
Sears appliance delivery nightmare and PSA


Nov 16, 2008
Dee*Jay|1449759363|3959808 said:
Oh Lil... I feel for you! I had a similarly (but not as) bad experience with Abt on the new appliances I ordered for my kitchen remodel last year. I'm still awaiting a thermostat replacement on the THIRD wine fridge. Hopefully your experience getting the new stove will be better because as much as I am out of love with Abt right now I do think they are much much much better than whatever is going on with those Sears morons. Big hugs and and even bigger cocktail coming your way sister. If you need to cook anything you can pop over to my house! (Please feel free to leave any left overs in my fridge! :cheeky: )

Thanks DeeJay! I appreciate the offer! :mrgreen:


Apr 28, 2008
OMG, nightmare! So sorry! We had similar problems with Lowe's and their delivery of our fridge and range.

On a side note, it might just be me, but I can't stand when service people ask to use my bathroom. My house is not a public bathroom for strangers to use! There are several fast food places or gas stations within a mile. It's nothing personal, I just don't know them.


Dec 31, 2006
Wow that really s*cks.

I don't know that we've ever had a great delivery - even what's supposed to be "white glove" service, isn't, by far.

We had a delivery from Crate & Barrel once, bedroom furniture, the guys scratched one of the night tables moving it in - the guy wanted to "fix it" by painting over the scratch mark with a furniture marker. Had I not been in the bedroom I am sure he would have used the marker and just never told us about it.

Just by observing these guys, you can see by their movements that they are not careful. Consider yourself lucky if you have one guy out of 5 who seems to actually want to take the time and move slowly so they don't damage anything.

That's why we oversee everything - outside when the truck gets there, watch them take the item through any spaces, unpack it, etc. - and then do one more inspection right before they leave.

Hope the new fridge is free of any defects.


Jun 7, 2014
Thank you posting about your experience Lil Misfit. We have Sears appliances and they are still working great 16 years later. I have never even had a service call. Now because I just opened my big mouth they will probably ALL breakdown next week. After reading the posts here I have no idea what I will get next. I have heard so complaints on all brands the past few years.


Nov 16, 2008
Update: Our new stove was delivered yesterday by Abt without incident. DH was home for the delivery and said the delivery guys were very professional, used an appliance dolly and everything. No damage on the stove at all and it looks absolutely fabulous!


The refrigerator is supposed to be exchanged tomorrow morning between 7-9am (or so I requested on Sears website, which now conveniently says we have no existing orders again - GRRRRR). :angryfire: I called customer service again today to verify and the woman told me someone would call me tonight with the delivery window. I explained to her that I've already requested the delivery window and scheduled time off work to be here during that delivery window, so they had damn well BETTER be here between 7-9am tomorrow!

So, we'll see how THAT goes. I've got a bad feeling that they will bring a fridge with the same door configuration and if that happens you all will probably hear a very loud outburst of swear words all around the world. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Then we still have the old stove that they're coming back for next Tuesday, which I also verified with the customer service woman on the phone today. I asked her if there will be a receipt of some sort that is given to me when they remove the stove so that I have proof that it was returned and a refund was requested. She stated that yes, there will be. However, since my experience with Sears has been nothing short of ridiculous, I will be taking photos of the truck that comes out to pick it up, the truck's license plate number, the delivery/pick up team and also a video of them taking the old stove out of my house. I will also take a photo of anything I need to sign for them to remove it from my home. Because at this point, I do not trust Sears as far as I can spit.

I do love my new double oven, though! It's seriously so beautiful! :love:


Sep 16, 2009
Ooooh I like the new stove!

Goodluck tomorrow.


Jun 7, 2014
It looks fantastic Lil Misfit!!!!


Apr 11, 2011
What a nightmare. Hate it when there's damage to the house or the new contents when things get delivered.

Here's what Macy's did to my (brand new) hardwood flooring last year

It's repaired, but still hurts to look at!



Nov 16, 2008
wildcat03|1450314265|3962476 said:
What a nightmare. Hate it when there's damage to the house or the new contents when things get delivered.

Here's what Macy's did to my (brand new) hardwood flooring last year

It's repaired, but still hurts to look at!

Ouch!!! I'm glad it's repaired, but still...

I spent over an hour and a half on the phone tonight with 3 different Sears CS reps trying to confirm my exchange tomorrow. 2 of them hung up on me :angryfire: when I asked for their supervisor or any kind of written confirmation. Ridiculous. I had previously specifically requested a delivery/exchange time of 7-9am tomorrow on their website (and printed it out), but now Sears website is conveniently telling me I have placed no orders in the past 2 months, so that was topic of discussion. I was repeatedly told our time frame was from 8a-12p by all 3 CS/delivery (I'm sure they're all working from the same lot) people. I explained numerous times that DH and I specifically requested this time frame (7-9) on the website and it was confirmed, so that we didn't have to take off additional time from work to deal with this (since our original delivery date was a Sunday when we were both home). Not one of the 3 people I spoke with could confirm this time frame, but kept referring to the time frame Sears set from 8-12. I was repeatedly told I'd receive a phone call tonight with the 2 hour time frame. It's almost 9pm and no phone call.

I'm SO DONE with Sears.


Jun 23, 2005
So sorry for your troubles but the new stove is gorgeous! My experience several years ago with Sears wasn't stellar but certainly not as bad as yours. I don't think I'd deal with them again either though!


Nov 7, 2004
Yeah I don't know WHAT Sears is doing, but they are ruining the reputation they built over decades. We were loyal Sears customers and over the decades had multiple appliances purchased and installed by Sears with no problem. Except this summer. We had to replace our washer and dryer. Sears were to install new washer and dryer, take broken washer, and leave (working) dryer (which we were selling to a friend). Unfortunately it was just me there, not my husband, and they just ignored everything I said and just did what they wanted. They unpacked and stacked the appliances, then refused to install them saying our tubing was subpar (it was rubber they wanted metal) and also did not have the right length electrical cord to plug in. They said they didn't stock that length (Nope, they don't But you can get from Home Depot). They then tried to take both washer AND dryer when I was really clear to not take the dryer and they said they had to? I said hold on, let me talk to my husband. I walked in the other room to talk to my husband, and they went outside (I am assuming loading the old washer). I come back to talk to them, and they are gone, took off.

They left the washer and dryer in the middle of the room uninstalled, and took both the washer and Dryer, as well as the too short cord. I was furious. I had to call customer service to let them know they did not install it, that they took our dryer, and also had to call customer service to get a refund for the electrical cord (it was a separate charge). After multiple phone calls over a couple days, they did "return" the dryer but by then friend had already purchased elsewhere. They also damaged the dryer, leaving a huge dent and also the top came completely off. I'm sure they damaged it on purpose. My husband had to get the right size cord and also installed it himself.

So, if you are going to Sears because installation is included, don't do it.


Nov 16, 2008
part gypsy|1450365318|3962641 said:
Yeah I don't know WHAT Sears is doing, but they are ruining the reputation they built over decades. We were loyal Sears customers and over the decades had multiple appliances purchased and installed by Sears with no problem. Except this summer. We had to replace our washer and dryer. Sears were to install new washer and dryer, take broken washer, and leave (working) dryer (which we were selling to a friend). Unfortunately it was just me there, not my husband, and they just ignored everything I said and just did what they wanted. They unpacked and stacked the appliances, then refused to install them saying our tubing was subpar (it was rubber they wanted metal) and also did not have the right length electrical cord to plug in. They said they didn't stock that length (Nope, they don't But you can get from Home Depot). They then tried to take both washer AND dryer when I was really clear to not take the dryer and they said they had to? I said hold on, let me talk to my husband. I walked in the other room to talk to my husband, and they went outside (I am assuming loading the old washer). I come back to talk to them, and they are gone, took off.

They left the washer and dryer in the middle of the room uninstalled, and took both the washer and Dryer, as well as the too short cord. I was furious. I had to call customer service to let them know they did not install it, that they took our dryer, and also had to call customer service to get a refund for the electrical cord (it was a separate charge). After multiple phone calls over a couple days, they did "return" the dryer but by then friend had already purchased elsewhere. They also damaged the dryer, leaving a huge dent and also the top came completely off. I'm sure they damaged it on purpose. My husband had to get the right size cord and also installed it himself.

So, if you are going to Sears because installation is included, don't do it.

Holy crap! Sounds like you had the same 3 stooges I had! I was talking to someone at work who was literally planning to get a dishwasher from Sears this weekend. I told her my story and your story and now she is going to be shopping elsewhere.


Nov 16, 2008
Fridge exchange update: We never received a call last night, so DH and I got up at 6:30am to empty the fridge in the off chance they actually showed up at 7:00am (I know....what was I thinking?). About 7:45 DH gets a call from the delivery guys who say they'll be here between 10-12. DH says "That's not what we discussed", but it was the actual delivery driver so there was nothing we could do, as we know it's not his fault. They show up at 10:45am (2 guys, different from the last team, as specifically requested by me), with impeccable service! I was seriously blown away at how good these guys were. The took both doors off to make the fridge lighter/easier to carry and put them back on. They removed all the tape and whatnot inside. They were extremely careful and did not scratch or dent anything. I complimented them on their service and DH tipped them. They gave us the number to their supervisor and told us to call him and tell him about our experience with the last guys and this experience as well (night and day, I tell ya!) as they said they really appreciate the feedback. FYI - the delivery guys are not employed by Sears. They are contracted out, so Sears can't do a damn thing about what the 3 stooges did, but their boss can. :Up_to_something:

Anyway, here it is. The door handle is on the correct side. There is absolutely no damage, and lo and behold, inside the door was the door reversal kit that wasn't included in the one they took away. Wondering what happened to that in the original fridge????



Aug 29, 2014
Looks great! So happy you had awesome service this time


Jul 27, 2011
Your new appliances and kitchen look amazing!

No excuse for the delivery company to send out the F team and then send the A team post complaints. How about quality control of the employees!?!.


Nov 7, 2004
PintoBean|1450401995|3962864 said:
Your new appliances and kitchen look amazing!

No excuse for the delivery company to send out the F team and then send the A team post complaints. How about quality control of the employees!?!.

Yes, they should send the A team in first every time. Or train the F team to be A team members or adios.


Dec 25, 2012
Sounds like a huge hassle BUT the appliances definitely look fabulous now.


Sep 16, 2009
I was talking with my dad and he brought up a crazy Sears story from years ago.

He had a TV delivered back when TVs were big and heavy. For some reason they delivered the TV, and then came back an hour later and delivered a second TV. He said he didn't order it, but they wouldn't take it away. He called Sears to let them know they delivered an extra TV and there was no record of the second delivery. He was on the phone for hours with several different people before one person suggested he just keep it.

He is extremely honnest so that upset him a great deal. He ended up emailing someone high up at Sears to report the phone person. I doubt anything happened to them, but at least a truck came to get the extra TV.

Now I wonder if the delivery people just kept it.


Jun 17, 2009
So sorry for all the agg but omg your new appliances are beautiful!! :dance: :clap: :love: Congrats and enjoy them!


Nov 16, 2008
chemgirl|1450487680|3963300 said:
I was talking with my dad and he brought up a crazy Sears story from years ago.

He had a TV delivered back when TVs were big and heavy. For some reason they delivered the TV, and then came back an hour later and delivered a second TV. He said he didn't order it, but they wouldn't take it away. He called Sears to let them know they delivered an extra TV and there was no record of the second delivery. He was on the phone for hours with several different people before one person suggested he just keep it.

He is extremely honnest so that upset him a great deal. He ended up emailing someone high up at Sears to report the phone person. I doubt anything happened to them, but at least a truck came to get the extra TV.

Now I wonder if the delivery people just kept it.

They probably did. I hope your dad wasn't charged twice. My biggest fear now is that I'll never the credit for the other stove that they are coming to take away on Tuesday.


Dec 27, 2013
Your new appliances look fantastic! :appl: Thanks for the helpful PSA. I think Sears is really going downhill. :nono: I really hope you get your credit promptly! :wavey:


Nov 6, 2011
Your new appliances are gorgeous. I hope they work well for you for years to come. You deserve it after all you have been through.


Nov 16, 2008
Thanks everyone. We're planning to do some renovations in the kitchen (new window treatments, new backsplash, new light fixture and new paint) in the near future.

We're leaning toward a stainless steel subway tile backsplash behind the sink and extending down that counter area (not above the stove where we currently have the red glass tile backsplash as there's no clear way to start/end it there. That tile will just go away). The trouble we're having with is choosing a paint color. I'd really like a yellow/gold color but am afraid that it will cause the cabinets (which are maple) to blend into the walls too much. The current dark sage green color is nice but we're hoping to lighten it up since the counters are so dark.

Any suggestions?

Here's some pictures, for reference.


Nov 16, 2008
These are some paint swatches I got. I like this first color (Sunnybrook Yellow) but DH isn't sure. Please feel free to share your thoughts. Should we stick with green and go lighter?



Jul 27, 2011
I painted my den a very light sage - Benjamin Moore's silver sage. I hope this pic captured the contrast of the paint against white trim and a pine desk in a natural finish that has honeyed over the years. There are some shadows from the lighting, which is overhead LED high hats at half strength. Depending on the lighting, the paint can look greener or more beige Lolol.

I hope this helps!



Nov 16, 2008
PintoBean|1450918407|3965520 said:
I painted my den a very light sage - Benjamin Moore's silver sage. I hope this pic captured the contrast of the paint against white trim and a pine desk in a natural finish that has honeyed over the years. There are some shadows from the lighting, which is overhead LED high hats at half strength. Depending on the lighting, the paint can look greener or more beige Lolol.

I hope this helps!

I like that color and it's similar to the color we have in 2 other rooms (basically a few shades lighter than what's already in the kithen). DH thinks we need to switch out the lighting and window treatment first and then make a decision. But, the window treatments are also causing me concern as I have no idea what to do without knowing what color the walls will be. Ugh....this was so much easier with the bathroom! LOL
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