
San Francisco Get Together - Sept. 16th

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If they want my stinky dansko clogs I wore today, they can have them!

OK girls, let''s look on the bright side.... IMAGINE THIS.

15 hard core PS addicts with their bling stolen = 15 hard core bling addicts shopping with new insurance money!

Is that SUCH a bad thing???

I''m just kidding, dear ring of mine...
Kind of makes those granny boots look good after all. One swift kick.... Anyway you guys should be fine. There is safety in numbers. You need to be aware of your surroundings no matter what you are doing. Hope you have a great time and can''t wait for the pics!!!
Oh guys, you're cracking me up. Don't worry, I can use my long-dormant tae kwon do skillz to whoop @ss if needed. It's been about 18 years since I last executed a roundhouse kick but I bet I could still deliver in a pinch.
Between Mara's kickboxing, my tae kwon do, and WallerMama's aromatic clogs, I think we're covered.

Kaleigh -- we need to get you out here for a GTG sometime. We need to take some family portraits with our sister rings.
I''m sorry to miss this GTG in my hometown too! Hope you gals have fun and take pics of bling. And while you''re there, stop by Tiffany, I saw a GORGEOUS tanzanite and diamond ring there that I fell in love with. And the sales guy was great too, he let me try on a 2 carat pink diamond. Have fun!
Cinderella, we''ll miss you! My asscher will miss its twin, and I''m sad I won''t see your remake.

Next time!
Please put me down as a "maybe" ladies.
Ooh, missing this by a few days again, unfortunately. I''m cheering myself up at the thought that you guys have such a great time at these things, another one will happen soon!

Have a good time and take lots of pictures!
Awww...thanks Wallermama! Definitely next time.
soooo cinderella, maybe you can just send your luvly ring to the GTG by itself?
i''d be HAPPY to watch it for you.
I''m personally getting a lot of lotto tickets before the GTG, because I''m hoping that I''ll have some cash to spend at Lang''s. If I get a huge payout I''ll buy us all baubles....I promise!
I''ll be in the bay area then. Just accepted my new job. It would be fun to come if I can. Will confirm once I get to CA.
Date: 8/24/2006 11:18:42 PM
Author: Gypsy
I''ll be in the bay area then. Just accepted my new job. It would be fun to come if I can. Will confirm once I get to CA.
Congrats Gypsy!!!
Congrats Gypsy. I hope you like living in Calif. We sure do. Love the weather.

Thanks Kaliegh. Maybe I'll still get to meet with you and Diamond Fan on one of my trips out here, though. I'd still absolutely love to.

Linda-- thanks! I'm originally from the Bay Area. I've lived on the east coast for... 9 years now. But CA is home. It will be nice to be back, I'm sure.
I am sure you will be glad to be back home. We love going to S.F. We live one hour out of S.F. Love going to Fisherman''s Wharf and getting that Frenchbread yum yum.

Umm. For me it''s getting the cracked crabs at Fisherman''s Wharf. YUM! And peking duck in China Town (King Tin)... and Dim Sum (some hole in the wall I never remember the name of). I grew up on the Peninsula--- I love Half Moon Bay and La Honda. That''s one of the things I miss the most. Day trips. You can go to so many wonderful places for day trips in the bay area... Napa, Carmel, Marin, Half Moon Bay, San Fran. Not that there aren''t nice places to go here.. there''s NY, Philly, and well... there''s NY and Philly. LOL. New Hope was fun and nice... but for some reason, we just never did much of that. I''m hoping that day trips will be a regualr occurance with the move.
I don''t like crab, but my hubby does. LOVE Carmel and Monterey. Love Pier 39. We take our grandkids there at Christmas time, along with our daughter and son-in-law. My hubby grew up in San Mateo. Love Half Moon Bay too. Hubby''s family lives in Foster City and all of our close friends are in San Bruno. Sometimes we book a hotel and stay the weekend down there.

I really miss living down there, but DH doesn''t. We moved away 21 years ago, as the houses were cheaper where we are now. Not anymore, they sky rocketed.

There is nothing like the view of S.F. at night.

Oh and one thing they don''t have here in the Chinese restaurants are pork buns. We LOVE those. We are so hungry for them. The only time we get them, is at the restaurants in the Bay Area.

gypsy, good luck! when do you move? maybe you and kaleigh and I could hook up before, if you are not too crazed!!!
Date: 8/25/2006 12:18:05 AM
Author: diamondfan
gypsy, good luck! when do you move? maybe you and kaleigh and I could hook up before, if you are not too crazed!!!
Yes sounds good to me if you can fit it in, need to give you a proper send off, will miss ya!!!!
gyp it would be awesome to see you at the GTG! did you take a job in the bayarea, are you actually moving here?

i've lived here all my life, south bay, and we drive up to SF a few times a month for dinner, we have our favorites for sure...we go to half moon bay as well, we had our first date there 6 years ago! greg loves to take day trips so we often drive somewhere for lunch and walk around etc. this place is definitely awesome for how diverse everything is within a few hour drive. i love that you can get to the beach in an hour and get to snow in lake tahoe in 4 hours, or napa in 2 hours etc. the funny thing is all the microclimates, it can be 90 down here and in 60 in half moon bay or 70 in SF! so random.
Diamondfan and Kaleigh-- Thank you both! ... Would love to meet before. Because that would mean my cat is okay. If my cat isn''t... then I can''t. I''ll let you know.

Mara-- looks like. There are some final details to be worked out... and only one of them could break the deal from my POV. But they made the offer today, and I accepted. And since my start date is the 11th of Sept. That means that I have to make arangements NOW... before the details are in. Still, it''s a good company... and hopefully things will go according to plan. I love the micro climates too. My grandparents lived in Piedmont for years... and we lived on the penninsula, then moved to Danville... and well... the climates in all those areas are just so different. I love the Rockridge area of Oakland personally, great weather... lots of fun, and a short day trip. Good little stores for window shopping too.
Gypsy -- congrats on the job and impending move!!! It''ll be great to be back home, huh?

I''m excited that you might be able to make the GTG....please keep us posted!
Gypsy, I hope you make it!

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I''m thinking good thoughts for you!
There needs to be another Bay Area get together because I can''t come! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Yep, I agree with Jorman. There needs to be another one after this, since we''re both missing it! And Wallermama, make sure you let me know if you win the lottery, because I WILL ditch the baby shower in favor of a new bauble! Hahah, j/k, that would be terrible of me.

I really wanted to make it to this one too. Because I would have brought my bling for Mara to keep an eye over, as well as some Peasant Pies for those of you who have been curious about, but haven''t been able to get a hold of them.

Next time on Union Street anyone?
haaha baby shower or new bauble? no brainer missy!

one on union street sounds fab at some point.

and then we HAVE to go to carmel someday so we can visit the stores down there in person. there are some huge rocks!
Thanks Waller, and Kristy. I will let you know as soon as I do. LOL. Keeping my fingers crossed that all is going to work out well, though.

Did you say Carmel??????? Whoo Hoo, what a trip that would be. One of our very favorite spots. What fun we would have.

Linda P.S. We would have to stop in Castroville for some deep fried Artichoke Hearts (if you like them)
i love them linda...we just were in monterey and carmel about a month or two ago and we stopped for a quickie lunch at this place on the way that we have eaten at before...i don''t know if it''s castroville but it''s right on hwy 1 and it''s called Charlie Moss. they have great crab cakes and deep fried artichoke hearts, cute small place...yum! we love doing a day trip and getting a quick appetizer lunch there and then continuing on in to drive around and walk around and then catching dinner late in monterey before heading back home on some weekends.
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