
Sapphires from AfricaGems (Marc Sarosi)

I have admired that Jeff Davies sapphire on his website before. I'm very curious to hear your comparison!

+1 to those who asked to see vendor pics, they help us a lot. :)
Oooh. The asscher is my favorite!
I hope you'll take pictures of the 2 yellows together, would love to see the comparison. Judging from the photos only, for me it's still the asscher -- a winner on all counts. (Listen....if your SO would like to make somebody else very happy, I'll give you my address... :sun: )

The pink is very nice too, but the yellow asscher is harder to find in that shade & is such a knockout.

--- Laurie
have I missed something and you've decided? the asscher and pink are gorgeous, but that pink seems to really go great with your skin!

also - yellow in that saturation doesn't always seem like the most matchable shade.. does your wardrobe suit it? they are both beautiful in any case, your SO has great taste! :appl:
LoversKites|1391028688|3603613 said:
I have admired that Jeff Davies sapphire on his website before. I'm very curious to hear your comparison!

+1 to those who asked to see vendor pics, they help us a lot. :)

Did you mean Africagems? The OP bought her stones from Africagems, and the other one posted is a Roger Dery, Spectral Gems, stone. :))
minousbijoux|1391041991|3603799 said:
LoversKites|1391028688|3603613 said:
I have admired that Jeff Davies sapphire on his website before. I'm very curious to hear your comparison!

+1 to those who asked to see vendor pics, they help us a lot. :)

Did you mean Africagems? The OP bought her stones from Africagems, and the other one posted is a Roger Dery, Spectral Gems, stone. :))

The last yellow sapphire is from JD, the cushion.
Thanks Niel - I must have missed that. Crap, I'm turning into one of those post and dash types that doesn't bother to read the entire thread :errrr:

ETA: the cushion is nice, but my vote is still for that asscher.
That yellow asscher is just so amazing.. congratulations! It's beautiful :) :) and the color looks so much better and vibrant than in the vendor photo (which looks a little greenish to me?). :appl: :appl:
I love both the yellows!
I am lusting after that yellow asscher!!! Will be interested to see it compared to the Jeff Davies stone. But I would pick a step cut over a cushion hands down.
Thank you everyone for your kind comments and feedback! I will come back tomorrow with photos comparing the Jeff Davies cushion with the AfricaGems asscher. I too cannot wait to have them both in front of me!

SonyaC, good point about the color-"matching" problems that may arise. My SO initially wanted to go for a diamond center stone for the e-ring, but I have always loved sapphires and colored stones (it took me a while to convince him to hop over to the color side! :D). I have not really thought too much about it, though it does raise the question as to whether the color will look funky when I wear certain colors. The other day, I was playing around with my camera and was wearing a bright orange sweater, and the stone looked orange-y. Today, I was wearing a dark blue sweater and the stone had a wee hint of green.

Does any one have any insight on wearing such a light yellow stone day in and day out with various color outfits?
minousbijoux|1391041991|3603799 said:
LoversKites|1391028688|3603613 said:
I have admired that Jeff Davies sapphire on his website before. I'm very curious to hear your comparison!

+1 to those who asked to see vendor pics, they help us a lot. :)

Did you mean Africagems? The OP bought her stones from Africagems, and the other one posted is a Roger Dery, Spectral Gems, stone. :))

The OP also bought a Jeff Davies one =)
swissmiss|1391050327|3603924 said:
Thank you everyone for your kind comments and feedback! I will come back tomorrow with photos comparing the Jeff Davies cushion with the AfricaGems asscher. I too cannot wait to have them both in front of me!

SonyaC, good point about the color-"matching" problems that may arise. My SO initially wanted to go for a diamond center stone for the e-ring, but I have always loved sapphires and colored stones (it took me a while to convince him to hop over to the color side! :D). I have not really thought too much about it, though it does raise the question as to whether the color will look funky when I wear certain colors. The other day, I was playing around with my camera and was wearing a bright orange sweater, and the stone looked orange-y. Today, I was wearing a dark blue sweater and the stone had a wee hint of green.

Does any one have any insight on wearing such a light yellow stone day in and day out with various color outfits?

I don't find that the color of my yellow stone shifts with the different outfits that I wear - it's more whether I want to wear a bright yellow with certain colors or outfits, and for some reason, my e-ring doesn't ever seem to look out of place, even if I'm dressed casually, but wearing the yellow as a RHR with, let's say a fleece and leggings, does feel odd to me. The question is whether you want to wear yellow (or pink) on a daily basis. The yellows and the pink that you've selected are gorgeous but not so intense and in your face that either would clash (though I probably wouldn't want to wear light pink with fire engine red) with 99% of the things that you would wear.

Going the CS route, you will certainly get more rock with any budget you're working with than in the diamond world, if by going diamond, you prefer the colorless/high end of near colorless range, and especially if you need a high clarity rating for a step-cut stone. And, these are certainly things to think about, if budget is also a part of the consideration for going the CS route.

When my FI asked me about rings (I thought it was a total and complete theoretical discussion), I was sensitive to how much pretty things cost and told him that I would rather go the CS route for budget reasons and have a nice ring that we were both proud of than go diamond and wear something very, very small that I would always just want to upgrade - then, one day when we were in the position to do it (I was thinking years down the road), select a diamond for an anniversary and wear the original e-ring as a RHR. (He completely outdid himself with a diamond ring and a surprise proposal, but I would have been equally as happy with a nice CS)

I'm not sure if these sorts of things are a concern for you, but you guys could consider this ring as your e-ring and then make it a RHR down the road if he still wants to go diamond, and you tire of wearing a certain color every day after let's say 5 years - I feel like a lot of people on the PS forums are lucky enough to upgrade at least once :-)
Oh I just saw the third it's such a beautiful color! Depends if you like pink or yellow I guess. Very different.
I know this isn't the same thing, and it's anecdotal evidence, but my daily purse is a golden yellow. When I got it I was pleasantly surprised at the fact that it went with almost everything. And it's not NEARLY as pretty as that yellow asscher! I don't think you have to worry about the sapphire clashing :)
Oh my!!! That Asscher :love: :love:
If the stone/ring is for me, I'd pick the yellow asscher sapphire hands down - excellent colour with excellent cut and it's rare to see a beautifully coloured asscher stone. I am the type who isn't bothered to have my jewellery match my clothing so I'm of no help on that topic. With such a gorgeous stone though, I wouldn't care if nothing matches. :devil: :bigsmile:
My excitement for you is ridiculous - did you guys compare stones?!?! Do you have pics of the square Africa Gems yellow vs the Jeff Davies stone? Such beautiful choices…did you pick? Will it be a surprise for you? Please let us know when you have an update!
sorry about the delay, everyone. I got in late last night and the lighting made photo-taking difficult.

The stones are all so fabulous to me that I am having a hard time making a decision:

1) I know the asscher is an incredible find. It is well-cut, a nice creamy-lemon color, a gorgeous size, and rare. Intellectually speaking, I know this is the one I should pick (especially when confirmed by all of you!)

2) But for some reason, I find myself more drawn to the pink.

3) But... in the sunshine, the pink sometimes washes out, and the Jeff Davies is the one that goes "HELLO THERE!" LOOK AT ME!"

I'll stop rambling and post the pictures.

Here are comparison photos from this morning:

indoors but with light from the window (overcast)







Outdoors - some in sunshine and some in shade




endless_summer|1391094278|3604145 said:
I'm not sure if these sorts of things are a concern for you, but you guys could consider this ring as your e-ring and then make it a RHR down the road if he still wants to go diamond, and you tire of wearing a certain color every day after let's say 5 years - I feel like a lot of people on the PS forums are lucky enough to upgrade at least once :-)

My SO was initially dead set on a diamond and had a very generous budget for me (16K), but I wasn't feeling inspired. About 2 months into the search, I re-iterated my preference for colored stones, and suggested to him that if he or I ended up feeling "bleh" about it, we could revisit the diamond ring and turn the colored ring into a RHR. I guess I'm trying to make sure I get the right stone so that it will "succeed" over the long term. :mrgreen:
Still like the asscher. It's not as saturated as the cushion, but wow, look at how glowy it is. And that cut is amazing.

The pink is pretty but looks washed out in the brighter lights.
I'm not a fan of yellow sapphires, but there is something about that yellow sapphire stone...

the pink sapphire is also beautiful, but I can't stop thinking about that yellow sapphire. The color is just so nice.

I would go with whatever stone calls you. Both the yellow asscher and the pink are show stopping stones.
I do have to say the pink seems to favor your skin tone better (judging by the original pics).
They are ALL absolute show stoppers, so much so that I don't have a favorite anymore…gahhhh!

I agree with part gypsy that the pink favors your skin tone more, even though I love, love, love the square step cut - between the two yellows, the Jeff Davies stone definitely has the more intense color (that, and it's HUGE!) that just jumps out at you; whereas, the step cut has a softer color and a spectacular cut - you can't go wrong!!!
On its own, in those pics the color of the cushion seems the best.


For the size I seem to prefer the more delicate less intense color of the asscher. That, plus the cut of the asscher makes me still say asscher. And if you want your SO to feel happy with the ring as an E ring, i feel like youll have to add diamonds. And i think the assher color would look nicer with nice white diamonds, verses the cushion, i dunno, to me i dont live the intensity paired with diamonds. in my head, anyways.

Just in my mind Im imagining the whole look.
I'm gonna be the balck sheep and say the cushion. Colour saturation is very important to me. However the asscher is more delicate and very well cut in a rare shape.... and the pink is sweet and attractive. It must be so hard to make a decision like this! Can't you keep all three? :bigsmile:
Thank you everyone for your input. We had the hardest time deciding... All of the stones were fabulous! At the end of the day, though, I decided on the pink, for the following reasons:

1) As some of you pointed out, pink flatters my skin tone.
2) At one point, I thought "well, if SO purchases one of the yellows, I'll go ahead and get the pink one myself." :devil: I had no such thoughts about the yellows...
3) Though I know "intellectually" that the asscher is an incredible find, an incredible cut, and a very nice creamy yellow, the pink one "spoke" to me (yup, it said: "swissmiss... you want me!!!"). The Jeff Davies is also a stunning stone with incredible saturation, but it somehow looked better on my SO's hand and in the box than against my skin.

My SO is wonderful - at one point he even suggested getting two of the stones (don't ask why I didn't take him up on it... I need to go get my head checked! :loopy: ) I think HE is the real keeper! :love:
Congratulations on making such a difficult decision - I have no doubt that the pink stone will show beautifully in a ring, and particularly on your hand, and that you'll be very, very happy with it!!!
Congratulations - you have just demonstrated the exact right way to pick out a stone! It should always be the one that steals your heart :praise: :love:
Yeah it's true about the Jeff davis one. It's amazing. But the cut on the asscher really adds to the stone even though it's less saturated. But if you're really attracted to the pale pink I'd consider that one too. I like both the asscher and the pink one. I do know what you mean about washing out though. That would be an issue for me too. I love pink though.
I never read the whole thing before replying. I see you've chosen the pink. Congratulations :) It will make a beautiful ring!

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