
Sapphires from AfricaGems (Marc Sarosi)

minousbijoux|1391445225|3606981 said:
Congratulations - you have just demonstrated the exact right way to pick out a stone! It should always be the one that steals your heart :praise: :love:

Yes definitely!

Congrats on choosing a lovely sapphire.
It is great that you got to handle all 3 stones at the same time, which helps you decide which one is the best for you. Sometimes, what you think you like, turns out to not be the right stone for you. If you are concerned about the pink washing out outdoors, having it in the right ring design and metal colour can limit that somewhat. It is very possible that having a more enclosed rose gold basket can help amp up the pink colouration.
2) At one point, I thought "well, if SO purchases one of the yellows, I'll go ahead and get the pink one myself." :devil: I had no such thoughts about the yellows...
I was just coming back to highlight a similar comment you made earlier - but I see you listened to what was going on for you. FWIW I preferred the pink too.

So another +1 for Minou's comment above.

Looking forward to setting ideas and congratulations on a difficult but perfect decision for you :appl:
Thank you everyone! I have zero doubts. Unfortunately, SO is feeling a little nostalgic because he ABSOLUTELY LOVES the Jeff Davies. He's not much of a pink-lover, so he's having a little trouble with it. I told him he could always keep the JDavies for another project! :naughty:
Late to the game, here, but I think you made a good choice. While both yellows are gorgeous, it doesn't mean that you'd necessarily love wearing them every day (however, occasionally... :Up_to_something: ). I'm one that likes to match my rings to my wardrobe, at least somewhat. I do have a yellow garnet set in yellow gold, and while as a jewelry piece, I think it's beautiful, I'm still not 100% sure about it against my skin tone, and it matches nothing in my wardrobe. I still wear it when I feel I'd like some "sunshine". It's too bad that your SO isn't into pink, but he won't be looking at it nearly as much as you will. ;) As Chrono mentioned, playing with the gold colour can help amp up the saturation. Tough choice to make, but nice to have three beautiful options! :bigsmile:
Okay, I gotta say it. Come on, SwissMiss, it seems like your SO is dying to get you stones - so don't let him down. Get more than one! Please! You need the pink, and he "needs" you to have a yellow. Maybe its time to be selfless, think of him too, and make him happy by keeping one of the yellows too. :naughty: After all, you'd really only be doing it for him... :Up_to_something:
Someone needs to buy that amazing yellow asscher..... :lickout: :lickout: :lickout:
Thank you everyone!

My SO is shipping out the Jeff Davies sapphire either today or tomorrow, and he's quite nostalgic about it. He LOVES the stone. I told him that he was welcome to keep it for a future project, but he realized that it would be more "for him" than for me.

My SO and I would definitely buy from JDavies again. He's wonderful to work with!

I'll start a new thread about how to set PinkieCharm (as I have named her).
Just sayin...

If he kept that yellow through it I a halo and made it a pendant it would be stunning and he could look at it all the time on you.

Just sayin.... :Up_to_something:
I am so glad you went with the pink! It was totally my choice from the beginning of the thread.

I had a distinct love for step cut gems, so that might have been my pick for myself (plus, I don't have yellow in my collection) but That pink is just a perfect lovely delicate shade.

I also think your SO needs to keep a yellow and make a piece of jewelry. May I suggest as a wedding present?

So! How are you going to set it?
I suggest him keeping the yellow cushion for himself....a pendant someday perhaps? :naughty:

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