access to contraception.
It is about controlling women’s autonomy, and in some cases, managing demographic change through that.

The Anti abortion movement at its core is about upholding white supremacy.


Location is everything, especially for college students when it comes to choosing where to go to school and spend the next four years of their lives.
But after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, and the constitutional right to abortion with it, it seems that location is becoming more and more important to American students.

About 30% of rising sophomores say they could or would definitely switch schools if they lived in states that don’t allow abortions, according to a new source. survey by NBC News and Generation Lab. About 12% of rising sophomores said they “definitely” would consider transferring if their state didn’t allow abortions, and 18% said they “could.”
From August 12 to August 17, researchers asked 1,077 students about important issues of our time — one of them being abortion.
They found that more than 80% of students think abortion is legal, with 49% of respondents saying it should be legal in all cases and 33% saying it should be legal in most cases. Only 4% think abortion is illegal under any circumstances.
The survey did not include respondents’ gender.
College students aren’t the only ones who consider abortion when choosing where to live, raising concerns about the potential for a “brain drain,” an exodus of skilled professionals, from post-Roe red state.
About 32% of job seekers will only apply for jobs in places where abortion is currently available and likely still legal, according to one survey published Tuesday by Resume Builder, an online service that helps users create their resumes. Of which, 33% of respondents are women and 31% are men.
About 10 states have banned most abortions, and four states have banned illegal abortions at six weeks of gestation. follow to follow by New York Times.

Of those 10 states, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Louisiana have banned abortions with no exceptions for rape or incest. Texas has done the same, but its ban can only be enforced with civil penalties, like fines.

Source link

@missy Thank you for all the useful articles that you often post.

If I was a young woman choosing a college, the limited abortion access would be a HUGE factor in deciding where to go. Abortion is healthcare. I would not want to move to a place where a huge slice of women's healthcare had been removed. Can you imagine? Your heart would be in your mouth every time you had s*x, praying that your contraception doesn't fail. SOUNDS LIKE FUN!

These states will absolutely experience a brain drain, and it completely serves them right. Students, doctors, anyone who believes in equal rights for all - which tend to be the more intelligent - will leave these states, or not go there in the first place. The states will also experience an economic impact from people not wanting to work, live, or visit there. Altogether, they will end up poorer and more backward than ever before.

Even if someone strongly opposes abortion, I really don't know how anyone can be so stupid as not to realize that abortion never goes away, it just gets driven underground. That women will get desperate and attempt to do it themselves, and that the back alley clinic will return, with all its bad outcomes. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT UNDERSTAND THAT???

We absolutely are two countries these days. The backward states that don't care about the suffering of half the human race, and the humane states who consider everyone to be equal.

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Your heart would be in your mouth every time you had s*x, praying that your contraception doesn't fail. SOUNDS LIKE FUN!

Well said, Jambalaya.
To me states that ban abortion also have other policies I do not like so I would not want to move to any of them for a host of reasons, abortion being one of the most important, but not the only one. I’m fortunate that where I live, this is not an issue. Yet. But if a National ban is somehow enacted, as some are calling for, then what? I shudder to think what that would mean.
To me states that ban abortion also have other policies I do not like so I would not want to move to any of them for a host of reasons, abortion being one of the most important, but not the only one. I’m fortunate that where I live, this is not an issue. Yet. But if a National ban is somehow enacted, as some are calling for, then what? I shudder to think what that would mean.

Agreed. And imo a National ban will not happen.

If I was a young woman choosing a college, the limited abortion access would be a HUGE factor in deciding where to go. Abortion is healthcare. I would not want to move to a place where a huge slice of women's healthcare had been removed.

Thank you @Jambalaya. Yes 100% agree.
I could never live in one of those states. I’d make it my priority to do all I could not to live in one of those states at least.
Great post @Jambalaya.

With certain people put in place a national ban on abortion could possibly happen at some point. Some have made it clear this is their goal. It‘s even closer to a reality with the present Supreme Court. Many of us never thought we would see 10 states go as far as to restrict abortion in cases of rape and incest (an unbelievable cruelty) and yet here we all. There are those who want contraceptives banned. At this point anything is possible unless woman ban together and make our voices and votes heard.

This is not a great time to be a women in this country.
With certain people put in place a national ban on abortion could possibly happen at some point. Some have made it clear this is their goal. It‘s even closer to a reality with the present Supreme Court

I agree, although it may be unlikely, it is possible, especially as you say with this Supreme Court. Many people thought it would not be possible for Roe to be overturned, and therefore didn't consider that possibility when voting or were just apathetic about it, putting other things first. Yet here we are. And if people don't consider abortion when voting in the upcoming mid-terms and subsequent elections, anything can be possible. So yes, voting now is almost more important for women than it has been in a long time, at least in my opinion.