
San Francisco Get Together - Sept. 16th

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There used to be a place in San Jose called The Big Artichoke. They closed a long time ago. They had the best artichoke bread. It tasted almost like pumpkin bread. They also had artichoke soup. yummmmmmmmmmy. The place we went to in Castroville, was also The Big Artichoke. I tried making deep fried artichoke hearts once, what a mess. I can''t cut the chokes out right.

Hi everybody...

I've been following this thread with interest, but am a little forlorn because I can't come to this one.

But my ears sure perked up when someone mentioned Carmel! I'd LOVE to go to that one if such a gettogether ever takes shape...

I'd stay at the Cypress Inn and bring Widget! (It's a darling B&B partly owned by Doris Day that welcomes doggie guests.)

Hmmm...I wonder if high-end jewelers welcome mutts in their shops? If not, I could avail myself of the Inn's pet-sitting service! LOL

Mara: Would Portia be up for a PS Gettogether???

Widget, what a GREAT idea. Maybe I could bring our Mazie. She is our precious Lhasa Apso. LOVE Carmel.

Weeelllllll, hubby and I are planning to go down to Carmel Sept 29 - Oct 1 for our anniversary weekend. I'm definitely planning on a trip to Fourtane's if anyone else would be interested in meeting up there sometime that weekend.
Perhaps I could send hubby off to get a massage or play a round of golf while we all go play. Heehee.

Vagabond Inn and the very pricey Tradewinds also welcome dogs, off the top of my head. I know there are also several other dog-friendly places. We *might* bring our dog but he's a little hyper so that may not work (I can just imagine him getting us kicked out of a restaurant).
Hee hee...that would be a first for PS: A get together so PSers and show off their DOGS!!!

KD...Are you sure you''d want to mix up a GTG with a romantic anniversary weekend? I''m not all sure I would...

Eh, I see plenty of hubby as it is.
I'm sure he'd be fine with me getting away for a couple hours to meet up with you's either that or I'd drag him along jewelery shopping with me and I'm pretty sure he's not gonna let that happen!
Rick, the hubby, would NOT want to go jewelry shopping either. On the other hand..... he would LOVE to tease all the women ha ha ha ha ha. You ladies will love my hubby, he has one fantastic personality.

lol whenever we go to carmel and i get lost in fourtane, greg just wanders around for a while then returns with a coffee or something. he knows better than to rush me! when we first were dating and i''d go in there, he''d just stand by the door and fidget. he finally got smart and said i''m not waiting around here, she''ll be in there forever!!

KD...that weekend could actually work for us i think...we could probably just come down one day for lunch and some window shopping and bring portia...carmel is very dog friendly, don''t know about restaurants but i''m sure there are some outdoor ones that would allow dogs as well assuming that is not a rainy weekend. the boys could dogsit while we all went into the stores...HA HA. anyway keep me posted, if there is more interest we can see if we can get some more rabble rousers going on that weekend.

widget we''ll miss you this go round in SF!!! but hopefully see you in carmel and with your new beautimous asscher setting!!

What a GREAT idea. The guys could dog sit ha ha ha ha.

If we plan this, do you think we should make reservations soon? They book pretty fast in Carmel don''t they?

Widget: You must wear your Pad to Carmel.

Date: 8/26/2006 2:52:28 PM
Author: Linda W
Widget: You must wear your Pad to Carmel.

Linda...did you see what I said about it on the "Pricescope Economics" thread??


Yes I did and I answered you. You still must wear it, mine will get lonely. ha ha ha

Oh, Carmel! How fun!

I''m solo mommy that weekend, since DH will be representing our brood at a wedding in MA.

Do you think anyone would notice if I dropped my 7, 5 and 1 year old children off at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and left them alone for a few hours? Think my jewelry alibi would hold up in court when I am arrested for child abuse and abandonment?

Sigh. I didn''t think so, either. Wishful thinking.

How about if my kids stay at the puppy sitter with Widget''s Widget? Now THERE is a thought!

Well, the hubby and I could bring our two grandchildren, ages almost 7 and almost 5 to play with yours LOL. Hummm, they would just want to go to the beach though. We would never get to go shopping.

Date: 8/23/2006 12:36:37 AM
Author: Linda W
Vina, I didn''t care for your joke, even if it was meant in fun.

I like the idea of a private site. I belong to a private group on Yahoo. We discuss our little Ringneck parrots.

What do you all think? This way, we can keep the restaurant where we are meeting private.

I am glad my hubby will be with us ladies.

Do you have Indian Ringnecks? I have 2 of them. I love these birds. They talk and talk and they are completely tame. I totally love ringnecks - the best!
Hi Beacon,

Yes, I have one Indian Ringneck. He is a male named Taco LOL. He talks to me all day long. He is like a little adult. He is a cuddle bug. He likes to ride around on my shoulder. He is 12 years old, I have had him since he was a baby. He is so tame. I simply adore that little guy.

How wonderful to hear of someone who has a ringneck! Not to steal this thread too bad - but mine are named Taj and Wallis, both males. Taj is 9 Wallis only 1.5 yrs. Both are wonderful friends - any yes, like little people.

I also live the SF Bay area. Would love to hear about the Yahoo Ringneck group. Maybe I''ll see you one one of the GTG.
Cinderella, Widget, and Jorman....SO bummed you can't make it! Fortunately, there will be other GTGs so stay tuned!

Beacon -- can you attend the SF GTG?

ETA: I found a babysitter so I will be child-free on September 16!! That means I can be there from 11am to about 4pm, yay!!!!!
Trying to schedule it in, not sure at this moment. Would love to come - I''ll let you know as soon as possible.
YAY Kristy, I was sad you were going to have to leave so soon after we got there....sweet that you can stick around longer too now!!!
Hey ladies,

Are we still discussing going to Carmel??? Is anyone still interested??

i am linda....but we won''t stay overnight, we''ll just do a day trip.
Hi Mara,

Great. It is too far, for Rick and I to make a day trip. We will have to stay overnight somewhere. Hummmmmm, maybe we could bring our 5th wheel to Thousand Trails that we belong too. They have a gorgeous campground in Morgan Hill. Carmel is only about 45 minutes away from there. That would be one option for us. Otherwise, we could stay at one of the Inns that Widget mentioned.

Linda - the Thousand Trails Morgan Hill site is so nice!! ILs have a membership to TT and we always talk about doing day trips down there but we''ve only managed to do it once... reminds me we ought to plan a camping trip before it gets too cold!!
Hi Flopkins,

We love it there. In fact, we are leaving Thursday and coming home on Monday. Taking our two little grandboys with us. They are 4 and 6. My girlfriend and her hubby are going also and bringing their two grandchildren. They own a huge motor home. It is gorgeous. That thing is like a bus. We may do a day trip to Monterey also. Take the little ones to see the seals.

Have you been to Lake of the Springs? That preserve is gorgeous, so is Snowflower. Our grandboys have been calling us everyday asking us what food we are bringing lol lol
bump for anyone in the bay area!
There''s a chance I may not be in Carmel that weekend anymore (Sept 29 - Oct 1). We can''t find a nice B&B anywhere! We have a room at the Old St. Angela Inn in Pacific Grove but I just read some reviews that complained about the street noise. I love the Seven Gables Inn but it''s booked. I guess it''s a busy time of year for Monterey Bay.

I''m still in for Sept 16 in SF, though!
But Kristydarling, don''t forget about the Post Ranch Inn! Remember I told you about it? It''s such a bargain at $600-$1300 a night!

But ohhhhh it looks delicious.
WM -- on a whim, I did look it up and almost passed out when I saw the rates. But wow, it is GORGEOUS!!! Maybe someday if we win the lottery.

We''re headed up to Napa that weekend instead. Slightly more lodging availability up there! And I intend to hang out at Patina Estate Jewelry in St Helena.
Okay... so is the 16th still on? I can make it if it is. LOL.

Can''t make Carmel
I''ll be in DC that weekend.
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